The results of economic activity of the enterprise. Coursework: Financial results of economic activity of the organization. Indicators of economic activity of the enterprise

Pollution charges are a type of taxation in which the taxable amount is the mass of pollution, regardless of other results of the economic activity of the enterprise. Pollution charges cannot be considered as a full

This section reflects in value terms all the results of economic activity of enterprises, associations. The financial plan is drawn up in the form of a balance of income and expenses and reflects income and receipts, expenses and deductions of funds, relationships with the budget, credit relationships, profitability and distribution of profits.

The orientation of the economy towards intensive methods of managing the economy and a sharp increase in production efficiency determines especially high requirements for the choice of indicators that objectively reflect the final results of the economic activity of enterprises.

Meanwhile, in order to improve the use of material means of production, it is necessary to link the results of the economic activity of the enterprise with the resources available to it. Therefore, in accordance with the decisions of the September (1965) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the profitability of production was adopted as the ratio of the amount of profit to the value, g, of the enterprise's production assets. ft ---. -

The gigantically increased scale of socialist production, the complication of economic relations, the ongoing changes in the nature of labor and its organization place increased demands on managers, engineers and technicians. Production managers and specialists must know technology and economics well, be able to analyze the results of the economic activity of enterprises, correctly apply moral and material incentives to work in practice, and master the basics of scientific production management based on modern technology.

With directive cost accounting, all the main possibilities and results of the economic activity of an enterprise are rigidly programmed according to the top-down principle of administrative management on the basis of voluminous and normative tasks of central planning. The task of enterprises here is purely performing.

In addition, employees of teams involved in the construction of well clusters are rewarded for the savings received from the reduction in the estimated cost of constructing a well cluster, regardless of the overall results of the economic activity of the enterprises. This premium is paid in excess of the established maximum premiums.

The final positive result of the economic activity of the enterprise is profit, and the negative one is loss.

The first part of the textbook outlines the theoretical foundations of the analysis of economic activity as a system of generalized knowledge about the subject, method, tasks, methodology and organization of microeconomic analysis. The second part is devoted to the methodology for a comprehensive analysis of the results of economic activity of enterprises. The latest methods of analysis , characteristic of a market economy , are considered . A significant place is given to the presentation of the method of financial analysis of the enterprise, taking into account the latest developments in this subject area. After each topic, questions and tasks are given to test and consolidate knowledge.

The third stage of the circuit (f - D) consists in the sale of manufactured products and the receipt of funds. At this stage, circulating capital passes from the stage of production into the stage of circulation and again assumes the form of money. The interrupted circulation of commodities is resumed, and the advanced value passes from the commodity form into the money form. Advance funds are recovered at the expense of proceeds from the sale of products. The difference between D and D is the amount of cash income and savings or the financial result of the economic activity of the enterprise. The money form that circulating capital assumes at the final stage of the circuit is at the same time the initial stage of the turnover of capital.

Calculation and interpretation of financial ratios. Financial ratios represent two groups of indicators. In the first group, indicators can be distinguished that are determined on the basis of financial statements that characterize the financial condition and results of the economic activity of the enterprise. The second group includes indicators, for the determination of which, in addition, data on the assessment of the state of the enterprise and its shares in the financial markets are used.

The final effect of the use of intangible assets is expressed in the overall results of the economic activity of the enterprise

In ch. 16 it was indicated that each enterprise needs capital first when creating and building an enterprise, then in investing in new equipment to replace obsolete equipment (see Chapter 12), in maintaining the continuity of production, paying wages, buying raw materials and materials, and selling expenses (This is discussed in detail in Chapter 13). Financing of these needs occurs both at the expense of own (profit received from the implementation of various activities, depreciation, proceeds from the sale of own shares, etc.), and borrowed funds (loans, subsidies, etc.). In addition to these forms, there are special forms of financing leasing, factoring (see Chapter 16). The peculiarity of financing the needs of the enterprise lies in the fact that the inflows and outflows of financial resources occur in time at different times and unequal in size. Therefore, in order to ensure the stable and progressive development of the enterprise, it is necessary that the payment of all the above needs occur on time and in full, which can only be achieved if there is a balance (balance) between the inflow and outflow of funds both in time and quantity. . This balance is not the result of a purely mechanical setting of the timing of the inflows and outflows of financial resources as a result of the economic activity of the enterprise. It is based on the organization of production and sales of products, ensuring the achievement of such a financial condition of the enterprise and its solvency, which would allow it to function successfully and invest in the expansion of production. This is due to the fact that the financial condition of the enterprise and solvency are the result of its production, economic and commercial activities associated with the sale of products at prices that bring him profit, on the one hand, and the ability to effectively manage own and borrowed capital, on the other hand. Before the enterprise, questions constantly arise where and when, in what quantity the available financial resources should be invested, how to optimally distribute them according to production needs (Fig. 29.10).

financial position and results of economic activity of the enterprise.

We need your support to move to the new system. At the same time, I would like to use the same data that comes to our accounting department now, but in a different form. The cost and benefit accounts need to be regrouped so that business-critical data is presented in a more concise and focused manner. To do this, you must support us in resolving this issue, and also agree that some accounts should be kept unchanged for comparison over a number of years. We need your help in building a bridge of reconciliation that spans the business results of the business to the results we get in the P&L account.

With self-governing / situational / cost accounting, all the main opportunities and results of the economic activity of the enterprise are determined by it on the basis of self-planning of volumetric and normative tasks under the influence of situational / market / realities of freedom of economic choice, subject to certain mandatory conditions for state regulation of non-market parameters of the enterprise / legal, social, economic, environmental, etc./.

V. p. is calculated in the average industry wholesale prices. . VB. .new conditions for planning and economic incentives, when the assessment of the results of economic activity of enterprises is carried out not according to indicator g, p., but according to the indicator

Kz - according to the type of change in obligations - divides all the facts into those leading 1) to the emergence of obligations, for example, the posting by the storekeeper of materials received from suppliers leads to the emergence of obligations in relation to the enterprise from the custodian agent (storekeeper) for the values ​​\u200b\u200baccepted by him for liability and from the enterprise to the correspondent-supplier for the materials received, but not yet paid by the enterprise 2) to the termination of obligations, for example, when the materials are released into production, the storekeeper for the amount of the released materials relieves himself of liability for them in the same way, when the enterprise pays the invoices of suppliers for the materials received from them, it extinguishes its obligations to the latter 3) to change (the emergence of some and the transformation of others) obligations, which can be quantitative (volumetric) and qualitative in the first case, the obligation remains, but its volume changes, for example, as a result of a change prices change volume about obligations to the enterprise, and the volume of obligations in monetary terms changes, remaining unchanged in kind; in the second case, the volume of obligations remains the same, but its nature changes, for example, a custodian agent (storekeeper) - bears obligations to the enterprise for material assets in the amount of X rub. , when checking, a shortage of Y rubles is revealed, the volume of obligations of the financially responsible person remained unchanged and amounts to A rubles, but the nature of these obligations has changed. Now the storekeeper - a materially responsible person is liable for material assets in the amount of X-Y rubles. and, in addition, undertakes to compensate for the shortage of Y rubles. (at the same time, the shortage in part or in full can be attributed to the results of the economic activity of the enterprise). Classify-

The conclusion by the owners of the enterprise of civil law agreements with the leading managers of the enterprise, ensuring the financial responsibility of managers for the results of the economic activity of the enterprise Information of the enterprise -

Criterion 4.8. Conclusion between the enterprise and its leading managers of civil law contracts that ensure liability

Profit and income are the main indicators of the financial results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

Income is the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) minus material costs.

It represents the monetary form of the net output of the enterprise, i.e. includes wages and profits.

Income characterizes the total amount of funds that an enterprise receives for a certain period and, after taxes, can be used for consumption and investment. Income is sometimes subject to taxation. In this case, after tax is deducted, it is subdivided into consumption, investment and insurance funds. The consumption fund is used for remuneration of personnel and payments based on the results of work for a certain period, for a share in the authorized property (dividends), material assistance, etc.

Material costs include costs included in the corresponding element of the cost estimate for production, as well as costs equated to them for: depreciation of fixed assets, deductions for social needs, as well as "other costs", i.e. all elements of the cost estimate for production, with the exception of labor costs.

Profit is the part of the proceeds that remains after the reimbursement of all costs for the production and marketing of products.

In a market economy, profit is one of the main sources of accumulation and replenishment of the revenue side of the state and local budgets; the main financial source of the development of the enterprise, its investment and innovation activities, as well as a source of satisfaction of the material interests of the members of the labor collective and the owner of the enterprise.

The amount of profit (income) is significantly affected by both the volume of products and its range, quality, cost, improvement of pricing and other factors. In turn, profit affects such indicators as profitability, solvency of the enterprise and others.

The total profit of the enterprise (gross profit) consists of three parts:

- profit from product sales- as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (excluding VAT and excise duty) and its full cost;

- profits for the sale of material assets and other property(this is the difference between the selling price and the cost of acquiring and selling). Profit from the sale of fixed assets will represent the difference between the proceeds from the sale, the residual value and the costs of dismantling and selling;

- profit from non-operating operations, i.e. operations not directly related to the main activity (income from securities, from equity participation in joint ventures; leasing property; excess of the amount of fines received over those paid, etc.).

Gross income- the total amount of income of the enterprise from all types of activities in monetary, tangible or intangible forms. Distribution- reimbursement of material costs, depreciation of fixed assets; taxes and other obligations. payments; salary and deductions for social needs; financing of other expenses; profit.

Profitability of resources and products

Unlike profit, which shows the absolute effect of activity, there is a relative indicator of the effectiveness of the enterprise - profitability. In general, it is calculated as the ratio of profit to costs and is expressed as a percentage. The term is from rent (income). Profitability indicators are used for a comparative assessment of the performance of individual enterprises and industries that produce different volumes and types of products. These indicators characterize the profit received in relation to the spent production resources. The most commonly used indicators are the profitability of products and the profitability of production.

There are the following types of profitability:

1) profitability of production (profitability of production assets) - Rp, is calculated by the formula:

where P- total (gross) profit for the year (or other period);

OFP- the average annual cost of fixed production assets;

NOSE- the average annual balance of normalized working capital.

2) product profitability Prod. characterizes the cost effectiveness of its production and marketing:

where Etc- profit from the sale of products (works, services);

Wed- total cost of goods sold;

Financial result - the final economic result of the economic activity of the enterprise, which is expressed in the form of profit (income) or loss. The excess of income over expenses means profit (increase in the organization's property), and expenses over income - loss (decrease in property). The financial result received by the organization for the reporting year in the form of profit or loss, respectively, leads to an increase or decrease in the capital of the organization.

Income from the main activities is determined taking into account the subject of the enterprise, when, depending on this, income can be attributed in some cases to ordinary activities, and in others to others.

Expenses for core activities are expenses associated with the manufacture of products and their sale, with the performance of work, the provision of services, the acquisition and sale of goods. Expenses for the main activities, as well as income, are determined taking into account the subject of the enterprise's activity.

When forming expenses for ordinary activities, they should be grouped according to the following elements:

  • - labor costs;
  • - material costs
  • - depreciation
  • - other expenses
  • - deductions for social needs.

Gross profit - an indicator that is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale (excluding VAT and other taxes) and the production cost of products, works, services (the purchase price of goods)

Proceeds are accepted for accounting in an amount calculated in monetary terms, equal to the amount of receipt of funds and other property and (or) the amount of receivables.

Profit from sale - gross profit, minus sales expenses and general business expenses (if they are written off as conditionally fixed when selling products)

Profit (loss) before tax - an integrated indicator that includes profit (loss) from sales and other income and expenses.

Net profit (uncovered loss) - the financial result received by the organization in the reporting period after the calculation of income tax.

In accounting, a synthetic account 90 "Sales" is used to reflect the income and expenses received.

To analyze the financial results of the organization's activities for the reporting period, the "Profit and Loss Statement" is used. This report is included in the annual and interim financial statements. You need to fill in the information in the report for 2 years - the reporting and the previous one. Data in the statement of financial results are entered in thousands of rubles.

Line-by-line filling:

  • 2110 - proceeds from the sale of products, works minus VAT and excises.
  • 2220 - expenses, including the cost of products, services, commercial and administrative expenses. In the standard form of the statement of financial results, this information is separated, in a simplified form, they are summarized in one line.
  • 2330 - interest payable, this line reflects all interest accrued payable - on credits, loans and other liabilities.
  • 2340 - income of the organization that was not included in the indicator of line 2110.
  • 2350 - expenses of the organization that are not included in lines 2220 and 2330.
  • 2410 - income tax, which includes deferred tax assets and liabilities.
  • 2400 - the final financial result for the year, is calculated based on the above information. Expenses are subtracted from income.

The chief accountant fills in the report form, who signs the completed document, and the head of the organization must also sign it.

The financial result of the economic activity of the enterprise is determined by the indicator of profit or loss, formed during the calendar (economic) year. The financial result is the difference between the amounts of income and expenses of the enterprise. The excess of income over expenses means an increase in the property of the enterprise - profit, and the excess of expenses over income - a loss. The financial result received by the enterprise for the reporting year in the form of profit or loss, respectively, leads to an increase or decrease in the equity capital of the enterprise. Expenses are recognized in accounting under the following conditions: the expense is made in accordance with a specific contract, the requirement of legislative and regulatory acts, business practices; the amount of the expense can be determined; there is confidence that as a result of a particular transaction there will be a decrease in the economic benefits of the organization. There is certainty that a particular transaction will reduce the entity's economic benefits when the entity has transferred the asset, or there is no uncertainty about the transfer of the asset. If at least one of the named conditions is not fulfilled in relation to any expenses incurred by the organization, then the organization's accounting records recognize receivables. Depreciation is recognized as an expense based on the depreciation charge based on the value of the depreciable assets, their useful lives and the entity's depreciation methods. Expenses are subject to recognition in accounting, regardless of the intention to receive revenue, operating or other income and from the form of the expenditure (cash, in kind and other). Expenses are recognized in the reporting period in which they occurred, regardless of the time of actual payment of funds or other form of implementation (assuming the facts are temporary).

Revenue is recognized in accounting under the following conditions (clause 12 PBU 9/99):

  • a) the entity has a right to receive the proceeds arising from a specific contract or otherwise appropriately evidenced;
  • b) the amount of proceeds can be determined;
  • c) there is confidence that as a result of a particular transaction there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the organization. The certainty that as a result of a particular transaction there will be an increase in the economic benefits of the organization, there is a case when the organization received an asset in payment or there is no uncertainty regarding the receipt of the asset;
  • d) the right of ownership (possession, use and disposal) of the product (goods) has passed from the organization to the buyer or the work has been accepted by the customer (the service has been rendered);
  • e) the costs to be incurred or to be incurred in connection with this transaction can be determined.

The financial result of the economic activity of the enterprise is formed from two of its components, the main of which is the result obtained from the sale of products, goods, works and services, as well as from business operations that are the subject of the enterprise's activity, such as the rental of fixed assets for a fee, the transfer in the paid use of intellectual property and investment in the authorized capital of other enterprises.

The second part in the form of income and expenses not directly related to the formation of the main sales financial result (financial result from sales) forms the other financial result, which includes operating and non-operating income and expenses. If during the reporting period the company received a profit from the sale of products, goods, works, services and other operations that are the subject of its activity, then its entire financial result will be equal to the profit from sales plus other income minus other expenses.

If an organization incurs a loss on sales, then its total financial result will be equal to the sum of the loss on sales plus other expenses minus other income.

Financial results of economic activity of the organization

Coursework in the discipline "Finance and Credit"

3.2.6. Methods for determining revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services for tax purposes 20

1. at the moment of payment for goods, products, services (“cash method”); twenty

5. Evaluation of the financial results of the enterprise (on the example of CJSC "Uralselenergoproekt") 30

1. Introduction

In a market economy, the efficiency of production, investment and financial activities is expressed in financial results.

In market conditions, each economic entity acts as a separate commodity producer, which is economically and legally independent. An economic entity independently chooses a business area, forms a product range, determines costs, forms prices, takes into account sales proceeds, and therefore reveals profit or loss based on the results of activities. In market conditions, making a profit is the direct goal of the production of a business entity. The realization of this goal is possible only if the business entity produces products (works, services) that, in terms of their consumer properties, meet the needs of society. Society does not need ruble equivalents, but specific commodity and material values. The act of selling a product (works, services) also means public recognition. Receiving revenue for manufactured and sold products does not mean making a profit. To identify the financial result, it is necessary to compare the revenue with the costs of production and sales:

The essence of the activity of each enterprise determines the features of its functioning, the content and structure of assets, in particular fixed assets; forms a significant part of the final financial result.

A stable financial position has a positive impact on the implementation of production plans and the provision of production needs with the necessary resources. Therefore, financial activity as an integral part of economic activity is aimed at ensuring the planned receipt and expenditure of financial resources, the implementation of settlement discipline, the achievement of rational proportions of equity and borrowed capital and its most efficient use.

Thus, consideration of the issue of the nature and formation of the financial results of an economic entity is important and relevant in a market economy.

The relevance of this issue determines the choice of topic and the content of this work.

The aim of the work is to study the essence, structure and formation of the financial results of the enterprise.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are to be solved:

Consider theoretical aspects of the economic content of financial results;

Financial results of the enterprise as a guarantee of the successful operation of the enterprise;

Analyze financial results at a separate enterprise CJSC Uralselenergoproekt.

2. Organization of enterprise finance

The company is an independent business an entity created to conduct economic activities, which is carried out in order to make a profit and meet public needs. one

The enterprise is, as a rule, a legal entity, which is determined by a combination of features: the isolation of property, liability for obligations with this property, the presence of a bank account, actions on its own behalf. The isolation of property is expressed by the presence of an independent balance sheet on which it is listed.

The content of the economic activity of the enterprise is the organization of production and sale of goods. In this capacity, products of a natural-material nature (for example, products of the mining, processing and processing industries, agriculture, construction), performance of works (industrial, installation, design and survey, geological exploration, research, loading and unloading, etc.) provision of services (transport, communication services, utilities, household, etc.).

The enterprise interacts with other enterprises - suppliers and buyers, partners in joint activities, participates in unions and associations, as a founder contributes a share in the formation of the authorized capital, enters into relationships with banks, the budget, extra-budgetary funds, etc.

Financial relations arise only when the monetary On the basis of the formation of the enterprise's own funds and its income, the attraction of borrowed sources of financing of economic activity, the distribution of income generated as a result of this activity, and their use for the development of the enterprise.

The organization of economic activity requires appropriate financial support, i.e. initial capital, which is formed on the contributions of the founders of the enterprise and takes the form of authorized capital. This is the most important source of formation of the property of any enterprise. Specific methods of formation of the authorized capital depend on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise.

When creating an enterprise, the authorized capital is directed to the acquisition of fixed assets and the formation of working capital in the amount necessary to conduct normal production and economic activities, it is invested in the acquisition of licenses, patents, know-how, the use of which is an important income-generating factor. Thus, the initial capital is invested in production, in the process of which value is created, expressed by the price of products sold. After the sale of products, it takes on a monetary form - the form of proceeds from the sale of manufactured goods, which is credited to the company's current account.

Revenue is a source of reimbursement for the funds spent on the production of products and the formation of cash funds and financial reserves of the enterprise. As a result of the use of proceeds, qualitatively different components of the created value are distinguished from it.

First of all, this is due to the formation of a depreciation fund, which is formed in the form of depreciation deductions after the depreciation of fixed production assets and intangible assets takes the form of money. A prerequisite for the formation of an amortization fund is the sale of manufactured goods to the consumer and the receipt of proceeds.

The material basis of the created goods is made up of raw materials, purchased components and semi-finished products. Their cost, along with other material costs, depreciation of fixed production assets, wages of workers, is the cost of the enterprise for the production of products, taking the form of cost. Until revenue is received, these costs are financed at the expense of working capital of the enterprise, which are not spent, but are advanced into production. After the receipt of proceeds from the sale of goods, working capital is restored, and the costs incurred by the enterprise for the production of products are reimbursed.

The separation of costs in the form of cost makes it possible to compare the proceeds received from the sale of products and the costs incurred. The purpose of investing in production is to obtain a net income, and if the revenue exceeds the cost, then the company receives it in the form of profit.

Profit and depreciation are the result of the circulation of funds invested in production, and relate to the company's own financial resources, which it manages independently. Optimal use of depreciation and profit for the intended purpose allows you to resume production on an expanded basis.

The purpose of depreciation deductions is to ensure the reproduction of fixed production assets and intangible assets. Unlike depreciation deductions, profit does not remain completely at the disposal of the enterprise, a significant part of it goes to the budget in the form of taxes, which defines another area of ​​financial relations that arise between the enterprise and the state regarding the distribution of the generated net income.

The profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is a multi-purpose source of financing its needs, but the main directions of its use can be defined as accumulation and consumption. The proportions of the distribution of profits for accumulation and consumption determine the prospects for the development of the enterprise. Depreciation deductions and part of the profit allocated for accumulation constitute the financial resources of the enterprise used for its production and scientific and technical development formation of financial assets - the acquisition of securities, contributions to the authorized capital of other enterprises, etc. the other part of the profit used for accumulation , is directed to the social development of the enterprise. Part of the profit is used for consumption, as a result of which financial relations arise between the enterprise and persons, both employed and not employed in the enterprise.

In modern economic conditions, the distribution and use of depreciation and profits at enterprises is not always accompanied by the formation of separate monetary funds. The depreciation fund as such is not formed, and the decision on the distribution of profits to special purpose funds remains within the competence of the enterprise, but this does not change the essence of the distribution processes that reflect the use of the financial resources of the enterprise.

The objective nature of financial relations arising in the course of economic activity does not preclude their state regulation. This applies to taxes levied on enterprises and affecting the amount of profit remaining at the disposal of enterprises, the procedure for calculating depreciation, the formation of financial results of economic activity and the formation of certain financial reserves.

On the basis of repayment, the enterprise attracts borrowed financial resources: long-term bank loans, funds of other enterprises, bonded loans, the source of return of which is the profit of the enterprise.

Since the finances of enterprises as relations are part of the economic relations that arise in the course of economic activity, the principles of their organization are determined by the fundamentals of the economic activity of enterprises. Based on this, the principles of organizing finance can be formulated as follows: independence in the field of financial activities, self-financing, interest in the results of financial and economic activities, responsibility for its results, control over the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

The economic activity of the enterprise is inextricably linked with its financial activity. The enterprise independently finances all directions of its expenses in accordance with production plans, manages the available financial resources, investing them in the production of products in order to make a profit.

Directions for investing funds can be different: related both to the main activities of the enterprise for the production of products (works, services), and to purely financial investments. In order to receive additional income, enterprises have the right to acquire securities of other enterprises and the state, to invest in the authorized capital of newly formed enterprises and banks. Temporarily free funds of the enterprise can be separated from the total cash flow and placed in the bank on deposit accounts.

The ratio of individual parts of the population to each other

115. To reduce the sampling error calculated under mechanical selection, you can:

Increase sample size

116. An empirical correlation relation is:

The share of intergroup dispersion in the total

The index is ... a relative value obtained by comparing the levels of complex socio-economic indicators in time, space or with a plan

The numerical indicators by which the object is characterized are reflected in the ___ of the statistical table. predicate

To measure seasonal waves in relative terms, methods are used ... moving averages; moving sums and moving averages

The stages of statistical observation include ... statistical observation, primary processing, summary and grouping of observation results, analysis of the resulting summary materials

Statistical data characterizing changes in a phenomenon over time are called ___ series. dynamic

Checking statistical observation data for reliability involves ... syntactic, logical and arithmetic (counting) control

Depending on the result of economic activity, absolute values ​​are called ... positive and negative

The stages of correlation analysis do not include ... verification of the reliability, accuracy and validity of the forecast.

According to the type of indexed indicators, the indices are divided into indices of ... quantitative, qualitative and cost indicators

A survey presented as a way to obtain statistical information is called ... correspondent

The basis of statistical methodology is ... statistical methods for studying mass social phenomena

The indicators of variation are ... mode and median

According to the analytical expression in statistics, _______ connections are distinguished. linear and curvilinear

Reducing each feature value by 2 times leads to ... a decrease in variance by 4 times

According to the method of construction and the tasks of the image, statistical graphs are divided into ... diagrams and statistical maps

Goskomstat was transformed into Rosstat on the basis of ... the Constitution of the Russian Federation

There are the following types of absolute values ​​... general and individual

In the classification of methods for selecting units from the general population, ___ selection methods are distinguished. single-phase, multi-phase

Approximate calculation of unknown levels lying inside the time series is called ... interpolation

According to the form of representation of the level of the series, the series of dynamics are ... moment and interval

Charts that depict the dimensions of a feature in the form of rectangles arranged horizontally are called ... strip charts.

A table in the subject of which the population is divided into groups not according to one, but according to several criteria, is called ... combinational

According to the technique of material execution, statistical reports are divided into ... mechanized and manual

The following data are available on the retail turnover of the enterprise by quarters for 2010, million rubles:

The relative values ​​of the structure of the retail turnover of the enterprise by quarters will be equal to ...

The coefficient in pairwise regression is ... an empirical measure of the closeness of the relationship between variables and

A form of continuous statistical observation of long-term processes that have a fixed beginning, stage of development and a fixed end is ... register observation

The program and methodological issues of the observation plan determine ___ observations. purpose, object, unit and program

The activities of the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia are managed by ... The Government of the Russian Federation

The subject of statistics is ... the size and quantitative ratios of socio-economic phenomena, the patterns of their connection and development

is the formula ... of the arithmetic mean index of physical volume

Variation indicators are divided into ... absolute and relative

There is data on the population of one of the regions of Russia for 2005–2010, million people:

A complex bar chart would look like...

To identify the main development trend is not used ... autocorrelation

Statistical series that characterize the size of the phenomenon under study for certain periods of time are called series ... interval

'Confidentiality' in statistics means that … data about individuals may never be shared with others, or only in cases provided for by law or a court decision????????

The difference between statistics and other social sciences is that it ... studies the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of social phenomena

Using the formula, find the structural average, called ...

The main units of measurement for relative quantities are ...

ratios, percentages, ppm, decimille, etc.

Statistical grouping is called ...

breakdown of units of the population according to the selected attribute

The organization of a statistical summary does not include the stage of ... calculating the interval and determining the interval series

When measuring the closeness of the relationship between two qualitative alternative features, you can apply the coefficient ... association

Among the units of measurement, to characterize absolute values, they use ... natural, cost, labor indicators

The total number of employees of the company is 20 people, and the minimum and maximum income, respectively, is 10,000 and 25,000 rubles. The interval for grouping company employees by income level will be equal to ... 3000

The main objective of regression analysis is ... to determine the type of mathematical function that describes the dependence of the average value of the variable y on the allowable changes in factor variables

The enlargement of the time periods to which the dynamics series belong is called the method ... of the enlargement of the intervals

A number of indices of the same phenomenon, calculated with a base comparison changing from index to index, is called a system of ... chain indices

For proper random and mechanical sampling of the non-repetitive selection method for a share, the marginal sampling error is determined by the formula ...

Non-repetitive, single-stage sampling with a separate selection unit from the general population refers to __________ selection method. actually random

According to the formula, where - variant, and - frequency, find the average ... arithmetic weighted

A statistical summary is called ... the systematization and calculation of the totals of registered facts and data

1. The general index of labor productivity (in terms of labor intensity) is ...

Time series analysis

2. The ratio of the absolute increase in the level of the series for the time interval to the growth rate for the same period of time calculates the indicator

absolute value of 1% increase+

3. According to the analytical expression, correlations can be ...


4. The unit of observation of the population is ...

5. The economically active population is ... (indicate the most complete answer).


6. To study the dynamics of the volume of industrial production, the index ___ is used, which characterizes the change in the mass of manufactured products in comparable periods.

physical volume of trade+

7. When calculating the human development index, do not take into account:

material conditions of existence+

8. Institutional units whose main function is to produce goods for sale at profit-making prices belong to the sector ...

non-financial corporations+

9. Current accounts include an account ...

income generation+

10.GDP at market prices, when determined by the production method, is calculated as the sum of ...

gross value added of all sectors of the national economy +

11. The balancing item of the production account for a branch of the economy or sector of the economy is ...

gross value added+

12. Relative indicators of budget revenues include ...

the ratio of revenue and expenditure parts of the budget +

13. The financial result of the production activity of an enterprise, which is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of goods, products, works and services and their cost, is called ...

gross profit+

14. One of the indicators used to control the dynamics of the money supply, as well as to analyze the possibilities of commercial banks to increase the amount of credit investments in the country's economy, is ...

money multiplier+

15. The system of indicators reflecting the density of distribution of banking institutions includes ...

number of banking institutions per 100 thousand people+

16.Statistical information can be obtained...

conducting a specially organized collection of information from units of the statistical population +

17. Characterization of selected groups with the help of statistical indicators is called ...

18. Absolute values ​​​​can be expressed in ...

kilometers, kilograms+

19. The fashion in the distribution series is ...

variant, which is more common +

20. To identify the form of influence of some factors on others, the method of ______ analysis is used.


21. If data are available at the beginning and end of the period, then the average population is calculated using the formula for the average ...

arithmetic simple+

22. By dividing the total amount of annual cash income by 12 and the average annual population, determine ... the average per capita cash income of the population per month +

23. Accumulation accounts include ...

financial account+

24. According to the income generation account, the “Use” column reflects articles ...

gross profit of the economy+

wages of hired workers.

25. The overall financial stability ratio (autonomy ratio) characterizes ...

the share of own funds in the total value of the sources of funds of the enterprise +

26. Depending on the level of credit risk, loans are divided into …

standard, non-standard, dubious, hopeless+

28. The census of the population of Russia is

one-time, specially organized, continuous observation +

29. The division of the studied qualitatively heterogeneous population into classes, socio-economic types, homogeneous groups of units in accordance with the rules of scientific grouping is called

typological grouping+

30. When comparing the indicators of each subsequent level with the previous one, the dynamics indicators are determined by _____ methods

31. The average value characterizes..

the level of development of the phenomenon as a whole in the aggregate with a large number of observations +

31. Relative values ​​of the structure characterize ...

the composition of the phenomenon and show what proportion in the total total is each of its parts +

32. The average level of the absolute values ​​of the interval series of dynamics with levels equally spaced in time is defined as the average ...

simple arithmetic+

33. Correlation ratio is used for ...

definition of factorial variation+

34. The coefficient of natural population growth characterizes __________ of the population.

natural movement+

35. The totality of establishments engaged in one or predominantly one type of production activity is

branch of the economy+

36. The current classification of budget expenditures does not provide for grouping by ...

technical purpose+

37. When calculating the average price level, if indicators of the quantity of goods in physical terms are used as weights, the average formula is used ...

arithmetic weighted+

38. An indicator reflecting the total number of objects located in a certain, predetermined territory that can be accepted for insurance under a certain type of insurance contract is called ...

the size of the insurance field +

39. The subject of the study of statistics are ...

statistical aggregates+

41. Random variation reflects ...

intragroup variance+

42. The general index of variable composition is ...

43. The unemployment rate is defined as the ratio of the number of unemployed to ...

economically active population+

44.Gross national income is calculated as ...

gross domestic product plus balance of primary income from abroad+

45. According to the primary income distribution account, the column “Resources” reflects articles ...

gross profit of the economy and gross mixed income+

production and import taxes+

property income from the Rest of the World+

46. ​​In order to bring disparate levels of a series of dynamics to a comparable form, the technique is used ...

bringing the series of dynamics to the same base +

47. On the basis of the series of distribution of the population by income, it is not determined ...

real disposable cash income+

48. The System of National Accounts (SNA) is ...

a system for calculating macroeconomic indicators built as a set of interconnected accounts and balance sheets+

49. Gross output consists of output ...

products, market services, non-market services, indirectly measured financial intermediation services+

50. When calculating the indicators of the structure of regional and local taxes, determine ...

the share of all taxes in the total amount of revenues of budgets of all levels +

51. The value of products and services produced in the reporting period, which is the starting point for calculating the gross domestic product at the production stage, is an indicator such as ...

gross output+

52. Sectors of the economy include (s) ...


53. The essence of statistical observation is

systematic, scientifically based collection of mass data on the phenomena of public life

Topic: Labor market statistics

54. Workers hired for a period of at least five days belong to ...

payroll +

55. The indirectly measured services of financial intermediaries and the cost of paid services to customers are included in the gross output of an industry such as…

finance (banks and other financial intermediaries)+

56. If the index of fixed composition was 250%, the index of structural changes - 150%, then the price index of variable composition increased by _____%.

57. According to the level of measurement, the signs possessed by units of the statistical population are divided into ...

quantitative and non-quantitative+

59. The prices at which enterprises sell manufactured products for industrial, technical and consumer purposes to other enterprises or marketing organizations are called ...


Information is available on the elements of economic assets included in the national wealth (million rubles): fixed assets - 400, cash - 1100, circulating assets - 170, monetary gold - 3600, valuables - 1000, special drawing rights - 800, expenses for exploration - 60, software tools - 50, land - 2750, minerals - 3520, licenses and copyrights - 230, deposits - 370, shares - 1200, original literary and artistic works - 1900, loans - 200. The volume of non-financial assets is equal to …

Information about the size, composition and distribution of the population is taken from ...


The enterprise has data on hours worked by shifts: the first shift - 12,000 man-days, the second shift - 9,800 man-days.

The shift mode utilization rate is _____%.(12000+9800)/12000/2

Depending on the way the levels are expressed, the series of dynamics are divided into series of relative, average and ___________ values.


Quantitative feature takes two values: 10 and 20. Part of the first of them is equal to 30%. The average value is ...

The relationship between the signs can be considered significant at the value of the linear correlation coefficient ...

We have the following data for April in man-days: 2884 employees worked for the enterprise; all-day downtime amounted to 100; absenteeism at work - 1516; including in connection with days off - 1200. The personnel fund of working time is equal to _______ man-days. (2884 + 100 + 1516-1200)

National wealth is a set of accumulated material wealth, _______ at a given point in time.

which society has

periodic movement of the population from one settlement to another and vice versa, associated with work or study +

The characteristics of an institutional unit are…

carry out operations with other units+

the ability to manage their own material and financial resources +

maintenance of a full set of accounting accounts +

Determine the sector for which the primary income distribution account is built.

«Non-financial corporations»+

The sectors of the economy are…

financial institutions+


The distributive method of calculating GDP is the sum of ...

wages of employees, net taxes on production and imports, gross profit and gross mixed income+

If a named quantity is measured in natural units, then it is called ...

absolute indicator +

The programmatic and methodological issues of statistical observation include ...

determination of the purpose of observation+

The intergroup variance is 30, the total variance is 180. The coefficient of determination is ...

Calculate the average level of working capital for the six months, thousand rubles.

85. A set of units that have mass character, homogeneity, a certain integrity, interdependence of states and the presence of variation are called statistical (th) ...


In government finance statistics, the method in which flows are recorded at the time of receipt or payment of funds is called ...


One-time observation is accounting ...

housing stock of the population +

An employee for whom the collection of statistical data is a professional activity is called ...


Bringing the received data into the system, their processing and calculation of the results are carried out using the methods ...

summaries and groupings+

The general indicator of the securities market is called the index ...

Dow Jones+

A distribution series is presented that characterizes the number of deposits in Sberbank at the end of each year. The distribution number is...


The regression equation between the unit cost of production and overhead costs is calculated: . This means that as overhead costs rise by 1 ruble, the unit cost of production increases by ...

The ratio of the next level of the dynamics series to the current level is ...

growth factor+

The coefficient showing how much the level of consumption will change when the average per capita income (or price) changes by 1% is called the coefficient


The production of goods and services and their sale at prices, depending on the impact on demand, are called ...

market, non-market

Financial assets do not include...


If each value of the attribute is increased by 10 units, then the average ...

will increase by 10+

The value of goods consumed (excluding the consumption of fixed capital) and market services consumed in the production of other goods and services in a given period is ...

intermediate consumption+

If, after the calculations, the vitality coefficient is greater than one, then ...

excess of the number of births over the number of deaths+

The list number of employees of the enterprise is the number of ...

payroll employees for a certain number of the reporting period +

Depending on the presence of the main trend of the process under study, the series of dynamics are divided into ...

stationary and non-stationary+

Depending on the nature of the studied quantity, indices are distinguished ...

quantitative and qualitative indicators +

The assessment of the significance of the parameters of the regression model is carried out on the basis of ...

Student's t-test+

Fixed capital (funds) refers to ...

produced non-financial assets+

The decile coefficient of income differentiation shows ...

how many times the minimum income of the richest 10% of the population exceeds the maximum income of the 10% of the poorest population +

Current transfers include…

direct current taxes on income+

social security contributions+

Statistical observation is carried out by ...

conducting a specially organized collection of information from units of the statistical population +

The relative indicator of the implementation of the production plan was 103%, while the volume of production increased by 5% compared to the previous period. The plan provided for (-axis)

production growth+

In statistics, there is no such criterion of the standard of living as ...


116. Registration errors can be...

random, systematic+

Gross domestic product is the balancing item in the account...

production of goods and services+

The total value of products and services produced in the reporting period and including all market and non-market products and services is ...

gross output+

An indicator characterizing the intensity of the movement of labor resources for a certain period, in particular, the turnover rate, is the ratio of _______________ to the average number of employees.

the number of voluntary redundancies+

Based on the data presented in the table, the modal income is ...

The median in statistics is called ...

the value of the trait that occupies a central position in the distribution series+

A relationship in which a certain value of a factor attribute corresponds to one and only one value of the resulting attribute is called ...


The domestic economy covers the activities of…

non-residents in the economic territory of this country+

residents in the economic territory of a given country+

When comparing the indicators of each subsequent level with the one taken as a base, the dynamics indicators are determined by the _____________ method.


Define account name:

sector production account+

Capital transfers include...

grants for capital construction in other countries+

compensation for losses from natural disasters+

The concept of "production" in the SNA methodology includes ...

production of all goods and services+

illegal production of goods and services+

Groupings of business units in the SNA are carried out according to ...

institutional sectors+


Produced assets include:

fixed capital, inventories+

The purchasing power index of households, reflecting the change in real income, is defined as ...

the volume of goods that could be purchased for the amount of the average per capita disposable cash income of households +

The resident population is the persons ... habitually residing in a given territory, regardless of their location at the time of counting+

If a woman is the main employee of the enterprise and is currently on additional parental leave, then this employee of the enterprise is included in the ______________ headcount. list +

With a linear form of communication, the theoretical correlation ratio (R) and the linear correlation coefficient (r) ...

The replacement cost of fixed assets is...

real value of fixed assets at the time of revaluation+

If the actual time worked is divided by the maximum possible fund of working time, then as a result we get the utilization rate of ___________________ working time. maximum possible fund+

According to the data on the average academic score and the number of students in each of the academic groups of the faculty, the average student academic score for the faculty as a whole is determined by the average ...

arithmetic weighted+

If, with the same amount of labor costs, 10% more products were produced, labor productivity

increased by 10%+

Specially organized surveillance includes _______________ of the population.


Intermediate consumption includes the costs of … raw materials for the production of goods and services+

1. Socio-economic statistics uses the method

mass statistical observation

2. “Desperate” workers who would like to work but have stopped looking for a job

no longer counted in the labor force

3. The absolute content of 1% increase, equal to 70 rubles, shows that each percentage increase increases the next level by ______ rubles.

4. The absolute indicator of variation, which characterizes the degree of fluctuation of the trait around the average value, is

standard deviation

5. Absolute growth (chain) is calculated by the formula

6. Absolute growth is calculated as ___________ levels of the series


8. Aggregate price index shows

how many times increased (decreased) on average the level of prices for the mass of goods sold in the reporting period, compared with the base period

9. The share was purchased on the market at a price of 1100 rubles, the dividend was 100 rubles, the recurrence rate is _____(%) _______ (answer with an accuracy of 0.01)

10. The algebraic sum of linear deviations (differences) of individual values ​​of a feature from the arithmetic mean is equal to

11. Analysis of the tightness and direction of the connection of two signs is carried out on the basis of

pairwise correlation coefficient

12. The analytical expression of the connection is determined using the analysis


13. The balance of labor resources is compiled


14. The balancing function of price is that with its help

a balance is achieved between production and consumption

15. The book value of fixed assets is the cost

on which they are accounted for in the balance sheet of the enterprise

16. The banking system in the Russian Federation has _____ level(s)

17. The block of types of money includes indicators

cash in circulation

non-cash money supply

money multiplier

securities in circulation

18. The block of money supply indicators includes

monetary aggregate M1

19. A team of turners (3 people) is busy turning identical parts during an 8 hour working day. The 1st turner sharpens one part in 10 minutes, the 2nd - 15, the 3rd - 12. The average manufacturing time for one part is (min)

20. In 2005, the store's turnover amounted to 400 million rubles, while the plan was 360 million rubles. the relative indicator of the fulfillment of the trade turnover plan in 2005 amounted to

21. In 2005, the number of births in the region was 23,000 people, the average annual population was 230,000 people. The birth rate for the region in 2005 is ____ (‰) (answer in numbers)

22. In the balance sheet, the net worth of equity is

Non-financial assets + Financial assets - Financial liabilities

23. Depending on the range of tasks to be solved, diagrams are distinguished


24. In quantitative terms, the differences between GDP and GNP for developed countries, as a rule, do not exceed __________%

25. Inventory includes

productive reserves

unfinished production

26. Working capital includes

unfinished production

finished products

27. Fixed assets include


28. In February, the volume of sales doubled compared to January, in March it remained the same as in February, and in April, compared to March, it increased by 4 times. Average monthly growth rate compiled (%):

29. In February, the volume of sales doubled compared to January, in March it remained the same as in February, and in April, compared to March, it increased by 4 times. The average monthly growth rate was (%):

30. Gross domestic product is a value

final finished goods and services produced in the territory of a given country

31. Variation is change

feature values ​​in time and/or space

32. The value of banking assets per 100 thousand people reflects

scale of operations of local banks

33. The amount of sampling error is inversely proportional to the square root of _________

sample size

34. The probability of surviving to the age of x + 1 year is calculated by the formula

(lx - number of people surviving to age x)

35. The probability of dying at the age of x years to the age of x+1 is calculated by the formula

36. The type of statistical table is determined by:

static subject

static predicate

37. Newly created value is production

38. The age of three people was (years): 20, 30, 40. The average age will be:

equals 30 years

39. A sample formed by random selection of equal groups with subsequent observation of all units without exception in the selected groups - sample


40. Output in 2005 amounted to 480 thousand rubles, the average annual cost of fixed assets - 240 thousand rubles. The return on assets Ф0 is equal to ______ (answer in numbers)

41. The calculation of the value of money in the current period of time based on the future value is called


42. Freight turnover of transport is measured in


43. The grouping of banks by the amount of balance sheet assets, which reveals the relationship between the amount of balance sheet assets and balance sheet profit, is a grouping


44. The grouping of industrial enterprises by form of ownership is an example of grouping


45. A grouping in which a homogeneous population is divided into groups according to a feature is called


46. ​​A grouping that reveals the relationship between the studied phenomena and their features is called


47. Data characterizing the number of deposits in a commercial bank at the end of each year form a series:


50. Monetary aggregate M0 includes

cash in circulation

51. Cash flow is

52. The divisor is determined by the formula (Y is the length of the year in days, i is the annual interest rate (in %))

53. The discount factor is calculated by the formula

60. For a sample of 2,3,7, the arithmetic mean is: 4

61. For sample 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, the median is: 8

62. For a sample of 9, 25, the geometric mean is: 15

63. For the sample series 16, 14, 5, 10, 3, 0, structured into 2 groups with equal intervals, the value of the interval is 8

64. For sample series 3, 6, 9, the variance is 18

65. For the values ​​of the series of dynamics x1=8, x2=32, the absolute increase is 24

66. For the values ​​of the series of dynamics x1=8, x2=32, the growth factor is: 4

67. For the values ​​of the series of dynamics x1=8, x2=32, the growth rate is ____% 300

68. To study stochastic relationships, the method of comparing two parallel series is used.

69. For a visual representation of the series of dynamics, it is advisable to use linear diagrams

70. For a bond with a face value of 1000 rubles. and an annual coupon rate of 22%, the coupon yield is ____ (rub.) 220

71. For a linear pair regression equation, the condition means that with increasing x, the value of y increases

72. For February 2004 calendar time fund of an enterprise unit of 20 people. will be ______ (man-days) (answer in numbers) 580

73. For January 2006, the time sheet fund, if 30 people worked in January, holidays and days off amounted to 12 days, is equal to _____ (man-days) (answer in numbers) 570

74. A document that is an obligation of a bank to pay out deposits placed with them is

certificate of deposit

76. The capacity of the stock exchange market is determined by indicators

number of issuers listed

market capitalization

78. If n is the number of population units, then the Sturgess formula for determining the optimal number of groups k is k = 1 + 3.322×lgN

79. If GDP in current prices amounted to 260 billion rubles, the index - deflator - 1.3., then GDP in comparable prices is _______ (billion rubles) (answer in numbers)200

80. If D is the absolute level of the dividend, Pn is the nominal value of the share, then the annual dividend rate

81. If D - income on a bill; Рpr - the price at which the initial placement of the bill was made, then the profitability of the bill is determined by the formula

82. If Рн is the par value of the bond; ik - annual coupon rate (%), then the coupon yield of the bond

83. If the UK - the amount of the authorized capital; N is the number of issued shares, then the par value of the share (Рн)

84. If Xmax and Xmin are the maximum and minimum values ​​of the attribute, R = Xmax - Xmin is the range of variation, N is the number of population units, then the value of the equal interval

85. If the balance sheet profit is 40 thousand rubles, the cost of fixed and current assets is 250 thousand rubles, then the total profitability is _____ (%)

86. If unemployment is due to a phase of economic recession, then it is unemployment


87. If unemployment is associated with the transition of workers from one job to another, then this is unemployment


88. If the grouping is based on a factor attribute, then it is


89. If the value of the linear correlation coefficient is within 0.3-0.5, then the nature of the relationship:

90. If the weights of all individual feature values ​​are increased by 100 times, then the average value of the new feature

Will not change

91. If all units of the population are divided into qualitatively homogeneous groups according to the characteristics on which the studied indicators depend, then this is a sample


92. If all values ​​of a feature are reduced by the same value A, then the variance

Will not change

93. If all individual values ​​of a feature are increased by 100 units, then the average value of the new feature

will increase by 100 units

94. If all individual values ​​of a feature are reduced by 5 times, then the average value of the new feature

decrease by 5 times

95. If the price of turkeys was 125%, then the purchasing power index of money is (%):

96. If the linear correlation coefficient is equal to one, then the relationship between the signs


97. If as of 01.01 the number of unemployed is 6 thousand people, the economically active population is 60 thousand people, then the unemployment rate is ____ (%) (answer in numbers) 10

98. If the overall profitability was 20%, the average annual cost of fixed and working capital is 400 thousand rubles, then the balance sheet profit is ___ (thousand rubles) (answer in numbers) 80

99. If, according to sample data, the average dispersion, then the coefficient of variation is: 0.8

100. If information about the wages of workers in two shops is presented by the equations of earnings and wage funds, then the average level of wages should be determined by the formula of the average