Questionnaire on the profession of an architect. What qualities does an architect need? Architect resume template

The profession of an architect appeared many millennia ago. Its need was due to the emergence of the first cities. In this case, it was necessary to take into account the features of the landscape. Houses should be practical, aesthetically beautiful and serve multiple functions at the same time.

Before the founding of the city of Pharos, Alexander the Great invited architects to his place and they made the first drawings from barley grain, marking the main points of the buildings on the ground.

Today the architect uses to create a drawing computer graphics, but the main thing is the special mindset necessary for this profession.

What is an architect?

Architects are specialists working in the field of construction and design of various buildings, monuments, territories, etc. Moreover, this profession is undoubtedly one of the most creative. The activity of an architect also implies the preliminary creation, calculation and embodiment of an artistic image on paper. There are several varieties of this classification:

  • landscape architect (see also landscape designer)
  • restorer architect
  • architect builder
  • architect-designer.

Profession landscape architect involves work with gardening art. Such a specialist must create special design drawings, on which all the components of the future composition are fixed. Including the species of trees and the composition of the grass.

In its turn, architect builder or an industrial building architect is engaged in the design of buildings involved in the field of human interaction and production. He is responsible for the correct location of the enterprise for the most rational organization development of technological progress.

Profession architect-restorer involves work with the reconstruction of monuments and the return of their former grandeur. With it, you can return any building to its former beauty or remake it in a modern way.

Very popular today are architects-designers housing. There will always be work for specialists in this field, both in a large metropolis and in a small town. They are engaged, among other things, in the planning of cottages, apartments or all kinds of offices.

Responsibilities of an architect
The immediate responsibilities of the architect include not only creating the concept of the future building, but also its appearance.

The architect must:

develop layouts of enterprises, landscape panoramas and buildings, master plans, project proposals;

develop the necessary working documentation, comply with all technical conditions when designing a particular facility;

participate in conducting all kinds of research and finding the most convenient solutions;

control the compliance of material consumption with existing standards.

Basic requirements for the profession of an architect:

  • Experience as a low-rise building architect;
  • Strong knowledge of ArchiCad, AutoCAD, MS Office, Internet;
  • Possession of regulatory documents;
  • Creative thinking;
  • Having a portfolio;
  • Profile architectural education.


Where can you get a job as an architect? Many universities around the country train students in the specialty "Architecture".

  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia ( RUDN University);
  • Moscow Architectural Institute ( MARCHI);
  • State University for Land Management ( GUZ);
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture ( RAZhViZ);
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V.I. Surikov ( MGAHI);
  • St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Penza State University of Architecture and Construction;
  • Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Ivanovo State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art;
  • Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Art;
  • Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering;
  • Ulyanovsk State Technical University ( UlSTU);

Pros and cons of becoming an architect:


  • Architecture and other technical areas are characterized by division into narrow specializations. This allows you to purposefully improve your knowledge and skills.
  • Highly qualified specialized employees are valued in the labor market and have a decent level of remuneration, which increases with the growth of experience and position.
  • Due to the growing urbanization of the population, the relevance of the profession is growing.
  • Simply put, by becoming an architect, you will secure an income and a job. And having experience, it is no longer you, but the work will look for you.


  • It is advisable to clearly understand that this is a purely technical specialty that requires a huge amount of knowledge of physics, mathematics, computer science and others.
  • A wide range of responsibility for projects lies with their developer.
  • These can be emergency volumes of work that need to be worked on.

And of course, check out the biographies of such people as Renzo Piano, Oscar Niemeyer, Norman Foster, Rem Koolhaas - their creations and experience are indispensable for those who want to learn to be an architect.

Demand for the profession of architect

According to statisticians, one of the most sought-after professions in the next 20 years will be the profession of an architect.

In our country, the low popularity of the profession of architect in the past is explained by the utilitarian approach to urban planning and private projects. A whole generation of "Khrushchev" and panel twins managed with minimal participation of professionals.

Times have changed. Modern construction market needs fresh ideas modern approach, competent execution of building projects. The profession of an architect is a great prospect for a creative person.

Profession architect: salary

The profession of an architect implies a high level of income. So salary offers vary:

  • from 40,000 rubles to 70,000 rubles as an architect in Moscow, St. Petersburg,
  • from 20,000 rubles to 90,000 rubles by profession a landscape architect (designer) in Moscow and St. Petersburg,
  • up to 100,000 rubles - leading architect (Moscow),
  • up to 200,000 rubles - chief architect (Moscow).

In addition, this work is considered one of the most prestigious to date. Specialists in this field have the opportunity for creative realization, both at home and abroad.

Created: 02 March 2017

Graduated from an architectural university and suddenly realized that architecture is not for you? Do not rush to regret the wasted years: based on the materials of the Archinect portal, we have selected nine areas of activity where architects can apply their knowledge and skills.

Since 2008, the Archinect website has had a column in which professionals share their stories, why they decided to leave architecture and how their architectural background helped them find themselves in a new specialty. In less than 8 years, more than 50 stories have been published in the section, which will be interesting in their own right, even if you do not plan to change the direction of work. Using these materials as an example, we tried to understand why architects leave the profession, what an architectural education is useful for, and collected the main areas that can attract a failed architect.

Why leave

Despite the fact that the stories tell about people with a wide variety of experiences - from students who left for other areas immediately after receiving a diploma, to professionals with 10 years of experience working on projects of various levels - the arguments for most are rare: endless working hours, where 10% of the time is devoted to design, and the remaining 90% of the working day is spent negotiating with contractors, solving problems with drawings, budgets and customers.

On the other hand, not only the negative aspects of the life of an architect push him to change his profession. Architecture is one of the most versatile professions, involving very different aspects of life. Each next project may open up a previously unknown area, which may turn out to be a real vocation for you.

What gives an architectural education

If the work of an architect can evoke negative emotions in someone, then with regard to architectural education, everyone agrees on one thing - no matter what a person ends up doing, the years spent on training are definitely worth it. Kim Knohlenberg, who discovered own farm, believes that she would hardly have been able to master this project if it were not for studying at an architectural school, where she "learned to find and solve problems, work in a team and defend her ideas in front of an audience." The list of useful skills is endless. Here is an understanding of the context, and the formation of an analytical approach, and spatial thinking. Gong Szeto, who now works in the field of interface design, says that most often in negotiations with IT engineers, traders and bankers, he has to quote Vitruvius’ “usefulness, strength, beauty”, since the formula, it turns out, is not obvious to everyone.

What is architecture

Although the bulk of the heroes of the rubric are no longer directly involved in the design of buildings, few of them believe that they really abandoned this field of activity - rather, they simply deviated somewhat from the perception of architecture that is familiar to many. According to Gustavo Almeida-Santos, who is now creative director, his company "doesn't really deal with buildings and structures, but process information in a similar way and go through the same design stages." To him, it's just another area of ​​architecture.

1. At the service of architects

Professions directly related to architecture

Architecture is a large field of activity, which, nevertheless, lives by its own rules and laws. Therefore, it is difficult for people without an architectural education to fit in and understand the specifics of the work. This also applies to professions such as architectural photographers and visualizers. Architecture portals and specialized publishing houses are also usually founded by architects.

In this way, you can still remain at the very center of architectural life, but at the same time get rid of most negative consequences professions. It is important that your customers will be the architects themselves, with whom you speak the same language. And the directions of activity here can be very different. For example, Matt Trimble, wanting to streamline the monotonous process of editing drawings, started out writing simple scripts for Autocad and now runs Radlab, a software development company for architects.

Or you can go into graphic design and help architects create books, print products, websites. Or, like Anne Dérian, after seven years of work in different bureaus, to open his own mosaic production. There are many directions here, the main thing is to choose what you really like.

2. Internet

Website and application development

Surely you use or at least heard about the Pinterest web service, which allows you to collect images on the Internet. But few people know that its founder was an architect. As a student and wanting to organize his huge collection of renders, drawings and photographs, Evan Sharp launched a service with a friend, which after only 5 years of existence is already estimated at $ 11 billion. According to Evan, the architectural school forced him to look spatially at the structure of the Internet and understand how people can use the network for their own purposes.

Among the popular applications developed by architects, we can also recall the Prezi presentation service, which changed the approach to slide shows. The entire presentation is created on one single canvas, over which the camera moves, zooming in and out of individual areas.

3. UI designer

Development of user interfaces

The profession of a user interface developer is perhaps one of the closest in spirit to architecture. Creating a human-friendly environment, a UI designer thinks through the user's movements within a given system by manipulating flows. According to Ania Kolak, her architectural background has taught her to work equally with both individual details and the project as a whole.

4. Game development

Designing virtual spaces

The love of drawing at the time convinced Francis Tsai (Francis Tsai) to go to architecture school. And, in his opinion, it was the study of architecture and the development of spatial thinking that helped him become famous in the world of game development. In fact, the work consists in building a model of virtual space and filling it with objects and emotions.

5. Motion design

Create intros and videos

According to Magnus Hierta, developed spatial thinking, as well as a refined sense of composition, allowed him to quickly get used to motion design and participate in the creation of videos of various formats. Like an architect, a motion designer must be not only a designer, but also a director, cameraman, editor, programmer and producer.

When talking about television, one cannot ignore Dmitry Likin, co-founder of the architectural bureau WOWHAUS. Also working on Channel One as the chief artist, he hosted direct involvement in one of the most striking rebrandings on Russian television in the 2000s.

6. Media personas

Work in the frame

It is customary to say that in terms of talkativeness, an architect must be second only to a journalist in order to successfully defend his ideas. Although, in addition to the ability to speak quickly, you also need to have a certain charisma. We were convinced of this from our own experience during the festival "Architecture-2015", filming with architects talking about their projects.

Meanwhile, Archinect publishes the story of John Gidding, invited to host Designed to Sell. In the scenario, Gidding helps the owners improve their home and raise its selling price. But most importantly, television budgets help him get money for any technological innovations in the construction industry and allow him to experiment and stay in the trend of technology.

7. Development

It so happened that architects are not too fond of developers due to different views on the world. But nothing prevents the architect himself from acting as a manager, greatly simplifying his life. In 2010, Miguel McKelvey, who already has sales experience behind him, co-founded the WeWork co-working network, which, after five years of operation, has 250 employees and 54 locations.

Availability of an architect leadership positions allowed to defend the inflated spending on interior design, without which it would not have been possible to create a corporate atmosphere of co-working spaces in the end.

8. Design of clothes, textiles and accessories

It wasn't until she was downsized during the crisis that Emily Fischer found the time to put together her own website and post pictures of her textile experiments. The quilts that were included in ours for architects instantly circled the Internet, and Emily herself, three weeks after being fired, had already opened her own firm.

Only an architect could make a ring out of concrete. But Linda Bennett went even further with the DIY Ring Kit, which requires the wearer to make their own ring by mixing all the necessary materials. The project was published in all major publications, successfully passed the Kickstarter campaign, and the total jewelry collection exceeded 50 items in two years.

9. 3D printing

3D printing has been discussed for many years but still has a lot of potential. Having bought a used printer in their sophomore year, Kyle William and Liz von Hasseln planned to gradually pay for their education with it. But the couple got so carried away with the experiments that they even went as far as using sugar as ink. Now their project The Sugar Lab creates sugar sculptures, developing a completely new direction in food printing.

Bonus: Designer LEGO

Adora Lo was another victim of the 2009 financial crisis, but hasn't regretted it in a long time. Building cities for LEGO theme parks is a dream job for many architects. As old college friends complain about the never-ending stair designs, Agora reveals how she built a 30-foot replica of the Petronas Towers for a park in Singapore.

A landscape architect deals with landscape art. He works with design drawings, on which he fixes all the components of the future composition, including the composition of herbs and tree species.

The architect of industrial construction works with buildings in the field of interaction between production and man. It is he who decides how to arrange the enterprise so that it is correct both from an environmental point of view and for the rational organization of technological progress.

The architect-restorer is engaged in reconstruction gives them new life. He is able to preserve the grandeur and restore the beauty of the building, while adapting it to the present.

Housing is the most demanded of the specializations. This specialist can find work both in a big city and in a small village, as he can be attracted by the construction of simple residential buildings, cottages and other ordinary buildings.

Related professions include interior designer and civil engineer.

Profession architect: history

Many years ago, when the first cities were just beginning to appear, there was a need for their proper organization. For this, people were needed who could take into account all the features of the local landscape and be able to design houses so that they were beautiful, functional and practical. It was at that time that architects appeared. Have reached our days interesting stories about the first ways of working with design: when Alexander the Great decided to found a city, he called all the city planners and ordered them to provide them with a plan of the area. Since there was no chalk at hand, the architects had to outline the outlines of the plan on the black earth with a barley grain.

Naturally, today the architect is a more modern profession, and there are many new methods of work. Nowadays, computer technology is used to design buildings. However, you won’t go far with one computer, since a representative of this difficult profession must have a certain mindset.

Profession architect: main responsibilities and personal qualities

The duties of a modern architect include creating the basic concept of the future building, its appearance, as well as combining all sorts of nuances into a single whole. Let's list the duties of an architect that determine the meaning of his work. So, the architect must:

Develop project proposals, master plans and models of enterprises, buildings, landscape panoramas and other things;

Develop working documentation and carry out technical guidance in the design of the facility;

Monitor the compliance of the use of materials with existing standards;

Participate in research and search for more convenient design solutions.

Among the qualities that you need to have in order to become a successful architect are creative and artistic and mathematical abilities, a good representation of space, good eyesight, persuasive speech, attention, the ability to manage yourself and organize your work, the ability to understand other people and their desires, the ability to make decisions and have your own opinion, perseverance.

Profession architect: pros and cons

The undoubted advantage of the profession is a high income. In addition, this work is considered very prestigious. There is an opportunity to work abroad. Possibility of creative realization.

However, one must be prepared for an increased intellectual load, moral and liability. The architect is responsible for the life and health of the people who will spend time in the future building.

Architect(from other Greek. αρχι - main , senior and other Greek. τέκτων - carpenter, builder) - a specialist who carries out architectural design, including the development of space-planning and interior solutions. Architectural design is the organization of the architectural environment, which includes the design of buildings, including the development of interior and space-planning solutions. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and drafting (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

The profession of an architect is closely related to construction, so this profession is one of the oldest. All over the world there are many unique palaces, temples, town halls, residential buildings, bridges built in various architectural styles. By these styles, we can determine the era of construction, the customs of the inhabitants of cities, their traditions or prosperity. The beauty of a building can evoke certain feelings and moods in people. This is what makes architecture an art in which each architect communicates with the audience through his creations, conveys his mood, his thoughts and ideas.

Each stage of human development is characterized by the emergence of a certain architectural style. Architectural monuments can tell historians no less than surviving parchments or chronicles. Civilizations of antiquity left behind the greatest architectural creations: the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum, and there are many such examples. architecture Ancient Russia(Old Russian architecture) is considered to be the period of Russian art from the time of the formation of the Kievan state to the reforms of Peter I (from the 9th to the 17th centuries).

Technological progress does not stand still, construction technologies are constantly becoming more complex, and with them the profession of an architect. The tasks that are set for architects are changing, and the competence of a modern specialist is defined more clearly than before. But the main goal remains unchanged - to obtain an architectural structure that optimally combines safety, rational and efficient use of space, as well as the features of an original and unique design idea.

Types of professional architects(in a general sense) depending on the type of activity:

  • architect(in the narrow sense) develops the concept, design documentation and construction drawings (in the architectural part), exercises author's control over the implementation of the project;
  • the chief architect of the project carries out general management construction processes;
  • urban architect performs the design of urban areas or large complexes, develops urban planning documentation and master plans of settlements;
  • landscape architect is engaged in the creation of projects for the breakdown of parks, gardens, household plots
  • chief architect of a city or district- a municipal employee who ensures the development and control over the execution of regulatory legal acts of local governments in the field of urban planning;
  • restoration architects restore architectural monuments
  • historians and theorists of architecture carry out scientific or teaching activities in the field of architecture.

The profession of an architect is creative and is considered relatively free, that is, an architect is independent in his work and relies only on his personal ideas about beauty. Restrictions can only be objective conditions about strength, safety and usefulness, as well as the preferences and desires of the customer.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of building codes and regulations (SNiP), GOSTs;
  • the skill of independent development of the main structural solutions necessary working documentation, architectural drawings;
  • knowledge of computer-aided design systems (AutoCad, Autodesk, Graphisoft ArchiCAD);
  • knowledge of design and calculation methods;
  • possession of the basics of cartography, geodesy, ecology;
  • the presence of a developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • the presence of artistic skills in the field of drawing, graphics, composition;
  • availability of mathematical and analytical abilities, design abilities.

Personal qualities

  • Creative skills;
  • developed spatial thinking;
  • responsibility, vigilance;
  • organizational skills;
  • originality, resourcefulness, creativity;
  • realism;
  • sense of harmony, taste and style;
  • observation;
  • good memory;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality, tact.

Architect training

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to receive a specialty through a remote program of professional retraining and advanced training from 9,900 rubles. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and fast way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for paperwork and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

On this course, you can get the profession of an architect remotely in 3 months. Diploma of professional retraining standard established by the state. Completely distance learning. largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

Invites you to receive quality additional education in the courses of the program. Learning programs MASPK are designed for construction professionals, engineers who want to expand their capabilities within the profession. Distance learning is available.


25000—100000 ₽

Moscow 40000—150000 ₽

A career in the architectural environment usually starts as an assistant architect or working on a team of architects. Further, with a strong desire, sufficient experience and talent, it is possible to become a chief architect in about 5-7 years. Also, working as an assistant to an architect, you can soon become, for example, a leading specialist. Often specialists associated with construction (engineers, technologists) come to the architectural profession. After the successful completion of advanced training courses, they receive a new specialty.

At present, there are no low-paid specialties in architecture, qualified specialists receive quite a lot, although it must be understood that workers public institutions still receive less than specialists from private companies. But in any case, it is not necessary to strive to become a popular architect and chase grandiose structures, you can engage in research activities, small architectural forms, teaching. And if architecture is your calling, then you will definitely become successful and will receive good fees, and maybe even get the Pritzker Prize (an analogue of the Nobel Prize, only for achievements in the field of architecture).

Of course, these figures are arbitrary, the final amount depends on the immediate place of work, popularity, and talent of the architect.

To find a good job, an architect must have a higher professional education.

Suitable educational specialties: Architecture
Key items: Mathematics; Russian language; entrance test.

Tuition fee (average in Russia): 400,000 rubles

Job description:

*tuition fees are for 4 years of undergraduate studies.

Architecture is also a chronicle of the world, it speaks when both songs and legends are silent and when nothing speaks of the lost people.
N.V. Gogol

(from other Greek. αρχι - main , senior and other Greek. τ?κτων - carpenter, builder) - a specialist who carries out architectural design, including the development of space-planning and interior solutions. Architectural design is the organization of the architectural environment, which includes the design of buildings, including the development of interior and space-planning solutions.

Profession architect is closely related to construction, so this profession is one of the most ancient. All over the world there are many unique palaces, temples, town halls, residential buildings, bridges built in various architectural styles. By these styles, we can determine the era of construction, the customs of the inhabitants of cities, their traditions or prosperity. The beauty of a building can evoke certain feelings and moods in people. This is what makes architecture an art in which each architect communicates with the audience through his creations, conveys his mood, his thoughts and ideas.

Each stage of human development is characterized by the emergence of a certain architectural style. Architectural monuments can tell historians no less than surviving parchments or chronicles. Civilizations of antiquity left behind the greatest architectural creations: the pyramids in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum, and there are many such examples. The architecture of Ancient Russia (Old Russian architecture) is considered to be the period of Russian art from the time of the formation of the Kievan state to the reforms of Peter I (from the 9th to the 17th centuries).

Technological progress does not stand still, construction technologies are constantly becoming more complex, and with them the profession of an architect. The tasks that are set for architects are changing, and the competence of a modern specialist is defined more clearly than before. But the main goal remains unchanged - to obtain an architectural structure that optimally combines safety, rational and efficient use of space, as well as the features of an original and unique design idea.

Types of professional architects(in a general sense) depending on the type of activity:

  • architect(in the narrow sense) develops the concept, design documentation and construction drawings (in the architectural part), exercises author's control over the implementation of the project;
  • the chief architect of the project carries out general management of construction processes;
  • urban architect performs the design of urban areas or large complexes, develops urban planning documentation and master plans for settlements;
  • landscape architect is engaged in the creation of projects for the breakdown of parks, gardens, household plots
  • chief architect of a city or district- a municipal employee who ensures the development and control over the execution of regulatory legal acts of local governments in the field of urban planning;
  • restoration architects restore architectural monuments

historians and theorists of architecture carry out scientific or teaching activities in the field of architecture.

The profession of an architect is creative and is considered relatively free, that is, an architect is independent in his work and relies only on his personal ideas about beauty. Restrictions can only be objective conditions about strength, safety and usefulness, as well as the preferences and desires of the customer.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of building codes and regulations (SNiP), GOSTs;
  • the skill of independent development of basic structural solutions, the necessary working documentation, architectural drawings;
  • knowledge of computer-aided design systems (AutoCad, Autodesk, Graphisoft ArchiCAD);
  • knowledge of design and calculation methods;
  • possession of the basics of cartography, geodesy, ecology;
  • the presence of a developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • the presence of artistic skills in the field of drawing, graphics, composition;
  • availability of mathematical and analytical abilities, design abilities.

Personal qualities

  • Creative skills;
  • developed spatial thinking;
  • responsibility, vigilance;
  • organizational skills;
  • originality, resourcefulness, creativity;
  • realism;
  • sense of harmony, taste and style;
  • observation;
  • good memory;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality, tact.

Place of work

  • design institutes;
  • research institutes and institutions;
  • architectural and construction companies;
  • design studios and bureaus;
  • architectural workshops, studios;
  • restoration workshops;
  • furniture stores, salons;
  • state organizations (territorial departments for architecture and urban planning);
  • educational institutions;
  • architectural monuments;
  • private practice.

Salary and career

A career in the architectural environment usually starts as an assistant architect or working on a team of architects. Further, with a strong desire, sufficient experience and talent, it is possible to become a chief architect in about 5-7 years. Also, working as an assistant to an architect, you can soon become, for example, a leading specialist. Often specialists associated with construction (engineers, technologists) come to the architectural profession. After the successful completion of advanced training courses, they receive a new specialty.

At present, there are no low-paid specialties in architecture, qualified specialists receive quite a lot, although it must be understood that employees of state institutions still receive less than specialists from private companies. But in any case, it is not necessary to strive to become a popular architect and chase grandiose structures, you can engage in research activities, small architectural forms, and teaching. And if architecture is your calling, then you will definitely become successful and will receive good fees, and maybe even get the Pritzker Prize (an analogue of the Nobel Prize, only for achievements in the field of architecture).

The average salary of an architect in Russia is from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles.

In Moscow, young specialists usually receive from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles, while the average salary of an experienced architect starts from 60,000 rubles. Of course, these figures are arbitrary, the final amount depends on the immediate place of work, popularity, and talent of the architect.


To find a good job, an architect must have a higher professional education.

Leading universities that train architects:

  • Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI);
  • State University for Land Management (GUZ);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR);
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute. V.I. Surikov (MGAHI);
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (RAZhViZ).