Job description of the deputy director. Job description deputy director for production. Important aspects in work

In this article, we want to introduce one of the leadership positions that are found in almost every large organization. This is the deputy head of the department. Consider And also analyze the position from the point of view of the applicant - the necessary personal and professional qualities, a sample resume, education, work experience.

General Provisions

And we will start with the job description of the deputy head of the department. The document contains a number of fundamental general provisions. Let's analyze them:

  1. Deputy head of department - managerial position. Specialist of the "top manager" category.
  2. Citizens with higher professional education (in the direction related to the activities of the employer's company) are accepted for the position. Work experience specifically in the specialty - at least 3 years.
  3. Both the appointment to the position of the deputy head of the department and the release from it are the prerogative of the director of the organization or enterprise. Acceptance and dismissal is carried out according to the order signed by this official, upon the provision of the head of this department.
  4. The deputy is subordinate
  5. During the absence of this official at the workplace (vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, etc.), his duties are transferred to the employee appointed by the management in the prescribed manner. This employee temporarily takes over the duties of the deputy head of the department (director). He also bears full responsibility for their (duties) incomplete, improper performance, or for ignoring it.

Basic requirements for a specialist

The deputy should know the following:

  • Orders, orders, other guiding and normative official directions with regard to their field of activity.
  • Fundamentals of labor protection, economics, work organization, personnel management.
  • Labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Working internal regulations of the employing organization.
  • Rules and regulations for safety, fire protection, industrial sanitation.

Specific requirements for a specialist

The job description of the deputy head of the department is not a universal document. Further requirements for the qualifications of a specialist differ depending on which department, organization he works in. For example, consider the department of material and technical support.

The specific requirements for the "deputy" are as follows:

  • Know the basics of organizing technical and material support, work on loading and unloading.
  • Know the rules and procedures for receiving and dispatching goods, ordering suitable vehicles and containers.
  • To be able to correctly draw up official documentation for the receipt and dispatch of goods, as well as for their complaint in case of non-compliance with the terms of delivery, the technical requirements of the employing company.
  • Know the current regulations, rules for the nomenclature of product deliveries, standards for the consumption of fuel or raw materials, inventory, devices, materials, etc.
  • Be aware of the conditions of transportation and storage of products of your company or partners.

List of job responsibilities

This section of the department will also not be universal. Its content is unique to each of the areas of activity of companies and their divisions. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the approximate content of the section for the same example (deputy of the department of technical and material support of the organization):

  • Management of the work of a subordinate department for the preparation of calculations of the needs of a firm or enterprise in raw materials and materials (in the case of a production line of activity).
  • Providing the head of his department for the approval of planning documents, projects if the company needs any materials, raw materials, products at a specific period of time (for example, for the next calendar year).
  • Analysis of the movement of products, materials in the company's warehouses.
  • Adjustment and control of the needs of the production departments of the company in material resources (including when changing the range of products).
  • Drawing up an executive balance for materials for the production of the main category of goods, establishing deviations in the presence / absence of necessary materials.
  • Preparation of proposals to the head of your department (technical and material support) about materials that are in warehouses without movement - if possible, their successful use, implementation.
  • Direct participation in the commission for the inventory of raw materials, materials in the company's warehouses.
  • Preparation of statistical reports on the movement and use of material resources according to already approved routes and forms.
  • Taking part in the implementation of measures for the economical use of raw materials, materials, equipment by reducing the cost of purchasing, delivery and storage thereof.
  • Control over the activities of the workshops of the enterprise (if any) for the use, storage and accounting of material assets available there.


Feedback implies the receipt by the "deputy" from other structural divisions of a firm or organization of the following:

  • Production departments of the enterprise. Production plans, both for the current and for the next period of activity to calculate the need for certain material resources.
  • Warehouses of the technical / material supply department. Information on the remains of material values, their movement in the warehouse.
  • Heads of technical departments of the company. Consumption rates of materials, raw materials for the manufacture of a specific type of products, as well as changes in designs, production, structure, composition of goods, which require recalculation of the need for raw materials or other material.

Specialist rights

The rights of the deputy of HR, material support, cooperation, payments and transfers will be the same - regardless of the specialization of the official.

This section includes the following - rights to:

  • Acquaintance with the projects of the director of an enterprise or organization that directly or indirectly relate to the work of the department.
  • Submitting to the management of the enterprise, company, firm a number of proposals for improving their own activities, provided for by the job description of the deputy.
  • Within the limits of their competence, notify the head of their own department about the identified shortcomings, shortcomings in the work of this structural unit. And also make proposals for their eradication, avoidance, etc.
  • To carry out the interaction necessary for work with the heads and their deputies of other structural divisions of the organization.
  • Visa, sign official documentation within the framework of their competence.
  • Make suggestions for rewarding outstanding employees of your own unit. And also on the imposition of penalties (according to the Russian Labor Code) in relation to those who violated labor and / and production discipline.
  • Demand from the head of your structural unit, the director of the entire organization, assistance in the implementation of their labor rights and the performance of official duties.

Responsibility of an official

The deputy head, the head of the department will be responsible for the decisions made, the signed documents and contracts, improper work or inaction.

Labor law implies the following responsibilities for this official:

  • For improper performance or non-performance of their labor duties, which are provided by the job description of the deputy. To the extent that the labor legislation of the Russian Federation implies.
  • For offenses during the exercise of their labor activity. The limits of liability are limited by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • For causing material damage to the employer company. The limits of liability are regulated by the labor and civil legislation of Russia.

Deputy resume

There are many resumes from job seekers for the position of deputy head of the department at labor exchanges, and in responses to proposals from organizations. Actually, today you do not need to have certain skills in drawing up such documents: you can find a lot of templates, samples, examples, where it is enough to correctly, informatively and concisely enter information about yourself, education, career. Many labor exchanges even offer standard resume forms for filling.

But when looking for a job as a deputy head of a department, it is important not to forget to indicate the following personal information about yourself:

  • The type of employment you are ready for: full-time / part-time, willingness to travel, shift work.
  • Place of residence, the possibility of moving.
  • Age, marital status.
  • Information about education: full name of the university or secondary vocational educational institution, faculty and specialty for which the training was carried out. Bachelor, Master or Specialist. The form of training is full-time, seminar, correspondence, distance. If the applicant has a red diploma or other differences in training, then it is advisable to note it (especially for young specialists).
  • Information about additional education, completed seminars and trainings, retraining / advanced training courses. It is presented according to the following plan: the name of the educational center, the direction of training, the name of the course, the number of hours, the diploma. Of course, it is important to indicate only what is relevant to the work ahead.
  • Knowledge of a foreign language (category according to the international standard).
  • Driving license (category).
  • The personal qualities of the applicant.
  • Work experience. Whether you are looking for a job in the police department (deputy, head of the police department) or in the information, trade, industrial environment, this item will be the most important, fundamental everywhere. The employer will pay close attention to him in the resume. After all, any managerial position requires the applicant to have work experience, moreover, successful and productive. Places of past employment are indicated in reverse chronological order - from the most recent to the earliest.
  • Expected pay. As a rule, experienced job seekers do not prescribe specific numbers here, limiting themselves to modest "by agreement".

Personal qualities of a specialist

This column in the resume is not the main one for an HR specialist. However, it is important for the applicant himself. These or those personal qualities, types of character help to successfully work as a deputy head of the department - investigative, personnel, sales and sales.

General characteristic qualities for officials are as follows:

  • Stress tolerance.
  • A high degree of responsibility.
  • Punctuality.
  • Efficiency.
  • Organizational talent.
  • Sociability, the ability to find an approach to different people.
  • Openness to new knowledge and experience.
  • Initiative.

Work experience column

We have already said that this section is the most important in the resume of a job seeker for a managerial position. Therefore, the specialist must pay great attention to filling it out. The information provided should be concise and succinct. The reader's attention is focused only on important details in a career. And most importantly, the data must be extremely truthful. It is possible that the HR manager will contact the former employer of the deputy head of the HR department to check the accuracy of certain facts of the work history.

For each past place of work, information is indicated in the same way:

  • Employment period. The time period is indicated in the same way as in the work book.
  • Full title of the position.
  • The full name of the organization, brief information about its activities - a bank, a metallurgical company, etc.
  • The official website, email address, phone number of the person in charge, which will give the HR manager access to your former employer.
  • Employment type: full / part-time, watch, business trips.
  • Professional skills used in the performance of their duties.
  • List of achievements in this workplace.

Let's take a look at a small example:

  • Head of Cooperation Department.
  • PJSC "Procurement-Omsk".
  • Field of activity: procurement, supply.
  • Work period: 3.10.2010-5.08.2014. Total term: 3 years 9 months.
  • Used professional skills: procurement of products, organization and planning according to the nomenclature of procurement activities; management of the firm's budget, control over expenses; pre-contractual / contractual work with partners, reclamation activities; selection of suppliers, assessment of their competitiveness; search for alternative partners.
  • Achievements in the workplace: optimization of production costs, reduction of enterprise costs, stable provision of the material needs of the company throughout the entire working life.

Deputy head of department is a position that is typical for different enterprises and organizations. Hence, the job descriptions of the deputies will differ in the content of the sections. However, when looking for a job, general standards for writing a resume, indicating information about work experience are relevant.

Position of the first Deputy General Director is formed based on the specific needs of the company. Therefore, the range of duties of a deputy director is so wide that it is almost impossible to formulate the uniform qualities of an ideal candidate for this position. However, two situations can be distinguished when the CEO needs to introduce the position of the first deputy:

  1. You decided to focus on strategic plans, you have no time to deal with current issues. In this situation, you need a person who will carry out the operational management of the enterprise.
  2. You have decided to retire, so you need to find a deputy, to whom you can later transfer all matters.

Depending on the situation, the requirements for the candidate are formed, as well as his main functions.

Usually, the position of the Deputy General Director is a specialist under the age of 30. He is full of energy and strength, ready to assimilate significant amounts of various information, thanks to which he can progress and benefit the company itself. If we talk about education, then usually has a higher technical or economic. A person with technical skills usually has excellent logical thinking, which allows for a clear structure of knowledge.

Although, if the entire education of a specialist is limited only to a diploma, then it is unlikely that he has to count on this responsible position. Indeed, without knowledge in the field of economic theory and analysis of financial activities, a deputy financial director can hardly be considered a qualified specialist. A techie candidate must have at least one year of internship in economics and finance.

If a candidate has two higher educations, then this will speak volumes - in particular, about the purposefulness of the specialist. But his true qualities will appear during the probationary period.

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What are the tasks facing the deputy director in the company?

In many ways, the tasks of the Deputy are similar to those facing the General Director. The difference lies only in the degree of responsibility and the scale of awareness. Assumes important functional responsibilities of the deputy director that the applicant has a number of skills, knowledge and skills for this position.

The prospective deputy needs to be able to understand general economic issues, the provisions of tax legislation. You need to know the specifics of your company's industry - with knowledge of the basics of contract law. It is necessary for him and, since he will have to deal with internal reports, with the accounting statements of counterparties in the course of work. The deputy director needs to be able to “read” the balance sheet, to know Form No. 2 (Profit and Loss Statement), as well as other forms of tax, accounting and statistical reporting, with an understanding of what is behind the assets and liabilities of the enterprise.

However, this does not limit the requirements for the candidate. The deputy director is responsible for knowing the work and software products that the company uses for accounting. If necessary, you will have to deal with the preparation of any report that is generated by these programs.

5 qualities a good substitute should have

How to identify a potential leader when looking for a candidate for the position of "right hand", told the editorial board of the magazine "General Director".

What is the job responsibilities of the Deputy Director

  1. Control of the features and conduct in the activities of the organization in economic and financial terms.
  2. Providing usefulness in the activities of all employees and departments of the company in order to ensure the optimal use of financial and material resources, with the formation of the concept of all production aspects.
  3. Take measures to ensure an accelerated turnover of products using a profitable and timely conclusion of financial and business contracts. It is necessary to select companies with the proper reputation and experience so that there are no complications in the company's work. This task includes the duties of the deputy director for educational work.
  4. Leading and supervising activities in matters of saving and saving unnecessary resources, with their complex use. It is necessary to work on the improvement and regulation of the costs of raw materials, with the control of its production use, also if there are no materials and additional means of activity. These tasks are stipulated by the duties of the deputy director.
  5. Improvement of the economic indicators of the enterprise, the formation of indicators with improved standards, with control over the implementation of all relevant functions by responsible employees. It is necessary to gradually work to strengthen (if possible expand) the enterprise, its areas of activity, with the improvement of financial and regulatory discipline. This is provided for by the duties of the deputy director for educational work.
  6. Prevention and timely elimination of the accumulation of many material values, excessive consumption of materials, damage to equipment due to improper operation or excessively intensive operation.

Practitioner tells

Boris Bobrovnikov, General Director of the Krok company, Moscow

In our company, top management is represented by specialists who have taken responsibility for developing a new direction, solving a specific business problem, and eventually becoming the head of a certain direction. Over 15 years of activity, the staff of our company has increased from 12 employees to 1,500.

My first deputy is involved in attracting new clients from large corporate structures. These companies, which were attracted by the deputy for our cooperation, remain in the sphere of interests of both my and his attention. Including, VimpelCom, Alfa-Bank, Rosgosstrakh, Sberbank of the Russian Federation. My deputy is in charge of overseeing regional policy issues, with interaction with our strategic partners.

My deputy director is responsible for the spheres of activity that are interesting to him, in which he can fully realize himself, showing his abilities best of all. I cannot imagine now a situation where one chief deputy is responsible for everything - we have too many directions, they are all different.

What are the rights of the deputy director

The following tasks are among the rights of the deputy director of the company:

  1. Give orders, advise all employees on issues regarding their work activities, or accidentally arising problems.
  2. Take an active and active part in the preparation of various projects, instructions, orders and important instructions. Can participate in budgeting, analyze the appropriateness of the actions taken, delivering reasoning to the CEO and the entire team. Can take part in the creation of contract concepts, taking into account their relevance, if possible taking the necessary actions for the development of the company.
  3. Personally inform the general director about all the shortcomings in the company that the deputy of the enterprise identified on his own or received from other employees. I must not only be engaged in timely informing about various shortcomings, but also making proposals for improving the work of the company as a whole, with the modernization of specific departments of the company.
  4. Engage in representative activities in the interests of the company. It is possible for the deputy director of the company to interact with government agencies, making decisions within the framework of his own concept, with various institutions and organizations, if the issues under consideration are related to the company's commercial activities or are among the urgent ones.
  5. To deal with requests for the necessary documents from various structural divisions of the company, if necessary to be able to carry out the main job duties of any employees or the deputy director of the company himself.

Business Observation Responsibilities

  1. Control and, if necessary, participation in the preparation, execution of the necessary financial documents, various estimates that determine the economic costs of various areas of processing, modernization of production technologies - refers to the job duties in the work of the Deputy General Director.
  2. Control of timely comparison, submission of reporting documentation, implementation of calculations, their inclusion in the main package of documentation required for employees of the organization is assumed by the duties of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.
  3. Being engaged in constant oversight of the implementation of plans by employees, the relevance of standards, the possibility of implementing a more profitable production process, with a moderate improvement in operational measures for certain equipment - refers to the job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for General Affairs.

Sometimes the CEO is absent. As a result, his duties are transferred to the deputy director of the company. This employee needs the ability to efficiently and successfully negotiate with partners and customers, hold events, and organize meetings. These tasks relate to the duties of the Deputy Director for OIA.

The company's employees are directly subordinate to the deputy director of the company. Therefore, it is necessary not only to supervise the work, but also to take appropriate measures to make it easier, effective and safe. It is engaged in the development, improvement and implementation of the rules and regulations of labor discipline, ensuring proper provision, guarantees of compliance with the basic requirements for fire safety and labor protection. These tasks relate to the job responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Production.

This employee is engaged in reporting to employees of orders and requirements of the general director of the enterprise, with control, and ensuring, if necessary, their implementation. He is engaged in regularly informing the General Director of the company about any deviations and malfunctions in work, due to which significant material or economic damage is possible, with the implementation, if necessary, of his decrees and instructions to correct and eliminate any inconveniences in the system.

Functional responsibilities of the Deputy for Economic Affairs

Thanks to a high-quality job description, the necessary conditions are created for a detailed and adequate understanding of the functions of the deputy director of the company. It will allow you to find a really suitable specialist for this position.

The job description of the deputy director of the company for economic affairs assumes the following content:

  • coordination of the work of departments for the development of strategic plans;
  • planning and control of economic indicators;
  • analysis of results, conducting activities aimed at improving the financial performance of the company, introducing modern methods of work.
  • control over the rational use of resources;
  • participation in the development of a collective agreement, staffing table, tariffication;
  • work on improving the planning of economic indicators of departments.
  • work on improving production, crisis management.

The qualification requirements for managers in large companies with a worldwide reputation assume knowledge of international financial reporting standards, English, additional education, in particular, an MBA degree, CFA, CPA certificates.

The tasks of economics and finance professionals may vary from company to company. Various functions of specialists are assumed - from the routine management of financial tasks to work on the issue of securities and attraction of investments.

To successfully fulfill official duties, a deputy director for economics must have leadership and managerial qualities, and be a sociable person. It should also be able to persuade and influence, establishing successful interaction with partners, leading teamwork and making responsible management decisions. It will help him to develop such skills.

Responsibilities of the Deputy Director for Strategic Development

The deputy director of the company for development provides planning in the corporation's work for the future. Formulates the mission, objectives and goals of the enterprise, determines the successful policy - the prerogative of the strategic manager. Consequently, certain qualifications are needed - including managerial experience, higher education.

Knowledge of management theory, economics, marketing, financial, strategic and innovation management is required. The main job functions of a specialist include:

  1. Plan the development policy of the company, monitor production processes, analyze indicators.
  2. Develop and implement new development projects, preparing related documents.
  3. Appoint those responsible for the implementation of development plans, organize and control the joint work of departments on the implementation of established projects.

Development of anti-crisis measures, making changes and adjustments to plans in case of non-standard situations - this is also one of the responsibilities of the company's deputy director for development. The development manager has the right to request and use any information about the organization's activities from department heads. At the same time, he is engaged in the formulation, preparation of proposals aimed at optimizing work processes, issuing orders for the implementation of the company's strategic plans.

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Functional responsibilities of the Deputy Director

Experts in the personnel business are sure that at first the deputy can be instructed to:

  • engage in primary analysis of contracts;
  • check the cost estimates of contractors and suppliers;
  • to coordinate, on behalf of the director, the parameters of estimates, sections of business plans with the heads of other services and departments;
  • control the execution of individual items of the enterprise budget, with the identification of the main reasons for discrepancies;
  • develop recommendations on certain management decisions for the CEO. In this regard, great importance is attached to a “fresh look” at the problem, with the identification of new sides or possible consequences when resolving certain situations.

It is also necessary to warn the newcomer that no one has the right to give instructions and instructions to the Assistant General Director - this can only be done by his immediate supervisor.

In addition to these duties, the deputy director of the company may be entrusted with the functions of an internal controller or the right to express the opinion of the company during meetings. These conditions are governed by the provisions of the internal job descriptions.

Also, the deputy director of the company will definitely have to communicate with the heads of the digging departments, the counterparties of his enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to correctly formulate the topics of negotiations. Although it is forbidden to enter into discussions. Except for situations when it is allowed by the immediate superiors.

Job description
deputy head of department [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor legal relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General Provisions

1.1. The deputy head of the department belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. A person with higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of deputy head of the department.

1.3. Appointment to the position of the deputy head of the department and release from it is made by order of the head of the enterprise (institution) on the proposal of the head of the relevant department.

1.4. The deputy head of the department should know:

Fundamentals of Economics, Labor Organization and Management;

Labor legislation and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

Department Regulations;

Resolutions, orders, orders, other guiding and normative documents of higher and other bodies concerning the activities of the department;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

1.5. The deputy head of the department reports directly to the head of the department.

1.6. During the absence of the deputy head of the department (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Deputy Head of Department:

2.1. Directly and constantly performs part of the functional duties delegated to him by the head of the department, the latter controls their high-quality and timely implementation.

2.2. During the absence of the head of the department (business trip, vacation, illness), performs his duties in full and is responsible for their proper execution.

2.3. Carries out individual service assignments of the head of the department.

2.4. [Enter what you want].

III. Rights

The deputy head of the department has the right to:

3.1. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.2. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning the activities of the department.

3.3. Submit proposals for improving the work of your department for consideration by the management.

3.4. Within the limits of their competence, inform the head of the department about all the shortcomings identified in the work of the department, and make proposals for their elimination.

3.5. To interact with the heads of all (individual) structural divisions of the enterprise.

3.6. Make proposals to encourage distinguished workers, to impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.

3.7. Require the management of the enterprise (institution) and the head of the department to assist in the performance of their official duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility

The deputy head of the department is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties as provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


Head of the legal department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Depending on the number of employees and the organizational structure of the enterprise, the staffing table may provide for various titles of the positions of the Deputy General Director, for example:

  • first deputy general director;
  • Deputy General Director for General Issues;
  • Deputy General Director for Finance;
  • Deputy General Director for Sales, etc.

The sample job description of the Deputy Director of LLC (2020), which can be downloaded in the article, will differ from all other options for job titles by functional rights and responsibilities of the top officials of the organization.

Job description structure

The job description consists of four sections:

  1. General Provisions.
  2. Job responsibilities.
  3. Rights.
  4. Responsibility.

General Provisions

Who is the deputy subordinate to?

The subordination of the deputies, as a rule, is direct, that is, they are subordinate directly to the first person of the organization. However, it is permissible in the instructions to make an announcement that, for example, the first deputy is directly subordinate to the head of the organization or directly to the decisions of the owners of the company. In the job description of the deputy for general issues, it can be indicated that he is subordinate not only to the head of the organization, but also to his first deputy.

Who reports to the deputy

If the staffing of the enterprise is significant and the number of deputies is more than two, it is advisable to assign in writing to each of them certain divisions, which they will supervise, and whose management will be closed directly to each of them. The first deputy oversees, as a rule, divisions related to the main and direct activities of the company, for example, production, the energy and technical control department. The address of the Deputy for Economic Affairs is the planning, sales and accounting departments. In the area of ​​responsibility of the deputy for general issues - the economic department, personnel and office.

The procedure for appointment and dismissal from office

Depending on the existing order in the organization, instructions in this section indicate that a person is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the head of the company. It can be indicated that people are appointed to the positions of SDGs (as the names of these positions are sometimes abbreviated) in accordance with the charter of the organization, the decision of the owners of the company, and in the same manner they are subject to dismissal.

Who performs duties for the period of temporary absence

This section of the general part of the instruction provides for the procedure for temporary replacement in the event of the absence of a deputy director. Most often, as the job description ascribes, the deputy general director can be replaced by the head of one of the departments he supervises. This allows for more efficient work planning, since you do not have to think every time who will be able to fulfill the duties of an absent employee. It can be written more simply that a specialist appointed by a separate order of the General Director will be the interim.

Qualification Requirements

If the position does not imply the presence of any benefits or restrictions that are provided for by current legislation, the developer of the instruction can independently come up with what education and work experience an employee should have. You can use the leadership job qualification guides as a guide. If the position implies the existence of benefits and restrictions, or it is included in the list of professional standards, it will be enough to indicate that the person appointed to this position must meet these qualifications. Information about wages (in rubles or foreign currency) is not indicated in the job description.

What you should know, be able to and what to be guided by

This section is not of practical value, but is traditionally indicated in all job descriptions. Suffice it to mention in general terms that the employee must know the legislation (depending on the line of business), be able to apply it in practice, and that he is guided by the company's charter, as well as the regulations of the general director.

Job responsibilities

The most important section of the instruction, because this is the work function of the employee. The duties of any deputy follow from:

  • the need to resolve the range of issues delegated to him by the general director;
  • the specifics of the activities of the units that he oversees.

In addition, the position of the deputy director is endowed with organizational and administrative functions, and the employee's labor function in this section focuses on the coordination and management of subordinate employees. If you are developing a job description, it is recommended to use mostly verbs:

  • organizes;
  • coordinates;
  • leads;
  • controls;
  • provides;
  • takes action, etc.

For example, the first deputy director is obliged to:

  • coordinate the work of all departments in accordance with the goals and objectives of the enterprise;
  • take measures to ensure the smooth operation of production;
  • inform, and not hide from the general director all the shortcomings in the operation of production and its supply, take measures to eliminate the causes and conditions that may contribute to the downtime of the enterprise, etc.

In general, filling this section with specifics directly depends on the specifics of the company's activities: if the main direction is production, then the section of responsibilities of the first deputy director of the organization will mainly consist of responsibilities for the management and maintenance of the technical and production activities of the enterprise.

The rights of the deputy director

This section of the job description indicates what rights the employee is vested with to solve everyday issues and implement his functional tasks. It is indicated what and from whom he can demand and in what form, to whom and what orders he is authorized to give. It is recommended to predominantly use verbs:

  • require;
  • achieve;
  • realize;
  • make suggestions, etc.

For example, a deputy director for general affairs has the right to:

  • demand that subordinate personnel strictly comply with the rules for working with information and documents containing personal data of employees;
  • manage subordinate units at your own discretion, distribute the load between units;
  • make proposals to the management of the organization on measures of moral and material incentives for subordinate officials who achieve high results in their professional activities, etc.


It is indicated what the employee is responsible for:

  • for the fulfillment of specific indicators;
  • for the effectiveness and efficiency of the units supervised by him;
  • for failure to take appropriate measures;
  • for the safety of confidential information, etc.

For example, the Deputy CEO for Economic Activities is responsible for:

  • fulfillment of the planned performance indicators of subordinate units;
  • the state of service discipline in subordinate units;
  • provision of timely reporting to tax and other regulatory authorities in the direction of their activities, etc.

Working conditions

If there are features of the work schedule due to the functional responsibilities that the deputy general director must perform, the job description must necessarily provide for them. This refers to a floating schedule of going to work, business trips, etc. These spelled out features must fully comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and safety requirements in the performance of labor duties.

Sample job description of the Deputy General Director of LLC (2020)

Signing, approval, review and storage

The job description of the deputies general directors in the formalized form:

  1. It is signed by the developer (this is, as a rule, the head of the personnel department) and approved by the head of the organization. Her sheets are stitched.
  2. When appointed to a position, the employee gets acquainted with the provisions of his job description, confirms the fact of familiarization with his own handwritten signature and receives a copy of the instruction in his hands. If necessary, he can be consulted by a lawyer or personnel officer.
  3. The job description is stored in the order established in the organization in the personnel department or accounting department.

The job description of the deputy director is a local document valid on the territory of one enterprise. Familiarization with it is an obligatory part of the process of hiring an employee. The job description records all the information that relates to the work of a specialist at the enterprise.

What is the job responsibilities of the Deputy Director

When compiling a local document, you need to take into account the specifics of the position. If this is the job description of the deputy director for AHP (administrative and economic part), then the nuances of the employee's activities at this place of work should be reflected, while the deputy general director should have completely different responsibilities. But you can deduce the average job responsibilities that are inherent in this profession.

A correctly compiled job description allows not only to improve the quality of recruiting for the field. It helps to evenly distribute the workload across jobs and, as a result, to increase the efficiency of work in production. It also increases the level of awareness of personal responsibility, which positively affects the productivity of the enterprise.

And that is why responsible employees of the personnel department should be engaged in the development of job descriptions. They better understand what requirements need to be put forward to people who are going to take this or that position. They also understand what nuances need to be taken into account by an employee working at this place of work. This means that they can describe in more detail the duties or additional issues that this employee will have to settle.

The job description of the deputy director for educational work, as well as the job description for any other profession, should contain the following sections:

The job responsibilities of a person working directly as a deputy director also usually include the following items:

  • Control over financial and economic activities within the organization itself or a subdivision entrusted to it.
  • Ensuring the satisfactory work of all employees of the company, as well as the functioning of the compound structural departments. The duties of the Deputy Director include ensuring the optimal use of the company's funds, both material and financial. He must form the concept of production aspects of work within the company.
  • Taking measures that will increase the turnover and production of products. Also, the deputy must select a list of companies that have sufficient experience and product quality to conclude cooperation agreements with them, depending on their area of ​​responsibility.
  • Monitoring and supervising activities within the organization, which are related to saving additional resources. He must also provide control over the integrated use of saved resources, both labor and material. It is necessary to propose projects and concepts to improve the situation with the costs of the raw materials used, to control their use in production.
  • Work to improve the economic performance of the organization. This item may include work on how to expand the scope of the company or improve labor discipline at the enterprise.
  • Ensuring control over that the equipment of the enterprise is in a satisfactory technical condition. He must also monitor the level of consumption of raw materials and prevent excessive use of it.

In addition to duties, the deputy director also has rights. They should also be clearly spelled out in the terms of the job description and communicated to the employee. Typically, the following items are included in the list of rights:

  • Give orders for the company, provide advice to employees regarding their work activities and resolve problems in case of accidental malfunctions.
  • Take an active part in the development of various aspects that relate to the labor activity of the enterprise. Also, the rights of the deputy director include the opportunity to participate in the preparation of various estimates and the right to analyze how appropriate and productive the decisions made at the enterprise are.
  • Personally inform the general director about the shortcomings that were identified in the analysis of the company's labor activity or were received by the deputy from other employees of the enterprise.
  • Represent the company at events and act in the best interests of your company. The deputy director gets the right to interact with government agencies and other executive bodies. But only if there are questions that relate to the company's activities in the commercial sphere or are urgent.

How to draw up a job description

In order for the job description to give the employee a clear understanding of what duties are assigned to him, it is necessary that it be drawn up in as much detail as possible. Because the inaccurate execution of such a local document can lead to labor disputes and legal proceedings. Especially if the job description of the deputy general director was inaccurate.

It is also worth noting that there are no norms in the legislation that control the writing of such documents. This means that they can be drawn up in any form, taking already existing local documents as a basis. But it is worth considering not only the specifics of the production itself, but also the specifics of the position. For example, the job description of a deputy director of production will include items that are not found in other similar documents.

To the job description, in addition to the obvious information content, other requirements are put forward:

  • Rational distribution of workloads and responsibilities among all employees of enterprises. The employer is obliged to take into account the level of qualifications and knowledge that is needed in order to take the position;
  • It should provide quality control over how the employee performs his job duties;
  • The local document also defines the employee's labor rights. The job description of the deputy director for general affairs will differ from the job description of the storekeeper;
  • The instructions must contain the criteria by which the effectiveness of the employee's work is assessed;

Most often, an employee from the HR department of the organization is involved in the development of job descriptions. He is better versed in what criteria should be applied to the position, by what indicators to assess the efficiency of the worker's work. The immediate head of the structural unit is entrusted with the approval of the local document by his signature and general control over so that the instruction does not contradict the rules of work at the enterprise and the orders that are in force in the company.

In addition to the rules that an employee developing a job description must follow, there are also requirements set forth by legislation.

The job description must be drawn up in three copies:

  • The first copy remains with the employee from the personnel department of the enterprise, it must be attached to the staffing table;
  • The second copy is sent to the head of the structural unit of the organization where this position will be introduced;
  • The third copy is given to the employee who will work in this position;

The job description can be either an appendix to the main text of the employment contract, or be published separately from it. But in any case, regardless of how it is published, the employee who applies for the position must be familiar with the relevant instructions. Confirmation that the acquaintance has taken place must be his signature.

Also, besides those mentioned above, there are other requirements. They are needed in order to minimize the chance of such troubles as a labor dispute or even legal proceedings.

  • The information contained in the job description must be unambiguous. It is necessary to ensure that there are no ambiguities and different interpretations of what is written;
  • All information contained in the job description must be succinct and comprehensive;
  • The job description should cover all the information that relates to the main points of the employee's work in the organization.

How to make changes to the job description of a deputy

The head of the enterprise may have reasons to start changing the text of the job description. This can be an extension of the scope in which the company operates, or if you need to add responsibilities or rights to one of the positions. And, regardless of what kind of job description needs to be changed, the leader must act in the same way.

If the manager has a need to change the terms of the job description of the deputy chief, then he must do the following:

  • It is necessary to develop and prepare a new text of the job description.
  • The head of the enterprise must issue a new order, which will establish that the job description comes into force.
  • All interested employees should be familiar with the text of the new instruction. And those employees who are directly affected by the changes made must give their consent to work under the new conditions. If they are satisfied with the conditions, then they will have to sign and draw up a written confirmation of their intentions to remain in office.
  • You also need to edit the text of the employment contract. The employee and the manager must agree and draw up an addendum to the already concluded contract. There should be reflected the changes made to the job description.

Only after all the formalities described above are completed, the employee who is affected by the change in the job description will be able to start working. If he starts work before he gets acquainted with the new document and gives his consent, then this will be a violation of the current legislation.

It is worth noting that the job description does not concern a specific employee, but only the position that he occupies. So its text should not contain any names or initials.

And if the head of the enterprise decided not to change the conditions of the previous job description, but to start developing a new document without taking the old one as a basis, he needs to ensure that this paper meets all the requirements specified above.