Khan alpha group. The oil "khanate" of Herman Khan. In recent years



Father is a scientist, a well-known specialist in the field of metallurgy. Herman was seriously involved in boxing, graduated from high school in 1978. After school, he worked for a year as a mechanic at the Kiev experimental non-standard equipment plant.


In 1982 he graduated with honors from the Industrial Pedagogical College. He entered the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, the Faculty of Casting of Ferrous Metals. During his studies he met Mikhail Fridman and Alexei Kuzmichyov.

"Tips and Commissions"



Co-owner of Alfa Group has estimated the joint venture with BASF at € 20 billion

The united oil and gas company Wintershall DEA, which the co-owners of Alfa Group are creating together with BASF, will cost "approximately" € 20 billion, German Khan told RBC. Russian shareholders will receive 33% in it

"Russian" Israelis begin active financial activities in Kiev

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) approved, for a group of Russian businessmen (Mikhail Fridman, German Khan, Petr Aven and Alexey Kuzmichev), the powers of "indirect substantial participation" in the activities of Ukrsotsbank (through ABH HOLDINGS SA with headquarters in Luxembourg) ...

The decision on this, as stated in a press release of the NBU, was made by the Committee for Supervision and Regulation of Banks' Activities, the corresponding resolution was approved on October 11, 2016 by the Board of the NBU.

More expensive than money. What will the Babiy Yar memorial be like and why not only Kiev needs it

A memorial center will also be erected on the territory of the new park. Its construction will be carried out by a fund, which is already being created by four large entrepreneurs: natives of Ukraine Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Pavel Fuks, as well as Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk. On September 29, on the day of the 75th anniversary of the Babi Yar tragedy, they made a joint commitment to provide the necessary funds. It is assumed that the volume of the future fund will be at least $ 50 million.However, the budget may turn out to be twice as large: the creation of such memorial centers around the world - for example, the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw - at one time cost about $ 100 million.

Italian UniCredit S.p.A. concentrated 99.9% of Ukrsotsbank shares

ABH Holdings SA is owned by Mikhail Fridman, born in Lviv - 36.47% and German Khan born in Kiev - 23.27%, who are currently Israeli citizens and living in London, as well as Alexey Kuzmichev - 18.12%, Petr Aven - 13.76%, Andrey Kosogov - 4.08% (all are citizens of the Russian Federation living in Moscow), as well as The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research - 4.3%.

Mikhail Fridman and partners buy oil assets in Germany

Germany's second-largest energy company RWE AG and LetterOne, owned by Alfa Group owners Mikhail Fridman and partners, have agreed to a deal to sell Dea mining company in Egypt, RWE AG said in an official statement. The deal will amount to 5.1 billion euros. ... RWE Dea AG itself is expected to be sold for 4.5 billion euros, the buyer will also take on its debts for 600 million euros. The deal will be carried out with the approval of the board of directors and regulators, according to the company's website.

G. Khan headed the new structure of Alfa Group for investments in the oil and gas sector.

German Khan, co-owner and member of the supervisory board of Alfa Group, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of L1 Energy (the new structure of Alfa Group for investments in the oil and gas sector). This was said in a statement. Since the creation of TNK-BP in 2003. until March 2013 G. Khan served as the executive director of this company.

Storm prevented Friedman and Khan from joining the march through the Israeli desert

A group of large Russian and foreign businessmen, who on the eve of Passover decided to cross the Arava desert in southern Israel on foot, fell into a powerful sandstorm that hit the country and the West Bank of the Jordan River, the head of press services told RIA Novosti ...

German Khan's letter to TNK-BP employees

Date: March 21, 2013, 18:20:47 GMT + 04: 00 Subject: Goodbye / Farewell For me, today is the last working day at TNK-BP. For more than 15 years we have been together creating a company that I sincerely consider the best in the country.

Khan announced his departure from TNK-BP via Facebook

Several top managers of TNK-BP, including the executive director and one of the former shareholders German Khan, resigned after the completion of the deal to buy the company by Rosneft, according to reports in social network Facebook.

TNK-BP left the top management of the company headed by G. Khan and V. Vekselberg.

03/21/2013, Moscow 19:30:23 Soon after Rosneft announced that it had closed the deal to buy 100% of TNK-BP shares from BP and AAR, four top managers left TNK-BP. This was reported to RBC by TNK-BP.

Khan and Friedman don't want to leave the oil business

Co-owners of Alfa Group discuss possible joint investments with former BP executives

TNK-BP co-owner German Khan on the deal with Rosneft: "It's not football - it's business"

In the near future, the oil company TNK-BP will be absorbed by the state-owned Rosneft - the Russian consortium AAR and British BP will sell their shares to it. In nine years of work in the market, shareholders have managed to create the third largest oil company with stable production growth, bringing owners the highest dividends in the industry.

Herman Khan accused of bribery

A former TNK-BP employee accuses the executive director and shareholder of this company, Herman Khan, of bribing; the proceedings are under way in a London court, Bloomberg reports. The activities of this employee are already being investigated in Russia, retorts a source in the company.

Herman Khan is accused of bribery "against the highest state officials"

Claim former employee TNK-BP against the company and its executive director is being considered in the High Court of London.

Major shareholder of Alfa Group. Member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress.

German Khan was born on October 24, 1961 in the city of Kiev, Ukraine. The boy's father was a scientist, a famous specialist in the field of metallurgy. From early childhood, relatives instilled in Herman the understanding that everyone is obliged to work hard. Herman was seriously involved in boxing. He graduated from high school in 1978.

After school, he worked for a year as a mechanic at the Kiev experimental non-standard equipment plant. In 1982 he graduated with honors from the Industrial Pedagogical College. He entered the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys, the Faculty of Casting of Ferrous Metals. During his studies he met M. Fridman and A. Kuzmichev.

In 1989 he created the Alexandrina cooperative, which was engaged in sewing clothes.

At the invitation of Fridman, from 1990, for two years, he held the post of chief wholesale trade of the Alfa-Eco company. In 1996 he was appointed president of the Alfa-Eco company.

Since the beginning of 1998, he became deputy chairman of the board and first vice president of Tyumenskaya oil company". He served as executive director of TNK-BP and oversaw all the company's operations. After the completion in March 2013 of the transaction for the purchase of TNK-BP by Rosneft, Khan, one of five top managers, left the company.

German Borisovich is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Alfa Group consortium, a member of the Boards of Directors of Alfa Finance Holdings S.A. and ABH Holdings Corp.

In June 2013, he headed L1 Energy, a company created by the Alfa Group consortium to invest in the international oil and gas sector.

The American version of Forbes magazine in 2015 estimated Khan's fortune at $ 9.5 billion, 133rd in the world. In the list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia, compiled by the Russian version of Forbes magazine, German Khan ranks 11th.

As of October 2018, he is a member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress, a partner of Mikhail Fridman and is responsible for the group's fuel sector.

Herman Khan's family

He is married and has 4 children. Fate brought him together with his wife Angelica, who was 10 years old, in 1991, during a flight to Israel by plane of the private company Transaero. The girl worked as a flight attendant. They got married 2 years after they met.

In 1995 they had a daughter, Eva.
in 2001 - Eleanor.

The couple also have two sons, born in 2005 and 2012. The eldest daughter studied at the Courtauld Institute of Arts in London, trained at the Sotheby’s auction house. She improved her qualifications at the publishing house Tatler, Russian version British magazine, and the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

The youngest girl, being a student of one of the prestigious schools of Foggy Albion, was fond of drawing.

Herman Khan was born in 1961 in Kiev, into a professor's family. His father is a prominent scientist, a well-known specialist in the field of metallurgy. Herman graduated from school in 1978. He studied poorly at school, as he devoted a lot of time to sports: he was seriously involved in boxing. Therefore, after school, I did not go anywhere, but went to work as a locksmith's apprentice at the Kiev Experimental Plant of Non-Standard Equipment, where for short term became a locksmith of the 2nd category. He worked at the plant for a year and realized that he didn’t want to work with his hands, he wanted to use his head. He entered the Industrial Pedagogical College, graduated in 1982 with honors. Just at that time there was such a program for excellent students in universities - they took on harmful specialties without exams, with only one interview. And German, thus, decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and made a good choice by entering the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), at the Faculty of Casting of Ferrous Metals. Here he met Mikhail Fridman and Alexei Kuzmichev, future partners in Alfa Group.

Although it is worth noting that during their studies they were not friends with Friedman, they were visually familiar, but no more. Mikhail Maratovich graduated from MISiS a year earlier than Khan.

At the end of the 80s, the cooperative era began, and in 1988 Khan went to work in one of the cooperatives - it was called "Cosmos", rented space in the Central Department Store and was engaged in the wholesale of all kinds of garments, shoes, jewelry. His first business partner was Alexander Borisovich Furman. He supplied the Kosmos cooperative with garments that were produced by several Moscow sewing cooperatives. At about the same time, Khan also managed to work in the "Search" cooperative. And in 1989, Khan and Furman decided to create their own cooperative "Alexandrina", in which Furman was engaged in sewing clothes, and German Khan - in supply and sales, formally holding the position of deputy chairman of the cooperative.

However, soon, for family reasons, Furman decided to sell his business, and Khan alone also did not want to continue - and they sold the company for some symbolic money. After that, Herman was in search, plans for the future were uncertain. Later, in an interview, the future co-owner of TNK-BP admitted that during this period he even thought about emigration. And that's when he met Friedman.

It was March 1989. We met by chance, on Nogin Square, near the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy. Friedman solved the issues there, and Khan just walked around. We remembered each other, told who did what after the institute. By that time Fridman already had a joint venture "Alfa-Eco", it was engaged in the sale of everything in a row. There were some ideas in sewing business and Khan promised to help.

From that time on, they began to communicate closely. There was a flourishing of the so-called romantic capitalism, the guys were young, almost all single, active. Then the team of the future formidable "Alpha" began to take shape - Andrey Shelukhin, Mikhail Bezelyansky, Alexey Kuzmichev ... We spent a lot of time together, almost making no distinction between work and leisure.

From 1990 to 1992, Herman Khan was the head of the wholesale trade, then the head of the export department at Alfa-Eco. The cooperation of young entrepreneurs began with a carpet theme. The business was like this: their classmates - natives of Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Armenia - went to the regions and bought carpets there. self made... And Khan, Friedman and Co. donated carpets to art salons. In the summer there was less demand for carpets, and Khan had already mastered the skills of wholesale trade and export technologies, introduced them, and for the first six to seven years the carpet business was a very significant line of activity for Alpha. However, there were many other things - "Alpha" was becoming a large trading company. We sold perfumes, Czech lamps. There was also a large import block - agricultural products, sugar under Cuban contracts, wine and vodka products, tea.


Once the partners heard from friends that there is such a type of business as oil refining at an oil refinery. Kuzmichev did some superficial, but, as it seemed then, significant research on the raw materials industries. "Alpha" looked closely at the coal, oil, metallurgical directions and began to move in almost all directions. It was Khan who, since 1992, was responsible for the Alfa oil program, which provided three-quarters of the group's current capital. Then, at a certain point, the partners decided that Khan would be able to head the raw materials business, and he completed all his trading affairs, handed over most of it to Mikhail Beselyansky, and he himself began to concentrate on raw materials, heading the raw materials department of Alfa-Eco since 1995. Somehow it didn’t work out right away with metallurgy, because there were already large players in this niche, although later Alfa had a number of projects with the Achinsk Alumina Refinery and Zapsib. There were also small volumes of trade in the coal market. But in the oil sector it was more fortunate - Alfa immediately began to supply oil to the Ukhta refinery in the Komi Republic and the Lisichansk refinery in Ukraine. After a while, up to 1 million tons of oil were processed at several Russian refineries.

In 1996, Herman Khan was appointed president of the Alfa-Eco company. After the first successes in the field of oil refining, "Alfa-Eco" also started exporting oil. At first, "black gold" was sold mainly to their former compatriots, who had already managed to figure out how to contact large trading companies. The first buyer was the Galaxy company, its owner was Leonid Minin, widely known in the recent past, who rather tightly controlled the Odessa transshipment. It was convenient to sell oil to him, because in this way Alfa solved many problems associated with the approach of ships, customs, and so on. However, after a while, Alfa decided that the chain of intermediaries should be shortened, and the company itself received the status of a special exporter.

Best of the day

Initially, in Alfa, the roles were distributed as follows: everything related to the delivery of raw materials to the Russian border was handled by Khan, and Kuzmichev was already selling the goods abroad. When the time came to put things in order in TNK's oil exports, the partners abandoned Alfa-Eco's exclusive export-related services. They were simply transferred to a general competitive regime, within the framework of tenders.

Operational summary

From the materials of the Safety Committee State Duma RF: "... As members of the board of directors of the SIDANCO oil company, M. Fridman and G. Khan attempted to establish control of the Alfa-Eco companies over the enterprises belonging to SIDANCO in the Saratov and Irkutsk regions. and the shareholders of Saratovneftegaz and Saratovnefteprodukt, Khan attracted criminal structures. Their efforts twice disrupted shareholder meetings at both enterprises, and the local RUOP also helped in this. In addition, Khan personally exerted harsh pressure on the leaders of the AO and even on the governor of the Saratov region. Ayatskova, which caused his indignation. "

From operational developments it follows that covert drug-related operations within the consortium were carried out by the Alfa-Eco company. General manager the latter (Herman Khan) was the founder of a number of companies, including in Hungary "Harmaty and Co" (together with "Harmaty ech Tarrna") and in the Czech Republic "Alfa-Eco" (together with "Altex Ltd."). According to constituent documents, both of these companies are engaged in the export and sale of carpets in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. However, according to sources in law enforcement agencies, their statutory activities are only a cover. In fact, through a number of their employees, Harmaty and Co and Alfa-Eco are involved in international drug trafficking and drug money laundering. In particular, firms are links in the chain through which the transit of drugs from Southeast Asia to Europe is carried out.

In April 1995, employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted a search in office space"Alfa-Eco" for the detection of drugs and related documents. The search was connected with the fact that in late March - early April in Khabarovsk there was a group poisoning of the city's residents with sugar. During the investigation of this fact, it turned out that the cause of the poisoning was the ingress of a large dose of narcotic substances into the sugar. It was established that the containers in which the sugar was transported had previously been rented by Alfa-Eco and they were used to transport the cargo to the company Harmaty and Co.

Alpha / Access / Renova (ААР)

When Alfa realized that just a trading company was not enough, the partners thought about acquiring assets. At first, we were not very lucky with this - they bought small stakes in sales companies, tried to become partners of ONEXIM in SIDANCO - but relations there did not work out. On the other hand, Alfa immediately went to TNK with a team from Renova, Vekselberg and Blavatnik, without being familiar with them before. It was a big risk from both Alpha and Access / Renova, but the risk was justified. Lapping took place painlessly enough - there was no squabbling, tug-of-war.

Despite the difference in image, in one of his interviews, German Khan said that with Vekselberg and Co. "Alfa" is not just getting along, but friends.

Khan and Vekselberg go in for extreme tourism together - every year they ride the Camel Trophy routes. In 2002, they turned over in China and nevertheless, the next year, they were again in the same carriage in Mexico. New partners consider themselves to be quite reasonable people, since with a significant difference between themselves they were able to build a common business. They have learned very well to measure their ambitions and their capabilities. Each of them perfectly understands the strong and weak sides partners, and no one tries to do the kind of work that a partner can do better.

Since the beginning of 1998, German Khan became deputy chairman of the board and first vice president of the Tyumen Oil Company.

Now German Borisovich holds the post of executive director of TNK-BP and oversees all operational activities of the company, with the exception of the gas sector, is one of the shareholders of TNK-BP and Alfa-Bank. He is also a member of the board management company TNK-BP Management, member of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank and Slavneft.

However, very little is known about German Khan, and he is considered one of the unsociable oligarchs who do not like publicity. In Russian business, he has a reputation for being extremely tough. It is with him that the aggressive strategy of TNK is associated, thanks to which the company has grown threefold. A close friend and business partner of other oligarchs, Mikhail Fridman and Viktor Vekselberg, Khan, in addition to a stake in TNK-BP, owns a large stake in the telecommunications and banking consortium Alfa Group. He specializes in oil and sits on the board of the Anglo-Russian joint venture TNK-BP, in which Alfa Group owns 25%.

German Borisovich Khan argues that the main virtue now for the Russian oligarch is modesty.

Alpha's ownership structure

Alpha has three main owners - Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Alexey Kuzmichev. Friedman himself previously admitted that he owns about 40% of the group. Until 2004, the parent company of Alfa Group was CTF Holdings (CTFH), which through a chain of offshore companies owned all the group's assets. In 2004, Alfa undertook a restructuring: financial assets (the main ones - Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Insurance) were transferred to a separate structure - ABH Holdings Corp. (ABHH), which became the second parent company of the group.

As follows from the reporting on international standards Alfa Group for 2005, the main shareholders own 100% of one of the two parent companies of the group - CTF Holdings. Another parent company, ABH Holdings Corp. they own 77.86%. In most of CTF Holdings' subsidiaries, the three main owners of Alpha have junior partners - the managers of these enterprises (about 75% are owned by the main owners, and the remaining 25%, according to the philosophy proposed by Friedman, are everywhere transferred to business managers under the option program). The main owners of Alfa Group are generous to the managers working in their companies. They receive papers as an incentive for better work... True, as follows from the statements, they are not free to dispose of shares in Alfa companies - they cannot sell these securities to the side, and in the event of the death or disability of a minority shareholder, his share in mandatory redeemed by the company. The reports say that this is stipulated by the charter of ABH Holdings, as well as by agreements of shareholders of the main subsidiaries of CTF Holdings - Alfa Finance and Alfa Telecom. The redemption price is calculated based on the value of 110% of the company's net assets in accordance with the most recently approved annual (or, at the request of the option holder, at the end of the previous quarter) consolidated IFRS statements.

Owners financial business Alfa is known: it was disclosed in the preliminary prospectus of Eurobonds by Alfa-Bank. In it, Fridman owns 36.47%, Khan - 23.27%, Kuzmichev - 18.12% (these are the main shareholders), the president of the bank Petr Aven - 13.76%, the founder of the investment fund Pamplona Capital, the former top manager of Alfa Bank Alex Knaster - 4.3%, a member of the board of directors of Alfa Capital Partners and the chairman of the investment committee of the bank Andrey Kosogov - 4.08% (these are minority shareholders).

But who are the partners of Fridman, Khan and Kuzmichev in the telecommunications business is not disclosed. In one of the press releases, for example, "Alpha" noted that three " individuals"are the beneficiaries of 22.14% of Alfa Finance Holdings SA, which owns a stake in TNK-BP and the Turkish mobile operator Turkcell. Analysts suggest that these are the same Aven, Kosogov and Knaster with the same stakes as in ABH Holdings Corp. Altimo ( Telecommunications), five minority shareholders are indicated, which own 26.31%. According to analysts, this is the same trinity plus the former manager of Alfa-Eco Gleb Fetisov, as well as advisor to the board of Alfa-Bank Alexander Tolchinsky. Previously, Tolchinsky was also a co-owner of Alfa Finance Holdings SA and ABH Holdings Corp, but at the end of 2006 sold 1% of these companies each, and Altimo retained 1%.

After the merger of Pyaterochka and Perekrestok in the merged company X5 Retail Group Lev Khasis owns 1.8%, Alexander Kosyanenko - 3.4%, and the head of Altimo Alexei Reznikovich - 1%.

More details about the aspects of Alpha's activities can be found in the biographies of Mikhail Fridman, Alexei Kuzmichyov and Pyotr Aven.


Herman Khan met his wife on the plane in 1991, when Alpha was flying to Israel on a Transaero flight. One of the flight attendants became his wife two years later. She is ten years younger than Herman. Now Khan and his wife are raising two daughters: one born in 1995, the other in 2001.

Request for help.
Elena Votinova 28.01.2016 06:09:43

Hello, dear Herman Borisovich. My name is Elena Votinova, I am 38 years old. Highly
I'm ashamed to ask, but I have no other choice. We live in Chelyabinsk. I have three children. Daughter graduates from Chelyabinsk this year
a multidisciplinary college, but I simply have nothing to pay for the last 38,000 rubles. My
the salary of 15,000 rubles and the husband's alimony of 8,000 rubles are spent on food and some things,
digging up does not work in any way. The prices are huge, and if I don't pay for college, then my daughter won't
will be admitted to exams and diploma. Please, help. I have a salary card from Sberbank
MasterCard 5469 7200 1007 2631. Thanks in advance, I really hope for your help

German Borisovich Khan is an entrepreneur, billionaire, co-owner of Alfa Group and LetterOne investment company, who was previously in the management of TNK-BP, Slavneft and other enterprises.

According to Forbes, in 2016 his capital was estimated at $ 8.7 billion - thus, Khan closed the Top 10 richest businessmen in the Russian Federation. In the annual list of 200 richest people in the world from the financial agency Bloomberg, he took 137 position.

As a person who managed to achieve a more than decent living standard, Herman Khan admitted in an interview that he was always sure that his life would be non-standard, special, full of impressions and unusual events, not like most people. And so it happened.

Hermann Khan's childhood and family

The future oligarch was born on October 24, 1961 in the capital of Ukraine and became the second son in a wealthy professorial family of a prominent metallurgist. His mother, despite material well-being, worked as a school teacher, and even the grandmother living with them (on the maternal side) made a feasible contribution to the family budget - up to last days was engaged in sewing clothes.

From early childhood, relatives instilled in Herman the understanding that everyone is obliged to work hard. Nevertheless, at school, by his own admission, he studied poorly and attended it not at all for the purpose of gaining knowledge, but solely to communicate with friends. He often spent his leisure time in the courtyard company, and not behind textbooks.

By the end of school, German Khan dreamed of nothing more than an early emigration. However, all his household members also thought about leaving the country. The only exception was the head of the family - he was quite satisfied with his own high status and position. But in order to fulfill his dream and leave, the young man lacked a profession. At the family council as possible options vocational education traditional occupations for Jewish children were considered - a jeweler and a dental technician. But he could not become a jeweler, because he could not draw, and the prospect of making dentures did not appeal to him either. Therefore, we settled on the profession of a locksmith-toolmaker, which is also well paid.

Herman Khan's career

In 1978, the young man was admitted to the Kiev Experimental Equipment Plant as an apprentice toolmaker. The collective of the shop was friendly, 70 percent consisted of Jews. Six months later, Herman was awarded the II category.

In 1979, on the advice of his parents, he entered the industrial pedagogical technical school, graduating 3 years later with honors, after which he became a student at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys without any problems. The first course of study was very difficult, but he passed the winter session with almost all "fives" (with one "four"), rehabilitated in the eyes of his father for low school performance. At the institute, Herman strove to become the best, studied social work, was the headman of the group. In the 3rd year, he began to earn his first money, selling and sewing garments, selling shoes and jewelry.

With an average grade of 4.7 in his diploma, Khan hoped to receive the then prestigious assignment to a defense enterprise. However, these plans were prevented from being realized by the "fifth column" - nationality. The situation was again saved by dad, who organized a call for him to work from one of the Kiev factories. He wanted his son to work in metallurgy and continue his life's work. But the young businessman, who was already receiving 600 rubles a day, was absolutely not interested in the monthly salary of an engineer of 120 rubles. He had completely different plans - to stay in Moscow and prepare to leave for Israel.

Herman Khan's business

In March 1989, an event occurred that dramatically changed his life. Near the synagogue on Arkhipov Street, German accidentally met Mikhail Fridman, with whom they studied together at MISiS, but did not communicate much. Now they both were delighted to meet, sat in a cafe, exchanged phone numbers, and subsequently began to be friends and cooperate.

With Fridman's help, in 1990, Khan received the post of first the head of the wholesale trade, and 6 years later - the president of the Alfa-Eco JV, which later served as the basis for the creation of Alfa Group. German Khan was a member of the collective management of SIDANCO, Saratovneftegaz, ONAKO, Orenburgneft, Alfa-Bank.

Herman Khan's interview

In 1998 successful businessman took the post of deputy chairman of the board of TNK. In 2003, he was in the management of Slavneft and, after the establishment of TNK-BP, was the executive director of the holding.

In 2010, the billionaire bought a mansion in the capital of Great Britain in Eaton Square for $ 91 million.

Herman Khan. Lecture: "Investments: promising areas for investment"

The businessman is the second after Fridman (whose leadership he has repeatedly recognized) shareholder of Alfa Group and LetterOne (L1) investment group, which received, in particular, $ 200 million in dividends from the Turkish operator in 2015 cellular communication Turkcell.

One of the richest domestic entrepreneurs in 2013 became the head of the L1 subsidiary, created to improve efficiency and attract investment. He was actively involved in the preparation of the 2015 € 5.1 billion acquisition of the German oil and gas company Dea.

Herman Khan on the problems of housing and communal services

Personal life of Herman Khan

The oligarch is married and has 4 children. Fate brought him together with his wife Angelica, who was 10 years old, in 1991, during a flight to Israel by plane of the private company Transaero. The girl was a flight attendant. They got married 2 years after they met.

In 1995, they had a daughter, Eva, in 2001, Eleanor. The couple also have two sons, born in 2005 and 2012. The eldest daughter studied at the Courtauld Institute of Arts in London, trained at the Sotheby’s auction house. She improved her qualifications at the publishing house Tatler, the Russian version of the British magazine, as well as at the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center. The youngest girl, being a student of one of the prestigious schools of Foggy Albion, was fond of drawing.

The billionaire admitted that due to his busyness, raising children is mainly his wife, but he also participates in this process, trying to focus on the main things and a positive attitude towards life. He always spends his vacation with his family.

In his youth, Herman was seriously involved in boxing, later - in martial arts and extreme tourism. Together with friends, among whom he called Fridman, Aven, Vekselberg, he loves to go to the bathhouse and hunt. He is one of the founders of the Medved company in the Arkhangelsk region, which provides services to hunters. In addition, for 8 years they were participants in the Camel Trophy off-road car races - they tested themselves for endurance and strength in difficult situations.

Friends characterize a businessman as an intelligent and reliable partner, capable of thinking quickly, making decisions independently and enduring stress.

Herman Khan now

In 2016, Herman Khan's investment group invested $ 200 million in the Uber service operating in 68 countries of the world (ordering a taxi through mobile app). In addition, at this time, the L1 Health division was created, its office in the United States was opened and its intention to invest $ 3 billion in medicine was announced within three years.