Interesting job for tech lovers. How to make good money in a short time. The most unusual jobs according to HeadHunter

There are thousands different professions, many of which may seem monotonous, but there are also those in which you will definitely not be bored. But the most interesting professions in the world are usually not easy to get a job, since the need for such specialists is very limited.

This profession is considered the rarest. The need for it arose in 2009, when one of the travel companies announced the search for an employee who would live for six months on the Australian island of Hamilton in a luxury villa, play golf, swim in the pool and do other pleasant things, while actively blogging with photos. Casting took place all over the world, eventually a British worker got the job social service.

The following requirements are imposed on the caretaker:

  • swim, dive and steer a yacht, while entertainingly talking about all this;
  • feed the fish, clean the pools (in fact, they are equipped with a self-cleaning system, so the employee only has to remove random debris from the surface);
  • official correspondence and communication with international media.

In fact, being at work, which is one of the most interesting professions in the world, is only twelve hours a month, the rest of the time you can just relax and enjoy nature. The position is suitable for both men and women. By the way, a girl from Russia, who also participated in the casting, could take her. The caretaker was assigned a salary of 110 thousand dollars for six months.

This person's professional tool is a glass. He must assess the level of quality of the wine or its components, analyze the taste and smell in comparison with generally accepted standards. Therefore, the main requirement for a taster is an excellent memory for tastes and aromas.

The main goal is to identify the problems of a particular wine, preferably at the earliest stage of production.

The taster may not understand the rituals of wine serving or its prices, and also, unlike the sommelier, not think about the origin of the wine, at what temperature it was made and other nuances.

Typically, tasters work in distilleries or wine industry certification bodies. The best specialist in this profession is also well versed in the changes in the taste of the drink, depending on the production technology and the characteristics of human receptors. Usually a taster is a freelancer: he comes, tries, then leaves to try elsewhere.

This profession is not taught in educational institutions, but often the confectionery factories themselves organize such courses. And not everyone can pass all the tests and get a job. Those who succeed receive an honorary diploma and an invitation to work at the factory. However, you can also graduate from a university related to food production technology, then it will be possible to combine professional knowledge with an innate gift.

The tasting process is as follows: the taster examines the pieces of chocolate, analyzes their color and texture, then aroma and, finally, taste.

It should be borne in mind that such an amount of sweets strikes the body every day. There is a known case when a person quit due to health problems, in two years he gained 15 kilograms of excess weight. The man tried sweets from such famous companies as Mars and Nestle, receiving 30 thousand pounds a year for this. In addition to testing finished products, his work was associated with lighting them in the media mass media.

On average, twenty types of chocolate are tasted in one working day.

This is a person whose duties include testing software, identifying errors and shortcomings. In other words, a specialist in charge of quality control at the development stage. Similar vacancies exist in many large IT corporations.

The main responsibilities of a tester include:

  • finding and processing bugs and errors during the user's work with the software;
  • development and timely use of automated tests;
  • development of testing algorithms;
  • introduction of found deficiencies in the current documentation, as well as, in some cases, writing technical documentation for software.

It should be remembered that a tester is not the one who is obliged to find all possible and impossible bugs, but the one who brings the product to a state that is completely satisfactory to the user.

Usually people who are well versed in the device go to this vacancy. software and having an analytical mind. In this case, education is not so important, secondary specialized will be enough. According to statistics, the average salary of such a specialist is 70 thousand rubles, but it varies greatly depending on the region.

In Russia, no university teaches this specialty

It sounds like a joke, but such a profession exists. The fact is that penguins, although very dexterous in the water, are extremely clumsy on land. They slowly waddle on their short legs, and from time to time roll on the ice on their bellies. It happens that, raising its head at the noise of a flying helicopter or plane, the penguin simply falls over on its back, losing balance. They cannot rise, and poor animals have to either just lie down, or in some way roll to the water. From a long lying on the ice, a bird can freeze to death or be attacked by predators.

That is why practically at all polar stations, both Russian and foreign, there is a position of a penguin lifter. As the name suggests, these people keep an eye on the penguin colony and help them stand up if they fall on their backs.

The work seems very simple, but it also has its own nuances. It is necessary to go out to save the penguins in any weather, be it a blizzard or 50-degree frost. However, there are also enough pluses. Penguins quickly get used to a person and soon begin to show affection for him, becoming tame.

To lift an animal, sometimes you have to climb over huge snowdrifts and drown in the snow.

This profession is ideal for both girls and men. She also has no age requirements. Currently, the specialty is actively developing. After all, entrepreneurs, politicians and other influential people are forced to very often attend all kinds of events where it is necessary to look and behave according to the norms of etiquette. To do this, they hire competent specialists who will teach them all the intricacies of behavior in a secular society. After all, now you won't surprise anyone with crimson jackets and gold chains, business conversation reached a new, more social level.

Knowledge of etiquette is also required for service personnel, for example, maids. Ethics teachers often enter this profession, while there are still very few narrow specialists. But almost any person with a humanitarian mindset, developed social skills, competent speech and a sociable, friendly disposition can become one.

Etiquette professionals instruct them in an accessible and effective manner on the rules of a culture of conduct

This job is perhaps even sweeter than the penguin lifter. It exists in China and is paid very well - about thirty thousand dollars a year. Responsibilities - to sit all day with pandas and pay attention to them, play games, share all the sorrows and joys. But not everything is as simple as it sounds: the panda hugger has practically no days off or holidays, he spends more time with his charges than with his family.

The following requirements are imposed on candidates: age from 22 years, basic knowledge of pandas, ability to photograph and write competently, willingness to hug pandas around the clock, while recording their behavior and achievements.

In addition to a worthy wages The Giant Panda Research and Protection Center provides the worker with accommodation and food free of charge. That is why foreigners wishing to visit China grab this vacancy like a straw.

Pandas are an endangered species, in nature there are only about 1600 individuals, and the same number in zoos, so taking care of them is truly an honorable occupation.

Each of us visits various shops or establishments almost every day. You need to buy food, clothes, and household appliances... But it turns out that you can also earn money on the shopping process if you become a "mystery shopper". Of course, the owners of firms can be guided by the reviews of ordinary customers, but, as practice shows, it is the work of a mystery shopper that is much more effective, since he works according to a predetermined scenario.

Anyone can become a mystery shopper. It can be a middle-aged married couple or a Kamaz driver who stopped at a gas station. This is not bad for most. Additional income.

There is tough competition on the market at the moment, and the owner cannot afford to lose the client. Therefore, the waiter or seller must be competent and polite, and the product itself must be of high quality and adequate in price.

Mystery shoppers often secretly use voice recorders, video and cameras. The picture as a whole is assessed: the appearance of the object, cleanliness, order and comfort, the answers of the service personnel to the questions asked from a special questionnaire, which the mystery shopper will later fill in.

They study the quality of service at a specific point by asking staff questions about products and services

This is the person who is hired to create the artificial success or failure of a performance or even an individual actor. Often claqueters, with their applause or, conversely, booing, infect the rest of the spectators of the performance. This profession is already two centuries old. It is based on the sociality of people, as a rule, people behave similarly to the behavior of others.

The claque chief also had a difficult task: he analyzed which moments of the performance should be highlighted and how to do it - with applause, enthusiastic exclamations, whistling or even crying in touching places.

Today, clappers are used not only in theatrical performances, but also in show business and even politics.

Sometimes, coming to a clinic or other institution, it is striking what kind of long queue... Few people like the endless hours of waiting for an appointment. In this regard, such a profession appeared as queuing, or officially a tramidator. This person takes a queue for another person and sits in it as long as necessary. On the territory of Russia, this is a fairly new service, and in Europe and America it has been known for more than one decade.

To resort to the help of a tramidator, you must contact a special company and place an order. A worker will take your turn and call when it’s time to enter. The customer can only return and pay off the tramidator.

The service is very relevant, which means that it has a great future

Most of our fellow citizens are interested in football, and each of them loves to discuss this topic and express their opinion on what is right and what is not (and how to do it right). But it turns out that there is such a specialty, and they even teach for it. For example, at the sports school in Cologne. Its graduates become powerful football theorists.

The training lasts a year, during which they watch various matches, define and analyze game strategies and choose the most effective ones. For men, this profession is just perfect: you watch matches, express your opinion, shine with knowledge of how to play correctly, except perhaps without beer.

Football strategist is not an ordinary fan, but a specialist with a diploma

When looking for a job, many people are faced with the fact that with a great variety of vacancies, they are all extremely monotonous. In fact, this is quite sad, because it makes us get a job we do not like and often spend our whole life on it. But each of us can make an effort and find interesting work to their liking, so that every working day is perceived as a holiday.

Moscow is a city of unlimited possibilities that attracts specialists from various industries. Not only thousands of guest workers from neighboring states, but also specialists flock here every year. higher categories from other cities of Russia, countries of near and far abroad. Job in Moscow for many of them it is a chance to earn money and achieve a certain recognition and status. Unfortunately, lawyers, economists, managers and journalists have completely flooded the labor market, leaving only vacant places for unique specialists. So, representatives of rare and unusual professions get the chance of success. The British newspaper "The Sun" published a list of the most unusual and rare professions in 2011, it is not surprising that some of them exist in Russia. In the capital, as it turned out, they are in great demand.

We catch trends.

Trend hunter is a unique profession for talented people who are not alien to fashion. Specialists in this field must be the first to grasp fashion trends given target audience such as young people or business people. This information is extremely important for manufacturers of apparel, footwear and accessories, as this information is used in product development. A trend hunter's job is to attend events, closely observe people on the streets, and analyze fashionable images on TV and in the media.

Shopaholics to help.

Moscow is confidently taking the title of fashion capital from Milan, as fashion boutiques grow there like mushrooms after a rain. Every self-respecting brand opens its stores and representative offices in the Russian capital. Therefore, there appeared shoppers or stylists who select clothes, shoes and accessories for their wealthy clients to make them look fashionable and stylish. The shopper's duties include not only choosing clothes, but first examining and analyzing new collections of all brands of interest, choosing suitable models so that the client does not spend a lot of time looking for the right outfit. Such work is paid according to the "glamorous" status of a specialist, which means - very high.

Unique online professions.

Some labor market experts believe that the often exotic demand for specialists with rare vacancies amazes even seasoned personnel officers. So, in the capital there is a demand for the work of a piste in the forest on Rublevka. Surveys of numerous headhunters and recruiting specialists confirm that even professional bloggers who are called upon to form a positive image of the company are valuable in Moscow. Another fashionable and rather exotic profession of a web gardener is a web gardener, who must cleanse the site of outdated links, like a gardener from weeds of a site. He is also responsible for updating old pages and changing appearance site. Another unusual Internet profession is the ethical hacker who hacks into the site of his own company in order to check and identify weaknesses in the site's security system.

Journalists without borders.

Many of us, having heard about the stringer profession, will not be able to guess that it has nothing to do with underwear. On the contrary, this was the name given to the rather serious work of journalists and freelance correspondents who most often work in extreme conditions: in places of mass riots, natural disasters or military operations. This is a profession for those who are not afraid to risk their own lives, and therefore it is highly paid enough.

Aristocratic golf.

Moscow is a city of oligarchs, businessmen, politicians, movie stars, and therefore Western fashionable hobbies are not alien to them. Golf is one of the most aristocratic and popular sports created for wealthy people. Therefore, in the capital, greenkeeper jobs are increasingly in demand. Who is the Greenkeeper? Literally translated - the caretaker of golf courses. It became not solid to trust the care of precious fields to the usual gardeners or janitors, retirees or students, and therefore the still rare profession has become prestigious and highly paid. It is believed that in order to properly care for the fields, it is necessary to have deep knowledge and the ability to work with special equipment.

Let's take a look at the casino.

America has influenced not only Moscow, but also the entire post-Soviet space. So, with the advent of casinos in the capital, professions that are unique for our country have become in demand. The pit boss, or otherwise the foreman in the casino, is not the manager or the director, but still the main superintendent at the work of the croupier, general procedure and playing in the game room. He must be distinguished by high tolerance, resilience, thorough knowledge of all processes in the casino, and management skills.

How much is your life worth?

The work of an actuary is closely related to the insurance industry. It is worth becoming interested in insuring your own life in order to get an “appointment” with an actuary - a specialist in assessing human life. No matter how terrible and pragmatic it may sound, however, his responsibilities include calculating life expectancy, analyzing all negative factors, health conditions, and a summary of the real cost of a client's life.

No hair? No problem!

In the entire history of the HeadHunter company, more than 11 million vacancies have been published on its website! Summing up the 15th anniversary of the company's existence, we decided to build a rating of unusual and interesting professions that have ever been published on the site.

Based on over 11 million job openings, HeadHunter Research has identified 15 unusual, rare, and exciting jobs that employers have ever posted.

For glass blowers 13 vacancies were posted. A glassblower is a craftsman who creates products from a heated glass mass using blowing and other techniques. The average offered salary in Russia was in the range of 30,000-60,000 rubles, depending on the region.

IT Evangelist- a specialist professionally engaged in propaganda in the field information technologies... An IT evangelist promotes technology and products through article writing, blogging, seminars and webinars, demos and presentations, and negotiation. There were four such vacancies in total. One of them in St. Petersburg indicated a salary of 90,000 rubles.

Quite an unusual profession postiger- a specialist who creates wigs, mustaches, beards and sideburns from natural and artificial hair. In Moscow, for such a position, you can earn from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles.

Salary airplane washer in three available vacancies ranged from 16,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Fumelier- this is a specialist in cigars .. The salary in one case was offered 30,000 rubles, in the other - 45,000 rubles.

Machine operator cotton candy is a seasonal profession. Mostly common in the summer. Until recently, it seemed outdated. But with the development and improvement of various parks and places of cultural recreation, it has recently reappeared on the market. In Moscow, such a position is now offered a salary ranging from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Golf car driver is also an unusual profession for Russia, where golf is not as popular as, for example, in the USA. The duties of such a specialist include meeting guests and delivering them to the territory of the golf club.

Ergonomics Expert- a specialist engaged in simplifying the work performed and achieving higher employee productivity. This profession is still new and rare for the labor market. In total, two vacancies were posted for this position.

  • Mukosey- a worker engaged in sifting flour.
  • Golf Club Rubbers .
  • Bicycle wheel spokes .
  • Customer Experience Director- a specialist in charge of service quality management.

Instead of a conclusion. Of course, the list can be continued and list many interesting and rare professions, vacancies for which on the site have not been published at all in all 15 years of the company's existence. However, we limited ourselves to only those that were published on the HeadHunter website.

We found and asked representatives of the most unusual professions in Russia - how to get a job as a tester, who a stringer is, and what restaurant critics are paid for. In the text of the link to open vacancies - hurry up to respond.

Most of the odd jobs will never make it to websites - there are other ways to find these employees. Can you, for example, submit a vacancy for "astronaut"? Or "ringer"? Or "ghost writer"? Здесь никому не в обиду, под «негром» подразумевают соавтора/консультанта/автора книг. In general, they are looking for a second Dontsova for the "production" of readings on an industrial scale.

But the unusual is still found on the site, and we conditionally divided such professions into 3 groups.


The profession disappears when the result of labor ceases to be in demand. Few now want to stuff a deceased beloved cat into a stuffed animal or buy a deer head in a souvenir shop. Therefore, the vacancy "taxidermist" occurs once every six months or a year. But they are looking for such a master and are even ready to teach the craft from scratch.

The vacancy "chimney sweep" in 2018 also sounds unusual. However, representatives of these professions are still required, for example, and. But their fate depends on how long the old wooden housing stock will last and whether fireplaces will be popular in cottages.

But with the "stenographers" you can already say goodbye. On April 1, 2018, this profession was officially abolished - the need to record speech "by hand" was supplanted by computers and voice recorders. So, alas, if you see it, it will only mean a specialist in fast typing.


Recently, but has great prospects, the profession of dog sitter - "nanny for dogs", which deals with animals while the owners are away or at work.About 30 vacancies for dog sitters - by the way, the job is perfect for students and high school students.

Julia, Moscow, 3 years experience as a dog sitter:

“You don't have to be an experienced dog handler, but you need to have a very good understanding of the psychology of dogs. It’s okay if the dog doesn’t love you - it’s much worse if he began to prefer you to his masters ”.

All game exchanges are packed with vacancies for computer games scriptwriter or narrative designer. But the sphere of offline entertainment is still developing. And there you can find a vacancy and.

According to Yegor Lukhnev, organizer of the intellectual and entertaining game BrainBarQuiz in Dubna, the work is not easy:

“It's not enough just to be an erudite person or have experience writing questions for university Brain Rings. Pub quizzes have a special character, and we are interested not only in people who are ready to constantly work on improving the wording of tasks, but also in good players. "

Narrow thematic

One of the symbols of the Soviet era is the famous "tea with an elephant", the usual black long tea. Today, for the bacchanalia of varieties with all kinds of flavors, tittesters, the creators of new passionfruit-birch blends, are responsible.

We have not invented anything, here is an open one.

Ruslan, St. Petersburg, worked as a tester for a year:

“The beautiful words 'tea sommelier' describe serious work with a number of requirements for employees. Unfortunately, I had to leave the profession because of the discovered allergy to some herbs. "

Stringers are different. More often than not, this word means freelance journalists who deliver the hottest "yellow" content. However, this profession can no longer be called unusual - every owner of a phone with a camera can become a stringer.

But other stringers, experts in stringing racquets, are one-of-a-kind. at tennis clubs or large sports stores.

Dream vacancies - this is what they call a whole block of professions where you need to evaluate the quality of services. These include travel bloggers or.

Maxim, restaurant critic, St. Petersburg, work experience 5 years:

“It is somewhat similar to the work of a theater critic. It's hard to have fun when you need to evaluate in parallel and think about how to write about it. And food doesn't always suit your taste. "

Basically, employers need specialists who are versed in the industries familiar and familiar to all of us: economics, medicine, engineering, and the like. But in the world there are many other, unknown to most people, the most extraordinary and strange professions, which few have heard of, and certainly no one knows where they teach professional ant-catching, show a master class on pulling the brain out of the head of a slaughtered animal and explain how to trade dreams correctly. We will tell you about these and many other strange types of work in the continuation of the article.

1. Ant catcher

The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which will later serve for procreation on artificial ant farms.

2. Brain remover

The place of work of the brain remover is an abattoir. His duties include putting the head of the slaughtered animal on the table and, after the skull is split open, remove the brain from there, which is then sent to restaurants.

3. Mattress tester

Who among us in childhood did not like to jump on the bed? True, then our parents scolded us for this, but Ruben Reinoso is paid money for it! A man works in a mattress factory and jumps on them as much as he wants.

4. An organizer to help you get your child to camp

Going on vacation or other long trip, there is always the risk of forgetting something important, but for New Yorkers this is no longer a problem. For less than a thousand dollars, an organizer will come to the house of the Americans, who will collect everything necessary for the trip of children to summer camp.

5. People who live in luxury apartments and receive money for it

It is difficult to call this activity and work: live yourself in a luxurious apartment, enjoy life and get money for it - paradise, and nothing more! But these people are essentially nomads who only create the appearance of life in the house, observing ideal cleanliness and order. And when there are buyers for the house, the family should immediately move to another luxurious house.

Jumping off a cliff into the unknown - what could be worse? And if money is paid for it? Cliff diving competitions from "Red Bull" are held all over the world, and to date, half of the competitions have been held, in which extreme sportsmen from different countries, having conquered a height of 27 meters.

And this job seems to be one of the most boring in the world, and perhaps it is. During his working day, 34-year-old Dr. Thomas Curven carefully monitors how the paint dries, monitors how its color and texture change. The doctor must give a guarantee that the paint is durable and will not peel off in the near future.

In Asian countries, people are used to restraining themselves, so the funeral is served by special mourners. The prices for the services of such personnel look something like this: crying - 1 coin; howling crying - 3 coins; hysterical crying with howling and falling to his knees - 7 coins; sobbing with beating oneself in the chest, ripping clothes and rolling on the ground - 20 coins. Before starting work, you must pass a test for knowledge of traditions, the ability to sob dramatically and instantly calm down.

Perhaps one of the strangest professions is the scarecrow man. Nevertheless, the young man who finished his studies at the institute got a job just for this job. His job was to scare off local birds with an accordion and bell, while wearing a bright orange coat. For this performance he was paid £ 250 a week.

A man of this profession comes up with sonorous names for clothes. new collection... "Drops of Blood on Garibaldi", "Rice Pudding of Jawaharlaw", "The Seduction of the Prince of Bohemia" and even "Hippie Boy, Take Me!" - this is his handiwork.

These people work in Antarctica and rescue poor birds that stare at planes and fall on their backs. After all, by their nature, penguins are not able to climb themselves.

The postal clerk dreams of becoming a great actor for one night. A businessman dreams of managing a multi-ton train. The psychiatrist dreams of meeting 20 girls from 20 different countries in 20 days off. How do you make their dreams come true? One of the Chicago-based companies is engaged in the realization of any fantasies and desires of its customers. All you need is to come to their office, tell what you dream about, and pay the amount that the specialists will tell you. However, remember that the minimum cost to make your dream come true is $ 150,000.

A new service has also appeared in the Middle Kingdom ... On the streets of Chinese cities you can now meet comrades who, for a fee of 4 cents, are ready to tell anyone where the nearest public toilet is. In their work books and it is written: "Civil servant - toilet guide"!

A large condom company has opened several new positions. The office is recruiting young people for the positions of "Condom Tester"! An unlimited number of consumables are included in the standard tester's outfit. The one who best provides the office with useful information about the progress of the tests will receive a bonus of $ 1000!

Fortune cookies, popular throughout the feast, need regular and correct compilation of these very predictions. Their author must certainly have a good imagination, because the prophecies must be clear, interesting, varied and unusual. At first glance, the job seems easy, but try to come up with at least a hundred such predictions!

Basic consumable on this job - swimming trunks. They are rubbed at a terrible speed, because here the main working weapon is the buttocks. And Tom Lynch's buttocks are known all over the world wherever there are water parks. With his fifth point, he tested hundreds of slides, while recording his feelings in special forms.

Do you know what perfect pitch is? In Italy, for example, this is the ability to clearly perform the song "O sole mia" on parmesan cheese. In the factories where it is produced, people with musical education work. They knock on the heads of the cheese with a silver hammer to determine if it is ripe. And it ripens for 3 years, releasing new notes every day. The further you go, the louder the Parmesan.

Some pastry shops have so-called egg sniffers. They make sure that rotten chicken eggs are not used in the production of confectionery.

You can honestly rejoice for the British. An office has appeared in the country promising citizens that they will not stand in lines. For them it will be done by a specially trained "parking lot". Services are not cheap - almost 40 bucks an hour. Considering that every Englishman has been queuing for more than a year in his life, then the savings are obvious!

Tests the efficacy of chewing gum by sniffing the breath of people with aching teeth after consuming garlic or alcohol. A good gum should drown it all out.

At the annual marijuana festival in Amsterdam, weed growers compete in many categories: the tastiest marijuana, the most beautiful in color, the funniest, with the strongest effect ... The winner is determined by judges who have to taste up to 30 weed varieties per day. And while the winners are being awarded for the brightest effect, they are trying to bring the tasters back from the "Land of Laughter".