How to quit so as not to be owed. If the employer does not dismiss voluntarily. How to make up your mind and understand that it's time to quit

Scientists claim that every person thinks about getting laid off on a daily basis. This happens on a subconscious level. It is very difficult to consciously decide to fire. Especially if this place of work is associated with a large segment of time worked and a good team. Layoff plans are hatched for months. The process of weighing all the pros and cons can take a very long period. it main mistake the one who is going to leave the familiar place of work.

Don't put off making a decision until tomorrow

Why is it hard to quit

Most people are unable to make a decision to dismiss in an instant. This is influenced by the person's inner beliefs, which are based on emotions and mentality. There are certain categories of workers who find it monstrously difficult to decide to change jobs:

  1. Employees who grew up in the company. When a person comes to work immediately after school, he is accepted into an established team, trained, after a certain time he begins to consider himself obligated to this enterprise for his professional growth. Dismissal from such a job is tantamount to leaving the family. All the most advantageous offers pale in comparison with the beloved and dear team.
  2. Successful employees. Any person who has achieved certain results has some kind of psychological connection with their workplace. Here he successfully implemented several projects, achieved an increase in sales, expanded retail network... In such conditions, a change of place of work is based on the feeling that your brainchild will have to be abandoned to the mercy of fate.
  3. Uncommunicative people. It will always be difficult for such workers to decide on a change. Anything new can bring discomfort to a long-established and measured working life.

Psychologists advise making a decision to dismiss, despite the severity of such an event. If a trip to work has turned into a trip to hard labor, then it urgently needs to be changed. Daily torture with work will bring even more discomfort to your usual life than emotional condition employee from accepting a break in emotional attachments.

Work is not fun - it's time to leave

How it all starts

Taking and resigning is sometimes more difficult than accepting a new job offer. These are the features of our inner world, when it is several times easier for us to start something new than to finish something existing.

According to statistics, more than 75% of workers start and end their day with the thought of dismissal. And very few people can come to their boss and announce their intention to part with the company without lengthy and thorough preparation. For the desire to permanently close the doors of this company, to escape from the hated collective, the bosses, a long string of thoughts instantly appears that do not allow you to take this step.

Such excuses in our eyes seem to be reasonable arguments in favor of staying and enduring a little more. But no one admits that this is self-deception that covers up simple human indecision.

Someone thinks that you just need to wait until it gets better. Others attach importance to themselves, making the excuse that they cannot quit what they have begun. Some are afraid that the dismissal entry in the work book will play a bad joke with them in the future.

You can come up with an infinite number of excuses. The result of this will be regret that the decision to leave the hated job was not made much earlier.

Don't wait for the right opportunity, because it will never come.

Main reasons

A clearly formulated list of reasons will help to give confidence in the correctness of the decision. First you need to write ten reasons for dismissal on a piece of paper. This list should be re-read periodically. Arrange the reasons you have collected in descending order of importance. Among them are the following:

  1. You hate work.
  2. Sunday evening is ruined by the thought of going to work.
  3. In the morning, you watch the minute hand on your watch, hoping to bring the end of your day closer.
  4. You have no desire to communicate with team members in an informal setting.
  5. The results from doing the work are not satisfying.
  6. Often there is a desire to evade assignments.
  7. You started looking for vacancies in other companies.

Determine for yourself that you need to find two new reasons to quit each week. Here, a number of reasons will work to bolster your intentions to quit.

The more reasons for dismissal, the easier it is to do it.

Why don't they quit

Psychologists pay attention to the fact that there are situations when you should not quit:

  1. If the reason for leaving is a bad leader for you. According to experts, the bosses are not happy with anyone.
  2. If you don't like the team. In a new place of work, colleagues can find it even harder.
  3. If you are overwhelmed by a spontaneous decision to open your own business. To do this, you first need to create capital, monitor the market for the relevance of your undertaking.
  4. When the other half began to earn significantly more. This can be a fickle factor and you have to go back to your old job.

Stay in the same place

Another list is worth writing. This will be a list of the reasons that keep you in this job. On this leaflet, the number of points should decrease weekly by one or two reasons.

For each factor preventing you from leaving your employer, come up with an alternative. The fewer items remain on this list, the easier it will be to leave the company.

Consider even minor flaws

When compiling such lists, do not forget the slightest annoyances that create uncomfortable working conditions.

Ideas of the ideal job

Psychologists advise to sit down at the table and write a list, which should consist of one hundred points. These are the main points that characterize the vision of the ideal job.

Every morning the thought of work should bring a smile

The list can be either typed in any text editor or handwritten. The second option is preferable. In this case, the process of creation slows down, but becomes more conscious and balanced.

When compiling such a list, it is worth using some rules:

  1. The list must be made in one go. You can not be distracted by doing other things.
  2. You cannot check what is written.
  3. All items must be unique.
  4. It is necessary to list everything. The list should include both global moments and trifles.

Analyzing this list, in the first 30 points you can see the reflection of daily thoughts about the need to change jobs. The next 40 numbers are transitional moments from everyday life to real ideas. The last 30 theses reflect the real goals and desires of the employee.

After rereading the carefully compiled list, mark the items that are present at the place of work. Your present to absent ratio will help you know when it's time to quit.


Another way to figure out whether to quit is to prioritize yourself. Today work provides a stable income, sometimes even bonuses. The enterprise is working, does not plan to close. This is what stops most people from writing a letter of resignation.

In contrast to these points, one can put the absence career growth, general dissatisfaction with work. Such moments minimize all attempts to live a fulfilling life.

You cannot justify yourself by waiting for a suitable opportunity. Such a case will never come. You need to correctly build a chain of priorities. If the work has ceased to be an outlet, does not bring satisfaction, then feel free to write a letter of resignation.

When work is not the first place in your priorities, you need to leave

Overcome fears

Despite the insanely annoying team, the tyrant boss, low salaries, you are still afraid of being fired. Various fears can prevent you from making a decision to change jobs:

  1. The fear of being unemployed or finding a new job is even worse than today.
  2. Fear of not being significant.
  3. Fear of what people will say.
  4. The possibility of obtaining less wages.

To stop being afraid of being out of work, you need to raise your self-esteem. Otherwise, there will be no opportunity to change jobs. She herself will not come. To build confidence, read the affirmations daily morning and evening:

Every employee has the right to be noticed and appreciated. When applying for a new job, any person needs to start anew to achieve the respect of the team, the recognition of their professionalism. Do not forget that absolutely all employees employed in a particular enterprise are of equal importance in the production process performed.

If work has ceased to be a comfort zone, then you should not feel guilty before the company for wanting to work in better conditions.

The human mentality is such that they will condemn all the same: you write a statement for the calculation or remain faithful to your enterprise.

The amount of salary is a strong argument to stay in the same place of work. In conditions of discomfort, it is worth reassessing your value system. If you have no time to spend the money you receive, you have to use your free time to restore your mental strength, then the cost of these pieces of paper drops sharply.

Deal with your rhinestones before quitting your job. This will help free life from an unloved occupation and from a heavy burden of negative emotions.

Skills and abilities

When you have decided on all the reasons for dismissal and dealt with your fears, you need to decide what you want to do next. Make a list of your abilities, skills that can help you realize your favorite job.

Mentally tune yourself to the fact that the new place of work will become a comfort zone. The assignments that will have to be carried out will be interesting. You will easily join the new team. The responsibilities entrusted to you will not become a burden.

With these thoughts in mind, a list of the best skills can be easily compiled. Confidence and determination will come with him.

A list of abilities or skills will give firmness to your decision.

Support for loved ones

It is difficult for a person to decide on a change in his life. This applies to any event. Therefore, it is very important that relatives or friends end up in the allies' camp and approve of their intentions.

Without support and under the pressure of fears, a person makes a weak decision

In order not to be left alone with possible problems from dismissal, it is advisable to enlist the support of like-minded people. To do this, you need to explain to your loved ones that the decision to quit is important to you. In the camp of like-minded people it is worth taking those people who think not in stereotypes, but on the basis of life's realities. When giving advice, they should be guided by a desire to help make the right decision and survive the consequences of its implementation.

Such a step before changing jobs is important even because people can help with advice, assess the situation from the outside. It may happen that you change your mind about quitting. But in most cases, family support can help you overcome your fears, making you more confident and stronger.

Possible financial difficulties

It will be much easier for any person to quit if he is sure that during the search new job will not be shy. If you are thinking of quitting, you should take care of a certain amount of funds.

In order not to feel disadvantaged, it is advisable to have the amount of funds based on the six-month budget. One of the options for accumulating the necessary funds is to postpone part of the wages. It is worth considering other options for ensuring your life needs. It can be a part-time job, a combination of positions.

Save some money from each paycheck in a piggy bank

The more confident a person will be in tomorrow, the easier it will be for him to write an application for calculation.

Action plan

Before leaving your usual place of work, draw up a kind of action plan for the first time after leaving. In this regard, there should be absolutely everything that you plan to do.

This even applies to the period of idleness. This is how it should be reflected in your plan: a two-week vacation. During this period of time, it is necessary to put your thoughts and deeds in order.

An action plan should be drawn up for each day. In it you need to pay attention to the smallest details. This is necessary so that in the first time after dismissal a person does not lose the ability to work.

The plan should contain descriptions of the goal, the means and skills that you have to achieve it. If you decide to find a job on the Internet, to become a freelancer, then the action plan may include the following points:

  1. I want to find a job as a call center operator remotely within one month.
  2. To do this kind of work, I have a well-posed speech, I am quite sociable.
  3. I have all the necessary technical means to do this job.
  4. I want to become a call center operator to realize my capabilities.

A plan like this can be a great incentive to get fired from a boring job. When drawing up a plan, it is better to play it safe and prepare three versions of such a document: the best, the worst and the realistic. Life can throw all kinds of surprises, and best plan won't work. And you will be ready for any development of the situation.


The last step in changing jobs is communicating your decision to management. Here, a collision with difficulties is inevitable. The dismissal process can be delayed. In most cases, management is reluctant to part with subordinates. Bosses find more and more reasons to leave a person in the same place.

This is not a reason to despair. Mentally repeat to yourself that you are parting with your unloved work, you will be doing what you love, ready for change. Write a letter of resignation, give it to management and do not regret what you did.

There are many new and interesting things ahead. On the day of dismissal from an unloved job labor activity does not end. New achievements and interesting people await ahead.

Many people are not ready to write a letter of resignation. This is how our world works.

We are ready to endure injustice towards ourselves in fear of letting the “tit” out of our hands, rarely thinking that the “pie” in the sky can do more good for us.

If a difficult atmosphere develops at the workplace, dissatisfaction with oneself as a specialist grows, do not linger in this "swamp". Write a statement, pay off. Your life will take on different colors and sparkle in a new way.

According to Labor Code Russian Federation, in some cases, the employer can initiate the termination of the contract with the employee. Sometimes the termination of such relations occurs on a mutual desire with the wording "by agreement of the parties." The most common reason for completing an activity is the employee's desire. How to properly resign on your own, observing all the legal subtleties? And what to do when the employer won't let go?

Timeframes and procedure for dismissal

About caring for on their own the employee gives at least 14 days' notice in writing. The trainee is obliged to declare the planned retirement no later than 3 days, the leader or sports coach - one month in advance. If the application is submitted, for example, today, the working off begins tomorrow. However, by agreement of the parties, the period established by law before parting may be shorter.

With documentary evidence, persons enrolled in educational institutions or who have changed their place of residence. The same right applies to pensioners, people caring for disabled people of the first group. The obligation to stay temporarily in place is also removed in the event that the employer has violated the terms of the collective agreement. Important: the fact of non-observance of the employee's rights must be recorded by the court, the commission on labor disputes, trade union or labor inspectorate.

How to properly quit on your own? The procedure is as follows:

  • Writing a statement before dismissal. For the entire period of warning, the employee retains the right to revoke the document.
  • Preparation by the personnel service of a dismissal order in accordance with Form No. T-8 (8a). The document must contain the details of the application and a reference to paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code.
  • Acquaintance with the order of the employee, confirmation of which will be the signature. If this is not possible, a note is made on the document that the employee refused or was absent.
  • Making a record of dismissal in the personal account and personal card, work book.
  • Issuance of basic documents on the day of dismissal. At the request of the employee, copies of the order, certificate (2-NDFL, on wages, insurance premiums) can also be provided.

On the last day of work, a financial settlement is made. If the employee was not on the spot, the entire amount due must be paid within 24 hours after the request. Estimated include salary and compensation for unused vacation... This also includes additional payments specified in the labor (collective) agreement. Upon dismissal of an employee who was previously granted leave in advance, a recalculation is made. At the end, a note must be drawn up in the form of T-61.

You can calculate the amount of compensation for unused vacation yourself using.

How to write and submit a letter of resignation?

There is no standard application form, but it is still drawn up according to the rules. In the document drawn up to the head of the organization, the full name and position of the employee who wants to leave must be indicated. Then they ask to be dismissed "of their own free will" and write on what date it must be done. The reason for leaving is indicated only when they claim to be fired without working. On demand personnel service such a statement will need to be supported by appropriate documents. For example, it can be a copy of a passport with a discharge note and a release sheet, a medical certificate, and so on. At the end of the document, the date of its preparation is indicated, and the signature is put.

It is better to hand over the application to the chief in person in two copies. One sheet should remain with the manager, and the second (with a mark on the acceptance of the document) - with the employee. A duplicate of the application is necessary for the resigning person in case of disputes with the employer. An alternative option for submitting a document is by mail. The application is sent in a valuable letter, having previously filled out the list of attachments (in 2 copies) and a delivery receipt on the mail forms. This method is good in that the boss will not be able to ignore the document submitted to him, and the employee will have documentary confirmation of the fact that the papers were delivered. Important: the working period should be calculated from the date of delivery of the letter to the boss, indicated in the mail notification.

How to quit during illness or vacation?

A temporarily disabled employee can also leave work of his own free will. If the last day of presence in the office indicated in the application falls on the time of illness, the contract is terminated without the dismissed. On the order, a note is made that the employee was absent, so it was not possible to familiarize him with the document.

An employee can receive a work book himself when he recovers, or by mail. The settlement should be paid to him immediately after the presentation of such a demand. This should happen either on the same day or on the next day. Within 10 days after the provision of the sick leave, the organization is obliged to calculate the temporary disability benefit. The assigned amount is issued on the next payday.

Dismissal on the initiative of an employee can occur before or during vacation. You can write a corresponding statement 14 calendar days before the rest. This can be done directly during the vacation period. In the first case, the two weeks allotted by law are considered working hours. In the application, the request for annual paid leave is supplemented with the phrase “with subsequent dismissal”. Issuance of a work book and settlement with the employee must be made on the day preceding the start of the rest. But to appear as the date of dismissal, the papers will contain the last vacation day. Important: if desired, the boss can refuse to provide such rest, since the law does not oblige him to do so.

When submitting an application during vacation, the employer cannot demand an urgent exit from the subordinate to the enterprise. If two weeks of the proposed working off fall on vacation, the employee will no longer have to appear on the spot. He must receive both money and documents related to dismissal during the vacation period. It also happens that it is only partially possible to walk the warning period. In this case, after the vacation, they go to work to spend the remaining days of the two-week work there. Further, the dismissal takes place according to the standard procedure.

What to do when the letter of resignation is not accepted?

If the employer does not accept the application and does not dismiss, the employee can send documents to the office and document management department of the organization. How to do this by mail has already been discussed. Until the moment specified in the application, the job duties fully. The right not to go to work appears when the warning period has expired.

Not having received work book, you can go to court with a demand for all days of delay in issuing documents to collect average earnings from the organization (paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 234). The employee is also entitled to compensation for moral damage (paragraph 14 of part 1 of article 21, article 237). The inaction of the manager is subject to appeal in a court of general jurisdiction. It is possible to protect labor rights through the trade union of the organization, the territorial division of Rostrud, and the prosecutor's office.

There are also legal problems associated with illegal dismissal at will. It is considered as such when the application for the employee was written by another person or the document is completely absent. If a forgery is found, the employee should file a lawsuit with the requirement to restore it, as well as a petition for a handwriting examination. If a conscientious leader wants to hedge, he must accept only those statements that are written by hand and in his presence.

Another condition under which the dismissal is recognized as illegal is the writing of a statement under duress. It is difficult to prove that leaving work was dictated not by one's own desire, but by pressure from the side of the management, therefore winning cases of this kind are rare. Procedural violations may be the reason for recognizing the dismissal as illegal. Disregard of the norms is sometimes indicated by the discrepancy between the dates specified in the application and the order.

Thus, so that in the future neither of the parties will challenge the dismissal at will, the letter of the law should be strictly adhered to.

If you decide to quit, no matter what the reason, you should do it right, saying goodbye to your former boss and colleagues according to all the rules.Even if you want to quit everything in one second, you need to curb your emotions and leave with dignity. Remember that in the near future you will have to go through a new interview to be accepted for another job. It is possible that the next employer wants to contact your former boss.

To get a good opinion of you, do the right thing.

Before applying, try to complete all your current projects to the maximum, so as not to leave "tails" to colleagues, burdening them with your flaws. You may have to deal with these people more than once in the future.

What is the right way to quit, where to start?

If you are determined to be fired, it is imperative that your boss be the first to know. If such information reaches him in the form of rumors from other colleagues, you risk appearing in the eyes of this person in a far from favorable light.

Choose the right moment to tell your boss you want to leave the company. This should not be Monday, always busy with drawing up plans, the beginning of the working day, when everyone is in a hurry, or, on the contrary, its end, when people are no longer in the mood for serious conversations. Report your decision calmly and kindly, express your willingness to work out the two weeks prescribed by law. Perhaps, with such a responsible approach, you can even achieve a reduction in the working time.

You must understand that not everyone behaves adequately, because they do not know how to properly quit. Take action as appropriate. If it is necessary to explain the reasons for dismissal in some cases, instead of the required honesty, it is better to turn to diplomacy. If you leave because you are not satisfied with the boss himself, then it is better not to voice such a reason. Say you got over interesting offer with a good salary or your family circumstances have changed and you need to move to another area of ​​the city. You can add that you are sorry to leave the team and you value the professional experience that you have gained while working for the company.

Apply as soon as you notify your superiors. The sooner you sign it, the faster you can leave.

What is the right way to quit if a replacement has already been selected for you? Transfer all cases to a new employee without giving up this responsibility. Do everything calmly to leave a good opinion of yourself. Leave him your to-do list and key work contacts.

Leaving, by tradition, arrange a small buffet table and thank your colleagues for working together. This will not require much effort from you and will help maintain good relations with everyone. If it was pleasant for you to work with these people, you can even prepare small souvenirs for them in memory of jointly launched projects and negotiations held.

However, it does not always proceed as smoothly as we would like. Sometimes the employer tries to create barriers to dismissal. At best, he promises to raise the salary if you agree to stay, and sometimes it comes to threats of dismissal under an article or refusal to sign an application. Even so, there is no need to be upset. What is the correct way to quit your job in this case? By law, this can be done even without the signature of the boss. To do this, the fact of your application must be documented by transferring it to the office with all the formalities or by sending it by mail by registered mail with notification. After 14 days, the employer will be obliged to give you a calculation and return your labor.

What is the right way to quit if you have to work for two weeks in conditions of emotional pressure before that? Restrain your emotions, pull yourself together and do not succumb to provocations. Do not allow yourself to be late for a minute, do the work accurately and as quickly as possible, follow all the formalities that you may not have had to follow before, so as not to give a reason to find fault with the quality of your work. Good luck!

Question: I want to quit my job, but they won't let me go without working off. I work on a rotational basis... Is it possible to quit without completing 2 weeks? What article is there on this in the labor code?

The official place of work, reflected in the entry in the work book, at some point may be an obstacle to the implementation of new plans or the implementation of some urgent matters. The reason for this may not be fatigue or a "bad boss", but whatever. Sometimes, you don't want to leave your work collective at all, but it is necessary to quit.

Moreover, this must be done as soon as possible - to quit without completing 2 weeks, which is required by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This norm is regulated by Articles No. 77, 78 and 80, which give the employee the right to terminate employment contract on personal initiative after a written request. The employer must be notified exactly two weeks before the desired departure date.

Obviously, the very fact of writing such a statement does not give the employee the long-awaited freedom from the employer and ahead of him - those very obligatory two weeks of work.

Indeed, there are ways to quit, bypassing the deadline. Moreover, this does not require breaking the law or "cheating" in some way. Everything is not so difficult, read and remember, this publication will give an exhaustive answer to this, for some, not just an important, but an urgent question.

Employee's rights and obligations upon dismissal

First, a little more theory. The term of work - 14 days - keeps its account not from the moment of writing (and, what is important, signing by the head!) Of the letter of resignation, but starting from the next day. You only need to count calendar days, regardless of the number of work shifts in this period.

Legal dismissal after three days of service

Certain categories of workers are not subject to this obligation and may require them to be fired within three days. These include company employees passing through probation(Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The same list also includes specialists with whom only a temporary (article 292 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or seasonal (article 296 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) contract is concluded, the term of which is limited to two months. Representatives of these categories employees have the right to leave work in the company three days after notifying the manager of this desire.

But force majeure happens and time cannot be turned back, what can be done?

You should not neglect the opportunity to talk with management about the early resignation of obligations. The employer has such a right - to dismiss without requiring work. The above-mentioned article 77 allows you to terminate the contract by agreement of both parties at any time.

This version is very real for an employee of a small private company in the absence of the need to complete a certain amount of work. If there is direct access to the person making such decisions, then it is worth talking directly. A one-on-one conversation, in which an employee can explain the motives for an early separation, can cause an understanding of the manager who will meet the employee halfway. The received signature in the application for leaving of your own free will - and you can start saying goodbye to colleagues, and the next morning forget the way to the office.

However, what to do when it is necessary to quit without working two weeks, but the management does not want to delve into the essence and enter into the position of the employee? The so-called special circumstances... They will need to be described in the application and be ready to provide evidence or documentary evidence. Here it is also necessary to indicate the desired dismissal period. If the employee's demand after filing such an application is left unheeded, he can go to court.

Other cases and "special circumstances" for the possibility of immediate dismissal

Applicants have the right to early termination of the work process educational institutions... This fact must be confirmed by a certificate of admission, which will be issued by the university. People who have reached the retirement age, as well as currently working pensioners and disabled people, are allowed to quit without work.

Conflict situation with the employer due to his violation of the Labor Code and other regulatory legal acts describing the norms labor law, abuse of authority and other illegal actions is another weighty argument that obliges the employer to terminate the contract at a time convenient for the employee.

It is worth focusing on cases of delayed wages, non-compliance with the terms of vacation pay (no later than three days before the start of the vacation), lack of a properly equipped workplace - all this can become reasons for terminating the contract on the day that the employee himself indicates in the application.

Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will tell you more about the reasons for the early dismissal described above. It also describes the possibilities to quit quickly in connection with other cases. However, any list of all kinds of circumstances that may be valid reasons for dismissing an employee at the time they want is not given in the Labor Code. Here, by-laws and established practice will become a reference point, which considers the following options to be respectful:

  • It is possible to quit without working out for various reasons related to circumstances in the family or in the sphere of personal life. The laws allow such possibilities, but they will have to be documented, in which difficulties may arise.
  • The reason for the early termination of work may be the move of the spouse for a long time to another region or country. A common case is a long business trip of a husband or wife, which entails the relocation of the whole family. This is a very good reason, which may be asked to document it.
  • Undoubtedly, the legislation considers all cases of deterioration of the employee's health to be respectful, which entail the need to leave the region with confirmation of this fact by a medical report. Illness that prevents an employee from performing official duties, also included in the list of cases that do not require two weeks of working off.
  • Having children will help to quit as soon as possible. We are talking about families with children and adolescents under 14 years of age. Any parent of a large family with three or more dependent children under the age of 16 can demand the early termination of the employment contract. Or the children in such a family have not reached the age of 18, provided that they are all students of general education institutions.
  • A good reason is caring for a disabled child or a sick family member, as well as a disabled person of the 1st group, which, as you might guess, must be confirmed by a medical certificate.
  • Pregnant women are spared from compulsory labor.

Vacation instead of working off

Finally, the presence of unused vacation days will allow you to avoid being at work on the days of necessary work. If a written application for such leave is agreed, then the last day of legal rest may become the day of dismissal.

Judgment or Peace?

What if you find suitable options that, according to the Labor Code, allow you to quit without working off a two-week deadline, but the management insists on such a need? Going to court would be the right step. At the same time, you should not expect that the process will take place quickly, usually it lasts up to several months. It makes sense to look for ways of a peaceful solution to the issue or to work out the prescribed period. And as an option - offer yourself a replacement.

As you can see, there are ways to quit quickly, and there are many of them; the best option would be planning for the proposed changes and dismissal on general terms.

It is very rare to find a person who could have worked in one job all his life. As practice shows, people often change jobs due to various circumstances. There may be many reasons: relations with the bosses did not work out, the team did not accept, the salary ceased to please, you do not see the prospect of development, or maybe you just found a new high-paying job. And, it seems, everything seems to be simple - inform your superiors, write the correct letter of resignation, get a calculation, and hello new life... But, this is what scares me the most. How to properly quit your job of your own free will in 2019 and not feel awkward at the same time, we will analyze in this article.

Of your own free will

For yourself, you must understand the main thing that the law is on your side and you do not commit a crime when you quit your job. It is imperative to act correctly and according to the rules. First and foremost, you need to tell your boss two weeks in advance of your decision to quit. You can familiarize yourself with this law in Article 80 of Chapter 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. By the way, chapter 13 is fully devoted to the issues of dismissal. Be sure to talk personally with your boss, explain why you want to leave of your own free will. Of course, it is better to correctly and accurately explain the reason for your departure. It will be right. It is unnecessary to forget that the earth is round and negative statements can be bad for you in the future.

You don't need to mail your boss, and it is very important that your boss is the first to know about your decision to leave, and not through rumors from colleagues. Next, you will need to write a statement in the prescribed form. In the document, it is imperative to indicate the reason and put the date of dismissal. The date will be your last working day and only the next day you will be free. This statement must be signed by the supervisor and dated of registration. Further, on the last day of work, you will receive a work book and settlement.

Payment must be made for all days worked at work, as well as cash for unused vacation.

You should also know that if you decide not to quit within 2 weeks, you have the right to withdraw your application. Dismissal may not happen if a new employee has not been invited to your place in writing. If the term of the dismissal document has expired, and you decide to stay at your workplace, then the employment contract continues to be valid.

Without working off

Believe me, you can quit your job without working off. As it turned out, this is not a myth. Initially, you can talk directly with your boss and come to a general agreement. Dismissal will take place by agreement of the parties. Termination of an employment contract may take 2 days, and 5 days it all depends on the initiative of the parties. You can familiarize yourself with this law in Article 78 of Chapter 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. You can also quit without completing a two-week period if:

  1. The application was voluntarily written before going on vacation. And the two-week period will be counted as working off.
  2. You are on parental leave and have decided to quit without leaving that leave. So you don't need to work it out.
  3. You are on sick leave, the detention is not happening. Sick days are counted as two weeks' seniority.

If a force majeure event occurs, a child or a relative falls ill, the dismissal can be considered without working off. But naturally in agreement with the authorities. If you suddenly receive a refusal, you have the right to go to court and appeal against the decision of your superiors.

Also, good reasons not to work out can be:

  • Moving to another city;
  • enrollment in studies (full-time);
  • caring for sick relatives, disabled people, young children;
  • your health condition does not allow you to work in this position.

Upon retirement, an employee, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is the same employee as everyone else. He has all the same rights as before. But having received the status of a pensioner, he had small advantages. First and foremost, a pensioner can resign of his own free will without notifying his superiors 2 weeks in advance. He must write a statement and simply indicate the date of his last working day, which he considers appropriate. In order to properly resign from work, the reason must be indicated in the application - retirement. If this reason is not indicated, then the working off is mandatory.

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A pensioner can be dismissed for production and organizational reasons if he cannot fulfill his labor duties age-related. In this case, he may be offered a transfer to lighter working conditions, but only with the consent of the employee himself in writing.

If there is a staff reduction, then the pensioner must be offered to move to another position, but at the same time maintain his salary level. The management must notify him, as well as all other employees, in writing. But, in this case, he retains the right not to work out for 2 weeks.

Before vacation

To begin with, you need to determine how many vacation days that you have not yet taken off are in stock. An employee is legally granted 28 days a year. The first rest is given after six months of work. Once you know the number of days you have, you can decide how to proceed. If there are less than 14 of them, then you must definitely inform your superiors about the decision to quit in advance, before going on vacation. It will be right on your part, otherwise you will need to work off the days that remain.

The manager may not send you on vacation if he is not included in the vacation schedule, which is drawn up for the current year. Then you just get a refund for the unused vacation days. If you are still entitled to rest and you wrote a statement, then the last vacation day will be your day of dismissal. You will receive a work book, it will indicate the date of the last day of your vacation.