Key indicators of kpi transport logistics. KPI calculation in Excel examples and formulas. How to track transport logistics KPIs

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. Translated as "key performance indicator", in practice Russian companies the combination "key performance indicator" is often used. BSC is an abbreviation of the English Balanced Scorecard, translated as "balanced score".

Management by goals (or management by deviations from goals) in the practice of Russian companies is becoming a standard implementation tool strategic plans through the organization of effective operational work, which is guaranteed to lead to the achievement of planned targets. In other words, target benchmarks are set for each business system, business process, business function - standards that cannot be deviated from. If such a deviation occurs, then a control action should be generated in the system, leading the business processes to the established performance standards.

Management standards or goals in modern business conditions are established using the methodology of forming a balanced scorecard (BSC), and the values ​​of actual deviations from the balanced scores are objective indicators of the state of the system (KPI).

Strategic and Regulatory KPIs

KPIs can be strategic or regulatory. Strategic KPIs should include those indicators, the achievement of which allows the company to obtain important strategic advantages. At the level of the warehouse system, the strategic KPIs include the following:

  • the number of warehouses in the system (in the context of the development of the warehouse network);
  • storage capacity (in commodity and / or monetary units);
  • warehouse throughput (in commodity and / or monetary units);
  • the cost of storage and warehouse handling;
  • reliability of functioning.

In practice, strategic KPIs are most often of a marginal nature, that is, they are limiting, target indicators that the warehouse system must steadily strive for in order to provide strategic advantages that are significant for the company.

Regulatory KPIs are key performance indicators that must be maintained in a constant state in the system, playing the role of a control standard. In the context of warehouse activities, regulatory KPIs will be such indicators as:

  • norms for performing technological operations (for example, temporary standard for loading / unloading a vehicle);
  • quality indicators of operations performed (for example, commissioning);
  • standard for the loss of goods / cargo due to the fault of the warehouse (theft, careless handling, personnel errors resulting in material damage, etc.)

A strategic KPI, upon its achievement, can be transferred to the category of static, normative, and a normative KPI can become strategic, for example, if it is necessary to increase the throughput of a warehouse complex (the norms of operations can be tightened in relation to time intervals of execution or involved personnel).

A system map reflecting approaches to the formation of KPIs for the warehouse system is shown below.

Formation of KPI of the warehouse system:

KPIs by warehouse type

a) for own needs

1.production warehouse

2.distribution center

b) service delivery

1. plan for net profit

2.a plan for operating profit (EBIT)

3. plan for pure CF

Significance of KPIs

a) strategic KPI

b) Regulatory KPI

KPI calculation method

a) statistical on data generation

b) across the dataset

KPI for the method of technological processing of streams

1.using barcode

2.without using barcode

b) mechanized

c) automated

Comprehensive KPI

a) operational

b) resource intensity


2. acceptance

4. execution control

Simple KPI

a) effectiveness

1.shipping plan

2. plan for acceptance

3.plan for storage volume

4. quality standard (% of deviations reaching the consumer)

b) efficiency

1.Duration of the processing cycle

2.cost of processing unit of production

3.cost cost of achieving development goals

4.resource-to-worker ratio

c) economy

1.payment plan

2.investment plan

The choice of the KPI system should correspond to the actual state of the technological architecture of the warehouse complex and at the same time set the vector of its development or qualitative change. Table 1 summarizes the main KPIs recommended in the practice of our company for use in mechanized and automated warehouses.

Table 1

Key performance indicators of the warehouse system

Mechanized Automated
1.1 Throughput for the period (the maximum value of the flow of goods that enters the system input and is issued in accordance with the shipment standard at the warehouse exit) + +
1.2 Acceptance throughput for the period (the maximum value of the flow of goods that the warehouse can accept for the period) + +
1.3 Shipping throughput for the period (the maximum value of the flow of goods that the warehouse can ship if the goods are available for the period) + +
1.4 Complex throughput for the period (the total value of the throughput of receiving and shipment for the period) + +
1.5 Throughput by types of goods and method of acceptance / shipment for the period + +
1.6 Throughput ratio for the period (the ratio of the maximum flow of goods at the exit to the maximum flow of goods at the entrance of the warehouse system for the period) + +
1.7 Turnover period (the time period that is required to ship goods from a fully filled warehouse in the absence of a flow of goods at the entrance of the system) + +
1.8 Filling period (the time period that is required to completely fill the warehouse in the absence of shipment) +
2.1 Storage capacity by commodity / technological group + +
2.2 Storage capacity by technological zones of the warehouse + +
3.1 Area utilization factor (the ratio of the warehouse area occupied by technological equipment and / or allocated for storage of goods / commodity operation to the total warehouse area) + +
3.2 Volume utilization factor (the ratio of the volume of the warehouse occupied by technological equipment and / or allocated for storage of goods / commodity operation to the total volume of the warehouse) + +
3.3 Specific throughput of the warehouse for the period per employee (integrated labor productivity) (can be calculated in terms of goods or in monetary terms) +
3.4 Specific throughput of the warehouse for the period per unit area or volume of the warehouse (can be calculated in terms of goods or in monetary terms) + +
3.5 The utilization rate of equipment / mechanization / automation (the ratio of the flow of goods processed by mechanized / automated, to the total flow of goods) + +
4.1 The speed of service of the vehicle on the incoming flow of goods (by types and types of vehicles, taking into account the type of goods) + +
4.2 Speed ​​of service of the vehicle on the shipped goods flow (by types and types of vehicles, taking into account the type of goods / order) + +
4.3 System throughput in standard / middle positions / orders + +
4.4 Labor productivity by operational zones of the warehouse + +
4.5 The coefficient of service for receiving goods for the period (the number of unaccepted / unserved transport / commodity units to the flow of goods planned for acceptance) + +
4.6 Service factor for shipment of goods for the period (the number of unaccepted / unserved transport / commodity units to the flow of goods planned for shipment) + +
4.7 Customer service ratio for the period (the number of unshipped goods of a specific customer to the goods ordered by the customer) (calculated in monetary, commodity, positional units) + +
4.8 The coefficient of complex customer service for the period (the ratio of the quantity of unshipped goods to the ordered goods) (calculated in monetary, commodity, positional units) + +
4.9 Shipment quality ratio (Customer quality) (ratio of incorrectly shipped / under-supplied / surplus to shipped goods flow) (calculated in monetary, commodity, position units) Information about errors arises on the basis of satisfied customer claims + +
4.10 The quality factor of the set (Quality of picking) (the ratio of the incorrectly collected goods to the planned shipment of goods) (calculated in monetary, commodity, positional units) Information about errors comes from the control report of the set operations + +
4.11 Integrated quality factor (Logistic quality) (the ratio of the sum of all errors to the total planned shipped goods flow) (calculated in monetary, commodity, positional units) + +
4.12 Commodity loss ratio (the ratio of commodity losses to storage capacity / shipped commodity flow / total commodity flow) (calculated in monetary or commodity units) + +
4.13 Ratio of available goods (the ratio of goods that are temporarily unavailable to the collection / shipment, but in stock, to the total quantity of goods in the warehouse, excluding the collected or reserved goods) (calculated in monetary, commodity units) + +
4.14 System response time for a standard order (the time it takes for a standard order to pass from the moment of its selection to the moment of shipment) +
5.1 Costs for the implementation of a turnkey warehouse system or its development + +
5.2 Costs for technological equipment and VET + +
5.3 Unit costs per m 2 / m 3 (the ratio of total costs to the area / volume of the warehouse / unified storage locations) +
5.4 Specific technological costs (the ratio of the costs of technological equipment and technical equipment to the area / volume of the warehouse) +
5.5 Warehouse operating costs for the period + +
5.6 Unit operating costs for acceptance / storage / shipment of a commodity unit (the ratio of operating costs to the flow of goods) +
5.7 Specific operating costs per m 2 / m 3 for the period +

A thorough analysis of the problems of managing complex warehouse systems shows the need to introduce complex KPIs into practice to ensure balanced management. Let's look at a simple example that demonstrates the benefits of complex KPIs that allow you to organize "self-adjusting" warehouse systems.

Let the warehouse use the normative KPI for the fulfillment of orders for the shipment of goods in the form of the ratio of completed orders to the number of received orders. In our example, 10 applications were received at the warehouse, and 9 were executed after the fact. Then the KPI is 0.90. Perhaps this is a good result from the standpoint of management by requests, but we need to take into account that the company that serves our warehouse makes a profit from the sale of products and sales volumes in monetary terms are important for the company's management. Consider the cost of our orders (table 2).

table 2

Cost of applications

Application number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The cost of the goods shipped according to the application number
100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The total cost of all received applications - 109 monetary units

If we now enter the KPI for shipment in monetary units into the system, then depending on which order was not shipped, we will receive the following KPI values ​​for the cases:

  • order No. 1 worth 100 units has not been shipped, KPI = 9/109 or KPI = = 0.082 (!!!);
  • any order other than the first one has not been shipped, KPI = 108/109 or KPI = = 0.99 (!!!)

So, with the same value of KPI "for orders shipped" of 90%, the values ​​of KPI "for money shipped" can be 8.2% or 99%, depending on the value of orders served. Suppose that the company has established the same strategic priorities between sales volumes and the number of customers, which in our case can be expressed by the complex KPIcomplex as the arithmetic mean of the (basic) KPIs:

KPIcomplex = 0.5x (KPI application + KPI money).

For the case of disruption of the shipment of the first order, the complex KPI is equal to:

KPIcomplex = 0.5x (0.9 + 0.082) = 0.49.

For the case of refusal to ship any other order, we will receive:

KPIcomplex = 0.5x (0.9 + 0.99) = 0.945.

It is obvious that the introduction of a comprehensive KPI into the assessment of warehouse activities, which takes into account operational and financial indicators together, allows the warehouse staff to motivate the warehouse shipment process taking into account the cost of the order, that is, its value for the company or its client - thus, the system receives elements of self-organization in management at the lowest level.

Examples of complex KPIs

Developing the idea of ​​evaluating warehouse processes by several parameters of activity, we will give examples of complex KPIs that are used in the practice of our company and can be useful when “fine-tuning” complex warehouse complexes.

1. The coefficient of complex customer service for the period (calculated in monetary, commodity, positional units).

The use of this indicator allows you to establish the degree of compliance warehouse logistics the requirements of sales departments. The complexity of the indicator consists in taking into account the work of the warehouse not only in operating units, but also in monetary units, which makes it possible to take into account the "weight" of the warehouse when assessing the results of sales and forward planning sales. The calculation of indicators is carried out according to deviations in accordance with Table 3.

When using the indicator of complex customer service, you can orient warehouse employees to fulfill the financial indicators of shipment by using weighting factors when calculating a complex KPI. In particular, indicators of shipments in m3, lines, units of production may have lower "weights" in relation to the "financial" indicator of shipment.

2. Coefficient of service of receiving goods for the period.

The purpose of the introduction of this KPI is to determine the degree of compliance of warehouse logistics with the requirements of purchasing departments. The calculation of indicators is carried out according to deviations in accordance with Table 4.

Table 3

Complex customer service ratio

Measured indicator Declared to the warehouse for shipment Actually completed by the warehouse Divergence KPI,%
Quantity, m 3 K1 K2 K1-K2 100- (K1-K2) x
Number of lines in orders L1 L2 L1-L2 100- (L1-L2) x
Number of product units in orders Q1 Q2 Q1-Q2 100- (Q1-Q2) x
Amount / value of the order in monetary units S1 S2 S1-S2 100- (S1-S2) x
Comprehensive KPI (%) = 100% for planned daily and seasonal shipments subject to the availability of resources and technologies ((K1-K2) x100 / K1) + (L1-L2) xx100 / L1 + (Q1-Q2) x100 / Q1 + (S1-

-S2) x100 / S1)) / 4

Table 4

Service factor for receiving goods

Measured indicator

(for the period)

Declared to the warehouse for acceptance Actually completed by the warehouse Divergence KPI,%
Quantity, m 3 K1 K2 K1-K2 100- (K1-K2) x
Number of deliveries L1 L2 L1-L2 100- (L1-L2) x
Number of articles A1 A2 A1-A2 100- (A1-A2) x
Number of product units in deliveries Q1 Q2 Q1-Q2 100- (Q1-Q2) x
Amount / cost of deliveries in monetary units S1 S2 S1-S2 100- (S1-S2) x
Complex KPI (%) = 100% with planned daily and seasonal supplies in the presence of resources and technologies ((K1-K2) x100 / K1) + (L1-L2) xx100 / L1 + (A1-A2) x100 / A1) + (Q1-

-Q2) x100 / Q1 + (S1-S2) x100 / S1)) / 5

To "focus" the warehouse on the most strategically important area of ​​acceptance, it is possible to introduce "weight" coefficients that allow to strengthen the financial or operational indicators of goods acceptance to the warehouse.

3. Resource intensity of operations.

This indicator allows you to manage the efficiency of warehouse operations in terms of resource consumption (see table 5).

Table 5

KPI of resource consumption of commissioning

The correct formation of the KPI system for the warehouse complex allows you to combine the processes of quality management and strategic development by choosing regulatory and strategic KPIs.

Main conclusions:

  • Warehouse system KPIs are formed in order to achieve the strategic goals of the company;
  • Warehouse KPIs are projections of strategic indicators on logistics (warehouse) activity;
  • complex KPIs allow to ensure the management and development of the warehouse system according to several significant characteristics at once.

Successful KPI implementation requires:

  • detailed formalization of warehouse business processes;
  • careful rationing of operations;
  • developed automated system accounting and operational calculation of KPI;
  • using KPIs for calculation.

Kirill Tolmachev

General Director of OOO Concept Logic, Ph.D.

KPI and staff motivation. Complete collection of practical instruments Klochkov Alexey Konstantinovich

4.3.5. KPI for the Logistics Department

The use of the KPI system to assess the work of the logistics department will increase the efficiency of transportation, reduce the delivery time of products, and reduce the cost of transportation.

From the book Logistics: lecture notes the author Mishina Larisa Alexandrovna

1. Concept and essence of logistics Logistics is the art of reasoning, calculating. In economics, logistics is a scientific and practical activity related to the organization, management and optimization of the movement of material, information and financial flows from source

From the book KPI and staff motivation. Complete collection of practical tools the author Klochkov Alexey Konstantinovich

2. Functions and tasks of logistics There are two types of functions of logistics: operational and coordination. Operational functions are associated with the management of the movement of material assets in the supply of production and distribution.

From the author's book

3. Basic concepts of logistics The concept of a logistics system is central to logistics. A complex organizational system, consisting of fragments of links, combined in one process of managing material and related processes, is logistic.

From the author's book

4. Factors and trends in the development of logistics in the industrial developed countries ah interest in the problems of logistics development is associated with economic reasons. The development of logistics was predetermined by the following factors: increased requirements for quality characteristics

From the author's book

5. Basic principles of logistics In order to master logistics and improve it, consulting centers are being created at some firms. The development of logistics is carried out in conjunction with the development of the concept of logistics and its principles. Critical when designing

From the author's book

9. Basic concepts of information logistics Logistics can rightfully be considered an essential factor in the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the economic positivity of production and sales. In the rationalization of these structures of activity, there can be

From the author's book

1. The essence and content of production logistics The enterprise at the present stage of development is considered in long-term relationship with suppliers of raw materials and consumers finished products, it should be part of a well-functioning logistics system for

From the author's book

1. Goals, objectives and functions of distribution logistics The main goal of distribution logistics is to bring goods to the consumer with minimal costs. Distribution logistics is the planning and control of the physical movement of materials

From the author's book

4. Rules of distribution logistics To solve the problems facing distribution logistics, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. First, it should be noted that within distribution logistics there are no resources, not results, but only outside of it.

From the author's book

4.1.4. KPIs for the Sales Department The goals of using KPIs for sales staff are to increase sales, increase revenue per customer, etc. Below is one of the possible

From the author's book

4.1.5. KPI for the Logistics Department One of the possible KPIs for assessing the performance of the head of the logistics department, pursuing the goal of increasing the profitability of expeditionary

From the author's book Position - Head of logistics department KPI - Percentage of the plan for profit from forwarding services,% Calculation formula: 100%, where Pr. Fact. - actual profit from forwarding services; - planned profit from expeditionary

From the author's book

From the author's book

4.2.5. KPIs for the department Customer Service The main purpose of using KPIs in this case is to improve the quality of service

From the author's book

4.3.3. KPI for the Finance department

From the author's book Position - Head of Logistics Department KPI Profit from forwarding services per employee, thousand rubles Calculation formula: Proceed. - profit from forwarding services; Nr. - the number of department employees KPI Weighted average delivery time

During the development of logistics in industrialized countries, a system of indicators has been formed that generally assess its efficiency and effectiveness, which usually include:

  • general logistics costs;
  • the quality of the logistics service;
  • duration of logistic cycles;
  • performance;
  • return on investment in logistics infrastructure.

These indicators can be called key or complex indicators of the efficiency of the logistics system... They underlie the reporting forms of companies and systems of indicators for logistics plans at different levels. There are generally accepted procedures for the comparative assessment of firms (benchmarking) in the field of logistics based on analytical and expert methods using the specified complex indicators.

Thus, the key / complex indicators of the efficiency of the logistics system are the main indicators of the efficiency of the use of resources in the company for the formed logistics system, which together assess the effectiveness of logistics management and are the basis of logistics planning, accounting and control.

Consider brief description complex indicators.

Total logistics costs are the total costs associated with a complex of functional logistics management and logistics administration in the logistics system.

As part of the general logistics costs, the following main groups of costs can be distinguished:

  • costs of performing logistics operations / functions (operational, operating logistics costs);
  • damages from logistic risks;
  • logistics administration costs.

Most of the reporting forms on the implementation of the logistics plan contain indicators of logistics costs, grouped by functional areas of logistics, for example, costs in material management, costs of physical distribution operations, etc., and within these areas by logistics functions. Generally accepted in Western business are the allocation and accounting of costs for transportation, warehousing, cargo handling, inventory management, order management, information and computer support, etc.

Often, to solve the problems of structure optimization or management in the logistics system, the total logistics costs include the loss of profit from freezing (immobilization) of products in stocks, as well as damage from logistics risks or poor quality of logistics services. This damage is usually estimated as a possible decrease in sales, a decrease in market share, loss of profits, etc.

Analysis of the structure of logistics costs in various industries of economically developed countries shows that the largest share in them is occupied by the costs of:

  • inventory management (20-40%);
  • transportation costs (15-35%);
  • expenses for administrative and management functions (9-14%).

Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the logistics costs of many Western companies for such logistics functions as transportation, order processing, information and computer support, as well as logistics administration.

Renowned American logistics consultant Herbert W. Davis has tracked logistics costs in the US industry for several years for warehousing, shipping, order management / customer service, distribution management, and inventory management as an integral part of the final price of products and customer service. In 2007, for example, the structure of logistics costs, expressed in shares (%) of sales, looked as follows: transportation of finished products - 4.08%; warehousing - 2.40; customer service / order management - 0.55; distribution management - 0.36; the cost of storing stock (at an 18% discount rate) - 1.81% - the total amount is 9.02%. Cost structure (in dollars per hundred pounds of product weight): transportation of finished products - 13.24; warehousing - 10.79; customer service / order management - 4.07; distribution management - 2.53; and the cost of storing inventory at an 18% discount rate is 18.13. The total amount was 47.48.

Analysis of logistics costs Western companies usually carried out as a percentage of standard, volume or resource indicators, for example:

  • logistics costs in relation to sales volume;
  • separate components of logistics costs in relation to total costs;
  • logistics costs of the firm in relation to standards or the average level in the industry;
  • logistics costs in relation to the relevant items of the firm's budget;
  • the logistics resources of the budget at the moment in relation to the projected costs.

The listed indicators are often included in reporting forms on logistics performance (productivity), focusing on the efficiency of use financial resources companies.

The use of general logistics costs as a key indicator in the formation of a logistics strategy in domestic business encounters a number of difficulties caused by the following main reasons:

  • failure of the current system accounting and statistical reporting of enterprises to highlight many components of logistics costs;
  • the presence in the domestic business of "double" bookkeeping, "black cash", the confidentiality of financial information for partners in the logistics system and even between structural units within the company, etc .;
  • lack of methods for calculating damages from logistic risks, etc. The concept of the quality of logistics service is based on the standardized terms "service" and "service".

Essentially, the vast majority of logistics operations / functions are services, therefore, a logistics service can be defined as the process of providing logistics services (as a result of performing the corresponding operations or functions) to internal or external consumers.

Intermediaries operating in the logistics system are mainly service enterprises in which services are inextricably linked to the product distributed, promoted and sold at various parts of the logistics network. These links include various transport companies, freight forwarders, wholesalers and retailers, warehouses, terminals, customs brokers, insurance companies, etc. At the same time, the cost of logistics services can significantly exceed the costs directly for the production of products.

Despite the importance of logistics services for the implementation of corporate strategies, there are still no effective ways to assess its quality, which is explained by a number of features of the characteristics of the service in comparison with the characteristics of products. These features are:

  1. Intangibility of the service. It is difficult for service providers to explain and give specifications to the types of service, and it is also difficult for buyers to evaluate them.
  2. The buyer is often directly involved in the production of the service.
  3. Services are consumed at the moment they are produced, i.e. services are not stored or transported.
  4. The buyer never becomes the owner by purchasing services.
  5. A service is an activity and therefore cannot be tested before a customer buys it.

These characteristics and features of services play an important role in the logistics process. It is very important to consider the fact that the quality of service in logistics is manifested at the moment when the service provider and the buyer meet. The measurement of service quality in the analysis and design of a logistics system should be based on the criteria used by buyers of logistics services for these purposes. When the buyer evaluates the quality of the logistics service, he compares some actual values ​​of the "measurement parameters" of quality with the expected values ​​of these parameters, and if these expectations coincide, then the quality is considered satisfactory.

With regard to logistics service, in our opinion, it is more appropriate to define quality as “the degree of discrepancy between the expectations of customers and their perception of such criteria as reality, reliability, responsiveness, competence, politeness, trust, safety, communication skills, understanding of the customer. Accordingly, those companies in which the client feels the most complete presence of these characteristics, he perceives as companies with the highest quality. "

The most important components (parameters) of measuring the quality of service:

  • tangibility- the physical environment in which the service, amenities, office equipment, equipment, type of personnel, etc. are presented;
  • reliability- execution "just in time", ie, for example, in physical distribution, delivery of the right product at the right time to the right place. Reliability of information and financial procedures accompanying physical distribution;
  • a responsibility- desire to help the buyer, guarantees of service performance;
  • completeness- availability of the required skills, competence, knowledge;
  • availability- ease of establishing contacts with service providers, convenient time for the buyer to provide logistics services;
  • security- absence of danger, risk, distrust (for example, safety of cargo during transportation);
  • politeness- the behavior of the service provider, the correctness of the personnel;
  • sociability- the ability to speak in a language understandable to the buyer;
  • understanding with the buyer- sincere interest in the buyer, the ability to understand his needs (requirements).

The specification of the parameters of the quality of logistics services and the choice of methods (methods) for their assessment and control are, perhaps, the most difficult issues in logistics administration.

The most important integrated indicator of the efficiency of the logistics system is the duration of the full logistics cycle- the time of execution of the order of the consumer (buyer). The use of this indicator (or its individual components) is due to the requirements of corporate strategy, if time is chosen as the main factor in increasing the company's competitiveness.

Complex indicator - productivity (efficiency) of the logistics system- is determined by the volume of logistic work (services) performed by technical means, technological equipment or personnel involved in the logistic system, per unit of time, or by the specific consumption of resources in the logistic system.

Most foreign firms with logistics services prepare special reports on logistics performance / productivity, which reflect a fairly large number of indicators, for example:

  • the number of orders processed per unit of time;
  • freight shipments per unit of storage capacity and cargo capacity of vehicles;
  • the relation of the "input-output" type to reflect the dynamics of production output and workflow;
  • the ratio of operating logistics costs per unit of invested capital;
  • the ratio of logistics costs per unit of production;
  • distribution logistics costs per unit of sales volume, etc.

As can be seen from the above list, if productivity is measured by the volume of work of personnel or equipment per unit of time (or by the specific parameters of technological equipment, vehicles, or per unit of area, volume, etc.), then the effectiveness is characterized mainly by the specific expenditures of financial resources in the logistics system.

As indicators of the efficiency of the use of vehicles, for example, the utilization factor of the carrying capacity (cargo capacity) of the vehicle, the volume of traffic or the turnover of the rolling stock of transport per hour (shift, day), the cargo turnover per 1 ton of the vehicle's carrying capacity, etc. To assess the effectiveness of the use of warehouse handling equipment, an indicator of the volume of cargo handling per unit of time can be used.

Performance indicators can be applied to the infrastructure logistics departments of the logistics system as a whole. For example, overall indicator warehouse productivity can be the warehouse turnover per day, etc.

In the foreign practice of logistics management, in most cases, indicators of productivity and productivity (effectiveness) are not separated. The indicator "logistic efficiency" in its meaning is more consistent with the indicator adopted in our economy - resource productivity ?, characterizes the specific consumption of financial, material, energy, labor resources in relation to volumetric or other planned indicators.

The complex indicator - return on investment in the logistics infrastructure - characterizes the efficiency of investments in the subdivisions of the logistics system infrastructure, which currently include:

  • storage facilities (warehouses of various types and purposes, cargo terminals and terminal complexes);
  • transport units different types transport;
  • transport communications (automobile and railways, railway sidings, etc.);
  • repair and auxiliary units serving transport and storage facilities;
  • telecommunication system;
  • information and computer system (a set of technical means and office equipment).

The return on investments in the listed objects of the logistics infrastructure is determined in accordance with the current regulatory and methodological documents for assessing the effectiveness of capital investments.

The method Balanced Scorecard (BSC)... It makes it possible to assess the degree of achievement of goals, the effectiveness of business processes and the work of the company, its divisions and each employee using the so-called key performance indicators ( Englishkey performance indicators, KPI). Their linking with the system of employee motivation increases the interest of the latter in the achievement of the established goals by the company and makes this interest constant.

Application of BSC in the field of company logistics should help answer four critical questions:

1. How do internal and external customers evaluate logistics?

2. What processes can ensure the implementation of the logistics strategy?

3. How to achieve further improvement (innovation and learning)?

4. How do the shareholders and top managers of the company assess the logistics activities?

In the process of development and implementation of the BSC system should be involved project team , including both specialists of the logistics department and top managers of the company. It is very helpful to have an external auditor consultant.

To highlight key indicators and combine them into a system, you need to take the following steps:

1. It is necessary to formalize the goals of the logistics strategy

For example, If the company applies a corporate strategy of concentrated growth due to the territorial expansion of sales markets and an increase in the range of products, the main elements of the logistics strategy can be chosen, for example, to minimize investments in logistics infrastructure with decentralized distribution of commodity flows and a divisional structure of logistics management. This strategy can be implemented with the help of intermediaries (distribution companies), the creation of a network of regional distribution centers, decentralized logistics management in the dedicated sales regions. The main goals of such a strategy can be:

§ reduction in total operating logistics costs;

§ increasing the productivity of the logistics infrastructure;

§ improving the quality of logistics services;

§ maintaining minimum costs with a quality level of service;

§ use of outsourcing schemes in logistics activities.

2. Determine the main indicators of logistics performance and allocate goals in accordance with these indicators

The implementation of this step involves the formulation of the goals of the company's logistics strategy, which follow from its corporate strategy, and then presenting them in the form of indicators of the management system. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to analyze the possible levers of influence of logistics on the efficiency of the company's business. In general, under The "lever of logistics" its ability to increase business profitability is understood.

For example, The logistics department of the company consists of a logistics department (responsible for developing a delivery schedule for products, transport and warehouse operations) and a department for working with distributors (overseeing customer service operations). When implementing the BSC system, the head of the company set the following goals for the project manager for the implementation of this system and the heads of departments:

§ Providing customers with quality service.

§ Organization of transparent work of the company's divisions.

§ Transparent accrual of the bonus part of the salary to employees (now each employee can calculate his salary for a month).

Before the system was implemented (this happened gradually, experimentally), all areas of responsibility were distributed between the divisions.

That the BSC system of the logistics department of the company consists of the following groups of indicators:

1) Indicators assessing the work with external clients and the quality of logistics services. They allow you to control the timeliness of the provision and the quality of delivery, the procedure and time for passing the documentation, order processing. Depending on how accurately the employees acted in accordance with the regulations, the raising or reduction factors these indicators (affect bonuses or depreciation of employees). These indicators are subdivided into operational (assessment of the current work with the client for a month) and strategic (fulfillment of the sales plan for the quarter, year).

2) Indicators evaluating internal performance(for example, the department for work with distributors evaluates the work of the logistics department on the issues of timely provision of transport).

To assess the logistics introduced no more than five coefficients (KPI): three for evaluating external work, two for internal. If there are too many indicators, employees begin to get confused, do not understand what and how they should do and control.

For example, KPIs that allow evaluating the activities of the distributor relations department are formed as follows.

Operational indicators:

§ quality of shipments;

§ delivery time (compliance with contractual obligations, according to which we are obliged to deliver products within a certain time frame).

Strategic indicators:

§ fulfillment of the sales plan;

§ internal evaluation of the unit's work (for example, satisfaction of customer complaints).

The most commonly used are the following gauges (metrics) for assessing the effectiveness of the logistics service :

§ Duration of logistic cycles.

§ Using investments in logistics infrastructure.

§ Customer satisfaction with the quality of logistics services.

§ General and operational logistics costs.

§ The ratio of productivity and resource efficiency of the logistics infrastructure and personnel.

Also used strategic profit model. In this model, revenue, costs, inventories and other assets that vary depending on the logistics activity determine the contribution of logistics to the resulting business performance indicators - the return on assets and return to the company's net worth.

3. It is necessary to define methods and algorithms for calculating indicators (KPI)

It is necessary to assess the effectiveness of logistics business processes for all groups of meters (metrics).

Individual motivation of personnel should be linked to indicators (KPI - for each metric). In the future, the data should be monitored, measured and evaluated so that it is possible to understand which logistics business processes need to be improved, how to achieve such an allocation of resources so that it ensures the implementation of the company's logistics strategy.

For example, Accounting and control of KPIs in the company are dealt with by the Business Development Department. Accounting and quality are supervised by the development director, technical parameters are analyzed by his subordinates - customer service managers.

The standard scheme for using KPIs in business is as follows. During negotiations with potential clients, the possibility of introducing KPIs is discussed not earlier than a quarter after the start of cooperation. This time is needed to analyze possible criteria for assessing quality, develop procedures and possible sanctions in case of low KPI values. After the expiration of the specified period, clients are formed an idea of ​​the necessary KPIs; sometimes partners complement them. After negotiations, a common understanding is reached on how to calculate and use KPIs, and a procedure is developed.

Main factors:

1) Compliance with the time of delivery of vehicles for loading. In accordance with the requests from customers that we receive on a daily basis, we are obliged to submit vehicles for loading at the set time. From our side, this is monitored by the manager, from the client side - by the dispatcher or warehouse employees.

2) Specifications cars. Customers require different types of transport depending on the nature of the product. Machines must be of a certain volume and capacity, be in good working order and meet the requirements for appearance.

3) Timely delivery. Each driver has his own route. Sometimes one car has to bring products to several stores. The duty of the company is to fulfill the route plan.

4) Document flow. Each transportation is accompanied by a certain set of documents. The transport company is obliged to hand over a complete set with stamps on the receipt of products in the store.

5) Discipline of drivers. Drivers are in contact with customer employees at the loading warehouse and with partners' customers when unloading. Thus, the company must guarantee the quality of delivery and discipline of the staff, which implies tactful communication, tidy appearance employees, knowledge of the specifics of the goods, the procedure for receiving and transferring products. For all the listed groups of indicators, quality assessment criteria are established, and monthly the manager transport company together with the client's representative fills out the table for each indicator (KPI). Further, the results obtained are summarized and compared with the established work standards.

In case of coincidence with the established norm, the KPI is considered completed, and the work is assessed as high-quality. If the indicators are lower than planned, the client can fine the contractor for a certain amount from the total bill for the services rendered. If the KPI is higher than that fixed in the contract, the contractor can count on certain bonuses, if it was agreed with the client. Since the implementation of KPIs depends on transport logistics managers (namely, they are engaged in organizational support of work with clients), then the company encourages them to provide high-quality services. Depending on the KPI level, a bonus is paid or a fine is imposed on each client. In order not to deal with low indicators at the end of the month, each manager keeps records of KPIs on a daily basis. This allows you to take action to improve performance.

4. It is necessary to develop programs to achieve the goals and objectives of logistics

Such programs must be agreed with the top managers of the company.

For example, the activity should be evaluated by the clients. To do this, you can use an indicator such as Customer Satisfaction Index (ICI). At the same time, the company's quality service interrogates consumers about the work of individual divisions of the company and asks for ratings (on the usual five-point scale, that is, 2 - unsatisfactory, 5 - excellent, etc.), as a result, a customer satisfaction index is displayed. It affects the formation of the bonus part of the salary in these divisions.

Other KPIs can be developed separately for each department, depending on the specifics of the activity. Thus, the effectiveness of the customer service department is assessed using the following indicators:

§ exact observance of the delivery time of the cargo;

§ safety of cargo;

§ absence of deviations in terms of customer expectations and spent finances (spent on delivery the amount that was planned);

§ the number of transported tons of cargo (processed invoices).

At the same time, the company's motivation system is built in such a way that KPIs affect the size of bonuses ... This is especially true for sales managers. On the bonus part of them wages influenced by such KPIs like “profit”, “number of new customers”, “performance production plan» (application comes from production departments), "Deviation from the originally calculated rate". At the end of the quarter, the coefficients of certain indicators may increase or decrease.

5. Provide information support for the calculation of balanced indicators of logistics

It is necessary to create information system accounting and control by developing reporting forms. There are several common reporting forms that allow you to control standards and track the actual values ​​of logistics KPIs. Typically, logistics KPI reports, in which actual values ​​are compared with standard ones (the so-called "fact-standard" reports), are maintained in the information system in the form of a table in Microsoft Excel.

6. It is necessary to revise the composition and standards of KPIs depending on the influence of the external environment and the actions of competitors

The result of the work should be basic structure of KPI logistics included in the overall balanced scorecard (BSC) of the company. In the future, the project team refines the set and methods for calculating KPIs, creating a working version of the BSC, and then determines in what sequence the system will be implemented. Essential tasksetting KPI standards and procedures for their planning (for example, using a benchmarking tool). It is also necessary to develop communication plan to communicate information on the company's logistics strategy and the application of KPIs to each employee of the logistics service, to determine and debug information support for calculating and monitoring KPIs in the corporate information system.

In the process, it may be necessary to redefine the strategic objectives of the company in order to accurately determine the metrics needed to measure the effectiveness of logistics.

The effectiveness of the use of KPIs in logistics is largely determined by a well-formed corporate database of logistics operations , which is part of the general database of the corporate information system (CIS).

Detailing of costs (for each logistics operation, the costs of financial resources, time and labor intensity must be attributed) is the basis for standardizing the costs of resources in the company and allows you to effectively control logistics indicators.

The implementation of BSC logistics makes it possible to achieve the following goals:

1. Receive stable profits and optimize added value for the customer in the supply chain.

2. Increase the capitalization of the company.

3. Ensure customer loyalty.

4. Achieve high productivity of the links of the logistics infrastructure and the smooth running of logistics business processes.

5. To achieve flexible response of the supply chain to external and internal factors associated with logistics.

Table 1. The main indicators and the composition of KPI indicators of the effectiveness of logistics solutions

Meters Composition of indicators (KPI)
Duration of logistic cycles Time: · · order fulfillment; · · The duration of the components of the order cycle; · · Delivery of the order to the consumer; · · Processing of orders by the consumer; · · Preparation and order picking; · · Replenishment of stocks; · · Production and technological cycle; · · Product procurement cycle; · Cycle of preparation of reports
Leveraging investments in logistics infrastructure · · Return on investment in fixed assets · · Investments in the information system · · Investments in warehouse infrastructure · · Investments in technological equipment · · Investments in the transport fleet · · Speed ​​and number of inventory turnovers · Average stock level
The quality of logistics services for consumers · · Availability of stocks · · Information and communication reliability · · Number of product returns; Lack of inventory, increase in tariffs · Presence of customer complaints · Ensuring order fulfillment exactly on time · Completeness of order satisfaction · Accuracy of order parameters
General and operational logistics costs Costs: · · for internal and external transportation; · · Cargo handling and warehousing; · · Logistic support of production; · · Order processing; · · Inventory Management; · Damage from an insufficient level of quality of logistics service (loss of sales, return of goods, etc.)
Productivity (resource efficiency) of logistics infrastructure and personnel · · Freight shipments per unit of storage capacity and cargo capacity of vehicles · · Distribution costs per unit of sales volume · · Number of orders processed per unit of time · · Ratio of total logistics costs per unit of production · · Ratio of operating logistics costs per unit of invested capital · · Relationships of the "input-output" type for the dynamics of production and workflow

Table 2: Examples of Logistics KPIs

Index Unit rev. Target Definition Formula Example / Comments
KPI "Delivery reliability in the supply chain"
KPI "Costs in the supply chain"
General logistics costs / sales % General logistics costs include all costs for warehousing, transportation, management and administration, as well as costs for packaging and management of return flows. The indicator is calculated for a certain period of time The ratio of total costs to total sales
Unit costs for storage and transportation Doll. US / ton Determine the total costs of warehousing and transportation per ton of goods sold. This helps to track processes to reduce and optimize logistics costs in physical distribution operations. Determination of the ratio of the total costs of storage and transportation of one ton. Costs should include warehousing, distribution and transportation costs Unit costs for warehousing and transportation / total number of tons of goods sold Total costs for warehousing and transportation per month - USD 285,000. 48,580 tons delivered to customers. Unit costs for warehousing and transportation = 285,000 / 48,580 = US $ 5.866 / ton
KPI "Efficiency of management of logistics assets in the supply chain"
Stock of marketable products Days Determination of the quantity of goods in the warehouse, ready for sale. Reflects the level of capital associated with goods, assortment, flexibility of the planning procedure. If the inventory is large, this indicates that the company is not able to respond flexibly to market changes, and obsolete goods may be stored in the inventory.


The controlling functionality of logistics controlling supply chains consists of the following tasks:

  • 1. Planning (strategic, tactical, operational) of the logistics controlling of the supply chain.
  • 2. Development and implementation of a balanced scorecard for assessing the effectiveness of logistics activities (KPI system).
  • 3. Implementation of a benchmarking procedure to establish KPI standards.
  • 4. Generation of reporting forms.
  • 5. Development of a monitoring system and information support for controlling processes.
  • 6. Analysis of KPI "gaps" and regulation or elimination of deviations of the actual values ​​of indicators from the planned ones.

The solution to the first problem is a derivative of the targets for the functioning of the supply chain, the structure of which is determined as a result of the following stages:

  • 1 - assessment of consumer needs;
  • 2 - identification of possible target markets, their assessment and selection;
  • 3 - formulation of goals and strategies for the supply chain;
  • 4 - development of alternative supply chain structures and their assessment;
  • 5 - the choice of the structure of supply chains.

One of the circumstances that has the most significant impact on the specifics of the first such stage is the appearance of a new product on the market. Another circumstance is considered to be the unsatisfactory performance of the enterprise. These are market share, sales volume, return on investment, changes in the structure of consumer demand.

The general recommendation here is to include in the cost benefit analysis economic activity in target markets only those costs that change when a separate segment of consumers is added or removed from consideration.

The task of the second stage is to select target markets that provide the maximum return on invested capital.

As part of the third stage, the choice of the supply channel is carried out and

its subject content is personalized.

The solution to the second task of the logistics controlling functionality involves the use of an invariant composition of logistics controlling indicators (KPI) (Table 1). Foreign practice of using these indicators indicates that they have some industry specificity.

Table 1 - Composition of KPI indicators

Functional areas of logistics controlling

Composition of indicators (KPI)

Customer satisfaction as a logistics service

Ensuring that the order is completed exactly on time.

Completeness of order satisfaction.

Accuracy of order parameters fulfillment.

Information and communication reliability, accuracy and timeliness.

Number of product returns, lack of inventory, increased tariffs.

The presence of consumer complaints.

Stock availability.

Return on investment in logistics infrastructure

The speed and number of inventory turnovers.

Average inventory level.

Return on investment in fixed assets.

Use of investments in the transport park.

Leveraging investments in warehouse infrastructure.

Use of investments in technological equipment.

Using investments in the information system.

General and operational logistics costs

General logistics costs.

The costs of logistics support for production.

Internal and external transportation costs.

Handling and warehousing costs.

Costs associated with ordering procedures.

Inventory management costs.

Losses from an insufficient level of quality of logistics services (loss of sales, return of goods, etc.)

Duration of logistics functional cycles

Lead time.

The duration of the components of the logistics functional cycle.

Replenishment time.

Processing time for orders to consumers.

Delivery time of the order to the consumer.

Time of preparation and order picking.

Production and technological cycle time.

Report preparation cycle time.

Cycle time for purchasing products.

Supply chain logistics infrastructure performance

The number of orders processed per unit of time.

Freight dispatches per unit of storage capacity and cargo capacity of vehicles.

Relations of the "input-output" type for the dynamics of production and workflow.

The ratio of operating logistics costs per unit of invested capital.

The ratio of total logistics costs per unit of production.

Distribution costs per unit of volume of sales

It should be noted that the maximum level of quality of logistics services largely depends on the capabilities of the enterprise

resist complete dependence on stockpiling as the only

ways to ensure the availability of consumers to it. Establishing its appropriate level is reduced to finding such a ratio of marginal revenue and marginal logistics costs, when the amount of profit takes the highest value. In practice, this cannot be realized, so a slightly different approach should be used, which is characterized by the following stages:

  • 1. identification of the basic level of logistics service;
  • 2. analysis of consumer sensitivity to the quality of logistics services;
  • 3. determination of the need to change the level of logistics service.

The identification of the base level of logistics services is based on a cost-benefit analysis. It starts with calculating the costs that meet the standard customer needs, and ends with assessing the expected benefits embodied in specific revenues and long-term customer loyalty. Income assessment is based on the premise that the higher the level of service, the higher the income. In addition, the following dependency should be considered. The increase in costs associated with improving the level of service accelerates as the overall quality of the logistics service approaches the standard of zero scrap or the fulfillment of a perfect order, i.e. to 100% customer satisfaction. It is possible to artificially lower the level of logistics services provided to consumers, in particular, by implementing a selective service approach, determined by customer segmentation, by service class using the ABC analysis method (Table 2).

Table 2 - Segmentation of consumers by classes of logistics service

The maximum value of the total logistics costs is determined on the basis of the price of customer service, which is formed under the influence of market conditions (table 3).

Table 3 - The significance of cost estimates depending on the industry position of the enterprise

Significance of cost estimates

Lower costs


The value of standard costs for assessing the functioning of the enterprise

very important

not very important

The importance of flexible budgeting for managing production costs

high to very high

medium to low

The Importance of Achieving Estimated Performance

high to very high

medium to low

The importance of product cost as a parameter for making pricing decisions

The importance of competitor cost analysis

Benchmarking or benchmarking is comparative assessment the efficiency of the tested and reference object,

the correct functioning of which is beyond doubt. Abroad, it is widely used by enterprises to adapt their

logistic standards to the best examples of best practice. In this case, a combination of three methods is used comparative analysis... The first involves the use of published logistic data, which can be gleaned from analytical reviews, periodicals and university studies. Although such information is available, it is difficult to draw specific recommendations from it. The second method is based on the combination of an enterprise with other organizations for the sake of a systematic exchange of data for comparative analysis. This union is more effective than the previous method. The third method relies on economic intelligence, which mainly deals with all open sources of information.

The procedure for "tuning" the KPI system - strategic and tactical planning of logistics indicators (standards) should be based on the use of the best practices of leading companies (leaders in their industry) or closest competitors.

V modern conditions The setting of logistics KPI standards can be done in two ways:

First, set KPI standards based on previous values ​​of indicators, i.e. plan from the achieved level in accordance with the strategic guidelines of the company. However, such a comparison does not say anything about how competitive and successful the company is compared to others. This option is suitable for companies that are the undisputed leaders in their industry.

Secondly, benchmarking can be carried out in comparison with Western companies, since abroad detailed reports on the logistics activities of firms are published regularly. Even the most general industry metrics can provide an indication of where to go. However, foreign companies operate in a different business environment. This means that their practice is not always comparable to the domestic one.

Undoubtedly, there is an opportunity to assess the functioning of the supply chain from the perspective of consumers, i.e. correlate them

expectations with the quality of the logistics services provided to them, for example, based on a scheme (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Model of the quality of logistics service

This diagram illustrates the way in which the customer's expectations for the quality of service and the reasons for its possible dissatisfaction are fulfilled. The reasons are considered as discrepancies (gaps) between the output of the service delivery processes and the input of the service consumption process.

The first gap arises from the discrepancy between customer service expectations and how supplier management perceives those expectations. The customer's dissatisfaction with the quality of service stems from the fact that the supplier's management does not have a sufficiently clear understanding of the quality of service. Based on this, the key aspect in the organization of service is forecasting customer requests.

Reasons for the first rupture:

  • ? ineffective marketing research supply market;
  • ? inadequate estimated parameters for measuring the quality of service;
  • ? inadequate information channels for accounting for supply demand and methods for assessing service quality parameters;
  • ? multiplicity of hierarchical levels in the supplier's manual.

The second gap is the mismatch between supplier management's perception of customer expectations and the specifications that govern service quality. Possible causes are:

  • ? incorrect attitude of the top management of the supplier to the parameters of the quality of service;
  • ? inaccurate transformation of consumer expectations into the specification of service quality parameters;
  • ? insufficient level of executive discipline in relation to the consumer's order;
  • ? insufficient level of standardization of quality of service parameters;
  • ? lack of targets or guidelines for developing a specification for quality of service parameters.

The third gap, depicted in Figure 1, defines the gap between the quality of service specifications and the actual customer service. As a rule, it occurs due to improper performance purchase order for the following reasons:

  • ? the presence of cross-functional logistic conflicts;
  • ? insufficient performing and technological work discipline;
  • ? weak interaction of service quality controllers and supplier management;
  • ? shortcomings of methods of acceptance and selective control of the quality of service of commodity flows;
  • ? miscalculations when choosing intermediaries involved in organizing services, etc.

The fourth gap (Figure 1) is due to the discrepancy between the execution of the buyer's order and providing him with information about it, the reasons for which are:

  • ? the supplier does not have a proper system of internal and external communications;
  • ? exaggeration of the quality of service by the supplier in the media.

The fifth gap is the discrepancy between customer expectations and the quality of their orders.

Assessment of the quality of logistics services is only one of the areas of logistics controlling, therefore, customer orientation has significant limitations.

The consumer always expects from the suppliers the perfect fulfillment of the purchase order. Abroad, this aspect is viewed through the prism of “perfect order”.

A "perfect order" is a performance that meets the following standards:

  • 1 - full delivery of all products for all ordered headings;
  • 2 - delivery within the period required by the consumer with a tolerance of ± 1 day;
  • 3 - complete and accurate documentation of the order, including receipts, invoices, invoices, etc.;
  • 4 - perfect adherence to the agreed delivery conditions, that is, high-quality installation, correct equipment, readiness for use and no damage.

In modern conditions, a maximum of only 55-60% of logistics operations carried out within the cycle of order fulfillment meet the requirements given above. A similar percentage for most enterprises does not exceed twenty. In this case, the following are considered as invariant hindrances to a "perfect order": errors in accepting an order; inaccurate information about the product; unavailability of ordered goods; excess credit; failure to comply with the delivery time of the order; errors in the selection of an order; negligence when placing an order selection; delay in dispatch or delivery; incomplete documentation; errors when transferring payments; early delivery; damage to goods during transportation; errors in invoicing; calculation of payment in excess of the tariff; incomplete payment of the consumer's bill.

It should be noted that the development of forms for logistic reporting should be modular (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Modular database for the preparation of logistics reports

The main requirement for these forms is to ensure the prerequisites for the collection of more complete and accurate data, above all, logistics costs.