Financial flow control system. How to calculate the percentage of completion of the plan How to find the percentage of execution of the budget

The CFO does not need to track performance on every one of the company's hundreds of budget lines; this is irrational. It is better to choose the main indicators that require attention and maximally characterize the implementation of the financial plan. Below are recommendations on what criteria are best for choosing such benchmarks.

To relieve budget execution assessment and reduce the time for its implementation, you can reduce the number of analyzed indicators. Limit yourself to those that need to be tracked in mandatory... It is convenient to divide them into groups:

  • resulting indicators economic activity companies;
  • strategic indicators;
  • key indicators;
  • indicators of items of expenses and income.

What indicators of budget execution are attributed to the resulting activities of the company

The group of resulting indicators of the company's economic activity includes revenue, cost of manufactured and sold products, net profit, main production indicators (volume and structure of output, percentage of completion production program, work in progress and finished products etc.).

Their analysis based on the results of the period will make it possible to establish whether, in general, the results planned by the company have been achieved (for how to evaluate, see). These indicators must be considered by all enterprises regardless of their type of activity, production and economic model, strategy, etc. For example, one of these indicators can be taken as profit before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization.

Formula. EBITDA calculation

Used notation



Data source

Profit before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization

Calculation result

Profit before tax

Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

Data from Russian, international or management reporting

Finance (interest) expenses

Russian, international or management reporting data

Finance (interest) income

Russian, international or management reporting data

What strategic indicators will help assess budget execution

It is very important to keep indicators under control budget execution reflecting the achievement of the company's strategic goals (for more details on the formation of a system of control indicators, see). For example, if it seeks to conquer new sales markets, then the volume of sales by sales markets should be considered. If it is planned to expand production, then it is necessary to assess investments in expanding production, the volume of products, including in the context of types of production, etc.

What key indicators can be used to check budget execution

What indicators of income and expenditure items need to be assessed when checking budget execution

You should pay attention to budget items that make up a significant part of the total amount of income or expenses of the company. For example, you can set a rule - those items whose weight is equal to at least 10 percent of the amount of income (expenses) are subject to control (for example, see). Using this principle, the company controls all budget items that are significant for it, without wasting time on "small things".

If the values ​​for some items differ significantly from the planned ones, then you should find out and analyze the reasons for this. The permissible deviation value is set by each company individually and can range from 20 percent or more (see how to visualize the assessment results).

Many Russian companies they know firsthand what budgeting is. However, when it comes to monitoring budget execution and its analysis, most firms are faced with many questions: how to exercise control, who should do it, how to assess the deviations that have arisen.

The concept of budgetary control is based on two concepts: plan and fact. The purpose of monitoring and analyzing the implementation of planned budget indicators is to manage deviations that affect financial results. In the process of control, the budget controller, firstly, collects, processes and analyzes information on the actual results of financial and economic activities. Secondly, it identifies deviations from the planned values ​​and analyzes their causes. Thirdly, makes management decisions on adjusting plans and budgets in acceptable cases.

To carry out these functions, it is important to establish an effective control system.

Proven methods

A company can implement many different methods of budget control. Many of them are highly specialized and quite complex (for example, the "earned value" method for assessing the implementation of the project budget). We will focus on two generally accepted methods:

  • control of budgets for deviations;
  • operational control of payments (treasury control).

The company's budget is financial plan actions to achieve the level of profitability. Therefore, the basis of the control system should be cost control. To implement it, the calculation of deviations is used, during which:

  • identify deviations based on data management accounting(if the homogeneity of planned and actual data is ensured);
  • assess deviations from the point of view of the impact on the planned result;
  • determine the nature of deviations (for example, regular or accidental) and their causes, which can be both internal and associated with unforeseen changes in external conditions;
  • prepare recommendations and possible management decisions based on the analysis of deviations.

These functions, as a rule, are performed by financial and economic services: the planning and economic department, or the budget planning department (depending on organizational structure enterprises).

To identify deviations, specialists of the financial and economic service compare the actual and planned data line by line. And in order to assess the impact of deviations on the planned result, they use the calculation of the proportion of individual items. For example (see table), the calculation of deviations of actual values ​​from planned ones is presented: for income items (sales by goods) the formula "fact" - "plan" is used, for expense items - the formula "plan" - "fact".

We see that the company received 50,000 rubles less profit than it was planned. To determine the impact on this deviation of income and expense items, you need to calculate the specific weight using the formula:

("Deviation by item" / "deviation by profit") х 100%

In the “Deviation” column, we received data that indicates that the actual profit received is 25 percent lower than the planned one. This, in turn, is 60 percent due to the fact (column "Share") that the fixed costs... And, accordingly, by 40 percent - by the fact that sales have decreased.

Based on these calculations, the specialist of the financial and economic service prepares an analytical note on recommendations for correcting the current situation in the following reporting period... For example, according to these calculations, the company needs to increase sales by 20,000 rubles and reduce costs under the item "Security" by 10,000 rubles, and under the item "Salaries" - by 30,000 rubles. At the same time, the company has a reserve of 10,000 rubles for additional rental costs.

Deviation control is by nature “post-transaction control”. He is not able to prevent a single fact of financial and economic activity, which leads to an adverse change. But it is effective over long budget periods if done on a regular basis. That is, by controlling the deviations that arise in monthly budgets, you can have time to accept management decision and flatten the indicators by year. For example, a company receives data on cost overruns based on the results of nine months Money according to articles " Expendable materials"And" Advertising ". Accordingly, it is necessary to make adjustments to the budget of the 4th quarter: to reduce expenses on the relevant items by setting strict limits or control of the treasury budget execution. As a result, this will eliminate the excess that has arisen.

Deviation assessment and analysis

Before analyzing the deviations of budget items or indicators, it is necessary to determine which deviations are, first of all, important. For example, there is no need for a company to analyze the deviation of such an indicator as the exchange rate - this is an external environment that is not controlled by the enterprise. And, on the contrary, the indicators “ production cost"Or" cost of sales of products "can be controlled. To do this, it is enough to determine the structure of the cost price. Next, you need to determine the limit of permissible deviations. As a rule, it is set as a percentage of the planned value. The magnitude of these deviations can reach 10 percent, but on average it varies at the level of three to five percent. Determining the limit is a fairly subjective assessment. As a rule, companies are guided by the specific weight of this article. If the specific weight of the item "Salary" is 30 percent of all costs, then planning will be more accurate and the limit of permissible deviations will be 0.5-1 percent. When planning, for example, office expenses amounting to 0.05-0.1 percent of the total cost, the deviation limit can be set at 5-10 percent.

Budget execution control and analysis are usually carried out by economic planning services. For the analysis of budget execution, such types of analysis as ranking, factor analysis, "plan-actual" analysis and others are used.

Ranking is used when it is necessary to conduct comparative analysis functional centers of responsibility, business units, branches, etc. according to budget items. At the same time, the most profitable and / or most unprofitable divisions or areas of activity are identified. For example, ranking is effectively applied when comparing sales budgets by branch.

Factor analysis is designed to identify the factors that influenced the change in the values ​​of the analyzed budget items or indicators. With this type of analysis, you can, for example, determine the impact of each of the branches on the total amount of sales of goods and services. The essence factor analysis boils down to determining the cause of deviations in indicators and developing recommendations for their elimination. Above, we examined an example of identifying deviations from the planned result. The share of each article in the total change was determined financial result... Thus, we have carried out a factor analysis.

Plan-fact analysis can be carried out for all major and for individual operating budgets. Its main goal is to identify the reasons for deviations, namely, which of the indicators, budget items, scenario conditions influenced the execution of the company's budget.

These methods are simple and effective in assessing deviations, so they are used by most Russian companies.

Treasury control

An essential component of the control system is control over treasury budget execution. That is, control over the receipt and expenditure of funds that are planned in the cash flow budget.

Operational control of the cash flow budget, as a rule, is carried out by the budget controller. He, guided by the approved limits of funds, determines the budget items to finance the excess costs. The Financial Controller evaluates each incoming request for settlement and assesses whether it does not exceed the limit for the corresponding budget item. Exceeding the limits in the budget period may be allowed only by special order of the authorized official... Usually it is financial or general manager... But when it comes to reallocating expenditures between different budget lines, these powers are usually assigned to the financial controllers themselves.

Treasury control is very often used in holdings, where Management Company disposes of the funds of the branches. The branches themselves only initiate the payment, and the financial department of the parent company compares the amount with the data included in the budget. And after that, he decides on the payment.


Branches of one gold mining company located in different regions do not dispose of funds, except for the payment wages staff. All other expenses are covered by the parent company located in Moscow. Existing system Treasury control governs all cash flow operations. But at the same time it has sufficient flexibility and provides for the ability to redistribute, if necessary, cash flows between different branches or budget items of expenditure. The system makes it possible to increase the efficiency of using the company's funds. For example, when one of the branches needs to pay for unplanned equipment repairs, the company does not have to raise additional loans.

However, it should be noted that this technique is not always effective. Typical mistake with this type of control - strict fixing of limits for all items and an unsettled system for adjusting the budget. In such cases, the enterprise lacks flexibility and is unable to quickly respond to changes. Businesses should take this into account.


So, the budget of one metallurgical plant strictly regulated the costs of writing off technological materials for the production of products. The purchase of these materials was calculated based on the planned write-off value. Then the production technology changed. In this regard, it became necessary to increase consumption rates and purchase more expensive technological materials... At the same time, the volume of production had to remain at the same level. The amount indicated in the application for the purchase of materials was significantly higher than the established one. Therefore, the financial controller, guided by the planned data, reduced it. After all, the adjustment of procurement costs was allowed only in the event of an increase in production. As a result, this led to a decrease in production volumes in the next reporting period.

65. Enterprise budget.

Budgeting - management activities, which relies on an internal planning system that uses modern technologies, and is interconnected with production, operational. planning and financial management.

The essence of the budget is that the entire activity of the enterprise is in a balance between income and expenses, with the determination of the places of their occurrence and the assignment of responsibility to managers of various ranks.

The task of budgeting an enterprise is to solve two main problems:

Ensuring economic security,

Profit maximization, which is one of the sources of budgeting.

Economic security is understood as preventing the bankruptcy of a company. The owner, in fact, has the right to liquidate the company, but any reorganization requires a preliminary economic calculation.

The only source of debt repayment is the sale of an enterprise (repayment of assets). The proceeds from the sale of assets are not enough to pay off debts, and consequently the owner is being prosecuted.

It is necessary to choose the path that will correspond to the enterprise.

On the pre-si may occur:


Liquidation of unprofitable activities,

Creation on the basis of the old enterprise of a new one, which will take over the debts.

On the other hand, the methods of ensuring economic security were the diversification of production:



Features of the horizon. in the fact that autonomous production is being created, aimed at the production of various products, i.e. losses from the first type of activity should overlap income from other types. Those. minimization of the risk of production activities by distributing funds in different areas of production. The essence of the vertical. in that it lengthens the product line - the production of a specific type of product. The lengthening occurs in 2 directions - towards suppliers in order to eliminate dependence on the supplier's dictate, on the other hand, there is a network of wholesalers who purchase products from the enterprise. Intermediaries create their profits at the expense of a margin. This leads to the fact that prices will be such that overstocking will occur. Next, the creation of firms. Networks. Then the whole cycle from supply to implementation is found. in the 1st control system, we can quickly respond to the whole system. So. ensuring economic safety requires access to the necessary resources. In addition to material, the company requires funding and labor.

Access to a firm's finance can be obtained from:

  1. purchase of shares commercial bank
  2. we take the commercial bank as founders and get access to preferential loans.

(shareholding system - cross-ownership of shares of another friend, when both parties are interested in the successful execution of the contract).

Access to qual.workforce:

  1. we train personnel ourselves.
  2. we make a selection according to favorable criteria. (short-term labor contracts and long-term, long-term labor contracts give social guarantees- periodic retraining of personnel at the expense of the company, guaranteed sanator, spa treatment, assistance in improving living conditions)

Having considered the maximization of profits, one can single out the following 3 methods:

  1. an increase in the selling price of a unit of production (when products are in demand and increase. Prices does not lead to a sharp decrease in this demand, but if the price is high there will always be a competitor, or substitute goods will appear. This path is short-term)
  2. reducing the cost of a unit of production always works if there are reserves (limitation: it is impossible to reduce the cost of production to such a level when its quality deteriorates). Reducing costs by saving on fixed costs (saving on salary of the administrative staff, reducing the cost of purchasing channels for resources, reducing the cost of distribution channels).
  3. maximizing the volume of sales, chap., so that there is resource conservation, a reduction in the cost of distribution channels, an increase in the profitability of sales is also permissible, which leads to an acceleration of the turnover of invested funds.

The connection between the enterprise budget and the provision of production with material and financial resources is the most direct, since only from the budget for the current year we can see how much material and financial resources we need for the production of this or that type of activity.

Financial resources are divided into main (according to their specific weight, they are the most significant in the total amount of financing) and additional. Financial sources for the implementation of operations in the enterprise can be:

Budget.funds (winning a competition for the performance of work or winning a competition for the execution of a state order),

Own media - the profit that the company will receive through the sale of T and Y (non-operating expenses), which any company can have + amortization of mater and non-mater assets,

Borrowed funds,

Credit - in order to get them, it is necessary to ensure repayment and urgency,

Attracted. - proceeds from the sale of paper prices,

Venture finance - financing of high-risk projects at the expense of investors,

Finances from off-budget funds - funds from funds that are created at different levels of government (federal, sectoral, regional),

Grants - gratuitous financing of research and production activities on a competitive basis,

Foreign exchange earnings (production T for export, participation in a joint program with foreign partners, creation of a joint venture, obtaining loans in foreign currency, arbitration bank. An operation by which we can resell foreign currency at a higher price, but permission from the Central Bank is required).

Budgets are:

Basic (budget of income and expenses, budget of movement of money, medium, settlement balance),

Operating (budget of sales, stocks of finished products, direct material costs, direct costs of gas, direct production costs, general business, invoice, management, commercial costs,),

Will help. (capital plan, loan or investment plan),

Additional (special) (balance sheet profit, budget of net profit, b.-t R&D, tax.b.-t).

Indicators of budget execution reflected in the balance sheet of the enterprise for the beginning and end of the planning period. It considers the following indicators: assets: 1.current assets: cash, debtor accounts, stocks of raw materials, stocks of finished goods, 2.main assets: land, structures, equipment, accumulated depreciation, liabilities (liabilities): 1.current liabilities: payment invoices, bank loan, 2. share capital: common shares, retained earnings.

Most analysts working in corporations must use various kinds of mathematical operations in Excel to obtain the operating indicators of a firm. Calculations such as percentages of the amount, relative deviations from the budget, or possible markups arising from the execution of all business analyzes. All this needs to be calculated as a percentage.

How to calculate percentage of a number in Excel

When management asks you to calculate the percentage of the current achievement of a set goal, it means a relative comparison of the current indicators with the planned indicators that need to be achieved. The mathematical steps for calculating this formula in Excel are very simple. It is necessary to divide the current indicators, divide by the planned ones and display the result value in the percentage format of the cells. Thus, we will get a percentage value reflecting the share of the implementation of a part of the plan. Suppose, in terms of sales, the company is planning to sell 100 tablets this month, but the month has not ended yet and so far only 80 units have been sold. As a percentage, this is mathematically calculated as (80/100) * 100. If we use the percentage format of cells in Excel, then we do not need to multiply by 100. In this case, the formula looks like this: = 80/100.

How to calculate percentage of plan completion in Excel

It does not matter how the task is set: the percentage of the goal, the fulfillment of the budget or the sales plan as a percentage - these are all related to the same task. Calculated in the same way. The figure below shows a list of regions. On the contrary, for each region, the desired goal and the actual implementation of the plan are indicated in a column next to it. Please note that in the last column where the result of the plan execution is indicated in percentage, the format of the cells has been changed to "percentage". And the formulas in this column are quite simple - the value of the "Sold" column is divided by the value in the "Plan" column = C2 / B2.

Little can be said about this formula. After all, it is based on mathematical calculation. In the formula itself, only references to cells are used, so that one value is divided into another. Without any function. It is enough just to enter the formula in the first empty cell of the last column (D2), and then copy it by filling in the rest of the cells.

How to calculate the percentage of completion of the total plan

Now let's complicate the task. Let's say we need to separately compare each actual indicator in relation to the overall set plan for all regions. The task at hand, clearly illustrated in the figure below:

This time the regions do not have a column with their own own plan... Instead, it goes straight to the Share column, where each sales figure is compared to the overall plan in cell E2. The formula in the Share column this time looks like this = B2 / $ E $ 2.

Note that the denominator of the formula uses an absolute cell reference $ E $ 2. Dollar symbols indicate to us that the reference to the cell with the general plan value is locked. This ensures that it does not change when the formula is copied to other cells in the Share column. In cell C6, we add up all the percentages to make sure the result is accurate. As you can see again in the second figure, we got the same overfulfillment of the overall plan - 105%. The final values ​​in percentages coincided, which means that all the calculations of the formulas are correct.

The introduction of a system for analyzing and monitoring the execution of budgets at an enterprise implies a difference in the content and goals of the procedure for the current analysis and control of budget execution and the final control and analysis. The basis for the budgetary process is current control, since the management impact based on the results of control activities should be carried out in a timely and regular manner. Final analysis and control are important for adjusting strategic indicators and for introducing changes in the methodological base of the budgetary process. To analyze the execution of budgets, first of all, it is necessary to determine the list of management reports, which implies making a decision on which forms of management reporting are mandatory for each CFD, as well as in what time frame and how often they are provided to the management. Reports for analysis can be drawn up for all types of activities of the Central Federal District, can affect certain sections, topics, budget items and performance indicators.

In addition to regular reports, reports can be prepared as soon as significant deviations occur (thematic), as well as on demand (analytical).

By levels of management are distinguished: operational, current and summary reports.

Operational reports are compiled at the lowest level in the Central Federal District and contain detailed information on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Current reports are compiled in profit and investment centers with a frequency from a monthly report to a quarterly and contain aggregated information. Summary reports are submitted to the budget and investment committee for making strategic decisions and cover a period from one month to a year.

After the development of reporting forms, a list of indicators is compiled for conducting financial and economic analysis, a methodology for calculating and analyzing indicators and reports is described, as a rule, using the technique of horizontal, vertical, trend and coefficient analysis.

Deviation analysis includes two directions:

Study of methodological problems, i.e., detection of incorrect formulas for calculating performance indicators, the use of unattainable norms, imperfection of the forms of planning and reporting documents, errors in scheduling tasks, etc .;

Control over the expenditure of resources in accordance with operating budgets and control over the expenditure of funds within the limits approved in the cash flow budget. The analysis of deviations is carried out by comparing planned (normative) indicators with actual results, while not all deviations require urgent management impact, but only the most significant ones. The budget control procedure should provide for a mechanism for determining the permissible deviation limits, which includes an assessment of the normal deviation and the value of the excess of normal values, requiring management intervention.The value of the admissible deviation limits depends on the specifics of the company's activities, on the significance of the monitored budget item for assessing the activities of the responsibility center and other factors.

The main tools for analyzing deviations in resource consumption are standardization procedure and building a flexible budget. The variable costs of the production centers of responsibility are normalized. Technological norms are the basis for constructing the budget of normative costs.

The standards reflect the amount of costs based on the average purchase price material resources, the wage rate of workers and the rate of resource consumption per unit of production or type of work. So, the standard acts as an indicator that sets the target value of costs for planning and controlling a certain budget item of the responsibility center, depending on the projected physical or financial parameters of the company.

Depending on the volume of activity, variable costs change, but fixed costs remain unchanged. Using the following formula linking costs and production, you can develop budgets for different levels of business activity.

TC =V * Qfact +F

where TS- total costs of the center of responsibility; V - standard cost per unit of production; Qfact- the number of products sold; F - fixed costs of the Central Federal District.

Flexible budget allows you to objectively assess the effectiveness of the head of the cost center, since it eliminates the influence of market activity on the deviation of budget items and shows how rationally the resources were used to achieve a certain level of sales. In the example presented in the table, with a cost standard of 90 rubles. per unit of production, the amount of actual variable costs in comparison with the originally pledged amount decreased by 80,000 rubles, while a comparison with a flexible budget shows the opposite situation - an increase in actual costs by 100,000 rubles.

table Flexible budget and variance calculation


Planned budget


Flexible budget


Sales volume, pcs.

Variable costs,

Fixed costs,

Final cash flow analysis within the framework of budgeting, firstly, in calculating the main indicators of cash flow and comparing them with the values ​​presented in strategic plans, for example, the dynamics of free cash flow by budgetary periods is revealed. Secondly, in determining the synchronicity and balance of cash flows in and clarifying the reasons for the shortage of funds. Third, in the study of the structure cash flow and clarification of the need for external financing of the planned activities of the enterprise. Fourth, in establishing the size of deviations of the actual indicators from the budgeted cash flows.

In general, the analysis should be subordinated to the study of factors affecting the increase in free cash flow as the main indicator of the effectiveness of strategic decisions, and the assessment of the adequacy of the liquidity level in the process of carrying out the current activities of the enterprise.

Operational analysis and control of the execution of the cash flow budget is carried out by the Treasury service through the formation and execution of the payment calendar, monitoring of receivables and payables, and control of applications for payment. The operational analysis is based on:

Classification of payments according to the likelihood of their receipt, timing and priority of their implementation;

Establishment of limits for expenses and payments for a number of budget items of cash flow of financial responsibility centers;

Calculation of the optimal balance of funds on the company's accounts;

Development of a financing mechanism for the cash deficit.

Payment schedule at all enterprises, without exception, it is intended to form a schedule of daily receipts and payments of funds for up to a month. The distribution of cash flows by day allows you to identify in advance cash gaps and determine the sources of their coverage, optimize the amount of cash balances and form the sequence of payments. Cash gap - this is a short-term lack of funds for making payments due to imbalances in the time of receipt and payment of funds.

The control functions of the payment calendar are implemented through the procedure for registration and approval of applications. This procedure assumes that only those expenses that were included in the cash flow budget are included in the payment calendar. For this, the application shall indicate: the amount to be received according to the BDDS; the amount that has already been received; the amount of balances under this item.

If the entire limit for the item has been exhausted, then the treasurer rejects the application. For a situation where it is impossible to reject an application due to the significance of this expense item, it is required to have an algorithm of actions, which includes an analysis of the materiality of payments and determining the size of the deviation. It is customary to describe the algorithm for taking action in the event of a cash deficit in the regulations of the cash control procedure, which stipulates the permissible limit of deviations by items and the sources of funding corresponding to the size of the deviations and the budget item. The Treasury sets a deviation percentage for certain expenditures, within which a decision at the level of the responsibility center that initiates the payment is allowed. In this case, the source of funding may be a reduction in funding for other costs of the responsibility center, or a decision is made to postpone the payment deadline. If the percentage of deviation exceeds the acceptable limit, then the decision is made at the treasury level or at the level of the budget and investment committee. Funds for financing are then sought from centralized reserves created by the company, bank loans, free funds from other companies of the holding. In any case, the application for payment must be approved for all levels of responsibility.

The first priority payments are usually the most urgent payments, the delay of which will entail serious sanctions, namely taxes, interest on loans. Payments of the second stage can be executed with a slight delay, while enterprises limit the period for which payment can be postponed, most often to three days. The third stage includes payments, the execution of which can be delayed for a long period or the amount of payments can be reduced without much damage to the company.

The controlled amount of the cash balance is calculated by the analytical method at the level of a certain percentage of the average daily turnover. If it is possible to clearly formulate the initial prerequisites and parameters, the Baumol model can be used.

A great effect is achieved from the control of the balance of funds of a group of enterprises when introducing a centralized treasury system, when companies' revenues are accumulated on a single account and full control over their expenses is carried out. Thanks to this approach, the number of accounts is reduced, the costs of settlement and cash services are reduced, the need for external financing is reduced, and the capital structure is optimized.

In general, control over the execution of the income and expense budget and the cash flow budget fully achieves its goals, being integrated into a unified financial controlling system, coordinating the formation of an information base, financial analysis, financial planning and control in such a way as to provide the management of the enterprise with the necessary mechanism for making strategic and tactical decisions.