What will happen to the police salary c. New benefits for police officers

It is known that a reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was adopted several years earlier. Today it is in its final stage. This, in turn, forces the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to think about the issue related to the possibility of increasing wages in 2018.

For many people who have nothing to do with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the changes were visible only in the name. Everyone noticed that the militia no longer exists; the police have come to replace it.

But the innovations affected not only the abbreviation. To this day, transformations continue to occur in the structure. For example, all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are required to undergo a recertification procedure.

It should be noted that this procedure allowed to weed out some of the employees who could not pass it. 2016 was marked by a period of reduction in the number of employees.

So, some positions were cut, which made it possible to achieve a strict number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is no more than 900 thousand people. In 2018, it is also planned to increase salaries using the procedure for optimizing the staffing structure.

What makes the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The remuneration of police officers is determined by several components:

  1. Salary.
  2. Grade allowances.
  3. Regional coefficient.
  4. Length of service.
  5. Payment of surcharges for complexity and tension.

The above components, with the exception of the salary, are individual, which means they are set taking into account the specifics of the job, the place of service, as well as the risk to life, etc.

Remuneration for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 - 2018

The size of the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today is not a stimulating factor for the decision of citizens to get a job.

According to some reports, the amount of remuneration in the authorities will significantly increase. But is it really so?

Video about small salaries in the police

Today, ordinary employees, whose length of service exceeds 5 years, should receive a salary of 25 thousand rubles, while officers with the same length of service should be paid a salary of 36 thousand. If the officer has a length of service of 15 or more years, then his salary should be 42 thousand rubles.

See also:

Denomination of the ruble in Russia in 2018: is it worth expecting, forecasts of economists

It is worth noting that the salaries of officers and management personnel differ significantly. The remuneration of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a managerial position ranges from 80 to 100 thousand rubles a month.

Police pay in 2018

The President, in his decree, clearly stated that salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 should grow by about 150%.

But these indicators are not allowed to increase the salaries of the police, since the country has been in an economic crisis since 2014, which means that there is nowhere to find such funds.

Therefore, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not count on a significant increase in wages next year. Presumably, 2018 will bring a slight increase in pay:

  • Employees whose work experience is less than 5 years will receive from 26 to 27 thousand rubles a month.
  • Those who have been in the organs for more than 10 years will be able to receive from 28 to 29 thousand.
  • Employees with more than 15 years of service can hope for a monthly income of 32 to 33 thousand rubles.

Next year, police officers should not rely on the fact that they will be allowed to travel free of charge on public transport, as well as return 13 of their wages.

See also:

Adoption of a new law on tax free in 2018 in Russia: who will be affected by the new law on tax free

Accrual of additional benefits to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

The absence of an increase in the salary of police officers in 2018 does not give joy, but nevertheless, benefits will remain available for employees, compensating to some extent financial losses:

  1. Addition extra days vacation.
  2. The queue for receiving service housing.
  3. The opportunity to get a ticket not only for the employee himself, but also for his family.
  4. Getting free medical care, as well as conducting operations.
  5. Getting a room in a hostel when applying for a service. If an employee has a family, then the Ministry of Internal Affairs must provide him with a separate room.

Indexation of salaries in 2017-2018

Already in October 2017 will be considered a bill, which involves the indexation of salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by about 5.5%... This increase in wages can help overcome the negative effects of inflation, which ranges from 5 to 6%.

If the new bill is approved, the police should expect an increase in early 2018. It is also planned to allocate funds intended for renovation work premises, purchase of equipment, as well as to improve the qualifications of employees.

Recent years have been marked by numerous reforms for the Russian law enforcement agencies. The changes affected a wide variety of aspects of this profession, ranging from the change of the name from "militia" to "police", and ending with all sorts of optimization measures in relation to the structure and number of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Throughout all these years of reform, only one thing remained unchanged - the size of the salaries due to law enforcement officials.

For more than five years, the financial allowance of the police has not been subject to indexation measures, although the authorities regularly hear words that the police salary will soon reach a level that will make this profession incredibly prestigious. However, the eve of 2018 was marked by some positive shifts in this aspect.

The government announced that workers in the public sector will finally receive a salary increase thanks to indexation. However, you should not rejoice ahead of time. Despite assurances from the media that police salaries will be increased by almost 150%, today we are talking about an increase within the framework of the fixed annual inflation. However, the final amounts also depend on additional factors, so let's look at the forecasts for 2019.

How is the salary of a police officer formed?

The total amount that a police officer can receive in a working month consists of several main components:

  • salary - this part is a fixed component of the pay. It is she who undergoes the indexing procedure, which the financial departments of the country plan to carry out;
  • the allowance, depending on the rank of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his class - can reach a value of 5-10% of the salary;
  • allowance for employees studying at universities - up to 20% to the salary;
  • regional coefficient - this value depends on the territorial unit of the country in which the police officer is serving;
  • additional payment, the percentage of which is directly dependent on the length of service. It must be remembered that the percentage of this additional payment grows with the length of service - with a length of service of 2-5 years, the additional payment is 10%, with 5-10 years of service - 15%, with 10-15 years - 20%, with 15-20 years - 25 %, for 20-25 years - 30%, and if a person has served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 25 years or more - 40%;
  • additional payment for conditions of increased complexity, riskiness or lack of a standardized work schedule - can be up to 40% of the amount of a police officer's fixed salary;
  • bonuses or payments, timed to receive state awards, or for conscientiousness in the performance of duties. For example, the last of these additional payments is up to 25% of the salary.

It should be noted that as a result, police officers employed in different services, positions and divisions receive unequal amounts of financial allowance. Only the amount of the fixed salary remains the same.

Analysis of the financial contentment of police officers

The authorities have repeatedly heard statements that the Russian police are doing quite well. The averaged statistics gave the following data on the size of the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • privates who worked in the ranks of the police for 5 years, on average 25 thousand rubles were charged in the country;
  • the officer corps - 36 thousand rubles with an experience of up to 15 years and 42 thousand with an experience of more than 15 years;
  • heads of departments - about 100 thousand per month.

However, Russians are well aware that the average data does not reflect reality - regional coefficients lead to a significant differentiation of police salaries, so if in the capital this figure can still be called acceptable, then in small towns the employees of internal affairs units are forced to live on very modest sums ...

What will the salaries be in 2018-2019?

In order to compensate for all the years during which salary indexation was not carried out, police officers should increase salaries not by 4%, but by 10-25%

According to media reports, earlier the Russian president promised to fulfill the "May decrees", according to which police salaries should reach 150% of the 2012 salary level. At the same time, all types of additional payments and benefits from the list adopted for police officers should have been preserved.

However, the latest news shows that it is not necessary to count on such a grandiose increase in salaries - the budget for the next three years is only planned to increase financial contentment, taking into account inflation. Throughout 2017, the State Duma proposed to include in the draft budget an increase in salaries and compensations for police officers by 5.5-7% of the current level, but it was decided to index the financial allowances of the military, security officials, guards and representatives of internal affairs bodies by 4% in 2018 ...

The Committee that protects the rights of police officers has already expressed its dissatisfaction with this decision - according to representatives of the above body, salaries need to be increased by at least 10%, or even 25%, in order to compensate for the money that was not received in 6 years without indexation. So far, there is no need to talk about the indicators of 2019 - they will be known only after adjusting the country's budget. To increase the salaries of the above categories of Russians, amounts have already been allocated from the expenditure side of the Russian budget:

  • 67 billion rubles - for 2018;
  • 83.9 billion rubles - for 2019;
  • 148.4 billion rubles - for 2020.

Most of the planned sums will be spent on raising the salaries of the military, and a fairly substantial part of the money is designated as "secret expenses". The amounts allocated for police officers look much more modest:

  • for investigators employed in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee and the FSB in order to increase salaries, the following will be allocated: 1.15 billion rubles in 2018, 1.45 billion - in 2019, 2.66 billion - in 2020;
  • for those who carry out operational and service activities, the following budgetary expenditures are planned: 1.4 billion rubles in 2018, 1.7 billion in 2019, 3.1 billion in 2020.

It also became known that the time for indexing measures will be shifted from winter to autumn - in 2018, salaries will increase on 01/01/2018, but the next increases will take place no earlier than 10/01/2019 and 10/01/2020. And it's not a fact that in 2019 and 2020, police officers will expect a 4% increase in salaries - specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development have already published reduced inflation expectations, having adjusted them from 3.8% to 2.8% in 2019.

It looks like the minimum wage for a police officer will be 20 thousand rubles from 2018, and officers can expect 45 thousand a month (taking into account most allowances). If we consider the draft law, which outlines the projected increase in salaries depending on the region, then in regions with a population of 2.5 million inhabitants the following amounts are planned:

  • 17.16 thousand rubles - salary for investigators, detectives, experts, specialists and inspectors;
  • 18.2 thousand rubles - for senior investigators, detectives, experts, specialists and inspectors;
  • 19.24 thousand in national currency - for those who hold the position of investigator or operative for particularly important cases, as well as inspector for special assignments;
  • 20.28 thousand rubles - for those who serve as the head of the department;
  • 20.8 thousand rubles - for deputy heads of the department;
  • 22.36 thousand in national currency - for heads of departments;
  • 24.96 thousand rubles - for the deputy head of the department;
  • 26 thousand rubles - for the heads of the department;
  • 29.12 thousand rubles - for the deputy head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • 29.12 thousand rubles - for the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The salary of police officers directly depends on the size and population of the city

If we talk about salaries for 2018 for those who work in territorial units with a population of less than 2.5 million Russians, then the bill contains the following information:

  • investigators, operatives, police experts, specialists and inspectors will be charged 16.12 thousand rubles each;
  • senior investigators, operatives, police experts, specialists and senior inspectors - 17.16 thousand in national currency;
  • investigators or detectives dealing with special important matters, as well as inspectors for special assignments - 17.68 thousand rubles;
  • police officers holding the position of the head of the department - 18.2 thousand rubles;
  • deputy heads of departments - 19.76 thousand rubles;
  • chiefs of police departments - 21.32 thousand rubles;
  • deputy chiefs territorial bodies Ministry of Internal Affairs - 26 thousand rubles;
  • heads of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 31.2 thousand rubles.

Slightly lower salaries are planned for 2018 for those serving in district police stations:

  • investigators, detectives, police experts, specialists and ordinary inspectors can count on a salary of 15.6 thousand rubles;
  • senior investigators, detectives, experts, specialists and inspectors - 16.12 thousand in national currency;
  • police officers who are heads of departments - 17.16 thousand rubles;
  • deputy heads of departments in departments - 18.2 thousand rubles;
  • deputy chiefs and heads of departments of directorates of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 19.76 thousand rubles;
  • deputy heads and heads of departments of administrations of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - 21.84 thousand rubles;
  • heads of departments - 24.96 thousand in national currency.

For representatives of the junior and rank-and-file police agencies located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as the capital and Leningrad regions, increased salaries are planned for 2018. They are expressed in such numbers:

  • 13.52 thousand rubles - for police officers;
  • 14.04 thousand rubles - for senior police officers;
  • 14.56 thousand rubles - for junior inspectors;
  • 15.08 thousand rubles - for deputy platoon commanders.

If a police officer representing the junior and rank-and-file of the Ministry of Internal Affairs works in a city with a population of more than 100 thousand, he can count on the following salary amounts in 2018:

  • police officers - 11.44 thousand rubles;
  • senior police officers - 11.96 thousand rubles;
  • junior inspectors - 12.48 thousand in national currency;
  • deputy platoon commanders - 13 thousand rubles.

Smaller salaries are planned for those serving in settlements with a smaller population:

  • police officers can count on a salary in the amount of 9.36 thousand rubles;
  • senior police officers - 9.88 thousand rubles;
  • junior inspectors - 10.4 thousand rubles;
  • deputy platoon commanders - 10.92 thousand rubles.

And finally - salaries for those who have a special title:

  • ordinary police bodies can apply for a salary of 5.2 thousand rubles;
  • junior sergeants - by 6.24 thousand rubles;
  • sergeants have a salary of 6.76 thousand in national currency;
  • senior sergeants - 7.28 thousand rubles;
  • foremen - 7.8 thousand rubles;
  • ensigns were assigned a salary of 8.32 thousand rubles;
  • senior warrant officers are entitled to 8.84 thousand rubles;
  • the salary of 9.88 thousand rubles was approved for junior lieutenants;
  • lieutenants - 10.4 thousand rubles;
  • senior lieutenants have a salary of 10.92 thousand rubles;
  • captains - 11.44 in national currency;
  • majors - 11.96 thousand rubles;
  • lieutenant colonels - 12.48 thousand rubles;
  • colonels - 13.52 thousand in national currency;
  • major generals - 20.8 thousand rubles;
  • lieutenant generals - 22.88 thousand rubles;
  • colonel generals - 26 thousand rubles;
  • police generals Russian Federation assigned a salary of 28.08 thousand rubles per month.

By adjusting these values ​​and adding 3.8-4% to them through indexing, you will get the expected police salary in 2019.

To find out how much your salary will increase by 2019, multiply your current salary (excluding allowances, surcharges and bonuses) by 0.038

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was announced back in 2009 and continues today. This year, the overwhelming majority of law enforcement officials would very much like to know whether and when they will have an increase in wages.

When the militia was disbanded, the police came under the jurisdiction of another department - the police. All employees had to go through a recertification procedure - a kind of re-examination for the right to hold a particular position. As a result of recertification, many people were left without work, having not passed the tests for compliance with job responsibilities.

Police salary in 2018 depends on salary and certain allowances

Today, the salary of police officers is formed in several parts, one of which is a mandatory salary, plus various kinds of allowances in the form of either a remuneration for an increase in rank, or an allowance according to an officially established coefficient, or an employee is entitled to money for seniority, and there are also additional payments for special hard and hard work.

The salary is a fixed amount, and the rest of the payments depend on the current legislation. This year, it became known about an innovation introduced for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose service requires special risk and in which there are moments of danger - they will receive a higher salary.

To date, ordinary employees who do not have the rank of officer, as well as length of service, but have served for five years already, have a standard salary of 25 thousand rubles. For the same period of service, the state pays 36 thousand rubles to an officer, and after serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 15 years or more, the salary is 42 thousand rubles.

Police salary increase from May 1, 2018. Judging by the latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the salary of the Russian police in 2018 will increase slightly

The difference in income is also felt among officers and unit leaders. A person in charge of law enforcement in the country is entitled to a salary of 80 thousand rubles. With all the allowances for seniority and other aspects, the amount becomes more impressive and can reach up to 100 thousand rubles.

But in comparison with other more developed countries, for example, such as the United States, the work of a police officer there is more prestigious, because the most ordinary law enforcement officer receives a monetary reward, which in Russian rubles will look like 120 thousand rubles.

This year, the leader of the state, Vladimir Putin, announced that salaries for all police officers would be increased. But if initially it was about increasing it by 150%, then today it is already obvious that this will not happen. The expected results from optimization, which the country's leadership so hoped for, did not happen.

At present, we are talking about increasing the salary of an ordinary policeman to 27 thousand rubles, and for those who have worked for 10 years, the payment will be 29 thousand rubles. For 15 years of service, the salary will be 33 thousand rubles.

The thirteenth salary will not be due to the lack of funds in the budget for such payments. Free travel on public transport for law enforcement officers is also impossible today.

A junior lieutenant is entitled to a minimum salary of 33 thousand rubles. Currently, Vladimir Putin ordered each of the police officers to consider his salary and, in any case, increase it from May 1.

Police salary increase from May 1, 2018

In 2009, the Ministry of the Interior announced the launch of a reform that continues to this day. In 2018, very many people who belong to the police are interested in a sore question - how and by how much in 2018 the salaries of all workers defending the country will be raised.

After the “militia” was disbanded, a new department appeared, which changed its name - now it is the “police”. Also, all employees underwent re-certification - a kind of examination for compliance with the position held. As a result of the inspections, a lot of people lost their jobs, because their recertification results did not correspond to their position.

Raising police salaries in Russia latest news. How is the salary formed?

At the moment, the salary of police officers is formed from several parts, such as the salary itself, then certain allowances paid due to the promotion of rank, the officially established coefficient is also paid, the money for seniority is paid, then the coefficient of work intensity and its complexity is added to the salary.

The salary is fixed, the rest of the allowances are paid in accordance with the current legislation. In 2018, information appeared that all employees who work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and are associated with daily activities associated with special risks, as well as some moments associated with danger, will receive more salaries.

The salary of police officers at the moment

Today, employees who belong to the rank and file, but do not have an officer's rank and length of service, who have worked in the Ministry for 5 years, receive from the state 25 thousand rubles of a standard salary. If an officer is already working under the same conditions, then his salary is 36 thousand rubles. After 15 years of service in the police, law enforcement officers need to receive 42 thousand rubles of salary.

The difference is also felt between the income received by officers and heads of divisions. The person who manages the process of maintaining order on the territory of the country receives a salary of 80 thousand rubles. If we take into account all the premiums to the length of service and other aspects, the amount turns into a more impressive amount and amounts to 100 thousand. Nevertheless, if we compare this amount with the salaries of countries that are developing a little better, for example, with the United States, it is prestigious for a police officer to work there, and even the most ordinary law enforcement officers receive an amount, translated into Russian rubles, equal to 120 thousand.

The increase in the salary of the police in 2018 in Russia, the latest news for today. When the police raise their salaries

In 2018, the current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, announced a salary increase for all police officers. If earlier it was said that it is possible to raise salaries by 150%, now it becomes clear that this is practically impossible, because the optimization carried out did not give the results that the leaders of the country hoped for. As a result, an ordinary police officer will be able to receive 27 thousand rubles in 2018, and an employee who has been working for more than 10 years receives 29 thousand rubles.

A police officer who has worked in the authorities for 15 years receives a salary of 33 thousand. Nobody will return the thirteenth salary, since there is no funds for this in the state budget. In public transport, law enforcement officers can no longer ride for free. If a police officer receives the rank of junior lieutenant, and reaches the rank of captain, he is entitled to a salary in the minimum equivalent of 33 thousand rubles. Now Putin has proposed to consider the salaries of all police officers, and in any case raise the salary.

Police certification

Recall that from 2018, the salary, as well as the very possibility of staying in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will directly depend on the success of the certification. The certification procedure assumes that it will be carried out by representatives of a specially created commission, represented by security officers, specialists from anti-corruption units, direct leaders of police officers and psychologists.

As a result, each police officer will receive a review, which will list all his achievements and misses for reporting period, as well as features of the professional, psychological and physical training of the employee. Some experts have already said that such tough measures will lead to reductions in the ranks of the police units and will allow the state to find funds to raise salaries. Also, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs says that these measures will increase the motivation of workers and the quality of their service.

Among other things, violators of instructions and labor laws will be punished with a ruble. For example, in a decree signed by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is said that police officers who have not been at the workplace for more than 4 hours without good reason may lose their bonus or even part of their salary.

Let us separately draw attention to the fact that payments accrued for the particular complexity or intensity of the work performed by the police officer will be made only by the decision of the chief who heads the unit in which the police officer works. So it is quite possible that most of the police officers will work for a salary with a bonus for length of service and rank.

Police officers will have to pass certification to receive decent salaries.

New benefits for police officers

In addition to the system of fines and increased requirements for police officers, they are also entitled to some benefits. Benefits as of 2018 include:

  • the opportunity to queue up to receive official housing on a free basis;
  • the right to receive free care in medical institutions (including complex surgical intervention);
  • the right to receive ten additional vacation days;
  • the opportunity to issue a ticket to a sanatorium-type institution (both for the policeman himself and for his family members).

Information on the increase in salaries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Indexation of salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may happen as early as 2018. Moreover, this will be done in a variant that does not affect budget money.

Those workers who can prove their professional suitability for further service in the police will receive various amounts, whose value will be determined by both the starting salary and the rank, seniority, the complexity of the work they perform, as well as the regional coefficient.

Sources in the circles of the department speak of an approximately similar accrual scheme, but it will start with an increased size of the starting rate, and the rest of the bonus accruals will be added to it:

  • ordinary workers will receive a salary of 27,000 rubles and will have the opportunity to increase the current amount over time by receiving an education, transferring to a higher position and earned length of service;
  • the officer corps will receive from 50,000 rubles, after which this salary can be increased by achieving merit, length of service and earned titles;
  • the salary of the highest command personnel will be from about 100,000 rubles.

The salaries of the police in Russia are increased by presidential decree, the given size of potential salaries does not take into account the benefits / accruals due to the security forces. The state budget has already provided money for the indexation of all salaries of state employees by 3-4%. Prior to this, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, there was a moratorium on the indexation of wages of public sector employees.

This year the inflation rate is roughly in line with the forecasts of the State Statistics Service, and even has a slight downward trend. Therefore, it is planned to allocate certain funds for the indexation of salaries of employees of budgetary institutions.

In 2018, in addition to increasing salaries, it is planned to carry out personnel changes. The number of police officers will be reduced, including those who cannot be certified. However, the reduction will take place not only at the expense of those who are dismissed due to professional unsuitability.

Potentially, the following measures can be applied during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • a number of duties of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be transferred to the National Guard and other institutions;
  • some of the officers who are not directly involved in law enforcement will be dismissed from the ranks of the police;
  • can be closed departmental clinics where previously employees were often selected for professional suitability for bribes;
  • the reduction in the number of employees will be carried out through the dismissal of professionally unfit and corrupt personnel;
  • if the Ministry of State Security is created, then the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be reduced.

The reduction in the number of police officers is necessary not just because of the savings in the state budget, it is long overdue. The increase in the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at one time was due to a sharply negative crime situation, rampant crime and banditry. Recently, the situation has come to a certain balance, and now the state wants to take not by quantity, but by the quality of training and work of law enforcement agencies. The incentive system for employees who improve their professional level, suggests good bonuses for good preparation.

The current exemptions for the return of educational expenses, made through tax payments, will enable police officers to constantly improve their own level of knowledge and skills, as well as apply for new titles.

The government has planned this year to raise money for the successful completion of the police reform and increase the prestige of work in the security structures of the country. How much the promises coincide with reality, we will see very soon.



Internal Affairs Bodies Reform will take place in several stages, and due to staff reduction () it will be possible to increase salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What did the reform lead to?

The reform, like any change, has two sides of the coin: positive and negative.

Pluses of the reform

From positive sides fashionable to note:

Police salary. Employees will be transferred to the national payment system "MIR"
Increase in the prestige of the service due to the increase in wages.
Tightening requirements for recruitment.
Raising qualifications.
Fight against corruption.
It is not yet full list positive sides.

Reverse side of the reform

TO back side medals of the reform carried out include:

Experienced personnel who have not passed the certification have left, there was a shortage of personnel, and there was no less work.
With the tightening of requirements for recruitment, many do not pass the selection, thereby exacerbating the problem of staff shortages. And the employee, as you know, does not get experience right away.
Raising police salaries did not increase the prestige of the service as planned.
Salary increase for next year

special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Due to the lack of personnel in the structure of bodies, President of Russia Vladimir Putin in "May" decrees, including the police salary in 2018, made it clear that an increase in police salaries is not far off. And what an increase: by as much as 150% of salaries in 2012, and all additional payments and benefits will be retained.

Rosgvardia salary and police salary in 2018-2019.

So we know two variables: 2012 salary and 2018 salary increase percentage. We can draw up a table of the planned salary of an internal affairs officer. Take the salaries of a lieutenant and a police captain in 2012, with a length of service of 6 and 11 years, respectively, who serve in a city with a population of over 100 thousand people.

The police salary table in 2018 will look something like this:

Payment name 2012, rub. Police lieutenant * salary in 2018, rub. 2012, rub Police captain's salary ** in 2018, rub.
Salary of pay
Special title salary 10000 25000 11000 27500
Salary for the position held 15000 37500 15500 38750
Additional payments
Percentage allowance for seniority

(10000 + 15000) X 0.15

= 3750,00

15% of salary pay

(25000 + 37500) X0.15

= 9375,00

(11000 + 15500) X0.2

= 5300,00

20% of salary pay

(27500 + 38750) X0.2

= 13250,00

Achievement premium

15000X0.05 = 750,00

5% of the salary by position (for a specialist of the 3rd class)

37500X0.05 = 1875,00

15500X0.1 = 1550,00

10% of the salary by position (for a specialist of the 2nd class)

38750X0.1 = 3875,00

Surcharge for special conditions of service ***

15000*0,2= 3000,00

Up to 40% of the salary by position

37500*0,2= 7500,00

Up to 40% of the salary by position

15500*0,2= 3100,00

Up to 40% of the salary by position

38750*0,2= 7750,00

Bonus for the performance of duties in good faith

(10000 + 15000) X0.25

= 6250,00

25% of the monthly salary

(25000 + 37500) X0.25

= 15625,00

25% of the monthly salary

(11000 + 15500) X0.25

= 6625,00

25% of the monthly salary

(27500 + 38750) X0.25

= 16562,60

Total accrued 38750,00 96875,00 43075,00 107687,60
Income tax from individuals 13% 38750X0.13 = 5037,00 96,875.00 X0.13 = 12594,00 43,075.00 X0.13 = 5600,00 107687.60 X0.13 = 13999,00
To hand over
33713 84281 37475 93688,60
Increase in pay by 2.5 times

Not all additional payments are shown in the table, which are calculated from the salary for the position held. There is no material assistance in the table, which is calculated from the salary of the wages.

Will the prestige of the police service increase?

police girls

With the increase in the salary of police officers in 2018, the projected 2.5 times will significantly increase the number of people wishing to get such a high-paying job. The salaries of ordinary employees of the internal affairs bodies will also more than double.

More than five years ago, the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began, as a result of which the usual policemen were renamed into policemen. Along with the name, the entire old system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which existed up to that moment, was to change. The new composition of law enforcement agencies began to be replenished only through a strict selection of employees. At the initial stage, changes in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs led to a significant increase in responsibility, but this did not affect salaries.

Features of the profession

The policeman is one of the most important professions in the country, as nothing is more important than ensuring the peace of the population. Today, a police officer must be not only a part of the law enforcement system, but also a stress-resistant, erudite and physically developed person. People who choose this profession for themselves must be well trained and be prepared for the fact that they will have to do completely different jobs:

  • disclosure of crimes;
  • fight against offenses;
  • carrying out preventive measures among the population.

The purpose of such activities is to increase the level of civil liability and reduce the percentage of crime. Police work is quite specific, so it should be paid at the appropriate level.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2018 affected some aspects of the functioning of the department, the main ones being the size of salaries and pensions of employees, an increase in the retirement age and a reduction in the number of existing employees.

Since the beginning of the year, the reform came into force, the leadership of which was provided to special independent commissions. The number of employees who are being dismissed is large, but some of them will be bypassed by the problem - the reform will not affect them at all. Changes will not take place in the Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka districts, and the territory of Crimea that recently appeared within Russia will not be affected. The bulk of layoffs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will fall on the management apparatus. The downsizing of the staff will practically not affect the existing composition of security officers, precinct and staff of the patronage service.

Police salaries in 2019

Factors such as special bonuses affect police salary increases. They award employees for merits, performance of non-standard operational actions, honorary titles, etc. good quality work is provided in the amount of 10% of the salary. Regional coefficient - from 20% and more. For special conditions, for example, work with special equipment or requiring additional training, a bonus is charged, the amount of which is about 50% of the salary. For the conscientious fulfillment of their duties, the premium can range from 50%, but sometimes it reaches 100%. A separate allowance is provided for the title, as well as for the length of service and is 10-40%.

After two years of conscientious service, a police officer's salary rises by 10%, and after five years - by 15%. For employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with 10 years of work experience, the additional payment is 20%, and after 20 years of service - 30%. Police officers who have served in the internal affairs bodies for more than 25 years receive 40% in addition to their salary.

Salary allowances

Each police officer has a different salary, bonuses are distributed according to rank and length of service. There are other types of allowances:

  • for work with classified documents;
  • for especially dangerous activities;
  • Moscow allowance in the form of 10% to the salary;
  • material help.

Naturally, an addition of ten percent to the salary for a city like Moscow is not a particularly significant amount, so the capital's police officers have increased the amount of premiums to the basic allowance for risk and special conditions of service. For example, employees working on non-standard hours or associated with a criminal environment have a bonus of 35 to 60 percent.

Indexation of salaries in the police

According to analysts, the increase in police salaries will partially cover the inflation rate in 2019. The indexation amount will be 6%, which is slightly lower than the forthcoming inflation. The expected inflation rate in 2018 was 5.5%, so there will still be a slight increase in police salaries. The amount of compensation to retirees or employees of non-retirement age upon transfer to the reserve will be revised. And also to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were injured during the execution of special assignments and service.

Despite the growing crisis in the country, the government plans to increase budget revenues through increased taxation.

Impact of qualifications on police salaries

Interior Ministry officers with the rank of major, lieutenant colonel, colonel and higher ranks must have higher education, since this is a guarantee of the maximum salary. Middle managers (warrant officer, junior lieutenant) must have at least a secondary special professional education... For junior command personnel, secondary education is required.

What prevents the increase of salaries for police officers

In 2019, the increase in salaries and the indexation of wages is hampered by the slow pace of overcoming the crisis situation that has developed in last years in the country. Today, citizens need to realize the gravity of the situation caused by the strained relations with the EU countries.

The consequence of economic conflicts has become closed access to many world financial institutions... All this, of course, affected the domestic economy of the Russian Federation. Until now, the Russian ruble has not recovered its potential, so it is extremely difficult for analysts to calculate anything. To normalize the situation in the country, officials had to open reserve funds, through which the Russians were paid pensions, social benefits, and issued subsidies.

As a result, the promised increase in wages to police officers was suspended, and now everyone is wondering whether promises to state employees will be fulfilled during 2019. It depends on whether they will be able to normalize the level of income and quality of life.

Analysts' forecast

According to experts, there are two ways out of this situation:

  1. In 2019, the government will tackle more serious tasks, and the salaries of police officers will remain at the same level.
  2. An understanding will come that the need to adequately pay for people who risk their lives in law enforcement agencies every day is increasing every year, and the deputies will adopt a bill, the basis of which will be an increase in salaries for state employees.

The new bill should approve the formation of salaries at the federal and regional levels. If there is no deliberate delay in making a decision, then there will be an increase in monetary allowances and other benefits that are due to police officers.

Over the past few years, there has been no indexation of police salaries. Due to the difficult economic situation, employees, regardless of their conscience, are forced to commit some official violations and take bribes, undermining the confidence of the population, so the fight against corruption continues to this day.

At the moment, no one can say for sure whether there will be a new indexation of salaries in the police. There is a crisis in the country and no one can give guarantees to the police, teachers and medical professionals that wages will rise. The state will gladly raise wages as soon as the opportunity arises.


Stability and improvement of the situation, of course, will come, but a little later. This period assumes to ride out the difficult times. Many families of police officers do just that: they look for Additional income, during the planting and harvesting season, they disappear at their dachas, do the housework, prepare conservation for the coming winter.

The police are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which performs very important functions. The fight against crime and the protection of the population, the search and the adoption of legislatively defined security measures are far from all that the police do. Recently, however, it is this structure that has undergone changes with enviable regularity. First reductions in 2011-2012, now a new reform is in action, launched in October 2016. What should the police expect in the near future, what will be the increase in police salaries in 2017,what was promised upon completion of the reorganization? Read about this and other innovations in the police structure in the article below.

Actual news

Let's start with the most discussed change in the news, concerning a very painful issue for this sphere - bWill there be a reduction in police force in 2017? Despite the relatively recent reduction in the police force, a second reduction in the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who receive salaries from the state treasury, is already planned. The amendment to the corresponding Decree in 2014 obliges to establish the maximum number of 1,003 thousand staff units by October 2017, that is, 10% less than the previous one. The start of the second wave of layoffs is scheduled for October this year, and as a result, about 100 thousand workers will lose their jobs. By the way, two years ago it was reduced by 20%. So, not having time to really recover from the previous reorganization, the security forces are expecting redundancies again.

What is the reason for this situation? Obviously, the economic crisis of 2015 did not pass without a trace. The majority of public sector employees then felt the lack of funds in the treasury, being, at best, without adequate indexation in the face of a rapid increase in consumer prices, and at worst - joining the ranks of the unemployed.... However, the well-known budget deficit, continuing economic sanctions and low price for oil are forcing the Government of the Russian Federation to continue to cut budget expenditures again.

Whom and how will the reform of 2017 affect

Let's consider in more detail what specific events are planned in the very near future, as well aswhat will happen to the police salaryas a result.


  • At first, according to the statement of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, even with the planned reduction, they will try to keep jobs for experienced and professional staff... Also, the territorial police departments will be minimally affected - the reduction among them will be no more than 3%.
  • Secondly, there are several regions that will not be affected by the reform. These are the Republic of Crimea, Chukotka and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. The tense criminal situation may well require some strengthening and increase in staff, and certainly there will be no layoffs. These areas are legally defined as not participating in the reorganization.
  • Thirdly, not all divisions will miss their staffing positions next year. At first, the reduction will be carried out at the expense of vacancies v budgetary sphere- and this is more than 20 thousand staff units. Further, in the main, they will reduce the management - private security, criminal investigation, economic security and anti-corruption.

Increase in pay

Upon completion of reorganization activities The Russian government promises Although the size of this increase is very, very small - 5.5%. The promised increase in wages will directly affect the salary. However, the total amount depends on allowances and bonuses, the calculation of which will also undergo some changes in the framework of the reform.

Other innovations

Certification, the results of which will directly affect job and qualification allowances and the total amount to be received, will be carried out under the new rules. Both professional and personal qualities, motivation. The mandatory criteria for candidates for hiring will also be updated. Some bonuses, for example, for going to the service on holidays and weekends, are left to the discretion of the direct management. Given these changes in charges, it remains to be seen whether the promised

Actual situation

The current wage police officers are composed of several parts. In addition to the fixed salary based on the position held, its size is influenced by seniority, qualifications, bonus for special difficult working conditions and coefficients in some regions.

The average Russian salary of an ordinary police officer is now about 35 thousand rubles. New employees with less than 5 years of experience receive a minimum - up to 25 thousand, and a maximum for more than 15 years of service - up to 42 thousand rubles. The heads of departments have about 100 thousand rubles. In the regions, salaries are somewhat different. So, in Moscow there is a special allowance of 35% for special service conditions, as a result of which the average Moscow salary is 50-55 thousand rubles... Also, no one canceled the northern odds. V In St. Petersburg, the salary of a police officer is also slightly higher than the average - at the end of last year, it amounted to about 40 thousand rubles. The maximum average income of the police in Irkutsk is 55 thousand rubles.

Although even the maximum numbers are highly controversial. For comparison, I would like to give some additional data.

  1. The average Russian salary is about 32 thousand rubles. It is not associated with health risks, irregular working hours and the need to be on duty in hot, cold weather.
  2. The average salary of police officers in the United States is 130-140 thousand Russian rubles.

AND even so, saving on cops continues... The staff is being reduced, and the increase in satisfaction as a result is, in fact, nothing more than


The work of a policeman is extremely important for all residents of our state. Ensuring security, catching criminals, guarding important objects - it's not all to list. But for some reason it is estimated at the level of others:police officer's rate for 2017 in the Russian Federationis similar to the average Russian.

Moreover, there are plans to reduce staff again over the past four years.... And although it is carried out largely at the expense of leadership positions and vacancies, 3% of ordinary police officers will inevitably join the ranks of the unemployed. At the same time, monetary allowances will also be revised: the future is conditionalincrease in police salaries in Russia: latest newsvoiced the figure of 5.5%, which is the estimated inflation rate for the next year.

Of course, changing qualifications are designed to motivate the remaining employees to perform better job duties ... Which is generally a positive change. But whether it will be implemented as planned is a question.