Calculation of the profitability of quail breeding table. Quail breeding as a business: reviews, profitability, equipment and business plan. What breeds are better to breed

How to make money on quail breeding, which is necessary for the organization quail farm... How much can you earn doing a similar business and how to sell finished products: eggs and meat. Detailed guidance with calculations and a business development plan.

The business of growing quails is attracting more and more interest from entrepreneurs. After all, such an activity guarantees a stable and high income, thanks to the good performance of the birds.

One bird brings up to 300 eggs per year, which in monetary terms is 1,500 rubles. (at a price of 5 rubles / piece). That is, the profit from one hundred quails is about 150,000 rubles. per year (12,500 rubles per month). The larger the livestock, the higher the earnings.

But eggs are not the only product of the business.

Quail meat is a valuable product in the domestic market. Its caloric content is very low (up to 230 kcal / 100 g), it is rich in proteins and contains vitamins such as A, K, H, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12, which are well preserved during cooking. The market value of 1 carcass is 150 rubles.

How to breed quail, what is needed for this and what is its profitability will be described in detail below.

Profitability: is it profitable or not to breed quail?

For a start, it's worth talking about numbers. Since this information is primarily of interest to any entrepreneur.

So, how much can you earn on the sale of quail meat and eggs?

An example will be taken bird farm with 1000 quails. They produce about 25,000 eggs per month. The average price of one egg on the market is 5 rubles. That is, the monthly profit will be 125,000 rubles.

Around 200 quails can be slaughtered every month. The cost of one carcass 150-200 g is about 150 rubles. Proceeds from the sale of meat - 30,000 rubles. monthly.

It turns out that the income of a farm of 1,000 quails is more than 150,000 rubles. in 1 month. From this amount you must deduct taxes, employee salaries and costs for keeping birds. But even after all the expenses, the net profit will be 80,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The figures are conditional. The final cost of production depends on the specific region and country, and the income depends on the size of the farm.

“The quail business is the most profitable and fastest. Because the bird is developing very quickly. Already a two-month-old quail is a mature bird. "

Armen Barseghyan - head of the agricultural cooperative "Snowball"

From the experience of experienced quail breeders, it is known that the initial investment pays off in 4-5 months. Business profitability is about 400%.

Start-up capital

Now it's worth talking about how much money is needed to open a quail farm. After all, this is the second thing that interests the future farmer.

For simplicity of calculations, a small farm with 100 birds will be taken as an example.

To start a business you will need:

  • Bird cages - 10,000 rubles.
  • Drinking bowls and feeders - 6,000 rubles.
  • Incubator for 200 eggs - 20,000 rubles.
  • Lighting devices and heaters - 25,000 rubles.
  • Young quail 100 pieces - 5,000 rubles.
  • Food - 7,000 rubles.
  • Ovoscope - 1,500 rubles.

Total initial costs - 74,500 rubles.

Monthly expenses - about 10,000 rubles. They include the purchase of feed, packaging materials for finished products, payment utilities and advertising.

That is, to organize a small poultry farm for 100 quails, you need to invest about 80,000 rubles.

What are the best quail breeds to breed?

Before buying young animals, you need to decide on the breeds of birds that will be bred on the farm. The most popular quails are now:

  • Japanese.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Marble.
  • British white.
  • British black.

Japanese quail is well suited for eggs, laying 300 eggs for six months. After 5-6 months, productivity decreases, and the poultry is slaughtered for meat.

The British breed and pharaohs are ideal for selling meat. The female carcass is on average 230 g, and the male is 200 g. The female's egg production per year is more than 200 eggs.

Regardless of the quail breed, the bird is resistant to various diseases and does not get sick with bird flu.

As for the purchase, you need to purchase young animals under the age of 2 months. The optimum age for breeding is 2-8 months. You can buy young quails at farmers' or poultry markets, as well as through advertisements on the Internet or in print media.

What else does a budding entrepreneur need to know?

Before moving on to organizing a farm and breeding poultry technology, it is worth paying attention to several important points that a future farmer should know.

Firstly, it is better to start a business with 100-500 quails. Then the investment will be minimal. At the same time, it will be possible to quickly gain experience in this area and at the same time build up a good client base.

Secondly, there is no 100% guarantee that all tips for breeding quail from the Internet or literature will fit the case of an entrepreneur. At the initial stage, the bird must be observed and paid attention to its behavior, nutrition, growth and egg production.

Thirdly, one must be mentally prepared for the fact that birds do not have holidays and days off. Therefore, an entrepreneur will have to work every day - and by hand. But hiring workers can save you from that.

It is also worth noting that the quail farming business requires registration. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or LPH. But before that, it is advisable to consult a tax office or a lawyer.

For the sale of finished products, you will need a quality certificate and documents permitting the sale of meat and eggs, which are issued by the sanitary service.

“The first thing to advise an entrepreneur who has decided to breed quails is. Do not try to hire anyone for this. In order to become successful, a prospective entrepreneur must conduct research on his own. The first step is to see if there are quail eggs in the shops in your city. If the population of the city is 10,000 people, then all the shops can be visited in 1 day. If the city is large, then it is enough to go around your area.

Next, you need to find out the reasons why people buy quail eggs and how much they buy. To do this, it is enough to interview ordinary people. Just never come up with words like “We have a marketing survey. Answer a couple of questions. " Act simply as an ordinary buyer. Take an interest as if by chance. You don't have to try to remember everything that customers say - you need to write down and analyze it. This will help in the future to make the same buyers a lucrative offer. "

Vasily Bogdanov - editor-in-chief of Marketing and Management magazine

Quail farm organization

The whole organizational process begins with the preparation of the premises. Since the bird itself is small, the place for keeping it can be modest areas. Moreover, modern cages for 100-900 quails are very compact - up to 600 birds can be placed on 1 m 2. Attaching males to females is carried out in a ratio of 1: 4 or 1: 2.

The main requirements for the premises:

  • Air humidity about 60%.
  • Air temperature - 18-22 ° С.
  • The presence of an air conditioner and heating system.
  • Artificial lighting - 35 lux (working 18 hours daily).

Failure to comply with the temperature and humidity conditions leads to a serious decrease in egg production. The same goes for poor room ventilation.

Cages should be positioned so that birds are not exposed to drafts. Otherwise, the same decrease in egg production will occur, and in more serious cases, the death of young and adult quails.

Structurally, the cages consist of several tiers (up to 5), and the size of each cage is about 30 cm. This allows you to easily and comfortably collect eggs and feed the birds.

The market price of cells starts at 10,000 rubles. There are models that cost more than 60,000 rubles. Therefore, if there is a desire and a little free time, then the cells can be built with your own hands. However, before making a final decision, you need to calculate what is more profitable - buying cells or building them independently.

Feeders and drinkers are placed outside the cages and should have a closed structure to keep out debris and droppings. The best drinkers are nipple drinkers.

Quail breeding technology

The main feature of quail breeding is that the breeds for laying eggs and for meat cannot be mixed together. That is, they need to be kept separately.

The rest is pretty simple:

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the indoor climate.
  • Timely feed and water the birds and take their eggs.
  • Carefully select eggs for the incubator.

The last point should be discussed in more detail.

Not all eggs go to the incubator. They must be carefully sorted out and watched so that they are of normal size, shape, color, there are no various defects and double yolks inside (this is checked on an ovoscope).

The following requirements apply to the incubator:

  • After placing the eggs in the incubator, for the first 12 days it should maintain a humidity of 60% and an air temperature of 37.7 ° C, after which it should be lowered to 37.2 ° C for 2 days (the humidity should also be lowered to 55%).
  • On day 16, the temperature in the incubator should be 37 ° C, and the humidity should be raised to 70%.

The incubation period for eggs can be up to 20 days.

“In the room where the quails are grown, it is necessary to observe a clear microclimate corresponding to a certain age of the quails. For this, there is a warm floor system, special infrared lamps that are controlled by automation, as well as fans and supply shafts that regulate the flow of clean air. "

Sergey Baklykov - Deputy Head of the Farm

When the first young animals emerge from the eggs, they need to provide a comfortable and safe environment. Since even the slightest draft will lead him to death. In the first week, the room temperature should be 36-37 ° C, the next - 32 ° C, and the third - 25 ° C. On the fourth week, young animals go to cages to adult birds.

Bird feeding

An adult quail consumes 30 g of feed per day. Accordingly, it is not difficult to calculate how much is needed. For example, if 1000 birds are raised on a farm, then 3 kg are required daily. stern.

You need to feed the quails at a specific time. That is, if initially the food was given to them at 8 am, then every day it should be given at 8 am. Changing the diet will negatively affect the egg production of birds and their health.

In summer, in addition to the main food, the birds must be fed with chopped fresh grass and root crops. In winter, you can feed it with millet, wheat, fishmeal. The basic rule for any time of the year is that quail feed should be balanced and contain a large amount of vitamin. Also, there must be chalk or gravel in the feeders. All these measures are aimed at obtaining high egg production.

“Quails need a balanced compound feed. Most often it contains more than 20 types of ingredients to make a complete egg. Birds will not fly from simple seeds or wheat. "

Tatiana Chaplyuk - poultry farmer

Sales of products: eggs and meat

The main points of quail growing are sorted out. Now we need to consider in detail the options for marketing products and advertising.

You can sell finished products both through wholesalers and on your own. Most entrepreneurs choose the first option, since there is no need to look for a trading place and stand in the market in the rain and snow waiting for the buyer.

You can offer eggs and quail meat:

  • Small, private grocery stores.
  • Large retail chains.
  • Restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments.

In addition to the main product, young animals can be sold to the same entrepreneurs from other regions of the country.

You can disseminate product information in the following ways:

  • Publication of advertisements in print media or online publications.
  • Advertising on TV or radio.
  • Through your own website using.
  • Across social networks by creating your own page.
  • Distribute flyers (suitable for retail).

There are many tools for promoting our own products now. The main thing is to initially determine the maximum possible advertising budget. Since most often a budding entrepreneur has a limited budget and the main funds are spent on the purchase of equipment, renovation of premises, etc.

In the future, when the farm will number 3,000-5,000 birds, it is advisable to hire a marketing specialist and who will take on all the sales and customer base development tasks.

From the above information, it can be seen that the business of growing quails is a very profitable business. However, it requires a lot of time and on the order of 100,000 rubles. at the start. But all this justifies further high profits and the possibility of constant scaling of the business.

It is not difficult to build a quail breeding business. This activity is driven by relevance, profitability and a short payback period. Based on the many years of experience of professional poultry breeders, quail breeding makes sense only when their number is at least 600 heads. Due to the rapid growth of birds, as well as their high fertility, the number of quails can be increased up to 10 times during the year.

Quail breeding as a business

The largest share of the cost of starting a business is the purchase of equipment, hatching eggs and quail itself. As a rule, a small hangar is used as a premises for a quail farm. It must have lighting and heating. Enough important factor successful fertility of birds is to maintain the temperature within 19-20 degrees Celsius and relative humidity of 65-70%. In addition, the hangar should be well ventilated without the presence of drafts. It is important to note right away that the body of quails does not react well to drafts and bright lighting.

Production plan

Commercial quail breeding involves the rearing of 600 heads. For such a number of birds, no more than 20 square meters of premises will be needed. For high-quality production, it is necessary to divide a small hangar into several rooms, where food will be stored and prepared, incubators will be located and where young birds will be kept.

For keeping adult chicks, it is advisable to use cell batteries, which are equipped with feeders, drinkers. These batteries consist of 6 total cells and are made with a slight slope for easy egg assembly. No more than 270 chicks can be easily raised in one battery. The cost of such equipment ranges from 2700 to 3300 rubles. It is worth noting that if you have construction skills, you can make such a feeder yourself. It includes plywood, metal sheets, welded galvanized net and fittings.

Since the breeding of quails at home leads to the loss of the instinct of females to plant eggs, an incubator is required to create a farm. Incubation of eggs involves the use of a room at a temperature of 37-39 degrees Celsius. You can make it yourself if you find drawings and diagrams. If you do not have the skill in making this kind of items, then you will have to purchase an incubator in a specialized store. Its market value can vary from 3300 to 6500 rubles, based on size, functionality, the ability to set temperature and humidity modes.

To grow chicks, you need to make or purchase boxes yourself. It is better to use wood or plywood as a material. The dimensions of the boxes should be on average 650 * 650 * 250 mm. Boxes must be equipped with lamps for lighting and heating, which are able to maintain a given temperature regime.

Do not forget about food for quails and their chicks. The cost of a special feed is in a different price range and depends on the composition of the feed and its ingredients. The average price for feed is 100-250 rubles.

Sales plan

Breeding quails ends up selling them and making a profit. Eggs and poultry carcasses are ideal products. As a rule, they are sold by supplying them to supermarkets, retail Groceries, markets, restaurants, sanatoriums, kindergartens, schools and other public organizations.

To ensure uninterrupted and high-quality breeding of quails at home, 1-2 workers will be required. The responsibilities of the workers include preparing feed, feeding birds, collecting eggs, cleaning and cleaning the premises and incubator, and controlling temperature and humidity. This business it is recommended to lead one with a head volume of up to 600 birds, then in a mathematical progression you can hire workers, that is, up to 1200 heads - 1 worker, up to 1800 - 2 workers, etc.

The average cost of one quail carcass is from 50 to 80 rubles, the cost of eggs is from 2 to 6 rubles. When selling quail chicks, their cost per week is up to 25 rubles, and in the month - up to 40 rubles.

Financial plan

Industrial quail breeding requires relatively small investment. Based production plan and sales plan, it is easy to calculate the capital costs for the project.

  • rent of premises (20 sq.m.) - up to 10,000 rubles;
  • purchase of quails (600 heads) - up to 21,000 rubles;
  • cell batteries (600 heads) - up to 8,000 rubles;
  • incubator - up to 6,500 rubles;
  • feed - up to 3,000 rubles;
  • the cost of registering a company - 1,000 rubles.

Total: 49,500 rubles per 600 quails.

Profit and payback period

Quail breeding as a business involves seasonality, which also depends on making a profit. Based on the data of the sales plan, we will calculate the amount of our profit, deductions, future costs and payback period.

  • 600 heads on average increase their population by 7-8 times, which is 4,800 quail individuals;
  • when selling 4,000 carcasses of chicks that are more than one month old, we receive a revenue of 160,000 rubles;
  • when selling the same number of adults, you can get up to 320,000 rubles, but here it is worth taking into account the additional costs of raising individuals.
  • Having sold 4 thousand babies, we get 160,000 - 34,000 we deduct to the pension fund - 4,000 we pay taxes - 20,000 we pay rent = 102,000 rubles of net profit.

Thus, the payback period will be equal to the sale of the first quail population.

Quail breeding, as the main business activity, includes many advantages in the food industry. Poultry meat is considered a delicacy, moreover, it has properties useful for the human body. This ensures high demand, which is the key to high monthly profits.

Breeding quail for sale is a waste-free production. They sell eggs, carcasses and even bird droppings. This type of business is quite suitable for an inexperienced farmer, as it does not require large investments, special knowledge and skills. The low investment threshold and simplicity make the quail business profitable and profitable for the aspiring entrepreneur.

Positive aspects of a quail breeding business idea:

  • high egg production of birds (productivity of one individual is 250-280 eggs per year or 22-23 eggs per month);
  • the popularity of the product among those who adhere to the principles of healthy eating (there are more and more of them in Russia);
  • favorable ratio of body weight and eggs (1:24);
  • simple conditions for keeping and feeding birds;
  • long shelf life of eggs (more than chicken eggs, 3 times).

It is important to remember! The main advantage of a business is a short payback period. The home farm will be profitable in just 2 months.

But business also has disadvantages. First of all, this is work without holidays and weekends - the farm needs supervision. The second disadvantage is related to short term productive life of the laying hen. The bird becomes an adult early, after a year it is changed: a one-year-old quail is about to stop "supplying" eggs. Although quails are less sick than chickens and rabbits, they are sensitive to changing conditions. Drafts, unusual food, temperature changes sometimes lead to the fact that the bird stops laying eggs for 2-3 weeks, and this is a direct loss for the farmer.

The main questions of organizing a quail farm

Premises of 8-10 sq. m. on the territory of a private house or summer cottage it is easy to turn into a quail farm. It is good if it is a warm room with ventilation. The birds are kept in cages, while the cages are placed in 2-3 floors. Do-it-yourself cages are not difficult to build; this will help save on initial investments and increase profitability.

What you shouldn't save on: feed, automatic feeders and drinkers. For good egg production and weight gain, the bird needs a balanced feed (it is unlikely that it will be possible to prepare it at home). It is also important to distribute this food correctly to ensure that all of them are distributed evenly. Nipple drinkers are purchased for quails - with them, keeping birds is facilitated: layers have access to clean water all the time.

Useful information! The quail population should provide good conditions for breeding: find a quiet place, adhere to the specified temperature (18-22 ° C) and humidity (at least 65%). This will require heating appliances, a ventilation system, artificial lighting.

80-100 individuals are placed on 1 square meter. Thus, to keep 500 birds (experienced farmers recommend starting with this number), a minimum of 5 square meters will be required. meters of free space. Taking into account the fact that the business will expand, it is better to allocate a space of 10-20 square meters.

Working from home: assembling jewelry

The profitability of quail breeding

How does the idea of ​​breeding poultry pay off? Let's count. The purchase of young animals will cost 7,000 rubles (14 rubles per chicken). Quail will reach reproductive age in 30-40 days. Within a month, the birds will begin to lay eggs, the first profit will appear. In the livestock they keep one male for 4 females, so only 400 out of 500 birds carry eggs. At the end of the second month, the entrepreneur will have 10 thousand eggs in his hands. By this time, the distribution channels should be prepared. Even if you donate eggs at the wholesale price (40 rubles for a dozen), your earnings will amount to 40,000 rubles.

Important information! Experienced quail breeders advise not to buy immediately a livestock of 500 individuals, but to purchase 10-20 families, which will then give birth. On average, 50 birds give birth to 500 heads in six months. With this method of organizing a home farm, you will have to acquire an incubator, but this is beneficial - it will quickly pay off. The cost of the device is from 3 to 15 thousand rubles.

Start-up costs for starting a business:

As for running costs, 80% of the monthly costs of a novice businessman is the purchase of feed. One adult eats 25 g per day or 750 g in 30 days. For 500 birds, 375 kg will be required (9 375 rubles in monetary terms). They buy a combined feed for quails, its price is 25-30 rubles. per 1 kg (cheaper in bulk). For 60 days, the cost of feed will amount to 18,750 rubles.

Taking into account all the calculations, the cost of a home farm will amount to 46,750 rubles for 2 months (including start-up capital). After this time, the businessman reaches the break-even point. Monthly income from the sale of eggs at the level of 40,000 rubles. will bring a net profit of 20,000 rubles. (taking into account natural product losses).

Quail farm business plan

With the acquisition of experience, the farmer will learn how to raise the young in the incubator himself, this will reduce the cost of purchasing new birds to zero and will become a source of additional profit. For raising chickens and organizing " kindergarten»You will need a brooder (a special box for keeping babies) and vacuum drinking bowls; the cost of the finished box is 4,500 rubles.

The advantage of independent breeding of quails is that a novice businessman gradually gets used to the rules of caring for a bird, creates good conditions for it, separates males from females in time. Separating a quarter of the eggs for reproduction, the entrepreneur will decide the issue with the purchase of young animals.

Another condition for the profitability of the selected type of activity is the absence of salary costs. The idea of ​​building a mini farm is beneficial in that it does not require hired workers - one person can handle a livestock of 500-1000 pieces. Also, acquaintances and friends who will buy eggs will not require documents from the tax and sanitary services. If the livestock exceeds 1000 units, the cost of their maintenance will also increase. You will need hired personnel, paperwork, advertising costs, packaging, transportation, veterinarian services.

So that the profit does not go negative, and the costs of maintaining the farm are minimal, adhere to the following rules:

  1. combine different types of commerce (selling eggs, raising young birds, preparing meat);
  2. do not start by buying a large batch of birds - start several families, gradually expanding the territory of the business;
  3. look for suppliers before the hens start laying eggs;
  4. make racks, brooders, cages with your own hands - buy only what you can't do yourself;
  5. do not skimp on feed: high-quality compound feed is a guarantee of bird health.

Where and to whom to sell grown quails and eggs

Calculations show that the profitability of the business is high - provided that it is possible to establish distribution channels. Selling 10 thousand eggs a month is not difficult and does not require serious marketing investments. If there are more products, you will have to hire a seller in the market or look for a wholesale buyer.

Main distribution channels: market, supermarkets, restaurants. Health establishments that adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition (sanatoriums, rest homes, children's institutions) are interested in the product. But working with large retail outlets and organizations will require documentary evidence of the legitimacy of the business. You will also have to get certificates from the sanitary service.

The wholesale price of a dozen eggs is 30-40 rubles, the retail price is 50-60. There are eggs of rare breeds, their price reaches 60-70 rubles. for 10 pcs. If the entrepreneur manages to prove that his product is fresh and environmentally friendly, the price per package will rise to 100 rubles. As a rule, the goods are sold in the region of the manufacturer, because the costs of transportation and refrigeration equipment reduce profits.

It's important to know! Quail eggs are available to residents of large cities, in small villages the market is not saturated. The culture of consumption of quail meat and eggs is growing, interest in products in Russia is increasing: the market is showing growth.

Sale of meat and quail carcasses

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a rough guide. The business plan that best suits your business conditions needs to be created with the help of specialists.

Breeding and raising exotic quails on a farm is one of the most promising, actively developing areas. entrepreneurial activity, which has not lost its relevance at the present time.

A carefully crafted business plan for a quail farm focuses on the most important types of products: meat and eggs obtained from quails, as well as bird feathers and guano (manure).

General section

A well-developed business plan of an enterprise becomes an important link for its transition to a new channel. With competently organized work, such a farm will bring considerable profits to the owner.

The income here is based on a moderate investment of funds and the quick sale of the products obtained (dietary meat and quail eggs are in great demand).

Features of the quail farm

Quails begin to lay as soon as they reach maturity (after about 5-7 weeks of keeping).

This means that the investment begins to pay off through the sale of eggs.

Birds of this breed are unpretentious, they do not need special approach or attention.

Quails can easily endure various weather conditions, they will feel equally comfortable both indoors and outdoors.

The best option is mixed conditions for growing birds.

The main task of the employees of the quail farm is to feed and water the pets in a timely manner, clean up manure every day, collect and complete eggs.
It is better to choose a house for breeding birds on the outskirts of the city.

The size of the farm is determined based on the planned number of quails. At first, it will be enough to purchase about 500 poultry.

Bird feeding

At the moment, there are no special, ready-made feed for quails. In view of this, the feeding ration should be based on the combination different types grain crops.

The following composition of feed will be optimal:

  • Wheat (30%);
  • Corn (25%);
  • Barley (5%);
  • Vitamin supplements - fish meal and sunflower meal.

Description of farm services

Quail carcasses can be sold both wholesale and retail. At the same time, the peculiarities of the sale must be worked out in advance in the business plan of the quail farm.

Quail eggs enjoy high demand on the market due to their dietary and medicinal qualities... The area of ​​their application is quite extensive: they normalize the work of the digestive tract, circulatory system, and improve the appetite of children.

Quail eggs have been used successfully in the treatment of diabetes, tuberculosis, headaches and kidney diseases, as well as obesity.

Sales market analysis

Due to the fact that this line of business is quite new for our country, the level of competition is not high either. Therefore, for a correct analysis of the sales market for products, purposeful work with an established circle of customers is needed.

It is very important to pre-conclude an agreement on the supply of basic products (meat and eggs) and their sale.

Buyers can be various organizations: cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, trade pavilions, recreation centers, individual entrepreneurs.

It is important to remember that when selling meat to food institutions, it is necessary to obtain a certificate for products that comply with accepted norms and standards.

Good to know!

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  • Quail keeping conditions
  • What breeds are better to breed

Is it profitable to raise quails, how to build a profitable quail farm, what conditions are optimal, how much can you earn on quails? You will learn about everything in our article.

Is it realistic to make money on quails

Why are you going to breed quail: for yourself or for the purpose of earning money? Why am I asking this question. Almost every farmer can start growing quail, but not everyone can make money on it. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to equip a room for quails, how to create conditions for keeping poultry, where to buy cages and young animals, etc. But there is almost no information on how to profitably sell quail products, and this is the most important thing. Before setting up a building, spending money on buying cages and feed, make sure that you can sell whatever you are going to grow. As a consumer, have you ever bought quail meat or eggs? (and not everyone does this). For example, chicken meat is very popular and farmed chickens can be sold even to acquaintances. But with quails, I'm afraid this number will not work. Your customers will most likely be restaurants, cafes (and those that serve exotics), grocery stores, and specialty markets. But keep in mind that not everywhere you will be awaited with "open". At first, you may not even dream of trading networks, there are enough players without you. So, do not be too lazy to study the sales market first, and only then you can proceed to the practical part of creating an economy.

What documents are needed to open a quail farm

Scroll required documents for doing business entirely depends on the format of the activity itself. If you plan to work as a private household, then when selling products, you can limit yourself only to veterinary certificates. This will be enough to sell quail meat and eggs to small markets, from auto shops or to hand over products to dealers. If you are going to do something more solid, for example, enter the regional market or organize sales through retail chains, then the list of documents will be completely different. What is required here first of all:

  • Business registration. You can IP, but better than LLC ( entity). Taxation system - Unified agricultural tax.
  • The certificate of conformity for products and an individual barcode are issued in Rostest and cost 20,000 rubles. (about).
  • Obtaining technical specifications for products (TU) - these documents are purchased from research institutes. TU should be received for each type of product (separately for eggs and meat).

Quail keeping conditions

If you do the production of a full cycle, that is, from obtaining an egg to raising an adult bird, then you will need to build the following departments:

  • Hatchery
  • Workshop for keeping young animals
  • Slaughter shop
  • Egg production workshop
  • Utility room

The total area of ​​the premises for a full cycle is at least 50 sq. m. well, or depending on the scale of production. If you just grow quail from young animals purchased on the side, then a room of 20 sq. m.

What equipment to choose for keeping quails

The most effective way is to keep quails in battery cages. With their help, you can save a lot on space and place much more birds per 1 sq. m. And taking care of the bird with this arrangement is much more convenient.

Cells can be designed independently, or you can buy ready-made ones. A cage battery in 2 tiers for keeping 100 quails will cost 10-12 thousand rubles. The cage is 1 meter long, 0.5 meters wide, and 0.6 meters high. It turns out that in a small room of 20 sq. m. you can arrange about 15 such cages and contain up to 1500 birds. Such designs are also equipped with feeders and drinkers.

Quail growing technology

Breeding quail at home

It is not uncommon to see ideas for keeping quails on the balconies of apartments and even in the apartment itself. Of course, you can grow quails in this way, but consider one important point- smell. The "stench" from the cells will be constant, even if the droppings are removed on time. Okay, if you love birds so much and are ready to put up with the smell, but do not forget that you also have neighbors.

What breeds are better to breed

The choice of breed for breeding entirely depends on the direction of your farm. What is your priority to getting an egg or meat? Or maybe both? Quails of the Japanese breed are considered the best in terms of egg production. These birds fly all year round, producing 300 eggs in 365 days. But the meat yield from them is completely ridiculous. Quail of the Pharaoh breed is another matter. They are twice as large as the Japanese breed, but they rush at times worse. Pharaohs are bred exclusively for meat purposes. The Estonian breed is, in a sense, the "golden mean" of the above two breeds. "Estonians" and rush well and sell such a bird for meat is not a shame. Remember also that it is better to buy a young bird for breeding at the age of 1-1.5 months. The fact is that "young people" endure moving better and get used to a new place and new conditions of detention faster.

How much can you earn on breeding quail

To begin with, let's give a calculation for meat. Frozen quail meat costs from 350 rubles / kg. An adult weighs 95 grams. The bird reaches such a mass in 40 - 50 days of life. We translate it into money and get 34 rubles from one quail for 1.5 months of growing. We sell 1000 quails, we get 34,000 rubles. Naturally, you also need to deduct the costs, but they will vary greatly, depending on the conditions of detention, the type of feed, etc. Now about the income from the egg. If you create optimal conditions for keeping poultry, you can get up to 22 eggs from one head. The price of one egg is 4 rubles. A quail egg costs as much as a chicken egg with much less weight. Accordingly, from 1000 heads you can get up to 22,000 eggs per month, which in money equals 88,000 rubles. Not a bad result if you know to whom and how to sell so many eggs. It turns out that keeping quails per egg is much more profitable than keeping the same poultry for meat. Moreover, obtaining a quail egg is much easier than obtaining a chicken egg (at the same retail price). If there were no sales problems, then every second farmer would probably be engaged in quail ...

Video instruction for organizing a quail farm

Step-by-step plan for opening a quail farm

Quail breeding is currently sufficient profitable business, since there are not so many large farms for breeding this bird. The advantage of this activity is that 2 people are quite capable of handling 300-500 birds. There are 2 business models - buying hens and cockerels, or breeding poultry with the purchase of hatching eggs. Consider the option of purchasing chicks.

  1. Finding a suitable room.
  2. Purchase of poultry livestock.
  3. Buying cages for maintenance.
  4. Purchase of feed base.
  5. Purchase of equipment for lighting and space heating.
  6. Search for sales channels for products.

The second method is more economical and practically does not differ from the first method. The difference is that the first step is to purchase an incubator and hatching eggs for hatching the first livestock, as well as a brooder for quail. After the first litter, you should immediately form the broodstock - there are 3-4 layers per cock. After 2.5 months, you will receive your first hatching eggs of your own, and there will be no need to purchase such eggs. Then the cycle is repeated.

How much money is needed for a quail farm

The financial costs of opening a quail farm based on the purchase of 500 birds are:

  1. Buying a livestock of quails - 3000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of feed - 5000 rubles.
  3. Equipment (cell batteries, incubator, feather removal device) - 80,000 rubles.
  4. Heating, lighting of the room - 3000 rubles.

In total, we get an amount of 91,000 rubles. The payback will be approximately 6 months. The calculation was made without taking into account the cost of paperwork and certificates - 67,000 rubles.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a quail farm

Code for growing quails according to OKVED 01.49.9

What taxation system to choose for registering a quail breeding business

In this case, the simplified tax system is suitable, with the payment of tax in the amount of 6% of profit or 15% of net income.

Do I need permissions to open a quail farm

The most important permit in this business is the Veterinary Certificate. To enter large distribution channels, such as retail chains, the following list of documents and permits is required:

  1. ROSTEST certificate - 10,000 rubles.
  2. TU 9846-036-23476484-04 for edible quail eggs. The cost is 18,000 rubles.
  3. TU 92l1-367-23476484-06 use of quail meat for baby food. The cost is 42,000 rubles.
  4. TU 92l3-183-23476484-09 sale of smoked poultry carcasses. Cost 22,000 rubles
  5. TU 92ll-062-23476484-2004 sale of domestic quail meat. Cost 24,000 rubles
  6. TU 9846-16l-23476484-09 pickled quail eggs. Cost 27,000 rubles
  7. Barcode. The cost is RUB 10,000 + an annual fee of RUB 5,000.

The required technical specifications are selected depending on the type of implementation.