The essence and classification of social technologies. §2. Classification of social technologies Types of social technologies and their characteristics

In the scientific literature, various types or types of social technologies are distinguished.
So, according to the degree of novelty, fundamentally new (innovative) and traditional (technologies of past experience) are distinguished.
Various types of social technologies can be distinguished depending on the nature of the object of technological impact. When it is determined by managerial and organizational aspects, then technologies for searching for a management strategy, personal management, social forecasting, etc. are distinguished.
In terms of scale, a number of researchers identify global and territorial social technologies. The first are associated with the solution of universal human problems, with trends in world development, with social problems of the impact of nature and society on humans. Regional social technologies have certain territorial restrictions and reflect the dynamics of the processes of regional social life.
It seems to us that it is advisable to search for a more optimal typologization not in the direction of highlighting particular criteria, but along the way of strengthening the universality of the classification itself. In this regard, understanding the social as public, it is legitimate to distinguish the following main types of social technologies:
... legal support for the functioning of society;
... political technologies of administrative and power regulation;
... economic functioning of society, development of property;
... information support for the media, computer networks;
... spiritual and cultural development;
... ensuring the social functioning of society.

Forms of technology of social work.
The general technology system includes diagnostics, prevention, adaptation, rehabilitation, correction, social therapy, social expertise, forecasting, design, mediation, counseling, social security, social security, custody and guardianship.

The technology of social work as a type of professional activity is a set of methods of action aimed at restoring, maintaining or improving the social functioning of an object, as well as at anticipating negative social processes, with the possible repetition (replication) of this system of actions.

Exposure methods:
- administrative
- administrative
- socio - economic
- socio-pedagogical
- socio-psychological
- legal

Method - from the Greek - a way of achieving a goal, solving a specific problem, acts as a set of approaches, techniques, operations of practical or theoretical mastering of reality
The method in social work plays a double role, acting: a way of cognition and application of knowledge developed in the sciences, studying various aspects of human life and his social practice a definite concrete action contributing to a qualitative change in an existing object (subject)

I. organizational and administrative methods in social work
The control system assumes - control - goals, means of influence, methods of function, principles
Management structure - personnel, management techniques, organizational and legal side
Management process - governing bodies, material part of governing bodies
Rationalization of management systems - implementation, achievement of science in management, personnel renewal, improvement of household management system.
Like any activity, social management includes numerous means, forms and methods for achieving the set goal, which make up its toolkit.
Management can be divided into 3 large groups: regulatory, administrative and disciplinary methods.
1. Regulatory methods are a hard type of impact. With their help, one or another system of organizations is created, defines the tasks, rights and responsibilities of management structures, establishes certain rules, specific instructions for action, the framework for the behavior of managers and subordinates.
This group includes: regulation, orientation, organizational methods, coaching, etc.
Regulation is the development and application of regulations, job descriptions and other documents regulating the activities of team members.
2. Administrative (administrative) methods are used to correct the system and promptly clarify management tasks, to improve the organization and are aimed at solving specific problems. There are 2 forms of using these methods - written and documentary and oral. Impacts as directives are decrees, decrees in written documentary form, and orders, orders and instructions in both.
The administrative influence of the methods is aimed primarily at eliminating emerging difficulties and shortcomings in professional activities. They predetermine the scope of the proposed work, the distribution of responsibilities for its implementation, as well as the timing of performance and involve systematic control and verification of performance.
3. Disciplinary methods. In social work, when you have to solve numerous problems, the real impact on people is not mental without the appropriate order and discipline rules.

II. Psychological methods in social work.
The main task that psychology sets itself is to help a person, make life more meaningful, meaningful, develop vitality, provide help and support to those in need, not only formally - organizationally, but also personally - consciously, proactively.
For this, psychology uses various scientific methods and their variants.
- observations, external, internal, free, standardized, included.
- questioning, oral, written, free, standardized
- test, test - questionnaire, test - task, projective test
- modeling - mathematical, logical, technical, cybernetic
- experiment - natural, laboratory
These methods and their variants are designed to collect and process primary information in order to identify facts and obtain conclusions through interpretation.
Psychological approaches to social work technology
- depth psychology (psychodynamic theory) psychoanalysis (S. Freud), individual (Adler), analytical psychology (Bern) and other psychological defense.
- Behavioral (behavioral psychology) essence is to use the influence of the environment on human behavior.
- cognitive psychology is the direction of interests, how the consciousness of a person is arranged, his system of knowledge, which are, as it were, an analogue of a computer. The main dominant feature, revealing the essence of cognitive psychology is JAV scheme.
- a humanistic direction, the basis is that life and fate, a person's actions depend on his inner state, and not the environment.

III. Pedagogical methods in social work.
1. The method of education is a means of influencing consciousness, will of feeling, behavior of people in order to develop given qualities in them.
2. The method of persuasion means to disassociate, applying emotional and verbal influence, sometimes relying on internal or leading to exhortation, that is, combining a request with an explanation and suggestion.
3. Method of motivation. The main thing here is to focus a person on activities in accordance with his interests and needs.
4. The method of encouragement is the stimulation of human activity, the encouragement reflects a positive assessment of the individual's activity
5. The reprimand method is a reaction to unwanted activity and behavior.

IV. Legal methods or legal
They must be considered in the context of the legal foundations of management, since the content and boundaries of the application of administrative and economic methods are regulated by normative acts that legally enshrine the concept of the rights and obligations of the subjects of management of the ability to maneuver resources.

The leading place in the practice of social work is occupied by administrative and economic methods. The division of these methods is to a certain extent arbitrary, since a clear separation of each of them is not always possible: they interact with each other and have many common features. At the same time, they are characterized by differences in the methods and motivational mechanism of influence on control objects.

The main instrument of practical social work is the so-called social technologies.

Technology(from the Greek. techne- art, craftsmanship, skill + logos - teaching) - the science of methods and means of processing and qualitative transformation of an object.

Technology is understood as a set of processes for the processing or processing of materials. At the same time, technology can be defined as a set of basic characteristics and elements (constituents) of the production process of a particular product.

Technology can also be defined as the optimal sequence of using the means of influencing the subject of labor in order to achieve results within a certain period of time.

Technology acts as the final link in the activity, the practical embodiment of the conceived and implemented. This is the peculiarity of the functioning of the technology and the significance for any type of activity, including for social work. Today the concept of "technology" has received widespread use, due to which it is used in all spheres of human life and is firmly established in the social and spiritual sphere.

We live in an era technologization of all spheres of human life, which, on the one hand, is the result of the penetration of technology into all elements of professional activity and everyday life, and, on the other hand, the result of the strengthening of the influence of science and scientific exact knowledge on social reality, on the system of social communications. Consequently, willingly or unwillingly, we are faced with the need for the technologization of social processes, which boils down to: delimitation, division, dismemberment of the process into internal interrelated stages, phases, operations; coordination and phasing of actions aimed at achieving the desired result; unambiguity of implementation of procedures and operations included in the technology.

Technologization is a process, i.e. stable, repetitive, sequential change in the content of activity with a single concept. The concept of "process" is considered in the same way as a synonym for the concepts of "change", "development", "transition of objects from one state to another." It is important to emphasize the difference between social processes and economic, political and other social processes. It consists in the fact that the subject of movement here is the social quality of a person and society. The peculiarity of social processes lies in the fact that they permeate all processes of social life, since changes in personality, family, class, other social groups (in terms of their social status, realization of needs and interests) affect all aspects of their life.

The technological process is based on three components: 1) an algorithm of actions (operations), i.e. exact correspondence of the sequence of operations that transform the object (including the object of social work) and transfer it to the desired state; 2) operations as the simplest actions aimed at achieving a specific goal; a set of operations, united by a common goal, constitute the procedure of the technological process; 3) tools as an arsenal of means to ensure the achievement of the goal of influencing a person, social group, community.

The technological process is characterized by the following main procedural stages: 1) the formulation of the goal of the impact based on the collection of information and the definition of the problem; 2) development and selection of methods of influence; 3) organization of impact; 4) assessment and analysis of impact results

Currently, the concept of "social technology" is being used more and more actively.

Empirical experience and patterns discovered by social sciences are considered the theoretical basis of social technologies. K. Popper interprets social technology as a way of applying the theoretical findings of sociology for practical purposes . According to K. Mannheim, social technology is a system of scientifically determined socio-political actions designed to rationally regulate specific social processes. The object of the influence of social technology should be mainly social groups, group consciousness, group relations, values, norms.

Gerasimova E. Yu. Defines social technology as:

· A specially organized area of ​​knowledge about the methods and procedures for optimizing human life in conditions of increasing interdependence, dynamics and renewal of social processes;

· A way of carrying out activities on the basis of its rational division into procedures and operations with their subsequent coordination and synchronization and the choice of optimal means, methods of their implementation;

· Method of managing social processes, providing a system of their reproduction in certain parameters of quality, properties; volumes; integrity of activities.

Zainyshev I.G. distinguishes two aspects of understanding social technology. First, in a broad sense - as a system of theoretical knowledge and practice, which is an organization, an algorithm and the whole set of means, methods and techniques of influencing various objects of social work. Secondly, as a set of private technologies, the specificity of which is determined by a specific subject and object of social work.

Thus, social technology should be interpreted as a set of methods for determining, diagnosing and transforming a social object in order to achieve a given result... A feature of social technology is the possibility of its repeated use for solving similar problems.

Social technologies can be interpreted in two ways: first, as ways of applying the theoretical conclusions of a particular science in solving practical problems; secondly, as a set of techniques, methods and influences that are used to achieve the set goals in the process of social development, solving certain social problems.

There are two components of social technologies: 1) programs containing procedures and operations (as methods and means of activity); 2) the activity itself, built in accordance with these programs.

Social technologies can be viewed as concretization, a kind of consequence of technologization in the social sphere. In this case, they can be interpreted as ways of carrying out activities based on its rational division into procedures and operations with their subsequent coordination and synchronization and the choice of optimal means, methods of their implementation.

Social technology can be classified for a number of reasons... The most significant reasons include:

By the scale of the social problems being solved:

Universal social technologies;

Private social technologies.

2. By the level of social activity:

Global social technologies used on a scale of all mankind; - regional social technologies that have an effect in solving problems in a specific region;

National social technologies based on the peculiarities of national traditions, psychology of mentality, etc .;

State technologies that allow solving a social problem within a particular state;

Municipal, etc.

3. By the nature of the tasks being solved:

Functional social technologies designed to ensure the optimal and effective functioning of existing social systems in various spheres of social life;

Innovative social technologies aimed at ensuring the optimal transition of various social systems to a different quality;

Technologies for resolving social contradictions and conflicts, allowing you to find and implement the most optimal ways and methods for solving such problems.

4. By the nature of the impact on social processes:

Formative social technologies allowing to create a new social object;

Stimulating social technologies, the subject of influence of which are certain aspects of the process of functioning of a given object;

Restraining social technologies that in a certain way regulate the process of functioning of a social object;

Destructive social technologies, the result of which is the disappearance of a social object as a whole or any part of it.

5. By the nature and content of the means used:

Organizational, administrative and administrative social technologies;

Social and legal technologies;

Medical and social technologies

Psychological technologies;

Pedagogical technologies, etc.

It is social work as a systemic labor activity that acts as a purely specific area for the implementation and application of social technologies.

2. Technologies of social work: their content, components, types

The literature most often deals with "practical" technologies of social work, i.e. technologies applied to the practice of social work. This applies, inter alia, to educational activities and technologies of the educational process. However, it should be borne in mind that these technologies (practical and educational) are based on accumulated experience, systematization of knowledge in this area.

In accordance with this approach, it is possible to classify technologies used in social work... This refers to three aspects of social work, in which technologies appear mainly in the form of knowledge (science), knowledge and skills (training), as well as knowledge, skills, experience and practice (practical activity). Social work technologies can be divided into three large groups:

1) general and private technologies (often referred to in the literature as functions, areas of social work). These are social diagnosis, social therapy, social rehabilitation, social prevention, social control, social insurance, social services in the field of everyday life, social mediation, social welfare. Each of them includes both scientific (theory) and practical and educational components.

2) technologies of social work with different groups, strata, communities, as well as with an individual. Their theoretical content is reduced to identifying the features of the use of technologies of the first group, taking into account the knowledge of the specifics of this group of objects of social work;

3) technologies of social work in various spheres of life, which are a system of knowledge of the use of general and private technologies, taking into account the characteristics of each sphere of life of social orientation (education, health care, etc.) and the structure of these spheres.

There is a classification of technologies taking into account the levels of social work: individual-personal, social-group and societal (local, regional, federal, as well as continental and world). There is no doubt that the theoretical component in each of them is different.

The technologies of social work in professional and non-professional activities are defined differently. The component of interest to us - theory - is presented here, naturally, first of all, in professional social work.

Social work technologies (taking into account all three of its components) are classified depending on the prevalence of one or another aspect. So, in socio-economic, socio-legal, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-medical technologies there is a combination of theoretical knowledge of social work in general and knowledge in the field of economics, law, pedagogy, psychology and medicine.

The technology of social work and its theoretical component are connected in the most organic way with social technologies as a whole: global (knowledge of global problems of our time and the "exit" of technologies beyond the framework of national-state formations); innovative and routine (knowledge of new and old methods of problem solving); historical (knowledge of the solution of social problems at different stages of the history of their country and other countries), etc. The theoretical component of technologies in social work is especially clearly presented and expressed in information social technologies. This is due to the importance of information in modern society, which is called informational.

A specific technology of social therapy with an individual is developed at the level of individual interaction, and subsequently, group work. Social therapy methods involve a certain technology of building an interaction between a social worker (psychosocial therapist) and a client.

In practice, the social work specialist is constantly faced with the somatic and psychological problems of clients. Possession of social therapy methods helps to identify the internal factors of a person's development, the reasons and motivation for his behavior.

There are various options for the technological solution of problems in individual social work: For example, back in 1928 at the Milford Conference, the factors that determine the correct choice of technological solutions to social problems were identified: knowledge of typical deviations from generally accepted norms of social life; familiarization with the details of the life of a specific person in a difficult situation; application of generally accepted methods of studying and providing assistance to people who need social support; use of funds and resources of local authorities (public organizations); application of knowledge and accumulated experience in combination with the requirements of an individual approach; understanding of the theoretical foundations that determine the goals, ethics and features of targeted assistance in social work.

Social technologies used in the practice of social work are fixed knowledge and skills expressed, stored and transmitted in verbal or written form, so that they can be passed from generation to generation, from one society to another.

However, practice shows that in many ways the social work of professionals is based, in essence, on the method of "trial and error", intuition, perseverance, endurance, readiness to understand the problems of the individual, to make a certain self-sacrifice. That's great, but it's not enough today.

What is social technology? The simplest answer: a set of techniques that allow you to influence a specific situation or in general. In more detail, the concept includes a whole structure of communicative methods that are used to manage society or one's own environment. Social technologies make it possible to form the necessary reality, to manage others in their own interests. They study their science, which is called "management consulting".

Depending on the area in which these technologies are applied, they differ in:

  • Strictly social. Such technologies have evolved historically. They are most easily explained with proverbs. "You can't catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty." "Who does not work shall not eat". These social technologies imply caring for the unprotected layers, the formation of social justice.
  • Economic. They mean the correct distribution of the workforce based on an assessment of the abilities and capabilities of each employee, the distribution of managerial responsibilities for the intellectual optimization of labor.
  • Management. This includes methods for creating a strategy for leaders, increasing collective responsibility, and developing effective management systems.
  • Political. It is on them that guarantees of the correctness and optimality of political decisions that affect the life of society depend.
  • Social technologies They determine the prerequisites for solving social problems, take into account trends that affect cultural life.

Today, our state is developing social work technologies associated with improving the life of families, vulnerable groups (pensioners, disabled people, children). Technologies for foresight of social development, adaptation, socio-medical, pedagogical and others are being developed and implemented.

All representatives of the scientific community consider the technologies of social work with families to be especially important, because it is in this cell of society that people spend most of their lives. And it is the family that first of all shapes the personality, needs, behavior and aspirations of a person.

Such technologies are developed specifically for different categories. In particular, social technologies are highlighted for working with the following families:

  • those in a socially dangerous situation;
  • large;
  • incomplete;
  • having a disabled child, etc.

Particular attention is paid to the protection of children who are sexually, physically or morally abused.

If you try to classify the types of social technologies, you will have to highlight several criteria.

So, according to the degree of fame, they are divided into classic (traditional) and innovative, i.e. developed taking into account modern ideas and capabilities.

Technologies can cover a specific region or an entire country, so they can be divided into global, aimed at solving common human problems, and regional, taking into account the characteristics of the region.

Some sociologists offer the following classification of technologies:

  • associated with the life of society;
  • defining administrative and power regulation;
  • Information Support;
  • related to spiritual and cultural development;
  • ensuring stable social functioning.

In addition to the above, the concept of "social technologies" can be considered as a direction of professional activity. In this case, it is advisable to single out a number of actions aimed at anticipating and eliminating negative ones.These include certain methods of influence:

  • administrative;
  • managerial;
  • economic;
  • pedagogical;
  • legal;
  • psychological.

These methods belong to the toolkit They help to achieve the set goals.

Technology (from the Greek tekhnẽ - art, skill, skill + 1оgos - teaching) - a system of knowledge about the methods and means of processing and qualitative transformation of an object. Technology is a set of means for organizing and ordering expedient practical activities in accordance with the purpose and logic of the process of transforming an object. The technology algorithms the activity and, therefore, can be reused, reproduced and replicated to solve similar problems. In modern conditions, as the system of professional activities for the provision of social assistance and the provision of social rights is being formed and developed, it becomes especially relevant technologization of social work... As one of the types of social technology, the technology of social work is a set of methods of actions carried out professionally to improve the life of clients with or without the use of technical means and the possibility of reproducing this system of actions (social services, assistance and support to citizens in difficult life situations) ... Social technologies in this area of ​​social life are based on the real experience of social work, the principles and theoretical and methodological laws discovered by the social sciences.

There are many criteria for classifying social work technologies. This is due to the fact that social work is a certain relatively independent system of an ordered set of elements interconnected and forming some kind of integral unity. The most common of these are peer review techniques (eg, guidelines for interviewing tactical workers); methods of intervention (dating services); service programs (adoption agency); organizational structures (decentralized offices) service systems (local mental health agencies). Social work can be considered as a kind of large systems, since it includes three components: 1) social work as a science; 2) social work as an academic discipline (a cycle of academic disciplines); 3) social work as a type of activity.

Highlighting social technology in social work as a science, it is necessary to take into account that it is such a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about a certain reality - social work (and when understanding social work in a broad sense - social relations, social sphere). One of its most important tasks as a science is the analysis of existing forms and methods of social work, the development of optimal methods and technologies for resolving various social and other problems in relation to different individuals, strata and groups of the population.

When characterizing the technology of social work as a science, one should proceed from the fact that its integral components are the corresponding laws (for example, essential links between the subject and the object of social activity), principles and methods (economic, legal, socio-pedagogical, etc.).

In this case, social technologies are ways of applying theoretical conclusions in solving practical problems of social work. In this regard, it is important to emphasize the peculiarity of social work as a science - the organic unity of knowledge and skills.

When it comes to social work as an academic discipline(cycle of academic disciplines), the essence of social technologies is a holistic view of the content of social work, its main directions, tools, methods and organization, i.e. these technologies are mainly of educational, informational nature.

In this regard, it is important to distinguish between the general and the specific in educational technologies in the field of social work, which is associated with the educational system: obtaining secondary specialized and higher education (taking into account the stages of higher education, incomplete higher education, bachelor's, special education, magistracy), postgraduate and doctoral studies , a system of professional development and self-education.

Social technologies in social work, depending on the level, are divided into:

Simple (available to non-specialists);

Complex, requiring qualifications from a specialist working in a specific field;

Complex, requiring the qualifications of several specialists working in different fields. Given the complexity of the subjects of social work (in particular, these are social services of various levels and directions), it is possible to distinguish between social technologies and this indicator.

The typology of social technologies is also possible according to other criteria. For example, you can highlight social technologies - "external" in relation to the client: government intervention, assistance from public and other organizations, individuals. Their main content is to create conditions for a person, groups (strata) of people so that they can independently solve their problems (for example, creating jobs at enterprises for people with disabilities).

Differ from "external" technologies social technologies (i.e. methods, actions) carried out by the clients themselves(for example, starting your own business, setting aside a certain percentage of income (interest) for social insurance, etc.). This type of technology (self and mutual assistance) includes those actions, techniques, methods that social workers use to solve the problems of their clients.

Also, in relation to the client, formative technologies are distinguished (for example, the formation of any new positive attitude in the client), stimulating (for example, encouraging a positive model of behavior or thinking for the client and society) and destructive (technologies aimed at destroying the usual for the client, but standards of behavior unacceptable to society).

It is possible to highlight technologies in social work with people living in the country, and people who, for one reason or another, find themselves outside its borders (for example, the Russian-speaking population, Russian citizens living in neighboring countries).

Also, the technologies of social work are distinguished by the time of functioning, the duration of exposure:

a) long-term (these technologies are designed for 20-25 years)

b) tactical (aimed at implementing the plan)

c) operational or situational (for solving one-time situations, regulating the interaction of people)

d) cyclical (periodically occurring)

The analysis shows that in social technologies people see, first of all, a means of exchange of human abilities and needs between spiritual and material production. Considering the role of social technologies as one of the most important elements of managing social processes, the Russian sociologist L. Dyatchenko defines them as a socially organized area of ​​knowledge about the methods and procedures for optimizing human life in conditions of increasing interdependence, dynamics and renewal of social processes. This author understands social technology as a process of purposeful impact on a social object in order to obtain a programmed result.

The object of social technology is people, their interaction, small and large social groups, as well as diverse institutions and organizations.

The socio-technological approach is an alternative to the administrative-command one. It involves taking into account the living variety of internal and external connections of social phenomena, the multivariance and naturalness of their changes, as well as an orientation towards the development of a person as a person, towards creating an opportunity for each person to realize their own potential.

In Ukraine, there is a need for a well-thought-out social technology for creating conditions for society to develop without anyone's authoritarian pressure, infringement of the rights and freedoms of individuals and social groups. To solve this national problem, it is necessary to develop and implement various regional and local programs, that is, social technologies at the middle and micro levels.

The market economy needs modern management technologies and organizations that make it possible to rationalize the work of each person, to create effective business ties between various active social groups.

In real life, a wide variety of social technologies are used. Theory and practice have developed various technologies for each type of human activity, for any social process. Each of them has unique features and characteristics. Today, for example, management technologies and information technologies, technologies in the field of education, vocational training, the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the development of human activity, technologies for resolving conflicts, etc., are being actively developed. The general trend of this process is that each branch of knowledge that studies a person and its activities, develops its own social technologies that ensure the implementation of social projects and programs, the optimization of social processes.

In this regard, it should be emphasized that the structuring of social technologies can be carried out according to various featured. For example, depending on the level of public relations, on which social technologies are developed and implemented, they can be divided into three groups:

    macro technologies, that is, the technology of macrosystems (regional subsystems of society, classes, parties, large social groups, etc.);

    mesotechnology, used at the "middle" level - a city or other settlement, a large work collective, etc .;

    microtechnology, designed for small associations of people, social processes at the micro level, as well as self-organization technologies aimed at the development and rational use of personal potential.

It is possible to classify social technologies by the main spheres of public life and types of human activity: industrial and labor, political, preparatory labor or educational activities, sports, activities in the family and household sphere, etc.

By focus of social activities allocate four types social technologies:

    formation technologies social systems, such as social design methods;

    functional, aimed at maintaining the stability of social systems and processes. These include, for example, standard management procedures that are aimed at solving social problems that periodically arise in the activities of organizations;

    technologies aimed at transformation and development socialsystems, v first of all, methods of open games;

    social struggle technologies as a means of protecting social systems, suppressing undesirable phenomena, primarily highly developed and technologized systems for protecting law and order and public safety. ...

You can talk about traditional, already tested and widely implemented technologies and about innovative social technologies, that is, those that have not yet found widespread use and the need for which is increasingly felt in practice. In turn, there may be various grounds for the classification of innovative social technologies, among which one should pay attention to the classification by the type of innovation: technology direct and indirect actions.

The subject of innovative social technologies of direct action is directly human essential forces, abilities, properties that develop depending on the correspondence of the economy, political organization, social system, lifestyle, etc., to human nature, his purpose. They are aimed at the formation of such a set of social processes that would correspond to the free and universal development of man. In society itself, these are, as a rule, social technologies for the transition from a totalitarian system to a democratic society and a rule of law, from a forced labor regime based on the domination of state property to free labor based on a variety of forms of ownership, etc.

Innovative social technologies of indirect action are aimed at improving the organizational and managerial aspects of human activity within the existing set of social processes. These are technologies for improving existing structures, organizations, orders in order to bring them into greater conformity with the nature and purpose of a person (for example, improving the forms of organization and remuneration, etc.).

In the context of the transition to a market economy, the need for the development of new technologies, necessary for effective inclusion in market relations. For example, both for enterprises that remain state-owned, and for joint-stock associations, and for limited liability partnerships, technologies are needed for organizing small businesses, conducting exchange transactions, relations with foreign partners, etc.

At the same time, as life shows, along with technologies that transfer the system from one state to another, in the current Ukrainian conditions it is no less necessary technologies,increasing the reliability of the functioning of social systems. Old social relations cannot be destroyed without creating conditions for new ones to develop firmly and steadily.

There are other classifications of social technologies. For example, the Ukrainian sociologist V. Podshivalkina, according to the level of social activity, distinguishes global, national, regional technologies, as well as technologies at the level local government, social organizations and separate divisions. In addition, she distinguishes universal and private technology; by the nature of the impact on the social process, distinguishes formative technologies aimed at the formation of certain social processes; stimulating, focused on the maintenance or development of social processes; restraining(or hindering), setting certain boundaries of social processes; destructive(or destructive), aimed at undermining and eliminating certain processes. However, the most substantive and complete, in our opinion, typology of social technologies (Table 2) is given by the famous sociologist V. Patrushev in his book "Introduction to the theory of social technologies".

table 2
