Presentation on the order system of ancient greece. Lesson topic: "Architecture of Ancient Greece. Order system". There are three types of Greek orders

She is not hidden in museums Naked from birth, Admiring her, behold, Giving a tribute to genius in full. When slender and dignified, When simple to the smallest detail, But no matter how fashion shouts, It is true to Harmony. Years are running almost invisibly, Art is not silent. Unwaveringly she keeps history of the past years.

Greek orders: A - Doric, B - Ionic, C - Corinthian. The numbers show the parts of the order: 1 - cornice, 2 - frieze, 3 - architrave (cornice, frieze and architrave together form an entablature), 4 - capital, 5 - column trunk, 6 - base. Plan of a Greek temple. Peripter.

Analyze the poem To do this, write down unfamiliar words and carry out vocabulary work. Answer the questions: 1. Proportionality with what the Greeks were looking for? 2. Did the column have a Doric capital? 3. Write down what other elements that make up the Greek order are not named? 4. The leaves of which plant adorn the Corinthian capital? 5. What arches does the author mean when he mentions the architects of Ancient Rome and the Empire in a poem? 6. What else served the ancient Greeks instead of columns?

Antique order The Greeks were looking for proportionality in everything. Ancient temple Doesn't look down on you. He gave the architect a warrant, His loyalty was checked. The answer was: "For ages!" When the Archaic period came, the Greeks created their Doric order. Columns grow straight from the pedestal. Their trunks with flutes - Trees are monuments. It is easy to believe in the harsh spirit of the Dorians, At least once, having seen the temple of the Goddess Hera.

And Ellina's descendants - the Ionians Continued the construction of the Page. The temple became more elegant with them, Flared up, Gracefully flew over the Acropolis. Having risen to the base, the Columns rose, It is more difficult to crown the capitals of the crown. The two curls - the curls - are so familiar. You recognize them easily And in a modern house.

The Corinthians are the same Greeks, They did not stand still. Even more difficult was the order given to the Descendants. Its column is such a graceful nature. The entire length of it All the same flutes. From the capital of the eye Do not take away, The leaves intertwined in it, Flaunting from a height. AND Ancient Rome And the architects of the Empire, That the arches gave the world, In this column they will see Triumphality. And so from century to century Genius does not fade. L. Kukareva

ORDER is a specific artistic system of post-and-beam construction, developed in Ancient Greece and passed into the architecture of other countries. The Romans called the order (Latin ordin - order, order) the system of rules adopted by the Greeks for combining the shape and size of architectural elements. This system has been improved over several centuries by generations of Greek architects.

Golden Ratio The Golden Ratio is a proportional division of a segment into unequal parts, in which the entire segment refers to the greater part as the greater part itself refers to the smaller one; or in other words, the smaller segment relates to the larger one as the larger one to the whole a: b = b: c or c: b = b: a.

ABAKA - the upper part of the capital in the form of a slab CAPITEL - the upper part. the final part of a column, pylon or pilaster. CANNELURES - vertical grooves on the trunks of columns, pylons or pilasters. ORDER - in classical architecture, a certain system of correlation between parts of a structure, load-bearing and carried elements, and the main details of columns. DORIC ORDER - the first antique architectural order, distinguished by the monumentality of proportions; in this order, the trunk of the columns is covered with flutes, the capital consists of echinus and abacus. EHIN - the lower part of the Doric capital, reminiscent of a flat round pillow. IONIC ORDER - the second antique architectural order, notable for its light proportions; the fluted columnar trunk is more refined than that of the Doric column, the capital is decorated with volutes. VOLUTA - an architectural and decorative detail in the form of a spiral curl CORINTHIAN ORDER - the third antique architectural order, distinguished by the sophistication of proportions; the trunk of the columns is emphatically refined, the capital is decorated with volutes and acanthus leaves. TUSCAN ORDER - Roman version of the Doric order; in this order, the trunk of the column does not have flutes, it rests, unlike the Doric one, on the base. PILON - a massive pillar, rectangular or round in plan, supporting the arch PILASTRA - a flat, rectangular in plan projection of the wall, having a base, trunk and capital like a column; serves for dividing the plane of the walls. BASE - the foot of the column, pilasters, pylon SPAN - the gap between the supports, columns, pilasters.

“The pedestal is raised from all sides by three ledges. They should not be understood as steps, it is not for nothing that they are too large for a human step: like the pedestal of a statue, they raise the temple above the Earth, isolate it from the environment. Columns grow directly from the pedestal. They are so massive and powerful, so closely spaced that they seem not to be a spacious through gallery, but a solid impenetrable wall. Their task is to carry, support the enormous weight hanging over their heads. This heavy covering is designed in such a way that it gives the impression not of a horizontal stone strip running around the temple, but again of a solid mass of stone lying parallel to the pedestal. To resist the pressure of gravity more firmly, square slabs are placed on the top of the columns. But the pressure is so powerful, the collision of force and gravity so abruptly, that the top of the column flattens into a round cushion and the column's body swells with tension. And yet the columns, as the embodiment of manpower, turn out to be the winners in this struggle against the inert mass. They not only restrain the gravity, but also, with their counter-onslaught, shatter its unity, continuing their emphasis in the vertical lines of triglyphs and raising the roof of the pediment's triangles. As a result, a complete balance of directions is established; a sense of deep confidence, unshakable firmness emanates from the Doric temple. Simple, strong and mean in their feelings people were the creators of the Dorian order. " B. R. Vipper "The Art of Ancient Greece"

Order system ORDER
- a certain combination of carriers and
bearing parts of post-beam structure,
their structure and artistic treatment.
includes bearing parts (column with
capital, base, sometimes with a pedestal) and
carried (architrave, frieze and cornice, in
the aggregates that make up the entablature).

There are three types of Greek orders:

Doric order.
Doric order, which appeared at the beginning of the 6th century. BC, can be considered the main
in the development of Greek architecture.
The strict and solemnly monumental Doric order, which appeared in
the beginning
6 c. BC e., consists of the following parts:
three-stage base - stereobath; bearing column.
Vertically, the column trunk was divided by flutes (vertical
grooves) with sharp edges.
The column ends with a capital consisting of an echina (flattened pillow) and
(tetrahedral slab.) of the carried part - entablature, including architrave
(horizontal beam lying on columns), frieze with alternating
(a plate with vertical grooves) and metopes (a plate made of
or ceramics decorated with relief or painting) and cornice.
The Doric style of architecture developed mainly in the Peloponnese and in
areas of the Greek world (Sicily).
The forms of the Doric style were influenced by Mycenaean architecture.


Ionic order
Strict geometry, massive simplicity, full of inner strength, imperious
the approval of the courageous beginning in art, the Ionic order (appeared around the middle of VI
v. BC) opposes the desire for decorativeness, for lightness of forms, smooth lines,
your more feminine inspiration. The Ionian order differed from the Doric one in proportions,
as well as the number and complexity of parts.
Thin columns with a base and high, but cut along the edges with flutes, were crowned
capitals with curls, shaped like a ram's horns - volutes.
There was an impost (thin horizontal gasket) above the volutes. Architrave included three
stripes protruding one above the other (fascia). The frieze was decorated with a relief image. V
the cornice was often carved with ornaments resembling eggs (ionics), leaves
(klimity) and beads.
The Ionian style developed mainly in Attica and in the eastern regions of the Mediterranean.
The functions of both of these orders were the same - the columns were built in order to
maintain horizontal floor beams. The difference was only in proportions and
decorations. Later, the famous Roman architect Vetruvius suggested that these
orders are the embodiment of the masculine and feminine principles. This hypothesis is supported by that
the fact that when the Greeks erected statues instead of columns, the Doric columns were replaced
statues of men (Atlanteans), and Ionic - statues of women (caryatids).
Doric and Ionic orders were widely used in all eras of the existence of the Ancient
Greece and in the construction of residential buildings or small galleries, and in the construction of large
along the length of the temples.

Temple of Niki Apteros

Corinthian order.
The Corinthian order appeared later than the two previous ones and in many ways resembled
The Corinthian order developed from the 5th century BC and finally
took shape at the end of the 4th century. BC NS.
The proportions of the Corinthian order are similar to the Ionic ones.
His characteristic feature was a high capital, decorated
relief images
leaves of anakfa - a poisonous plant.
The great soul of the Greek found its perfect embodiment in the column
with her strength and slenderness, bold takeoff and precise poise in the name of
the highest harmony.

The material contains theoretical and historical information about the main five Greek and Roman orders, colorful illustrations, illustrative examples and a test of knowledge. The presentation is made in accordance with the themes of the lessons according to the program of B.M. Nemensky Fine arts grades 5-9.



Presentation cover sheet

The presentation "The Order System" was compiled for 8th grade students in accordance with the themes of the lessons according to the program of the author BMNemensky "Fine arts grades 5-9", Moscow "Bustard", 1998. And this presentation can be used in extracurricular activities on fine art, MHC, technology.

  1. Presentation "Order System"
  2. Architectural orders are an order, a system of load-bearing and supported elements (supports and beams) on which the entire structure is supported
  3. The emergence of the order system influenced the variety of architectural structures, made it possible to use the rules in construction - the Canons
  4. Doric order- his artistic image is distinguished by simplicity and masculinity
  5. Considering many buildings of Ancient Greece, we pay attention to the magnificent colonnades. The warrant is the constructive basis of the building. The formation of the order system originates from the emergence of architecture itself; in the construction of temples, the order system acquired a visible image, splendor and beauty. The entablature is divided into architrave (lower main beam), frieze (middle part) and cornice (upper part). Doric frieze decorated with metopes with sculptural bas-reliefs
  6. Ionic order- personifies the image of a beautiful, mature woman, an expression of her grace and beauty
  7. The Ionian order is distinguished by lightness, harmony, grace. The Ionic capital is decorated with curls reminiscent of a woman's hairstyle. In gradation according to the degree of severity and lightness, it occupies an intermediate position between the stronger Doric and the slender and lighter Corinthian orders
  8. Corinthian order- later style, more decorative, the lightest and slender of the orders of the Greek system
  9. The column with flutes (longitudinal grooves) in the upper part has a capital, and the base of the column rests on the base. The column trunk tapers upwards. The frieze of the Corinthian order is decorated with decorative garlands
  10. Tuscan order- the strongest and heaviest of the orders of the Roman system. The form of the Tuscan order is borrowed from the Etruscan architecture, hence its name.
  11. The Tuscan order was given a place on the first floor, where it visually demonstrated resistance to the gravity lying on top. Tuscan order has no special decorations, heavy and durable in appearance
  12. Composite order- the lightest and most slender of all orders of the Roman system

The capital of the composite order is supplemented by four Ionic currencies. Its proportions in everything coincide with the Corinthian order.

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About a Greek house of the 6th and 5th centuries BC. little is known. We know that he had a very modest size and simple design. Several rooms where people cooked, dined, washed and slept surrounded a courtyard through which the rooms were illuminated. In the front rooms, the floors were often decorated with mosaics; utensils, especially ceramic vases, were distinguished by their sophistication of forms and subtlety of painting. All the achievements of ancient Greek architecture are associated with the construction of temples. The Olympic gods, wise and perfect, should have decent dwellings - temples. Residential buildings (even of the richest townspeople) were fragile and modest. Residential architecture

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The temple, dedicated to the patron god of the city, was built with the money of the city-polis and belonged to the entire society. Nominally remaining the dwelling of God, it served earthly, social purposes: it was a repository of the city treasury, artistic values. The temple was erected on the highest place, usually on the acropolis, dominating the city buildings, in the center of the city square, which served as a place for public meetings, festivals, and religious processions.

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HOME TASK Write down the meaning of the terms in a notebook and indicate in the picture: Entablature- Base- Architrave- Freeze- Cornice- Metopa- Flutes- Pediment- Triglyph-

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TYPES OF GREEK TEMPLES Temple in Antae Prostyle Amphiprostyle -peripter-dipter-false peripter (double peripter) (Roman)

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Temple of Poseidon in Paestum The classical, most common type of Greek temple was the peripter (which means "feathered") - a rectangular temple surrounded on all sides by columns. An example of such a temple is the Temple of Poseidon at Paestum. Plan of a Greek temple. Peripter.

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A - Doric, B - Ionic, C - Corinthian. The numbers show the parts of the order: 1 - cornice, 2 - frieze, 3 - architrave (cornice, frieze and architrave together form an entablature), 4 - capital, 5 - column trunk, 6 - base.

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As a result of the long evolution of the temple, an architectural system was formed, later called the order (which means "order"). An order is a system of relationships between columns (bearing part) and entablature (carrying part). PARTS OF THE ORDER ON THE TOP: ARCHITRAVE FRIES Eaves form an ANTABLEMENT

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a column, placed on a base or without a base, standing on a stylobate (upper slab of a stone base); the column is decorated with a capital on which the supporting beam - architrave rests, which together with the decorative frieze and cornice forms an entablature. The Greek architectural order consisted of the following elements:

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DORIC ORDER In the archaic era, the order was formed in two versions: Doric and Ionic. Temple of Athena at Paestum. Built around 570. The Doric order took shape in the Peloponnese and in the Greek colonies in Sicily and in southern Italy.

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DORIC ORDER The Doric peripter stood on a stone base - a stereobath (usually of three steps). The column, decorated with vertical grooves - flutes, did not have a base, it was completed by a simple round pillow, above it was a square slab. According to the Greeks, the Doric order is the embodiment of the idea of ​​masculinity, severity, simplicity. The columns of Doric temples were subsequently often replaced by male figures (Atlanteans).

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IONIC ORDER Caryatids of the Temple of the Erechtheion The Ionian order was most widespread in Asia Minor and on the islands of the Aegean Sea. The trunk of the Ionic column was originally thinner than the trunk of the Doric column, which confirms its origin from the wooden structure. The Ionian Column has a base. Temple of Nike Apteros

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IONIC ORDER The Ionic order was lighter, more elegant, ornate. The slender colonnade had a base at its base and was decorated with a capital in the form of two graceful curls, which are called volutes. Columns of the Ionic order were often replaced by female figures (caryatids).

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CORINTHIAN ORDER in the era of classics, the third order was developed - the Corinthian, close in proportion to the Ionic, but even more slender and festive.

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CORINTH ORDER By the end of the 5th century. BC. a third architectural order, the Corinthian one, arose. Its columns are as graceful as the columns of the Ionic order, and the entablature is more magnificent. The Corinthian capital resembles an inverted bell, composed of two rows of acanthus leaves with spiral vine tendrils at the corners.

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HOME ASSIGNMENT: The Greek architectural order found application not only in ancient architecture, but also became the main element of the architecture of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism. WRITE IN THE TABLE IN THE NOTEBOOK YOU KNOWN HISTORICAL BUILDINGS WHERE THE SYSTEM OF GREEK ORDERS IS APPLIED ON THE LEFT AND THE YEAR OF CREATION ON THE RIGHT.

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Son of Kronos and Rhea. Lord of the gods, the progenitor of gods and people. Temple of Zeus at Olympia DETERMINE TEMPLE TYPE AND ORDER The Temple of Zeus at Olympia, built between 468 and 456. BC. architect Libon, had the significance of a general Hellenic sanctuary and was the largest temple in the entire Poloponnese. The temple is almost completely destroyed, but on the basis of excavations and descriptions of the ancient authors of its general form can be reconstructed quite accurately.

The Doric style is the most simple and concise. Doris was the name of the mountainous area in Central Greece, where the Dorian tribes settled, who were distinguished by strict military discipline, a simple way of life, brought with them the art of a severe "geometric style", became the authors of new architecture. It is believed that the Doric order has the same strict, courageous and powerful character. The main distinguishing features of this order are as follows. The columns of this order do not have a base; the trunk is mounted directly on the stylobate. The trunk in the Doric order is covered with vertical flutes, the number of which is usually no more than twenty. The Doric capital consists of two elements: a round pillow - echina and a square slab - abacus lying on it. The Doric style entablature has the following features: architrave - smooth. The frieze always consists of two alternating parts - slightly protruding plates of "triglyphs" and "metopes", which have relief images or paintings. Above the frieze is the cornice. The cornice and the gable roof form a triangular pediment. The oldest, squat building of this type is the Temple of Poseidon in Paestum. More slender proportions are at the Doric columns of the famous Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens.