Program to increase the speed of the Internet TCP Optimizer. How to speed up the Internet on a computer, laptop The best program for optimizing the Internet

Do you have slow Internet, frequent interruptions, and ping in games leaves much to be desired? If your ISP is not to blame, then the problem is in your computer, or rather in your system settings. Of course, if you have a friend who can fix the problem manually, or you can cope with it yourself, then it's better to do so. Otherwise, you can use the free program Internet Accelerator.

Internet Accelerator is a free utility that optimizes internet connection speed, by changing the network settings in the system and helps to speed up the Internet. It makes the necessary settings in the network parameters that are responsible for connecting to the Internet. With a standard installation of the system, its network parameters are not always in the optimal state, which for each different computer and Internet connection may not always have a good effect on Internet connection - this is ping, downloading and uploading. The program in a few simple clicks, allows you to configure your computer for maximum interaction with the Internet. For advanced users, there is a section for configuring settings manually.

After using the utility, if your settings were not optimally configured before, you will see the difference, web pages will load faster, response time will decrease, and the number of freezes in online games will also decrease (and perhaps even this number will drop to zero)

If the problem with the Internet lies in your provider and communications, the program will not help you, it optimizes the settings only on your local computer. And what the program definitely does not do is increase the speed of the Internet from higher than yours. tariff plan, do not expect miracles :). In other cases, the program can be very useful.

cFosSpeed is a network driver that binds to existing Internet connections and optimizes data transfer through traffic prioritization. Traffic prioritization is a method of optimizing Internet traffic that provides maximum speed with minimum delays. You can use cFosSpeed ​​with a router and/or DSL modem or cable modem. It can also be used with other types of Internet connections. cFosSpeed ​​supports a wide range of connections such as DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS and others. The program will help keep network latency (ping) low to make internet applications as responsive as possible. Also, one of the main goals of cFosSpeed ​​is to improve throughput by eliminating network congestion. The program interface has been translated into many languages, including Russian.

System requirements:
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | ten

Torrent Internet connection optimization - cFosSpeed ​​10.50.2338 Final | RePack by elchupacabra in detail:
cFosSpeed ​​has two goals:
Keep network latency (ping) low to make Internet applications as responsive as possible.
Improve throughput by eliminating network congestion.
You can use cFosSpeed ​​for Internet connections used only by you or used by multiple computers at the same time.
CFosSpeed ​​increases throughput and reduces ping.
Every time you connect to the Internet and use more than one data stream, CFosSpeed ​​can optimize traffic.

NEW: Improves mobile Internet

Additional Information:
CFosSpeed ​​prevents one application (like sending email) from clogging all others like phone calls, chat, etc.
CFosSpeed ​​keeps your ping fast so you can play online games and download files at the same time.
All important data packets are automatically given priority over non-essential ones. With CFosSpeed ​​and its priority protocol, you can fine-tune your applications and/or add new programs.
Analyze your data in real time: With the help of the new status window, you can easily recognize which data streams you are currently transmitting.
cFosSpeed ​​is a popular software product among online gamers, peer-to-peer networks and consumers of audio and video streaming.
cFosSpeed ​​can calibrate itself depending on the connection. Usually, the best results can be achieved after a few days of using a program that is able to load the incoming and outgoing bandwidth at full speed.
Improves your Ping for online play
Keeps Internet fast during heavy download/upload
NEW: Improves mobile Internet.
Reduces problems with audio/video internet streaming
Improves speech quality in programs using VoIP
CFosSpeed ​​works with the following technologies: DSL, Cable, WLAN, CDMA2000, UMTS, WCDMA, Modem, ISDN, Mobile Broadband (2G/3G).

Version features:
1. Does not require registration (patch)
2. Program interface languages ​​Russian/English/Ukrainian (others removed)
3. Ability to automatically install the program

"Silent" installation with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT switches (or "Silent installation.cmd" file)

Note!!! During installation, you will be prompted to visit the site of the author of the repack. Uncheck the box if you wish.

Overclocking Dial-UP

How many times have you had to remember obscene epithets about your Internet connection? The usual thing. However, when it comes to network games (in particular, their Internet implementations), latency-sensitive game traffic sometimes becomes the drop that overwhelms the cup of patience, and we begin to seriously think about an expensive "leased line". However, with skillful tuning, even the latest noname modem can be compared in speed with expensive "external" modems with excellent receive / transmit characteristics.

What is in our power is to provide high-quality wiring from the modem to the shield. And this is very important, because even small interference or "unreasonable" resistance can significantly reduce the speed. Internet connections due to the appearance of erroneous packets, the correction of which will require additional overhead. As a cable subsystem (we will express it in terms of SCS - structured cabling system), it is recommended to use a "twisted pair" - UTP 5 category, unshielded. Shielded "twisted pair" is usually not used for telephone wiring, but if you have no choice, then it must be grounded. It should be recalled that any physical impact on the cable can lead to a change in its characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to lay the line under the plinth or in boxes, avoiding strong kinks.

The wiring in the apartment must be carried out in accordance with the drawing. The main thing to take away from the diagram is that the telephone line must be connected directly to the modem. All telephones are connected to the line via a modem, and now the Internet will have the highest priority over "talkies". But this is not the most important thing. Our task is to exclude any additional resistance, which is exactly what telephone sets create. All cable joints, the number of which should be minimal, must be soldered.

To avoid interference and interference, the cable should be laid no closer than 50 cm to the power lines if they run in parallel. When they intersect at a right angle, then this is permissible. It is also desirable to ground the system unit.

Provider, please!

Now we have an "ideal" cable system and we need to move on to choosing a provider. This is perhaps one of the key points of Internet optimization. When a provider administers its own game server, then when connecting to it, it doesn’t matter to us what channel it has with the “outside world”. In another situation, and it is the most common, this is almost the most critical parameter. Of course, it must be taken into account along with the number of users connecting to the provider and dividing the Internet bandwidth among themselves. Information about providers can be viewed, for example, on the website

As mentioned above, game traffic is very sensitive to latency. For example, a familiar situation when you download some Quake 3 Arena, find like-minded people (gamers like you) and you can’t even hit the enemy from two meters due to the fact that until the information about your shot reaches the “enemy”, he will be able to hide. In this regard, when choosing a provider, you need to pay attention to such a parameter as MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). This is the maximum block of data that is transmitted over the network and a packet larger than the provider's MTU will be fragmented, which will take more time to deliver useful information, and then, provided that the provider has ip packet fragmentation allowed (it should be noted that, as a rule, , it is allowed). Current providers use switching equipment capable of independently adjusting the MTU size according to a given algorithm, which is adaptive. Therefore, it turns out that only the user can set a hard MTU. By the way, the user usually also has dynamic MTU selection enabled by default, but we will set it manually.

As for the choice of provider, which is not entirely related to optimization, but rather simply to the ability to work reliably on the Internet, then you need to pay attention to the status of the company, how many corporate buyers use its services, are there backup servers (mail, DNS, etc.) what equipment is installed and how wide the modem pool is. In general, all this adds up to how stably and quickly your Internet requests will be processed.

OS internals.

“Shura, start Berlaga” (O.I. Bender)

It's time to get into the holy of holies of the OS - the system registry - and configure the local Internet settings. There can be a huge number of parameters, especially if we take into account the tasks for which the application layer is implemented independently, and not by means of the OS. But we will consider the most basic parameters and those that can significantly affect online games and Internet speed. In Windows XP, the developers tried to take into account such important direction modern networks as quality of service (QoS - Quality Of Service). The fact is that Internet channels are sometimes crowded, and traffic that is sensitive to delays (for example, voice or video) must be given high priority over ordinary data. This is exactly what QoS does. The developers of Windows XP began to reserve 20% of the bandwidth of the Internet channel for ensuring the proper quality of service (QoS implementation RSVP - Resource Reservation Protocol). By the way, it is worth saying that QoS protocols do not yet work well on the Web, and they are unlikely to be used in the foreseeable future, at least in Runet. Now in many teleconferences the myth is roaming that 20% of the bandwidth is reserved in any case and the percentage should be reduced to 0 or completely turned off QoS. An article has been published on the Microsoft website stating that QoS protocols only work with applications where this is programmatically implemented (during development, the QoS API was used). We can state with full confidence that we will not find such applications on a home computer, because the development of such software products is only becoming widespread, and these projects are mainly aimed at supporting ip-telephony or expensive distributed ERP systems (or enterprise resource management systems). ), such as, for example, SAP R/3. If you do not want QoS RSVP to work on your PC, you can set the reserved bandwidth to 0% or disable this service altogether. We type gpedit.msc on the command line, go to Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Network - QoS Packet Manager, select Limit reserved bandwidth. Double-clicking will bring up a window in which you need to enable QoS and limit bandwidth to 0%. Next, you should make sure that the QoS protocol is enabled. To do this, right-click on Network Neighborhood, then Properties, go to the Internet connection properties, the Network tab and find the QoS Packet Scheduler there. If the protocol is not there, then it must be installed. After performing these operations, restart your computer. If you want to disable the service, then go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services >

Now let's talk about the maximum data unit (MTU) mentioned earlier. The maximum packet in our switched networks is usually a data block of 1500 bytes. When using the Internet for games, you need to keep the MTU small. The fact is that the larger the packages, the more time and overhead will be required for their delivery, and gaming traffic cannot afford such a luxury. Therefore setting an MTU of 1500 bytes is out of the question. On the other hand, if this parameter is too small, then a minimum of "useful" information will be transmitted, and service data in the form of protocol headers and clock signals - a maximum. This is also an extreme that should be avoided. The Internet MTU value (when PPP is running) of 576 bytes is often referred to as the de facto standard. Therefore, we will not be the first to suggest using this figure for games. To do this, run regedit.exe and look for the following registry branch - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\[Adapter ID]. There can be several adapters, and not all of them are real. We create an MTU dword parameter for each and specify a value equal to 576 in decimal notation. There is also the MSS - Maximum Segment Size parameter. This is the size of the data segment, which, together with the protocol headers, makes up the MTU. The size of the headers is fixed and is generally 40 bytes. Therefore, it is not necessary to set the MSS size, because with MTU=576 bytes, MSS is 536 bytes. If you still want to set the MSS value manually, then create the MSS key in the same registry branch.

There is an algorithm by which two nodes can choose the MTU value themselves after exchanging their MSS values. This method is called Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery - The maximum size of a transmitted packet for a given path. To enable it, create the EnablePMTUDiscovery key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters registry branch and assign it the value "1", if we disable this algorithm, then assign it "0". The PMTU Discovery method has an extension that allows you to determine those routers that do not notify the host of packet loss if this happens because they cannot be fragmented (these routers are considered stub routers and are not used further). so-called. the Black Hole Detect algorithm is enabled by creating the EnablePMTUBHDetect key with the value "1" in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters branch. It is desirable to turn off both of the above methods, because. their work can significantly slow down the process of messaging on the network.

The next important parameter is the so-called "sliding window". Let's define terms. A “sliding window” is a certain data buffer located at the receiving station and filled by the source station with packets, the acknowledgment for which can be sent by the receiving station at any time, but no later than the data buffer overflows. Thus, packets sent by the source when the receiver's window is full will be dropped. In connection with the above, we determine that it is desirable to increase the window size for reliable lines, and decrease it for bad lines. Again, the de facto standard for the PPP protocol (on which we operate at the data link layer in the Internet) is a window size of 4288 bytes. If you have more or less reliable communication lines with the provider, then the specified size can be increased, but remembering that the window size must be a multiple of MSS (for example, 5360 or 8040). This is to ensure that the window buffer is filled with only useful data and is not reserved for smaller packets that it cannot accept. We look in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters - the TcpWindowSize parameter (if not, we create it manually). If you have a “super-ideal” Internet channel and want to increase the “sliding window” to 64 KB or more, then you need to create a dword key “Tcp1323Opts” with a value of “1” in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\Tcpip \Parameters.

The TTL (Time To Live) value indicates the period of time during which a certain packet (or, for example, a route) that the local PC knows about will “live”. Those. until this time expires, the computer will think that the packet it sent has not yet reached its destination, although it may have simply been discarded by the recipient, for example, due to a buffer overflow. This is where the possibility of increasing the speed is hidden. The fact is that by default this value is large and should be reduced. On the other hand, if it is too small, then all packets will be considered lost and will be sent again and again. This obviously will not add speed to your channel. Therefore, the TTL value must be changed and you need to select the one you need, balancing between two extremes. It is recommended to set the value of the DefaultTTL key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters registry branch to 128. By default, it is set to 255, which is clearly an overestimated number. Windows 2000/XP systems have the ability to selectively transfer corrupted data. That is, if several packets are transmitted in a row and one of them does not reach the recipient, then the sender resends only the damaged packet, and not the entire series of packets. This, of course, also affects the speed, therefore, in order to enable this algorithm, we create the “SackOpts” dword key with the value “1” in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.

There is one more parameter that is not used on NT systems, but many gamers are on 9x/Me, so it should be mentioned. NDI Cache (Network Device Interface - network device cache) - is used by the operating system to store information about packet routing. The default is 0. And you can change it in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\NWLink\Ndi\param

s\cachesize. You need to change the Default key to the desired value (recommended 16). In addition to what has been described for manually optimizing an Internet connection, there are many programs that can automate this process. However, there are now a huge number of them, and you should not blindly trust everyone. Because they can "optimize" your Internet connection in such a way that the Network will easily disappear or will work at such a speed that it will satisfy only ICQ users and even then not to the full extent. And web surfing or, God forbid, the use of ftp-archives will become impossible at all. Therefore, after analyzing a large number of programs, it is recommended to use Modem Booster first of all. The program is suitable for both "knowledgeable" users, and for those who do not have the slightest idea about the operation of the protocols, but also yearn to improve the performance of the Network. You can download it, for example, from the site It works in two modes - either manually set the values ​​of key network parameters, or press only one "Start" button and your Internet connection will be optimized automatically within 2-3 hours. Suitable for almost all operating rooms

windows systems - from 98 to XP.

The Internet Tweak utility has more flexibility. It also supports all Windows operating systems and has over 180 customizable settings. It is possible to change the settings of popular browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator), mail clients, as well as optimize the hidden options of the operating system. You can download it at . The utility is shareware.

named moped.

"Now will take place

removal of the body of the deceased "(O.I. Bender)

Looking at the last epigraph, I wanted to advise the reader to throw away (the same as giving) his good old winmodem and buy some Zyxel (Russian - “zukhel”). Moreover, as we understand, the more expensive Zyxel is, the better and faster our connection to the Internet will be. Of course, looking into your purse, where an honest gold piece (well, or something like that) has already been put aside on new number Upgrade Special, we immediately discard this seditious thought, and, rolling up our sleeves, we try to squeeze the maximum out of our “peasant horse”. First you need to make sure that the most latest version drivers. The fact is that almost all levels of the network model in winmodems are implemented in software, and the speed and some other communication parameters directly depend on the software.

Now let's get into the settings of your miracle of engineering. Start > Settings > Control Panel > Phone and Modem, then select the Modems tab, where we see the installed modem. We go into Properties and here again we see the Modem tab. The Port speed parameter for the modem is set to 115200 (or higher, if your modem is capable of high speed, of course). Here you do not set the connection speed of the modem and the provider, but the speed between the virtual port of the computer and the modem to which it is connected. That. this value should be the maximum, however, on older devices with low speeds (33600 and below), setting this port speed may cause errors.

On the Diagnostics tab, disable Logging. This will additionally load the processor and additional downtime may occur. On the Additional communication settings tab, you need to

set the region to Russia, although some modems can only work if you set the country to the United States. The Advanced Options... button directs you to the FIFO (not to be confused with the "sliding window") settings. The size of these buffers must be maximized if we want to achieve higher speed. The Change defaults… button hides the settings shown in the figure below. It is recommended to set everything as shown in the screenshot. At least as far as the data line connection options are concerned. It is important that compression is enabled and hardware flow control is enabled, requiring minimal system resources.

Leave additional communication parameters unchanged. The function of the manual modem initialization string task may also be interesting. To do this, close the last customizable window and return to the previous one. At the top we see a line with the name "Additional initialization commands". Now let's figure out what it is. Each modem has a protocol under which it operates, as well as the commands it supports. These commands are used to control the modem using the operating system. And the speed of the device will depend on how it is initialized, and by and large, and not only. As for the line itself, then some general advice cannot be given. For each modem, you need to select your own string, in which case you need to surf the Internet and look for documentation on the modem. By the way, if your device can be reflashed, then you should also follow the release of the latest firmware versions. This is done using a special firmware program for a specific device model and, of course, the binary code itself, written as a file. There is also a so-called. rollback firmware so that you can return everything to its previous state if there are problems. For many modems, there are special configuration programs. For example, for modems on a Rockwell chip, software can be found at

Well, the last thing I want to say about setting up the modem, but rather, again, the implementation of the application level, these are the protocols used. For the channel, you must use PPP, for everything else, the TCP / IP protocol stack. IP header compression must be enabled, a DNS server (primary and backup) must be specified, and WINS and NetBIOS disabled if it is in the settings. All this is done in the menu Start > Settings > Control Panel > Network Connections, then the Properties of the selected connection and the Network tab.

But what about Quake and Co.?

Now let's talk about the very games that cause us to quarrel with family members, accept fasting (excluding chips, crackers, seeds and beer), ignore school / work and develop a passion for weapons, mass murder, profanity - in general, everything beautiful.

By default, we consider Counter Strike (Half Life) and Quake to be the most popular 3D shooters of all time. For them, we will analyze the optimization of the Internet connection.

Due to the popularity of these games and the great interest in them of the progressive half of humanity, special programs begin to appear to optimize the dial-up connection when playing with Internet colleagues. For CS, you can download AntiPing (a slightly incorrect name, AntiLag would be more correct) at This is a configuration file that you need to copy to the directory where the game is installed and enter the appropriate command in the console (the description in Russian is in the same archive). A detailed description of console commands and new improvements in the latest CS patch can be found at . There are also all the cheat codes and tips for optimizing the game on the Internet.

Many productivity utilities have also been released for Quake 3 Arena (and not just Internet connections). The most popular today is the Q3A program - Total Control v0.6. You can download it at . During installation, the program itself finds the installed version of Quake 3 Arena. Next, run the utility and in the menu Tools > Dial-Up Optimizer we see the window shown in the screenshot.

As you can see, there are all the parameters described by us, and the value of which was supposed to be changed manually.

And finally...

As you can see, there are many ways and approaches to optimize the Internet connection for playing online. This includes the use of special programs that manually or automatically set the desired values ​​for the "connection" parameters, and rewriting the registry for your operating system and Internet channel using the regedit.exe utility, and changing only two or three main registry keys, which will give a noticeable increase in transfer speed data. In any case, the initiative should be rewarded. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment, especially if the registry was exported on time. Well, as one famous movie character used to say - "may the Force be with you"!

Internet connection optimization

How many times have you cursed your slow dial-up and started saving money for a leased line! Meanwhile, with skillful tuning, even the latest noname modem can be compared in speed with expensive external models. It is recommended to optimize the Internet connection in several stages. We will start, of course, with the physical connection medium (FSS), but simply with cabling.

The wiring from the modem to the shield simply must be of high quality. Even small interference or unreasonable resistance can significantly reduce the speed of an Internet connection. The reason is the appearance of erroneous packets, the correction of which will require additional overhead.

As a cable subsystem, it is recommended to use unshielded "twisted pair" - UTP of the 5th category. Shielded "twisted pair" for telephone wiring is not usually used, but if you have no choice, be sure to ground it. It should be recalled that any physical impact on the cable can lead to a change in its characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to lay the line under the plinth or in boxes, avoiding strong kinks.

The wiring in the apartment should be carried out in accordance with the drawing. All telephones are connected to the line via a modem, and now the Internet has priority over “talkies”. But this is not the most important thing. Our task is to eliminate any additional resistance, which is precisely what telephone sets create. All cable joints, the number of which should be minimal, must be soldered.

To avoid interference and interference, the cable should be laid no closer than 0.5 m to the power lines, if they run in parallel (crossing at right angles is acceptable). It is also desirable to ground the system unit.


Now that we have the ideal cable system, we can move on to choosing a provider. This is perhaps one of the key points in optimizing the Internet connection. If you are using a game server from your own provider, then it does not matter what the width of its communication channel with the "outside world" is. Otherwise, this is perhaps the most critical parameter. Of course, it must be taken into account along with the number of users connecting to the provider and dividing the Internet bandwidth among themselves. Information about providers can be found, for example, on the website

Game traffic is very sensitive to latency. Many people are familiar with this situation: you download some Quake 3 Arena, find like-minded people and ... you can’t hit the enemy from two meters, because while the information about your shot reaches the “enemy”, he manages to hide. In this regard, when choosing a provider, you need to pay attention to such a parameter as MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) - the maximum data unit that is transmitted over the network.

A packet larger than the MTU of the provider will be fragmented (as a rule, such fragmentation is allowed), which means that it will take more time to deliver useful information. Current providers use switching equipment capable of independently adjusting the MTU size according to a given algorithm, which is adaptive. Therefore, it turns out that only the user can set the hard MTU. Usually, the user has dynamic MTU selection enabled by default, but we will set it manually.

When choosing a provider, you also need to pay attention to the status of the company, the number of corporate clients, availability of redundant servers (mail, DNS and others), equipment and modem pool. It depends on how stable and fast your Internet requests will be processed.


It's time to get into the holy of holies of the OS - the system registry - and configure the local Internet settings. There can be a huge number of parameters, especially if you take into account the tasks for which the application layer is implemented independently, and not by means of the OS. But we will look at those that can significantly affect online games and connection speed.

QoS Technology

In Windows XP, developers tried to take into account such an important area of ​​modern networks as quality of service (QoS - Quality Of Service). The fact is that traffic that is sensitive to delays (for example, voice or video) should have priority over regular data. This is exactly what QoS does.

The developers of Windows XP began to reserve 20% of the bandwidth of the Internet channel for ensuring the proper quality of service (implementation of QoS RSVP - Resource Reservation Protocol). By the way, it is worth saying that QoS protocols still do not work well on the Web and they are unlikely to be used in the foreseeable future, at least in Runet.

Microsoft has published an article stating that QoS protocols only work with applications developed using the QoS API. We will not find such applications on a home computer, since they are mainly designed to support IP telephony or expensive distributed ERP systems (enterprise resource management systems), such as, for example, SAP R / 3. If you still do not want QoS RSVP to work on your PC, you can set the reserved bandwidth to 0% or disable this service altogether.

Type gpedit.msc at the command prompt, then in Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Manager, select "Limit Reserved Bandwidth". Double-clicking will bring up a window in which you need to enable QoS and limit bandwidth to 0%.

Next, make sure that the QoS protocol is enabled: Network Neighborhood > Right Click > Properties > Internet Connection Properties > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler. If the protocol is not there, then it must be installed. After completing these operations, restart your computer. If you want to disable the service, then go to "Start" > "Settings" > "Control Panel" > "Administrative Tools" > "Services" > QoS RSVP and set the startup type to "Disabled" in the properties.

Let's go back to MTU first. The maximum packet in our switched networks, as a rule, is a data block of 1.5 kb. When using the Internet for games, it is better that the MTU is small. As already mentioned, the larger the packages, the more time it will take to deliver them, and game traffic cannot afford such a luxury.

Therefore, setting an MTU of 1.5 kb is excluded. On the other hand, if this parameter is too small, then a minimum of useful information will be transmitted, and service data in the form of protocol headers and clock signals - a maximum. This is also an extreme that should be avoided. The optimal and de facto standard MTU value for the Internet (when the PPP protocol is running) is 576 bytes.

To set this value, run regedit.exe and look for the following registry branch - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\[Adapter ID]. There may be several adapters, and not all of them will be real. For each, we create a dword MTU parameter and specify a value equal to 576 in decimal notation. There is also the MSS - Maximum Segment Size parameter. This is the size of the data segment, which, together with the protocol headers, makes up the MTU.

The size of the headers is fixed and is generally 40 bytes. Therefore, it is not necessary to set the MSS size: with an MTU of 576 bytes, the MSS is 536 bytes. But if you still want to set the MSS value manually, create an MSS key in the same registry branch.

There is an algorithm by which two nodes can choose the MTU value themselves after exchanging their MSS values. This method is called Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery (PMTU Discovery). To enable it, create the EnablePMTUDiscovery key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters registry branch and assign the value "1" to it (if this algorithm is disabled - "0").

The PMTU Discovery method has an extension that allows you to determine those routers that do not notify the host of packet loss if this occurs due to the impossibility of fragmentation (these routers are considered stub and are not used further). The so-called Black Hole Detect algorithm is enabled by creating the EnablePMTUBHDetect key with a value of "1" in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters branch. It is desirable to turn off both of the above algorithms, since their operation can significantly slow down the process of messaging on the network.

The next important parameter is the so-called "sliding window". This is a kind of data buffer located at the receiving station and filled with packets by the source station. An acknowledgment of their receipt is sent by the receiving station at any time, but no later than the data buffer overflows. Thus, packets sent by the source when the receiver's window is full will be dropped. This means that it is desirable to increase the window size for reliable lines, and decrease it for bad lines.

The de facto standard for the PPP protocol (which we use at the data link layer on the Internet) is a window size of 4.288 kb. If your ISP links are strong enough, you can increase this size, but remember that the window size must be a multiple of the MSS (for example, 5.36 kb or 8.04 kb). This is to ensure that the window buffer is filled with only useful data and is not reserved for smaller packets that it cannot accept.

We look in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters - the TcpWindowSize parameter (if not, we create it manually). If you have an ideal Internet channel and want to increase the "sliding window" to 64 kb or more, then in the registry you need to create a dword key "Tcp1323Opts" with a value of "1" at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.

The TTL (Time To Live) value indicates the period of time during which a certain packet (or, for example, a route) that the local PC knows about will “live”. In other words, until this time expires, the computer will think that the packet it sent has not yet reached its destination (although it could simply be discarded by the recipient, for example, due to a buffer overflow). This is where the possibility of increasing the speed is hidden. On the one hand, the default value is too high.

On the other hand, if it is too small, all packets will be considered lost and will be sent again and again. This obviously will not add speed to your channel. Therefore, when choosing a TTL value, one must balance between two extremes. It is recommended to set the value of the DefaultTTL key in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters registry branch to 128 (by default, it is assigned a clearly overestimated value - 255).

In Windows 2000/XP systems, it is possible to selectively transmit corrupted data: if several packets are transmitted in a row and one of them does not reach the recipient, then the sender resends only the corrupted packet, and not the entire series of packets. This, of course, also affects the speed, therefore, to enable this algorithm, we create a dword key "SackOpts" with the value "1" in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters.

There is one more setting that is not used on NT systems, but still worth mentioning since many gamers are on 9x/Me. NDI Cache (Network Device Interface - network device cache) is used by the operating system to store information about packet routing. By default, its value is 0. If necessary, in the registry branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\NWLink\Ndi\params\cachesize, the Default key can be assigned the desired value (recommended 16).

Automatic optimization

You can optimize your Internet connection not only manually, but also automatically, using special programs. There are a huge number of them now, but you should not blindly trust everyone. Some of them can make your Internet connection so bad that the network will simply disappear or work at a speed that even ICQ users cannot satisfy.

We advise you to pay attention to the Modem Booster program. It will suit both knowledgeable users and those who have no idea about how protocols work, but still yearn to improve the performance of the Web. You can download it, for example, from It works in two modes - either manually set the values ​​of key network parameters, or press only one "Start" button and your Internet connection will be optimized automatically within 2-3 hours. It suits almost everyone operating systems Windows - from 98 to XP.

The Internet Tweak utility has more flexibility. It also supports all Windows operating systems and has over 180 customizable settings. The user gets the opportunity to change the settings of popular browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator), mail clients, as well as optimize hidden OS options. You can download this shareware utility at


Now let's take the good old "winmodem" and try to squeeze the maximum speed out of it.

First you need to make sure you have the latest driver installed. The fact is that almost all levels of the network model in "winmodems" are implemented in software, and the speed and some other communication parameters directly depend on the software.

We climb into the settings of this miracle of engineering: "Start" > "Settings" > "Control Panel" > "Phone and Modem" > "Modems". We see the installed modem, go to "Properties" and here again we see the "Modem" tab. The "Port speed for the modem" parameter is set to 115,200 bps (or higher - if, of course, your modem is capable of this).

Here you do not set the connection speed of the modem and the provider, but the speed of data exchange between the virtual port of the computer and the modem to which it is connected, and its value should be maximum. However, it should be noted that on older devices with limited capabilities (33600 bps and below), setting this port speed may cause errors.

Not everyone can have high-speed Internet, so specialized software products to speed up Internet communications have not lost their relevance. By changing specific parameters, you can achieve an increase in speed. Consider the main programs to speed up the speed of the Internet.

Optimizes internet connection and download speed, and also increases the speed of Internet access, due to the release of unused system resources. Also removes temporary and unnecessary files, traces of surfing the Internet, protects web browsers from extensions and plug-ins that have a bad reputation.


  • through the use the latest technologies achieved access acceleration when using the Internet in various browsers;
  • Russian speaking interface;
  • corrects network problems;
  • available free version with limited functionality;
  • automatic update.

No deficiencies noted.

Allows you to produce setting options network connection for best performance, resulting in approximately 2x faster connection speeds.

The main feature is manifested in providing an extension of the current network connection. For this, a one-time setting is used, due to the use of not always documented features of the OS. Besides utility does not inject add-on services as opposed to similar software.


  • especially effective when using Dial-Up;
  • level setting speed up;
  • simple interface;
  • choice type of connection and OS version
  • minimum options;
  • technical support;
  • free version with functional restrictions;
  • check function updates;
  • supports Windows XP.


  • No Russian interface;
  • program unable to influence on the physical parameters of the connection.

The program improves various configuration options that directly affect the network and Internet connection speed. In you can trace the so-called "black holes", which are used to improve network performance.


  • enough one click keys to start optimization;
  • tracking network status;
  • simplicity interface;
  • the program is distributed for free;
  • there is fine optimization.


  • No Russian localization;
  • absence additional options.

Internet Speed ​​Up changes specific settings to improve your DSL connection and get the most out of it.


  • 30 days demo version with incomplete functionality;
  • speed test Internet and MTU;
  • auxiliary utilities.


  • No interface in Russian;
  • no support developer ( full version unavailable).

Built to change registry settings, which affect network speed, cache size, session duration, connection limit, and others.


  • speed boost networks without hardware upgrades;
  • optimization systems in manual and auto modes;
  • support all types of browsers, modems and high-speed connections;
  • acceleration not only browsing the web, receiving mail, but also downloading data from the network;
  • viewing current state;
  • there is free version with limited functionality;
  • backup settings;
  • thin configuration.
  • overloaded interface;
  • No Russian language.

- a program to increase the speed of the Internet, can speed up the loading of thumbnail galleries and other web pages by 200-300% for Microsoft Internet Explorer.


  • low resource consumption, stability in work;
  • works with Internet Explorer of all versions;
  • simplicity in use;
  • there is free 30 days version.


  • more not supported developer (full version not available);
  • support only Internet Explorer;
  • absence additional features.

Analyzes PC and optimizes settings with one button. also includes a tool that tests the speed of the Internet connection. You can download the program to increase the speed of the Internet from the official website.


  • acceleration and choice Internet Explorer and Firefox configurations;
  • effectively destroys traces surfing;
  • examination hosts file
  • interactive autocheck main Internet access settings;
  • Availability Russian interface;
  • useful instruments;
  • 2 modes settings;
  • simple circuit postings with explanations;
  • trial 40 day version(upon receiving a free key).

The disadvantage lies in lack of support all popular browsers.

Optimizes and speeds up your network connection and all internet activities resulting in faster connection, faster page and email loading, online gaming speed, improved Skype connection.

Also internet optimizer prevents fragmentation data, which slightly improves the speed when downloading to and from the network.


  • free demo version;
  • constant monitoring;
  • story tests.

The disadvantage is the lack Russian interface.

Solves the problem of internet congestion for shared connections, increases internet speed and optimizes connection with Traffic Shaping and Prioritization, increases bandwidth and reduces Ping.


  • flow improvement audio or video;
  • access point WiFi;
  • cFos Traffic Shaping for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices;
  • interface in Russian;
  • setting in auto mode;
  • visualization traffic and ping;
  • autodetect router
  • full version within a 30 day period.

Minus - non-standard and a little confusing interface.

Comparative characteristics

Let's compare in the table popular programs to increase internet speed.

Name Price latest version Peculiarities disadvantages
900 rub. 12.0.3 (2018) Fixes internet problems.

Has an "Internet Accelerator".

Not seen.
Trottle 19,3 $ (2018) Using features of the operating system.

Several levels of speed increase.

Lack of a Russian-language interface.
For free 2.03 (2014) Free program.

Possibility of fine optimization.

The absence of the Russian language.

Lack of additional features.

Not supported 8.0 (2015) Built-in help utilities.

Internet speed and MTU check.

Lack of Russian localization.
20 € 2.28 (2017) Automatic or manual optimization modes.

Increase network speed without upgrading hardware.

overloaded interface.

The absence of the Russian language.

Not supported 1.3 (2010) Low resource consumption.

stability at work.

Support for Internet Explorer only.
12 $ 3.3 (2017) Internet surfing cleaning.

Checking the hosts file.

No optimization for many browsers.
25,95 $ 10.0 (2018) Constant monitoring.

Test history.

There is no Russian language.
19.90 € 10.26 (2018) Flexible and deeply customizable traffic priorities.

Visualization of traffic and ping.

Non-standard and somewhat confusing interface.

Many faced such a problem: “slow Internet”, although they subscribed to a fast tariff. There could be many reasons for this.

Such as the:

  • Internet connection not configured. This is the most common reason. Many do not even realize that the speed of the tariff is one thing, but how the computer will already use it is another. And here it is important to configure the network settings. This can be done manually if you have the appropriate knowledge or with the help of special software.
  • old operating system. It simply can no longer cope with modern data transfer rates, and it may not support some protocols. Yes, and it has accumulated a lot of lumps from various software, which also leaves its mark.
  • old browser. Yes, it is necessary to update periodically, only then they can work quickly and stably, and also safely.
  • old version of the program for downloading from the Internet. It can be both and.
  • infection with viruses or other malware. Here at least you need to have a free antivirus and a firewall. Malicious software often enters the network itself and sends or receives some data.

Now let's talk about programs to speed up the Internet. And conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • Working with cache. Everything is very simple here: when you go to a site, it is written to the cache of this program. And all subsequent times you do not load this site, but work through the cache. This creates an imaginary acceleration of the Internet. This approach is mainly used by firms to save money on traffic. At one time, I used this method. But then, with the advent of DSL, he disappeared on his own.
  • Software that optimizes network connection. They set up your computer. The Internet, of course, is not really accelerating, as you had, for example, 512 kb / s, so they remained. Only now your computer is really 100% using them. This software also optimizes the work of browsers, antiviruses and firewalls (provided they support such functions), optimizes the work of network protocols, optimizes the work of software such as skype (programs such as Active Speed, cFosSpeed ​​and Speed ​​Connect), improves online experience -games and much more.
  • Programs that configure browsers, email clients and other software to work with the Internet. In fact, they optimize the work of other programs. These include: SpeedyFox.

Programs for speeding up the Internet

(just click on its name to go to the analysis and then download it):

It is appreciated for the fact that in manual mode it is suitable for an advanced user, and in automatic mode for a simple one.

She is appreciated for improving the quality of Skype calls.

It is appreciated because, according to experts, it is one of the best for speeding up the Internet.

It is appreciated for a large number of settings and for the real acceleration of the Internet, for reducing the response time; for, what squeezes the maximum speed out of the Internet; for helping to find those who steal the Internet; for a real increase in download speed; for help in traffic prioritization.

It is appreciated for what gives a real increase in the speed of the Internet; adequate performance; for good support of old modems; for improving work with various network services.

It is appreciated for the fact that it really speeds up the work of browsers at times.