Professions and what they mean. The multifaceted world of professions. Classifications of professions. Humanities and natural sciences

After leaving school, each graduate is faced with the question of choosing a specialty. This decision largely depends on social status and general well-being of a person.

To make the right choice, you need to know what professions are available, to study their specifics and the range of wages. After all, content that suits you is not always hidden behind an attractive name. It happens that in choosing a future specialty a person is guided by someone's advice or opinion. However, having entered the university, from the very first lectures he understands that this direction is absolutely not for him. Therefore, before making a choice, study all the requirements, familiarize yourself with the nuances, weigh all the pros and cons. And remember that it should only be your decision.

Professions: list of main categories

The official world statistics includes about 40 thousand professions. Some of them remain in a static state for many years, while others change, adjusting to the modern rhythm of life, or disappear altogether, giving way to more popular ones.

Academician V. Ya. Klimov invented an interesting classification that allows you to understand what professions there are and streamline them.

  • The category "Man - man" implies the interaction of individuals with each other at various levels of the hierarchy. The specialties of this group include the branches of medicine, trade, education, law and information.
  • The category "Man - nature" combines professions related to ecology, research and development, agriculture and animals.
  • "Man is a sign" is a group of specialties with an analytical bias. This includes architects, writers, engineers, mathematicians and economists.
  • The category "Human - creativity" includes all specialties related to the field of entertainment and art.
  • The group "Man - machine" implies the interaction of man and automated mechanisms. This includes all transport specialties, many of technical types activities, computer programming and maintenance.

How to make a choice?

It is very difficult to choose one of such a variety of professions, of course, unless, by the time of entering the university, the student has developed some kind of priority ability that determines future employment. For example, if a person draws well and has a pronounced sense of taste, then a designer or architect is a more suitable specialty for him than a notary or a bulldozer driver.

As a rule, a clear understanding of one's place in the world does not come immediately, and the choice of a future profession is made based on its demand and the amount of payment.

The most prestigious professions are those that can guarantee uninterrupted employment, regardless of external factors, a stable above-average income and career movement. Specialties that meet the above requirements are the most attractive for applicants. What professions are the most prestigious?

Top management

At the beginning of the year, a well-known economic journal published a rating of highly paid professions, in which the leading position is occupied by CEO or the chairman of the board of a large corporation. Politicians were placed on the same level as leaders of this level. Their annual income crosses the million mark.

These professions require deep knowledge in the commercial, political, economic spheres, ownership foreign languages and ability to manage staff. In addition, a senior manager must have a number of personal qualities that allow him to maintain self-organization at a consistently high level, negotiate with representatives of various social categories, quickly navigate in any situation and make rational decisions to stabilize it.

Sports and art

The rating of professions would be incomplete without mentioning our idols from the world of sports and show business. Boxers, football players, singers, actors and popular presenters are compactly placed on the second line of the rating. Recognition and love of the public, enjoyment of doing what you love and, of course, thousands of fees - these are far from all the advantages of the above professions. But in order to achieve significant heights in them, undoubtedly, talent and hard work are needed.

There are also disadvantages in these specialties: the artists have a tight schedule of concerts, which only morally stable individuals can withstand; athletes have grueling workouts and the risk of injury.


The fashion industry is also not left out. When listing what professions there are, we often forget about models, believing that posing for the camera or walking along the catwalk cannot be called work. But the work of the model is one of the highest paid. The fees of long-legged beauties can sometimes compete with the incomes of politicians.

Unfortunately, not everyone can become models, for this you need to have chic external data and artistry.

IT technologies

In the age of global computerization, more and more students decide to link their future specialty with IT technologies. Website development, web design, creation software and promotion of the product on the web - this is something without which the Internet would not look so attractive. And if we consider that every second inhabitant of the Earth uses this means of communication and information, then it is not surprising that the income of programmers and computer geniuses is so high.

Let's remember the legendary billionaire Steve Jobs, who gave life to the world famous brand Apple. Or Bill Gates, the brilliant creator of Microsoft, who turned the IT world upside down. Or Pavel Durov, the developer of the most popular social network. Choosing as a specialty Computer techologies, everyone wants to continue this list with their own name.


Speaking about prestigious specialties, it is impossible not to mention the legal industry. Established lawyers, lawyers and prosecutors never complain about the lack of money. Their clients are rich and noble people who pay decent sums to represent them.

The servants of Themis should ideally know all the laws, regulations and legal acts and promptly respond to their changes. These are strong people who know how to defend their point of view and prove their case by building a logical chain of facts. They are masters of strategic planning They know human psychology very well and are able to use this knowledge in practice.


The "Most Prestigious Professions" rating is completed by specialties in brand promotion. Every year more and more new companies appear on the market. It is becoming more and more difficult to stay afloat, and its success will largely depend on how profitable the marketer will represent the company.

What professions are there in this industry? The activity is divided into several areas: analytical, economic, brand, Internet and trade marketing. Graduates work on such tasks: monitoring of competing objects, planning advertising campaign, brand promotion, development of a competitive product, research of the market and consumer opportunities, search for new sales channels.

Some companies have gained worldwide fame precisely because of the right decisions of marketers. So, such work is worthy of an appropriate reward.

The word "profession" comes from the Latin "professio", which means "official occupation, occupation." The modern definition of this term is more voluminous and sounds like this: “a profession is a historically emerged form labor activity for the performance of which a person must have certain knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as professionally important qualities.

Our list of professions is constantly updated and growing.

There is a special list of professions (where, unfortunately, no description can be found) approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia - “ All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and wage categories ”(OKPDTR). As a rule, a rigid tariff scale is actually used only in state and budget institutions. private firms and commercial organizations are more loyal to the discrepancy between education, profession and position.

Career guidance advice from the Professional Guide will help you in this important matter not only as informational support, but will indicate the direction and set benchmarks that correspond to your abilities. Indeed, in order to build successful career and a decent life in the future, it is not enough to determine the propensity for a particular profession. A psychologist will help you choose a profession that matches your talents, but in different industries - the most developed in the present and promising in the future.

The world of professions is incredibly diverse and large. In order not to get lost in this diversity, the professions were conditionally divided into groups: man-man, man-technology, man-nature, man-artistic image.

We do everything so that you understand your desires and acquire the necessary information.

Professional Guide will give you:

  • momentum to move forward
  • opportunity to learn new things
  • to know yourself from a new side, to be surprised and enjoy these discoveries.

The world of professions is diverse and dynamic: some professions disappear, others appear. Do you know who is the "Buker" and who is the "Underwriter"? Many of you will now use the Internet to get information about these professions.

How well do you navigate the world of professions? How many professions do you know: 50, 100, 1000…? V " international standard classification of professions” (there is, it turns out, such a document!) describes 9333 professions.

All professions are usually classified, combined into groups according to a number of common properties and signs. In our article, we will present the three most common classifications of professions. Perhaps this information will allow you to identify yourself to any type and get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired profession.

Classification E.A. Klimov

In Russia, the most famous classification of professions, proposed E.A. Klimov, where the relation of a person (subject of labor) to the object of labor acts as a criterion.

All professions are correlated here with five main types:

  1. "Man - nature" - representatives of this type deal with plant and animal organisms, microorganisms and the conditions of their existence. For example, a master horticulturalist, agronomist, livestock specialist, veterinarian, microbiologist.
  2. "Man - technology" - workers deal with inanimate, technical objects of labor. For example, a fitter, a mechanical technician, a mechanical engineer, a technologist Catering, Electrical Engineer.
  3. "Man - man" - the subject of interest, recognition, service, transformation here are social systems, communities, population groups, people of different ages. For example, a salesperson, a hairdresser, a doctor, a teacher, etc.
  4. "Person - sign system» - natural and artificial languages, conventional signs, symbols, numbers, formulas are of interest. For example, a mathematician, a publishing house editor, a programmer, a linguist, etc.
  5. "Man - an artistic image" - in professions of this type, the world is seen by the worker, first of all, as a kind of reality in which one can find, highlight the beautiful, the beautiful. Such a person cares about the world as an area that can be transformed and into which beauty, convenience, a form of some kind of content that affects emotions can be brought. For example, a decorator, an artist-restorer, a tuner of musical instruments, a ballet dancer, an actor in a drama theater, etc.

In addition, his classification divides professions according to goals, means of labor, and working conditions.

According to the purpose of work:

"Gnostic Professions"(from the ancient Greek "gnosis" - knowledge, knowledge).
There are many such professions connected with purely cognitive labor and, at the same time, organically included in the very depths of material production, and all of them are very diverse.

"Transformative Professions"
Most professions are not purely gnostic, but are associated with an active change in the properties and states of objects of labor. Cognition here is not an end in itself, it serves the transforming activity of man.

"Research Professions"
In this class of professions, such a goal of activity comes to the fore, which involves inventing something, inventing, finding a new solution.

Type of profession by subject of work

Gnostic (recognize, define)

Transformative (process, serve)

exploratory (invent, invent)

Man is nature



Man - technique

CNC machine tool adjuster

Driver, locksmith

Inventor, Engineer

Man - sign system


Archivist, librarian


Man - artistic image

literary critic

Artist, designer

Man is man


teacher, doctor


By means of labor:

  1. "Hand Tools"(immediate execution of the function).
    Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis, inspector of plumbing and machine work, laboratory assistant, mechanic, cartographer, painter.
  2. "Mechanized tools"(management of machines, mechanisms).
    Manually controlled machines are created for processing, transforming, moving objects of labor, therefore, typical professions for this division of the classification are an excavator driver, a turner, and a car driver.
  3. "Automated Tools"(management of machines, devices).
    Hatchery shop operator, CNC machine operator, magnetic recording operator.
  4. "Functional Means of the Human Body". W here means psychological means labor - all sorts of mental standards (for example, an acrobat has a mental model of a sequence of actions, a conductor has figurative standards, etc.).

Working conditions:

  • "Conditions of a household type"
    In such conditions, for example, a laboratory assistant, an accountant, a programmer work.
  • "Outdoor work».
    In the mode of a sharp drop in temperature, humidity. These conditions are typical for an agronomist, an installer of steel and reinforced concrete structures, tractor operator.
  • "Unusual working conditions"
    Under water, at height, underground, as well as in conditions of elevated temperature and others. Examples of professions are divers, miners, painters, fitters.
  • "Conditions with an increased level of moral responsibility"
    For the health and life of a person or for great material social values. This group includes the professions of a teacher, a judge, a salesperson.

J. Holland's classification

Abroad, today the most famous and popular typology J. Holland, based on a comparison of personality types and types of professional environment.

The following main types are distinguished (types of personality and types of professional environment):

"Realistic type"
Realistic people are present oriented. They are characterized by high emotional stability, well-developed motor skills, and dexterity. People of this type are endowed with spatial imagination. They give preference to occupations with specific objects, choose professions with clear tasks and results (for example, a driver, a builder, a tailor, a cook).

"Intelligent type"
People of the intellectual type are characterized by high activity, analytical abilities, theoretical thinking, and creativity. They prefer work aimed at solving complex intellectual problems, most often they choose professions related to the exact and natural sciences: mathematics, physics, astronomy, etc.

"Social Type"
People social type focused on communication and interaction with people. They have pronounced communication skills, feel and understand other people, strive to solve problems, taking into account emotions and feelings, and are capable of empathy and compassion. They prefer such fields of activity as medicine, pedagogy, psychology.

"Convention type"
People of the conventional type prefer pre-planned, structured activities, perform routine work well, strictly adhere to existing instructions and regulations. They are good performers, but weak leaders. The need to make cardinal decisions and work on creative non-standard tasks cause serious difficulties for this type of people. They manage to achieve the greatest efficiency in professions that require clarity, attentiveness and resistance to monotonous activities (for example, a financier, accountant, merchandiser, economist, clerk).

"Entrepreneurial type"
Entrepreneurial people strive for leadership, need recognition, and prefer leadership roles. Their energy, enthusiasm and impulsiveness allow them to solve complex tasks related to the leadership and promotion of an idea. They have well-developed communication skills, but scrupulous work that requires long-term concentration is not suitable for them. People of this type choose professions that allow them to realize themselves to the maximum, satisfy the need for recognition - an entrepreneur, manager, artist, journalist, diplomat, broker.

"Artistic type"
People of the artistic type are distinguished by a complex outlook on life, they are characterized by a deep emotional perception of reality. In relationships with others, they are guided by their feelings, emotions, imagination and intuition. Such people tend to stand out from the general environment. All these features allow them to choose creative professions related to drawing, music, photography, philology and history.

L.A. classification Yovaishi

  1. "Sphere of Art"- professions of a creative nature, associated with visual, musical, literary and artistic, acting and stage activities. People creative professions in addition to special abilities (musical, literary, acting), originality and independence are distinguished.
  2. "Sphere of technical interests"- We are talking about practical activities. The range of these professions is very wide - production and processing of metal; assembly, installation of devices and mechanisms; repair, adjustment, maintenance of electronic and mechanical equipment; installation, repair of buildings, structures; transport management; production of products.
  3. "Sphere of work with people"-professions related to management, training, education, service (household, medical, reference and information). People who are successful in the professions of this group are distinguished by sociability, the ability to find a common language with different people to understand their mood, intentions.
  4. "Sphere of mental work"-Professions related to scientific activity. In addition to special knowledge, such people are usually distinguished by rationality, independence of judgment, analytical warehouse mind.
  5. "Sphere of physical labor"-professions related to sports, travel, expeditionary work, security and operational-search activities, military service. All of them have special requirements for physical fitness, health, and strong-willed qualities.
  6. "Sphere of material interests"- professions related to calculations and planning (accountant, economist); office work, text analysis and their transformation (editor, translator, linguist); schematic representation of objects (drawer, topographer). These professions require concentration and accuracy from a person.

We recommend that you go through one of the methods: "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire" (DDO) E.A. Klimova, “Questionnaire of professional preferences” (OPP) by J. Holland, “Definition of professional interests” by L.A. Yovaishi. This will allow you to determine your professional type and take the first step towards professional choice.