Internet marketing specialist job description. Job responsibilities of an internet marketer. What knowledge is needed

Internet marketer Is a specialist who carries out a range of marketing activities in the field of network technologies in order to promote goods and various services on the market.

In other words, marketing strategies and tactics used in real business are being carried over into the world of networking. The set of marketing actions includes the following:

  • market research;
  • attracting and retaining customers;
  • improving the quality and attractiveness of products to a certain level;
  • creating a positive image of the company.

The profession of an internet marketer, despite its novelty, is in great demand, especially in the vastness of the CIS markets. With the growing popularity of online stores, the demand for specialists who create and maintain sales sites is also growing. Moreover, the trend is that the growth in the number of online stores does not keep pace with the appearance of the required number of Internet marketers, despite the fact that Internet marketing as a new discipline is developing rapidly. And it already has its own rules and laws. Competently used methods of Internet marketing, such as contextual advertising, E-mail marketing, SEO optimization, web analytics, allow you to create successful online stores and auctions where you can buy absolutely everything. Among the most famous are AliExpress, Ebay and many others.

Multi-faceted skills are required in internet marketing:

  • the ability to analyze the market, sites;
  • organize advertising campaigns;
  • track traffic channels;
  • supervise specialists (SEO, SMM, E-mail-marketers).

Nowadays, traditional intrusive advertising in real business is on the decline and annoying consumers. While online advertising is gaining traction, especially in in social networks where the population of the country spends a lot of time. It also contains all the information about consumers, which Internet marketers analyze and can make predictions of consumer behavior, while simultaneously introducing their own advertising on social networks. Social media promotion can double the sales of an online store's products.

Features of the profession

Functional responsibilities of an internet marketer are extensive and combine, as in the name of the profession, the skills of a marketer and a specialist in Internet technologies, namely:

  • carrying out classic marketing research on the Internet - analysis of competitors and the position of your company in the market;
  • creation marketing strategies and tactics for attracting potential buyers - Internet users;
  • active promotion of the company's brand, creation of its attractive image and promotion among communities on social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook, Google +, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc .;
  • creation advertising campaigns through traffic from paid sites in browsers (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.) and social networks;
  • optimization of CPL, CTR, CPC;
  • management of SEO-promotion of the site, filling the pages with content;
  • development of an E-mail marketing strategy - setting up triggers and creating mailing layouts, regular analysis of their effectiveness;
  • direct mailing to the address base interesting offers companies - direct marketing;
  • promoting the growth of organic traffic in search engines for key queries;
  • conversion of traffic into leads;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of advertising, web analysis, usability and A / B testing;
  • development of advertising materials - banners, posts, landing page;
  • creation of advertising budgets and media plans;
  • constant monitoring and optimization of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns;
  • mobile marketing with website optimization for mobile devices;
  • setting up retargeting.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • High demand and appropriate wages
  • The need to constantly evolve
  • Many elements of creative work
  • Opportunity remote work and combining several projects
  • The opportunity to get a profession without studying at a university, but on short-term courses


  • At the initial stages of work - a small salary
  • Potential dissatisfaction with the customer with the results of work
  • A lot of routine and monotonous work related to monitoring and statistics
  • When working as a freelancer, the possibility of unfair payment by the employer

Place of work

Internet marketing is a universal profession that allows you to work both in the IT field and in retail: electronic commerce, new media, games, web portals. It is possible to work as a freelancer, which is provided by sites for specialists of any level:,,,

Important qualities

  • Creativity
  • Analytical mind
  • constant striving to master new
  • special flair for fashion trends in the Internet
  • the ability to work ahead of competitors and find a way out of deadlocks
  • initiative
  • a responsibility
  • perseverance, patience
  • negotiation skills
  • ability to work with large amounts of information
  • the ability to switch from creative work to routine
  • persistence in overcoming difficulties
  • sociability
  • leadership skills

Training for Internet marketer

Successful Internet marketers can be graduates of marketing, journalism and sociological areas of universities who are accustomed to working with information and statistics, familiar with the behavior of mass Internet users.


Salary as of 12/11/2019

Russia 24000-70000 ₽

Moscow 40,000—150,000 ₽

As a freelancer, you can combine multiple projects. An experienced internet marketer can get paid at the executive level. But even a mid-level specialist is paid much higher salaries than traditional marketers in real business. Labor remuneration is based on the specific results of the Internet marketer's work: an increase in sales to specific figures, an increase in profits, etc.

Career Steps and Prospects

An aspiring internet marketer can start his career as a trainee or marketing assistant in the industry of his interest while still studying. As a rule, he will have to do the most routine work - statistics and monitoring. The next step is a junior internet marketer, then an internet marketer, a senior internet marketer and then to the head of the marketing department (marketing director).

Interesting facts about the profession, terminology

Customer acquisition and retention processes can be divided into 4 main stages:

  1. Lead generation - to attract a customer to the site and convince him to make the first purchase.
  2. Lead management or work with "leads" (lead management) - a set of actions to turn potential customers into leads who are ready to buy a product or service.
  3. Conversion of leads, or closing deals (lead conversion) - an action aimed at eliminating the client's objections during the closing of a deal.
  4. Repeated sales (account management) - working with existing customers, encouraging them to make repeat purchases, customer service.

Video: How to Become a Cool Internet Marketer?

This is the mysterious word-specialty of internet marketer. Educational standards have not yet appeared in Russia that describe the parameters of the specialty: "Internet marketer", "Internet analyst". You sincerely hope that this specialization will become important and the Ministry of Education will deal with these issues.

There are a lot of conversations around the topic of the range of responsibilities of a specialist in the field: analytics, Internet marketing, site support, site content, internal optimization, external promotion of an Internet site.

Marketing and marketing activities, in which the key is the management of mechanisms for the sale of goods and services. Marketing is a complex process that requires an integrated approach.

Forecasting and market research: supply and demand, Advertising activity and much more...

Obligations of an internet marketer

The responsibilities of an internet marketer are as follows:

And as a result, a document appears that regulates these responsibilities: "Internet marketer job description"

Job description for internet marketer

Job responsibilities Internet marketers are very general and cover the whole spectrum of interprofessional actions, I quote standard sample job description of an internet marketer. Internet marketer- is a specialist in the field of marketing, brand website promotion, brand on the World Wide Web. The job description of an Internet marketer prescribes the duties of a specialist, which consist of the following: analysis of resource traffic, accounting for the implementation of contracts and expansion customer base... The importance of internet marketing professionals is growing.

1. General Provisions
1.1. Internet marketer belongs to the category of employees of the company.
1.2. Appointment to the position of Internet marketer and release from it is made by order general director enterprises.
1.3. An internet marketer reports directly to the head of the internet marketing department.
1.4. During the absence of an Internet marketer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to it.
1.5. A person with a higher technical education is appointed to the position of Internet marketer.
1.6. An Internet Marketer Should Know:
- procedures and other quality documentation related to its activities;
- the basics of advertising and marketing of Internet projects on the Internet;
- principles of work of search engines, banner networks, catalogs of web resources;
- rules for registration of materials for the conclusion of contracts;
- have professional skills of work and settings software products MS Office, means of access to Internet resources.
1.7. An Internet marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company's charter, internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of an internet marketer
An Internet marketer fulfills the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Develops strategies and plans for the development of the project.
2.2. Ensures the implementation of the project development plan.
2.3. The expansion of the customer base.
2.4. Supervises project work, prepares monthly project reports and submits them to the head of the information technology department.
2.5. Analyzes the attendance of the resource and the work to promote the project on the Internet.
2.6. Provides answers to incoming customer inquiries.
2.7. Provides accounting for the performance of contracts.

3. The rights of an internet marketer
Internet marketer has the right to:

3.1. Make decisions within their competence.
3.2. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
3.3. Submit suggestions for improving your work.

4. The responsibility of the internet marketer

The internet marketer is responsible for:
4.1. Fuzzy and untimely fulfillment of their functional responsibilities stipulated by this instruction - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Incorrect communication with clients.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the head of the Internet marketing department and the director of the organization.
4.5. Violation of the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.
4.6. Disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret of the organization.

4.7. Non-preservation, damage to material values, if non-preservation, damage occurred through the fault of an Internet marketer.

Internet marketing methods are constantly evolving, analysis technologies and promotion methods are changing, as new types of Internet services and sites appear

Internet marketer

Internet marketer has long been a real profession. Professional activity benefits the company.

Relevance and relevance. The relevance of the portfolios and its demand in the market are obvious. Possibilities of the Internet are growing, new markets and sites are opening up. But there are not so many real specialists in this area yet. Therefore, each specialist is literally worth its weight in gold and is lured from company to company. What are the features of the profession? Why is it so difficult to master it and become a real professional in it?

Internet marketer, first of all, must be a whole and purposeful person, confident in himself and in his success. And there are only a few such people among us. Most prefer constant doubts about the success of their activities, and hope for a Russian "maybe". But internet marketing is not an area where you can hope for a happy coincidence or for sheer luck.

Every step on the road to success must be calibrated and planned ahead of time. The ability to draw up a clear plan, confidently follow it and achieve your goal no matter what is the main advantage of an Internet marketer. Without confidence in success, without the ability to manage the situation and achieve goals, it is impossible to achieve anything, especially in the vastness of the dynamically developing Internet.

The Internet marketer must be mobilized and maximally tuned in to achieve the goal. Of course, he is also a person, with his own weaknesses and problems, in need of rest and relaxation, when there are only dreams in his thoughts, a cedar barrel or a trip to pick mushrooms. But unlike ordinary mortals, an Internet marketer must be able to subordinate his whole life to a single rhythm - the rhythm of success.

The main indicator of the level of professionalism of an Internet marketer is the success he has achieved in his own career. After all, the ability to reach the top in everything is the main quality of the people of this profession.

In addition to the listed personality traits, Internet marketer should be perfectly familiar with all the diversity of the modern Internet. He should not only be an advanced web user, but also have a set of basic knowledge about site building, promotion and optimization, the latest trends in the development of the Internet market.

Do not forget about the very profession of "marketer". Basic knowledge in this area is a necessary indicator. Therefore, it is desirable that a marketer working on the Internet has a higher specialized education.

Any choice should be made deliberately and carefully, whether it be a carton of milk in a store, a bank for storing savings, a phyto barrel for pleasant leisure, or an internet marketer for your new project. Trust the professionals, then an internet marketer will help you reach unprecedented heights.

Job for internet marketers

Specialists in the field of Internet marketing are in demand in almost any organization, the management of which pays worthy attention to the possibilities of the Internet in order to promote their goods and services.

Online Marketer Jobs


Modern market conditions of the economy
Important and actual problem attracting the client and winning his attention. trying to interest a potential client (here I am talking about target audience), companies are changing their marketing tactics and techniques.

Interest in using Internet capabilities, attracting clients,

Client acquisition system (SEC) via the Internet
Design, creation of a system for attracting customers via the Internet

Knowledge in the field of internet marketing is required:

Business manager
- Marketing Director
- Internet marketer, well, it's obvious
- responsible for attracting new customers or providing business with orders
- specialists who systematize and deepen their knowledge in the field of marketing and advertising

What knowledge in the field of Internet marketing gives:

Choosing, setting up, launching, tracking the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
- Increase in sales due to the flow of customers from the Internet
- Creation, design of a selling site

Specialist assessment levels:

- average
- short

An Internet marketer is one who is fully responsible for promoting a company, product, or service in the global network. Such a specialist controls the work of copywriters, layout designers and designers, checks the results of their activities, selects the optimal promotion channels - SEO, contextual advertising, teaser networks, PR on third-party sites.

An Internet marketer often develops a comprehensive promotion strategy, and delegates specific tasks - for example, setting up advertising - to specialists. Then monitors performance indicators and adjusts the strategy. But, if necessary, he can take care of search engine promotion or setting up advertising himself.

The profession of internet marketer emerged when the first sites appeared - that is, in the middle of the last century. All this time, it has been actively developing, and today it has good prospects. For example, only on in June 2018 in the Moscow region there were 383 relevant vacancies for Internet marketers. And according to the same website, the profession is in the TOP-10 most in demand in Russia.

Other professions:

The list of responsibilities of a specialist varies greatly depending on the specifics of the project on which he is working and the requirements of the employer. The most common responsibilities of an internet marketer are the following:

  • SEO - search engine optimization of a site, bringing it to the TOP for certain positions.
  • : creation, promotion of groups and communities of the company.
  • Contextual, targeted, teaser and others - a specialist must set it up himself or delegate responsibilities to professionals.
  • Working with web analytics systems - for example, with Yandex.Metrica, tracking user behavior on the site.
  • Project and Employee Management - a good internet marketer easily manages a team and implements new ideas to promote projects.
  • Development of technical specifications for performers - designers, layout designers, authors, contextologists and others.
  • Development and implementation of PR companies - for example, placing publications on relevant sites
  • SERM - timely response to negative reviews in the global network and competent working out of the negative.

The list of responsibilities can be continued for a long time. Basically, it is the leadership of other specialists and analysts. Therefore, the profession is well suited sociable people With analytical warehouse mind.

Screenshot of one of the vacancies on 23 duties for 120-150 thousand per month


The main requirement of most employers is experience in the field. Someone requires 1 year of experience, someone from 5-6 years. The more experience, the more a specialist is willing to pay. There are those who are ready to hire a newcomer, but usually the salaries of such specialists are much lower compared to professionals.

The most common requirements for an internet marketer are:

  • Experience in SEO, preferably - the output of one or more sites to the TOP positions in the search results
  • Experience in SMM, often - attracting subscribers at a relatively low cost
  • Experience in setting up or controlling the setting of different types of advertising - display, contextual, retargeting and others
  • Leading a department or several freelancers
  • Experience in the integrated promotion of one or several sites

Often employers require confirmation of qualifications - successful cases, certificates from search engines, "crusts" from different courses. If you study at a prestigious institution, you may be hired without experience. By the way, in many requirements there are such as communication skills, an analytical mindset, or the ability to work with negativity.

To see if you have necessary qualities, evaluate your behavior objectively. If you easily converge with by different people- means you are sociable. If you are distinguished by a great craving for the exact sciences and can easily solve logical problems, then you have an analytical mindset. If it is difficult to quarrel with you, then you know how to work with negativity.

The income level of an internet marketer depends entirely on his competencies. The more a specialist can do, the more the employer will appreciate him. The more effective the projects the marketer shows, the more he gets paid.

In the region Moscow and the region average wage Internet marketer, judging by the vacancies on, is about 100,000 rubles... In other regions, it ranges from 20,000 to 90,000 rubles, depending on the population in the city, the level of salaries in it and the requirements of the employer. But if an internet marketer works really well and runs several projects at the same time, and does not sit on the staff of one company, the amount of his income can easily exceed 150,000 rubles.

Good jobs with decent salaries can be found in:

  • In online marketing agencies - find them in the search, view current vacancies, send a resume. The first few months you will most likely be working as an intern, but then you will get the opportunity to move up the career ladder.
  • On sites with vacancies - Avito, and others. There are many advertisements for the search for employees - all that remains is to choose the appropriate conditions.
  • In social networks. Many private clients - for example, individual entrepreneurs - publish their ads there. Jobs can be found by hashtag or search in the news feed, or in special communities.

On the screen from - the company's willingness to pay 100,000 rubles to the hands of a competent marketer


You can learn a profession online without leaving your home - many companies offer this opportunity. For example, you can take courses in:

  • Netology- this large educational company periodically conducts training that is suitable for everyone - beginners, offline marketers, specialists from other related professions
  • Geekbrains and Adventum agency. They jointly teach beginners everything they know themselves. They are taught by real internet marketers with at least 5 years of experience.
  • Completo. The company offers a free course that can be taken at any convenient time and remotely.

There are many worthy offers on the market. If you are a beginner, choose courses for those who have just come to the profession: they tell in detail about all the nuances of work. For example, Netology provides a good practical basis. If you already have a little experience, it is better to study certain areas of Internet marketing - those that are unfamiliar to you in order to fully master the situation, or those in which you have already worked in order to pump competencies.

Instead of a conclusion

  • The profession of internet marketer is interesting, multifaceted and complex
  • An Internet marketer has many responsibilities - from launching a product to the market to monitoring the work of employees.
  • Employers often make demands on the experience of professionals, and those looking for new hires usually pay little
  • The average earnings of an internet marketer in Moscow is 100,000 rubles per month: you can earn both more and less
  • You can get training in the profession remotely, for a fee and free of charge, for people with different levels of training

While I was writing this article, I myself wanted to become an Internet marketer. Do you want to delve into the profession? Share your opinion about her in the comments!

Good day! Rimma Belyakin is in touch. Today we'll talk about this important profession as a marketer. We will find out who it is, what his responsibilities are, how you can become a marketing pro from scratch, how much a remote marketer earns, and much more. Don't go anywhere, it will be interesting.

How many words borrowed from other languages ​​have appeared in the Russian language! And how to understand all of them and not get confused in all these "trading", "leasing", "outsourcing"? How to find out who is a merchandiser, supervisor, promoter?

Every time a foreign word is encountered in everyday life, I remember our well-known politician (we will do without naming), who promises to cleanse the Russian language of foreign rubbish in every election campaign.

In the meantime, he is in search of the proper tool for large-scale cleaning (oh, I got carried away with something) - general cleaning, let's figure out who a marketer is, because this is also a borrowed word. And, I hope, you will like the description of the profession and my story about it, because I tried very hard, as always. And at the end, again, as always, I am waiting for your assessments, suggestions, comments. So, let's begin.

Who is a marketer and what does he do

Have you ever wondered why, for example, you drive a car of a certain brand, have a new model phone, buy tea of ​​the same type, prefer to drink coffee of a particular brand, wear sneakers of a well-known company? Most likely, you have often seen them or heard about them in advertising, which means that we are talking about products promoted by advertising.

Today we can no longer imagine our life without advertising. She is everywhere: on television, radio, in magazines and newspapers, on billboards, in shops ... Just some kind of dominance! And all why? Because it is part of marketing, if not the main one, then one of the fundamental.

The word marketing comes from the English "market", which means "market" and involves the organization of activities in the process of creating and promoting a product or service.

The main tasks of marketing are demand research, identification and satisfaction of human needs.

Information about the needs of the client, the expected quality and the price that the consumer is willing to pay for a product or service is needed by every manufacturer and company that provides services to the public.

To "stay afloat", manufacturers also need to monitor the state of affairs of competing firms: monitor the quality of their products, pricing policy... A marketer is called upon to collect all this data, as well as to think over a strategy and tactics for promoting goods and services in the consumer market.

Marketer Is a specialist who studies supply and demand in the consumer market for goods and services, an expert in the sale of the company's products.

The functions of a marketer are defined by different companies. Some place an emphasis on advertising their product, doing brand promotion, others are more focused on market analysis, studying market prices, while others are throwing all their strength into detachment from competitors. But all are one in one:

the main functions of a marketer are to ensure the most effective work of the company, increase the efficiency of its activities in promoting a product in the consumer market.

Here the specialist, as the saying goes, has "untied hands" and all means and methods are used. History knows many impressive, sometimes strikingly simple, but such effective, sometimes contradictory, and sometimes curious cases of marketing moves that brought companies dizzying profits. Here are some examples. Estimate the scope of the “flight of thought”.

Story 1... The American company, which spawned the fast food industry, used the principle of transparency to attract the population to eat the hamburgers they made - food was prepared right in front of consumers - everything is clean, no cheating.

To enhance the effect, a non-standard marketing ploy was launched: hired people in white coats, who could be seen in line every now and then, reinforced the idea of ​​the company's cleanliness in the minds of the population, because even the “doctors” bought hamburgers.

The company began to develop at a rapid pace, and for many years has been a leader in the consumer sector.

Story 2... Alka-Seltzer, known for its effervescent hangover pills, doubled its revenue with a simple trick: advertisements started throwing not one, but two tablets into a glass of water.

Just. All ingenious is really simple. Or here's another - my favorite story.

Story 3... At the dawn of the formation of the profession, the owner of a certain Milanese company for glazing windows, in commemoration of the anniversary of his company, presented all the local boys ... with a slingshot, and even with a postscript: "In gratitude for cooperation."

How do you like this marketing ploy? I remember the proverb: "In war, all means are good!" How creative the job of a marketer can be, isn't it?

Is a marketer a modern profession?

In our country, the need for marketers in the broadest sense of the profession arose in the 90s. With the transition to a market economy, a huge number of goods appeared and manufacturers began to fight for consumers.

Specialists were needed to study the market for goods, to determine the needs of the population and those properties that a product must have in order to be bought, as well as to suggest ways to sell it.

The profession turned out to be in great demand and began to develop rapidly. In 1998, only 20% of domestic companies had their own marketing department, and already in 2001 - 60%.

However, in Europe, trade companies began to use the services of a marketer already in the 17th century. Merchants sent their clerks to towns and villages in order to find out what the population needed, what goods they liked best. But there was no such name in those days.

What is the responsibility of a marketer

Marketing today is not only about creating a product and promoting it on the market, it is identifying the values ​​of the consumer and creating a system in which the process of buying a product or service would fully satisfy the basic values ​​of the consumer.

"Marketing is the art of creating true value for the consumer, the ability to help consumers live better."

Philip Kotler (creator of the modern school of marketing)

The world is changing rapidly. The consumer has become more discerning, more demanding, more sophisticated in his requests. He needs coffee not just as a drink; to quickly get out of sleep in the morning, he needs pleasure; a dress is not just a piece of clothing, it is an image, style, image; a car is not only a means of transportation, it is speed, comfort, prestige.

Today the so-called Marketing 3.0 system works in three directions:

  1. Attracting a client.
  2. Customer service.
  3. Customer retention and return.

What should a specialist be able to do so that work in all these three areas is carried out at the proper level? A good marketer is a marketer-analyst, his main responsibility, as noted earlier, is to research and analyze the market: what goods and services are presented, what are missing, at what price and who buys, why buys, why not buys.

Other responsibilities related to the priorities of the company may be:

  • forecast and modeling of possible fluctuations in supply and demand;
  • development of product promotion plans;
  • organization and holding of events, advertising campaigns, promotions;
  • compiling a list of consumer goods;
  • determining the budget and pricing;
  • managing the workflow of other specialists in the marketing department: advertising agents, designers, copywriters, etc.

And what is the responsibility of an Internet marketer - you ask. After all, we are here, discussing the possibility of working remotely. Yes, almost everything is the same, but only online.

An Internet marketer is obliged to:

  1. Expand your customer base.
  2. Supervise project work and prepare monthly reports.
  3. Analyze the attendance of the resource and the work to promote the project.
  4. Provide responses to incoming customer inquiries.
  5. Develop plans and strategies for the development of the project and ensure their implementation.
  6. Maintain a record of the fulfillment of contracts.

Simply put, an internet marketer, also known as a web marketer, is involved in online sales management, attracting as many visitors as possible to the manufacturer's or trading company's website, and developing strategies and methods for selling goods via the Internet.

Here, whatever tools have been invented to help him, because Internet technologies do not stand still! Here are just a few of them:

  • selling site,
  • one-page website Landing Page,
  • SEO promotion,
  • SMM promotion,
  • advertising (, targeted, teaser, banner, viral, native),
  • email newsletter,
  • messengers, etc.

Want to know more about this and how it all works? Here's a video on modern marketing tools.

What qualities will help you become a marketing professional

It is not easy to become a professional. You need to be an extraordinary person and combine a sufficient number of both professional and personal qualities.

  1. The marketer needs to have the makings of a psychologist, since the outcome of the sale of the company's products depends on his ability to influence the mind of the buyer. He knows how color, package size, smells, font size, product position on the shelf, etc., affects the consumer, and he knows how to manipulate this.
  2. He must have the aspiration, interest and desire to work with a large amount of new, first of all, significant information: analytical data, sales data, consumer survey results, reports.
  3. Creativity: the ability to come up with new ideas, non-standard moves.
  4. Communication and good verbal skills: networking, negotiating / presenting, communicating with clients, persuading.
  5. Good analytical, mathematical skills (ability to work with numbers, graphs, diagrams).
  6. Humanitarian abilities (ability to work with texts).
  7. Attention and focus to engage in analytical activities.
  8. Organization (the ability to plan work and clearly follow the set goals).
  9. Resilience to stress, because you need to be prepared for large volumes of work and rapidly changing market conditions.

And the main quality, the presence of which is necessary (and not only in the profession of a marketer, as I see it) and without which neither success nor advancement in the plan is possible career growth, - this, no matter how trite, is love for the business you are doing. Do you agree?

Pros and cons of the profession

  1. Demand. The prevalence of the profession of a marketer is increasingly scaled in the field of consumer demand. The business is growing. A person will always need something.
  2. High salary. Internet marketers with high performance metrics can also boast high fees.
  3. Opportunity for career growth. There is a chance to get a position immediately after graduating from an educational institution, since the demand for competent specialists is great. At the start, however, you need to be prepared for the position of marketing assistant or assistant.
  4. Interesting creative profession... There is an opportunity to show your talents, to realize your ideas.
  1. Low starting position without work experience and portfolio.
  2. Along with the fact that this is a creative work, it is also hard work(described above).
  3. Great responsibility to the heads of companies. You always need to be “on the alert”, “competitors are awake”.
  4. Nervous work, though interesting. Large psychological stress - the amount of work is not sickly.
  5. Often an irregular work schedule, again, due to the heavy workload.
  6. Possible risks in the conditions of remote work: you can “run into” an unscrupulous employer; informal employment and, as a result, unpaid sick leave and leave.

Here, as they say, “think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have or not to have,” that is, to be or not to be.

Where professions are taught

Training can be completed at higher educational institutions at the faculties of sociology or management in the areas of "Advertising and public relations", "Marketing", "Applied methods of sociological research." But, unfortunately, there are not so many universities teaching in these areas.

However, this specialty can be obtained in other educational institutions (colleges, technical schools), where courses and trainings are held. There are online universities teaching modern internet professions.

If you wish, you can try to learn on your own, since there is plenty of material on the Internet on this topic. We'll have an article soon with reviews of marketing courses.

How to find a job

As the saying goes “there would be a desire”, but there are many job search options:

  • on job search sites, primarily:,,,;
  • on numerous;
  • in social networks, having previously correctly and competently formalized your account;
  • through commercial offers with your resume, directed directly to the recruiters of the companies where you would like to work;
  • it has become fashionable now to use multifunctional messengers (Telegram, WhatsApp), there also do not forget to correctly configure the profile, starting with the status;
  • on professional forums, where, like job seekers, employers also drop in.

As you know, there are no easy ways, but “the road will be mastered by the one walking”.

How much does a marketer's labor cost?

Depending on the regions and the functions entrusted by the company to the specialist, according to the research center of the portal, the salary varies from the lowest at 23,000 to the highest at 58,000 rubles.

The website gives approximately similar statistics, where the average salary of a marketer is clearly visible - 30,000 rubles.

Your professional abilities, accompanied by a trump card in the form of a solid portfolio, your rich experience and an irresistible desire to work in the field of PR for the sake of satisfying human needs will be faithful companions in your search for employment.


What's the bottom line? Awareness that the profession of a marketer is the sphere of activity of creative, extraordinary individuals, but with a commercial streak, not afraid of difficulties, ready for development and professional growth. Learn even more about the marketing profession in this video.

Did you recognize yourself in the description? Have a desire to occupy this niche? Then go ahead! And may you be lucky!

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The tasks of an internet marketer include internal development site (or a group of sites) and external promotion (advertising, SMM, PR, SEO, etc.). Such a specialist coordinates many activities and often has people under his command.

The essence of the internet marketer's profession is sales and business development. Yes, the specialist does not sell directly, but he constantly contacts the sales department and company management. Skilled internet marketers are valuable and highly paid employees.

Workdays of the profession... The management decided to make a store of car registrars. Kirill was made the chief development officer of this store. This is what one of his working days looked like.

For the first half day, Kirill studied demand, collected user requests in Yandex and figured out which pages of the site should answer these requests. After lunch. Then he discussed with the management the approach and strategy of promotion, argued for a long time which is better - good and long or “it will pull” and quickly. Investors wanted a quick return on their investment. They did not come to anything much and went about their business.

For the rest of the day, Kirill checked other reporting sites, looked at analytics and made a report for one site. That's it, the working day has passed.

Places of work

The internet marketer job is usually found in internet agencies and marketing departments of large companies.

Obligations of an internet marketer

The main job responsibilities of an internet marketer are as follows:

  • Development and maintenance of websites. Sometimes maintenance of the mobile version or application is required.
  • Working with contextual and display advertising (calculating budgets, optimizing landing pages, running campaigns, reporting, calculating profitability).
  • SEO (do it yourself or with the help of contractors).
  • Analysis of competitors and search for ideas for the development of sites.
  • Project management reporting.
  • Project team management (if there are subordinates).

Sometimes an Internet marketer is engaged in SMM, the development of groups in social networks, maintaining an e-mail mailing list, promoting through blogs and forums.

Requirements for an internet marketer

Some average requirements for an internet marketer look like this:

  • Work experience (usually over 1 year).
  • Knowledge of Yandex-Direct and Google.AdWords.
  • Knowledge of web analytics (Google Analytics, Yandex-Metrica). Presence of certificates is desirable.
  • Proficiency in SEO (at least at the level of setting tasks for seo specialists).
  • Understanding of display advertising and the ability to work with major portals on advertising placement.
  • The desire to delve into the goals of the business and participate in their achievement.

Sometimes an internet marketer needs to know SMM, be able to lead groups in social networks, own graphic packages (CorelDraw, PhotoShop, Illustrator), have experience with CPA networks, and also know English well.

How to become an internet marketer

There are many paths to the profession, and they all lie through practice. To become an Internet marketer, you can get a job as an assistant to such a specialist and "do what they say." Learn marketing tools and gain skills in a year. After that, you can take on the first projects and conduct them under the light supervision of "sensei". Another year and a half of practice and you are an internet marketer.

There are other ways as well. There is one internet marketer skill you can learn first - for example, leading contextual advertising, SMM or SEO. To work only in one narrow niche and become a powerful specialist there. Then master other tools and promote more serious Internet projects.

Employers rarely require academic education, but they designate it as an advantage over other candidates.

Internet Marketer Salary

Internet marketers earn from about 25,000 rubles (for simple functionality) to 100,000 rubles a month (for effective work to attract customers).

The average salary of an internet marketer is about 50,000 rubles per month (estimate as of December 2016).

Where to get training

In addition to higher education there are a number of short-term training courses on the market, usually from a week to a year.

Institute vocational education"IPO" invites you to take distance courses in the direction "" (there are options 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) with obtaining a diploma or certificate state standard... We have trained over 8,000 graduates from nearly 200 cities. You can undergo training as an external student, get an interest-free installment plan.