Culture Commission. Head of the State Duma Committee on Culture S. S. Govorukhin: "The profile committee of the State Duma will focus on finalizing the draft law" On Culture "Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture

After the death of Stanislav Govorukhin, he will head the Duma Committee on Culture. A source familiar with the situation told Gazeta.Ru about this.

At the end of June, the media wrote that they would not rush to the official announcement of the new head of the committee on culture in the lower house of the Russian parliament. In any case, this will not happen until 40 days have passed after the death of Govorukhin.

In addition to Yampolskaya, the first deputy Govorukhin and another deputy in the committee, the grandson of the writer, were named as candidates for the post of chairman of the committee on culture.

Currently, United Russia member Yampolskaya is the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities Affairs, and also heads the Kultura newspaper. In addition, she is a member of the Presidium of the Council for Culture under the President of the Russian Federation, the Patriarchal Council for Culture, and the Society of Russian Literature. She is also a laureate of the Pushkin Gold Medal, a commemorative medal named after, the Chaika and Iskra awards.

Yampolskaya is considered a figure ideologically close to.

On the air of the Agora program on the Kultura TV channel, she formulated her position on what is happening now in the Russian cultural sphere as follows: “What we have catastrophically lost over the past 20-25 years is in the taste, of course. Moreover, a lot of the product is designed specifically for bad taste, educates it. "

“We need to educate long-term people. There is a concept of long and short money... When there is a lot of short money in the economy, it is an indicator of a crisis. The crisis is when there are many "short" people, imprisoned for a year, for two - now to snatch, run away. We need to think further, ”Yampolskaya believes.

In her opinion, Russian society is now waiting for culture to turn its face to it.

“These are books and films that can be digitized; you cannot translate a person into a number. His soul hurts, and he expects culture to respond to this pain. Our problem is that now there are practically no artists who are able to feel someone else's pain as their own. There are those who comb pain points so that they look spectacular like ulcers. There are those who dull them with the most primitive means, ”she noted.

As for the most popular of all types of arts - cinema, then, according to Yampolskaya, in this area, it is not at all important financial performance... “It's not about the number of films and box offices. It doesn't matter how many people came to the film. It is important how they left the audience. They got better in those two hours or got worse - that's what really matters, ”she said.

Yampolskaya has repeatedly become the object of criticism from the liberals.

For example, in a 2013 publication dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Joseph Stalin's death, Kultura's editor-in-chief stated that he was “sent to keep Russia on the world stage.”

In addition, Yampolskaya noted that, in her opinion, "the depreciation of life in Stalin's times, alas, is no longer a strong argument, because we did not know such inflation of existence and non-existence as in the post-Soviet period."

In the same 2013, Yampolskaya spoke about the need to change the "cultural elite of the country."

“We have to announce a new cultural appeal. I realized this when some of the cultural figures supported Pussy Riot, - she stressed. - We need to call people from the regions and orient them correctly, and then make them new stars.

Emergencies Ministry warned Muscovites about snow and gusty wind Since March 30, two-thirds of the employees of the Moscow City Duma Administration have been transferred to remote work The Moscow City Duma supported the decision of stores on a separate time for pensioners An overpass with a length of more than two kilometers will be built as part of the North-Eastern Expressway More than 3 million square meters of non-residential real estate is being built in the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative areas Over 9 thousand screens in the metro began to notify of precautionary measures in Moscow Controllers and cashiers of the IDC undergo a medical examination before the shift Operational headquarters for control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus: the disease can be severe in young patients Ground transport in Moscow began to be disinfected at terminal stations In the Moscow metro, cars and tunnels are daily treated with a special disinfectant A series of online excursions around VDNKh will be launched in Moscow Moscow courts of general jurisdiction operate on weekends Schoolchildren can now undergo subject diagnostics online Moskva trains began to run on the Nekrasovskaya and Bolshaya Koltsevaya metro lines In accordance with the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow No. 34-UM dated March 29, all residents of the capital are obliged not to leave their place of residence / Muscovites who lost their jobs will be paid 19,500 rubles a month Shopping mall"Gardener" is closed until April 5 Moscow transport will operate from March 28 to April 5 according to the weekend schedule

The capital's parliament has doubled the number of telecommuting staff since March 30. Including the assistants of the Moscow City Duma deputies transferred to remote work. This was announced by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov (faction of the United Russia party).

Larisa Kartavtseva, Chairperson of the MHD Commission on Healthcare and Protection of Public Health, considers the decision of a number of retail chains set aside priority time for senior buyers. She added that there are many examples of responsible stores that are working on various preventive measures to reduce the spread of the virus across the country.

Moskomarkhitektura approved the project of an overpass from the Oktyabrskaya tracks railroad to the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow railway. The total length of the overpass will be more than 2 km. This will improve the road situation both in the district and in the city.

There are more non-residential buildings in New Moscow, of which only social facilities have been built in 7.5 years over 70. Thanks to the emergence of new facilities in the annexed territories, over 100 thousand jobs have been created.

Audio messages about coronavirus prevention measures are also broadcast on escalators and on 177 road signs.

Cashiers and controllers of JSC Centralnaya PPK, who work at stations and on trains of the Moscow Central Diameters (MCD), pass before the shift medical checkup... “More than 2 thousand bottles of hand sanitizer, more than 11 thousand latex gloves and over 50 thousand medical masks have been purchased for cashiers and IDC controllers. Another 150 thousand masks will be purchased, "- said the press service of the Moscow Department of Transport.

The age of 40% of patients connected to artificial lung ventilation devices in the capital does not exceed 40 years, and among people under the age of 60 this figure reaches 64%. Statistics show that the disease is severe not only among the older generation. Thus, 45% of patients with severe lung damage are people under 60 years of age. Those under 40 - 15%.

“Moscow buses, electric buses, trolleybuses and trams are now disinfected while working on the line - additional treatment of the cabins is carried out at the terminal stations. Thus, transport is disinfected not only in parks and depots, but also on routes, ”the press service of Mosgortrans said.

Ticket vending machines are washed once an hour, and door handles and checkout areas are washed once every one and a half to two hours. The tunnels are processed using special washing machines. In total, it is planned to flush 600 km of tunnels, 364 spans, 108 dead ends and 33 connecting branches.

While the main exhibition of the country is temporarily closed for guests, you can walk through the pavilions and watch educational video materials online.

In the courts of general jurisdiction of the capital, duty judges and staff members will work in the amount that will be sufficient for the functioning of the court, taking into account specific circumstances.

Students of Moscow schools from the 2nd to the 11th grade can undergo online diagnostics for free. This opportunity was provided by the Center for Independent Diagnostics of the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education (MCCE). The results will be known the next day after passing the test.

Another 14 new-generation Moskva trains were launched on the Nekrasovskaya and Bolshaya Koltsevaya lines of the Moscow metro. Innovative trains began to run after the opening of the stations Yugo-Vostochnaya, Okskaya, Stakhanovskaya, Nizhegorodskaya, Aviamotornaya and Lefortovo. They were earned for passengers on March 27th.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin signed a decree introducing new measures to counter coronavirus. Residents of the capital, regardless of age, must comply with the self-isolation regime. Muscovites are allowed to leave the apartment only in cases of urgent medical help, trips to work, trips to the store and pharmacies to take out the trash, walk pets at a distance not exceeding 100 meters from the place of residence.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin made a decision on the regional compensation payment... The total amount of unemployment benefits (scholarships) will be 19,500 rubles per month. This will be one of the measures against the background of the fight against coronavirus, which Sergei Sobyanin announced on the evening of March 29 on his official website.

Earlier, on the territory of the complex, special measures were introduced to sanitize and disinfect all rooms and surfaces.

On October 7, 2016, the first in the seventh convocation meeting of the Committee on Culture was held under the chairmanship of Stanislav Sergeevich Govorukhin ... He introduced the members of the Committee and offered to discuss urgent problems of legislative support of the cultural sphere in the form of a free and frank conversation.

The members of the Committee also discussed the list of bills scheduled for consideration by the State Duma during the autumn session of 2016, and the main directions of the work of the Committee on Culture of the new convocation. The deputies of the Committee decided to recommend the State Duma to hear the annual State report on the state of culture in the Russian Federation during the autumn session.

The first meeting of the Committee was attended by the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Alexander Vladimirovich Zhuravsky .

In a commentary to TASS, the head of the State Duma Committee on Culture S.S.Govorukhin said that d the elaboration and adoption of a new draft law "On Culture" should become the priorities of the work of the profile committee of the State Duma of the VII convocation. “First of all, it is necessary to finalize and adopt a new law“ On Culture ”. New law should become a comprehensive full-fledged legislative act, in which not only basic concepts and provisions will be spelled out, but also the results of the development of legislation in the field of culture in general will be enshrined, ”he said.

According to him, acting in currently the law was created in the early 90s and is outdated.

The head of the committee also noted that new edition The draft law "On the Import and Export of Cultural Property", which has been in effect since 1993 and does not correspond to today's realities, also requires the development of cooperation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union: "draconian measures" for the import and export of cultural property ”.