The positive qualities of the employee are personal and business. Professional qualities for a successful resume. negative qualities in the manager's resume

Hello everyone! The business qualities of a person are, first of all, the abilities and capabilities necessary directly for his professional activity. Agree, charisma or sociability is not necessary for woodcutters to carry out their duties.

But there are certain criteria that will help "build" a career and achieve the desired success, regardless of what he does.


So, a list of characteristics that a modern person should have:


This refers to the ability to make decisions, make choices and be responsible for them. Such is the result of a mix of characteristics.

The management usually highly appreciates employees who do not turn to colleagues for help every half hour, but know their job and are ready to carry it out without being distracted or needing additional attention.

If a person needs to be controlled, this means that extra resources will be spent on him, and this is usually not profitable for enterprises.

To maintain own business you can’t do without this quality.

Stress tolerance

You don't have to be insensitive and impenetrable like a robot. It is clear that the life of a modern person is filled with daily stresses, especially if he is a resident of a big city.

And it is impossible not to react to them, since at one moment the retention of tension threatens to breakdown. That is, a person can either go into hysterics, rage, or get sick. In general, you will learn more about the effect of stress on the human body by going to.

So, it is important to know how to release excess stress before it transforms into something else and ruins life. It is necessary to express your anger in a safe environment, for example, through sports. Swimming in the pool or letting off steam in boxing training can be relieved. So, go into battle again with new difficulties.

You need to rest, not work for wear, and, moreover, have a good rest, filling up during the vacation or weekend. That is, do not wallow for days in front of the TV with a can of beer in hand, but do what brings pleasure. Yes, sometimes you also want a TV with beer, but if this is a habit, you will waste your resources, not fill.


Not the main, but very important character trait of a business person. Confidence is the foundation on which the rest of the characteristics are held. If a person does not trust himself, then no matter how brilliant and unique he is, he will slow down himself, not allowing him to fully reveal himself.

In this case, earning the trust and respect of others is difficult enough. And if the boss, colleagues, friends give recognition, then all the same, it is not assimilated in the internal structure of the personality.

Adequate self-esteem, that is, not underestimated or overestimated, is necessary in the life of absolutely every person, regardless of his profession and type of activity.

It is difficult to achieve what you want without doing anything for it.

Also, things are not particularly well with overly self-confident people. They usually do not stay in submission for a long time, since employers cannot withstand the insolence and complacency emitted by them.

Similar difficulties arise in the position of a leader. Building relationships with partners means being able to notice other people, and they are usually not visible behind your own crown.

Ability to cooperate

This item appears by itself thanks to the previous one. There are few professions in the world that do not require even the slightest interaction with the people around them.

At least not a single one comes to my mind at the moment. Except for the hermits who live somewhere in the mountains or forests in splendid isolation. And their whole job is to get themselves water and food.

So, it is important to be able to cooperate and find a common language with completely different people. Even in free time from work. Do you know why? To "grow" with useful connections.

There is even such a direction as. It consists in getting to know people who may well come in handy in the future. It doesn't matter what industry they work in, we use different services. Accordingly, even an installer may one day help out.

Motivation for success

Striving for victory, success and simply realizing one's desires is a rather valuable personal quality. Otherwise, the employee will not need to give all the best.

Ambition gives the energy to act, not sit back and watch others move up the career ladder. It motivates you to take risks, without which it is sometimes difficult to get new experience and results.


This is the ability to bring something new, unusual and unusual to work and to the space as a whole. This will facilitate working conditions and help to achieve better performance results for employees and colleagues.

If you absolutely do not consider yourself a creative person capable of creating something new, do not be discouraged, the recommendations will help you develop creativity in yourself.


Sometimes it is not an easy task to try to transform a 3D picture that is in front of your eyes in simple words... So much so that the interlocutors will also be able to see this picture in full. But you need to train and develop this skill in yourself.

Quick response

A slow, measured pace is useful, but in the business world it will not survive. The speed of reaction is appreciated here, since there can be a lot of events that simultaneously require attention.

And if you do not have time to cope with them, you can "perish" under the heap, which they eventually form. Since the tasks will overlap one another, gradually calling into question the reality of their implementation.


A person who is not able to control his own is unlikely to inspire respect and trust. Outbursts of anger or too violent reactions to any stimuli will only alienate colleagues and call into question her professional stability. Moreover, if she allows herself to speak obscenely at such moments to colleagues and partners.

If you are unable to maintain balance and calmness in critical situations, use. They will help you focus on the present moment and your own well-being.

Time management skills

Every person, regardless of the field of activity, should be able to plan, distribute tasks and rank them according to complexity and urgency. These are the first, but important steps to success.

Anyone who is negligent about gliders and does not structure his activities runs the risk of periodically losing sight of valuable moments that can play a decisive role in his professional development.

Business correspondence

It's more of a skill than a personality trait, but still. Literacy is important not only for public speaking or when talking to senior management. A rare person does not carry on correspondence with employees, partners, clients, whom he may simply be put off by ignorance of grammar or ethics.

Professional skills and personal qualities are a must when filling out a questionnaire or for any vacancy. In this section, you have the opportunity to express yourself by telling a potential employer about all your advantages. Some job seekers are convinced that the professional skills section is considered the key. But they are not entirely right. Employees in the search for personnel pay the same attention to him as to personal qualities. And often their inadequacy to a certain vacancy can become a reason for refusal to the candidate.

Professional skills and personality traits: what should be avoided?

When filling out these points, follow one simple rule: be sincere. There is no need to invent something that does not exist. The deception will open and then the employer

will be extremely disappointed. Do not write that you know how, for example, to work with the Photoshop program, although in fact you have opened it only a couple of times. Very often recruiters give test to the candidate you like to determine the level of his knowledge, and here you run the risk of getting into a mess. Also, there is no need to write in the column "personal qualities", for example, that you are a very sociable, sociable and quickly find a common language with other people, if this is not true. Another tip: do not write too much or, conversely, too little in these points about yourself, observe the measure.

Professional skills and personal qualities: what to write?

When listing your professional skills, list only what is essential and significant. For example, if you are writing a resume for a programmer's vacancy, then it will not be necessary to indicate that you have a good command of a computer, since this is already implied.


  • knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, C ++, OOP;
  • with MySQL;
  • the ability to optimize queries and do database tuning;
  • working with the Zend framework.

Indicate everything that you see fit. You can also open the requirements for the vacancy (if there is such an opportunity) and add everything that applies to you from there.

The personal qualities of the employer candidate are not fully interested. It is about what may be required of the employee. For example, it is not necessary to write that you are a kind and warm-hearted person, since this does not apply to work. Here is a list of what you can include on your resume:

  • diligence;
  • ambition (when it comes to leadership positions, vacancies that require a creative and creative approach);
  • organization (meaning both self-organization and the ability to organize the work of the team);
  • punctuality;
  • a responsibility;
  • sociability (implies several concepts: the ability to quickly establish contact with other people, sociability, talkativeness);
  • initiative (the ability to take control of the situation and develop new ideas, proposals);
  • good learning ability (the ability to quickly learn new knowledge);
  • stress resistance (ability to work under stressful conditions).

Professional skills and personal qualities are two very important points, therefore, treat them very carefully and do not try to deceive a potential employer.

We will tell you how to check the business qualities of the applicant, what methods to use. We will share samples of documents, cheat sheets and tips.

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Important business and personal qualities

The business qualities of an employee - the ability to perform labor duties fixed job description... In choosing an employee, focus on the benefits that he will bring to the organization. Consider personal qualities as well - they characterize the attitude towards work.

Business and personal qualities of an employee: a list

Business qualities

  • Education level, literacy, qualifications, specialty;
  • Work experience, labor productivity, previously held positions;
  • Analytical ability, attention to detail, learnability, flexibility;
  • Adaptation to information systems, mathematical thinking;
  • Readiness for overtime work, scrupulousness;
  • Customer Interaction Skills, business communication, planning;
  • Oratorical and organizational skills, presentation skills;
  • Entrepreneurship, the ability to deal with several projects at the same time, work with a lot of information;
  • Ability to make decisions;
  • Strategic and creative thinking, striving for self-improvement;
  • Ability to negotiate or correspond, negotiate, express thoughts, find a common language;
  • Ability to teach, work in a team, win over people, convince;
  • Good appearance, diction, physical shape.

Personal qualities

  • Accuracy, attentiveness, diligence, discipline, organization, responsibility, punctuality;
  • Activity, persistence, ambition, determination, initiative, conflict-free, politeness, sociability, charm, poise;
  • Decency, loyalty, adherence to principles, honesty;
  • Self-control, patience, independence, stress resistance;
  • Energy, enthusiasm.

A person's business qualities directly depend on personal ones - they are closely interrelated. When looking for a candidate for a vacant position, make a list of required and secondary abilities and traits.

An employee with what qualities and competencies can become a mentor

If the applicant has entered more than 5 characteristics in the resume, it means that he is not able to make a choice. Standard "punctuality", "efficiency", "responsibility" have become commonplace, so ask what the employee means by them.

HR memo: what the handwriting will say in the resume about the applicant

Pay attention to such business qualities of the employee as "motivation to work", "self-control", "professionalism". Job seekers often embellish skills and abilities. To ensure that the information is honest, ask for illustrations of the characteristics indicated. Weed out people who voice conflicting qualities. If they are not able to determine the characteristics, do not expect high performance from them.

Negative personal and business qualities of a manager

Ask applicants to include negative business qualities on their resume, but don't expect honesty. Be condescending if the candidate decides to complete the column. Some of the negative characteristics are helpful in the work.

Negative business qualities of a person: a list

  • hyperactivity, restlessness;
  • excessive emotionality, touchiness;
  • greed, arrogance;
  • addiction to gossip;
  • vindictiveness;
  • inability to lie, straightforwardness;
  • inability to work in a team;
  • lack of work experience or education;
  • lack of sense of humor;
  • bad habits;
  • self-confidence;
  • modesty, shyness;
  • weak sociability, conflict.

The applicant who entered negative business qualities of a person is honest and reckless at the same time. If you want to know possible problems with him, ask him to list them and give examples of when they were manifested. Give the person the opportunity to present negative traits in a favorable light, and listen to them. They often help with work and career advancement.

Projective questions for evaluating the applicant for the position of the head of the event management department

Professional and business qualities of workers in various fields

Carefully assess the professional and business qualities of the employee. Do not accept the first person you come across in order to quickly fill the vacancy. It is necessary to believe the information on the resume, but it should be verified.

Mandatory qualities:

  • For employees in the field of promotion: sociability, sociability, ability to work in a team, charm, energy, self-confidence.
  • In the field of trade: skills of interaction with clients, flexibility of thinking, ability to negotiate, quick reaction, politeness, activity.
  • Personal and businessleadership qualities: organizational skills, the ability to find a common language and work in a team, conflict-free, resourceful. Charm, quick decision-making, attentiveness, poise are appreciated.
  • Strengths of a specialist working with large amounts of data: attention to detail, fast learning, neatness, organization.
  • Professional, personal and business qualities of secretaries: skills of business communication and interaction with clients, literacy, the ability to negotiate, business correspondence, the ability to perform several tasks at the same time. External data, tact, poise are important.

Responsibility comes in handy in any field of activity. But the candidate, when writing these qualities on the resume, does not always take them seriously. Some people do not understand what is meant by them. They notice who is wearing what, but they lose sight of important nuances in their work, do not react to criticism, and confuse responsibility with efficiency.

Description of business qualities: an example of the profile of an ideal candidate for the position of "Risk Manager"

Assessment of the employee's business qualities

Evaluate the business qualities of an employee before hiring so as not to waste money and time testing unsuitable candidates. If the organization does not have a specialist who can identify personal and professional quality personnel, contact the specialized centers for the assessment and certification of personnel.

Decide on the assessment criteria - rely on business qualities. To be effective, focus on the characteristics required for the position. To be confident in an employee, consider personality. Conduct an assessment by ranking the candidates. Put + and - according to certain criteria.

Which assessment methods to choose

Method 1. Letters of recommendation... Before reviewing the recommendations, clarify the reasons for leaving your previous organization. After that, see what the employer writes about the person, what moral and business qualities he indicates. Ask some guiding questions to see if the information is accurate. For example, check if the applicant has asked for good performance... Of course, few people will answer honestly, but if you observe the reaction to the question, you can draw the right conclusions.

  1. Before the dismissal, a conflict arose between the employee and the employer.
  2. The manager did not want to let the employee go, so he wrote badly about him.
  3. The employee was friends with the manager, and accordingly, he received an ideal description, which he does not correspond to.

For characterization, the business qualities of an employee can be clearly embellished or underestimated. Consider the information, but double-check it in other ways. You will spend time on this, but the risk of accepting an employee with whom you will have to leave because of the inadequacy of his business qualities to the position will be minimized.

Method 2. Tests. Testing will help you assess your business qualities. But you need to understand that the results can be false. Use proven psychological questionnaires or order the development of individual test options. Do not evaluate candidates using online methods - they often make serious mistakes.

Keirsey Leadership Questionnaire

Method 3. Interviews. If you decide to evaluate your business qualities in an interview, prepare questions in advance, for example:

  • List your business qualities.
  • What task or skill have you recently learned? What did they do for this?
  • Share a time when you did more than was required at work.
  • If your best friend was sitting next to you now, what would he call your best quality?
  • If you could change one thing in your approach to difficulties, what would it be?
  • How would your manager describe you in 3-5 words?
  • What motivates you in the professional field?

Make the questions so that the answer to them demonstrates those business qualities that you consider necessary in the work. If a person argues a lot, but at the same time does not speak of the case, be wary. This is a bad quality for absolutely all employees - they think a lot and do little.

Method 4. Non-standard methods... Evaluate personal and business qualities in a new way. Get creative. Ask for a job seeker. Be prepared for the fact that some candidates do not understand styles and compositions, so they will name songs. Correctly correct them, but take note of this. As a rule, their overall development is poor. During the interview, ask the applicant to describe or write a story based on any painting. It is important that animals or other symbols appear, because on the basis of them you will interpret the results, evaluate personal and business characteristics.

Method 5. Exams. In exams, it is possible to assess business ability only hypothetically. It is important that the person demonstrates them, so use additional diagnostic methods.

Method 6. Role-playing games and cases involve the completion of tasks. Offer to complete unbroken tasks. Otherwise, the person will answer quickly and correctly, but will not demonstrate true business skills.

Today, in order to get a job, it is enough to send your resume by e-mail. The part where the professional qualities of the individual will be spelled out is one of the most important for the employer, thanks to the list of characteristics, you can learn a lot about a person without communicating with him.

An employer will understand a lot about a person by reading a list of his professional qualities.

How to present yourself correctly

When compiling a list of qualities of an employee of an organization, it is necessary to list and explain:

  • Personal qualities of a person. These are the characteristics that appeared during his socialization.
  • The business qualities of the employee. These are the characteristics that describe a person as a potential specialist.
  • Key skills. It is necessary to point out the skills acquired at school, university or in the process of working in another company that will help to cope with tasks in a new place.

When compiling this list, you do not need to deviate from the main goal of the resume - further employment in a prestigious organization. It is not worth listing those personal qualities that you do not possess. The deception will be revealed quickly, and the feeling of shame will remain for a long time.

What to write about in your resume

Many people think that cheerful person will quickly join the team. A good sense of humor can help with informal communication with colleagues, but such a characteristic will not give the desired result, unless you are applying for a job as a toastmaster or animator. Which are professional important qualities personalities should be indicated in the resume:

  • If you want to emphasize that you are ready for hard work, then it is worth pointing out the desire to develop, the presence of increased efficiency, the desire to career growth, stress tolerance.
  • If you want to point out the presence of leadership potential, then the following phrases will help: the ability to distribute powers and responsibilities, responsible, there is the skill of negotiating, there is the ability to quickly navigate the situation and get out of it.
  • If you are attracted by a position that requires deep knowledge and good mental abilities, then you need to write about entrepreneurship, the ability to quickly solve problems, accuracy, organization, analytical thinking.
  • If the vacancy requires frequent public speaking, then it is necessary to declare such useful qualities as emotional balance, the ability to control oneself even with a large crowd of people, the ability to find a common language with people, self-confidence, and oratory skills.
  • If in the process of work you need to show creativity, then it does not hurt to say about the presence creative thinking, a non-standard approach to standard things.

Creativity is essential for creative work

  • In addition to the typical useful qualities of a real professional, it is worth mentioning such characteristics that could replace the absence of something in a potential specialist. If there is no experience in a particular area, then you should point out the ability to grasp everything on the fly and learn quickly.
  • Before including this or that characteristic, it is worth thinking and soberly assessing yourself. To confirm or deny the presence of this or that personal quality, you need to give an example of a life situation.
  • When writing a resume, you need to rely on those characteristics that are necessary when working in this position. If an employee will be entrusted with managing a team or a project, and he has managerial skills, then you need to focus on this.

Personal qualities

What other qualities should a specialist have, personal qualities in a resume:

  • Knowledge and experience of using technologies that are applied during work.
  • A clear and prompt solution to complex issues and tasks. Ability to quickly move to another task after completing the first.
  • Mindfulness when working with important documents.
  • Responsiveness to requests and suggestions.
  • Ability to self-motivate and self-control.
  • Orientation towards a qualitative rather than a quantitative result.
  • Good speech and presentable appearance... Punctuality.
  • Sociability, the ability to work in a group and distribute the assigned tasks to a certain number of people.
  • Fast adaptation to various changes. Rational use of the resources provided.
  • Self-criticism and the ability to listen to criticism and opinions of others.

Don't write a resume using templates. There are many letters filled with similar texts.

Unusual work, filled not only with typical professional qualities for a resume, but also with interesting nuances, will be worthy of attention.

One of the most important points in a resume is professionalism. They are also called business. They indicate a person's ability to perform work duties. The success and productivity of a potential employee depends on professional qualities.

Professional versus personal: the difference

Job seekers often confuse professional skills and personal qualities. There is a very fine line between the two. Business qualities characterize a person as labor force... The most important are the level of education and work experience. Both factors will help the employer assess the possible productivity, competence, and professional skills.

When considering business qualities for a recruiter, it is important to understand whether the applicant is suitable for the vacant position. He analyzes whether the candidate will help to achieve the desired goals, what value it brings to the company and what may be the remuneration of his work.

Features of the personal qualities indicated in the resume:

  • characterize a person as a person;
  • taken into account when several candidates have business skills at the same level;
  • help in forming an opinion about the candidate's attitude to work, colleagues, bosses, etc.

Personal characteristics are secondary and are not always taken into account, but you still need to write about them carefully.

Choice of characteristics

HR specialists advise to write no more than 5-7 personal and professional qualities. This amount is enough to give an assessment to the applicant.

If there are 5 qualities, it will demonstrate that the candidate knows how to prioritize, choose the main thing and is able to make a competent choice.

Be sure to choose the qualities that characterize the strengths and weaknesses of a person.

You need to evaluate yourself adequately, without the influence of underestimated or overestimated self-esteem. You can write down all your strengths and weaknesses on a sheet and choose those that not only successfully characterize a person, but also directly relate to the vacancy.

Better not to use standard descriptions. The banal characteristics that are spelled out in each resume will not attract an employer. A great solution is to describe the qualities in a few words.

During the interview, you may be asked to provide examples that support the specified personal and professional abilities.

Assessment of negative qualities

There are several ways to present your negative sides. You can talk about weak side which we managed to fix. This will demonstrate the applicant as a determined person with willpower. This will show that the person is ready to develop and change if necessary. In this context, you can write about the following skills:

  • non-punctual, but after the appropriate courses got time management skills;
  • having a fear of speaking in front of the public, but is now studying the basics of oratory;
  • slow, but does the job efficiently and on time;
  • is poorly versed in technical innovations, but, if necessary, monitors the corresponding resources with up-to-date information etc.

You can write about personal or professional qualities that do not relate to the chosen type of activity. They will not in any way affect the quality of work or the productivity of a potential employee.

The third popular option is to present your skills and qualities in an advantageous way. With their help, you need to convince the employer that the applicant is the ideal candidate for vacant place... Show that they will not interfere with work. The one who pretends to leadership position, it may be a desire to control all processes in the company.

A list of other negative qualities that you can write about:

  • hyperactivity;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • inability to lie;
  • healthy selfishness;
  • self-confidence;
  • straightforwardness;
  • modesty;
  • weak sociability;
  • resentment;
  • greed, etc.

Beginners need to warn their employer right away about their lack of experience. This will be their key negative business characteristic. They can be indicated in negative qualities diligence, straightforwardness, restlessness, excessive activity, etc.

Assessment of positive qualities

Positive professional qualities for a resume are also important criteria when recruiting employees. There are skills and traits that fit any job. Examples of them:

  • honesty;
  • simplicity and ease of training;
  • the ability to concentrate on what is important;
  • stress tolerance;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • initiative, etc.

Such qualities are appreciated in an employee at any position, because characterize it from the best side. If the applicant submits a resume for a managerial position, then it is better to indicate other personal characteristics.

HR managers and experts identify 3 categories of strengths:

  1. Mobile skills. Abilities inherent in related professions or those that were used by the candidate at the previous place of work and will be relevant for the vacant one. These can be the skills to establish contact with people of different types of temperament, work with basic office programs, quickly resolve urgent issues, or remain calm in stressful situations.
  2. Knowledge-based skills. A person received such abilities through additional training or in the process labor activity at the same place of work. This is the ability to use a computer, keep records, conduct business correspondence with foreign partners, communicate freely in foreign language etc.
  3. Personal qualities. Unique human properties. They allow you to understand what a potential employee is in everyday life.

Often, job seekers first write positive qualities that are directly related to the work activity. But you don't need to praise yourself too much. A little self-criticism doesn't hurt.

A potential employee can confirm the presence of the listed characteristics with the help of arguments. You can give examples of the manifestation of such abilities in the motivation sheet in the form of a structured and logical text.

When compiling a list of business qualities, consider what personality traits or professional skills the ideal candidate should have.

Important characteristics for different types of professions

A professionally written resume is immediately noticeable. It describes only those qualities that relate to vacant post... Meeting the expectations and needs of the recruiter increases the chances of a person being considered.

Comparison of business qualities, personality traits and professions:

  1. Leading positions. Such employees value the ability to work in a team, correctly distribute responsibilities, quickly adapt to new conditions, and be responsible for the work of subordinates. Tolerance, loyalty, logical thinking, planning and analytic abilities, ethics and honesty are also important.
  2. Technicians, lawyers, economists. They must be able to work with documentation, notice details, collect and analyze data. They must be pedantic, attentive, diligent, far-sighted, neat.
  3. Professions that involve communication with people. The main thing is communication skills and the ability to find an approach to different categories of people. Other professionally significant characteristics: politeness, ethics, collectivism, efficiency, sociability, easy adaptation, decency.

The professional abilities of a candidate are assessed in several ways. These are letters of recommendation, testing, an exam for knowledge of the specifics of the chosen type of activity, role-playing games, and cases. But the first stage is an interview, where they may ask:

  • what are your strengths;
  • how can you characterize your weaknesses;
  • why we should consider you;
  • what do you want to achieve in our company, etc.

During the interview, the employer wants to check the applicant for honesty and compare the described qualities with the real ones. Role-playing can help show how a person responds to stressful situations.