Offered a new job I'm afraid to go. Ergophobia - fear of work. Remember where the coffee is

After spending eight years in the same office, I realized that it was time to change something. However, as soon as it came to finding a job, I was seized by a real panic. The new job was frightening to my knees. Can I handle it? How will the team meet? Will your relationship with your superiors work out? Have I lost my business dexterity and flexibility of thinking in eight years in one place? What if I don't get through probation? Fear new job just paralyzed ...

During the Soviet Union, labor dynasties were held in high esteem. It was considered very prestigious to spend your entire life in one workplace or in one labor collective... And if there was fear, it was not about work, but before the boss or before the opinion of the team. “He worked his way up from a locksmith apprentice to a production manager”, “Thirty years ago she came to the enterprise as a young graduate”, “He is one of those specialists whom the plant raised from its own personnel, having trained them at the expense of the enterprise”, “Her whole life passed before the eyes of the collective ”- such phrases were once often met in work biographies.

Much has changed since then, including the views on the track record of being a good professional. Today, an employee who sits in one place all his life can hardly be considered promising. The statement that every five years it is necessary to change jobs is becoming more and more popular in order not to lose professionalism and to have a sufficiently varied experience that increases your value as a specialist. CVs and entries in work books become more and more voluminous. As a result, more and more people feel fear of work.

I want to change jobs, but I'm afraid ...

In my case, it was so. After spending several years in one place, changing jobs was daunting, even though the change seemed to be for the better. In the old team, everyone knows you and does not require you to “get the stars out of the sky”. And the work is habitual to automatism. What if in a new place you will have to face something that you have never done before? What if I don't have enough knowledge? After all, you can easily disgrace yourself, sit in a puddle, get into a mess. The fear of a new job can seriously and permanently poison your life, turning a long-awaited change into a protracted, destructive stress.

By the way, I never got accustomed to one of the new jobs. Every morning I woke up with the thought that I was afraid to go to work. The team remained alien and aggressive, almost no one spoke to me. The headmistress gave incomprehensible tasks, without explaining anything and without going forward. The office seemed uncomfortable and hostile, and each new day only added frustration. The only plus was the salary, and I forced myself to go to work, hoping that everything would work out. It was a real hard labor. Three or four cigarettes, smoked every morning before entering, brought to nausea, slightly dulling the sticky, disgusting fear. In the evenings, alcohol was used to combat stress ... Even many years later, this negative experience is remembered as a waking nightmare.

How to overcome fear of a new job? The answer to this question is both complex and simple. First, you need to understand the main reasons for fear, which lie deep inside. Is it really a fear of work or a fear of something else?

I'm afraid to go to work

My friend Olya worked for several years as a manicure master in a small private hairdresser. And then suddenly she decided that it was time for her to grow up and went to the courses of massage therapists, after which they promised to arrange her in a large health center. At first, Olya caught fire with this idea and seemed to be glad of this turn of fate, but the closer the day of receiving the diploma approached, the sadder my friend became. In the end, she admitted that she was afraid to go to work: after a small salon, the wellness center seemed terribly frightening to her. She almost stopped eating, at night she dreamed of dissatisfied clients who scandal and dishonor her in front of new colleagues. The fear of not getting the job done, making a mistake, doing something wrong, or showing herself in a ridiculous light became her obsession. It got to the point that at the thought of work her pressure jumped, palms were sweating and there was not enough air.

Alas, Olya never coped with this fear and is still sawing other people's nails in her little salon, and her masseur's diploma is gathering dust among old postcards and documents. At the same time, she is a really good masseur, as her friends and relatives have long been convinced of, having experienced the skill of her hands.

This skill could be appreciated by other people, if it was not so scary for her to become a part of the new team.

Fear of a new team

New people are almost always difficult to get along with. And it is doubly difficult if these people are your new work collective. What are they saying behind your back? What do they think of you? Noticing every misstep and every mistake? Gossip and talk about your clumsiness and mistakes? It is very difficult to become your own in a well-established, close-knit team. And the thought that you will have to be a stranger for a long time and a black sheep in a new "working family" can poison the joy of the most wonderful, prestigious and highly paid job.

Two points usually come to the fore here. First, the fear of change inherent in many people p. New people to them, like everything new in general, appear to be a threat, a source of danger, an unknown and therefore frightening factor from which you do not know what to expect. Secondly, self-doubt and increased sensitivity to the opinions of others, which inflates fear of a new team.

A couple of years ago, the company I worked for was going to be downsized on a large scale. My colleague Anton just panicked at this prospect. What can I say, if he had a clear fear of looking for a job, let alone changing it. When he sent his resume, his hands were shaking, you could hear it by the way he nervously clicked his mouse. And when they called him about an interview, he just changed his face ... “How am I going to work there? I don't know anyone there! And this is a completely different end of Moscow! " - he complained hysterically after the next interview.

Another colleague, Nina, after being notified of the layoff, became depressed and even sobbed at times in front of her computer monitor. "I am so used to all of you ... How am I going to work with strangers?" she said through her tears. At the same time, her heartbeat intensified, palms were sweating and headaches began. The fear of a new job completely ruined her the last days in our friendly team ...

Fear of the boss

Among the fears of working alone is the fear of the boss. If only because, out of the blue, you can get it without even changing your place of work.

This happened to my brother, who left for another city, tempted by the offer of a world-renowned manufacturing company. At first it was not easy for him in a new job, he had to overcome fear of a new job, alienation of the team, and new responsibilities ... A few months later he got used to it, passed the probationary period, made friends with colleagues, and began to go to work with pleasure. It was then that thunder struck: the head of the enterprise was replaced. Instead of the previous boss, who actually invited a nonresident employee to his place, they appointed an aggressive tyrant who began his "reign" with a total suppression of any personal initiative of his subordinates, with rudeness and personal insults ...

Alas, not everyone was able to overcome their fear of the new boss, including my brother, who had to quit and leave the city, to which he got used to with such difficulty and persistence ...

In the life of every person there are times when he is afraid of losing his job or, having already lost it, is afraid to go to a new job. This may be due to fear of change, fear of a new team, fear of not coping with work, disgrace, not being up to par, etc. However, whatever fears accompany the process of going to work, it cannot be avoided. Life dictates the need to earn and support ourselves and our family ... And the less stress and fears accompany the changes in our work biography, the more successful and happy we will be. Sometimes this requires very little, for example, to complete the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan and get rid of the fear of work forever. Free online lectures coming soon - join to learn more! Registration .

Proofreader: Anna Katargina

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-vector psychology»

It is always difficult to get used to a new environment, new internal rules. When starting a new job, many people experience stress not so much from fear that they will not cope with responsibilities, but from anxiety, as their colleagues will perceive them. How to behave in a new place in order to quickly get comfortable with work tasks, make a good impression, and make sure that you are immediately taken seriously?

First day

Traditionally, a new employee is introduced to colleagues by the manager. It is good if the company is small or has regular general meetings. Then acquaintance with others will happen faster. If you go to work in a corporation, be prepared to get to know your colleagues within a few weeks, and not only through the manager, but also in the process of solving problems.

On the first day, the main thing is to be introduced to those with whom you will have to communicate most often and work in close cooperation. Try to remember them. Better yet, write down briefly who is named and who is responsible for what. If you have not been introduced, do not hesitate to come up and meet yourself. The faster you do this, the easier it will be to interact further.

If you've forgotten someone's name, ask again. It's perfectly okay to forget someone if you've been introduced to twenty people in a few hours.

If it is customary in the company to communicate in a general work chat or in a group on a social network, make sure that you are added there (sometimes, in the confusion, managers forget about this). Better to ask about it yourself right away.

Ask to show you the documents that regulate the work of the department or specifically your labor functions, if any. Of course, you should be familiarized with everything that is needed for work anyway, and if the organization has a developed corporate culture, then you will also be assigned a curator from among your colleagues to bring you up to date and support you in everything at first. But in the turmoil they may forget about the formalities, and if all colleagues are “on fire” at this moment, then the beginner has to figure it out on his own. In this case, it is important to be proactive - your success during the trial period depends on it.

Ask colleagues if the office has a dining room or kitchen and where else they dine. It is best to go to lunch with them on the first day, even if you usually prefer to dine alone. A joint lunch is a great occasion for a more informal acquaintance. For starters, you can talk about neutral topics - who lives where, how much gets to work, what other places for lunch are nearby.

First week

Your main task for the first week in communicating with colleagues is to remember everyone, to understand who is who and how you interact with them. Colleagues should also remember you and understand on what issues they can contact you.

At this stage, you should not emphasize your talents, even if you already see that you are more experienced in something than new colleagues. At first, take a more observant position and express your opinion within reasonable limits, especially if no one asked about him. It is much more important to prove that you are interested in work tasks, that you do not mess around, but delve into the processes in detail and learn new things - these are the most important signs of a real professional in any position.

Ask questions. The main rule of communication for the first week: "If you don't know, ask." Ask about anything that causes you even the slightest doubt. Even if it seems to you that these are stupid questions, remember, you have an indulgence - you are new here! It's better to figure out how to do it right than to do it at random. Everyone around perfectly understands that you new employee, and even expect these questions from you.

If you have come to work in a new area for you and do not yet understand the process, ask someone from your colleagues to explain it to you step by step. It doesn't have to be your boss or someone else in your position. It may be more helpful to talk to your subordinates or peers. Gradually, you will figure out how everything happens, how much it costs, how much time it takes to implement. If you are a manager, such conversations will help you optimize the processes that you conduct. Here the fact that you are a beginner can even become a plus: from the outside, weaknesses are sometimes more visible than from the inside, when a person is used to everything and it seems to him that everything is going as it should.

Ruslan Lobachev, content producer, recalls: “From television I came to work in an online cinema. The sphere is contiguous, but there are a lot of its own details. For the first week, I didn’t understand why it took so long to publish a movie in the app. It turned out that this is one of the sore spots in the company, and the marketing and content promotion department could not understand why video engineers constantly miss deadlines. To understand the production process, I asked the chief video engineer to meet with me and explain the details. After an hour-long lecture, I learned that one film weighs hundreds of gigabytes, takes a long time to download from the owner's server, then archived to the cinema server, then encoded, then goes through the final stage of preparation, for example, subtitling. It is unrealistic to do all this in one day. From the very first week, I made advance planning a priority in my work. I had to shift the release dates of several films and justify this to the marketing department. But within a month we were able to organize the release process, upload films on time and prepare them ahead of schedule. "

In meetings, do not hesitate to take notes on the most important things. At first, there will be a lot of information that people around you understand perfectly, but for you - a dark forest. This is normal: you are here recently, you have yet to delve into many nuances, to understand the internal processes. This is especially true for large companies with a complex device. If something is not clear, but you do not want to interrupt the general discussion with your questions, mark these points to yourself and ask colleagues to bring you up to date after the meeting.

In the new circle there will always be someone who will sympathize with you from the first days and agree to take time for tips. If you do not know at all whom to turn to for help, ask who in your team was the previous “newcomer” before you - this colleague still has fresh memories of how difficult it was to get used to the new environment, he is best able to understand your feelings and, rather of all, will not be dismissed if you ask for help. In order not to distract a colleague from work, the easiest way is to ask him or her to accompany you at lunch and ask the accumulated questions in an informal setting.

Seek feedback. There is no need to approach your boss every day with a request to comment on your work, this is annoying. Come back after the first week (you can write a letter). Next time ask for feedback after the first month and then after three months. It is good when the company already organizes such meetings with each employee, for example, at the end of the probationary period. This is usually done by the HR department. At such meetings, they discuss your impressions of the work, give you an objective assessment and together outline possible ways of development and goals for the near term. But even if there are no such meetings, ask the leader yourself to meet with you. An adequate boss will never dismiss a newcomer and will find time for him.

First month

Watch your colleagues. Watch how they behave, how they solve work tasks, what is accepted in the team and what is not.

Understand responsibility and differentiate it. Don't do tasks that others should be doing. There are teams where employees try to shove their business off to a newcomer. Learn to say a firm no if you are sure that this is not your function. And, conversely, clarify with a direct question whose task it is, if in doubt. In long-established teams, everyone is accustomed to who is responsible for what, and the boss can set the task “into a void,” knowing that the right person will pick it up. If it turns out that in a particular case you should have become such a person, because your predecessor always dealt with such tasks, but no one informed you about this, then, of course, you will not be guilty of this. But a conflict situation is assured.

Second and third months

Usually, it is only by the end of the probationary period that you understand who is who in the office. For the first three months, you are a beginner. The same works in reverse side: colleagues are looking at you and gradually understand what kind of employee you are, whether they can trust you with tasks and rely on you. Usually, only after three months (and sometimes after six months) you begin to be taken seriously, especially if you are a young professional.

Remember that others cannot read minds and do not understand you perfectly. While you are not yet on the same wavelength with your colleagues, try to convey your thoughts as carefully and calmly as possible. Jokes, by the way, do not always help defuse the situation, a sense of humor is a subjective thing. First, it's better to make sure what kind of humor they are used to in this team.

False Consensus Effect

This is one of the main mistakes that can happen to a newcomer in a team. The human brain tends to project its way of thinking onto others. We automatically assume that others think the same way as we do, although this may not be the case at all. Therefore, there are misunderstandings in the transfer of information - both oral and written.

When communicating with colleagues in the new team, explain the context of your messages. "Check your watch" to make sure you are talking exactly the same thing. Each has its own quality standards, working tools, habits. Transferring to a new collective the standard to which you are accustomed in the previous place, and explaining it with the phrase "And it was like this with us ..." is the same as going with your charter to a strange monastery. And the concept "with us" is now here for you, and not in the same place, although this awareness does not appear immediately.

Remember that your coworkers may think very differently. For example, you might think that after each meeting, the manager conducting the meeting should write a short summary letter to everyone who attended the meeting. And in the company, no one has done this before you. To avoid misunderstandings, discuss with your colleagues the benefits of such emails.

And the most important thing. You came to this company to work, and not to make new friends and charm others. Your manager will first and foremost evaluate the results of your work. Be kind, but don't try to please everyone. Be curious about what's going on, but don't go over personal boundaries. it The best way get comfortable in any team.

How to make a good impression without crossing personal boundaries

Behave naturally. Don't try to pretend you are not.

Be polite. Observe the rituals established in the collective. If you see that colleagues are collecting a gift for someone in the department, offer to participate. Don't come up with revolutionary ideas right away. This is not welcome in any established team.

Less emotion. Try to think rationally rather than emotionally at work. Something happened? Turn off your emotional response and figure out how to fix the problem.

Remain neutral. Most likely, after some time you will find friends and allies here. The same as opponents. All in good time, but stay neutral first. It is possible that the team has ongoing conflicts and other complex relationships that you do not yet know about, and there are intriguers who may try to immediately drag you into this completely unnecessary story for you.

When communicating with colleagues, do not ask them about their personal life. About yours, too, should not be told in detail. Do not participate in office intrigues and do not get interested in gossip, especially if you work in a female team. Instead, offer to discuss plans for the weekend or a new movie in the cinema.

Take care of your resume

Going to a new job is a reason to update your resume on the site, indicating in it the beginning of work in a new place. It might be worth changing the visibility of your resume. If your resume is open to all employers, then your colleagues in a new job may see it and think that you are not going to stay with them and look again.

There are several ways not to leave your resume open to everyone and at the same time not to deprive yourself of even more interesting offers(suddenly such will appear):

  • Hide resumes from certain companies. To do this, create your own stop list in a special window.
  • Set the "Visible to selected companies" mode. Great if you have a dream company or several dream companies and you are always ready to consider offers from them. Your resume will be available for viewing only to those companies that you select in a special window. The others won't see him.
  • Make the resume anonymous, that is, hide the full name in it. and contacts by which you can be "identified" by those who know you, and even places of work.
  • Set up the visibility of the resume only for the direct link. Then no one will find it in the database, but the person to whom you send a link to it will open it. If you respond with such a resume to vacancies on the site, then the employer who received the response will also see the resume.

To customize the visibility of your resume, enter it and click on "Change visibility".

Ecology of life. Life hack: What you need to do to get used to it faster and withstand the trial period with dignity. This month...

This month, thousands of people will find themselves a new job, where at first they will have to go through exciting moments, proving that they deserve their place.

“The first three months at a new job is a continuation of the interview. From the very first day you need to prove your worth, ”says Amanda Augustine, employment consultant at TopResume.

We've put together her tips for you on what to do in your new job in your first week to be successful.

1. Get to know your colleagues actively

Feel free to be the first to make acquaintances. Say hello to everyone in the elevator, the dining room, and even the restroom. It will pay off in the end.

Augustine advises: "Start with those around you: those who work directly with you."

It is in their best interest to adapt to the new team, because your work is directly related to what they do.

2. Ask a lot of questions

Absorb as much as possible in the first week more information... If you are going to make big changes, you first need to understand how everything works here and earn the trust of the team.

3. Be humble

Nobody likes know-it-alls, and even if you consider yourself the best worker in the world, you probably don't know absolutely everything. When new colleague or the boss offers you help or advice, accept it.

Never answer that in your former company everything was done differently. People don't like this terribly.

Even if you don't really need help, demonstrating a willingness to listen to someone else's advice will increase your colleagues' self-esteem (and possibly mitigate their concerns about you). It can also come in handy in the future when you really need help.

4. Make friends with an experienced colleague

Find out who has been with the company for a long time and has authority in the team. An experienced employee who knows how everything works here will help bring you up to date.

“Each company has its own communication style and jokes for its own. Find someone who can help you understand the abbreviations and relationships in the team accepted here, ”advises Augustine.

Plus, you need someone to ask you about all sorts of little things - don't go to your boss asking where the printer paper is.

5. Understand what your subordinates and bosses expect from you.

“Talk to your boss. During the first meeting, try to understand exactly what is expected of you in the first week, month and quarter in a new place, ”advises Augustine.

At the same time, if you are a leader yourself, it is important to clearly explain to your subordinates what you require of them. Remember that your behavior and communication style in the first week will set the tone for the entire work.

6. Try to understand the relationships within the team.

Pay attention to the small behaviors of your colleagues. It is likely that one of them was targeting you, so be careful.

Try to befriend your employees and use them best qualities for the common good, to avoid conflicts when forming a team.

7. Find out where the coffee is

For successful work It is always important to know where the coffee is stored and how the coffee machine is turned on. You also need to understand the unwritten rules of office etiquette, violation of which can lead to a real explosion in the team. Who washes the cups? What shelves are shared cookies stored on?

8. Find out where you can buy takeaway

Explore the area and find out where to buy a sandwich, have a cup of coffee with someone you know, or have a delicious business lunch.

In addition, you should be aware of where you can buy band-aids or medications if needed.

9. Invite different people to lunch

Friendship with coworkers will benefit you more than you might think. And the sooner you start making friendships, the better.

Try to expand your circle of friends, and invite different people to join you for lunch or a cup of coffee. New acquaintances will show you the best places in the area, which is also an important plus.

In addition, if you leave the office for lunch the first week, you will develop the habit of setting aside personal time during the working day. Ditch the idea of ​​a dull lunch in the workplace.

10. Be organized and disciplined

In the first week, you will receive a lot of new information, and if you are diligent from the beginning, it will be much easier for you to join the process. The first weeks of working in a new place are a great time to overcome your disorganization.

11. Show your strengths

“Challenge yourself to demonstrate the virtues you talked about in your hiring interview,” advises Augustine.

If you said you were a great social media man or an excellent data scientist, get started immediately at social networks or go for advanced analytics.

And record all your achievements. Write down everything that you managed to do, all those times when you managed to make a great contribution to the common cause, and when your work was positively assessed by your superiors. It's better to start this habit right away: then this information will help you when assessing the effectiveness of your work and negotiating a salary increase.

12. Be as visible as possible

Attend all available meetings and feel free to voice your opinion. Thanks to this, you will not only understand who and what has weight in your company, but others will also get used to your presence. Show that you are an expert in your field and colleagues will know who to turn to for help in the future.

Once you are officially hired, immediately update the relevant columns on your social media and subscribe to updates from your new company and colleagues. Strengthen relationships with new acquaintances by adding them as friends on Twitter and on LinkedIn

Also interesting: Job interview: behavior speaks louder than words

23 signs you're burned out at work

14. Write to former colleagues

Oddly enough, the first week at a new company is the perfect time to connect with people from your previous jobs.

“Write to your former colleagues and ask them for recommendations for LinkedIn. Still, the best thing to collect about yourself is when you’re not looking for a new job yet, ”advises Augustine. published

But they did not mention the fear that almost all people experience when entering a new job. It is unlikely that he has any scientific name, but this fact does not prevent a beginner from worrying and afraid to tremble in his knees, sorting out in his mind possible options the development of events and presenting chilling pictures: either the team does not accept him and builds all sorts of intrigues, then the boss turns out to be a tyrant, distributing stupid orders. It is not surprising that the first day at a new job, as well as its anticipation, is a serious test for any of us. How to overcome it with the least emotional loss - in the reasoning of the author of "Cleo".

Maybe I'm especially impressionable, or maybe this happens to almost everyone, but the first day at a new job is always difficult for me, and even waiting for it is exhausting. It usually begins in a couple of days, bringing a lot of unanswered questions and activating a rather rich imagination. The latter does not spare me at all: I imagine my colleagues arrogantly laugh at any of my awkward actions, do not want to help in anything, and at dinner they pretend that I do not exist at all. Needless to say, the day before going to work, I almost hate her? The fear of the unknown kills absolutely all the positive emotions that I have experienced until recently, and all I feel is a lump in my throat. I am afraid to misunderstand the first task, I am afraid to become the subject of ridicule and jokes in an already established team, I am afraid, in the end, that this team will not accept me into their "family" and I will, crying bitterly, dine alone in a toilet stall, as they show in American youth comedies. Of course, the latter is nothing more than irony, and schoolchildren are more likely to feel such fear than adults, but we are not alien to the feelings of being forced to communicate with new colleagues. Even the most confident person is worried when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

Even the most confident person is worried when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

Since I had changed jobs more than once, I also went crazy with fear on the eve of my first working day more than once. And at some point I decided that it was impossible: it’s stupid to be afraid in advance of what might not happen. Such "empty" emotions become only a source of stress and certainly do not help us to work productively and to win people over to us. If you also lose your appetite at the thought that tomorrow you will go to new office with new coworkers and your boss, try to pull yourself together with the tips below. For me, they really work.

Separate the wheat from the chaff

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something incomprehensible, it is even more uncomfortable. Based on this, I decided that from now on I will always determine whether my fears have any basis. It helps a lot to get rid of far-fetched fears, which are exhausting no less than real ones. To understand if there is a real threat, I write all my fears on a piece of paper and critically assess what can actually come from it, and what is a figment of my rich imagination. When there are half the number of "enemies", it becomes much easier to fight.

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something incomprehensible, it is even more uncomfortable.

Win mentally

So, we understood what situations really should be feared. But we also know that there is no guarantee that events will develop according to this negative scenario, perhaps everything will turn out in the best possible way. What does “best” mean to you? Imagine how you come to work and see that this is a real dream. Colleagues are friendly, the boss is understanding and tactful, your workplace- comfortable and modern. What more could you ask for? Set yourself up in a positive mood today, mentally conquer all your fears so that tomorrow you will come to work in a good mood and not expect a catch from everywhere.

Suit with a needle

Prepare your first day's clothes in advance. Firstly, those around them will clearly not be delighted with a new colleague who will come to the office in a crumpled skirt and a washed blouse. Secondly, you yourself will feel more confident, knowing that you are dressed up to date. Of great importance is also what kind of clothes you choose. Of course, if the company has a dress code, then everything is quite simple: comply with it, and there will be no problems. But if there are no clear rules, you should be careful: no miniskirts, children's T-shirts and low-waisted jeans. Think: you yourself would be wary of a newcomer who showed up for a job in what she most likely wore to the club yesterday.

Smile but don't bore

Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and what.

Now let's talk about the first working day. Your behavior is no less important than yours. appearance... You know that smiling is disarming and being overly helpful is alarming, so be nice to new colleagues, but don't go overboard: don't deliberately try to please someone and go overboard so that your new boss will notice you today. Perhaps he will notice, thinking: “Who did I hire?”, But this one is not at all what you need. Therefore, do not take on everything at once (no one expects that on the first working day you will begin to grab stars from the sky), do not brag about your successes and knowledge, but rather absorb new information like a sponge. Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and what.

You won't remember the last time you woke up feeling awe and excitement about the day ahead. The joy of new perspectives and cooperation opportunities opening up before you is long gone - when you just got a job in this position. You associate work for the most part with routine. Does it remind you of your life? It is worth considering looking for a new job!

2. You are unhappy

Perhaps it's even worse: you are not just not happy about the new day, but you feel unhappy every morning. Chances are good that your work, which you give almost all of your time, is to blame. Neither your boss nor your colleagues are to blame for this. Perhaps you just once put yourself in the wrong way in the team.

But this does not mean that you now have to suffer for the rest of your days.

Learn from your mistakes and look to the future. an attractive vacancy, and let the new job become your favorite!

3. Your company is doomed

Sometimes we do our best, but the circumstances are still not the best. If you are soberly aware that the company is going down, you shouldn't drown with it. Don't wait for the sunset - start looking for a new job now, so that later you don't have to indicate a non-existent place of work in your resume.

4. You don't like your coworkers at all

Your coworkers and boss are the people you spend most of your life with. And if you take into account the time that you give to sleep, traffic jams, shopping trips, then, in fact, they are by your side almost all the time. In moments of ups and downs, jubilation and breakdowns. Most likely, they are very much looking forward to when you get out of vacation or sick leave (let's not go into the search for true motives). Therefore, it makes no sense to stay in a company whose employees you do not like.

Even if you like the work you do, the lack of normal contact with colleagues will sooner or later play a negative role in your career.

Think about what kind of people you really enjoy. And go to where they work. Then life will become much more pleasant.

5. Your boss only looks up

Often, in caring for their promotion, the leader pays attention only to the higher management, not providing sufficient support to those who are under his control. This situation is not uncommon. However, such a policy will not lead to positive results. Productive teamwork implies a stake in everyone's overall result. Do you feel that the leader only plays for himself? Don't be fooled - you won't be successful here.

6. You are stressed

Today, more and more people are complaining of constant background anxiety and even panic attacks. Perhaps you are one of them? Then pay special attention to this paragraph of the article. Do not think that anxiety can be unreasonable if it has become your constant companion, although, at first glance, nothing unusual is happening. Most likely, the reason lies precisely in what has become routine and habitual for you - in your work.

You can, of course, resort to the help of a psychologist, sedatives (almost certainly you have already tried this). But these remedies only fight the symptoms. If your anxiety begins in the morning, and in the evening you fly out of the office in the hope of finally hiding in your hideout (home, gym or bar), this is a sure sign that you need to look for another place to work.

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7. You are getting sick more often

In some cases, it can lead to even more negative consequences: feeling unwell becomes habitual, chronic diseases develop. But before you grumble about the deteriorating environment and say that "old age is not a joy", think about whether you really eat so badly or have little rest? If so, try to change it. But if you wonder how your friends manage to stay full of strength despite the fact that they do not follow all those healthy lifestyle rules that you are obsessed with, and you were not a weak child as a child, then it is worth changing tactics. Try this time not to change yourself, but the world around you - start with work.

8. You do not share the ideas of your company

If it seems to you that the company should work in a completely different way, then it will be difficult to strive for the same goal with the management.

When the corporate spirit, moral principles and ethical standards prevailing at work are not at all close to you, no matter how you try to disguise it, the “flock” will not accept you.

You have every right to your own vision of how everything should be arranged. But you should not aggressively oppose it to the existing order. Allow the other to be different and yourself to be yourself. And find a job among your own.

9. You Can't Reach Balance

You are constantly rushing between work and family, feeling that you do not have time either there or there. Spending more time with your family means that you don't have time to complete your boss's assignments on time. And by being late at work, you miss important events for your loved ones. It looks like you have a "work-personal life". Take a deep breath and soberly admit that you better try yourself in another position. And it is better if this is your decision, not your boss or your relatives.

10. Your productivity has dropped

Even if you are still coping with the tasks, but you feel that you are no longer productive, it may be time to change something. Finding tips for is easy. But try not to get bogged down in all these ideas of self-development, motivation and personal growth - know the measure and remember the goal. If you are not planning on becoming a business coach, then you need to look the other way. Namely, in the area of ​​your professional interests. But perhaps in a different position or in a different company.

11. Your abilities are not used

This is not the first time you have been rejected for a promotion, and attempts to take on more difficult tasks have not been successful. It looks like your management just doesn't want to admit that you can give the company more. Don't let your ambition ruin. Try to find another place where your talents will be given the green light.

12. Your responsibilities are growing, but your salary is not.

There may be various reasons for this, but in any case, you should not take it for granted. If the reduction in the company led to the fact that you got twice as much work, and the salary, meanwhile, is not proportional, then the management is pursuing an unfair policy.

Even if you are being offered a raise, before celebrating, make sure that the salary rises in proportion to your responsibilities.

Don't give in to vanity or chase a pretty job title. If it seems to you that your work is underestimated - look for another job!

13. Your ideas are not heard

Are your suggestions no longer being appreciated, and your ideas being dismissed like annoying flies? This is a bad trend. Of course, you should not throw a letter of resignation if it happened once or twice. Maybe you need to change the way you present your thoughts. However, if they do not want to take your opinion into account over and over again without explaining the reasons, you should not be disappointed in yourself and in the world - it is worth looking for a new job.

14. You are not being thanked.

If, on the contrary, your suggestions are being used to the utmost, and the company's successful decisions are largely based on your ideas, but no one says thanks to you, this is an unhealthy atmosphere. Perhaps, of course, the manager is reflected in the amount of payments. In such a situation, determine for yourself honestly whether you only need a material assessment of your own merits. If not, and even more so when your ideas are simply impudently appropriated by someone else, you have every moral right to quit your job and find a place where you will be sincerely grateful.

15. You are stagnant

Are you bored. At your work, you perform the same type of tasks day after day and do not learn anything new. Chances are, you've already grown out of this position.

Answer yourself to the question: are you developing here as a professional?

If there is no room for growth in this company, you should move on and look for a place in another.

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16. You are criticized

In any situation in the work environment, there is only room for criticism of your work. If the boss becomes personal and personally showered you with negative assessments, these are problems of his character and upbringing. If you fail to change the style of such communication to a more productive one, do not be offended, do not be daring - it is better to look for another job under the guidance of an adequate professional.

17. You are being insulted

It is absolutely unacceptable if you are being insulted by someone from your colleagues. If you are the victim of bullying, sexual harassment or any other aggressive behavior, if you are cheated in financial matters or do not fulfill your promises, immediately!

18. You promise yourself to quit.

For years, many have promised themselves and their loved ones that they will change jobs. However, it never gets to the point. Time after time you wait for “a new bone to be thrown at you,” and justify with it that you are not doing anything. Seeing the good in any situation is the path of calmness. But not always the path to development.

Don't be fooled - take proactive steps to build successful career and a happy life.

19. You don't dream of a leadership position.

Do you work hard and fulfill all the tasks set by the management? Can you imagine yourself at least in your dreams as a leader? If not, then you are out of place. Not everyone is, of course, bosses and directors, but at least becoming a project manager is a natural development in the workplace. If you do not see yourself in this position in the next few years, it is worth considering a change in activity.

20. You are afraid to think about the future.

In such a situation, changing jobs should be a top priority. This decision will not be easy to make, because you have already made up a whole list of excuses for yourself. Write down on paper all the reasons why you think that you will not be successful in your career. Crumple up and throw in the trash can!

Think back to your childhood dreams, make a list of your skills, and a list of what you would like to learn. Find common ground and start moving towards improving your life.

You can and should give yourself and the world more than the dull anticipation of the end of the working day!