Primitivism as a fashionable trend. What do designers answer? Creative minimalism in logos Missing company logo. Made by Admix Designs

Gone are those "unforgettable" times when the degree of "pretentiousness" of the logo was a kind of guarantee of its success. Today we can observe with surprise how quite good money is received by those who are trying to "become like" Kazimir Malevich not in a figurative sense, but in the most direct sense.

The legendary Suprematist used "black squares", which are still an example of true art. And the studio of Artemy Lebedev is famous for the fact that for a good fee it took and developed ... a blue rhombus.

Branding development or regression?

There are fewer and fewer logos that delight with pretentious ingenuity, on which the best minds of design thought have worked tirelessly for days. Minimalism is one of the key trends in modern branding, faced with which, the customer can exclaim: "The contractor got it right!" Or, alternatively, you might think that an automatic logo designer was used during creation.

This reaction is natural, because today the audience is in the so-called “phase of accepting the minimalist trend,” devoid of the usual bulge and palette of all kinds of shades.

What do designers answer?

From many luminaries of design today you can hear the phrase that, they say, all these "bells and whistles" are hopelessly outdated. Countless "bells and whistles" in the logo are the mournful lot of those who think primitively and are ready to pay "for the picture" and not for the "product".

Follow the evolution of the world's most famous brand, Apple. The dynamics of development or the "paradigm of regression" presented to our attention? Everyone will have their own answer.

But the nature of the apple "logo evolution" is not difficult to trace. From a fanciful picture illustrating a "window into the world" to the well-known bitten fruit that has lost the bulge and bulk of the past years.

Modern "flat" design conquers spaces!

While the customer is trying to comprehend the "truth", trying to realize that the visual embodiment is "deeply secondary", and the idea and mechanics of the logo as a product are "deeply primary", objective reality tells us that the trend towards simplification has existed for at least 65 years. ...

Well, which of us hasn't been to IKEA? If you are a long-liver, and went there in 1951, you could see such a pretentious picture.

And now? The modern logo was not made yesterday, but 35 years ago. But it is laconic, like breakfast at Ural Airlines.

Superfluous designations, word forms, images in the logo are becoming a thing of the past.

Here's the legendary "Adidas" yesterday and today:

What are the key trends in the minimalist "trend"?

  • one font, maximum a couple but not three
  • no complicated pictures resembling knightly coats of arms
  • emphasized versatility: the picture looks equally well on t-shirts and planes
  • in the past - relief, in the present - plane
  • minimum details, maximum simplification
  • decorativeness is overkill, functionality rules!

And what will happen tomorrow?

It's no secret that in the coming Era of Blockchain, automation, which is already replacing sellers with vending machines, will move designers by replacing them with logo designers.

And indeed. If the trend is not artistic delights at all, but "a product created at the intersection of functionality and pragmatism," then why not try to give up the work of a designer and try what an online logo generator is?

The fear of running into a “definitively soulless” product holds back a potential user who needs “ handmade". Well!

You are welcome! Ours was created by professional designers without the use of publicly available "logo-slag" databases.

For a symbolic amount, you can get a logo right now and enter the market tomorrow with your head held high - sorry! - logo.

Logo design is an area of ​​design that looks simple, but you can only succeed in it through hard work. It is very difficult to satisfy the desires of a large number of people. It is difficult to create a new and attention-grabbing concept.

Simple logos. The advantages of a simple form over a complex one

Some logos play with the audience, show more to those who can see more, and contain a lot of key brand information. But at the same time, these are simple logos. All you have to do is look at the details and admire the wit of the designers, their ability to put so much into little. The most difficult thing is to create a strict logo style, laconic logos.

This article has collected 40 examples of interesting logos. They have minimalism of style.

Barbershop logo, Look company logo.

The companies represented make a good impression on the audience by not overloading them. Their logo design is minimalistic, as compact as possible.

The main features of a minimalist logo:

1) spatial freedom: a small number of graphic elements;

2) light color palette, which is based on the play of halftones, white in combination with gray or black colors;

3) the use of simple shapes and lines, the absence of ornate decor;

4) the use of simple geometric shapes: a circle, a straight line, the use of a soft bend is allowed, but without spirals.

We see that laconic logos can be very inspiring. When creating a logo, it is very important to show that the customer understands a lot about visual images and symbols that they carry. Subtle, clean forms, simplicity and clarity of composition are the main advantages of strict design logos. The most commonly used combination of two colors.

Minimalism is the most striking and controversial of the styles. More and more companies are following the path of simplifying the logo during the rebranding process. Over the hundred years of the style's existence, it has improved and acquired new forms.

Minimalism. Strict logo

Minimalism recognizes perfect forms, natural natural colors and textures. Designers do not use bright ornaments in this style, prefer simplicity and asceticism.

Ideal colors: white, gray, black or several similar neutral shades.

The logo of the animation studio "Dvizhenie" and the logo "Milk mug".

Perfectly adjusted proportions add harmony to laconic logos.

Plant and animal ornaments and monograms are not used in these logos.

Logo for the travel company Polety and Seven Sparrows.

The minimalistic style is systemic and somewhat pedantic. It is impossible to single out unambiguously a group of companies for which it can be suitable. The austere design in some variations may appeal not only to men, but also to women. For women, we recommend using a brighter color scheme while maintaining the basic lines of austere design.

Logo of the medical company "Man".

Minimalism touches upon such important concepts for a modern person as ergonomics.

Ergonomics - using as few details as possible to build a composition. Correct use of only the most necessary with the rejection of all unnecessary, obtaining free space in this way. Looking at the laconic corporate identity, a person takes a break from the information flow that accompanies him every day.

Today, minimalism has penetrated not only graphic design, but also interior and clothing design. The direction was formed in the 1960s in America and firmly entered our life. One of the reasons for the popularity of minimalism has become the information oversaturation of recent decades. The popularity of this style in graphic design and fine arts is growing steadily every day.

Why minimalism in logos is so popular © Crowdspring

In the world of graphic design, there has long been a trend towards minimizing emblems, logos and other symbols used for identification. The fanciful logos to match the medieval royal coats of arms, replete with elements, are becoming a thing of the past, giving way to strict and laconic symbols. This trend is outlined in many areas, sometimes even emblems with a rich history are replaced.

A striking and notable example of a simplified logo is the Italian football club Juventus from Turin. In 2017, he replaced the coat of arms, which dates back to the end of the 19th century, with a simple symbol in the form of a stylized letter J with the name of the club. Not all fans liked such innovations, but no one was going to return the old logo.

The example of Juventus is not unique. Spanish Barcelona recently also changed their logo to a flatter one, at the same time relieving it a little. The same goes for the English FC West Ham. The MasterCard payment system, Microsoft in their Windows operating system, and the Taco Bell catering network did the same. It can take a long time to enumerate examples from various industries, but the main thing is why do they all do this?

Prerequisites and beginning

The trend towards simplification of logos goes back to the explosive development of computer technology in the late 20th century. In the "analog" era, the complexity of the emblem or coat of arms did not really matter. The production of printing forms used to replicate branded products was a relatively inexpensive task. In the future, it made it possible to obtain thousands and millions of logo prints, replete with small details and paints.

With the transition to the digital age and the rapid development of Internet technologies, the situation has changed. The designers were faced with the task of making logos that will not only be beautiful and informative, but also suitable for normal display on computer screens with low resolution and color depth.

Loaded with small details and made in a rich palette, emblems in such conditions lost their attractiveness, which is not profitable from a marketing point of view. Minimalism has become a lifeline, making it possible to make the logo look the same on an advertising poster, on product packaging, and on a computer screen. Thus, the first stone of the road to simplification was laid.

Modern reasons

Later when computer graphics reached new heights, simple and light logos were no longer a necessity, but the trend continued. Now the reason for this movement was not technical limitations, but other motives. One of them is the desire for recognition. As paradoxical as it sounds, a logo with fewer details allows you to create a more unique brand identity.

Small details that overload the logo make it more unique from a technical point of view, but not from a psychological one. A person who sees a heavy logo is unlikely to remember it from the first fleeting glance (for example, when he sees it on a billboard from a car window). For the eyes and consciousness to "catch" on such, it must contain something provocative, and this is not always possible for moral and ethical reasons, and also not always appropriate.

For example, a naked woman as the central element of the logo is defiant, and even if the symbolism is loaded with details, like that coat of arms of Great Britain, the logo will be remembered. But who will allow to draw a naked woman on a three-meter billboard in the city center, and what relation can she have, for example, to a restaurant chain, a consulting company or industrial enterprise? And without daring elements, all these small details, as on that large coat of arms of Great Britain, will not settle in the memory of a casual observer.

A laconic logo containing a minimum of details, on the contrary, is easy to remember. Looking at the Juventus coat of arms, you will remember it and will not confuse it with another, precisely because of its simplicity. Our brain is adapted to this much better (the Chinese keep thousands of hieroglyphs in their memory) than to the exact memorization of images overloaded with details and colors. And memorability is awareness that promotes brand promotion.

Another reason to simplify coats of arms and logos is globalization. Big business wants to expand its spheres of presence, gaining a client audience in regions with a very diverse population. Therefore, the symbols of the company should be easily perceived and memorable for a person of any culture and language.

Looking at the Paris Saint-Germain logo, you will immediately see the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower, and you will guess that this brand is related to Paris, even if you do not know the Latin alphabet at all.

And what can the coat of arms of Manchester City tell us about? Yes, a sailing ship is a historical element, but for me personally it gives rise to associations with some shipping company or other maritime organization. Although this is much better than the old eagle.

Finally, the last reason designers love minimalism is the possibility of further simplifying symbolism. Imagine that the logo of the same Juventus is displayed in the notification line of your smartphone (next to the clock and the network indicator). There it will look almost the same as in full size. Now try to imagine what the old coat of arms of Manchester City would look like in a similar way. And it would not look like a neat monogram, but like an incomprehensible squiggle.

Considering that the use of simplified versions of emblems is often required now, it is important to lay in them the possibility of simplification already at the development stage. Therefore, "heavy" symbolism loses cleanly to "light" in all of the above criteria.

Today I want to give you examples of minimalism in creativity. In our motley time, it is already becoming rare when the essence is conveyed with just a few precise strokes. To do this, a designer has to go a long way of searching, read many books and draw countless logos. Minimalism combined with a good creative idea is real craftsmanship.

Here are 10 striking examples that can serve as an example for aspiring designers.

1. Missing company logo. Made by Admix Designs.

The company name Missing means "lost". Missing two "i"
directly reflects the meaning of the word. Minimalist approach, but very accurate rendering
meaning. Great creativity.

2. Walk company logo. Made by Optimodo agency.

The company name Walk means "to walk" or "walk". The letter "a",
made in the form of two walking legs seems simple and lying on the surface,
however, the apparent simplicity hides powerful creativity and subtle design
a thought that gives us, when looking at this logo, a sense of ease of walking.

3. Folder company logo. Made by Rokac Agency.

The company name Folder means "folder". This ultra-minimalistic
the logo, reminiscent of a bureau with folders, once again reminds all designers
the world about how little paint is needed (and how many brains) to create a unique
a creative logo with just two dots in the right places.

4. Unarmed company logo. Made by Admix Designs.

The company name Unarmed means "unarmed". But if translated literally,
That word means "armless", which is what was used in the logo. It's complicated
explain in Russian, but one can imagine that the logo of the company "Golden
keys "do not necessarily draw fountains of water, you can think of something else
the meaning of the word "key" and try to present it more creatively than usual.

5. Bipolar logo. Made by Siah Design.

The name of the company Bipolar translates obviously - "bipolar". Or
"multi-view". A lucky game with a sad and funny smiley face makes this
The minimalistic logo is an interesting example of creativity. Anything you can
look from both sides, that is, bipolar. Q.E.D.

6. Height company logo. Made by Strizhart.

The company name Height means "height". Playing with the negative and the positive in this
black and white logo proves once again how highly creative
minimalism. Two recognizable arrows that we see so often in combination with
the words "up" and "down" make this logo uniquely recognizable and
memorable at first sight. Five points.

7. Pelican logo. Made by ru_ferret agency.

The Pelican logo also uses the game of positive and
negative in combination with modern text and playing with the letter "r". Even without
signatures 100% of people will guess the name of the company whose icon they see.
A brilliant example.

8. Love Clip company logo. Made by Designabot.

The word Clip has many meanings, and, alternatively, the name Love company Clip can
translate "love clip". Both words in this pink cheery logo
that are part of the company's name are played up with one successful stroke. One more
an example of powerful creativity and accurate transmission of meaning using a minimal set

9. Sex Lovers logo. Made by Brigada Creativa Agency.

The company name Sex Lovers means, you guessed it, "sex lovers."
The agency's mission was to create a non-vulgar yet stylish and eye-catching
logo, which, from my point of view, they handled brilliantly. Enough
the transparent meaning of the company's activities is conveyed by a beautiful and creative idea,
rather vague, but obviously fraught with something sexy.
Promising minimalism.

10. Logo of the CodeFish company. Made by Mabu agency.

The name of the company CodeFish can be translated as "code draft", "source".
Playing with the word "code" and "fish" led to the creation of this wonderful logo,
in which a fair sense of humor of programmers is combined with a good creative
idea and quite recognizable silhouette of a fish. Shiny and without scales.

The 10 examples that I have cited vividly demonstrate that in order to create a good logo, it is not at all necessary to be perverted and try to "screw up more for the same money." To compare the opposite approach, take a look, for example, at the logo of the famous Moscow company "Aromatny Mir", which shines brightly in many stores in our city.

This is not a logo, but a battleground for the ideas of six designers. They argue with each other, but in the end, as we can see, neither of them beats the other. And the company's management, apparently desperate to wait for the end of this battle, decides "let it hang like this for now" and asserts what we see.

And the designers suggested this:
1. Remove the full inscription "Fragrant World" and leave only two letters "A" and "M" in yellow.
2. Make the logo yellow, but circle all letters with a red border.
3. Write the logo in regular font, but capitalize the letter "A" with a squiggle.
4. Insert an unusual red glass into the letter "A" of the usual style.
5. Make all the elements flat, but add volume to one of them (only a letter, not a glass).
6. Make a bottle-holder out of the letter M. But not the same as now, where the bottles fall off the table, but a more accurate one, but “play” with only one letter, and leave the entire logo “without games”.
As a result (apparently, so as not to offend anyone), all six ideas were adopted. Stunningly mediocre and lurid.