How to make your first million. Let the right people work for you. What lies at the heart of a successful career

Ekaterina Bochkareva

It took me 15 months to earn my first million.

Forget it. In fact, it was not like that.

It took six years. I had to earn half a million, then completely lose it (and not only it). Twice I found myself on the street and every summer I suffered from "dissatisfaction with myself, bordering on suicide."

Forget it. In fact, this was not the case either.

It took me 29 years to earn my $ 1,000,000. Whole life.

As much as I would like to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make your first million dollars. I can not. I have no doubt that there will be enough greedy / unscrupulous people willing to take your money in exchange for the plan on "How to make $ 1,000,000." Besides, my path to a million is clearly not to your liking.

It turned out to be not easy at all.

How to Make $ 1,000,000: The Hardcore Way

Step # 1 Try everything

If you are the same as me, and absolutely do not know how to make decisions, then this method will not work. Try something else and let the results decide for you.

Even if you fork out for marketing research, it won't tell you anything important. In order to make effective business decisions, you need to be guided by reliable data. You can buy them (for a thousand or two dollars) or do active research yourself. Acting.

The latter is much more efficient ( and cheaper).

« Will this headline drive users to my landing page?

Run traffic on it and find out.

« Will the book I write sell well?»

Publish, market and see.

« Will this blog post attract my dream clients? Will anyone read it

Check it out and find out.

I started a chocolates company, a pay-for-performance SEO firm, a reputation risk management agency, an information marketing company, a t-shirt business, a full-blown internet advertising agency, a health blog, a copywriting agency, created seven fictional literary pseudonyms and one not invented.

Of all of the above, nothing fired, except for three projects ( I'm going to abandon them too).

I wrote 36 books, hired and fired 47 people, made and lost, and made a fortune again, and so on twice. I've collected and then trimmed, reassembled and laid off staff at the same company at least five times in the past year.

I do not wait until I make up my mind. I just do it.

If I have an idea for a book, I don't think about writing it, I write it.

If you are still reading this article, it means that ideas are wandering in your head that need to be implemented. We need to check everything in action. Receive reliable data. Stop contemplating that you can predict the future. You can not. Instead, try every possible option.

Step # 2. Stop whining and start working for people

Then stop writing books for yourself, start writing books for your audience.

Your bank account directly reflects the benefits that you bring to people in the market. Both in general terms and at the level of each person individually. But it is not so easy ...

I hate to write. As a child, I promised myself that I would never, under any circumstances, work, sitting inseparably at the table. Today I spend 12-14 hours a day sitting in a windowless room and typing in front of a monitor screen. However, it is through writing that I benefit people. I have hardly reached such heights in writing that I was paid to do it.

But ... Serving people is not easy. For the most part, they are all ungrateful, negative curmudgeons. They are constantly demanding more. You will have to work for hours to keep them happy. You will not always enjoy it. Sometimes you have to work for an idea. Go through this step. I went through.

If you think that you are creating something for the audience, and not for yourself, only people of art from despair ... then do not complain that no one is buying your product ( something is wrong with your ideas about art)

Find a way to serve people that suits you. Don't whine, do it. You will have to wait a long time until you get paid.

You can look for yourself in different areas. I looked. It turned out that I cannot earn by building business connections. I hate cold calling, I hate calling clients when they are offline. I can't sleep well when I have to sell product information.

Maybe you can do well. The bottom line is to find what you can be useful to people, and do it your best. Even if it's hard.

Step # 3. Set yourself the bar

Do not give up. Never. Pick one thing and don't give up until you've completed it.

This is my second post on Medium. The first one got zero views. I will be writing on Medium until I get 1,000,000 views. Guided by the principle not “if I don’t get it”, but the principle “ bye will not get".

How long will it take?

Who knows.

What if it doesn't?

What if happens? Reaching the milestone of a million views is one win. The true goal is mastery.

Even if I can't do it now, I can do it in the future. This is the idea.

True story: $ 1,000,000 alone is worthless

First, the state will attack you and take half the money. Your accountants, lawyers, financial managers will also get some of the earnings. Do you have a loan? Pay off all debts right away, otherwise they will gobble up most of your budget in the future.

Suppose you are lucky and you have $ 400 thousand of a million left. Not very much.

I'm 29. I can't quit my job with 400 thousand dollars in my pocket. I still have to work tirelessly. A million dollars didn't buy me the freedom I longed for. If I want to buy myself a second home, then $ 400,000 won't go far, especially in Portland. Especially with children.

Depressing ... if you only care about money, I don't. A million dollars is just a figure. A tangible way to measure success.

It doesn't matter if you end up making $ 1,000,000. This is not the point. When you set the bar for yourself, two scenarios emerge:

A. You are achieving the indicators that you have set for yourself. You achieve your goals and get additional benefits.

B. You die before reaching the milestone. The goal is not achieved, but you receive an incentive bonus in the form additional bonuses.

There is an alternative to this:

You give up too soon. If you don't achieve your goal, you miss out on a long list of additional bonuses that awaited you on the way.

What else remains? Play video games?

This is the most important step. Get out of your mind what you just read and form your strategy. You have to do this if you want a million dollars.

There is no unique recipe, instructions "How to make a million", maps of hidden treasures. One hundred people who have read this article will try to earn it, and perhaps one of them will succeed. Maybe. But very few people will manage to keep this wealth.

The boring adage that “the main thing is not victory, but participation” actually works.

Take a chance and earn $ 1,000,000. You have the right to do so. Just be prepared for many pleasant things to happen to you on the way to a million.

How to become a millionaire from scratch, moreover, preferably faster? It is difficult to find a person who would not want this. Whatever one may say, but money does not come easily - you need to think a lot, reflect, carry out calculations and, of course, work. However, in our life everything is real, and a million is far from the limit.

Chasing millions

Many people, completely desperate, begin to look for any means of earning money. Scammers like to deceive such personalities, who in bright colors talk about quick earnings and that a million in a year is nothing, and even in a month everyone can earn such an amount. But it is easy to promise mountains of gold, but you need to understand where is reality and where is fairy tales. But people "take the bait", buy discs with courses and video lessons, only wasting, not earning. You just need to think - after all, if everything were so simple and universal, then every third person would already be rich. No, millionaires are people with a completely unique mindset, who have a special character, ability and entrepreneurial streak. And even if one person acts on the advice of a wealthy businessman, then he may not succeed, since everything here depends on the personality.

Financial tricks

But you don't need to get upset, because there are answers to the question of how to become a millionaire from scratch, albeit ambiguous. For example, one of the most popular ways to make money is to create passive income and then apply for a loan for it. What does it mean? So, you need to create a small passive income (20 thousand rubles or more), register as an individual entrepreneur, which is not so difficult, and apply for a bank loan. For such an amount, the bank will give a million, and with an installment plan for several years. To create passive income, you can rent out your property - this is the simplest method. You can do network marketing by becoming a distributor. Good specialists earn several hundred thousand dollars from this in just one month! A few months later, the question of how to make the first million will no longer interest the person receiving that kind of money.


This method is suitable for enterprising people. If a person has an asset (a website that makes a profit, or an account with a network marketing firm), then it can be sold. It will be very In fact, anything can act as an asset. How do you calculate the amount you can get for a sale? It is calculated according to the following scheme: the monthly passive income is multiplied by 24 (this is the number of months for which the asset will pay off). For example, it looks like this: if a person receives 50 thousand rubles from his business per month, then the amount for which he can be sold is equal to 1,200,000 rubles. It turns out even more than a million.

The deal is like a step towards a million

It is impossible not to touch upon this topic, discussing how to become a millionaire from scratch. After all, you can earn a large amount both overnight and in several installments. Sometimes this requires the appropriate circumstances. The method under consideration will be ideal for those people who understand the intricacies of the functioning of a business, are sociable and know how to win over. You can conclude a deal for a large amount (preferably several million), from which the person who influenced its implementation will receive a percentage. With some agreements made, the profit can even exceed one million. To do this, you need to find a large investor who could invest in some project, find a buyer for real estate or business.

By accumulation

But what if the above methods are not the right option? How to make a million in a year in this case? The main thing is not to despair. There are several methods that can help you achieve your desired goal. Financial experts always recommend saving a small part for any income. So it will turn out to gradually develop capital intended for investment. It is also advisable to increase this amount each time. By the way, such savings will also become so-called. It is necessary, since no one is insured against the risk of losing their job or suddenly losing something of value. By the way, this is why financial experts recommend having several sources of income - this will also be financial insurance. And you can also make more money this way. You don't have to take two jobs. You can rent a room in your apartment, for example, if there is such an opportunity. It is also recommended to keep a record - to record how much money was spent and on what. You shouldn't make big purchases. In a word, you need to save. But then the amount that we managed to accumulate will work for the welfare of its owner. After all, it can be invested in a bank at interest, in gold, in real estate. And this is all great

FK-Ramps - an example to follow

The stories of millionaires who made their fortunes from scratch are always inspiring, and the creators of FK-Ramps are a clear example of this. They are young entrepreneurs Fyodor Tikhomirov and Alexander Koksharov. They began their activity at the age of 16 - then they built their own zone, designed to improve the skills of skateboarders and rollers. Then the guys did not think about how to make money on this. They just loved extreme sports, like many other young men, but there were no necessary sites in St. Petersburg. And the guys' playground quickly became popular and attracted the attention of rollers and skateboarders. A huge number of applications for the manufacture of such training bases began to be addressed to young men, and here is the result - today the company, organized by two young people, carries out thousands of orders throughout Russia. And most importantly, young men view the millions that have befallen them only as a pleasant addition to their favorite pastime.

Fashion is what you can make money on

The stories of young millionaires are diverse and unique, but they are all similar to each other in one small, but very important nuance - they have created something new, unique and necessary. So, for example, Semyon Kibalo, who is now only 24 years old, got the idea to start producing clothes with the symbols of universities. It turned out that a large number of students are proud of their alma mater and are ready to purchase a sweatshirt or T-shirt with its name to emphasize their identity. Semyon says that he did not invest anything in his business at all. And he completed the first order by showing the customer a sketch printed on paper. And now two years have passed. Kibalo has 24 offices in different regions and a huge number of universities, sports and public organizations in its partner base.

The main thing is the idea

Everyone started something from scratch. From the examples given above, we can conclude that the main thing in this business is the idea. As you know, demand generates supply. Therefore, if you want to start your own business, which will become profitable, you should start thinking. This is how ideas are born, and after their implementation, they begin to work for their creator. After all, the main thing is to offer people what they need. And then you no longer need to look for answers to the question of how to become a millionaire from scratch. It will be possible to tell the others what is necessary for this.

Have you ever heard incredible success stories of people who figured out how to make their first million or even billion, and did it while you were sitting at your job, receiving an average salary? Today we will tell you what you need to do to increase your own income.

Most people believe that it is impossible to make a million without start-up capital. However, here you can use the principle of dividing a large and complex goal into several tasks / steps. Then the initial capital may not be required.

Stage 1. Introduce yourself as a millionaire

Imagine your life in as much detail as possible, as if you received the desired amount of money.

  1. What would you buy first?
  2. How would the quality of your life change?
  3. Where would you like to live?
  4. Perhaps you would like to expand your social circle?
  5. How would you like to relax?

The key to success is the constant visualization of your ideas and desires. To do this, it is useful to make a map of desires (for example, place photographs, drawings and descriptions on sheet A3 important aspects your future life).

Stage 2. Learn to save

The more a person earns, the more he spends - this is a well-known fact. However, this approach does not allow retaining earned capital. To become a millionaire, you need to have the skill financial planning... This uncomplicated step-by-step instruction will help you learn the art of economy:

  • analyze your own income and expenses (in general);
  • detail expenses and categorize them: groceries, utility bills, loans, tuition fees, travel expenses, etc. At the same time, expenses should be divided into mandatory (those that you cannot refuse) and optional. You can try to reduce the former, and refuse the latter if possible;
  • analyze in detail and draw up a cost reduction plan. In particular, it is advisable to give up loans, learn to save on purchases (make lists in advance and adhere to them), as well as rationally approach promotions and discounts;
  • save small amounts of money that remain after purchases or at the end of a period. To do this, you can use the "zeroing" method to 2 or 3 zeros. You can save 1.5-2 thousand rubles per week.

Stage 3. Maintain and increase the available capital.

Money depreciates over time due to inflation and other factors. Therefore, they need to be invested to compensate for this process. The most successful investment options are:

  • mutual funds;
  • bank deposits;
  • real estate objects;
  • purchase of shares / bonds;
  • acquisition of a share in any business (both operating and starting);
  • investment in foreign exchange markets, etc.

All of the above methods allow you to create passive income. At the same time, it is important to remember that investments must be made in several different sources in order to manage profitability and risk level.

After you complete these steps and learn how to properly manage financial resources, you can start increasing your own income.

Ways to get a higher level of income

You can earn your first million even if you do not have the opportunity to leave your main job and devote all your time to looking for alternative sources of income.

Initially, you need to systematically start working on this issue: analyze your strengths and weaknesses, market needs, various options for earning money, choose one or several areas in which the work will be carried out, and gradually improve in them.

How to make money online?

The easiest way is to make money on the Internet. Its advantages are not too much time, no investment and the ability to work from anywhere in the world. Among the most profitable options for generating income on the Internet, the following should be highlighted:

  • earnings in in social networks... The most popular option is to work with groups and publics: administration, promotion, design, filling with content, etc. There are similar vacancies in almost every community, so you can find a job in almost 5 minutes;
  • blogging (on special platforms or social networks). If you know how to photograph beautifully and write interestingly, you just need to choose a niche and start blogging. With an increase in the audience, you can receive advertising offers (advertising for goods, services and other blogs), test products and write reviews, help maintain other people's accounts;
  • creation of a YouTube channel. The bottom line is shooting high-quality videos on a specific topic, recruiting an audience and subsequent earnings from advertising. In particular, one can give useful tips to put together a wardrobe or take programming lessons;
  • partnership programs. Many companies allow their customers to use special unique links to post on third-party resources to attract customer traffic. At the same time, the partner earns a certain percentage or a fixed amount of money from each completed sale after clicking on his personal link.
  • writing reviews / comments. There are separate sites that allow anyone to write reviews for various products and services. Your task is to make reviews as useful and detailed as possible, preferably with photographs. In one day, a beginner can earn from several hundred rubles.
  • website development. Most companies open websites to promote their products and services and increase awareness. The creation of an Internet resource allows you to earn from 5 thousand rubles.

Own business

The main plus own business is that all the income is earned by you as a business owner. There are hundreds of business ideas: the choice depends on your interests and abilities, as well as the start-up capital. Among them, the most attractive and inexpensive are:

  • making jewelry from natural stones or polymer clay... Initial investments: purchase of materials, photography of jewelry, as well as advertising. Initially, the store can be run on Instagram. The payback period is about 1-2 months, depending on the price of jewelry and the number of clients;
  • opening a coffee shop on wheels or a coffee shop. In this case, the total costs are 100-150 thousand rubles: purchase of equipment, rent of premises (5-6 square meters is enough) or a car, purchase of food, as well as advertising and barista salaries. Payback period - 4-5 months;
  • organization of parties, celebrations or group games. Starting costs are about 50-100 thousand rubles: company registration, website creation, advertising, etc. Initially, you can organize everything yourself, acting as a coordinator.

Before opening any type of business, it is important to draw up a competent business plan, in which different development scenarios will be calculated, as well as to clearly define the target audience.

Use your unique idea to make a million

A significant amount of money can be obtained by inventing and developing a new, hitherto unknown invention. To do this, it is advisable to think about those problems that annoy you personally on a daily basis, and think about their solution.

Which one is right? Each. And everyone is equally wrong. Because until now, not a single scheme has been created to extract a million, which would work under any circumstances.

He ever passes through our hands, no matter what position we occupy, how much we earn from our own business. For many, many years, a million piece by piece arrives in our wallet, and just scatters.

Because a million in its entirety can be obtained only if the earnings are not spent at all for decades.

In this situation, you can still make a million if there are many sources of income in the family. But does the accumulated millionaire make its owner a millionaire? Unlikely. A millionaire is someone who makes a million in a month.

However, to earn the first million, a one-year term will do. Because the first is given more difficult than all those who follow it.

If you decide to make a million, do not be afraid to make a mistake in choosing a strategy. Do not be afraid that this will be “not your” field of activity.

The main thing is to do, to do something. Let it be elementary, but it works 95% of the time.

Get ready for dirty work, ineffectual work, hours of non-stop work. And know that these are the components of your million, and therefore, success in general. Because after the first million you are unlikely to want to stop.

And remember that making a million from scratch is quite possible. It will be possible to make a million quickly only if you have already counted the millionth earnings. Of course, you can try to make a million without doing anything, but at the moment no one has succeeded.

Who becomes a millionaire

One girl was selling navigators for tractor drivers in China and pretty quickly made a million on it. An ordinary student transformed into a business woman, breaking the stereotype of male millionaires. She had to personally sit in the tractor cab, testing the know-how of products, checking their practical value for the operator of agricultural machinery.

Another girl, named Sasha, was driving to a meeting with her brother, and suddenly a clear image of a huge golden hippopotamus flashed in her head. Soon she bought golden leather from a fabric store, then she was helped to develop a mock-up pattern, which she took to the production workshop along with the material.

Now, Moscow boutiques sell quite cute elite soft hippopotamus toys made of genuine leather under the Skin Toys Vip brand.

A young millionaire with colossal sales volumes had to open her own factory for sewing "golden" hippos.

The same hippo Skin Toys Vip

Have you ever wondered how much you can make from dog shampoos? Laugh, laugh, and Alexander Cherednichenko earned a million on such cosmetics.

The "trick" of the business is a narrow specialization: cosmetics are intended only for Yorkshire terriers.

The idea was taken from the book How to Work 4 Hours a Week by Timothy Ferris and was to find a narrow niche and create a high-margin product in it. Alexander, who has no dwarf or other dog, makes millions from shampoos for Yorkshires. Now he works not even 4 hours a week, but 2 hours a month.

Once a young company, consisting of two girls and a young man, went to eat Italian pasta at one of the Moscow restaurants. The disgusting taste of the dish marred lunch, but sparked the star of a new startup,

Dilyara Mingalieva, Andrey Surin and Zhanna Sharipova have developed an application for smartphones that helps millions of restaurant food lovers navigate among the numerous establishments and find out in which of them a particular dish is prepared at the highest level. application presentation

To do this, it was necessary to endlessly photograph the dishes, collect reviews about them, study other sources where such information could come from (because bypassing all restaurants and trying all the dishes in them is an impossible task even for a group of people). But the result was worth it: became the winner of the Global Startup competition, having passed the selection from 120 teams.

Someone created clothes that change colors, someone came up with seamless swimwear, foldable boats, self-heating cups, glowing railings, patterned sausage, billboards that determine the gender and age of passers-by, etc.

These ideas belong to people who were able to see a million dollar profit where an ordinary person passes by.

However, this too ordinary people... They were able to unleash their potential, find the means to implement their ideas and earn the first million. Elon Musk claims that you need to invest money only in those projects that can be reflected in the future of humanity, to improve it.

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Production and installation of mosquito nets

Contrary to the lofty aspirations of the famous startup, “million dollar ideas” do not always carry a deep sacred meaning. It is unlikely that perfume for newborns or bottled water for dogs will play a significant role in human progress. But it's not bad for making a million, right?

Million in a year

If you are interested in how to make a million in a year, and not in two, then you are moving in the right direction. As an individual entrepreneur, you have registered, determined the niche in which you will work, and you are interested in the prospects of your enterprise. To do this, you need to make a decomposition of your million - in any currency, be it ruble or dollar, euro. Even 5 million can be reached by the decomposition method.

It doesn't matter what you sell, even cast iron generators. Let's say one of them costs 5,000 rubles. And you need to make a million in a year. To do this, a million - let's take, for example, rubles - we divide by 12, the number of months in a year. We get approximately 8330 rubles, round up to 8400. To get your 8400 rubles per month, how many generators do you need to sell?

We divide 8400 by 5000, we get about two generators. Can you sell two instruments in a month? Of course you can.

But it must be borne in mind that these calculations are made for a million net, i.e. you cannot spend these 8 thousand in order to reach a million by the end of the year.

That is, in addition to them, you will have to earn both for advertising (it will definitely take you half the cost of the generator per month) and for life. But for the sake of your millionaire, will you sell the required volume of products?

How to make a million dollars?

A million dollars, according to Rich Dad, the hero of the book by Robert Kiyosaki, is the starting point. And there is. The principles of becoming a millionaire are the same everywhere, despite the differences in currency. It's just that the dollar is the world's reserve currency with a stable exchange rate, so those who have achieved success with the same amount in ruble terms want to know how to make a million dollars.

It should be noted that this task is within the power of those who have been in business for more than a year.

If you know how a business mechanism works, then $ 1 million is just the beginning for you.

Business is not only self-belief, motivation, niche and other concepts that modern business coaches use. This is the same everyday work, only you bring profit to yourself, and not to another person. In general, get ready that this is not to go up to the 5th floor.

Partner with other companies

By adhering to these clear rules, many people have become billionaires. They believed in their idea and were rooting for its implementation. And most importantly, they took on those products that could affect the future generations.

Elon Musk, for example, who is now called a superstarter, created three companies, each of which brought him a billion. “I made a million,” Musk recalls, “at 24 when I started Zip2. AltaVista bought it 4 years later for $ 307 million. ”

The main thing is to develop your idea and believe in its benefit for humanity. Then you will not have to create information products of dubious quality, violating copyright, but strive further. Let there be only a few such as Elon Musk, but there are also peaks that are much more attainable.

Business youth: young, but rich!

Even cherishing dozens of business ideas in your head, you will not achieve success without owning the necessary knowledge... Let's say you want to make money from floristry. You have a unique concept, and you are sure that this will never occur to anyone else. And where to start, where to run, where to get the money, how to earn it, in the end - hardly such a baggage of knowledge is at the disposal of a novice businessman.

The Business Youth Society was created in order to designate, almost graphically, outline the path of a novice entrepreneur to a flourishing business that brings millions of dollars in profit. Its founders - Peter Osipov and Mikhail Dashkiev - are cruel, but creative guys. They are successful themselves and make 2 million a month, so they know the state of the newbies. But the feelings of laziness, indecision, fear are also familiar to them. That is why you can fly out of their courses rather quickly, without completing the task. Taking into account both the expectations from the courses and their cost (with which not a penny will be returned), this is a personal drama for the student.

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Dealer of plastic windows

But "innovation in the field of education" is guaranteed to work: a person is forced to earn money, and he does it.

Their website contains many cases of successful businessmen who, with or without start-up capital, have reached profits of up to a million per month.

What can you say about the careers of the main BM-shchikov, Peter and Mikhail? Now they are 25 years old, and they have everything they dreamed of. Osipov made a million selling flowers - the first million. The next millions hit the spotlight LED lamps, on which Peter and Michael turned the course. At the moment, they are still in the business of selling LED lamps. But the lion's share of their earnings comes from teaching business courses.

However, business courses are too general a definition for all the knowledge, actions and skills that a BM student will have to master.

These are not only the notorious "Intensive", "Coaching" and "Million in a Hundred", but also the "Sales Department in 60 days", for example. In addition, numerous seminars on the narrowest and most problematic business topics.

And in October 2012, the BM project "How to make the first million" was released on the TNT channel. The hosts are Peter and Mikhail. Who knows what this is - a way to popularize BM theories and prove their effectiveness in practice, or a stimulating reality show for those who want to step into their own business.

Members of the Society "Business Youth"

The show really captivates by the fact that at every step, on the example of the success or defeat of the participants, Dashkiev and Osipov give wise advice on how to stabilize the situation, how to dissipate stressful situations how to optimize business organization and how to make a million later. Thus, the TV project has not only a hedonic function, but also an educational one.

Assignments, goals and advice are given to participants based on their unique situation. The creators of the show do not impose any scheme of earnings. The viewer reveals 5 different paths to a million on the example of the project participants, which are commented, discussed and changed under the guidance of the creators of BM.

How to make your first million

This is the name of the television project of Dashkiev and Osipov. They staged a grand casting, which was attended by many young people who wanted to start their own business and quickly make a million. First. And since there is the first million earned, it means that there is enough knowledge to earn the second million.

Unfortunately, at a crowded casting, it turned out that young people know very little about making money in reality. They assume that they have to work hard, but they have no business skills, no idea of ​​its structure. It doesn't matter, you can learn.

But if you don't know what you need to learn, that's hopeless. At least until a person is ripe for mastering knowledge, there is no point in giving it to him.

Based on this principle, five project participants were selected. For several months, their ideas were under the tutelage of the leaders of the project, who gave the necessary instructions, and also implemented various penalties for unfulfilled work, up to expulsion from the project.

Shot from a television project

One of the participants did not make it to the second part of the reality show. He wanted to build a business on wholesale sugar, but was defeated. In the rest, the participants had to "voluntarily" get rid of their favorite things. For example, Olga had to smash her laptop to smithereens. But the next time she put in more effort, and the task still completed.

Advice: the threat of material damage is a great source of interest in work - put it into practice by giving part of your money or favorite things to an uninterested person.

Agree with a person who is not your relative or close friend that you will give him a specific amount of money if a certain amount of work is not completed at a given time.

We will not dwell on the progress of the program and the personalities of the participants. It's just that this program demonstrates that the problem of financial independence of young people is relevant in any country and has become topical. Against the background of unsuccessful employment and moral impoverishment, it is better not to waste time thinking, but to start acting.

Without which it is unrealistic to make a million

Earning a million rubles or another national currency in decades, as American investors urge, is not always possible with our unreliable banks and volatile political environment. Whatever one may say, we are not the USA. Therefore, we will use those technologies that will make it possible to earn a million quickly, beautifully and in our own way!

1. If you are not a millionaire, do not aim at something grandiose. First, just do something.

For example, student Vladlen was sure that the sale of special equipment would make him a millionaire in just a week, because a percentage of the sale of one car could make a lot of money. Potential buyers were found, suppliers too, but ... The cars were simply not in stock.

You need at least to be savvy in special equipment, even better - to have a "face" - a brand or brand and status, because without this, not every company will entrust you with the sale of expensive JCB or Caterpillar forklifts.

As a result, the guy had to urgently create a one-page website, place ads on public notice boards in order to ... sell fashionable headphones. With 100% wrapping. So he earned 30,000 rubles in a week and stayed on the project.

Take action. If a large-scale project has failed, take on the extraction of "labor cents".

2. Stick to the 21-day rule

From the moment the client saw the product for the first time, and until the receipt of real money from it, no more than 21 days should pass. If more is not your way, not your product, not your "niche", as it is fashionable to say now. As much as you like it, you will never make money on this product. Despite the fact that similar products are intensively sold by a competitor.

Greetings to the readers of the online magazine ""! Today we'll talk about how you can earn a million (1,000,000) rubles or even dollars per month or year and what options are possible for this.

After studying the article from start to finish, you will also learn:

  • Is it realistic to make a million from scratch in Russia;
  • What ways will help you earn your first million;
  • Where you can earn $ 1,000,000.

In the presented publication you will find real stories and examples, as well as advice for those who decided to make a million. without investment .

It is useful to study the article for everyone who has not yet earned a million and does not yet know how to do it. Do not forget the saying "time is money"... So don't waste it and start reading right now.

How to make a million in a month or a year and who earns $ 1,000,000 - in our new issue

(million) rubles or dollars for 1 day, week, month, year?

Many people dream of making a million rubles or dollars per short term ... However, not everyone understands whether this is real.

In fact, it is quite possible to earn such an amount. However, for this, there should already be existing options - running business, expensive real estate, high-paying job or even just connections .

Also, those who have unique talent or famous name ... It concerns, For example, famous football players, actors, singers.

Naturally, not everyone has the listed advantages. However, even in their absence, one should not despair: it is quite possible to make a million. You just have to consider that you will have to spend more time and effort on it. But all efforts will certainly pay off many times over.

If you are not one of those who are afraid of difficulties - start to work. Simple calculations allow you to understand that earning about 100,000 rubles per month, you can get a million already after 10 months... And this is quite real.

Of course, you can make a lot of money much faster. However, we no one we do not recommend use fraudulent schemes or engage in crime. Therefore, in our article we will only talk about honest and reliable methods. They will definitely help you earn a million, even if in about a year.

TOP-8 options for how you can make your first million

2. Where and how to make your first million from scratch in Russia - 8 possible options

Actually make money billion and it is practically impossible not to deny yourself anything to an ordinary person in Russia. This requires serious start-up capital as well as connections. The situation is different with earnings million or even several.

First of all in order to achieve financial well-being, you have to change - to reconsider your own habits, beliefs, attitude.

When a certain work on oneself is done, the desire to earn the first million will inevitably appear. Naturally, at this moment the question arises of how to do this. To make a million, you have to learn not only to reason, but also to act actively. Below are the TOP-8 options for earning 1,000,000 in Russia .

Option 1. Employment

Among those looking for ways to make a million from scratch, the ideas of work for hire are usually not popular. However, the salaries of experienced specialists in metropolitan areas are often significantly higher than the profits of an entrepreneur in the provinces.

Of course, finding high-paying wage employment is not easy. A number of conditions will need to be met.

To get a decent income, you must:

  1. become a highly educated specialist who is in demand in the labor market;
  2. Carefully build a career, choosing from a large number of offers the most promising and highly paid.

Today the biggest wages boasts not only management personnel, but also specialists in the field programming , accounting departments , lawyers , dentists , realtors for the sale of real estate.

Subject to certain experience, a serious attitude to work, employment in a large company, they can earn several million a year.

Option 2. Own business

In search of a way to make a million, many pay attention to the opportunity to start their own business. Financial experts confirm that this is one of the few options that can generate hundreds of percent per year on a business investment.

It should be remembered that it is unlikely that it will be possible to make money in this way from scratch. In any case, you will have to invest in creating your own business cash.

Of course, there are areas that allow you to start a business with minimal investment. Moreover, a budding entrepreneur can count on gratuitous financial support from the state... However, in order to get it, you will have to develop and submit a high-quality one for the commission's consideration.

When choosing the direction of your own business, experts recommend that you first of all pay attention to mini business ideas ... They allow you to get started with minimal investment at home. The only thing that needs to be done is to assess your knowledge and skills.

Almost everyone has the resources necessary to run the following types of business:

  • cosmetic and major repairs of residential and commercial premises;
  • rendering small personal services in the field of electrical and plumbing;
  • repair of equipment;
  • private driving instructor services;
  • making cakes to order;
  • cleaning services;
  • tutoring;
  • consulting services.

Method 5. Earnings at home

Even those who live in small cities and do not have initial capital can make a million. To do this, it is enough to organize your own home business.

Professionals advise starting a business in a field with which you are familiar. The greatest success is achieved by former employees who have gained significant experience in their professional field.

It is also important to ensure that the chosen line of business is in demand. Today, the greatest success is achieved lawyers, teachers, confectioners, photographers.

The choice of options for creating their own business is significantly expanding for those who have free space for this. Many successful businessmen started their business in the garage.

The following types of companies can be opened in the garage:

  1. car service;
  2. furniture shop;
  3. production of building materials, paving stones, paints and varnishes and other products;
  4. dry cleaning or laundry;
  5. cleaning feather pillows;
  6. growing mushrooms and greenery;
  7. production of breakfast cereals, herbal teas.

If you choose a business that you like and are in demand among the residents of the surrounding areas, it will be quite possible to make a million. Of course, this will take some effort.

Method 6. Investments

Many who have free funds are thinking how to make money on them. Most often, a decision is made to put capital in the bank on. However, the profitability of this option leaves much to be desired.

In fact, there are many ways to invest money that allow you to make good money in a fairly short time.

It should be understood that a higher ⇑ level of profitability is associated with a higher ⇑ level of risk of loss of invested funds... Therefore, when investing, it is important to choose the optimal ratio of these two indicators for yourself.

The table shows the most popular investment instruments in ascending order of risk and return.

Table: “Levels of return and risk of various investment instruments”.

Investment instrument Risk level Profitability
Bank deposit Minimum Low
Precious metals Low Low
Bonds Low Average
Stock Average May be high enough
Currency Elevated High
Private lending Very tall Maximum

An important principle of this income-generating option is that the investor must be well versed in the chosen financial instrument... In this case, you will be able to earn a million and even more quickly enough.

Newbies who have necessary knowledge absent, may partially or completely lose the invested capital. However, there is an opportunity that allows you to significantly reduce the risks - to transfer money to trust management professionals. In this case, the owner of the funds is only required to find an experienced manager who can competently invest funds with maximum profit.

Method 7. Earnings on freelance

This income generation option is very popular all over the world. In Russia, they are still very wary of him. Meanwhile, it allows you to earn a million by offering your services to those in need. However, it should be borne in mind that serious experience and knowledge in a particular area will be required.

Among the advantages of freelancing are:

  • there is no need to waste time on the way to the workplace;
  • the ability to independently plan a working day;
  • lack of demanding bosses, the freelancer decides for himself when and what to do.

However, despite the serious advantages, this option also has tangible limitations ... They are primarily associated with unstable earnings... There is no guarantee that orders will arrive evenly throughout the month; for an indefinite period of time, you can be left without income.

It is in connection with the instability that experts recommend first using freelance as a source additional income. Only when the volumetric customer base, you can quit your job and devote yourself entirely to what you love.

Method 8. Own website

Not everyone knows, but you can make a million quickly creating your own sites ... For such work, you need to be able to create resources, select and write high-quality content, promote a finished website. If these skills are not available, funds will be required to pay for the services of specialists.

You don't have to have a lot of experience to start making money in this way. Beginners can create websites using free templates, purchase inexpensive texts on exchanges to fill them. Of course, such a resource cannot be sold dearly, but on it you can work out basic skills and learn a lot.

Real-life examples of how successful people in various fields earned millions of dollars

4. Real stories and examples of earning a million dollars 💰

We have already described what methods you can use to make a million. But the article would be incomplete without examples of real millionaires. Below is a story about people who managed to make money in various fields.

1) Manufacturing Millionaires

To make a million dollars $ in manufacturing today, it is necessary to create a truly unique product. Moreover, he Not only must be special, but also in great demand. Below are the stories of three businessmen who succeeded.

👨‍💼 Dmitry Yurchenko

Today, it is quite rare for businessmen to rely on social projects... All the more interesting is the story of Dmitry Yurchenko, who managed to make money on the creation of the so-called life buttons .

The essence of the idea is quite simple.: retirees can send an alarm to the call center with just one button. After his admission, an ambulance team is immediately sent to an elderly person. Surely, the world would be a better place if more businessmen developed such projects.

👨‍💼 Nick Base

Nick Bays managed to get rich thanks to the invention of a seemingly elementary thing - lids for glasses ... They change color according to the temperature of the contents of the glass.

When the demand for his invention arose, Nick did not stop there. The businessman decided to sell space on the surface of the covers for advertising. This brought him considerable additional profit.

👨‍💼 Jason Wall

Jason Wall's story is also very unusual. At one time, he began to produce an elementary product - caps for car antennas .

Despite the simplicity of its products, Jason Wall's company managed in just 2 year to earn over a million dollars.

2) Trade Millionaires

This concludes our release.

We wish all readers and visitors of the online magazine "site" to find a really profitable way to earn money. If you have not yet managed to earn your million, may you be able to do it in the near future!

If you have any questions, comments or additions on this topic - write them in the comments below. Do not forget to also share this material with your friends on social networks. Until next time!