How to describe your skills and abilities on a resume. Professional skills in a resume is an example of filling out for different professions. What they are and what should be indicated to get a job. Examples of skills and abilities for different professions

When writing a resume, almost everyone experiences difficulties with the "Professional skills" section. But this is a very important part when writing, much more important than the "Personal qualities" block, the HR manager should immediately understand that the applicant is suitable for the appropriate position.

What are these skills, how best to present them for a specific profession, and what should not be written in any case - read in the article.

What are resume skills?

Professional skills are knowledge and skills acquired as a result of labor activity, and necessary for the applicant to work in the applied position.

Often times, you can see qualities in a resume that are only nominally professional. A good sense of humor will not impress a recruiter hiring a new lawyer for the firm. This skill can be considered professional, perhaps, for the host of events.

Basic writing rules

In order to effectively present your professional skills in a selling resume, use the following rules:

  • Write succinctly. List 6 to 9 core skills. If you give out too much information, it will be difficult to read the resume. If too little, then there will be doubts about professionalism.
  • Skills must match the requirements of a specific job. Your positioning should immediately make it clear to the HR manager whether he is reading the executive or manager's resume.
  • Write presentably. Information should be presented beautifully, forcefully and intelligibly. The more facts and figures, the better. Instead of "extensive experience in sales" - "5 years led a sales department of 10 people."
  • Video: How to Write a Good Resume?

Types and list of key resume writing skills

For convenience, all skills were divided into groups. Consider them before proceeding to the study. complete list skills:

  1. Communicative. This includes the skills necessary for negotiating with potential clients, communicating with colleagues, partners, and bosses. Ability to motivate a person with your proposal, persuade to sign a contract and other diplomatic skills.
  2. Organizational skills. Ability to plan your own and someone else's time, to distribute your own and others' forces, to conduct large complex projects.
  3. Leadership skills. Ability to lead people, to achieve full implementation of your instructions. Don't overdo it with coldness and toughness. This can scare off the HR manager.
  4. Analytic skills- one of the most important. It is necessary to generate new ideas and, at the same time, be able to think strategically.
  5. Applied skills are presented depending on the requirements of a particular vacancy.

Now let's take a closer look at these groups and draw up lists of skills included in them.

Communication characteristics

A list of basic communication skills and abilities that can be indicated on a resume:

  • quick resolution of conflicts and disputes;
  • holding public events(including performances from the price);
  • conducting business negotiations with partners and potential clients;
  • listen and convince people.

It is not necessary to include all points in the resume. Use only those that are true.

It is important to understand the difference between skill and skill. Skill is the ability to perform an action based on learned experience. A skill is called a skill brought to automatism.

Organizational ability

Organizer Ability List:

  • time management;
  • conducting large important projects;
  • distribution and solution of a large number of tasks of different levels of complexity;
  • processing a large amount of information;
  • strategic thinking and work planning.

A special organizational skill is budgeting. Important for large organizations with large partner and customer bases. In smaller companies, an employee with this skill will also have an advantage.

Leadership and applied skills

Leadership abilities consist in the ability to manage a team of employees, to motivate them to productive activities.
Applied skills should be taught as appropriately as others. Write only about those that are important for a particular position. Anything that is "out of place" must be excluded.

List of applied skills:

  • business correspondence;
  • conducting business and personnel production;
  • possession foreign languages;
  • work with legal documents;
  • "Blind printing" in Russian, foreign languages.

In addition, indicate computer skills, programs, and level of proficiency. It is impossible to make promises that you will quickly deal with any unfamiliar program. The employer needs specific work skills. Show them their best side and then you will interest him.

Examples of skill descriptions for a resume

When compiling a list of skills, you need to keep in mind that it must be consistent with the requirements of a particular job. For example, being accurate is not a must for a line manager. At the same time, for a candidate for the post of secretary, this will be a noticeable advantage. Consider the relevance of the skills to your profession.
Let's go directly to the description of skills for different vacancies.

Professional skills of a sales assistant

Sales Assistant is a popular position, but not for everyone. Hot-tempered and conflicted people do not stay on it for a long time. Phlegmatic and sanguine people achieve high results.

Main professional skills:

  • the ability to interest the buyer;
  • work with objections;
  • conflict management;
  • knowledge of the product line and characteristics of the product in the segment;
  • identification of the client's needs, assistance in choosing.

Professional skills of an accountant

It is useful for an accountant to have the following skills on a resume:

  • accuracy,
  • punctuality,
  • organization,
  • diligence.

Examples of skills worth listing:

  • processing large amounts of data;
  • preparation of primary documentation;
  • knowledge of the TC, Civil Code, Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • maintaining tax and accounting records.

Example for the driver

This is how the driver will describe his skills in his resume:

  • driving experience (10 years);
  • knowledge of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;
  • careful driving;
  • polite communication with passengers, courtesy;
  • rights of category B and C, trouble-free experience - 9 years.

Professional skills of a lawyer in a resume - an example

The lawyer will indicate the following characteristics:

  • experience with the programs "1C" and "Consultant Plus";
  • knowledge of labor, contractual, economic law;
  • experience with the services “Card file of arbitration cases” and “My arbitrator”;
  • competent and accurate preparation of legal, procedural documentation.

Professional skills of a leader (director)

In the resume, the leadership position is indicated:

  • experience in personnel management of 200 people (recruitment, dismissal, training);
  • creation from scratch successful work sales department;
  • market research (monitoring customer requests, analyzing the company's competitiveness);
  • forecasting and implementation of the sales plan.

Example of secretary skills

Here are the skills to include on your resume for this position:

  • Possession of office equipment;
  • Knowledge of Word, Excell programs;
  • Basic knowledge of office work;
  • Knowledge of English (Advanced level).

For the manager

There are many different types of positions for a managerial vacancy, due to which the required skills vary greatly. A sales manager needs completely different qualities than a training manager. But there are still skills common to all such positions.

An example of professional skills in a resume:

  • Computer skills;
  • Conflict management;
  • Working out objections;
  • Working with large amounts of data;
  • Sales experience;
  • Possession of office equipment;
  • Negotiation.

Professional skills of an economist

The economist must have higher education and a penchant for analytical thinking. The summary indicates the following points:

  • possession of a computer, MS Office programs and special software;
  • reporting and delivery on time;
  • maintaining bank accounts for individuals and legal entities;
  • planning and accounting of recurring payments;
  • accounting for the performance indicators of the organization;
  • conclusion and maintenance of contracts

An example for an engineer

Engineers add the following characteristics to their resume:

  • computer skills, AutoCAD and Compass programs;
  • implementation of regular quality control and volume of work performed;
  • possession regulatory documents, laws, acts;
  • verification of project documentation;
  • interaction with suppliers, subcontractors;
  • processing of tender documents.

An example for a teacher

The work of a teacher requires complete dedication from a specialist, therefore, in this case, personal qualities are just as important as professional. When compiling a resume, indicate:

  • many years of experience in tutoring;
  • flexibility, ability to find an approach to the student;
  • the use of advanced learning technologies;
  • broad outlook;
  • initiative, enthusiasm.

Banking skills

A bank employee often communicates a lot with clients and partners. He needs the following skills and abilities:

  • time management skills;
  • experience in sales;
  • effective communication - the ability to understand a person and quickly resolve his issue;
  • elaboration of objections, search for points of interaction;
  • motivation and persuasion of colleagues, clients, partners;
  • the ability to work with a lot of new information.

For professions related to communication

The most striking example of such a profession would be a sales assistant. Suitable professional skills:

  • flexibility, ability to find an approach to any customer;
  • experience in direct sales;
  • stress resistance;
  • polite communication without imposing your opinion;
  • the ability to turn off emotions and at the same time do your job;
  • ability to solve problems without involving senior staff.

For technical specialists: programmers, system administrators

The skills of technical employees are highly individual. For example, a system administrator is responsible for the health of all computer equipment in an organization. To do this, he needs the following abilities:

  • regular monitoring of possible risks;
  • regular diagnostics of computer equipment;
  • knowledge of technical English;
  • the ability to work with large flows of information.

For teachers leading at seminars and trainings

The following personal qualities are important for these specialists:

  • Ability to inspire, motivate;
  • Energy, initiative;
  • Flexibility and patience;
  • Ability to concentrate the attention of a group of students;
  • Organizational skills.

You can also add competent speech, clear articulation, the ability to establish contact.

Frequent mistakes

When writing a resume, applicants make the same mistakes that spoil the whole impression and throw the candidate back many positions. Here they are:

  1. Too many or, conversely, too few skills. A large number will lead the recruiter to think that some of these abilities are not true. If you indicate too little, then you get the opinion that the candidate will not cope with the position.
  2. Inappropriate skills. Being able to program in C ++ will look ridiculous when applying for a fitness trainer job.
  3. Indication of personal qualities, character traits instead of professional skills. There is a separate section for such psychological characteristics.
  4. Indication of important and secondary skills out of order, or indication of secondary ones in the first place. Always write the key characteristics first.
  5. An abstract description of skills. Describe each professional skill specifically, for example - “Experience as a direction manager - 4 years”. Use strong words: “know”, “have experience”, “own”, etc.
  6. Using stamps, template phrases.

Let's summarize

By applying these resume writing tips and avoiding major pitfalls, you'll get a quality resume. It will make you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of getting a job.

Dear visitor, welcome to the blog site. As you know, writing a resume is a responsible task that must be taken extremely seriously. You must present yourself from your best side, and in the most favorable light. And so, the question arises: what skills to indicate on the resume?

You should understand that although personal qualities and work experience in a particular position are very important, they will not tell you how good you are in a particular profession. To do this, you must indicate what skills you really own. Do not try to cheat a potential employer - over time, this will play against you. Based on this, it is important for you to know what the key skills in a resume are, what you need to write about first, and what to keep silent about until a certain point.

Where to begin?

First you need to understand what professional skills are. Let's say right away: the only correct template that would suit every person does not exist. However, there are some points that should be emphasized. So, you should tell your potential employer how well you:

  • have the skills business communication;
  • know how to plan your working day, organize labor process make the right decisions;
  • are able to pay attention to working trifles and details;
  • successfully analyze and eliminate various work problems and nuances;
  • know how to be pliable and flexible when necessary;
  • you can and want to manage your affairs;
  • a business leader by nature.

These are general examples of key skills to mention on a resume. Which of them to designate, and which to keep silent - the choice is yours. In addition, many executives looking for a person to a certain position, themselves indicate what exactly they expect from the candidate.

Types and list of key resume writing skills

So what skills can you include on your resume? Before considering a complete list of them, you should briefly familiarize yourself with what their groups are.

  1. Communicative. Such business skills imply the ability to negotiate with potential partners, communicate with colleagues, bosses, clients. The ability to interest a person, convince him to conclude an agreement with your firm - in general, you should have knowledge of diplomacy, ideally.
  2. Organizational skills. Prove that you know how to plan your work time, to distribute their forces and resources, to lead responsible and important projects.
  3. Leadership. These qualities include the ability to manage people, to lead them, to achieve unquestioning fulfillment of your instructions. But without "fanaticism", otherwise you can scare off the personnel officer with excessive harshness and coldness in presenting your leadership qualities.
  4. Analytical is one of the key skills for a resume. You must be a real generator of ideas and also exhibit elements of strategic thinking.
  5. Applied. Such professional skills and knowledge in the resume are set out depending on the specifics of a particular profession.

Now we will study each of the above groups in more detail, and also draw up the most detailed lists of skills and abilities that each of them includes.

Communication characteristics

An example of the description of communication skills in a resume is given below. But be careful: you must submit only the information that corresponds to reality.

So, what kind of communicative qualities can you indicate when writing a resume? This:

  • the ability to quickly resolve conflict situations and disputes;
  • business negotiation skills with partners;
  • the ability to conduct business disputes or discussions with potential clients;
  • experience in holding public events;
  • the ability to listen and convince a person.

Note. When writing a resume, it is important to be able to distinguish the difference between skills and abilities. A skill is a person's experience of performing a specific action. A skill is the same skill, but "polished", brought to automatism.

Organizational ability

An example of skills and abilities for a resume in terms of organizing work:

  • the ability to do time management;
  • ability to manage complex projects;
  • the ability to solve numerous problems of varying degrees of complexity;
  • practical skills in working with large amounts of information;
  • ability to think strategically and plan work.

Another example of specific organizational skills that can be highlighted on a resume is budgeting. This is especially important for large firms with numerous clients and partners. Although for small businesses this employee skill is undoubtedly also very important.

Leadership and applied skills

The key skills of a leader are the ability to manage a large workforce and motivate them to be active and productive.

Now let's talk a little about applied skills. They, like all the previous ones, must be submitted expediently. This means that you do not need to write everything in a row - describe only those abilities that will be important for the position for which you are applying.

So, let's look at examples of applied, or additional skills in the resume. These include:

  • experience in business correspondence;
  • the ability to conduct business and personnel production;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages;
  • skills in working with legal, legislative documents;
  • skills of "blind" typing in Russian or foreign language.

In addition, you should include your computer skills on your resume. Indicate the programs with which you operated in the same position. If this job will be your first work experience, write what programs you are familiar with.

But do not write "I know", "I can", "I can handle it." An employer expects skills from you, not empty promises. Give him what he wants, and your candidacy will certainly interest him.

Examples of skills and abilities for different professions

Below are examples of computer skills and knowledge in a resume, as well as other abilities that are important for workers in different areas of business. From them you will learn what can be indicated and what is preferable to remain silent.

Example # 1: chief accountant

An example of the professional skills of an accountant that can be indicated on a resume:

  • ability to work with multiple legal entities simultaneously;
  • experience in preparing accounting reports;
  • ability to keep records;
  • holding monetary transactions;
  • knowledge of legislation, especially tax and accounting, as well as labor.

Another example of special skills for an accountant's resume is experience in recovery accounting... Lost financial information is a very serious violation, and you must be able to resolve this difficult situation.

Example # 2: manager

Examples of key resume skills for a sales manager:

  • management of lower levels of employees;
  • experience in attracting new customers or partners;
  • the ability to increase the percentage of sales;
  • ability to conduct business negotiations with potential collaborators;
  • knowledge of the analytical aspect of sales and the ability to implement them;
  • the ability to organize the work of the department for which he is responsible.

Professional skills for a resume of a sales manager are not limited to this, of course. But these are the main points that should be submitted for consideration by a potential boss.

Example # 3: seller

Skills for a salesperson for a resume can be summarized as:

  • the ability to allocate your time;
  • ability to communicate correctly;
  • perfect diction;
  • creative approach to the sales process;
  • skills in customer service.

Another example of professional skills in a resume: the ability to persuade, the ability to operate with large amounts of information, the possession of a pleasant voice (oddly enough, this is also important for a sales assistant).

Example # 4: head of IT department

Special skills for a resume of an IT employee may look like this (description of business qualities):

  • experience in personnel management;
  • the ability to promote and develop the company;
  • analysis and active participation in the selection process operating systems for further work;
  • skills to ensure the normal operation of office equipment.

An example of technical skills that can be described on a resume:

  • ability to provide information security the whole office;
  • control technical support other employees of the enterprise;
  • reliable protection of confidential data stored on the company's server;
  • creating backups, etc.

The computer skills of a potential IT employee on a resume are very important. You must provide information about what OS you are operating: Windows, Linux, etc. The employer must know whether he is dealing with a specialist who can really manage a staff of employees, or with an ordinary employee who is not suitable for leadership position.

Example # 5: bank employee

The specific skills that can be described on a bank clerk's resume are very similar to those we looked at for a sales manager. But in this case, ownership will be an indisputable advantage, at least, English language on a conversational level. Almost all banks today cooperate with foreign partners, so if you can “connect two words” in English, then your career growth will be guaranteed.

So, what can be indicated in the resume of a potential bank employee:

  • ability to plan time;
  • the ability to communicate politely with people;
  • a tendency to persuade even the most intractable clients;
  • the ability to find an approach to each client and seek compromises with him;
  • the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Of great importance is the propensity to quickly absorb new information regarding the overall functioning of the banking sector and innovations. Of course, this trait can be developed in oneself over time, but it also needs to be maintained at the appropriate level, since innovations in the field of banking are developed almost daily today.

Example # 6: administrator

An example of professional skills for an administrator to include on a resume is similar in concept to that of executives. Employers put forward particularly high requirements for this category of employees.

So, what skills should an administrator have:

  • critical thinking;
  • the ability to distribute responsibilities between subordinates;
  • a propensity for efficient distribution of working time;
  • staff motivation skills;
  • the ability to negotiate and bring them to a successful conclusion.

When writing any resume, you must be able to clearly distinguish between professional skills and personal qualities. Although they are closely related to each other, personal characteristics will not give a potential employer statements about how much a good specialist in this or that industry you are. Therefore, draw a line for yourself, and decide exactly what information about yourself you should submit to the head of the company where you want to get a job.

Where to submit your resume? If you want to find a job via the Internet, you can post your data on the website HeadHunter... You can also find a more detailed example of resume skills for a job you are interested in at hh. Here is all the information you need to share with more competent job seekers. When you find all the answers to your questions, and write your resume correctly, you will have the opportunity to immediately publish it on this resource and wait for your candidacy to interest a potential employer.

The main thing in a resume for many employers is professional skills. At first glance, the usual column of the questionnaire can tip the scales in your favor or, on the contrary, cross out this possibility forever.

Such well-chosen professional skills in a resume are an example of the fact that you understand where you are working and what actions are expected of you. They also serve as a visual answer to the questions: "why should the employer invite you specifically for an interview" and "why the price that you indicated in the desired salary is not too high, but quite fair."

Major mistakes

Statistics show that employers close more than 85% of resumes without even reading them to the end. What is the reason? Having analyzed over 1500 questionnaires, we are ready to answer this question.

Reason 1. Boring.

In the corresponding box, many applicants indicate not their professional skills, but a couple of common phrases describing their future functional responsibilities as a driver, lawyer, etc. Vague wording will not interest the employer in your person, but rather, on the contrary, will convince him that you are not given a clear form of thought, and you are used to getting off with average decisions.

Solution: Write clearly, concisely and give an unambiguous answer so that the employer can have as few questions as possible. Let's take an example of an accountant.

  • The correct option is professional skills: fluency in the 1C program, the basics of conducting analytics on accounts, experience (more than 2 years) in accounting for inventory and calculating their cost.
  • Wrong option - professional achievements: for 2 years he worked as an accountant in the company "N", worked with the 1C program, compiled reports, did all the work with papers and worked with the goods.

Reason 2. Not what you need

Not all applicants understand what is hidden under this mysterious phrase "professional skills". Wanting to please the employer, most of them indicate everything that they are capable of, and in the end we have: knowledge of French and Japanese cuisine in the manager's resume, perfect possession of firearms in the questionnaire of the future educator kindergarten, a completed music school with a driver and other pearls.

Solution: Even if you are particularly talented, the employer will only be interested in those professional achievements on your resume, examples of which clearly correspond to the stated position. Consider the example of a driver:

  • The correct option: 3.5 years of experience as a driver, 3 years of accident-free driving experience.
  • Wrong option: I speak several foreign languages, I can knit.

Reason 3. Incorrect

Not knowing what to indicate in their questionnaire, applicants thoughtlessly copy examples of professional qualities indicated in the resume, posted in the public domain on the Internet. As a result, we get all the same problems that were already described above (no one said that there can be no errors in the samples). Also, the inconsistency of the written with the actual is added to them.

Solution: When compiling a questionnaire, an example of professional skills and abilities in a resume can be the qualities and achievements of other people. But don't copy them mindlessly. All specified professional skills and achievements "pass through yourself." Each time ask yourself the questions: "do I really have the skills of a lawyer", "will these qualities suit, as the main ones for a manager."

Reason 4. Terminology congestion

Wanting to show off their extraordinary abilities in front of a recruiter, applicants pour in complicated terminology even where it is inappropriate. As a result, the driver's simple and understandable phrase “professional achievements - 5 years of accident-free travel experience” or any other example describing special skills in a resume turns into gibberish. The employer will not waste time to deal with it, which means that you have every chance of losing the job without even getting it.

Solution: In your resume, describe your qualities and achievements in simple words that are understandable to a person “out of the box”.

Consequences of exaggeration

Never lie about professional qualities on your resume. An example of the consequences can be not only subsequent dismissal from your position, but also the refusal of other employers to do business with you.

Moreover, an experienced recruiter still learns the truth during the interview, using projective techniques. structured interview or by requesting referrals from your previous job.

Professional qualities required for in-demand positions

Summarizing all of the above, consider examples of professional qualities in a resume for popular professions.

Video: how to write a resume correctly, basic recommendations from a HR specialist.

Examples of professional achievements specified in the resume of the sales manager:

  • The level of PC use (with a list of programs required for this vacancy);
  • Proficiency in the technique and psychology of sales (indicate the level and what it is based on);
  • Knowledge of the object of sale (you can indicate practical experience as a seller of a similar product);
  • Persuasion skills (level, and what they are supported by).
  • Practical experience in a similar position (for example, as a seller of a similar product or calling customers).

The list of professional skills indicated in the resume of a taxi driver:

  • Accident-free driving experience;
  • Availability of rights of a certain category;
  • Knowledge of the principle of operation of the car (practical examples are allowed);
  • Knowledge about the roads of the city and the region (only with a navigator - excellent);
  • Experience of interacting with children in a similar position;
  • Skills of registration and work with travel documents.

Examples of professional skills present on a sales consultant resume:

  • Experience of interaction with clients or achievements in passing trainings, courses, etc.
  • Successful selling skills (specific results)
  • Knowledge of the object of sale (you can indicate experience as a seller of a similar product);
  • Cash register skills;
  • Knowledge (which is supported by: practice or theory) about the competent display of the product, its preparation for sale, etc.

Approximate professional achievements for an accountant's resume:

  • Practical experience as an accountant;
  • Skills of working with a cash book, keeping records (accounting, warehouse, etc.);
  • Ability to conduct an inventory;
  • Skills in the preparation of reports and their submission to the relevant authorities;
  • Experience in conducting economic assessment activities of the company.
  • The level of proficiency in the required programs (1C, MS Office, etc.).

The list of characteristics that are indispensable in a lawyer's resume:

  • Practical work experience as a lawyer;
  • Knowledge of legislation and codes;
  • Skills of representing the interests of the company in any instances, legal support her activities;
  • Practice of negotiations and litigation;
  • Practical experience of legal support of the firm's activities.

Examples of professional skills listed on a caregiver's resume.

The resume is created in order to show the potential employer how much you fit the company you are applying for. Its goal is to show you your best side. What can show you the best? Of course, this is specialized training, work experience, but often, some specific professional skills are also needed for work, in the absence of which, the employer will not consider your candidacy.

In the article you will see what professional skills exist, which are suitable for different professions and find out what to write professional skills in a resume with examples.

Why write professional skills?

Any professional skill is your experience in this field. First of all, you need to interest and hook the employer, and a long listing of your places of work will not tell him what you can do. If you have no work experience, then you can enter the skills that you possess thanks to the internship, various trainings, etc.

For each position there is a list of necessary skills, having correctly specified which, you increase your chances of getting a job. But you only need to tell the truth so that the employer understands in advance how ready you are for work and whether you can quickly learn if necessary.

There is no general list of skills that suits every profession. But if you can't pinpoint your skills, you can list some key skills that will show you well as an employee.

  1. Good computer skills;
  2. Knowledge (you can list which ones and indicate your level of proficiency);
  3. Ability to plan your working hours;
  4. Management skills;
  5. Ability to make quick decisions;
  6. Attention to detail;
  7. Ability to analyze quickly;

However, this listing is not enough. The employer wants to know if you will join the job right away? Do you understand what you will do? So that, looking at your skills, it becomes clear what kind of employee you are. Therefore, each profession has its own special skills, the possession of which is mandatory. The ideal number of these skills is 6-8 pieces.

Examples of skills for different professions


  1. Knowledge computer programs(indicate the level of proficiency in them);
  2. Ability to negotiate;
  3. Knowledge of the market by specifics;
  4. Successful sales experience (indicate how many years you have been in the wholesale business);
  5. Ability to communicate and convince competently;
  6. The ability to process large amounts of information;
  7. Ability to find an approach to the client;


  1. Knowledge of legislation;
  2. Ability to negotiate;
  3. Experience in court hearings (experience with the company);
  4. Fluency in languages ​​(indicate the number and level of proficiency);
  5. Ability to work with a client;
  6. Knowledge of legal documents;
  7. Ability to present claims and claims;


  1. Ability to quickly recognize the client's desire;
  2. Consulting on any product or service;
  3. Registration of goods in the online store (indicate your PC skills);
  4. Reception and display of goods;
  5. Ability to work with complaints and objections;
  6. Ability to work in stressful situations;
  7. Reporting management;


  1. Experience in personnel management (indicate the number of subordinates you managed in your previous job)
  2. Knowledge of languages ​​(indicate which and level)
  3. Production management;
  4. Experience in negotiating;
  5. Ability to persuade;
  6. Skill in planning and forecasting;
  7. Resolution of conflict situations;


  1. Experience in accounting and tax accounting(indicate how many years, what field);
  2. Knowledge of legislation;
  3. Preparation of financial statements (IFRS, RAS);
  4. Skills in obtaining loans for companies;
  5. Computer knowledge;
  6. Skill in accrual wages, drawing up sick leave, vacations, etc.;
  7. Attention to details;


  1. Communication skills;
  2. Tolerance and flexibility;
  3. Initiative and energy;
  4. Ability to analyze;
  5. Organizational skills;
  6. Possession of PC and technology;
  7. Broad outlook, erudition, erudition;


  1. Communication skills;
  2. Experience in conducting trainings;
  3. Ability to understand a person, listen and calm;
  4. Social research and personality diagnostics;
  5. Ability to find a common language with people, search for approaches in everyone;
  6. Testing and analysis of their results;
  7. Ability to build a psychological portrait of the client;

The description of skills and yours should not be confused.

Professional skills for a resume is an integral part of a document, most often a separately formed block. According to them, the employer determines the capabilities of the applicant in the role of an employee of the company. You need to choose them carefully in order to attract a recruiter with whom further conversation will take place.

What is - Professional Resume Skills

Professional qualities are a combination of personal qualities and skills that a specialist acquired when. They help to improve in the future, to benefit the organization.

Quite often the resume reveals qualities that are only conditionally professional. For example, a developed sense of humor. If a recruiter is looking for a person for the vacancy of a lawyer, he will not rate this quality highly. But for a leading corporate event, he can be considered professional.

Before delving into the definition of professional skills, we recommend that all applicants, or those who are just about to find a new one promising work, get acquainted with the Internet course: « New job: strategy, preparation, search. " In three days, you will be taught to represent yourself in the best possible way.

What professional skills to indicate in the resume

Basic 3 rules of resume writing

For description professional knowledge and skills in a selling resume, just follow three principles:

  • Conciseness... If you write a little information, doubts will appear about With an excessive number of paragraphs, it will be difficult to read the resume. It is better to choose an average number of skills - 6-9;
  • Compliance with the requirements specific vacancy. It is necessary to position yourself at the level of "executive-manager" so that when looking at a resume, the recruiter immediately understands who he is dealing with;
  • Presentability... The information in the resume should sound strong and beautiful. It should be written specifically. For example, sales experience (5 years in wholesale department). If you have experience in personnel management, you need to indicate in the document how many people were in the team.

General skills

The employer will surely appreciate the ability to establish contact with counterparties in writing and orally, achievements in the service sector, organization of the work process, oratorical experience and other abilities. But in any field, employees with high motivation for results, initiative, energy in solving issues, competent speech, speed in decision-making, responsibility are valued. This is what will help

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Job seekers often indicate that the candidate must have:

  • Technical skills;
  • Leadership qualities;
  • Marketing ability;
  • Experience in organizing and managing processes.

The modern labor market requires new knowledge modern technologies... To get a high-profile online profession often requires

Special skills

There are special skills that professionals have. The list is generalized and is not suitable for every specialty.

The professional skills in the resume are as follows:

  • (specific language and level);
  • Knowledge of programming languages;
  • Business communication skills (written and oral);
  • Efficiency in finding information;
  • Planning;
  • Purchasing experience;
  • Sales analysis;
  • Negotiation experience;
  • Experience with objections;
  • Carefulness when preparing reports;
  • Willingness to work in a team;
  • Independence in decision making;
  • Ability to use methods of persuasion;
  • Experience with programs (1C, Word, Excel);
  • Ability to handle office equipment;
  • Experience in telephone sales ("cold", "hot" calls);
  • Collection and preparation of statistical data;
  • Direct selling experience;
  • Work with commercial offers;
  • Merchandising experience;
  • Motivation and training of employees.

Each profession requires certain abilities. It is imperative that they be indicated in the appropriate section of the resume. Among the listed skills, you can find those suitable for a specific specialty.

To determine your professional abilities take the test for "Career guidance"

The optimal number of skills in a resume is 6-9

Examples of skill descriptions

It is important to understand that the list of professional skills in the resume must be coordinated with the requirements for a specific position. For example, neatness is hardly a must. professional quality top manager. But for the secretary it will be a tangible merit. Therefore, when writing a resume, you should consider how relevant the skill is for your profession.

Standards and examples are most successful resumes you can see in the book by Vladimir Yakub. A certified specialist and teacher, one of the best headhunters in Russia, shares his experience and examples in his book “A Winning Resume. 1: 0 in your favor! " Buy the book, sell yourself and have a successful career!

An example of describing the professional skills of a sales assistant

The position of sales assistant attracts many. But not everyone stays in this role for long. For hot-tempered and conflicted people, the profession is not suitable. Sanguine and phlegmatic people usually achieve great results in it.

Essential skills for a sales assistant resume:

  • Ability to interest buyers;
  • Ability to work with objections, conflict prevention;
  • Knowledge about the goods in a particular store (clothes, equipment);
  • An individual approach to the buyer, determination of his needs and assistance in choosing.

An example of a description of the professional skills of an accountant

Consider what qualities an accountant needs for a resume:

  • Punctuality;
  • Organization;
  • Diligence;
  • Accuracy.

Skills that need to be indicated in the document:

  • Registration of primary documents;
  • Working with large amounts of information;
  • Knowledge of the Civil Code, TC and Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Knowledge of the rules and experience in accounting and tax accounting.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a driver

Key resume skills can be as follows:

  • Driving experience (15 years);
  • Knowledge of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • Neat driving style;
  • Polite communication with clients;
  • License category C, driving experience without accidents - 7 years.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a lawyer

Professional skills and abilities in a lawyer's resume:

  • Knowledge of the programs "Consultant plus" and;
  • Knowledge of contractual, labor and business law;
  • Experience in using the services "My Arbitrator", "Card File of Arbitration Cases";
  • Competent preparation of procedural and legal documentation.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a manager (director)

Skills for a resume for a managerial position:

  • Creation from "0" of an effective commercial service (marketing, sales)
  • Experience in personnel management for up to 1,000 people (motivation, training, selection and dismissal);
  • Market research (analysis of the competitiveness of the organization and customer requests);
  • Forecast and implementation of the sales plan.

An example of a description of the professional skills of a secretary

Essential skills for a secretary:

  • English proficiency (level);
  • Knowledge of the basics of office work;
  • Experience in using MS Office programs;
  • Possession of office equipment.

Online resume writing

Dozens and hundreds of candidates count on one place, so it is important to stand out. It is impossible to draw attention to oneself with personal charm at this stage. Therefore, in order to write professional skills outside the box and correctly, you should use the original services for writing a resume online:

  • Zerply... This social network was highly appreciated among developers and designers, as it will be possible to publish a portfolio there;
  • CVmaker... The service is suitable for creating a standard, but stylishly done resume. It provides six free templates in a classic style.
  • For each, their own skills are important, which must be taken into account. After writing your resume, you should imagine yourself in the role of a manager who needs an employee for your position. Changes should be made until the moment you are satisfied with the result. You don't have to make a very long list, or your resume will be put aside.