Resume for the job of a school principal examples are ready. Learn more about writing a resume for a managerial position. Sample resume download

In reality modern market labor is quite difficult to find a job, and especially a managerial position. But this does not make specialists in their field less in demand. Moreover, such conditions make the demand for such professionals much higher, and this despite the fact that the demand is now less than the supply. As a result, each applicant for the position of manager will have to go through a tough competitive selection.

A resume is required to participate in this selection. And in order to pass it, it is necessary, which will reflect in detail the experience and skills of the applicant, present positive traits in the most favorable light, and the negative - competently hide. In addition, the requirements for a manager's resume are an order of magnitude higher, so compiling it correctly is the main task.

The most common mistake for those who want to become a director or boss is sending hastily written resumes to all the companies they know where there is a corresponding vacancy. This is done according to the principle "sooner or later somewhere you will definitely get lucky." In fact, this is a completely wrong approach and only slows down the job search. It is best to allocate the bulk of the time to the quality of the resume - then it will be guaranteed to fill the vacancy.

First you need to decide, oddly enough, the language in which the resume will be written. The best deal is to have a resume in two copies: in Russian and in English. This is due to the fact that leaders of various kinds in our time English language practically necessary. But you should not send two options to the company at once: excessive demonstration of your knowledge can sometimes turn against the applicant. You should simply hint at the presence of an English-language resume, specifying its need during a telephone conversation.

It is also worth noting that it does not make sense to simply translate a resume written in Russian, since it is the knowledge of the language of the applicant that is important. Therefore, in the absence of knowledge of English, you can and should limit yourself to a Russian-language resume.

Resume Plan

Now you need to plan your resume so that it is easier to write it in the future. So, a short summary plan:

  • Full name and date of birth;
  • Contact details;
  • information about education;
  • information about work experience;
  • Additional Information;
  • once again contact details (according to the situation);
  • career objective;
  • about salary (according to the situation);
  • departure date.

More details on each item below.

Full name and date of birth

Perhaps the main point of the resume. Full name is required for identification, and date of birth - for passing the age selection. Many companies impose an age limit on managerial positions, therefore indicating the date of birth at the very beginning of the resume is very important, as it will save time for both the employer (one glance is enough to decide) and the applicant, respectively (the sooner he is notified that he is not suitable, the sooner he can continue his job search).

I decided to reveal a big topic in one article, but I immediately stumbled over the obvious thing. Generally speaking, writing a resume is quite simple - you need to register on any employment site and fill out all the sections of the resume step by step. It would seem, what could be easier!?

The problem, of course, is in the nuances and details. It is important what and how you write about yourself, and not with which editor or site. It is also important not to make a bunch of mistakes.

For several years now I have been doing career counseling and writing resumes for people and I constantly see a bunch of the same type of mistakes. People write illiterately, use the most complex phrases from job descriptions, write about what is not relevant at all, do not understand what kind of work they want to find, and so on.

Therefore, in this article, I will briefly go over the basic rules for writing a resume for a job and touch on some of the nuances.

Why you need a resume

The main task of a resume is to get good invitations to interviews.

After reading the resume, no one invites you to work immediately. First, they invite you to a personal meeting and after it decide whether to work with you or not. Therefore, I will talk about that, and not just any.

Resume structure

The summary should contain the following information blocks:

  1. Name and contact information.
  2. Purpose (desired position).
  3. Professional skills.
  4. Experience.
  5. Education.
  6. Additional information (optional section).

It is advisable to arrange these sections in this order. Although you can move the skill block down and put it after education. This is what many job sites do.

However, I consider the above structure to be advantageous, and personally I would choose it for writing a resume, because. after the full name are your skills that tell the employer: "I fit your job." Of course, you need to describe your skills in such a way that they are ideally suited to the desired vacancy. To achieve this, watch how employers describe the requirements for a candidate and write them in their own words.

Name and contact information

Common mistake. Sometimes I see large headings "Summary" in the summary. It is not clear to me why to write obvious things!? There is a lot of information, there is not enough space on the page, and then there are these ridiculous phrases ...

Contact information should and usually should include:

  • Telephone.
  • E-mail.
  • City of residence.

Common mistake. Indication of an excessive number of contacts - several phones, e-mails, skype, facebook account, icq, etc. Leave only one phone, only one e-mail and remove everything unnecessary.

Purpose (desired position)

The section is filled in at your discretion. If it is not in the resume, then be sure to write about your wishes in a cover letter.

If you decide to indicate the desired position, write only one.

By mistake an indication of a whole list of positions is considered (from practice, I remember the case of mentioning as many as 7 positions that are close in meaning).

Professional skills

This section should include your skills, knowledge and personal qualities. It is advisable to make from 5 to 9 points (no less, no more). If you are a very, very experienced specialist, you can do 10 points, but this is the limit.

Common mistake. The list of skills does not match the desired vacancy. People indicate either superfluous skills, or write in incomprehensible phrases, or somehow distort the meaning.

For example, a vacancy requires at least 3 years of experience as a chief accountant. In this case, it is better to write in the professional skills block a phrase like “XX years of experience as a chief accountant.”

Part of the secret to writing a resume for a high-response job is to describe your professional skills in relation to the position you want. Look at 5-7 jobs that you like and study WHAT employers require from applicants and HOW they write about it. Then describe your skills in their own words. Of course, it will not be possible to use their words one-on-one, but close - it is quite possible. This is what needs to be done. This will give you the result you want.


Experience is listed in reverse chronological order. Last job on top. For each place of work, you must specify:

  • Start and end date of work.
  • Company name.
  • Job title.
  • Duties.

I recommend describing the last 10 years of experience or the last 3 jobs. It may be that you worked in the last three places for 17 years - this is normal and let it be written in the resume. If over the past 10 years you have changed 6 jobs, this is also normal.

Common mistake. It happens that people write the title of their position as indicated in work book(florid and incomprehensible). For example, a software engineer of the 3rd category. I'll tell you - forget about labor, this is an accounting document and no one is interested in it anymore. Name your position so that it is clear what you did. Write easier.

Unfortunately, there is no universal and competent example of writing a resume for a job here (universal simply does not exist), but you can send me a resume for verification and get comments for your situation.

Also sometimes there are several job titles (synonyms). This is bad style and because of this it is generally not clear who you worked as. Job title - only one!

It is important that your work experience matches the desired position. For example, I regularly see the primitive responsibilities of line managers on executive resumes. Sometimes up to the purchase of stationery. You can't do that, because it kills the image of the leader.


Education must be indicated basic (higher or secondary) and additional (courses, trainings, certification, etc.). At the same time, indicate additional education only that which is required for future work.

Common mistake. Indication of personal growth trainings (spiritual practices, hypnosis, NLP and the like). Personal growth is treated in two ways - someone respects it, and someone is infinitely afraid of it. Don't take risks, don't write the whole truth about yourself - save it until the interview.

Additional Information

If you want to tell something about yourself, but do not know in which section to place it, write to the section additional information. Usually they write about the presence of a car and a driver’s license, knowledge of additional foreign languages(for example, if you know four languages), marital status, etc.

If you have told everything about yourself, and this section is left empty, then you do not need it. In this case, do not write anything here.

Rules for writing a resume

There are some principles or rules for writing a resume that I want to talk about. I detailed this in the supplement to the mini-book "7 Common Resume Mistakes", but here I will be brief but consistent.

No grammatical errors

There are a lot of different services and programs (the same Word) that will check you. Correct the mistakes, do it for sure.

Reasonable resume size

It is best to keep within two pages (maximum - three). Nowadays, people are very overloaded with information, so take care of the personnel managers - write about yourself simply and try to keep within two pages.

Personally, I rarely write a resume on one page (only if a person has worked a little), but almost always on two. I try to keep within this volume, and if it doesn't work out, I'm looking for ways to still reduce the amount of information. This is a difficult and creative work, but experience shows that it is worth the result.

It must be remembered that the main information should be on the first sheet (this is the most important sheet of your resume). Imagine that an HR manager printed out your resume and accidentally lost the second page. Is your first sheet of resume well done? Does it form the image of a specialist needed by the employer?

Sample - how to write a resume

I will give here one of the possible examples of writing a resume:

If you need this template, you can download it for free along with the Resume Mistakes Book.

You can also go to any employment site, make a resume step by step and then upload it in Word format. It is too good example how to write a resume quickly and easily.

Finishing touches for resume

Compose a unique cover letter for each job opening. Together with it, the resume will look much stronger and there will be much more invitations to interviews.

Also read

Mini-book "7 Common Resume Mistakes"

This book breaks down common resume writing mistakes - 99% of applicants make at least one of them. Correct the mistakes in your resume and this will help you find a job faster.

From the very title of the position of the head, it becomes clear that the duties of this person include the management of any processes, department or the whole enterprise. the main task leader is reduced to raising key indicators company productivity. When compiling a resume for the position in question, you need to show maximum responsibility, attentiveness, courtesy and quick wit, because. at this level, the selection criteria are much higher than at ordinary jobs.

The first key requirements for a leader:

1. Having a finished higher education intersecting with the scope of the organization.

2. Experience in similar positions.

List the points mentioned above when applying. If you have certificates of completion of courses in managing subordinates, include their names in your application - this way you will increase the chances of success.

Among the important personal qualities of a leader, it should be noted:

  • friendliness;
  • charisma;
  • persistence;
  • kindness
  • moderate severity;
  • politeness;
  • attentiveness, etc.

Start preparing for your interview early. During it, you will need to make the best impression on the employer.

A resume today is the driving force that helps many job seekers quickly find a job. It is the resume that can accurately tell the employer about personal and professional achievements specific person.

In the Russian labor market, this option of providing data to the employer is now very firmly entrenched. Many people still cannot properly draw up such a document, and it depends on whether they will take him to the desired position.

The success of any person who wants to find new job depends entirely on how clearly the document is drawn up. It is in it that a person must show the employer a highly professional experience and best qualities belonging only to him.

Resume for employment is simply necessary, since from it the employer receives primary data about the person who applies for this position, after which he forms his own opinion about the candidate.

The main rule when compiling a resume is to competently draw attention to your candidacy. Any employer, having picked up a resume, will familiarize himself with it for no more than three minutes, and during this time he must understand that he has found the right person.

In no case should the resume be written by hand, it would be preferable to submit it in a printed version. In addition, the resume should be: well readable, clear, competent.

What is the best way to create a resume for a job?

A well-written example of a resume can be viewed on our website. The main, main points are spelled out there, which in without fail should be included in this document.

Information that should be included in any resume:

  1. Personal data;
  2. Experience;
  3. Education;
  4. Professional skills;
  5. Additional Information.

This is the main list of information that should be written in the resume of each applicant.

To facilitate registration, you can download a sample resume for a job on our website, which will help anyone to do everything: exactly, in short term without extra or missing information.

So, today we will be presented with examples the best resumes. Without this document, it is now very difficult to imagine employment. And, accordingly, when a person does not have it, then the chances of taking a vacancy are rapidly approaching zero. Thus, you have to think a lot about how to write a resume. Sometimes it is made inconsistent with reality. To some extent, this is correct. Especially if you are a fast learner. Then you can always quickly master those skills and programs that are indicated in the document. But if this is not so, then only the truth will have to be written. Examples of the best resumes are those that demonstrate not only your skills and abilities, but also your honesty. So let's get started on today's topic as soon as possible.


Let's start by trying to understand more clearly what will be discussed today. To know how to compose good summary(we will consider its example by components), we will have to figure out what we are dealing with. Maybe this will already help you understand what you need to write in this document.

So what is a resume? This is a document that reflects your skills and characteristics, as well as places of previous work. A kind of questionnaire for employment. You can't get a job without her now. Is that a loader, and that's not a fact. In the resume, as a rule, they also indicate personal characteristics of the character. And, of course, there is a small list of must-have items. After all, the wrong thing can just ruin your career.

To be honest, it takes a lot of honesty to write such a document. You can lie only about your character. After all, the majority of the population is now nervous. And this is a very bad trait. It's better not to mention it. So let's try to look at an example of creating a good resume for different vacancies. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the universal option, which is suitable for absolutely any profession.

About myself

It starts with one simple point - about yourself. You can also see the wording of contact details. To be honest, this "place" is the easiest to fill. To fill it with information, you may need a passport.

The first thing you should pay attention to is your contact details. Or rather, personal. First name, last name and patronymic. This is the most important point. Without it, the resume is not valid. Examples of the best resumes cannot be imagined without a "name". Write the full name, surname and patronymic. Next, you will have to fill in the city of residence, as well as provide your home address. Sometimes it can be omitted at the very beginning. But then you still have to.

If you do not live at the place of registration or temporary registration, then indicate two addresses - actual and registration. This will help you avoid problems in the future. summary? We will see examples a little later. In the meantime, let's take a look at what is worth writing in this document. After the address and personal data, you need to publish your phone number, as well as your email. This will help in the future to contact you more quickly if necessary.

Among other things, you will also have to indicate your gender, age, desired income level, as well as marital status and date of birth. To be honest, without these points, not a single example of a good resume can consist. So try to be as honest as possible here. And in general, there is nothing special here. As already mentioned, this moment is the easiest area to fill. Now it's time to move on to more difficult things.


The best resumes, examples (concrete) of which we will study a little later, cannot be imagined without such an important item as education. To be honest, in the absence of it, you may have problems with employment. After all, now every employer wants to get himself a truly good and educated subordinate. But there are exceptions.

As a rule, the examples of the best resumes in the column "Education" reflect all the information about your lifelong learning, starting with the school itself. But usually only the fact of graduating from high school (with the year of graduation), as well as the presence of higher education, is indicated here. If you are just learning, this is also worth pointing out.

So, if you need to see an example of a good engineer's resume, then this paragraph should have a complete secondary school education, as well as training at a technical university. Which one depends on your specialty. Indicate not only the faculty, but also the direction. For example: MSGU, "Automation and Control", specialty "Robots and Robotic Systems", study period from 2005 to 2010. By the way, the more prestigious your university, the better. Often you can not have any knowledge, but graduate from a good university educational institution. And this will allow you to get a lot of attention from employers. After all, first you will be "meeted" by diplomas and a questionnaire, and only then - by professional skills and opportunities. So already in adolescence it is worth thinking about the future of the university.

True, sometimes examples of the best resumes have small exceptions. In rare cases, in the column "Education" it is enough to write simply "secondary full" and the place where you studied. In this case, you must have extra baggage necessary knowledge and skills that are somehow confirmed. For example, diplomas from olympiads or additional diplomas from courses. In addition, some employers make a “discount” on education if the employee is the most suitable for all other parameters. But all this happens very rarely. Do not count on such a gift of fate.

Additional education

next extremely important point- this is nothing but a university and a school - this is all, of course, good. But now many employers want to get real professionals who are comprehensively developed as their subordinates. And so now the best resumes you can find examples include a rather extensive paragraph additional education. In principle, you can do without it. But it's better not to. You always need to demonstrate your skills and abilities to the maximum in order to be among the first candidates for a particular vacancy.

Of course, you often have to take into account the place where you want to find a job. So, by the way, if you need an example of a good manager's resume, then you should not write in it about the completion of, say, "magician" courses or some kind of entertainment areas. It will be redundant. But the fact that you have completed courses in accounting or human resource management must be indicated. So this is a very important point.

In principle, any example of a good resume includes additional education in the field of computers. If you have it, then it will be a huge plus. Especially if you decide to work in an office. In this case, you can sometimes count on an increase in salary. But not much. After all, often additional responsibilities are not paid in Russia. Every employer wants to get a universal worker who will do all the work for him and earn a penny. However, if it is more important for you to make a correct and worthy resume, then take care of the availability of additional education in advance. Remember, this is very important when taking on a particular job.

Places of former work

Also important is the indication of the previous place of work. More precisely, your entire career ladder. Examples of a good resume for applying for a job, as a rule, have a very long list. And without it, difficulties can arise. Especially if you have just graduated from the university, but did not work officially before. And they didn't even try.

The fact is that without work experience you will be reluctantly hired. Nobody needs a smart worker who doesn't know how to apply his skills. Sometimes an employer may "discount" a given item, but unless you are on probationary period you can prove that you are worthy of attention. An example of a good resume without is not an easy task. And it can be allowed only in adolescence. Well, or not count on a good salary.

In addition to indicating places and job vacancies, it is also worth paying attention to the reason for dismissal. Either you write it yourself, or you will be asked during the interview. It's usually customary to ask. In addition, do not forget to indicate the duration of your stay in the same places. And, if you decide to just change jobs for normal reasons (downsizing, salary levels, schedule, and so on), then you can also leave the phone numbers of your former managers. This will help you give assurances that someone can vouch for you. That is, tell what kind of employee you really are. In principle, an example of a good sales manager resume, for example, may not contain any experience and jobs in an official manner. In this case, state that you worked unofficially for certain reasons, and also give the contacts of the former employer. Ask him to contact him for advice. You can do without it, but it's better not to.

Remember, the more experience you have and the smaller your list of jobs, the better. It is important to show that you are a diligent and responsible employee who can work and perform the same tasks for a long time. And jobs will help you with this. Let's try to figure out what else can be in a good resume, which will be your "calling card" when applying for a job.


Quite often, a resume turns out to be not only the "face" of a person, but also his profile. True, it is not universal. After all, at every workplace you will have to change such an item as expectations from work. In principle, you can do without it. But it's better not to. Verbally explaining what and why you want will be quite difficult. After all, employers will start asking you leading questions. And you can simply get worried and confused. So let's try to figure out which example of a good resume will be extremely effective in this regard.

The thing is, the point here is not to exaggerate. Of course, everyone wants a high salary. But you don't have to start right away. After all, this technique can simply scare away the employer. People will think that you are too arrogant. And this is of no use to us. So the list of expectations must be in the first place:

    career growth;

    development of the company;

    friendly team;


Only then it is worth specifying the salary. And it would be better to write "decent pay". In this case, it will be clear that you, like everyone else, want to get a lot. But you are ready to really work for this, and not just sit your pants in the office doing nothing. So in this case, the main thing is to know when to stop. True, often during the interview you will fill out a detailed questionnaire, which includes the item "Expectations", as well as everything that is only available in the resume. So it is quite possible that this document, which is prepared in advance for "labor and defense", will save you time and effort. Try to fill it in as accurately as possible.

Professional skills

An example of creating a good resume is not only an indication of your education or expectations from a new job. First of all, this document is nothing more than a demonstration of yours. They, by the way, may not depend on education. Often this phenomenon gives a huge advantage over other applicants. So, try to tell the employer about your professional skills as much as possible.

As you might have guessed, they generally depend on each profession and position. And there is no one-size-fits-all option. For example, if you need an example of a good manager resume, then in this paragraph you should indicate:

    the ability to find an approach to people;


    the ability to prove that a person needs exactly your product;

In general, it is very difficult to find the right answer here. Ask yourself the question: "What does it take to perform your job duties normally and effectively?". This will help you figure out what to write in professional skills. However, in the case of economists and lawyers, things are a little simpler. It is enough for them to indicate knowledge of the law, the ability to carry out calculations of varying complexity, and everything like that. So, this is probably the moment that will cause you the most difficulty. Try to think in advance about what to write here. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to explain to the employer about your skills and abilities.

Personal qualities

Examples of the best resumes, to be honest, constantly include such an item as You can’t do without them. It is good when the employer has an idea about your education and skills, as well as work experience. But understanding what kind of person you are is also very important. For this reason, every resume should have a clause about personal qualities. Or your personality traits. Here you can answer some additional standard questionnaire questions. Just what many employers need.

Of course, it is worth specifying only the qualities that are important for the work. And here it all depends to a greater extent on what position you are applying for. Only here is a small standard list of qualities that every employee should have. And in this sense, some potential employees choose the path of lies. They indicate the qualities that they do not possess. Sometimes this behavior is acceptable. How to make a good resume? The example must necessarily contain a specific list of character traits. So, to the universal personal qualities include:

    a responsibility;



    the ability to perform monotonous work for a long time;

    stress resistance;





  • punctuality;

    fast learner;



This list can still be expanded. But these items are mandatory for each employee. Sometimes when filling out the questionnaire, you may be asked leading questions. It is also better to indicate them in the resume. What can be written? For instance:

    "What will you do if you see that your colleague is cheating or breaking the rules?" - I'll tell the authorities.

    "How do you get rid of stress?" - I drink a cup of tea / coffee / juice, take a bath at home and so on.

    "Are you willing to cheat for your own benefit?" - Not.

    "You have a personal conflict with a colleague. What will you do?" - Avoid unnecessary communication, ignore unnecessarily.

In principle, this is enough. Thus, you can emphasize your advantage over others, and also show that you are not some kind of "six", but a diligent employee. This is now highly valued.


Of course, the most popular job now (especially without work experience) is a manager. Therefore, now we will try to give an example of a decent resume for this employee. Let's take a look at sales managers. After all, now it is customary to call "managers" almost any person who is engaged in or manages something. So let's get started.

Last name, first name and patronymics write your own. This is where you should write all your personal data. For instance:

    Full name: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

    City of residence: Moscow.

    Address: Moscow, st. Ivan Susanin 32b apt. 64.

    Date of birth: 10/12/1992.

    Gender: male.

    Marital status: Not maried.


    So, today we saw examples of the best resumes imaginable. True, sometimes. And only the resume of the sales manager was analyzed using a good example. To be honest, according to this scheme, it is worth compiling this document for any vacancies. Only personal data changes, as well as work experience and education. Otherwise, it is better to leave everything in the "template" version.

    Remember that your resume plays an important role when applying for a job. And so it should be given special attention. Try to set aside a few hours to complete it. Don't forget to attach your photo to the "Personal Information" section as well. Appearance plays a big part too. That's all. Now all you have to do is select a job and then edit a good example of a resume. You can get a job. So you know how to make a good resume for work, an example of which can only please.