The main responsibilities of an advertising manager. Key Responsibilities of an Advertising Manager Important Personalities

Representatives of what profession can be found in any company today, regardless of the direction of its activity, form of ownership and size? Without which specialist is it impossible for a small company or a huge corporation to work? Of course, without the person who manages the company's activities, that is, without a manager. Indeed, without the correct organization of the work of a group of people striving to achieve a certain goal, it is impossible to achieve any noticeable results.

Representatives of what profession can be found in any company today, regardless of the direction of its activity, form of ownership and size? Without which specialist is it impossible for a small company or a huge corporation to work? Of course, without the person who manages the company's activities, that is, without a manager. Indeed, without the correct organization of the work of a group of people striving to achieve a certain goal, it is impossible to achieve any noticeable results.

It's not hard to guess that manager's profession v modern world is not only one of the most sought after, but also incredibly popular among ambitious young people who think that a manager is an easy job that does not require much effort. And yet they absolutely do not take into account the fact that the specialty of the manager, like any other leadership position- this is a difficult and responsible work, which has its own characteristics, with which we will try to introduce you today.

What is a manager?

Highly qualified specialist belonging to the top and middle management of the enterprise and performing general management at a specific production site. The main defining feature of any manager is the presence of subordinates.

The name of the profession comes from the English manage (to lead, manage). In other words, a manager can be called any boss who organizes work in an enterprise or company. The first managers appeared in the 19th century, when a large number of large enterprises arose, the owners of which could no longer independently cope with their management. It was then that hired managers were needed, who used in their work four actions at once, which became the basis of management: planning, organization, motivation and control.

In modern society, it is customary to distinguish managers depending on the number and size of management objects:

  • lower-level managers - junior managers, which include department heads, foremen, department heads, etc .;
  • middle managers - leaders junior chiefs, which include the director of the branch, the head of the shop, the dean of the faculty, etc .;
  • top managers - general manager enterprises, store director, university rector, etc.

In addition, managers are distinguished according to their area of ​​activity: sales manager, personnel manager, advertising manager, financial manager, content manager, office manager, tourism manager, etc.

The professional responsibilities of a manager mostly depend on the area of ​​his work. For example, a sales manager is responsible for increasing the profit from product sales, an office manager specializes in organizing management activities senior management, and the tourism manager does his best to attract as many tourists as possible to his agency.

However, in any case, officials manager responsibilities imply the implementation of managerial actions, which include: planning and organizing the activities of an enterprise within the framework of a subordinate production site, maintaining reporting documentation, solving personnel, organizational, technical, economic and socio-psychological problems in a team, monitoring the quality of work of subordinates, participating in development of an advertising strategy and innovation and investment activities of the enterprise, etc.

What personal qualities should a manager have?

Because manager job Basically, it is in the management of the production activities of the employees of the enterprise subordinate to him, such a specialist must necessarily be distinguished by high organizational skills, leadership qualities and a well-developed sense of justice. Besides, good manager it should be:

  • decisive;
  • proactive;
  • self-critical;
  • sociable;
  • responsible;
  • active;
  • patient;
  • stress-resistant;
  • ambitious.

In addition to personal qualities the manager must necessarily have a certain set of knowledge and skills, without which he will not be able to effectively perform his duties. In particular, a representative of this profession should be well-versed in the field of economics, social psychology, law, management, the laws of pricing, marketing, taxation, techniques of commercial negotiations, production organization, conflict management and advertising.

Advantages of the profession of a manager

The main the advantage of the profession of a manager, of course, is its prestige and great opportunities for self-realization. Therefore, today even preschoolers dream of not being pilots or sailors. long voyage, and bosses at some large enterprise, and even better as a director in his own company.

Among other advantages of this profession, it should be noted:

  • demand - managers are needed in almost all spheres of human life;
  • business trips, including foreign ones, are a great opportunity to see the world;
  • a variety of acquaintances - communication with a wide variety of people allows you to significantly expand your horizons;
  • high salary level - the average salary of managers in Russia is approximately 40-45 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of the profession of a manager

Despite all the attractiveness and prospects of this profession, managerial work is fraught with a huge number of shortcomings, due to which not every specialist can achieve professional success. And speaking of handicap of the profession manager first of all, a great responsibility should be noted. After all, the manager is responsible not only for the work done with his own hands, but also for the work of his subordinates.

It should also be said that the popular belief that the manager only distributes responsibilities between employees, and he himself spends time in idleness, does not correspond to reality. In fact, the work of a manager is very difficult and nervous, requiring complete dedication and great ability to work: sometimes you have to work outside of hours, without the opportunity to be distracted and relaxed.

And all this under stressful conditions, when you have to make important decisions in emergency situations. At the same time, one must constantly remember that even one thing is wrong. decision can have the most negative impact on your career. Agree, not everyone is able to withstand such a crazy pace of work and the "burden" of responsibility.

Where can you get the profession of a manager

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Get the profession of a manager today it is quite simple: almost every economic university has a management faculty. In addition, you can master this profession in specialized courses. True, in this case, it will be possible to successfully find a job only if you already have a higher education behind you.

Also, to become a manager, you can overcome a more difficult path. Quite often, large companies independently train managers from among the most promising employees. Therefore, you can first get a job in a company, try to prove yourself from the best side, and then study your favorite profession at the expense of the enterprise.

It should be noted that based on the current situation on the labor market in this area, it is safe to say that graduates of such the best economic universities in Russia, how:

  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)
  • State University of Management (GUU)
  • All-Russian State Tax Academy (VGNA)
  • Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov (REA)

Advertising manager is a specialist who is responsible for the effective promotion of goods and services. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, social studies and psychology. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and psychology (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Short description

Advertising manager is one of the most popular professions in the modern recruiting market. He plays a key role in promoting various business propositions as well as building a loyal target audience. Advertising is related to marketing communications, so the manager develops strategies and creates products that will definitely attract the attention of potential buyers and allow them to interest new customers.

An advertising manager has a strong body of knowledge related to the market economy, marketing, pricing principles, administration and other disciplines. The work is creative, but the activity is closely related to economic and strategic planning.

Features of the profession

An advertising manager is needed in any company - from state institution to the online store. He knows how to find strengths at the weakest product, considering it from the point of view of commerce. The duties of the advertising manager include the following works:

  • in-depth analysis of the product or service that needs to be promoted on the market;
  • analysis of the target audience and the competitive environment;
  • preparation marketing plan and its implementation: coordination of team actions, planning, budgeting and appropriate spending of funds;
  • selection of suitable advertising methods and channels. The manager takes part in the design development: color, texts, sound, video and graphic design;
  • control over the process of creating advertising printing: banners, posters, signs, price tags and other types of products;
  • concluding advertising deals with business partners, interacting with SMM specialists, media representatives and other marketing channels;
  • studying the needs of buyers and their reactions to an advertising campaign, analyzing the reasons for failures.

Often, the manager does not perform the listed work himself, but applies to specialized agencies. In this case, it is the agency's employees who develop plans, conduct analysis, form concepts and look for sites for their implementation. However, the advertising manager, being a representative of the client company, monitors their activities, approving the best solutions and pointing out mistakes.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. An advertising manager is one of the most popular specialists in the labor market, because without advertising it is impossible to sell goods and services.
  2. High enough wage, in some cases, the advertising manager can claim bonuses and even a percentage of sales (depends on the terms of the contract).
  3. The profession is creative, it is simply created for active people-communicators.
  4. Job prospects in respectable domestic companies.
  5. An opportunity to make interesting and useful contacts.
  6. Work in a creative team.
  7. The profession is prestigious, it opens the way to career heights and stable income.


  1. The advertising manager has a lot of responsibilities and obligations.
  2. The developed advertising concept does not always arouse the interest of buyers.
  3. High competition requires the constant generation of new ideas, which can be morally exhausting and even lead to professional burnout.

Important personal qualities

An advertising manager is a real pro who always gets the job done to the end! He has a high level of communication skills, competence, activity, perseverance, responsibility. This person is prone to both accurate and humanities, it is also dominated by a strong creativity. The primary role in the character of an advertising manager is played by creativity, the ability to think outside the box and lead a large team, and developed imagination.

Advertising manager training

To work in the field of advertising marketing, you need to get an education at a university or college, although the first option is more preferable. The priority direction, if you make a choice in favor of a university, is Advertising and Public Relations (code: 42.03.01), which is extremely popular among applicants. In Moscow universities, the competition exceeds 13 people per place, so you need to prepare very well for the entrance campaign. Please note that for this specialty the profile subject is social studies, you also need to pass 2-3 more exams (depending on the university): literature, computer science, history, foreign language. In the colleges, there are worthy areas of training, in particular, the profiles "Advertising" and "Advertising agent". You will be able to enter a university after grade 11, in a secondary school - after grade 9 and 11.

Best Universities for an Advertising Manager

  1. National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  2. RUDN.
  3. Moscow State Pedagogical University.
  4. PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov.
  5. Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov.
  6. MGIMO.
  7. SPbPU.
  8. SamSU.
  9. IKBFU I. Kant.

Top Colleges

  1. THTK.
  2. College of Moscow State University.
  3. College MU them. S. Yu. Witte.
  4. UGK them. Polzunov.
  5. NKPiIT.

Place of work

Advertising managers can find work in private companies engaged in the production and sale of products, distribution of various services. They are also in demand in the media, advertising agencies, marketing departments of state and educational institutions... Often, advertising managers are attracted by individuals, such as movie stars, politicians and others.


Salary depends on the region of residence, professional qualities, company and contract terms. Companies are happy to hire advertising managers who have a client base, established contacts with the media - such employees are highly valued. Advertising managers with at least 1-2 proven work experience successful projects, claims an average salary. Having completed several works with high quality, the manager will receive a steady stream of orders and offers from potential employers.

Salary on 12.12.2019

Russia 20,000-100,000 ₽

Moscow 40,000—100,000 ₽

Professional knowledge

  1. Fundamentals of budgeting, social psychology and economics.
  2. Media planning.
  3. Confident use of a PC: office programs, graphic editors, sound editors, colors, video.
  4. Social Media Marketing.
  5. Foreign language.

From the author: Surely many of you can guess how profitable the direction associated with Internet advertising is nowadays. And indeed it is. A specialist who can massively attract targeted visitors to an online platform is well appreciated in any country. With us, he can easily earn about $ 1000 per month. Today you will learn how to become an Internet advertising manager and understand what kind of person is right for this field.

What is this profession? An online advertising manager is the person in charge of performance advertising campaigns carried out in order to popularize or profit from the site / brand / goods / services. As a rule, a specialist holding such a position does not perform any routine operations himself.

In simple terms, the boss allocates a budget for online promotion, the effectiveness of which is the responsibility of the online advertising manager.

Responsibilities of an advertising manager

The main tasks of an online advertising manager are:

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Can I work remotely?

You can work remotely. The main thing - good internet and the ability to get in touch with superiors at any time. Some even manage to become an online advertising manager in a freelance format, that is, finding clients on their own without relying on a permanent employer.

It is difficult to say how profitable it is, because everything here depends solely on your experience and the effectiveness of past work. If you can offer your clients an increase in income for a specific period and actually do it, then you may well deserve 10-20% of the net profit brought to the company.

How much does an online advertising manager earn?

Before discussing how to become an online advertising manager, let's take a look at the average earnings of professionals at various levels who hold this position in Russian companies.

If you are a beginner and are just starting your career in online promotion, then the monthly income will be in the range of 25-30 thousand rubles. Basic requirements and required professional skills:

education (higher / incomplete higher education in marketing, advertising or PR);

confident computer skills;

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Learn JavaScript basics with a hands-on example of building a web application

clear knowledge of the system of work of effective advertising channels (and the obligatory experience of using them);

the skill of analyzing the results obtained and building further actions to increase the effectiveness of advertising;

achievements and work experience consistent with the goals of the employing company.

Well, experienced professionals who have been working in the field of online advertising for 3 or more years may well count on a monthly salary of $ 1000 or more. Basic requirements and required professional skills:

financial success of the employing company;

list of job responsibilities;

work experience;

level of professional skills;

the real results that you achieved (in money).

Where to study this direction?

The best training for an online advertising manager is real practice. You can read hundreds of books, watch thousands of video tutorials, but without the ability to apply what you have learned, consider that you have wasted your time. There are certainly good courses for online advertising managers. Moreover, many of them are even available for free on various thematic online resources. Nevertheless, I recommend not drowning in gigabytes of educational content, but gradually replenishing your mind with information that allows you to effectively set up advertising campaigns.

Learn the basics from one, and then grab the opportunity to put that knowledge into practice as soon as possible. It can be helping friends, setting up an advertising campaign for free for small online stores or clothing brands.

If you are lucky enough to get an internship at a good company, even better. In a specialized advertising company, you will figure out much faster in practice what steps you need to take to achieve the desired effect.

It is worth immediately programming your brain that the qualifications of a specialist in the field of Internet promotion are measured not by his spoken clever words and work experience, but behind his back.

For example, if you say (and don't lie) that you managed to create an advertising campaign that brought in more than 100 thousand rubles. net profit with a budget 10 times less than the given amount, it is obvious that you will become much more interesting to the employer than an employee with forty years of experience without specific achievements.

If you think that you are not suitable for the position discussed today, but want to connect your life with working on the Internet, then you can try yourself in other interesting areas, for example, site building, web design, blogging, and so on.

Fortunately, now on the Internet there are a huge number of all kinds that allow you to quickly and free of charge get the necessary knowledge base in order to earn good money in interesting professions.

Good luck finding yourself! Subscribe to our blog updates and find out a bunch of useful information every day. Until next time!

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Learn JavaScript basics with a hands-on example of building a web application

To compete with numerous competitors, advertising and competent presentation of their products and services in the media are becoming more and more important. Therefore, the profession of an advertising manager not only does not lose its relevance, but also gains popularity, making more and more serious demands on job seekers.


In principle, there may be no special education. However, the competition in the labor market today is so high that most companies want to hire a specialist with a higher education.

If you already have specialized education, then additional related education and various courses in the field of PR will be a big plus.

Advertising Manager Job Responsibilities

  • interact with the media;
  • participate in thematic seminars and conferences;
  • organize work on advertising and promotion of goods and services; inform potential customers about company news, discounts, promotions, etc .;
  • keep in touch with the accumulated customer base;
  • keep in touch with others structural units enterprises and provide them with all the necessary information;
  • summarize and report to the authorities all important information;
  • plan and coordinate advertising campaigns;
  • develop plans for an advertising campaign for each specific product and calculate advertising costs;
  • study the market and form an effective advertising strategy;
  • choose forms and methods of advertising;
  • build a dialogue with designers, artists, musicians, actors, radio and television workers, journalists, etc .;
  • create advertising texts, slogans, form the concept of an advertising campaign, designed for the consumer;
  • study the market in order to determine the most appropriate scale and timing of the advertising campaign, study target audience from which you can get the most value;
  • define specific channels for advertising distribution (Internet, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, advertising posters in the city, etc.);
  • develop advertising booklets, catalogs, leaflets, brochures, posters, work with publishers and printing houses;
  • monitor compliance with the principles of competition;
  • develop contracts related to the advertising of products, and monitor their careful implementation;
  • manage the content of the company's website;
  • organize connections with partners;
  • organize a system for collecting the necessary information;
  • analyze the activities of competitors;
  • analyze the motivation of demand for various groups of goods and services, study the impact of advertising campaigns on increasing demand;
  • supervise subordinate employees.

Knowledge, abilities and skills

  • creativity;
  • the ability to negotiate, communication skills;
  • knowledge of psychology, philology, design, marketing, journalism, branding, politics, one or more foreign languages;
  • good connections in the media, business environment, government agencies;
  • thorough knowledge of the specifics of your company;
  • knowledge of the specifics of competitors and the market;
  • ability to work effectively with a minimum budget.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

It is clear that each social environment needs to find its own language and manner of communication. Advertising managers always have to be charming, to be able to “read” any person, to adapt to him.

Many of the creative people that ad managers work with are not always well organized, which will contribute to a waste of time.

If the manager works in an agency, then there may be a problem of misunderstanding the needs of customers and lack of insight. The advantages include the fact that, while working in an agency, an advertising manager will have the opportunity to get acquainted with different areas of activity. This work will broaden the horizons and provide invaluable practical experience that can subsequently be transferred to any other field.

TO disadvantages of the profession a fairly high degree of responsibility can also be attributed. Any incorrectly chosen word can alienate potential customers from the product and cross out the huge amount of work done.

Undeniable plus the profession will be that the work will be full of creativity and communication with new interesting people.

Career prospects

Responsibilities of an advertising sales manager

Like any sales manager, an ad sales manager will have the following responsibilities (regardless of where they work):

  • interaction with existing clients and search for new ones;
  • reporting on work;
  • consulting on the services provided.

In an advertising agency

In an advertising agency, an advertising sales manager finds out the needs and tasks of the client, and then sells him custom-made or existing advertising texts, printing products, images to fill the site, commercials, etc.

If the agency is engaged not only in the creation of advertising products, but also in their implementation in the media, then the advertising sales manager, together with the PR manager, can participate in building a dialogue with various media.

In the newspaper

On radio / TV

On radio and television, an ad sales manager sells airtime, helps select radio hosts and television actors, and creates the final product - audio or video clips.

Useful video: what to look for for those who are applying for the position of advertising manager