Measures for the introduction of new equipment at the enterprise. New technologies in production. At this stage of calculations, knowing the cost of annual production as a result of the introduction of bunker units, you can calculate the coefficient of economic efficiency


Economic efficiency is the result of the use and dissemination of innovations, expressed in the growth of the final social product and national income.

The relevance of this topic - the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise - lies in the fact that in order to survive in a competitive market, the enterprise must constantly innovate in all areas of its activity. Therefore, research and development and their introduction into production are currently becoming an important element of entrepreneurial activity, and innovative activity is an integral condition for the effective development of an enterprise. Vasilyeva N.A., Mateush T.A., Mironov M.G. Enterprise economics: lecture notes. - M .: Yurayt-Izdat, 2007 .-- 191 p., P. 183.

The ingredients of innovation are scientific and technical novelty, industrial applicability and commercial feasibility.

In modern conditions, economic science must develop more effective methods of pricing, prices must be linked to the economic effect of the introduction of new technology.

The purpose of this test is to study the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise.

The object of the research is a set of theoretical and practical aspects of technologies for cargo handling of commodity flows.

The subject of the research is the wholesale trading company METRO Cash & Carry LLC.

A number of tasks follow from this topic that need to be considered:

· The value and main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise;

· Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise and the level of development of new equipment and technology on it;

· Economic efficiency of measures for new equipment and technology.

The value and main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise

According to the theory of production factors, the economic growth of a system of any level (from an individual enterprise to the national economy as a whole) is determined by future resource opportunities and optimal solutions for their use. prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkel. - 5th ed., Rev. and additional - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2008 .-- 767 p., p. 438.

But already at the present time it should be objectively recognized: the time of unlimited resources has passed. Problems of their effective use constantly arise, the solution of which requires the involvement of new knowledge in the social production.

Now, when material and other resources are constantly decreasing in the world, scientific and technological progress (STP) is a condition for solving the main economic problem.

STP is also the most important factor determining the nature and development of the economy of all countries of the world without exception. It has led to improved working conditions, shorter working weeks, increased production of goods and services, and their quality improvement.

Scientific and technological progress is an interconnected progressive development of science and technology.

The transformation of science, scientific knowledge into a direct productive force of society testifies to the fact that science in the most essential way, and in a positive way, affects every element of the productive forces of society, thereby transforming and strengthening them. For the results of scientific research ultimately lead to the improvement and emergence of fundamentally new tools and objects of labor, to an increase in the level of knowledge and qualifications of the labor force, which, in turn, is fundamental for the transformation and growth of the productive forces of society, and ultimately for the development economy.

In the economic management of production, the entire complex covered by the concept of "scientific and technological progress" can be conditionally divided into three stages:

1) fundamental scientific research and development;

2) applied scientific research, design and development and experimental development;

3) technical development of production based on the achievements of science and technology.

Scientific and technological progress affects labor productivity through the introduction of new technology, an increase in the number of machines and their effective use, as well as through the influence of science and technology on other factors of production that contribute to the growth of production per unit of working time. Among these factors, an important place is given to changes in the content and conditions of labor, its organization, the level of development of the labor force and the nature of its use.

The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress is understood as the ratio of the effect and the costs that caused it. Efficiency is a relative value, measured in fractions of a unit or percentage, and characterizing the effectiveness of costs. The criterion of effectiveness is maximizing the effect at a given cost or (more often) minimizing the cost of achieving a given effect.

In terms of efficiency, NTP differs in content, level and stages of the process. In terms of content, information (scientific and technical), resource and environmental, economic and social efficiency of scientific and technological progress are distinguished.

Economic efficiency is defined as the excess of the cost of evaluating the results over the costs for the entire research and production cycle. The total costs of scientific and technological progress are one-time and current costs of creating and mastering the corresponding innovations. One-off costs include capital investments for creating and mastering innovations.

Ongoing costs for new equipment include costing items.

The world economy shows that new technology should include:

Multifunctionality of the machine, its "flexibility" and the ability to readjust to the production of products of various modifications;

Multiple increase in unit capacity;

Equipped with electronics, which makes it possible to control and self-regulate the machine and perform a complex cycle of interrelated operations;

Changing the nature of the impact on the subject of labor, the use of radiation, sound, biochemical (laser radiation, ultrasound, blast waves, etc.) processes;

Higher efficiency.

All these features determine the machine's ability to intensify production processes.

For analysis, new techniques and technologies are divided into three categories:

1) A fundamentally new technique that has no analogues. It requires large financial costs and a long time (5 - 10 years) for design and manufacture. As a rule, this technique dramatically increases labor productivity and saves resources. Its acquisition is expensive for an enterprise, but with efficient operation, such machines make it possible to make a technological breakthrough, outstrip competitors and pay off rather quickly.

2) New equipment and technology of the modern scientific and technical level, but having analogues. This category of technology, as a rule, is borrowed from other industries or countries and requires 3-4 years to manufacture and "tie" to a specific production.

3) New technology as a result of modernization and rationalization work. This technique requires relatively low costs and a short implementation time (0.5 - 2 years). New equipment, progressive technology make it possible to raise labor productivity and the quality of products to a higher level.

In world practice, numerous indicators are used to analyze the technical level of production, the efficiency of new technology, the efficiency of the use of technology. However, these indicators can be reduced to three groups characterizing the impact of new technology on the dynamics and efficiency of intensification of production, i.e. to reduce material and labor costs per unit of production.

First group. Assesses the impact of tools of labor on the technical equipment of production. These include: the rate of renewal of equipment disposal; mechanization coefficient; the coefficient of physical wear and tear of equipment; average age of equipment; return on assets.

Second group. Evaluates the impact of new technology on objects of labor. This group of indicators includes: consumption of materials, the indicator of the specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy;

Third group. Assesses the impact of new technology on the workforce. This group of indicators should include: the technical equipment of labor, the coefficient of labor mechanization, the proportion of manual work, the electrical equipment of labor, the growth of labor productivity.

Generalizing indicators of the economic efficiency of new equipment and technology are:

Payback period for capital expenditures for new equipment;

Cost-effectiveness ratio for new equipment, i.e. an indicator that is the inverse of the payback period.

In Russia, the standard efficiency coefficient of new technology is set for the national economy at 0.15, which implies a payback period of up to 6.6 years.

In the transition to the market, the calculation costs additionally include depreciation deductions for the full restoration of fixed assets, taking into account the accelerated amortization of their active part, deductions to the repair fund, deductions for compulsory medical insurance, property insurance, interest payments for short-term bank loans.

The amortization fund often becomes the main source of the acquisition of new equipment, the cost of introducing new technology, necessary for the implementation of innovative activities. At the expense of the production development fund, it is possible to acquire new equipment, finance the costs of technical re-equipment, carry out the reconstruction of production Economy of an enterprise (organizations): Textbook for universities / ed. prof. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, prof. V.A. Shvandara. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2003 .-- 608 p., P. 446.

Also, according to funding sources, state budget costs (fundamental research developments), due to a bank loan, and the sale of shares are distinguished.

The introduction of new technology and analysis of the effectiveness of its implementation are very important for the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The introduction of new technology allows you to reduce the cost of production, which means an increase in the profit of the enterprise, as well as the analysis of the introduction of new technology allows the management of the enterprise to make the most optimal and accurate management decisions.

The increase in profit received due to the expansion of production volumes, as well as the increase in profit from reducing the cost of production, is part of the effect obtained from the introduction of new technology.

So, the purpose of introducing new equipment and technology is to reduce the cost of goods, and hence the price of goods, to make it cheaper, i.e. reduction of working time for the production of a unit of goods, reduction of material costs, increase in the capacity of fixed assets, etc. In market conditions, the introduction of new technology contributes to the fulfillment of the main task of the enterprise - to obtain maximum profit at minimum cost.

Market conditions for the development of the economy constantly put forward the requirements of not only quantitative, but also qualitative transformations. These transformations can be carried out using the most advanced technology, technology, continuously developing research base in order to ensure high quality innovation.

No enterprise can exist for any length of time without making significant improvements in its work. First of all, the quality of products is increasing, and their characteristics are progressing, as well as the means, methods and organization of production are being improved.

The tasks of complex improvement of technology and organization of production are directly linked to the needs of the market. First of all, the products that the enterprise should master, its potential consumers and competitors are determined. These issues are solved by engineers, marketers and economists, who develop a strategy for the development of the enterprise and its technical policy. On the basis of this policy, the market sector in which the company is going to gain a foothold and the direction of the technical development of production are determined.

When using new engineering solutions, production is forced to rely on scientific developments in the field of economics, sociology, mathematics, biology and other sciences. Thus, the concept of "introduction of new technology", which until recently was used by specialists, has expanded and became an integral part of the concept of "scientific and technological progress", which characterizes the development of science and technology and their practical application for solving the set socio-economic and political problems.

The main directions of scientific and technological progress are complex mechanization and automation, chemicalization, and electrification of production.

At the present stage, one of the most important directions of scientific and technological progress is complex mechanization and automation of production. This is understood as the widespread introduction of new related and complementary equipment in all areas of production, operations and types of work. It helps to intensify production, increase labor productivity, reduce the share of manual labor in production, facilitate and improve working conditions, and reduce the labor intensity of products.

The mechanization of labor is understood as the replacement of manual means of labor with machines and mechanisms using various types of energy, traction for their operation in the branches of material production or in the processes of labor activity. The mechanization of production also encompasses the sphere of mental labor. The main goals of mechanization are to increase labor productivity and free a person from performing heavy, labor-intensive and tedious operations. Mechanization contributes to the rational and economical use of raw materials, materials and energy, reducing costs and improving product quality. Along with the improvement and renewal of technical means and technology, the mechanization of production is inextricably linked with an increase in the level of qualifications and organization of production, a change in the qualifications of workers, and the use of methods of scientific organization of labor. The mechanization of production is one of the main directions of technical progress, ensures the development of productive forces and serves as a material basis for increasing the efficiency of social production, which develops by intensive methods.

The level of production mechanization is assessed by various indicators.

The coefficient of mechanization of production is a value measured by the ratio of the volume of products produced with the help of machines to the total volume of production.

In modern conditions, the task is to complete comprehensive mechanization in all sectors of the production and non-production spheres, to make a major step in the automation of production with the transition to workshops and automated enterprises, to automated control and design systems.

The main indicators characterizing the level of mechanization are:

a) the coefficient of mechanization of production (work):

Kma = Vm (a) / Vtotal,

where Kma is the coefficient of mechanization of production (work);

Vm (a) - the volume of products (work) produced with the help of machines and mechanisms, in value or in kind;

Vtotal - the total volume of products (work) produced at the enterprise, in value or in kind;

Automation of production is understood as a process in the development of machine production, in which the functions of management and control, previously performed by a person, are transferred to instruments and automatic devices. Automation of production is the basis for the development of modern industry, the general direction of technical progress. Its goal is to increase labor efficiency, improve the quality of products, and create conditions for the optimal use of all production resources.

Among the areas of integrated automation - the introduction of rotary and rotary-conveyor lines, automatic lines for mass production and the creation of automated enterprises, as well as the creation of complex-automated sections of machine tools and their control using a computer, which increases productivity many times over.

Automation of production does not mean the unconditional complete displacement of man by automata, but the direction of his actions, the nature of his relationship with the machine changes; human labor takes on a new qualitative color, becomes more complex and meaningful. The center of gravity in a person's labor activity is shifted to the maintenance of automatic machines and to analytical and administrative activities.

Computerization of production plays a colossal role in the complex automation of production.

Computerization is the process of the expanded introduction of electronic computing technology into all spheres of human life, which developed in the middle of the 20th century. with the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution and marked the beginning of the era of informatization. Computerization is the basis for the technical re-equipment of production, a necessary condition for increasing its efficiency.

Automation of production is one of the main factors of the modern scientific and technological revolution, which opens up unprecedented opportunities for humanity to transform nature, create enormous material wealth, and multiply human creative abilities.

Scientific and technological progress is a continuous process. Today, the key areas of development of the STP proper are the following:

Comprehensive automation of production, including the development of flexible automated production;

Wide use of robots, computer-aided design systems;

Creation of deserted industries;

W computerization based on microprocessor technology and a wide range of electronic devices;

The development of energy, primarily nuclear, as well as the search and use of new energy sources;

Ш creation of new means of transport and communication;

Mastering membrane, laser, plasma and other technologies;

The rapid development of biotechnology, the creation of new products Enterprise Economics: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. V.P. Gruzinova. - M .: Banks and Birzhi, UNITI, 2003 .-- 535 p., P. 296.

The technical re-equipment of an individual enterprise or its subdivision is usually understood as such a form of renewal of the production apparatus, when the old production equipment and technology are permanently replaced with a new one with higher technical and economic indicators. Moreover, such a replacement is carried out without a significant expansion of the production area.

Reconstruction, as a rule, includes measures related to both the replacement of obsolete and physically worn out machinery and equipment, and the improvement and restructuring of buildings and structures. The reconstruction of enterprises, as a rule, is carried out in connection with the diversification of production and the development of the release of new products, which allows significant savings in capital investments, the use of the available qualified labor force for the development of new products, without attracting additional workers. The reconstruction is aimed at increasing the technical level of production and products and contributes to a faster (in comparison with new construction) development of production capacities.

Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises are more efficient than new construction and are distinguished by a more progressive structure of capital investments, without significant costs for the construction of buildings and structures.

World experience shows that sustainable development of production in the long term depends to a greater extent not so much on real resource opportunities as on the innovative nature of entrepreneurship in this area. Strategic development objectives form new approaches to entrepreneurship. To solve them, an innovative entrepreneur is needed, acting professionally in conditions of increased risks that objectively arise when new knowledge is introduced into the production sphere. It is the innovative changes that create the foundations for economic growth and the transition of the system to a new quality.

Innovation (English "innovation" - innovation, innovation, innovation) means the use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, new forms of organization of production and labor, service and management. The concepts of "innovation", "innovation", "innovation" are often identified, although there are differences between them.

Innovation means a new order, a new method, an invention, a new phenomenon. The phrase innovation literally means the process of using the innovation. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, the innovation acquires a new quality and becomes an innovation (innovation) V.D. Gribov, V.P. Gruzinov. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. Workshop. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2004 .-- 336 p., P. 193

Innovation is the end result of the introduction of an innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific and technical or other type of effect.

Innovation activity is a process aimed at introducing the results of scientific research and development into entrepreneurial activity. This process can go in the following directions:

ь modernization of manufactured products and development of new types of products;

ь introduction into production of new progressive technologies, equipment, materials;

ь introduction into production and management of information technologies;

ь application of new methods and means of organizing production, labor and management Vasilyeva N.A., Mateush T.A., Mironov M.G. Enterprise economics: lecture notes. - M .: Yurayt-Izdat, 2007 .-- 191 p., P. 184.

The main directions of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise cover the following areas of the enterprise:

Creation, development, improvement of the quality and competitiveness of products;

Introduction of progressive technology, mechanization and automation of production;

Improving the organization of production, labor and technology;

Saving materials, energy, fuel;

Renovation, overhaul and modernization of fixed assets;

Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

Improvement of the labor motivation system;

effective management of cash flows, securities, increasing the liquidity of assets.

Conclusion: Innovation activities are aimed at using and commercializing the results of research and development to expand and update the range and improve the quality of products, improve their production technology with subsequent implementation in the domestic and foreign markets.

The introduction of new technologies as one of the factors of technological development. Assessment indicators

Introduction 3
technological development 4
2. Planning the technical development of the enterprise 8
3. The effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies 10
Conclusion 15
References 17
One of the priority goals of technological development is to ensure long-term economic growth. This refers to the production of more and better quality goods and services and, as a consequence, a higher standard of living of the population.
Economists, studying the problems of industrial policy, conclude that economic growth is based on two processes1:
a change in technological structures, contributing to the creation of production of new goods or an increase in the efficiency of production of previously mastered goods;
an increase in the scale of production based on the potentials of technological structures already established in the country - a set of technical methods of production of goods and services and the most appropriate organizational and economic forms of economic activity.
The economic process that is currently taking place in Russia, the development of the market and market relations, a decrease in production volumes, an increase in the number of insolvent enterprises and organizations have changed the mechanism for managing scientific and technological progress, influenced the pace and nature of research, development and design survey work, for the development and implementation of innovations (innovations), as the basis for economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the organization and the economy as a whole.
In this regard, the issue of innovations is of particular importance.
1. Innovation activity as a factor
technological development
The development of innovation activities of enterprises in Russia is extremely complicated by the inability of the old innovation management system to the new economic conditions.
Large-scale restructuring of property, reorganization of production, conversion of the defense industry pose the problem of the survival of enterprises and their economic growth.
The innovation policy of enterprises should be aimed at increasing the production of fundamentally new types of products and technologies, expanding the sale of domestic goods, and this requires the formation and development of innovative entrepreneurship.
In connection with innovation, two models of entrepreneurship are distinguished: classical and innovative.
The classic model is traditional, reproductive, routine entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur within the framework of this model activates the internal reserves of the enterprise to increase profits, increase profitability. The success of entrepreneurship according to this model is often associated with subsidies, protectionism on the part of the federal government and regional authorities.
The second model appears to be innovative (productive) entrepreneurship. At the same time, it is supposed to search for such ways of enterprise development, which are based on innovations or innovations brought to the stage of final use.
The actual novelty of a product or process should always lead to an increase in the economic effect of its use. Novelty is absolute, relative and partial. Novelty is considered to be absolute if there are no analogues for a particular innovation. The novelty will be relative if it concerns an innovation that is being introduced for the first time at a given enterprise, but has already been applied at other enterprises. Partial novelty is the renewal of an element, a unit of a product.
According to the degree of novelty, innovations are distinguished as basic, improving and pseudo-innovations2.
Basic innovations implement major inventions and are the basis for the formation of new generations and directions for the development of technology.
Improving innovations are associated with the introduction of small and medium-sized inventions and prevail at the stages of diffusion and stable development of the scientific and technological cycle.
Pseudo-innovations are aimed at partial improvement of outdated types of equipment and technology.
According to their role in the reproduction process, innovations are classified into consumer and investment ones, according to the degree of complexity (or scale) - into complex (synthetic) and simple innovations.
For reasons of origin, innovation is divided into two types: reactive and strategic.
Reactive innovation is aimed at the survival of the firm, it emerges as a reaction to radical innovation changes carried out by competitors.
Strategic innovation is proactive and aimed at gaining significant competitive advantage in the long term.
By the nature of the application, they are distinguished:
product innovations, which are aimed at the production and use of new products and services;
market innovations that open up new areas of application of products and allow meeting the needs for products and services in new markets;
innovation-processes aimed at new technologies, process organization and management;
social innovations focused on the construction and functioning of new social structures;
complex innovations representing the unity of several types of changes.
The incentives for the development of innovations at the enterprise are the desire to reduce the costs of entrepreneurial activity and increase the mass of profits in conditions of fierce market competition. In the process of using outdated technologies and techniques, costs are formed at a level above average, and entrepreneurship can become unprofitable if competitors have managed to find ways to conquer the sales market based on lower production costs and low prices of products and services offered.
Thus, using innovations, the company reduces costs, increases production volumes, conquers sales markets, increases the mass of profits, contributes to increasing the efficiency of entrepreneurship and the development of the national economy.
The concept of "innovation" can be applied to those innovations, the costs of the creation and implementation of which are paid off within the specified time frame. The period of time from the conception of an idea to the practical implementation of an innovation is called the innovation life cycle.
The life cycle of the introduction of a new technology encompasses 4 stages, the sequence of which can be seen in Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Functional sequence
innovation process
At the first stage, fundamental research is carried out in scientific organizations, as a result of which new scientific knowledge is formed.
The second stage is characterized by applied and experimental research with a practical focus. At this stage, there is a high probability of obtaining negative results, therefore, the development of innovations is often risky.
At the third stage, design and technological documentation is prepared, and the intermediate results of innovations are presented as prototypes of new products, experimental use of new technologies.
The fourth stage - the commercialization of the innovation - continues from the moment it is launched into production until it appears on the market as a product.
The life cycle of a product ends with the disappearance of this product from the sales markets.
The development of innovative processes is influenced by various groups of factors: economic, technological, political, legal, organizational and managerial, socio-psychological, cultural. Some factors contribute to innovation, others hinder. / For example, in the group of economic and technological factors, the availability of the necessary financial resources, material and technical means, progressive technologies, economic and scientific and technical infrastructure has a positive impact on the innovation activity of the enterprise. In the same group of factors, innovation activity is hampered by the lack or lack of funds for investment, the weakness of the material and scientific and technical base, the predominance of the interests of current production, etc. Similar examples can be given for other groups of factors.
2. Planning the technical development of the enterprise
The task of planning is to ensure the development of the national economy, industries and enterprises (firms) on a qualitatively new basis, based on the intensification of production. To solve it, planning should be based on the following principles: purposefulness, complexity, continuity and scientific character.
Purposefulness presupposes the concentration of financial, material and labor resources on solving the most important problems of the development of science and technology. An indispensable condition is a clear definition of the goal that must be achieved in the planning period. At the same time, capital construction, the introduction of new technology, material and technical support are not independent planning objects. They become means to an end and are provided for in a planning document.
In planning the development of science and technology, the principle of purposefulness has not found wide application. In most sectoral research institutes, it was not the purpose or outcome of research that was planned, but its process. Completion of the assignment was considered to be the expenditure of the allocated funds to carry out the work.
The complexity of planning is a set of activities that form a single deterministic system. This principle requires taking into account, on the one hand, all factors influencing the solution of the task, and on the other hand, all the consequences of the influence of the results obtained on the surrounding objects.
First of all, state financial, labor and material and technical resources, capital investment limits for construction and installation work are allocated for the programs.
One of the forms of planning is a plan for the technical re-equipment of production.
The main objective of the enterprise development plan is to develop a set of measures to improve the technical and organizational level of production based on the widespread use of the achievements of science, technology and advanced experience.
The plan for technical development and organization of production includes the following sections3:
a) mastering the production of new types and improving the quality of products;
b) the introduction of progressive technology, mechanization and automation of production processes;
c) improvement of management, planning and organization of production;
d) the introduction of the scientific organization of labor (NOT);
e) overhaul of fixed assets;
f) research and development work; g) the main technical and economic indicators of the level of production and products.
The development of a plan for technical development and organization of production should be ahead of the development of all other sections of the enterprise plan, since this section is the justification for many of its indicators.
For all the measures included in the plan, the costs necessary for their implementation are determined, the performers and the deadlines are appointed, the conditionally annual savings are calculated and until the end of the year, the effect of measures on increasing capacity, increasing labor productivity, reducing the cost of production, increasing profits, increasing technical and economic level of production of manufactured products.
3. The effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies
The effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies is the degree of achievement of the set goals, measured by the ratio of the effect to the costs that caused it. In accordance with the goals, this efficiency is socio-economic in its content.
Socio-economic efficiency is a set of relations regarding the achievement of the final social result - a more complete satisfaction of the needs of society in products, services and information - in order to improve the well-being and all-round development of the individual. In the process of achieving this result, economic resources are spent, so the interrelated economic and social aspects of efficiency can be considered separately.
Performance indicator is a quantitative measure, the value of which ensures the effectiveness of innovations. The effect of an innovation is its result, a specific product of the innovation, which is an organic component and the basis of the production effect4.
The economic effect is defined as the excess of the cost of evaluating the results over the costs for the entire research and production cycle. The total costs of introducing new technologies are one-time and recurring costs of creating and mastering the corresponding innovations. One-off costs include capital investments for creating and mastering innovations.
These include the costs of:
1) research and development work, experimental, technological, design work;
2) development of production and finalization of prototypes;
3) purchase, delivery, installation of equipment;
4) the cost of construction of buildings, structures;
5) accumulation of working capital;
6) prevention of resource and environmental losses;
7) prevention of negative social consequences;
8) creation of social infrastructure in connection with the attraction of additional personnel.
For analysis, new techniques and technologies are divided into three categories:
1. A fundamentally new technique that has no analogues. It requires large financial costs and a long time (5-10 years) for the design and manufacture. As a rule, this technique dramatically increases labor productivity and saves resources. Its acquisition is expensive for an enterprise, but with efficient operation, such machines make it possible to make a technological breakthrough, outstrip competitors and pay off rather quickly.
2. New equipment and technology of the modern scientific and technical level, but having analogues.
This category of technology, as a rule, is borrowed from other industries or countries and requires 3-4 years to manufacture and "link" to a specific production.
3. New technology as a result of modernization and rationalization work. This technique requires relatively low costs and a short time (0.5-2 years) to implement.
New equipment, progressive technology make it possible to raise labor productivity and the quality of products to a higher level.
In world practice, numerous indicators are used to analyze the technical level of production, the efficiency of new technology, the efficiency of the use of technology. All this variety of generalizing and particular indicators can be reduced to three groups characterizing the impact of new technology on the dynamics and efficiency of intensification of production, i.e. to reduce material and labor costs per unit of production.
The first group assesses the impact of tools of labor on the technical equipment of production. These include: the rate of renewal of equipment disposal; mechanization coefficient; the coefficient of physical wear and tear of equipment; average age of equipment; return on assets.
The second group is the impact of new technology on objects of labor. This group of indicators includes: material consumption, the indicator of the specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy.
The third group assesses the impact of new technology on the workforce. This group of indicators should include: the technical equipment of labor, the coefficient of labor mechanization, the proportion of manual work, the electrical equipment of labor, the growth of labor productivity.
Generalizing indicators of the economic efficiency of new equipment and technology are: the payback period of capital costs for new equipment and the coefficient of cost effectiveness for new equipment, that is, an indicator that is the reciprocal of the payback period.
In Russia, the standard efficiency coefficient of new technology is set for the national economy at 0.15, which implies a payback period of up to 6.6 years.
Socio-economic efficiency at the enterprise level is determined by the introduction of individual innovations and their complexes. At the same time, innovations are considered effective, the absolute efficiency of which (Eabs) is not lower than the normative (En) and basic:
Eabs = Дчп / Кнт5,
where PP is the increase in net production (self-supporting income) in
as a result of innovations;
Кнт - costs.
The profitability of costs for scientific and technical progress, which is especially important to take into account, is the ratio of the increase in profit to the costs that caused it. The term of return (payback) of capital expenditures for innovations (Current) is determined by the formula:
Current =,
where P is the profit received in t g as a result of the use of the innovation.
The increase in profit (? P) as a result of the introduction of new technology is calculated by the formula:
? П = (Ц2 - С2) А2 - (Ц1 - C1) A1,
where Ts1, Ts2 are the wholesale price of a unit of production before and after innovations;
C1, C2 - unit cost before and after innovations;
A1, A2 - production of products, pcs.
At the same time, the influence of various factors on profit is established. STP provides an increase in profits due to two factors - a decrease in cost (a decrease in unit costs of wages, material costs, insurance payments per unit of production, a change in depreciation deductions, expenses for the maintenance and operation of equipment) and an increase in product quality (premiums to the wholesale price and an increase in volume production due to cheaper and higher quality products).
The increase in profit per ruble of implementation costs is calculated as the ratio of the amount of the increase in profit from the introduction of new technology to the amount of costs for this implementation.
For innovations, when using which the costs and results, including the volume and quality of products, do not change over the years of the billing period, the economic effect Ee is determined by the formula:
Uh =,
where Pr and Zr are the results of the innovation (main and accompanying in the cost estimate), respectively, unchanged over the years of the billing period.
Zr = I + (Kr + En) K,
where And - the annual current costs when using the innovation
(excluding depreciation for renovation);
En - the standard for bringing the one-time costs and results,
numerically equal to the efficiency standard
investment (E = 0.15);
K - one-time costs;
Kr is the standard for the renovation of fixed assets when using
innovations taking into account the factor of time.
Calculations of the effect of new technologies at the stage of forming R&D plans are performed by the developers on the basis of the technical and economic indicators of the innovation, agreed with the main consumer. At the subsequent stages, when forming a plan for economic and social development, the calculation is carried out by the developer together with the manufacturer in agreement with the main consumer (customer).
An innovation policy in the Russian economy should contribute to the development of scientific and technical potential, the formation of modern technological structures in the sectors of the economy, the displacement of outdated structures and an increase in the competitiveness of products. The defining condition for the transfer of scientific research results for their development in production is the creation and development of a system of commercial forms of interaction between science and production in Russia based on the experience of Japan, the USA, Germany and other developed countries.
The innovation policy of the Russian state provides for the following main directions:
development and improvement of regulatory support for innovation, mechanisms to stimulate it, a system of institutional transformations, protection of intellectual property in the innovation sphere and its introduction into economic circulation;
creation of a system of comprehensive support for innovation, production development, increasing competitiveness and export of science-intensive products;
development of small innovative entrepreneurship by creating favorable conditions for the formation and successful functioning of small high-tech organizations and providing them with state support at the initial stage of their activities;
implementation of critical technologies and priority areas that can transform the relevant sectors of the economy of the country and its regions;
the use of dual-use technologies for the production of both weapons and military equipment, and for civilian products;
improvement of the system of repayable financing of innovative projects and applied developments carried out at the expense of the federal budget on a competitive basis.
In the complex of measures for the implementation of an active innovation policy in Russia, institutional transformations play an important role, including privatization, the creation of financial and industrial groups, market innovation structures (for example, innovation exchanges), demonopolization in the innovation sphere, small business, etc. It is also necessary to improve legislative and legal conditions for the implementation of innovation policy.
Innovation Management: Textbook / Under. ed. S. D. Ilyenkova. - M .: UNITI, 1999.
Medynsky V.G., Sharshukova L.G. Innovative Entrepreneurship: A Study Guide. - M .: INFRA-M, 2000.
Industrial Policy: Choosing a Development Path for the Next Two Years. Report of the Expert Institute. // Economic Issues. - No. 11. - 2002.
A. V. Rudnev Innovation management. - M .: GAU, 1998.
Science and innovation statistics. Brief terminological dictionary. / Ed. L.M. Hochberg. - M., 1999.
Organization management: Textbook / ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Solomatina. - M .: INFRA-M, 1998.
Enterprise Economics and Industry / Ed. Pelikha A.S. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 1999.

1 Industrial Policy: Choosing a Development Path for the Next Two Years. Report of the Expert Institute // Problems of Economics. - No. 11. - 2002.S. 9-11. 2 Medynsky V.G., Sharshukova L.G. Innovative Entrepreneurship: A Study Guide. - M .: INFRA-M, 2000. P. 38. 3 Economy of the enterprise and industry / Ed. Pelikha A.S. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 1999.S. 307-308. 4 Rudnev A.V. Innovation management. - M .: GAU, 1998. S. 113. 5 Hereinafter, the formulas are given according to the publication: Economy of the enterprise and industry / Ed. Pelikha A.S. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 1999.S. 313-316. 2

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1. Theoretical foundations of implementation new technology

1.1 Efficiency b scientific and technological progress

1.2 The economic essence of indicators effect and the introduction of new technology

1.3 Evaluation of the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology


2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise

2.2 Main technical and economic indicators

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of EQUIPMENT and justification of the introduction of new technology at the enterprise

3.1 Economic efficiency of the implemented equipment

3.2 Measures for the introduction of progressive new technology


List of used literature


In modern conditions, economic science must develop more effective methods of pricing, prices must be linked to the economic effect of the introduction of new technology.

The transition to market relations requires profound shifts in the economy - a decisive area of ​​human activity.

The most important factor in increasing the efficiency of social production, ensuring its high efficiency has been and remains scientific and technological progress. Until recently, scientific and technological progress proceeded, in fact, evolutionary. The priority was given to the improvement of existing technological processes, partial modernization of machinery and equipment, and the introduction of new technology. Such measures provided some, but insignificant, returns. Fundamental changes in technology and technology, the mobilization of all, not only technical, but also organizational, economic and social factors will create the preconditions for a significant increase in labor productivity.

The purpose of the introduction of new technology is to reduce the cost of goods, and hence the price of goods, to make it cheaper, i.e. reduction of working time for the production of a unit of goods, reduction of material costs, increase in the capacity of fixed assets, etc. In market conditions, the introduction of new technology contributes to the fulfillment of the main task of the enterprise - to obtain maximum profit at minimum cost. The increase in profit received due to the expansion of production volumes, as well as the increase in profit from reducing the cost of production, is part of the effect obtained from the introduction of new technology.

Improving the efficiency of production activities of enterprises is largely achieved through the annual introduction of a significant amount of new technology. Among such events, the leading role belongs to those that ensure an increase in the technical level of production and product quality.

The problem of introducing progressive technological processes and new technology in our country in connection with the ongoing economic crisis is of particular importance.

The significant relevance of the topic, as well as insufficient development, predetermined the goal and objectives of this study.

The purpose of this course work is to consider the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology and assess the effectiveness of their use.

The purpose of the study is concretized in its tasks:

- consider the main technical and economic indicators LLP "Konstantin and K" ;

- consider the theoretical foundations for the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology;

Analyze the implementation of progressive technological processes and new technology at the investigated enterprise;

To consider the directions of improvement, the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology at the investigated enterprise;

Evaluate the effectiveness of the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology.

The purpose and objectives of the study determined its structure, including an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of used literature, annexes. The subject of the research is the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology. The object of this study is the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology on Constantine and K LLP.

1. Theoretical foundations for the introduction of new technology

1.1 The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress

The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress is the degree of achievement of the goal of scientific and technological progress, measured by the ratio of the effect to the costs that caused it. In accordance with the goal of scientific and technological progress, this efficiency is socio-economic in its content. Performance indicators are a quantitative measure, the value of which ensures the effectiveness of innovations. The effect of STP is its result, a specific product of innovation, which is an organic component and the basis of the production effect. The effects of NTP differ in content, level and process stages. In terms of content, the following are distinguished:

The information effect of scientific and technological progress is a direct result of research, development and development of innovations associated with the accumulation of new knowledge, advanced technical and organizational experience and work skills. It develops the scientific, scientific, technical and intellectual potential of society, individual labor collectives and regions.

The economic effect of scientific and technological progress is the result of the use and dissemination of innovations, expressed in the growth of the final social product and national income. Three types of economic effect can be distinguished: saving social labor while meeting needs (reducing the cost of a unit of useful effect, operating costs, specific capital investments), volumetric and structural effect. The volumetric economic effect is associated with the satisfaction of new social needs and an increase in the volume of sales on this basis. The creation of new, more productive machines contributes to better satisfaction of the production volume. The structural economic effect is due to shifts in the distribution of resources between industries, regions and areas of employment.

The resource effect of scientific and technological progress is associated with its ability to compensate for scarce resources of the national economy, free them up for expanded production, and also involve previously unused resources into circulation. Its indicators are the release of labor, savings and replacement of scarce materials and raw materials, as well as the involvement of new resources in the national economic circulation, the complexity of the use of raw materials. The ecological effect of scientific and technological progress is closely related to resources - a change in the state of the environment.

The social effect of scientific and technological progress is to create more favorable conditions for the use of the creative forces of workers, for the all-round development of the individual. This is manifested in the improvement of working conditions and labor protection, reduction of heavy physical labor, increase in free time, and an increase in the material and cultural standard of living of workers.

It is impossible to compare these types of effects in terms of value. At the same time, part of the economy of social labor accompanying the structural, resource, environmental and social effect can be calculated.

According to the level of reflected economic interests, the national economic and self-supporting socio-economic effects are distinguished. The national economic effect is the full effect of the maximum satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of society in all spheres of activity at the lowest total cost. It assumes the sum of the resulting effect of enterprises producing and using new equipment, as well as the effect received by consumers in the non-production sphere.

Depending on the stage of the cycle, one distinguishes between the actual effect obtained as a result of the assimilation and dissemination of the innovation in the national economy, and the expected - the potential result that can be obtained.

Self-supporting effect is a form of the national economic effect embodied in profit and other results of economic activity.

The economic effect of scientific and technological progress is defined as the excess of the cost of evaluating the results over the costs for the entire research and production cycle. The total costs of scientific and technological progress are one-time and current costs of creating and mastering the corresponding innovations. One-off costs include capital investments for creating and mastering innovations. These include the costs of: research and development work, experimental, technological, design work; development of production and finalization of prototypes; purchase, delivery, installation of equipment; the cost of building buildings, structures; accumulation of working capital; prevention of resource and environmental losses; prevention of negative social consequences; creation of social infrastructure in connection with the attraction of additional personnel. Ongoing costs for new equipment include costing items.

The world economy shows that new technology should include:

Multifunctionality of the machine, its "flexibility" and the ability to readjust to the production of products of various modifications;

Multiple increase in unit capacity;

Equipped with electronics, which makes it possible to control and self-regulate the machine and perform a complex cycle of interrelated operations;

Changing the nature of the impact on the subject of labor, the use of radiation, sound, biochemical (laser radiation, ultrasound, blast waves, etc.) processes;

Higher efficiency.

All these features determine the machine's ability to intensify production processes. In world practice, numerous indicators are used to analyze the technical level of production, the efficiency of new technology, the efficiency of the use of technology. All this variety of generalizing and particular indicators can be reduced to three groups characterizing the impact of new technology on the dynamics and efficiency of intensification of production, i.e. to reduce material and labor costs per unit of production.

Table 1.1 - Impact of new technology on the dynamics and efficiency of intensification of production

Group number


What belongs

The first

instruments of labor for technical equipment of production

equipment retirement renewal rate; mechanization coefficient; the coefficient of physical wear and tear of equipment; average age of equipment; return on assets

The second

new technology for objects of labor

material consumption, an indicator of the specific consumption of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy.

The third

new technology for labor

technical equipment of labor, the coefficient of mechanization of labor, the proportion of manual work, the electrical equipment of labor, the growth of labor productivity.

Generalizing indicators of the economic efficiency of new equipment and technology are: the payback period of capital costs for new equipment and the cost-effectiveness ratio for new equipment, i.e. an indicator that is the inverse of the payback period.

In the transition to the market, the calculation costs additionally include depreciation deductions for the full restoration of fixed assets, taking into account the accelerated amortization of their active part, deductions to the repair fund, deductions for compulsory medical insurance, property insurance, interest payments for short-term bank loans.

1.2 The economic essence of performance indicators implemented rhenium of new technology, technology

The concept of new technology covers new and modernized designs of machines, mechanisms and devices, buildings and structures, raw materials, materials, technological processes that are superior in their technical and economic indicators to the existing ones. The costs of the production of new equipment are reduced mainly to capital investments for these purposes, and the results are to increase the volume of production, make it cheaper, improve quality, and increase labor productivity. Along with the new, already used, albeit on an insufficient scale, technology, there is the latest technology, which is at the initial stages of production and implementation. It includes, for example, fast neutron reactors, fifth-generation computers, the latest types of robots, etc. The newest technology requires large capital investments in development, transfer to mass production, advancement in applications, but it can have a very significant effect in the future. The new technique requires less capital investments for implementation and improvement, gives a limited in size, but obtained in a short time and quickly realized effect.

The economic efficiency of new technology is determined by the same methods as the efficiency of capital investments, i.e. by comparing the costs of new technology with the effect obtained from its use. The difference is between the absolute (general) and comparative effectiveness of the new technology. Absolute - measured by the ratio of the effect obtained from the new technology (in the form of an increase in output and a decrease in its cost or an increase in profits) to the cost of its creation and implementation. Comparative efficiency is used to select the optimal from the available options for new technology, by determining the payback period of the difference in capital investments for the compared options by saving on current costs or by comparing the reduced costs by options. The economic efficiency of new technology is calculated over the entire cycle of work on its creation and implementation, including scientific development, design and budgeting, production of a prototype and its testing, product release and its implementation. Efficiency is determined in relation to the maximum possible scale of implementation under optimal conditions and actually possible volumes for five years and years. At the same time, it is calculated: reduction of costs for the production of new equipment in comparison with the equivalent in power of the old; increase in product output due to the use of new technology; an increase in profit for the manufacturer and the consumer due to an increase in the volume of products, a decrease in production costs and changes in prices.

The transition to the manufacture of new products is associated with additional costs of the manufacturer for its development, which at first may lead to a reduction in profits or losses. Consumers may also incur additional costs for the use of new technology. They are offset by higher profits as production increases and production costs decrease. During the development period, the increase in costs and losses can be covered by bank loans. The price of new equipment should be set at such a level to ensure the interest of producers in the production, and consumers - in the use of new technology. The use of new technology, in addition to improving cost accounting indicators, leads to the release of workers, the facilitation and improvement of working conditions, a decrease in the consumption of materials, including scarce materials, and an increase in the quality and reliability of products.

The planned economic efficiency of new technology is determined by the planned data on the volume of production, cost, and return on capital investments. Data on the planned and actual economic efficiency of new technology are used to determine the desirable directions of its development and when planning its implementation. When planning the effectiveness of new equipment, when the price is not yet known, the costs of new equipment can be determined according to estimates for its manufacture, and in the absence of estimates - according to consolidated standards and taking into account analogues. The actual efficiency may differ from the planned one when the scale of production changes, the prices of materials, and the creation of new production facilities. The actual efficiency is compared with the planned one, as well as with the indicators calculated on the basis of the invariability of the technical base and the volume of production. The costs of new equipment are added to the costs of its delivery and installation, to the construction of production facilities (or the savings on capital investments due to the freed up areas are deducted), as well as the costs of increasing (or deducting savings) of working capital associated with the introduction of new technology. The data obtained is compared with the costs that would have been required with the previous technical base and the same volume of production. In addition to capital investments, the cost of production for new and old equipment is also compared. If an increase in production is associated with the introduction of new technology, then the cost price is recalculated for the increased volume, taking into account the conditionally constant part of the costs and its changes.

1.3 Evaluation of the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology

A generalized assessment of the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology is carried out on the basis of summary data that reflect the effect of the implementation. This makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the degree of fulfillment of the task on the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology and to study the trends in its development and dynamics.

The main generalizing indicator of the efficiency of scientific and technical enterprises - the growth rate of the production efficiency of specific types of products from the introduction of new technology is determined by the formula:

Ent = Ei / Znt * 100

Where Ent is the rate of increase in the efficiency of specific types of products from the introduction of new technology

Ei - saving labor costs during the use of new equipment

Zn - total labor costs for the production of specific types of products during the use of new technology

Saving labor costs during the use of new technology is calculated on the basis of data on the unit price, on the volume of production of specific types of products, on labor costs for the production of products before and after the introduction of new technology.

The results of a generalized assessment of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology are used to determine the scale of its impact on economic indicators that characterize the efficiency of economic activity. Such an assessment should be carried out for all groups of indicators: for a group of generalizing indicators of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology for the use of labor resources, capital investments of fixed assets, depreciation costs and material costs.

Evaluation of the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology allows enterprises to plan their future activities most accurately, both in the field of innovations, and to make the most optimal management decisions.

The fulfillment and overfulfillment of the main results of economic activity and the increase in production efficiency depend, first of all, on the completeness of the implementation of the plan for the introduction of new technology, which includes the technical re-equipment of the enterprise, which ensures an increase in the technical and economic level of production and products. Therefore, the task of analyzing the implementation of the plan for the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology is to establish the reasons that influenced the deviation of the actual performance indicators from the plan. The results of such an analysis are used in the future to develop management decisions aimed at eliminating the shortcomings identified during the analysis, as well as to assess the work of functional services and departments that took part in the implementation of scientific and technical measures.

Failure to fulfill the plan for profit is explained by the action of two factors: failure to fulfill the plan to reduce the cost and failure to fulfill the plan to increase the output of marketable products. If the plan is not fulfilled, the enterprise should think about the further use of these types of new equipment. Failure to fulfill the plans raises the question of the effectiveness and feasibility of introducing new technology.

The introduction of new technology and analysis of the effectiveness of its implementation are very important for the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The introduction of new technology allows you to reduce the cost of production, which means an increase in the profit of the enterprise, as well as the analysis of the introduction of new technology allows the management of the enterprise to make the most optimal and accurate management decisions.


2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

Konstantin and K LLP is a light industry enterprise, which specializes in the manufacture and sale of dumplings.

The authorized capital is formed from the shares of the founding members, between which the constituent agreement is concluded and there is a Charter of the organization. The supreme body of the partnership is the director, who also performs the functions of the executive body. The branch of activity is the production sphere.

In August 2000. in the city of Pavlodar, a limited liability partnership "Konstantin and K" was created.

The first three years the enterprise operated in difficult conditions, due to the increased level of competition and insufficient funds to provide the enterprise with new efficient equipment.

In 2009, there was a change in the management of the company. From this period, the company began to develop intensively, a production workshop was created, office building and a store where direct sales of marketable products are made.

The enterprise has concluded an agreement with Pavlodar vocational lyceum No. 13, according to the terms of which many students of the lyceum undergo practical training at the enterprise and the most vividly manifested students are employed in LLP "Constantine and K". Also, an agreement was concluded with LLP "Flour Kazakhstan" for the supply of flour to the production workshop and with a farm from the village of Shcherbakty for the supply of fresh meat.

Konstantin and K is a limited liability business partnership. It was created as a small business entity based on the decision of the general meeting of the LLP participants from 08/28/2000. The enterprise carries out its activities in accordance with the Charter and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The company has: an independent balance sheet, settlement and other bank accounts, acted on the basis of cost accounting, self-financing and self-sufficiency.

Full name: Constantine & Co. Limited.

Location and postal address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 140010 Pavlodar, st. Korolenko 8/3.

The authorized capital of the Company is 25,000 tenge.

In 2009, the enterprise produced an average of 84 tons of marketable products. and in the amount of 37.8 million tenge.

The company specializes in the production of dumplings by weight with the following assortment:

Dumplings 1 kg of beef at the price of 450 per kg

Pork dumplings 1 kg; at a price of 480 per kg

Dumplings 1 kg from mixed minced meat at 420 per kg

Dumplings 0.5 kg from beef at a price of 250 per 0.5 kg;

Pork dumplings 0.5 kg for the price 280 for 0.5 kg;

Dumplings 0.5 kg from mixed minced meat at a price of 220 per 0.5 kg;

In 2008 According to the stabilization program of the Government, Konstantin and Co LLP took a loan from the Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund in the amount of 6 million tenge. All funds went into business. The money was spent on the purchase of new equipment in order to introduce new techniques and technologies to enterprises to increase labor productivity.

The geography of buyers of factory products is quite diverse. The main buyers are organizations:

LLP Roman-Pavlodar;

Iceberg LLP;

Topol LLP;

Uncle Scrooge LLP;

Supermarket "Rubikom"; and other wholesale and retail stores.

2.2 Basic t technical and economic indicators

In 2009, the enterprise produced marketable products in current prices in the amount of 37.8 million ten., growth rate by 2008 - 121.8%.

Table 2.1 - Main results of production and economic activities: thousand ten.


Growth rate, %

TP in comparable prices

TP at current prices

Cost of TP

Costs for 1 ten. TP, ten

Average payroll number of PPP, people

Production per 1 worker

Time of 1 shift (h)

Number of working days

Average daily release(tons)

Based on the data in the table, it can be seen that there was an increase in the cost of commercial products in comparable and current prices by 12 and 13%, respectively. The cost of production also decreased due to the introduction of new technologies and new equipment, which led to an increase in labor productivity, staff reduction by 5 people, better automation of the production process and lower costs. Also, in connection with the introduction of new equipment, the output of one worker increased by 181.17 thousand ten or 26.1% and the average daily output increased from 19.3 to 29.

Table 2.2. - Cost of commodity output thous. Ten.

Name of elements

Growth rate, %

Material costs

Salary with accruals


Other cash expenses

Production cost.

Non-production costs

Full cost

Thus, due to the introduction of new technologies, equipment, improvement of conditions for the production process, the cost of production decreased by reducing costs in the following items: material costs by 2%, fuel by 28%, wages, since production has become more automated and labor-intensive. less effort is required and other cash costs have been reduced by 5%. Total total cost of marketable products for 2009 is 31,200 thousand tenge with a production volume of 94 tons of products.

When developing indicators of the economic efficiency of the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology, one should proceed from the ultimate goal for which the introduction is carried out. To determine the effectiveness of individual scientific and technical measures, the following system of generalizing indicators should be used.

1. Generalizing indicators of economic efficiency of specific scientific and technical measures, providing a connection with generalizing indicators of production efficiency:

- the rate of increase in efficiency from the introduction of new technology or efficiency from the introduction of new technology or cost reduction;

- an increase in the output of marketable, clean products due to the effective introduction of new technology;

- saving labor costs as a result of the introduction of new technology or savings from reducing costs;

- increase in profits by reducing production costs from the introduction of new technology.

2. Indicators of increasing the efficiency of labor use from the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology:

- the rate of increase in labor productivity from the introduction of new technology;

- saving the number of employees from the use of new technology;

- an increase in net, marketable products and profits due to the introduction of new technology;

- saving the payroll from the use of new technology.

3. Indicators of increasing the efficiency of the fixed assets used in the innovation:

- cost savings on amortization of the introduction of new technology;

- increase in profits and marketable products due to savings in depreciation costs as a result of the introduction of new technology.

4. Indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of material resources from the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology:

- increasing material efficiency in the production of specific types of products through the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology;

- reduction of material costs from the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology;

An increase in net, marketable products and profits due to increased material efficiency and a decrease in material costs from the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology.

The proposed system of indicators rather fully characterizes the effectiveness of the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology in the production of specific types of products (works, services). It allows you to coordinate the plan for new technology with indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of production, and to monitor the efficiency of the use of capital investments for the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology.

In the process of developing plans and conducting analyzes of their implementation, it is important to determine what impact the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology had on the economic efficiency of production as a whole. For this, generalizing indicators of the consolidated economic efficiency of the introduction of progressive technological processes and new technology are used:

- the rate of increase in production efficiency as a whole for the enterprise from the introduction of new technology;

- an increase in the output of marketable products as a whole for the enterprise from the introduction of new technology;

- saving labor costs as a whole for the enterprise from the introduction of new technology;

- the effectiveness of capital investments in the whole enterprise from the introduction of new technology;

- profitability of capital investments as a whole for the enterprise from the introduction of new technology;

- increase in profit for the enterprise as a whole from the introduction of new technology;

- efficiency of production of new types of products as a whole for the enterprise;

- indicators of increasing the efficiency of labor use as a whole for the enterprise from the introduction of new technology;

- indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of capital investments in the enterprise from the introduction of new technology;

- indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of material resources in the enterprise from the introduction of new technology and others.


3.1 Economic efficiency of the implemented equipment

The introduction of new machines, apparatuses and mechanisms makes it possible to mechanize production processes, improve the quality of the products produced, facilitate working conditions and increase the culture of production, economic efficiency of production, the introduction of new and capital investments is given an important place in the economy of digestive production.It is a criterion for the feasibility of creating and using new technology, reconstruction of existing enterprises, as well as measures to improve production and improve working conditions. Fundamentally new Technics requires large investments for "fine-tuning", transition to mass production, advancement in new areas of application, etc., but in the future a significant effect can be expected from it. New technology requires less investment for "fine-tuning" and improvement, and the cost of production depend on the scale of possible implementation; the effect of this type of new technology can be realized faster and also depends on the scale of implementation. Today in our country the automation of production is taking place at a rapid pace. This allows you to significantly reduce the number of jobs in enterprises and thereby increase income in these enterprises. There are a large number of automation tools, and one of these tools is to automate the operation of devices using a microcontroller. Theoretically, absolutely any device that is controlled using electrical signals can be automated. The machines used in the bakery of the bakery are no exception. You can also connect an electronic circuit to them, the basis of which will be a microcontroller. We will focus on Standard kneading machines. These kneaders are being replaced at many food processing plants. They are being replaced by hopper units. At the same time, huge funds are lost, since the costs of introducing new units are quite large. After replacement, the dough mixing machines can be operated by just one person.

To determine the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technology at the enterprise, the following data are available:

1. Cap total implementation costs 6 million ten

2 ... Daily productivity 7 tons

3. Assortment:

dumplings 1kg from beef -50%

pork dumplings 1 kg - 50%

Table 3.1 - Initial data


before implementation

source of received data

letter designations

Annual output of finished products, t

business plan

costs for the introduction of units, thousand ten .


rmk data

cost of equipment to be replaced, thousand ten .


cost of the annual production of finished products, thousand ten .


business plan

number of workers in the dough and dough kneading area, people

revocation data

number of released workers, people

average monthly salary of the released testode, ten .


deductions for social needs,%

current norm

salary ratio that takes into account payments from social funds

revocation data

the need for sanitary clothing for workers, a set

revocation data

cost of sanitary clothes, ten


power of electric motors installed on this site, kW

21 ,5

ogm data

operating mode of the plant, year

business plan

depreciation rate,%

- equipment



deduction rate


maintenance standard and containing nii,%

- equipment

Cast iron and ceramic floors



data x / s



depreciation of old equipment,%

accounting data

cost of 1 m2, ten .

Cast iron slabs - ceramic slabs



price list

price list


wear of cast iron plates,%

accounting data

number of cast iron and ceramic plates, m2

enterprise data

standard coefficient of economic efficiency of additional capital investments, 1 / year

method of determining lazy economic what efficiency of implementation yen techniques

* proceeds from the sale of replaced equipment, thousand ten .

78 ,6

bakery data

costs associated with dismantling of the replaced equipment, thousand ten.

average price of flour, ten.

business plan

annual flour consumption according to plan, i.e.

4. Average production cost 371,428 ten. for 1 t.

5. Revenue from real estate replacement equipment 78572 ten.

6. The output of products from 100 kg . flour 137%

7. Wear replaceable equipment 90%

Calculation of conditional-annual savings from the introduction of bunker units

The main indicators of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technology include:

- the annual economic effect from the introduction of new technology;

- the effectiveness of one-time costs for the creation of new technology;

- the payback period of the one-time costs for the creation of new equipment. These indicators can be both expected, allowing to judge the economic efficiency of the planned to use new technology, and actual, assessing the effectiveness of existing equipment.

The economic effect can be defined as the difference between the reduced costs before and after the introduction of new technology. If an automated system is implemented instead of a manual system for working with equipment, then the difference in the reduced costs is determined, respectively, between the automated and manual systems.

In this case, the cost of costs for the base case includes only current costs for the base technology:

1) labor costs of workers engaged in work with new equipment;

2) current material costs (energy costs, equipment maintenance);

3) depreciation of fixed assets used by new equipment.

If a new technique is introduced instead of the old one, then the difference in the reduced costs is determined between the costs of the new and the old technique.

The costs of implementing new technology include:

- current material costs;

One-time costs for the creation of new technology.

If a new technology is being introduced at a newly created enterprise, then it is possible to compare the projected costs at this enterprise (organization) with the options for standard costs at similar enterprises (organizations) or with the cost options of possible firms involved in the implementation of technology (executing firms).

The cost per 1 ton of marketable products is determined by the formula:

З = S / Q

Where S - Cost of marketable products

Q- volume of marketable products (tons)

The total costs of introducing a new technology are determined by the indicator of reduced costs, which is calculated by the formula:

Zp = C + EnK

Where Зп - reduced costs;

С - current costs;

Ен - standard coefficient of economic efficiency of one-time costs;

K - one-time costs (capital investments).

Current (operating) costs are repeated in production cycles, they are carried out synchronously with production activities and constitute the cost of products or services. Recurrent costs are calculated as a yearly sum. One-time costs include:

- non-capital costs:

b for design;

b programming the microcontroller;

ь to debug the program;

ь for implementation;

ь for personnel training;

b for trial operation.

- capital expenditures:

b on the cost of technical equipment of the system;

ь to create technical means of management;

ь to create connections;

b for auxiliary equipment.

The normative coefficient of efficiency of one-time costs is considered as the normative profit that should be obtained from the implementation of the system. The value of Kn is taken from 0.12 to 0.15 for all branches of the food industry and represents the minimum rate of efficiency of capital investments, below which they are inappropriate.

The size of the standard efficiency ratio of one-time costs is closely related to the payback period:

with En = 0.12, the payback period is 8.3 years;

with En = 0.15, the payback period is 6.7 years.

If the introduction of new technology lasts several years, then to determine the value of the reduced costs, it is advisable to use the following formula:

t is the year counted from the initial moment.

Thus, the reduced costs represent the sum of current and one-time costs brought to a single size using the standard coefficient of economic efficiency.

To determine the economic effect of introducing a new system, it is necessary to compare the reduced costs of the base and the proposed option. For this purpose, the indicator of the annual economic effect is used, which can be represented by the following calculation methods:

the base case is zero, and the implemented option is indicated by one. In general terms, the formula can be expressed as follows:

E = Egod - En * K

Where E - annual economic effect (annual economic profit);

Egod - annual savings (profit) caused by the implementation of the system;

K - one-time costs associated with the creation of the system;

E - rate of return (standard profit) (standard efficiency ratio).

The annual economic effect is an absolute measure of efficiency. The system is considered effective if E> 0.

Comparison of the size of the annual economic effect for various options makes it possible to choose the most effective option for implementing a microcontroller system with the smallest annual reduced costs or with the greatest annual economic effect.

The performance indicator is a relative measure that compares results with costs.

The efficiency of the one-time costs is calculated as the ratio of the difference between the current costs of the base and the proposed options to the sum of the one-time costs of the proposed option and is expressed by the formula:

Ke - coefficient of efficiency of one-time costs.

Ku - costs incurred during production downtime.

Since (C0 - C1) represents the savings (profit) from changes in current material costs, the efficiency coefficient can be considered as the ratio of the profit received from the introduction of the microcontroller system C to the volume of one-time costs for its creation.

In addition, (C0 - C1) can be represented as the cost of annual production before and after the introduction of new technology.

It should be borne in mind that a number of economists believe that the standard efficiency ratio of 0.12 - 0.15 was good for the Soviet economy, which developed in conditions of stability and predictability. In the conditions of a modern market economy, each business area has its own value of the rate of return (efficiency ratio), the size of which is set in an amount greater than the bank rate and therefore is not a constant value.

It is of great importance to determine the time during which all the one-time costs associated with the creation of a particular option will be fully paid off. The payback period is the reciprocal of the efficiency ratio.

Therefore, to determine the payback period of the proposed version of the system, the following calculation methods can be used:

Tdop is the payback period, expressed in years;

Ke - coefficient of efficiency of one-time costs for the creation of a microcontroller system (coefficient of efficiency of creating a system);

K - capital investments for the creation of a microcontroller system;

(С0 - С1) - savings on current costs.

The size of the standard efficiency ratio (En) is closely related to the payback period of the one-time costs.

With En = 0.12, the payback period is 8.3 years (1 / 0.12).

With En = 0.15, the payback period is 6.7 years (1 / 0.15).

Table 3.2 - Indicators for spending on the introduction of new technology


Calculation formulas and designations of quantities included in them

Calculation of indicators

Costs reduced as a result of the introduction of bunker units

Saving flour from reducing losses during dough fermentation, tons (Em)

Em = Mg * 0.5 / 100, where Mg is the annual consumption of flour, 5555 t;

0.5 - the percentage of loss reduction during fermentation of the dough;

Cm = Em * Tssr, where Cm is the cost of flour; CSR - the average price of 1 ton. flour, 25 thousand. ten.

Em = 7598.5 * 0.5 / 100 = 37.99 tons

Cm = 37.99 * 25 = 949.75 thousand st.

Salary of released five testers (P), per year

P = Kr * Zsr * 12, where Kr is the number of workers released as a result of the introduction of units; Zsr - the average monthly salary of one dough maker, 39540 ten.

P = 5 * 39540 * 12 = 2372.4 thousand ten

Payments to their social fund (Zf).

Zf = p * (Ezn - 1), where Zf - payments from the fund, p.

p is the salary of the released workers, p.

Ezp - coefficient of payments from the fund.

Зф = 2372.4 * (1.35-1) = 830.34 thousand ten.

Social contributions (OS).

Os = P * Os,

where Os is social security contributions.

Os = 2372.4 * 0.356 = 844.5 thousand ten.

Sanitation costs (Eo).

Eo = Cr * Op * Co,

where Оr is the need for sanitary clothing, 2 sets;

So - the cost of sanitary clothes, 1500 ten.

Eo = 5 * 2 * 1500 = 15 thousand ten.

Total costs that decrease as a result of the introduction of bunker units (Cm1).

Cm1 = Cm + P + Zf + Os + Eo,

where Cm = 949.75 thousand ten;

P = 2372.4 thousand ten;

Зф = 830.34 thousand ten;

Os = 844.5 thousand ten.;

Eo = 15 thousand ten.

Cm1 = 949.75 + 2372.4 + 830.34 + 844.5 + 15 = 5011.99 thousand rubles.

Costs that increase as a result of the introduction of bunker units

Electricity costs (C).

Se = (Me2 * Ke * Te * Se * Tgod) - (Me1 * Ke * Te * Se * Tgod).

where Me1 and Me2 are the power of electric motors before and after the introduction of bunker units, respectively, 21.5 and 25.0 kW; Ke - power utilization factor of electric motors before and after the introduction of bunker units, 0.7; Te - the operating time of the electric motor per day, 20 hours; Se - the cost of 1 kW / h of electricity, 6.96 ten.

Se = (25 * 0.7 * 20 * 6.96 * 241) - (21.5 * 0.7 * 20 * 6.96 * 251) = 61.24 thousand ten.

Depreciation costs: equipment (Ao).

Tgear - the operating mode of the enterprise, 241 days

Ao = (Zn1-Zst) * ao / 100, where Зн1 - new capital costs for the introduction of units, 5000 thousand ten. Zst - the cost of equipment before the introduction of bunker units, 3100 thousand ten. JSC - depreciation rate-onnyh deductions for equipment, 25.4%.

Ao = (5000-3100) * 25.4 / 100 = 482.6 thousand ten.

Floors (Ap).

Ap = (Zst2-Zn2) * ap / 100, where Зst2 - costs for cast iron plates 390 * 1800 = 702000 ten. Зн2 - costs for ceramic plates, 390 * 550 = 214500 ten. ap - slab depreciation, 2.8%.

Ap = (702000-214500) * 2.8 / / 100 = 13.6 thousand ten.

Expenses for the current repair and maintenance of equipment (To).

To = (Zn1-Zst1) * To / 100, where Зн1 - 5000 thousand ten;

Зст1 - 3100 thousand ten.; That is the cost of current repair and maintenance of equipment, 8.8%.

That = (5000-3100) * 8.8 / 100 = 167.2 thousand ten.

floors (TP)

Тп = (Зн1-Зн2) * Тп / 100, where Тп is the cost of maintenance and floor maintenance, 3%.

TP = (702000-214500) * 3 / / 100 = 14.6 thousand ten.

Total costs that increase as a result of the introduction of bunker units (cm2).

Suv = Se + (Ao + An) + (To + Tn),

where Se = 61.24 thousand ten;

Ao = 482.6 thousand ten.;

Up = 13.6 thousand ten.;

That = 167.2 thousand ten;

TP = 14.6 thousand ten.

Suv = 61.24 + 482.6 + 13.6 + 167.2 + 14.6 = 739.24 thousand ten.

Quarterly annual savings (Eu.y.).

Eu.g. = Sumen.-Suvel.

Eu.y. = 5011.99-738.24 = 4273.75 thousand ten.

The prime cost of the annual output of products as a result of the introduction of bunker units (Sobsh2).

Sob.2 = Sob1-Ey.y.

Total 2 = 33120-4273.75 = 28846.25 thousand ten.

Payback period of additional capital investments (Tdop), year

Tdop = K2-K1 + Ku / Sobs.1-Sobs.2,

where K2 is the cost of introducing units, 6000 thousand ten;

К1 - the cost of the equipment to be replaced, 5000 thousand ten;

Ku - damage from the liquidation of the replaced equipment, thousand ten;

Nz - under-depreciated part of the cost of the equipment being replaced, 150 thousand ten;

Дз - costs associated with dismantling the equipment being replaced, 1,000 thousand ten;

Vz - proceeds from the sale of materials received after the liquidation of the equipment being replaced 78.6 thousand ten.

Ku = Nz-Vz + Dz

Tdop. = 6000 -5000 + 1071.4 / 33120-28846.25 = 2.8 of the year

Ku = 150-78.6 + 1000 = 1071.4 thousand ten.

Based on this table, it can be seen that the introduction of new bunker units will lead to a decrease in costs, as well as a decrease in cost to 28,846.25 thousand tenge. The payback period for new equipment will be 2 years and 8 months.

Calculation of economic efficiency from the introduction of bunker units

At this stage of calculations, knowing the cost of annual production as a result of the introduction of bunker units, you can calculate the coefficient of economic efficiency.

The actual efficiency is 2 times higher than the normative efficiency. This is due to the fact that approximately 33% of jobs are freed, and it is the number of workers that largely determines the costs of a given enterprise.

In addition, the initial data influences the efficiency indicator. Initially, dough mixers with zero wear were considered, so there was no need for the cost of repairing equipment.

In general, the introduction of electronic systems on the basis is so cost-effective that a huge number of enterprises are switching to such systems.

In this way, not only dough mixing machines can be controlled, but also any other devices controlled by electrical signals.

Table 3.3 - Calculation of the economic effect from the introduction of bunker units

Annual economic effect from the introduction of bunker units (E).

E = (Sob1-Sob2) - En x (K2-K1 + Ku),

where Sobs1 and Sobs2 - the cost of the annual production before and after the introduction of bunker units, respectively, 33120 thousand ten. and 28,846.25 thousand ten.

К2 and К1 - capital costs before and after the introduction of bunker units, respectively, 6000 and 5000 thousand ten.

En - standard coefficient of economic efficiency of additional capital investments, 0.15

Ku - damage from the liquidation of the replaced equipment, 1071.4 thousand. ten.

Eg = (33120-28846.25) -0.15 * (6000-5000 + 1071.4) = 3963.04 thousand ten.

Determination of cost reduction per unit of production (C1)

C2 = C1-Eu.y. / An

where Eu.g. - conditional annual savings from the introduction of bunker units, 4273.75 thousand ten.

Annual production according to plan, 84 thousand tons.

C1 - the cost of 1 ton. products, ten.

Change in cost per 1 ton of products

Eu.y. / An = 4273.75 / 84 = 50.9.

C2 = 33120 - 50.9 = 33069.1 ten

Calculation of labor productivity as a result of the introduction of new technology

The growth of labor productivity means: saving materialized and living labor and is one of the most important factors in increasing production efficiency. The growth of labor productivity is calculated as the difference between the output of the enterprise before and the output of the enterprise after the introduction of new technology.

where - total output of the enterprise, - production for everyone worker separately. N is the number of workers.

where - the volume of products, expressed in value or natural indicators , - the cost of working time for the production of products.

The volume of production for each worker will be the ratio of the total volume of production to the number of workers, i.e. for all workers will be the same. The volume of production can also be considered an indicator of labor productivity.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute



Economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise



Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… ..3

1. The value of the introduction of new technology and technology to increase

production efficiency …………………………………………………… 4

2. The main directions for the introduction of new equipment and technology on

enterprises ……………………………………………………………………… .9

3. Economic efficiency of measures for engineering and technology ... .13

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… .17

References ……………………………………………………………… 18


Objective external global processes, such as: population growth and its growing needs, the development of science and technology, general expanded reproduction and competition force modern manufacturing enterprises to introduce innovations in all areas of their activities.

The development of the market and market relations, a reduction in production volumes, an increase in the number of insolvent enterprises and organizations have changed the mechanism for managing scientific and technological progress, influenced the pace and nature of research, development and design and survey work, on the development and implementation of innovations (innovations) , as the basis for economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the organization and the economy as a whole.

It is quite obvious that one of the main conditions for the formation of a competitive strategic perspective of an industrial enterprise can be its innovative activity. All over the world, innovation today is not a whim, but a necessity for survival, competitiveness and continued prosperity. That is why the problem of introducing new equipment and technology at the enterprise is relevant and extremely significant today. The urgency of this problem determined the topic of our work. The purpose of our work is to analyze the economic efficiency of the introduction of new equipment and technology at the enterprise.

1. The value of introducing new equipment and technology to improve production efficiency.

The introduction of innovations is increasingly seen as the only way to increase the competitiveness of manufactured goods, maintain high rates of development and the level of profitability. Therefore, enterprises, overcoming economic difficulties, began to develop on their own in the field of product and technological innovations. There are many definitions of innovation. So, With According to the Draft Federal Law "On Innovation Activity" dated December 23, 1999, innovation activity is a process aimed at translating the results of research and development or other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market, into a new or improved technological process used in practice.

ON THE. Safronov gives the following concept of innovation: innovative activity is a system of measures for the use of scientific, scientific, technical and intellectual potential in order to obtain a new or improved product or service, a new method of their production to meet both individual demand and the needs of society for innovations as a whole.

The relevance of the implementation of technological developments is due to two groups of changes in the environment of the enterprise, which are of a domestic and international nature. In other words, enterprises are under pressure from the external and internal markets. This pressure is reflected in changes in consumer behavior; development of markets for goods and services and, as a result, increased competition; the worldwide development of new diverse technologies; globalization of supply and demand.

Before talking about the importance of innovations for increasing production efficiency, it is necessary to define the concept of innovation, identify the types of innovations, and also describe the main forms of organizing the innovation process.

Innovations(innovations) is a new way of satisfying needs, which gives an increase in the beneficial effect, as a result of the development and mastering of the production of new or improved products, technologies and processes.

It is customary to distinguish between the following types of innovation:

Technological innovation- this is the activity of the enterprise related to the development and development of new technological processes.

Product innovation includes the development and implementation of new or improved products.

Process innovation involves the development and development of new or significantly improved production methods, including the use of new, more modern production equipment, new methods of organizing the production process or their combination.

In foreign and Russian practice, three basic forms of organizing the innovation process are distinguished: administrative and economic, program-targeted and proactive. Administrative and economic form presupposes the presence of a research and production center - a large or medium-sized corporation that combines research and development, production and marketing of new products. Target program form provides for the work of program participants in their organizations and coordination of their activities from the program control center. Initiative form consists in financing activities and administrative assistance to inventors - individuals, initiative groups, as well as small firms created to develop and master innovations.

The main forms of organizing innovation activities are currently:

Scientific centers and laboratories as part of corporate structures;

Temporary creative research teams or centers that are created to solve certain large and original scientific and technical problems;

State scientific centers;

Various forms of technopark structures: science parks, technology and research parks, innovation, innovation and technology and business innovation centers, business incubators, technopolises.

It should also be noted that innovation can be carried out by specialized research organizations as the main activity and represent the development of new products for sale in the market of innovative technologies. At the same time, the widest range of enterprises is engaged in the development of new technologies as an auxiliary direction for their use in the production of products.

The set of interrelated processes and stages of creating an innovation represent the life cycle of an innovation, which is defined as the period of time from the inception of an idea to the withdrawal from production of an innovative product implemented on its basis. In its life cycle, an innovation goes through a number of stages, namely:

    inception, accompanied by the implementation of the required volume of research and development work, the development and creation of an experimental batch of innovations;

    growth (industrial development with simultaneous product entry to the market);

    maturity (stage of serial or mass production and increase in sales);

    market saturation (maximum production and maximum sales);

    decline (curtailment of production and product withdrawal from the market).

The composition and structure of the life cycles of new technology and technology are closely related to the parameters of production development. So, for example, at the first stage of the life cycle of new equipment and technology, labor productivity is low, the cost of production decreases slowly, the profit of the enterprise increases slowly, or the economic profit is even negative. During a period of rapid growth in production, the cost is noticeably reduced, and the initial costs are recouped. Frequent change of equipment and technology creates great difficulties and instability of production. During the period of transition to new equipment and the development of new technological processes, the efficiency indicators of all divisions of the enterprise decrease. That is why innovations in the field of technological processes and tools of labor should be accompanied by new forms of organization and management, operational and detailed calculation of economic efficiency.

ON THE. Safronov identifies the factors that determine the importance of innovation:

    the need to adapt the enterprise to new economic conditions;

    changes in tax, monetary and financial policies;

    improvement and dynamics of sales markets and consumer preferences, i.e. demand pressure;

    activation of competitors;

    market fluctuations;

    structural industry changes;

    the emergence of new cheap resources, the expansion of the market for factors of production, i.e. supply pressure;

    striving to increase sales;

    expanding market share, moving to new markets;

    improving the competitiveness of the firm;

    economic security and financial stability of the enterprise;

    maximizing profits in the long run.

The process of diffusion of innovations is called technology diffusion. The diffusion rate depends mainly on the efficiency of technological innovation. Moreover, the more the number of enterprises used this innovation, the higher the losses of those enterprises that did not use it. Moreover, the earlier a company starts to innovate, the faster (and cheaper) it will be able to catch up with the leaders.

Hence the need to highlight the conditions under which it is beneficial for enterprises to develop new products. These criteria are: the threat of obsolescence of existing products; the emergence of new needs among buyers; changing tastes and preferences of consumers; shortening the life cycle of goods; tougher competition. Among the internal factors that increase the efficiency of innovation are:

    the ability of management and staff to identify and evaluate economic, social and technological changes in the external environment;

    long-term orientation of management and the presence of clear strategic goals;

    a well-developed sales and marketing system capable of researching and assessing market trends;

    continuous search for new market offers; ability to analyze and implement new ideas.


by discipline: "Enterprise Economics"

Topic : " Economic effect To vigor of introducing new technologies"


The current topic of this course work is economic e f the effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies, which are essentially the next d scientific and technological progress (STP). Any enterprise cannot have a good prospect if it does not constantly implement the results of scientific and technical progress, since the quality of the products, the costs of their production and sale, the volume of sales and the value of the received product depend on this. and were. As a result, each enterprise faces the problem of increasing the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technologies. For this, the enterprise should carry out forecasting and planning for the introduction of new technologies (measures of scientific and technical progress) on the basis of the developed strategy for the development of the enterprise in the distant R perspective, taking into account the real financial capabilities.

The purpose of this work is to study the main indicators of economic O the effectiveness of the implementation of scientific and technical progress measures, which are immediately d directly indicate the result of the event.

The tasks were set as follows:

  1. Examine the essence of scientific and technological progress;
  2. Get acquainted with science and technology policy;
  3. Justify the types of effects of scientific and technological progress;
  4. Get acquainted with the methods of forecasting and planning scientific and technological progress at the enterprise;
  5. Justify the effectiveness of scientific and technical progress;
  6. Propose a method for calculating the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technologies.

Chapter 1. Scientific and technological progress as a factor influencing the introduction of new technologies oh logy

1.1. The essence of scientific and technical progress with sa

In educational and special literature there is no unambiguous interpretation of the essential O the scientific and technological progress (STP) and the scientific and technological revolution (STR).

Based on the generalization of literary sources, the following definitions can be given by this understood and pits.

Scientific and technological progress is a continuous process of improvement a tools and objects of labor, technology, organization of production and labor at yes based on achievements on u ki.

The concept of STP is broader in its content than the concept of STP. N a scientific and technical revolution is an integral part and the highest art at stump NTP. Scientific and technological revolution are fundamental changes in science and technology that have a significant impact on social production. t in.

Thus, the scientific and technological revolution is an integral and more significant part of the scientific and technological progress. If NTP can develop both on the evolutionary and on the roar O lutionary basis, then the scientific and technological revolution is an abrupt about cess.

A possible graphic representation of the essence of NTP is shown in Fig. 1.1. (See appendix appendix 1)

The essence of scientific and technological progress is most clearly characterized by the spiral (option "b"), where the spiral itself is the scientific and technological progress, and each of its turns is the scientific and technological revolution at a certain stage of development of the general t va.

In addition to the concepts of scientific and technological progress and scientific and technological revolution, in the literature in recent years, such a concept as “innov a tion ".

"Innovation" is synonymous with innovation, or innovation. By def e division given in the "Concept of innovation policy of the Russian Fed e walkie-talkies for 1998-2000. "," Innovation is the end result of innovation O product on the market, new or improved X nological process used in practical activities about STI ".

Innovation is closely related to scientific and technological progress, being, according to at ty, its result. Innovation activities are activities aimed at using and commercializing the results of scientific and With research and development to expand and update the nomenclature and ulu h improvement of the quality of products (goods, services), improvement of the technology of their manufacture, followed by mandatory implementation and f effective implementation, both in the domestic and foreign foreign markets n kah. And n business activities related to capital investments in innovation are called investment and innovation activities about stu.

Acceleration of scientific and technological progress is of major economic and social importance for any state in the world. Perhaps there is no such more powerful and strong fa To torus, which would so significantly affect all economic and social b processes, which is accelerated rhenium NTP.

Acceleration of NTP is the main o howl for:

  • increasing the efficiency of social production;
  • improving the technical level of production and providing show jumping n the capacity of domestic production about duction;
  • ensuring the appropriate image of the state have a gift;
  • implementation of positive structural changes in the economy about the nomik;
  • improving the structure of the domestic expo p that;
  • improving the material well-being of citizens of the Russian Federation and e other social about shit.

Based on this importance of accelerating scientific and technological progress, it is also necessary to have adequate d a move towards solving this problem at all levels in yah.

1.2. Scientific and technical floor and teak

Knowledge of the factors and the mechanism of their impact on the acceleration of scientific and technological progress is the basis for its management. But this is not enough. To manage NTP neo b we take an integrated approach, that is, taking into account the influence of all factors. In this case, all factors must be structured according to the strength of the impact on scientific and technological progress and teaches s first of all, those of them that have the most significant influence i nition.

First of all, the state, on the basis of knowledge of the factors and their mechanism in s actions should not only create favorable conditions for all subjects To management in the field of accelerating scientific and technological progress, but also with its purposeful s and concrete actions to facilitate this process with su.

For this, the state must have and implement a single state n scientific and technical about lytic.

A unified state scientific and technological policy is the most important tool and lever in the hands of the state for the management of scientific and technological progress in necessary about dim direction.

It should be borne in mind that the rise of the national economy, both in the short and especially in the long term, is hardly possible without progress in science, technology, technology, organization of production and engineering. u yes.

Among domestic scientists there is no single approach to the essence of a unified state at donated scientific and technical policy, although everyone recognizes its significance and bridge and necessity. So, for example, in the literature on scientific and technical progress With court gives the following definition of the essence of a unified science h technical policy: "a unified scientific and technical policy - a system of intact e directed measures to ensure the comprehensive development of science and technology and the implementation of their results in the national economy. On its basis, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress is achieved - the main lever for increasing the efficiency of public O production, transferring the economy to the rails of a comprehensive intensification a tion ".

Such a definition as a whole reveals the essence of a unified scientific and technical policy, but it has, in our opinion, an overly general character to ter.

In the Federal Law of August 23, 1996 No. 127-FZ "On Science and the State R scientific and technical policy "in Art. 2, the essence of the State scientific and technical policy is interpreted as follows: “The state n naya n a scientific and technical policy is an integral part of the socio-economic gender and tiki, which expresses the attitude of the state to scientific and scientific-technical de I am ness, determines the goals, directions, forms of activity of the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation in the field of science, technology and ki and the implementation of the achievements of science and technology and ki ".

The main goals of the state scientific and technical policy are I am are: development, rational distribution and effective use of science h technical potential, increasing the contribution of science and technology to the development of the state's economy, transformation in the field of material production d state, increasing its efficiency and competitiveness of products, improving the environmental situation and protecting the safety of the individual, society and the state, strengthening the relationship between science and the image about vaniya.

Based on the study of literary sources on the problem under study, it can be concluded that the essence of food is undeveloped. and scientific and technical policy at the enterprise level and yati.

Scientific and technical policy at the enterprise should be aimed primarily at solving the following tasks:

  • improving the technical level of production about dstva;
  • improvement of the organization of production and u yes;
  • ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise, etc. about duction;
  • rational use of all available resources for pre e acceptance;
  • increasing the efficiency of production about dstva;
  • ensuring a stable good financial condition of the d acceptance in the current situation and in the future to Tiva.

The impact of the ongoing scientific and technical policy on the technical condition I am enterprises can be characterized by the following indicators whether:

  • the share of competitive products in its total volume in start-up s;
  • level of mechanization and automation a tion of work and labor;
  • share of products manufactured on the basis of progressive technology O logia, in its general volume;
  • the level of physical and obsolescence of machines and equipment a niya;
  • the amount of capital investments in dynamics allocated for reconstruction To modernization and technical re-equipment of production, modernization of equipment a niya;
  • the level of organization of production and tr u yes.

From all this, we can conclude that the main purpose of development and real and the sation of scientific and technical policy is to obtain the maximum and there was also an increase in the value of the company based on the introduction of new equipment and technologies O gii, improving the organization of production and labor, that is, on the basis of n O increasing the efficiency of production d sts.

1.3. Types of effects of scientific and technological progress

It is known that scientific and technological progress has the most significant effect on the economic e and social processes in society, but the mechanism of this influence in science h lack of literature has been studied h but.

In general, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress creates several types of effects: O nomic, resource, technical, informational and social b ny (see Appendix 2)

Economic effect.The introduction of new equipment and technology, the improvement of the organization of production and labor at the enterprise lead to the appearance of an economic effect in the form of: an increase in product output, an improvement in its quality, an increase in labor productivity, a decrease in the material consumption of products, an increase in capital productivity and other positions. and tive economic phenomena, and ultimately they all lead to a decrease e lower production costs and increased profits at the enterprise.

Resource effect.This type of effect could be attributed to ec O nomic, but due to its importance and significance, it is allocated to the department b ny. It has long been known that the acceleration of NTP leads to the release on the pre d acceptance of material, labor and financial resources. Basically it is d O achieved through the automation of production and the introduction of resource saving Yu equipment and technology about gii.

Technical effect- this is the emergence of new technology and technology, discoveries, inventions and rationalization proposals, know-how and other innovations.

Information effectassociated with electronization and possible O can accumulate and use information in production and management v Leninist activity. A well-known expression: “Who owns the information and her, he owns the whole world "most fully expresses the essence of the information effect. The information effect is primarily associated with the emergence of computers, including computers. uters.

Social impact.It can be both positive and negative. atelny.

The positive social effect includes: increased mate e real and cult R a high standard of living of citizens; fuller satisfaction of their needs for goods and services; improvement of conditions and safety technology O sti of labor; a decrease in the share of hard manual labor; raising educator b census of citizens, etc. But the basis for the material and zation of the social effect is to increase the efficiency of production.

It should be noted that all types of STP effects are closely interconnected.

If modern scientific and technological revolution is not properly managed, it can be fiddly. To nuisance and negative social consequences: the creation of weapons of mass O environmental pollution, animal extinction, mon O ton of labor, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

For a better understanding of the impact of accelerating scientific and technological progress on the technical, economic and financial results of the enterprise, it is necessary to know the mechanism of this O th influence, which is schematically shown in Fig. 1.3. (see Appendix 3). Acceleration of scientific and technological progress at an enterprise is possible only on the basis of its materialization a tion.

The directions of materialization of scientific and technical progress at the enterprise can be:

  • ext e draining new equipment and technology;
  • reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production;
  • improving the organization of production and labor;
  • improving the regulatory framework;
  • modernization of machinery and equipment;
  • implementation of a quality management system;
  • release of new products;
  • introduction of rationalization proposals and inventions, etc.

Materialization of scientific and technological progress at the enterprise ultimately leads to:

  • increasing the capital-labor ratio and technical equipment of labor;
    • an increase in the coefficient of mechanization and automation of labor;
    • increasing the coefficient of mechanization and automation of work;
    • improving the technical parameters of products;
    • increasing the rhythm of production;
    • deepening of specialization and cooperation of production.

In turn, an increase in technical and organizational

levels of production creates economic, resource, social and other types of effects, which is the basis for increasing the efficiency of production d sts, i.e. for:

increasing labor productivity and reducing labor intensity products;

reducing the material consumption of products;

increasing the return on assets;

growth in profitability;

Improving the efficiency of capital investments.

The consequence of an increase in production efficiency is an improvement in the financial condition of the enterprise and, on this basis, the expansion of production. d state at an even higher scientific and technical level.

Chapter 2. Forecasting, planning and efficiency of scientific and technological progress

2.1. Forecasting and planning of scientific and technological progress at the enterprise

Foreign and domestic practice has long proved that enterprises, especially large and medium-sized enterprises, cannot count on success without systematic e sky forecasting and planning of scientific and technical progress. In general, forecasting pre d constitutes a scientifically grounded prediction of the development of socio-economic and scientific and technical trends.

Scientific and technical forecast - a reasonable probabilistic assessment of ne R prospects for the development of certain areas of science, technology and technology, as well as the resources and organizational measures required for this. Forecasting scientific and technological progress at the enterprise makes it possible, as it were, to I am to look into the future and see what the most likely changes can occur in the field of applied technology and ki and technology, as well as in manufactured products and how this will affect the n enterprise competitiveness.

Forecasting scientific and technological progress at an enterprise is essentially finding the most probable and promising ways of developing an enterprise in the technical area but sti.

The object of forecasting can be: equipment, technology and their parameters, organization of production and labor, enterprise management, new products, required finances, research and development work, training of scientific personnel, etc. Forecasts are distinguished by content:

the appearance of fundamentally new discoveries and inventions;

areas of use of discoveries already made;

the emergence of new structures, machines, equipment, technologies and their distribution e in production.

In terms of time, forecasts can be short-term (up to 2-3 years), medium-term h nye (up to 5-7 years), long-term (up to 15-20 years).

It is very important that the enterprise achieves forecast continuity and rationing, that is, the availability of all temporal forecasts, which must be periodically revised, is h to grow and be extended.

Domestic and foreign practice has about 150 different methods O development of the forecast, but in practice, the most widespread and whether the following methods:


expert assessments;


The essence extrapolation methodconsists in the dissemination of the laws that have developed in science and technology in the pre-forecast period for the future. Ned O The stat of this method is that it does not take into account many facts O moat that may appear in the forecast period.

Methods expert assessmentsbased on statistical processing of pr O predictive estimates obtained by interviewing highly qualified specialists a sheets in the respective in the regions.

There are several methods of expert assessments.Individual anke this survey allows you to clarify the independent opinion of experts. Method"Delphi" involves conducting a secondary survey after experts have identified O tinker with the initial assessments of their colleagues. With close enough v falling opinions The “image” of the problem is expressed by means of average ratings. Group method forecasting is based on a preliminary discussion of the "goal tree" and the development of collective assessments by the relevant Komi with these.

Methods of forecasting based on modeling : logical, informational and mathematical-statistical. These forecasting methods a at enterprises were not widely disseminated, mainly due to their complexity and lack of the necessary information.

Overall projections a NTP includes:

establishment of the forecast object;

choice of forecasting method;

development of the forecast itself and its verification (probabilistic assessment).

After forecasting, the process of planning scientific and technical progress at the enterprise is underway. When developing it, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • Priority ... This principle means that the plan must include the most important and promising areas of scientific and technological progress, provided for in pr O forecasts, the implementation of which will provide the enterprise with significant economy and and social and social benefits not only for the immediate period of time, but also for the future. Compliance with the principle of priority follows from the limits and the values ​​of resources at the enterprise;
  • Continuity of planning. The essence of this principle lies in the fact that the enterprise should develop short-term, medium e urgent and long-term NTP plans, which would flow from each other, as both With seals the implementation of this principle;
  • End-to-end planning.All components of the “science-production” cycle should be planned, and not its individual components. As you know, the cycle "science - production" also consists of the following elements: n tedious research; exploratory research; applied research a niya; design and engineering development; creation of a prototype; tech O logical preparation of production; release of new products and their circulation and rationing. This principle can be fully implemented only in large enterprises, where it is possible to implement the entire qi To la "science - production q stvo ";
  • Complexity of planning.The NTP plan should be closely related to each other. and mi sections of the plan for the economic and social development of the enterprise: the production program, the plan for capital investments, the plan for labor and personnel, the plan for the cost and profit, the financial plan. At the same time, the NTP plan is first developed, and then the remaining sections of the plan for the economic and social development of the enterprise;
  • Economic feasibility and resource endowment.The STP plan should include only economically feasible measures (i.e., beneficial for the enterprise) and provided with the necessary resources. D O quite often this most important principle of planning scientific and technical progress is not observed, and hence its poor feasibility.

For the economic justification of the introduction of new equipment and technology, the release of new products To tions at the enterprise must develop a business plan. It is needed not only to work T the company's nicknames were convinced of the profitability of this or that project, but also to attract investors, especially foreign ones, if the company does not have or does not have its own funds for real and of a profitable project.

The main method of planning scientific and technical progress at the enterprise is the program m multi-target method.

The sections of the NTP plan depend on the current situation at the enterprise, which n the specific needs of forecast estimates and the availability of own and borrowed resources.

The NTP plan at the enterprise may consist of the following sections.

  1. Implementation of scientific and technical programs.
  2. Introduction of new equipment and technology.
  3. Computer introduction.
  4. Improving the organization of production and labor.
  5. Sale and purchase of patents, licenses, know-how.
  6. Plan for standardization and metrological support.

Improving the quality and ensuring the competitiveness of the product to tion.

Implementation of research and development projects and the bot.

Economic substantiation of the STP plan.

The NTP plan may include other sections, since strict regulations n There is no information on the number and title of sections.

2.2. The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress

The effectiveness of scientific and technological progress - the degree of achievement of c e whether STP, measured by the ratio of the effect to the costs that caused it.

The performance indicator is a quantitative measure, the value of k O which ensures the effectiveness of innovations. The effect of NTP is its p e result, a specific product of an innovation that is organic e the main component and the basis of the production effect.

The effects of NTP differ in content, level and stages of the process. With sa. In terms of content, information (scientific and technical), ec O nomic, resource-ecological and social effects of scientific and technological progress.

The information effect of NTP is a direct result of research O development, development and development of innovations associated with the accumulation of n O out knowledge, advanced technical and organizational experience and labor O out skills. It develops the scientific, scientific, technical and intellectual potential of society, individual labor collectives and regions.

The economic effect of scientific and technological progress is the result of the use and dissemination of a changes in innovations expressed in the growth of the final society n product and national income. Three types of economic effect can be distinguished: saving social labor while satisfying e needs (reducing the cost of a unit of useful effect, operating costs, specific capital investments), volumetric and To round effect. The volumetric economic effect is associated with satisfied and new social needs and an increase on this basis in the volume e ma implementation. Creation of new, more productive machines in a way there is a ray your satisfaction with the volume of production.

The structural economic effect is due to shifts in the distribution e ni of resources between industries, regions and areas of application of tr u yes.

The resource effect of NTP is associated with its ability to compensate for the deficit T new resources of the national economy, free them up for expanded pr o Izvo d property, as well as to involve previously unused resources into circulation. Its indicators are the release of labor, savings and replacement of scarce materials and raw materials, as well as involvement in the national economy n turnover of new resources. The complexity of the use of raw materials is closely related to I am zana with resources. The ecological effect of NTP is a change in the state of the environment the environment.

The social effect of scientific and technological progress is to create more favorable conditions for the use of the creative forces of workers for a comprehensive work s the flow of personality. This is manifested in the improvement of working conditions and labor protection, with O reduction of heavy physical labor, increase in free time, n O raising the material and cultural standard of living of the working people.

Comparison of these types of effect in value form n e maybe. At the same time, the economy of social labor, accompanying structural O mu, resource, environmental and social effect, maybe h a statistically calculated.

According to the level of reflected economic interests, people are distinguished O economic and self-supporting socio-economic effect. Narodnokh O economic effect - the full effect of the maximum satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of society in all areas of activity O at the lowest total cost. It is the sum of the resulting effect of enterprises, s driving and using new technology, as well as the effect received by consumers in the non-production sphere.

Depending on the stage of the cycle, the actual effect is distinguished. n ny as a result of the development and dissemination of innovations in the national master th state, and the expected is a potential result that may be wu chen.

Self-supporting effect is a form of the national economic effect, embodied a in profit and other results of an economic agent nosti.

The economic effect of scientific and technological progress is defined as the excess of the cost of evaluating the results over the costs for the entire research and production cycle. WITH O bulk costs of scientific and technical progress - one-time and current costs of creating a the development and development of relevant innovations. One-time s a spending includes capital investments for the creation and development of innovations edeny.

Generalizing indicators of the economic efficiency of new technology and ki and technologies are the payback period of capital costs for new equipment and the cost-effectiveness ratio for new equipment, i.e. a the reciprocal of the payback period.

In Russia, the standard coefficient of efficiency of new equipment a new for the national economy 0.15, which assumes a period of approx at payback up to 6.6 years.

Economic efficiency at the enterprise level is determined not by scientific and technical progress as a whole, but by individual innovations and their complexes introduced into production. In this case, innovations are considered effective, absolute e f the effectiveness of which (E abs ) not lower than the standard in noah (E n) and basic.

Chapter 3. Methodology for calculating the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technology

Continuous improvement of technology is accompanied by significant b additional additional capital investments. Their implementation in production s leadership is justified only when it provides economic energy fect:

  • decrease in spending on the production of a unit of production;
  • improving the quality of products (savings for consumers);
  • growth of labor productivity.

Additional capital investments aimed at improving the improvement of technologies should be compensated for by savings from a production costs.

The unified system of indicators currently used to determine the economic efficiency of the introduction of new technologies includes:

  1. capital investments required for the introduction of new technologies about logy;
  2. the cost of production (the cost of its production and sale a tion);
  3. payback period of additional capital investments and to O efficiency factor;
  4. reduced costs;
  5. labor productivity

In addition to the main indicators, when choosing the most economically efficient f efficient options for new technologies, auxiliary natural indicators are used - the specific consumption of fuel, energy, raw materials, materials e riyals, the number of released workers, the utilization rate of about exploration, etc.

In addition, the socio-economic results of the introduction of new technologies are considered: improvement of working conditions and etc .. Economical the effect of the event for a conditional year is determined by the formula:

Э t = P t –З t, (3.1)

where Э t - economic effect for the billing period (year);

P t - proceeds from the sale of products (industrial and technical, scientific and technical purposes) inyear at prices set in the center a leased or negotiated, mln. rub.

З t - the cost of the increase in production, million rubles.

The concept of "capital investment" means all the one-time costs associated with the acquisition, creation and growth of production assets of the enterprise. The value of capital ow O zheniy can be determined by the average annual value of production assets, which are but there is an enterprise.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the introduction of new technologies - g O annual economic effect, the definition of which is based on the O setting the reduced costs for the replaced (basic) and implemented technology about logic.

The reduced costs per unit of product (work) represent with O fight the sum of the cost price and the normative profit:

З t = C i + E n К i, (3.2)

where С i - unit cost of production (work), thousand rubles.

K i - specific capital investments in production assets, thousand rubles

E n - standard coefficient of efficiency of capital investments e niy = 0.15.

The annual economic effect is the total savings O mission of production resources (human labor, materials, capital O zheniya), which the national economy receives as a result of the production and use of new, higher quality technology O logic, which is ultimately expressed in an increase in national income. Thus, this indicator reflects n a family economic efficiency.

The calculation of the annual economic effect is made according to various formulas, depending on the types of technology and products being introduced.

The annual economic effect from the introduction of new technological processes, mechanization and automation of production, methods of organizing a ration of production and labor, ensuring the economy of production resources when producing the same product, is determined by the formula:

E = (Z 1 '-Z 2') A 2, (3.3)

where E is the annual economic effect, million rubles.

Z 1 'and Z 2 ’- reduced costs per unit of production (work), proi s driven with the help of replaceable (basic) and new technology, about P allocated according to the formula (3.2), thousand rubles

A 2 - the annual volume of production (work) using new technology, natural units.

Formula (3.3) can be written as follows:

E = [(C 1 '+ E n K 1') - (C 2 '+ E n K 2')] A 2, (3.4)

where C 1 'and C 2 ’- the cost of a unit of production (work) according to var and antam, rubles;

K 1 ', K 2 ’- specific capital investments by options, rub.

K 1 - the amount of capital costs before the implementation of the event, thousand rubles.

A 1 -volume of production, natural units e nii.

E n - normative coefficient of efficiency of capital about zheniy.

A 2 - the annual volume of production (work) using new technology, natural units of measurement.

When calculating the annual economic effect according to the formula (3.3) for de th the existing enterprises are determined by the difference in cost and additional and capital expenditures:

E = (C 1 '- C 2') A 2 - E n ∆ K, (3.5)

where ∆К is additional capital investments for the introduction of new technology, million rubles.

To take into account the economy of social costs when introducing new O to increase material efficiency and increase productivity before at the use of the price cap is contemplated.

The annual economic effect from the use of new technology, both With increasing productivity and increasing material efficiency a chi, is determined by the formula:

E = Z 1 'A 1 + N∆A-Z 2' A 2, (3.6)

where З 1, З 2 - reduced costs for the production of 1 unit of production, respectively, without the use and with the use of new technology, rubles / t,

A 1 and A 2 –Manufactured products for the year, respectively, without using e niya and using new technology, t;

∆А - additional products produced during the year due to the use of new technology, t (∆А = А 2 -A 1);

H is the marginal price of 1 unit of production, thousand rubles.

When determining the annual economic effect from the use of n O technology to increase production can be used use formula

E = (С 1 ’А 1 + Н∆А-С 2’ А 2) -Е n ∆К, (3.7)

where ∆К - additional capital investments, rubles.

This standard reflects the specific cost savings on the production O production of products, because at the same costs of production s production management increases due to measures to increase the final material efficiency.

When comparing the current self-supporting indicators of the activities of enterprises before and after the implementation of the event, the scientific and technological progress can and With use the method of separating profit for this event from the total amount of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise:

∆P appr. = P appr. 2 -P approx. 1, (3.8)

where ∆П appr .- increase in profit from the implementation of the event, million rubles;

Papprox. 1,Papprox. 2- the total amount of profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise before and after the implementation of the STP measure, mln rubles.

With a certain implementation of several measures at one enterprise, the allocation of a share for each measure is carried outeis carried out according to the principle adopted in the internal productionscalculation.

In the event that during the implementation of the action, the scientific and technical progress did not andsthe price and volume of products (work) changes over time, the efficiency of the event is characterized by a change (decrease) in productionethe cost of production and is determined by theRmule:

∆С = (С1 ’- C2 ’) A2 – Harrived, (3.9)

where ∆С is the savings in operating costs, million rubles.

WITH1 ’And C2 ’- the changing part of the cost of production (work) without and with the implementation of the NTP measure, million rubles;

A2 - annual volume of production (work), natural unitseniya;

Harrived- the amount of income tax (24%). The income tax rate is calculated asHarrived= ∆С * 0.24.

When assessing the economic efficiency of the use of technologyOgicheskikh processes providing growth of production of products, economicaleeffect (increase in profit remaining at the disposal of thedacceptance) is determined in accordance with the formula:

P1 = (Ts1 -WITH1 )A1 - (Ts1 -WITH0 )A2 - H, (3.10)

C1 - the wholesale price of the enterprise per unit of production, rubles;

WITH0 and C1 - the cost of production of a unit of production before and after the implementation of the event, rubles;

A1 and A2 - the annual production volume before and after the implementation of the measuresOacceptance.

The principles for determining the economic efficiency specified in the formulasTotivities of the new production technology reflect the features of technicalOth progress in the industrynnosti.

Tpayback= ∆К / ∆С, (3.11)

where Tpayback- recoupment of additional capital investments;

∆С - savings in operating costs, million rubles;

∆С = (С1 ’- C2 ’) A2, (3.12)

K - additional capital investments, million rubles.

The increase in labor productivity is determined by the formula:

Pwork=(A2 - A1 )*100/ A1 -100, (3.13)


The economic and social processes in society are influenced by many faTotorus, but the acceleration of the STP is the main one. STP is a continuous process of introducing new equipment and technology, organization of production and labor based on the achievements and implementation of knowledge. The concept of STP is broader than nOthe concept of scientific and technological revolution. Nathe scientific and technological revolution is an integral part of the scientific and technological progress.

Any state in order not to lag behind in its scientific and technological developmentandtii, should develop and implement a unified state technologyandiicheskuyu policy. Under a single state scientific and technical policyandwhich means the choice of the most important directions of scientific and technological progress and their implementation with powerful support from the state.

With the transition to market relations in Russia, due attention was not paid to the development of science and technology on the part of the state, which led to an even greater lag of our country from the developed countries of the world in the field of priority areas of scientific and technological progress and, naturallynbut, it did not help Russia to get out of the crisis situation. WITHandthe situation is aggravated by the fact that in Russia at the moment there is noOtana a unified state scientific and technical policy andsthe development of fundamental science, the state allocates scanty funds.

Any enterprise cannot have a good prospect if it does not constantly implement the results of scientific and technological progress, since the quality inslaunched products, the costs of their production and sale, the volume of sales and the amount of profit.

Forecasting and planning of scientific and technological progress at the enterprise should beatbe carried out on the basis of the developed strategy for the development of the enterprise for the long term, taking into account the realnowl possibilities.


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Annex 1.

Appendix 2

Rice. 1.2. Types of NTP effects

Appendix 3

Rice. 1.3. The mechanism of influence of scientific and technological progress on the technical, economic and financial performance of the enterprise

Rice. 1.1. The essence of NTP




) b)

Types of NTP effects








Acceleration of scientific and technological progress at the enterprise

Materialization of directions of scientific and technological progress at the enterprise

The impact of the acceleration of scientific and technological progress on the technical and organizational level of production

Technical effect

Resource effect

Economic effect

Social impact

Information effect

Impact of acceleration of scientific and technological progress on production efficiency

Impact of scientific and technological progress on the financial results of production