Presentation on slaves in ancient rome

Who are the plebeians? Free citizens of Rome the newcomer population of Ancient Rome Slaves Who are the patricians? military leaders immigrants from the provinces all the indigenous population of the tribal community Who is a consul? Elected Plebeian Administrators in Ancient Rome Wealthy Slave Owners Elected Patrician Administrators in Ancient Rome What is a Veto? Prohibition imposed on action unilaterally Authorization to perform any action Place of meetings of consuls People's tribune Officials appointed by the kings Elected administrators from the plebeians in Ancient Rome Elected administrators from the patricians in ancient Rome b a c a b c Test Topic: a b c a b c a b c

What is a republic? A state that owns a large number of colonies A state in which power is elected by the people A state in which power is inherited What is a Forum? The main street of Ancient Rome The highest mountain in Italy The square in the center of Ancient Rome, the seat of the Senate In what year was the ban on debt slavery? in 146 BC. NS. in 326 BC. NS. in 509 BC In what year did the establishment of the republic in Rome take place? in 509 BC. NS. in 326 BC. NS. in 146 BC. NS. In what year did Carthage fall? in 509 BC. NS. in 146 BC. NS. in 326 BC. NS. b a c a b c Test Topic: a b c a b c a b c

A. The king of the mountainous country of Epirus, who was considered the best commander of his time. In the spring of 280 BC. he landed in Italy with 20 thousand soldiers and 20 elephants. Unprecedented animals instilled fear in the Roman soldiers and the king won the first two battles, but suffered such great losses that an expression was born that meant a victory, obtained at too high a price. Who are we talking about? Answer p. 210 of the textbook Pyrrhus - king of Epirus

The punished were used on hard work in the rise of water in the mines Others-made rowers on military galleys. Others were made rowers in military galleys. To prevent them from escaping, they were chained to the oars. chained to the oars. The hardest work was in the quarries, where the slaves dragged heavy boulders.

3. Slaves in a rich house. They cleaned the house, cooked food, looked after the owner ... Among the slaves there were many educated people - teachers, doctors, artists, librarians (they were mostly Greeks). The absence of slaves was a sign of poverty. Slaves were widely used in the homes of the Romans.

4. Slave gladiators. They were most often slaves, prisoners, or criminals. At first, the battles took place in circuses, and then amphitheaters were built for them. At first, the battles took place in circuses, and then amphitheaters were built for them. The duration of the battles reached 117 days. The favorite entertainment of the Romans was gladiator fights.

At home: § 49c Read the documents, answer the questions at the end of the paragraph. Complete tasks in a workbook.

Slavery in Ancient Rome
Mukhametdinova Rimma Ravilov history teacher Muslyumov gymnasium
Lesson plan
Slavery Slaves on the estate Slaves in the rich house Gladiator games are a favorite sight of the Romans
Remember what sources of slavery do you know?
Think about the main source of slavery in ancient Rome? Why?
Slavery for debt
Children of slaves
Captured by pirates
prisoners of war
By court verdict
A slave is a person deprived of all rights and is the complete property of the owner. A slave owner is a master of slaves.
The estate is the land ownership of a rich person.
The masters called the slaves “talking tools.” Think, what does this name say? What did the slaves on the estate do? They grew olives, Weaved baskets, ropes. grape
The maintenance of slaves was very cheap: - once a year, slaves were given a shirt; - once every two years, a raincoat and wooden sandals.
The hopelessly sick slaves were taken to an island on the Tiber River, leaving them there to die.
For the slightest offenses, the slaves were punished: flogged, held in chains.
Not having a single slave was considered a sign of extreme poverty. There were a lot of slaves in the homes of rich people. Think about what the slaves in the house could do? Cleaned the room Prepared food Served at the table Sang, danced, entertained Slave doctor Slave librarian Slave secretary
Any slave was deprived of rights, was considered a thing that the owner could dispose of as he wished.
Gladiators are strong and agile slaves specially trained for battle in amphitheaters.
The amphitheater is a special structure for spectacles, gladiatorial games, in which the seats were located around the arena.
Gladiators fought to complete victory. The wounded and exhausted fighter threw down his weapon and raised his left hand, begging for mercy.
Fragment from the feature film "Spartacus" Director S. Kubrick. 1960 To view, click on the picture
Think and explain the Roman proverb: "How many slaves, so many enemies."
Homework: Read Section 49 Individual Flashcards
Internet resources

Is slavery a relic of the past or an actual problem? December 2 is celebrated annually as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. On this day in 1949, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention for the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and the Exploitation of Others. Yet slavery remains one of the global problems modernity.

Slaves also worked in city craft workshops. Usually, even here, they were entrusted with the most difficult and dirtiest work. In the pottery workshops, they dragged and kneaded clay, and free artisans were engaged in molding and painting vessels. In the estates of slave owners, slaves pressed grapes, squeezed oil from olives. V agriculture there were fewer slaves than in the craft.

There were many domestic slaves in Athens and other Greek states. They were cooks, grooms, teachers. They clothed and fed the slave owners, taught their children. A slave was not considered a human being. He was given a nickname like an animal. The owner could always beat the slave for some kind of guilt or simply out of a whim, taking out his bad mood on him.

Cruel treatment, backbreaking work pushed the slaves to fight their masters. Sometimes, unable to endure bondage, in fear of punishment, the slave tried to flee. The slaves fled both alone and in groups of several tens or even hundreds of people.

Whether or not a person is a slave is determined on the basis of three main criteria: 1. human activities are controlled by violence or the threat of violence; 2.the person is in this place and is engaged in this type of activity against his will and cannot change the situation due to on their own; 3. He receives negligible remuneration for work, or does not receive it at all.

Slide 2

Combined lesson plan

Homework check. Learning a new topic. PLAN Sources of slavery in ancient Rome. The use of slave labor in ancient Rome. Consolidation of the studied material.

Slide 3

Explain concepts

Plebeians Patricians Consul Republic People's Tribune Veto Forum

Slide 4

What the dates say

509 BC NS. 594 BC NS. 443 BC NS. 326 BC NS. 146 BC NS.

Slide 5

Who are we talking about:

  • Slide 6

    The king of the mountainous country of Epirus, who was considered the best commander of his time. In the spring of 280 BC. he landed in Italy with 20 thousand soldiers and 20 elephants. Unprecedented animals instilled fear in the Roman soldiers and the king won the first two battles, but suffered such great losses that an expression was born that meant a victory at too high a price.

    Slide 7

    B. An eminent Greek scientist who lived in Syracuse, whose invented machines raised and overturned Roman ships, ignited them with the help of huge lenses. He died in 212 BC. NS.

    Slide 8

    B. Outstanding 24-year-old Roman general who expelled the Carthaginians from Spain (for which he received a triumph and consular power), who won a decisive victory over Hannibal's army near the city of Zama.

    Slide 9

    1. For what purposes did Rome wage war in the II century BC? How many wars were Rome with Carthage? Which of the opponents of this war do you sympathize with? Why? 2. What areas did the Romans call provinces? What is the first Roman province?

    Slide 10

    Using the map, tell about one of the Roman conquests

  • Slide 11

    Triumph of the Roman Emperor

  • Slide 12

    Slave markets

    In major cities In the center of Rome On the island of Delos

    Slide 13

    Sources of slavery in ancient Rome

    Prisoners Slaves for debts Children of slaves Sold by pirates Sold by slave traders

    Slide 14

    Slave labor in ancient Rome

    Slave labor in Rome: slaves pave the street; four slaves carry the master on a stretcher; behind them is an elderly slave accompanying the boy to school.

    Slide 15

    Slave labor on the slave owner's estate

  • Slide 16

    In the Roman amphitheater

  • Slide 17

    check yourself

    1.A large number of slaves in ancient Rome appeared as a result of: A. self-sale B. conquests B. long-term slavery 2. Gladiator competitions took place: A. in the circus B. in the amphitheater C. in the slave-owner's estate 3. Common in the position of slaves was: A. careful attitude towards them B. complete lack of rights C. caring attitude towards them 4. common in views Roman scholars to slaves were: A. respect for them B. contempt the desire to protect their rights 5. The gladiator is ...

    Think: what are the objectives of our lesson?

    Today in the lesson I want:

    • to know…
    • to find out…
    • understand…

    Lesson plan:

    Find out why slavery was dangerous for the Roman Empire.

    Find out: what kind of work did the slaves do, what groups of slaves existed?

    Define the concepts of "slave", "slavery"

    Replay the beginning of the history of Roman civilization


    1. So that Italy on the map

    Find in a short time,

    Remember, you need a peninsula

    Find similar to ...

    2. Of course, the way there is not close,

    To the peninsula ...

    Quite impassable

    Steep mountains ...

    3. Where the Tiber is deep

    Flows into green valleys

    Settled in deep antiquity

    Hardworking ...

    4. Until now in the Museum of Rome

    There is even a monument to her.

    And how can you not be surprised

    That saved the kids ...

    5. Romulus gave the name to the place,

    This is because im

    The city was founded ...

    6. He was young and talented

    And he was known as a daredevil for everyone.

    And he fought bravely with Rome -

    That Carthaginian ...

    7. Established the rule of Rome,

    He conquered many countries:

    Became an omnipotent master

    In ... overnight.

    Lesson Topic: SLAVERY


    Think: What is the status of the person in the bandage? A man in a tunic?

    Write in your notebook:

    Slave Is a person deprived of all rights and is the complete property of the owner.

    Slave owner Is the master of slaves.

    Consider: Did the Romans condemn slavery?

    “There is nothing more perfect than our society. We have nothing that would be contrary to justice and virtue. As for the slaves, they, in fact, should not be taken into account. " Aurelian.

    Capturing people by pirates and selling them into slavery

    Capture of prisoners in wars

    How did people get into slavery?

    The main sources of slavery

    Provincial slavery for tax evasion

    Children of slaves became slaves

    Working with the tutorial

    read § 49 point 3

    "Slaves in a rich house"

    view the illustrations for the paragraph.

    Slave labor in the house slave owner

    Find answers to questions:

    1) Where else was slave labor used?

    2) How was the life of "domestic" slaves different from the life of slaves working in quarries, the estates of slave owners?


    The gods cursed mad Rome, the city of abandoned women and cripples.

    Here they swallow poisoned smoke, cut the veins with a blade.

    Here, on holidays, people go to watch how a man beats in agony, how ferocious death feasts in the yellow circle of the arena.

    Strength brings freedom: conquer and become a star! maybe you will find peace ...

    Your enemy is dusty, pitiful and weak, a hunted, wounded slave.

    Another second, and he will say: "Kill!" the emperor's finger! Do not contradict holy fate, the crowd howls, feels the blood. The life of a gladiator is not worth the sorrow of either wives or friends.

    Read the poem "Colosseum" Alexandra Elina.

    Answer the questions:

    1. What was the name of a special group of slaves of Ancient Rome?

    2. What did they do?

    3. What danger did they pose to the empire?



    Modern reconstruction

    Think: where did the gladiators perform?

    Circus performance

    Drawing - reconstruction


    Modern look

    Lesson summary:

    1.What did we do?

    2. What have you learned?

    3. What have you learned?

    4. What will be the topic of the next lesson?

    5. Did you achieve the objectives of the lesson?