Public hearings on projects of urban planning documentation. Public hearings on the draft master plan Public hearings on federal facilities

  • 1. In order to respect the human right to favorable living conditions, the rights and legitimate interests of the right holders of land plots and capital construction projects, public hearings on draft master plans, including amendments to them (hereinafter - public hearings), with the participation of residents of settlements, urban districts are held without fail.
  • 2. The procedure for organizing and conducting public hearings is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipality, taking into account the provisions of this article.
  • 3. Public hearings are held in each locality of the municipality. In the event that changes are made to the master plan in relation to a part of the territory of a settlement or an urban district, public hearings are held with the participation of the rightholders of land plots and (or) capital construction objects located within the boundaries of the territory of the settlement or urban district, in respect of which these changes were prepared.
  • (v ed. Federal Law dated 20.03.2011 No. 41-FZ)
  • 4. When holding public hearings in order to ensure equal opportunities for all interested persons to participate in public hearings, the territory of the settlement may be divided into parts. The maximum number of persons living or registered in such a part of the territory is established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the requirement to ensure equal opportunities for all interested persons to express their opinions.
  • 5. In order to inform the public about the content of the draft master plan, the local government of the settlement authorized to hold public hearings or the local government of the city district must organize exhibitions, expositions of demonstration materials of the draft master plan, speeches of representatives of local governments, developers of the draft master plan. plan at residents' meetings, in print media, on radio and television.
  • 6. Participants in public hearings have the right to submit their proposals and comments regarding the draft master plan to the local self-government body of the settlement or the local self-government body of the city district authorized to conduct public hearings, for inclusion in the minutes of public hearings.
  • 7. The conclusion on the results of public hearings is subject to publication in the manner prescribed for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, and is posted on the official website of the settlement (if there is an official website of the settlement), the official website of the city district (if there is an official website of the city district) in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter - the "Internet" network),
  • (v ed. Federal Laws of December 31, 2005 No. 210-FZ, of July 11, 2011 M200-FZ)
  • 8. The period for holding public hearings from the moment the residents of the municipality are notified of the time and place of their holding until the day the conclusion on the results of public hearings is published is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipality and cannot be less than one month or more. three months.
  • 9. The head of the local administration, taking into account the conclusion on the results of public hearings, makes a decision:
    • (v ed. Federal Law of 25.12.2008 No. 281-FZ)
  • 1) on agreement with the draft master plan and sending it to the representative body of the municipal formation;
  • 2) on the rejection of the draft master plan and on sending it for revision.

A comment_

1. The draft master plan, as well as the draft amendments to the master plan are subject to mandatory consideration at public hearings.

The current federal legislation lacks a definition of public hearings, which has become fertile ground for the emergence of many definitions of this institution. Thus, public hearings are understood as "... a form of direct expression of the will of the population ...", "... one of the forms of direct implementation by the population of local self-government and participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government", authorities and the population ..., ensuring that the interests, opinions and sentiments of the population and individual social groups are taken into account, the involvement of the intellectual and information resources of the local community in the development of decisions, the redistribution of responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the ability to choose the optimal solution from the plurality of proposed alternatives, increase confidence to local authorities and improving the socio-psychological climate in the local community, the possibility of activating the population and attracting its resources to implement the adopted decision ”,“ ... a new form of participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government ... which is carried out with the participation of residents of municipal education. .. to discuss draft municipal legal acts on local issues ”. And some authors offer several definitions of public hearings at once:

  • 1) the form of exercising the rights of the population of the municipality to participate in the process of making decisions by local self-government bodies through holding meetings for public discussion of draft regulatory legal acts of the municipality and other socially significant issues;
  • 2) the form of implementation by residents of the municipal formation of the right to participate in the discussion of draft municipal legal acts on issues of local importance;
  • 3) the procedure carried out for the discussion of draft municipal legal acts on issues of local importance with the participation of residents of the municipality, the representative body of the municipality, the head of the municipality;
  • 4) a procedure (a set of interrelated activities) to identify the opinion of the public concerned on a specific issue for further consideration when making a decision;
  • 5) the form of exercising the rights of the population (the public) to participate in the decision-making process by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on socially significant issues.

In our opinion, the most concise definition that reveals the essence of the institution of public hearings is the following: public hearings is a form of public participation in the implementation of local self-government, expressed in an open direct discussion by authorities and citizens of draft legal acts and other socially significant issues and making recommendations on them, which should be taken into account by the competent authorities when making appropriate decisions.

Draft master plans of settlements, urban districts are subject to mandatory consideration at public hearings with the participation of residents of settlements, urban districts in order to observe the human right to favorable living conditions, the rights and legitimate interests of the rights holders of land plots and capital construction projects. Also, among the purposes of holding public hearings on the draft master plans, one can name the implementation of the relationship, the dialogue of local self-government bodies of the municipality with the population living in the territory of the municipality; provision of complete and reliable information to the interested public about projects and issues of urban planning and possible consequences in terms of their impact on the environment and public health; ensuring greater transparency and responsibility of local self-government bodies in making urban planning decisions.

2. The procedure for organizing and holding public hearings is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipality, taking into account the provisions of Art. 28 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In most cases, the issue of organizing and holding public hearings is resolved through the approval by the representative body of the settlement, urban district of a special normative legal act regulating the specified procedure (hereinafter also referred to as the legal act on public hearings).

Legal acts on public hearings, as a rule, contain provisions that determine the place and time of public hearings; circle of persons entitled to take part in public hearings; the purpose of public hearings; the minimum set of activities required for holding public hearings; the procedure for informing the population about holding public hearings; procedural actions of organizing and conducting public hearings; the procedure for publishing the results of public hearings, etc.

Public hearings on draft master plans of settlements, urban districts should be held in each locality of the corresponding municipality. When making changes to the master plans in relation to a part of the territory of a settlement or an urban district, public hearings are held with the participation of the owners of land plots and (or) capital construction objects located within the boundaries of the territory of the settlement or urban district, in respect of which these changes were prepared.

When holding public hearings in order to ensure equal opportunities for all interested persons to participate in public hearings, the territory of the settlement may be divided into parts. The maximum number of persons living or registered in such a part of the territory is established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation based on the requirement to ensure equal opportunities for all interested persons to express their opinions.

The choice of the venue for public hearings should be focused on maximum attendance and providing an opportunity for a free exchange of views. The timing of public hearings is also of great importance. In our opinion, in order to ensure that all interested parties have the opportunity to participate in public hearings, they should be appointed either on weekends or on weekdays, but not earlier than 6 pm. Otherwise, interested persons may not get to public hearings, since the time of their holding coincides with working hours - the time during which the employee, in accordance with the internal labor regulations and the terms of the employment contract, must perform labor duties. In the vast majority of cases, working hours end no earlier than 17 hours.

Taking into account these circumstances, the legal acts on public hearings, which appoint the time for holding public hearings on working days earlier than 18 hours, do not provide

to all interested parties the opportunity to participate in their conduct, thereby violating one of the purposes of the institution of public hearings - the participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government. The timing of public hearings should be distinguished from the timing of public hearings.

The period for holding public hearings from the moment the residents of the municipality are notified about the time and place of their holding until the day the conclusion on the results of public hearings is published is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipality and cannot be less than one month and more than three months ...

Due to the fact that the Federal Law of 20.03.2011 No. 41-FZ "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of territorial planning issues" was excluded from Art. 24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 9, according to which the draft master plan is subject to publication in the manner prescribed for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, at least three months before its approval, it seems that such publication should be carried out within three months the time frame for public hearings on the draft master plan. Otherwise, a barrier is created for the implementation of the right enshrined in Part 10 of Art. 24 Civil Code of the Russian Federation - interested parties have the right to submit their proposals for the draft master plan. If the draft master plan is not published, stakeholders will not be able to submit their proposals. The specified publication period cannot be less than three months, since the maximum period for holding public hearings on the draft master plan is set at three months.

At present, the theoretical opportunity to familiarize the population with the draft master plan appears at the stage of its placement in the federal state information system of territorial planning using the official website on the Internet. However, not all municipalities have an Internet network. In addition, as noted above, that access to the draft master plan is ensured, the authorized local self-government body notifies in electronic form and (or) by mail only state authorities and local self-government bodies. The legislator did not foresee the local population in this legal structure.

In this situation, in our opinion, there is an objective need to return the norm of Part 9 of Art. 24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in a slightly modified form: "the draft master plan is subject to publication in the manner prescribed for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, at least three months before its approval."

Considering the procedure for public hearings on draft master plans, it is necessary to determine the persons who have the right to participate in this procedure. The Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation defines only residents of a settlement or an urban district as mandatory participants in the procedure for public hearings on draft master plans. Legal acts on public hearings expand and specify the list of participants in public hearings. As a rule, legal acts on public hearings as residents, whose right to participate in public hearings is enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, determine capable citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, permanently or predominantly residing in the territory of the corresponding settlement, urban district.

Representatives of legal entities and representatives of local self-government bodies are also indicated as participants in public hearings. Meanwhile, in legal acts on public hearings, there are provisions that violate the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 131-FZ. So, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Art. 6 Decisions of the Ivanovo City Duma of June 28, 2006 No. 176 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for Organizing and Holding Public Hearings in the City of Ivanovo" on holding public hearings at the age of 18, who submitted to the relevant authority ... in writing their proposals on the topic of public hearings ... ".

In our opinion, such restrictions are unacceptable and should be excluded as contradicting the current federal legislation. Since, in the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 131-FZ, it is explicitly stated that residents of the relevant municipality can participate in public hearings, regardless of whether they made any proposals to the draft master plan or not.

3. Since public hearings on draft master plans have one of the goals of providing complete and reliable information to the interested public about the content of these projects, it is necessary to consider in detail the ways of bringing to the public information about the content of the draft master plan.

In order to inform the population about the content of the draft master plan, the local self-government of the settlement authorized to conduct public hearings or the local self-government of the urban district (in urban districts these are usually structural divisions of the administration, for example, the department of urban planning, the department of construction and architecture; in settlements - the administration ) without fail organize exhibitions, expositions of demonstration materials of the draft master plan, speeches of representatives of local governments, developers of the draft master plan at meetings of residents, in the print media, on radio and television.

Thus, in the procedure of public hearings it is possible to distinguish: the period of the exposition based on the materials of the draft master plan; the period of the meeting of participants in public hearings. Since after a meeting of participants in public hearings, individual proposals and comments to the draft master plan are often still received, it is possible to select an appropriate period after the said meeting.

4. The public hearings end with the drawing up of minutes of public hearings on draft master plans, conclusions on the results of such public hearings and their publication.

It seems that the minutes of public hearings on the draft master plans of settlements, urban districts should contain information on: the name of the draft master plan; time, place of holding public hearings; the number of participants present; the presiding officer and secretary of public hearings; speaker on the draft master plan; proposals and comments of the participants of public hearings received: during the period of the exposition based on the materials of the draft master plan; during a meeting of participants in public hearings; after a meeting of participants in public hearings; FULL NAME. persons who put forward proposals and comments to the draft master plan.

The conclusion on the results of public hearings, in our opinion, should contain information about the draft master plan; timing of public hearings; the form of notification of public hearings (name, number, date of printed publications, etc. forms); holding an exposition based on the materials (where and when it was held, the number of suggestions and comments); holding a meeting of participants in public hearings (where and when it was held, the composition and number of participants, the number of proposals and comments); minutes of public hearings (when approved); proposals and comments (in a generalized form) contained in the minutes of public hearings, the results of their consideration.

Also, the conclusion on the results of public hearings should contain recommendations representative body on approval or refusal to approve the draft master plan.

The conclusion on the results of public hearings is subject to publication in accordance with the procedure established for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, and is posted on the official website of the settlement (if there is an official website of the settlement), the official website of the city district (if there is an official website of the city district) in the network "Internet".

Considering public hearings on draft master plans of settlements, urban districts, it should be noted that public hearings are one of the proactive forms of participation of residents in local self-government - “this is the activity to which local self-government bodies are obliged to respond, but they have the right to accept proposals for implementation. citizens, nominated on their own initiative, and refuse to implement certain proposals on the grounds of inexpediency. " In other words, public hearings are advisory in nature. This circumstance causes a lot of discussion.

Thus, there is a widespread point of view according to which the recommendatory nature of public hearings is a shortcoming of the current legislation. This is argued by the fact that "in modern Russia there are a number of vestiges of totalitarianism, which is manifested, in particular, in the widespread disregard by the authorities of all levels of the interests and needs of the population."

However, the point of view seems to be more correct, according to which “the recommendatory nature of the procedure of public hearings is justified, since the public is not always objective and is able to competently judge urban planning documentation ... ways of solving socially significant problems ”.

Meanwhile, taking into account the opinion of the population, which determines the recommendatory nature of public hearings, should not be a formal procedure for considering the results of public hearings, otherwise the implementation of this institution will be perceived by the population solely as an event aimed at creating the appearance of discussing socially significant problems with citizens at their own expense.

It seems that the way out of this situation is the proposal of K.N. Knyaginin that taking into account the opinion of the population can be reduced to four components:

  • 1) the obligatory establishment of this opinion in the established forms. In our case, this is a protocol of public hearings on the draft master plan of a settlement, an urban district, a conclusion on the results of public hearings.
  • 2) obligatory bringing it to the attention of the representative body. Based on Part 12 of Art. 24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, minutes of public hearings on the draft master plan, the conclusion on the results of such public hearings (in which the opinion of the population is expressed) are a mandatory annex to the draft master plan sent by the head of the local administration of the settlement, the head of the local administration of the city district, respectively, to the representative body of local self-government of the settlement , the representative body of local self-government of the urban district;
  • 3) mandatory consideration by the representative body of this opinion. On the basis of Part 13 of Art. 24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the representative body of local self-government of a settlement, urban district, taking into account the minutes of public hearings on the draft master plan and conclusions on the results of such public hearings, decide to approve the master plan or reject the draft master plan and send it for revision in accordance with the indicated protocols and conclusion;
  • 4) in case of refusal to build a law-making decision on the opinion of the population - the obligatory direction by the representative body to the population of the corresponding territory of a motivated justification of the inexpediency or even impossibility of following the opinion of the population. This criterion, in our opinion, is decisive, since it clearly demonstrates that the opinion of the population was taken into account, but for objective reasons cannot be implemented in the draft master plan. This criterion, unfortunately, did not find its support in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this situation, legal acts on public hearings become of fundamental importance.
  • 5. After the completion of public hearings, the head of the settlement, the city district shall send the draft master plan, as well as the minutes of public hearings on the draft master plan, the conclusion on the results of such public hearings to the representative body of local self-government of the settlement, the representative body of local self-government of the city district.

At this stage, another debatable problem arises - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation has not settled the issue of the need to re-conduct public hearings on the draft master plan, which received proposals and comments based on the results of the public hearings.

1 - 2. Abolished. - Federal Law of December 29, 2017 N 455-FZ.

3. Public discussions or public hearings on draft master plans of settlements, master plans of urban districts and on projects providing for amendments to master plans of settlements, master plans of urban districts (hereinafter in this article - public discussions or public hearings) are held in each populated point of the municipality.

4. When conducting public discussions or public hearings in order to provide participants in public discussions or public hearings with equal opportunities to participate in public discussions or public hearings, the territory of a settlement may be divided into parts.

5 - 7. Abolished. - Federal Law of December 29, 2017 N 455-FZ.

8. The period for holding public discussions or public hearings from the moment the residents of the municipality are notified about their holding until the day the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is published is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality and cannot be less than one months and more than three months.

9. The head of the local administration, taking into account the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings, makes a decision:

1) on agreement with the draft master plan and sending it to the representative body of the municipal formation;

2) on the rejection of the draft master plan and on sending it for revision.

Comments to Art. 28 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. The commented article establishes the obligation to hold public hearings on draft master plans of settlements (including amendments to them), master plans of urban districts.

The obligation to hold public hearings is established in the town planning legislation for the first time. Previously, citizens of the Russian Federation and their associations had the right to participate in public hearings before the approval of town planning documents, but such hearings were not a necessary condition for the approval of town planning documents.

2. Part 2 of the commented article has a reference to the legislation of the municipality. As an example, we can cite the decision of the Duma of the municipal formation of Ussuriysk and the Ussuriysk region of October 26, 2004 N 92 "On the Regulation on public (public) hearings in the Ussuriysk urban district" (as amended on November 29, 2005).

This Statement uses the following basic concepts:

public (public) hearings - a form of exercising the rights of the population of a municipality (the public) to participate in the decision-making process by local self-government bodies by holding a meeting for public discussion of draft regulatory legal acts of the municipality and other socially significant issues;

public representative - an individual or legal entity, as well as their associations, organizations, groups or other associations, with the exception of those who make a decision on this issue by virtue of their official duties, represent local self-government bodies and state authorities or participate in their activities on a compensated basis contract;

an organizing committee is a collegial body formed on a parity basis from officials of local self-government bodies and representatives of the public, carrying out organizational actions for the preparation and conduct of public (public) hearings;

expert of public (public) hearings - a person who has submitted written recommendations on public (public) hearings and takes part in the debate to argue for them.

Public (public) hearings are held in order to:

informing the public and local authorities about the facts and existing opinions on the issue under discussion;

revealing public opinion on the topic and issues submitted to public (public) hearings;

communication, dialogue of local self-government bodies with the public of the municipality;

influencing the public on decision-making by local governments.

Public (public) hearings are held on issues of local importance, and their decisions are advisory in nature for local governments.

The following must be submitted to public (public) hearings:

the draft charter of the municipality, as well as the draft municipal legal act on amendments to the charter;

draft local budget and report on its implementation;

draft plans and programs for the development of the municipality;

questions about the transformation of the municipality.

The initiators of public (public) hearings can be: the population of the city, the representative body and the head of the municipality.

Public (public) hearings initiated by the population or the representative body of the municipality are appointed by the decision of the representative body of the municipality.

The head of the municipality may appoint public (public) hearings on issues referred by the charter of the municipality to the competence of the head of the municipality, by his own decision or submit an initiative to hold such hearings to the representative body of the municipality.

The decision on the appointment of public (public) hearings shall indicate:

the topic of public (public) hearings;

the date of the public (public) hearings - no later than two months from the date of the decision on the appointment;

the composition of the organizing committee.

The composition of the organizing committee on an equal footing should include: officials of local self-government bodies (deputies of the representative body of the municipal formation, specialists of the administration of the municipal formation) and representatives of the public whose interests are affected when making this decision.

To make a decision on the appointment of public (public) hearings, its initiators send to the representative body of the municipality:

presentation with an indication of the topic of the proposed public (public) hearings and justification of its social significance;

a list of the composition of the organizing committee proposed by the initiators;

at the initiative of residents of the municipality - a list of the initiative group.

The issue of scheduling public (public) hearings is considered by the representative body of the municipality at its next meeting in accordance with the rules of the Duma.

The decision on the appointment of public (public) hearings is made at a meeting of the representative body of the municipality by a majority of votes from the number of participants in the meeting.

If the initiative to hold public (public) hearings is rejected, its initiators may re-submit a proposal to schedule public (public) hearings on this topic with more than 500 signatures of residents of the municipality on the subscription lists.

If more than 500 residents of the municipality have spoken in support of the appointment of public (public) hearings, public (public) hearings on this topic are appointed by the representative body of the municipality without fail.

Public (public) hearings on mandatory issues are initiated and appointed by the representative body of the municipality. The timing of the appointment of these hearings is determined by the requirements of the Regulations in accordance with the regulations and work plan of the representative body of the municipality.

Based on the decision of the representative body of the municipality or the head of the municipality, the head of the municipality, within 3 days, appoints the responsible structural unit of the administration for the preparation and conduct of public (public) hearings. The responsible structural unit organizes the first meeting of the organizing committee (no later than 5 days after its appointment) and further provides organizational and logistical support for the activities of the organizing committee.

The organizing committee draws up a work plan, distributes the responsibilities of its members and draws up a list of tasks for the preparation and conduct of public (public) hearings to be carried out by the responsible structural unit of the administration and provides it to the head of the relevant unit for making a decision.

The organizing committee is accountable in its activities to the municipal council.

The population of the municipality is notified by the organizing committee through the media about public (public) hearings held no later than 7 days before the date of the holding.

The published information should contain: the topic and issues of public (public) hearings, information about the initiator of their holding, indication of the time and place of the meeting, contact information of the organizing committee, as well as an indication of publications, addresses of official websites of local governments and other sources where complete information is posted on the preparation and conduct of public (public) hearings.

Information about public (public) hearings, their preparation and conduct is published in the mass media.

Participants of public (public) hearings, who receive the right to speak to argue their proposals, are experts who submitted their recommendations on public (public) hearings to the organizing committee in writing no later than 5 days before the date of the public (public) hearings.

All interested residents of the municipality, representatives of local self-government bodies, the media and other persons can participate in public (public) hearings without the right to speak.

Before the start of public (public) hearings, the organizing committee organizes the registration of its participants with the issuance of a draft final document.

The final document of public (public) hearings includes all recommendations and proposals not withdrawn by their authors. The final document is considered adopted after all interested experts exercise their right to withdraw their proposals and recommendations from the draft final document. All changes in the positions of experts are reflected in the minutes of the (public) public hearings.

The organizing committee ensures the publication of the final document of public (public) hearings without attachments in the media and on the official websites of local governments with attachments.

The head of the municipality no later than 14 days sends to the representative body of the municipality the conclusion of the administration on each issue of the final document with appropriate justification.

Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the administration's conclusion on the final document of public (public) hearings, the issue of considering the results of public (public) hearings is submitted to the commission of the representative body, which is in charge of the issues under consideration, and is included in the agenda of the next meeting of the representative body.

The report on the work of the organizing committee and materials of public hearings at the meetings of the commission and the representative body are presented by the chairman of the organizing committee.

Consideration of the recommendations of public (public) hearings is carried out by a representative body on each issue of public (public) hearings, for which there are recommendations in the final document. The representative body decides on the merits of each of the issues under consideration.

After the representative body makes decisions based on the results of public (public) hearings, the organizing committee ceases its activities.

The decision of the representative body following the consideration of the results of public (public) hearings is subject to mandatory publication.

3. Parts 3 and 4 of the commented article contain provisions aimed at providing all interested parties with equal opportunities to participate in public hearings. Public hearings must be held in each locality of the municipality, the territory of which can be divided into parts.

For example, the Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated July 11, 2006 N 341-z "On the regulation of urban planning activities in the Republic of Bashkortostan" established that the number of citizens living or registered in such part of the territory, in order to provide all interested persons with opportunities to express their opinions should exceed 300 thousand people.

4. Part 5 of the commented article is aimed at ensuring that maximum information about the draft master plan is communicated to residents. For this purpose, exhibitions, expositions of demonstration materials of the draft master plan, speeches of authorized persons and developers are organized, and the mass media are also used.

5. Part 6 establishes the right of participants in public hearings to include their proposals and comments in the minutes of public hearings.

6. The conclusion on the results of public hearings is subject to mandatory publication. Federal Law of December 31, 2005 N 210-FZ "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation" in part 7 of the commented article was amended. At present, the Urban Development Code obliges, if there is an official website for a settlement and an official website for a city district, to post on them a conclusion on the results of public hearings on the Internet.

7. The organizational aspects of holding public hearings are determined by the regulatory legal acts of the body of the municipality. Part 8 of the commented article establishes a time limit for holding public hearings - it cannot be less than 1 month and more than 3 months.

8. Taking into account the conclusion on the results of public hearings, the head of the municipality decides whether to agree with the draft master plan or to reject it and send it for revision (part 9 of the commented article).

1. To discuss draft municipal legal acts on issues of local importance with the participation of residents of the municipality, the representative body of the municipality, the head of the municipality may hold public hearings.

2. Public hearings are held at the initiative of the population, the representative body of the municipality, the head of the municipality or the head of the local administration, exercising his powers on the basis of a contract.

Public hearings held at the initiative of the population or the representative body of the municipality are appointed by the representative body of the municipality, and at the initiative of the head of the municipality or the head of the local administration, exercising his powers on the basis of a contract, by the head of the municipality.

(see text in previous edition)

3. The following must be submitted to public hearings:

1) a draft charter of a municipal formation, as well as a draft municipal normative legal act on amendments and additions to this charter, except for cases when amendments are made to the charter of a municipal formation in the form of an accurate reproduction of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the constitution (charter), or laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in order to bring this charter in line with these regulatory legal acts;

(see text in previous edition)

2) draft local budget and report on its implementation;

2.1) a draft strategy for the socio-economic development of the municipality;

(see text in previous edition)

4) questions about the transformation of the municipal formation, except in cases where, in accordance with Article 13 of this Federal Law, for the transformation of the municipal formation, it is required to obtain the consent of the population of the municipal formation, expressed by voting or at gatherings of citizens.

(see text in previous edition)

4. The procedure for organizing and conducting public hearings is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipality and should provide for advance notification of residents of the municipality about the time and place of public hearings, advance familiarization with the draft municipal legal act, and other measures, ensuring participation in public hearings of residents of the municipality, publication (disclosure) of the results of public hearings, including a reasoned justification for decisions made.

(see text in previous edition)

5. For draft master plans, draft rules for land use and development, projects for planning the territory, projects for land surveying, draft rules for landscaping, projects providing for amendments to one of the specified approved documents, draft decisions on granting permission for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or a capital construction facility, draft decisions on granting permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, issues of changing one type of permitted use of land plots and capital construction objects to another type of such use in the absence of approved land use and development rules, public discussions are held or public hearings, the procedure for organizing and conducting which is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act representative th body of the municipality, taking into account the provisions of the legislation on urban planning activities.

Article 1.

Introduce into the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 16; 2006, No. 1, Art. 21; No. 52, Art. 5498; 2008, No. 20, Art. 2251; No. 29, Art. 3418; No. 30, Art. 3604, 3616; No. 52, Art. 6236; 2009, No. 52, Art. 6419; 2011, No. 13, Art. 1688; No. 17, Art. 2310; No. 29, Art. 4291 ; No. 30, Art. 4563, 4590, 4591, 4594; No. 49, Art. 7015; 2012, No. 47, Art. 6390; No. 53, Art. 7614; 2013, No. 14, Art. 1651; No. 30, Art. 4080; No. 43, Art. 5452; No. 52, Art. 6983; 2014, No. 16, Art. 1837; No. 19, Art. 2336; No. 26, Art. 3377; No. 42, Art. 5615; No. 48, Art. 6640; 2015, No. 1, Art. 9, 11; No. 29, Art. 4339, 4342; 2016, No. 1, Art. 79; No. 27, Art. 4248, 4302, 4305, 4306; 2017, No. 27 , Art. 3923; No. 31, Art. 4740, 4766, 4771, 4829) the following changes:

1) Chapter 1 shall be supplemented with Article 5 1 as follows:

"Article 5 1. Public discussions, public hearings on draft master plans, draft rules for land use and development, draft territory planning projects, land surveying projects, draft rules for landscaping, draft decisions on granting permission for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or capital construction object , draft decisions on granting permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities

1. In order to comply with the human right to favorable living conditions, the rights and legitimate interests of the rightholders of land plots and capital construction projects according to draft master plans, draft land use and development rules, territory planning projects, land surveying projects, draft rules for landscaping, projects providing amendments to one of the specified approved documents, draft decisions on granting a permit for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or capital construction object, draft decisions on granting a permit to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects (hereinafter also in this article - drafts) in accordance with the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality and taking into account the provisions of this Code are carried out on public discussions or public hearings, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

2. Participants in public discussions or public hearings on draft master plans, draft land use and development rules, territory planning projects, land surveying projects, draft territory improvement rules, projects envisaging amendments to one of these approved documents are citizens permanently residing in the territory in relation to which these projects have been prepared, the rightholders of the land plots located within the boundaries of this territory and (or) the capital construction objects located on them, as well as the rightholders of the premises that are part of the indicated capital construction objects.

3. Participants in public discussions or public hearings on draft decisions on granting permission for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or a capital construction facility, draft decisions on granting a permit to deviate from the limit parameters of a permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities are citizens permanently residing within the territorial zone within which the land plot or capital construction object is located, in relation to which these projects have been prepared, the rightholders of the land plots located within this territorial zone and (or) capital construction objects located on them, citizens permanently residing within the boundaries of the land plots, adjacent to the land plot, in respect of which these projects have been prepared, the rightholders of such land plots or capital construction objects located on them, the rightholders of premises that are part of a capital construction object for which these projects have been prepared, and in the case provided for in part 3 of Article 39 of this Code, also the rightholders of land plots and capital construction projects subject to the risk of negative impact on the environment as a result of the implementation of these projects.

4. The procedure for holding public discussions consists of the following stages:

1) notification of the beginning of public discussions;

2) placement of the project to be considered in public discussions and information materials to it on the official website of the authorized local government body in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter in this article - the official website) and (or) in the state or municipal information system ensuring public discussions using the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter also referred to as the "Internet" network), or on the regional portal of state and municipal services (hereinafter in this article - information systems) and the opening of an exposition or expositions of such a project;

3) holding an exposition or expositions of the project to be considered in public discussions;

4) preparation and execution of the minutes of public discussions;

5. The procedure for holding public hearings consists of the following stages:

1) notification of the beginning of public hearings;

2) posting a project to be considered at public hearings and information materials to it on the official website and opening an exposition or expositions of such a project;

3) holding an exposition or expositions of the project to be considered at public hearings;

4) holding a meeting or meetings of participants in public hearings;

5) preparation and execution of the minutes of public hearings;

6. The notice of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings must contain:

1) information about the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings, and a list of information materials for such a project;

2) information on the procedure and timing of public discussions or public hearings on the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings;

3) information about the place, date of opening the exposition or expositions of the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings, about the timing of the exposition or expositions of such a project, about the days and hours at which it is possible to visit the said exposition or expositions;

4) information on the procedure, timeframe and form for the participants in public discussions or public hearings to submit proposals and comments regarding the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings.

7. The notice of the beginning of public discussions should also contain information about the official website on which the project to be considered in public discussions will be posted, and information materials to it, or information systems in which such a project and information materials will be posted, with using which public comments will be held. The notice of the beginning of public hearings should also contain information about the official website on which the project to be considered at public hearings will be posted, and information materials to it, information about the date, time and place of the meeting or meetings of participants in public hearings.

8. Announcement of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings:

1) no later than seven days before the day of posting on the official website or in information systems of the project, subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings, is subject to publication in the manner prescribed for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, as well as in the case if it is provided by municipal legal acts, in other mass media;

2) is distributed at information stands equipped near the building of a local government body authorized to conduct public discussions or public hearings, in crowded places of citizens and in other places located on the territory in relation to which the relevant projects have been prepared, and (or) within the boundaries of territorial zones and (or) land plots specified in part 3 of this article (hereinafter referred to as the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held), in other ways that provide participants in public discussions or public hearings with access to this information.

9. During the entire period of placement, in accordance with clause 2 of part 4 and clause 2 of part 5 of this article, a project subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings, and information materials for it, an exposition or expositions of such a project are held. During the work of the exposition, consultations should be organized for the visitors of the exposition, the distribution of information materials about the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings. Visitors to the exposition are consulted by representatives of the local government body authorized to conduct public discussions or public hearings or a collegial advisory body created by it (hereinafter - the organizer of public discussions or public hearings) and (or) the developer of the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings.

10. During the period of posting, in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 4 and paragraph 2 of part 5 of this article of the draft, subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings, and information materials to it and the holding of expositions or expositions of such a project, participants in public discussions or public hearings who have passed in accordance with part 12 of this article identification, have the right to make suggestions and comments regarding such a project:

1) through the official website or information systems (in the case of public discussions);

2) in writing or orally during a meeting or meetings of participants in public hearings (in the case of public hearings);

3) in writing to the organizer of public discussions or public hearings;

4) by making an entry in the book (journal) for registering visitors to the exposition of the project, subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings.

11. Proposals and comments made in accordance with part 10 of this article are subject to registration, as well as mandatory consideration by the organizer of public discussions or public hearings, with the exception of the case provided for in part 15 of this article.

12. Participants of public discussions or public hearings for identification purposes provide information about themselves (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, address of residence (registration) - for individuals; name, main state registration number, location and address - for legal entities) with the attachment of documents confirming such information. Participants in public discussions or public hearings who are the rightholders of the respective land plots and (or) capital construction objects located on them and (or) premises that are part of the indicated capital construction objects, also submit information, respectively, about such land plots, capital construction objects, premises, which are part of the specified capital construction projects, from the Unified State Register of Real Estate and other documents establishing or certifying their rights to such land plots, capital construction facilities, premises that are part of the specified capital construction facilities.

13. It is not required to submit the documents specified in part 12 of this article confirming information about the participants in public discussions (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, address of residence (registration) - for individuals; name, main state registration number , location and address - for legal entities), if these persons make suggestions and comments regarding the project to be considered in public discussions, through the official website or information systems (provided that this information is contained on the official website or information systems) ... In this case, to confirm the information specified in part 12 of this article, a unified identification and authentication system can be used.

14. The processing of personal data of participants in public discussions or public hearings is carried out taking into account the requirements established by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

15. Suggestions and comments made in accordance with part 10 of this article shall not be considered in case of revealing the fact of submission by a participant of public discussions or public hearings inaccurate information.

16. The organizer of public discussions or public hearings shall ensure equal access to the project subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings for all participants in public discussions or public hearings (including by providing access to the official website, information systems in multifunctional centers during public discussions) provision of state and municipal services and (or) premises of state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, organizations subordinate to them).

17. The official website and (or) information systems should provide the ability to:

1) verification by the participants of public discussions of the completeness and reliability of the reflection on the official website and (or) in the information systems of their proposals and comments;

2) submission of information on the results of public discussions, the number of participants in public discussions.

18. The organizer of public discussions or public hearings prepares and draws up a protocol of public discussions or public hearings, which indicates:

1) the date of registration of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings;

2) information about the organizer of public discussions or public hearings;

4) information on the period during which proposals and comments of participants in public discussions or public hearings were accepted, on the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held;

5) all proposals and comments of participants in public discussions or public hearings, divided into proposals and comments of citizens who are participants in public discussions or public hearings and permanently residing in the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held, and proposals and comments of other participants in public discussions or public hearings.

19.An attached to the minutes of public discussions or public hearings is a list of participants in public discussions or public hearings who took part in the consideration of the draft, including information about the participants in public discussions or public hearings (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, address of the place residence (registration) - for individuals; name, main state registration number, location and address - for legal entities).

20. A participant in public discussions or public hearings who made proposals and comments regarding a project considered at public discussions or public hearings has the right to receive an extract from the minutes of public discussions or public hearings containing the proposals and comments made by this participant.

21. On the basis of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings, the organizer of public discussions or public hearings prepares an opinion on the results of public discussions or public hearings.

22. The conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings must indicate:

1) the date of execution of the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings;

2) the name of the project considered at public discussions or public hearings, information on the number of participants in public discussions or public hearings who took part in public discussions or public hearings;

3) details of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings, on the basis of which a conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings was prepared;

4) the content of the proposals and comments made by participants in public discussions or public hearings, divided into proposals and comments of citizens who are participants in public discussions or public hearings and permanently residing in the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held, and proposals and comments of other participants public discussions or public hearings. In the event that several participants in public discussions or public hearings make the same proposals and comments, it is allowed to generalize such proposals and comments;

5) reasoned recommendations of the organizer of public discussions or public hearings on the expediency or inexpediency of taking into account the proposals and comments made by the participants of public discussions or public hearings and conclusions based on the results of public discussions or public hearings.

23. The conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is subject to publication in the manner prescribed for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, and is posted on the official website and (or) in information systems.

24. The charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality on the basis of the provisions of this Code determines:

1) the procedure for organizing and conducting public discussions or public hearings on projects;

2) organizer of public discussions or public hearings;

3) the period for holding public discussions or public hearings;

4) the official website and (or) information systems;

5) requirements for information stands on which notifications of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings are posted;

6) the form of notification of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings, the procedure for preparing and the form of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings, the procedure for preparing and the form of the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings;

7) the procedure for holding the exposition of the project subject to public discussions or public hearings, as well as the procedure for consulting visitors to the exposition of the project subject to public discussions or public hearings.

25. The term for holding public discussions or public hearings on draft rules for the improvement of territories from the date of publication of the notice of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings until the day of publication of the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is determined by the charter of the municipal formation and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipal education and may not be less than one month and more than three months. ";

2) in Article 24:

a) in part 3 the words "results of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "conclusions on the results of public discussions or public hearings";

b) Part 11 shall be stated in the following edition:

"11. When preparing a master plan, public discussions or public hearings are mandatory in accordance with Articles 5 1 and 28 of this Code.";

c) in part 12, the words "Minutes of public hearings on the draft master plan, conclusion on the results of such public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Minutes of public discussions or public hearings, conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings";

d) in part 13 the words "minutes of public hearings on the draft master plan and conclusions on the results of such public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "minutes of public discussions or public hearings, conclusions on the results of public discussions or public hearings", the words "with the indicated protocols and conclusions" shall be replaced the words "indicated by the protocol and conclusion";

e) in part 18 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

3) in Article 28:

a) in the title, the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Features of the organization and conduct of public discussions, public hearings";

b) parts 1 and 2 shall be declared invalid;

c) in part 3, the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings on draft master plans of settlements, master plans of urban districts and on projects providing for amendments to master plans of settlements, master plans of urban districts (hereinafter in this article - public discussions or public hearings), ", delete the second sentence;

d) part 4 shall be stated in the following edition:

"4. When holding public discussions or public hearings in order to provide participants in public discussions or public hearings with equal opportunities to participate in public discussions or public hearings, the territory of a settlement may be divided into parts.";

e) parts 5 - 7 shall be declared invalid;

f) part 8 shall be stated in the following edition:

"8. The term for holding public discussions or public hearings from the moment the residents of the municipality are notified about their holding until the day the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is published is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality and cannot be less than one month and more than three months. ";

g) in the first paragraph of part 9 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

4) in clause 4 of part 3 of Article 30 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

5) in Article 31:

a) in part 3 the words "results of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "conclusions on the results of public discussions or public hearings", the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

b) part 6 shall be supplemented with the words "which may act as the organizer of public discussions or public hearings during their conduct";

c) in part 8 2 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

d) in part 11 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

e) in part 12 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings", the word "by the commission" shall be deleted, the words "by regulatory legal acts" shall be replaced by the words "by a regulatory legal act", the words "by Article 28" shall be replaced by the words "by Articles 5 1 and 28 ";

f) in part 13 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

g) in part 14, the first sentence should be deleted, the words "public hearings" should be replaced with the words "public discussions or public hearings", the words "public hearings" should be replaced with the words "public discussions or public hearings";

h) part 15 shall be stated as follows:

"15. After the completion of public discussions or public hearings on the draft land use and development rules, the commission, taking into account the results of such public discussions or public hearings, ensures that amendments are made to the draft land use and development rules and submits the said draft to the head of the local administration. Obligatory annexes to the draft land use rules and developments are the minutes of public discussions or public hearings and a conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings, except for cases when they are not required in accordance with this Code. ";

6) in Article 32:

a) in part 1, the words "minutes of public hearings on the said project and the conclusion on the results of such public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "minutes of public discussions or public hearings, conclusions on the results of public discussions or public hearings";

b) in part 2 the words "by the results of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "by the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings";

7) in part 3 3 of article 33, the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

8) in Article 39:

a) part 2 shall be stated in the following edition:

"2. A draft decision on granting a permit for a conditionally permitted type of use shall be subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings held in accordance with the procedure established by Article 5 1 of this Code, taking into account the provisions of this article.";

b) in part 3, the first sentence should be deleted, the words "public hearings" should be replaced with the words "public discussions or public hearings";

c) in part 4, the word "Commission" shall be replaced by the words "Organizer of public discussions or public hearings", the words "public hearings on the issue of provision" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision on provision";

d) parts 5 and 6 shall be declared invalid;

e) part 7 shall be stated in the following edition:

"7. The term for holding public discussions or public hearings from the day the residents of the municipality are notified about their holding until the day the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is published is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality and cannot be more than one month. ";

f) in part 8 the words "public hearings on the issue" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision";

g) in part 10 the words "public hearings on the issue of granting" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision on granting";

h) in part 11 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

9) in article 40:

a) in part 4, the first sentence shall be stated as follows: "The draft decision on granting permission to deviate from the maximum parameters of the permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities shall be subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings held in accordance with the procedure established by Article 5 1 of this Code, subject to the provisions of Article 39 of this Code. ", the words" public hearings on the issue "shall be replaced by the words" public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision ";

b) in part 5 the words "public hearings on the issue" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision";

10) in part 12 of article 43, the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

11) in Article 46:

a) in part 5 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

b) in the first paragraph of part 5 1 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings";

c) part 6 shall be stated as follows:

"6. Public discussions or public hearings on the project for planning the territory and the project for surveying the territory shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by Article 5 1 of this Code, taking into account the provisions of this Article.";

d) parts 7-10 shall be declared invalid;

e) part 11 shall be stated as follows:

"11. The term for holding public discussions or public hearings from the day the residents of the municipality are notified about their holding until the day the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is published is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality and cannot be less one month and more than three months. ";

f) in part 12 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

g) in part 13 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

12) in part 10 of article 46 9 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

13) in Article 63:

a) in part 3 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings";

b) supplement with part 10 of the following content:

"10. On projects specified in part 1 of article 5 1 of this Code, public discussions or public hearings are held in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - cities of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. On the issues specified in part 24 of article 5 1 of this Code, normative legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - cities of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol are adopted. the values ​​of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. ".

Article 2.

Introduce into Article 28 of the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 40, Art. 3822; 2005, No. 1, Art. 17; 2006, No. 1, Art. 17; 2007, No. 43, Art. 5084; 2011, No. 49, Art. 7039; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3377; 2015, No. 27, Art. 3978; 2017, No. 1, Art. 35; No. 45, Art. 6573) the following changes:

1) state the name in the following edition:

"Article 28. Public hearings, public discussions";

2) clause 3 of part 3 shall be declared invalidated;

3) in part 4, the words "Procedure for organizing and holding public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Procedure for organizing and holding public hearings on projects and issues specified in part 3 of this article";

4) supplement with part 5 of the following content:

"5. For draft master plans, draft rules for land use and development, projects for planning the territory, projects for land surveying, draft rules for the improvement of territories, projects providing for amendments to one of the specified approved documents, draft decisions on granting permission for a conditionally permitted type of land use. a site or capital construction facility, draft decisions on granting permission to deviate from the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, issues of changing one type of permitted use of land plots and capital construction objects to another type of such use in the absence of approved rules for land use and development, public discussions or public hearings, the procedure for organizing and conducting which is determined by the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative th body of the municipality, taking into account the provisions of the legislation on urban planning activities. ".

Article 3

Introduce into the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 191-FZ "On the Enactment of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 17; 2006, No. 1, Art. 17; No. 52, Art. 5498; 2008, No. 20, Art. 2251; 2009, No. 1, Art. 19; No. 11, Art. 1261; No. 52, Art. 6419, 6427; 2011, No. 13, Art. 1688; No. 30, Art. 4594; 2012, No. 27, Art. 3587; No. 53, Art. 7614, 7615; 2013, No. 30, Art. 4072; No. 52, Art. 6976; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3377; 2015, No. 1, art. 9, 38; no. 10, art. 1418; no. 17, art. 2477; no. 29, art. 4376; 2016, no. 1, art. 22; no. 26, art. 3890; no. 27, art. 4306; 2017, No. 25, Article 3593) the following changes:

1) in part 1 of article 4:

a) in paragraph 3, the words "taking into account the results of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "taking into account the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings", the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings", the words "parts 3-10 of Article 39 "to replace the words" parts 3, 4, 7-10 of Article 39 ", the words" without holding public hearings "to replace the words" without holding public discussions or public hearings ";

b) in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 6 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced with the words "public discussions or public hearings", the words "public hearings" shall be replaced with the words "public discussions or public hearings";

2) in article 4 1:

a) in clause 2 of part 5 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

b) in part 6 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings";

c) in part 7 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

d) in part 8, the words "Notification of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Notification of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings";

e) in part 9, the words "Notice of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Notification of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings";

f) in part 10 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

g) in part 11 the words "articles of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "articles of public discussions or public hearings", the words "notifications of their holding" shall be replaced by the words "notifications of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings", the words "such public hearings" shall be replaced with the words "such public consultation or public hearing";

h) in part 13 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

i) in clause 2 of part 20 the words "articles of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "articles of public discussions or public hearings", the words "persons who participated in holding such public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "participants of public discussions or public hearings";

j) in part 24 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

3) in part 2 of Article 6 the words "public hearings in accordance with Article" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings in accordance with Articles 5 1 and".

Article 4

Introduce into the Federal Law of July 24, 2008 No. 161-FZ "On Assistance in the Development of Housing Construction" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 30, Art. 3617; 2009, No. 52, Art. 6419; 2012, No. 29, Art. 3998; 2013, No. 30, Art. 4072; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3377; No. 48, Art. 6637; 2015, No. 10, Art. 1418; 2016, No. 1, Art. 25; No. 26, Art. . 3890) the following changes:

1) in clause 34 of part 1 of article 12 2 the words "public hearings on draft documents of territorial planning" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on draft master plans", the words ", public hearings" shall be replaced by the words ", public discussions or public hearings" ;

2) in the first paragraph of Part 2 of Article 16 2, the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings".

Article 5.

In part 9 of article 4 of the Federal Law of May 8, 2009 No. 93-FZ "On the organization of the meeting of the heads of state and government of the countries participating in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in 2012, on the development of the city of Vladivostok as a center of international cooperation in Asia -Pacific region and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 19, Art. 2283; 2011, No. 15, Art. 2029) replace the words" public hearings "with the words" public discussions or public hearings ".

Article 6.

Introduce into Article 15 of the Federal Law of September 28, 2010 No. 244-FZ "On the Skolkovo Innovation Center" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 40, Art. 4970; 2015, No. 21, Art. 2987; 2017, No. 1 , Art. 8) the following changes:

1) in part 6 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings";

2) in part 10 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings";

3) in part 16 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings".

Article 7.

In part 3 of article 14 of the Federal Law of July 19, 2011 No. 246-FZ "On artificial land plots created on water bodies in federal ownership and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011 , No. 30, Art. 4594; 2015, No. 48, Art. 6723) the words "public hearings on the draft amendments to the master plans" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft amendments to the master plans,".

Article 8.

In part 3 of article 4 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 43-FZ "On the specifics of regulation of certain legal relations in connection with the annexation of territories to the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the city of federal significance Moscow and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation Of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 14, Art. 1651; 2016, No. 27, Art. 4306) replace the words "public hearings" with the words "public discussions or public hearings".

Article 9

In part 9 of article 27 of the Federal Law of June 7, 2013 No. 108-FZ "On the preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in the Russian Federation, the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2866; 2014, No. 26, Art. 3377; No. 45, Art. 6145) to replace the words "public hearings" with the words "public discussions or public hearings".

Article 10.

Introduce the following amendments to the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 212-FZ "On the Foundations of Public Control in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 30, Art. 4213; 2016, No. 27, Art. 4286):

1) Part 3 of Article 2 after the words "and referendums," add the words "public relations related to the organization and conduct of public discussions and public hearings in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities,";

2) in part 2 of article 25, the words "urban planning activities," shall be deleted.

Article 11.

In part 6 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of November 29, 2014 No. 377-FZ "On the Development of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol and the Free Economic Zone in the Territories of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 48 , Art. 6658; 2016, No. 52, Art. 7487) to replace the words "public hearings" with the words "public discussions or public hearings".

Article 12.

In part 3 of article 26 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 473-FZ "On territories of advanced socio-economic development in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 1, Art. 26) the words "public hearings" shall be replaced with the words "public consultation or public hearing".

Article 13

In part 2 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of June 29, 2015 No. 160-FZ "On the International Medical Cluster and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 27, Art. 3951) the words "Public hearings "replace with the words" Public discussions or public hearings ".

Article 14.

Introduce into Article 28 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 212-FZ "On the Free Port of Vladivostok" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 29, Art. 4338; 2016, No. 27, Art. 4306; 2017, No. 45, Art. 6580) the following changes:

1) in part 3 the words "Public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings", the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings";

2) in part 4 the words "public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings", the words "about the time and place of their holding" shall be replaced by the words "about their holding", the words "about the results of public hearings" shall be replaced by the words "about the results of public discussions or public hearings ";

3) in part 7, the words "Public hearings on granting" shall be replaced by the words "Public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision on granting", the words "indicated hearings" must be replaced by the words "indicated discussions or hearings";

4) in part 8, the words "public hearings on granting" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision on granting";

5) in part 9 the words "public hearings on the issue of granting" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision on granting", the words "about the time and place of their holding" shall be replaced by the words "about their holding", the words "the results of public hearings "replace with the words" the results of public discussions or public hearings ";

6) in part 12 the words "public hearings on the issue of receipt" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision on granting";

7) in part 13 the words "public hearings on the issue of obtaining" shall be replaced by the words "public discussions or public hearings on the draft decision on granting", the words "about the time and place of their holding" shall be replaced by the words "about their holding", the words "the results of public hearings "replace with the words" the results of public discussions or public hearings ".

Article 15.

In part 8 of article 3 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 221-FZ "On the specifics of regulating certain legal relations arising in connection with the construction, with the reconstruction of transport infrastructure facilities of federal and regional significance, intended to ensure transport links between the Taman and Kerch peninsulas, and objects of engineering infrastructure of federal and regional significance on the Taman and Kerch peninsulas and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 29, Art. 4347) replace the words" public hearings "with the words" public discussions or public hearings ".

Article 16

In part 4 of article 8 of the Federal Law of May 1, 2016 No. 119-FZ "On the specifics of providing citizens with land plots in state or municipal ownership and located in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District, and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2016, No. 18, Art. 2495; 2017, No. 31, Art. 4796) to replace the words" public hearings "with the words" public discussions or public hearings ".

Article 17.

In part 2 of article 19 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 No. 216-FZ "On innovative scientific and technological centers and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, No. 31, Art. 4765) the words “public hearings” should be replaced by the words “public discussions or public hearings”.

Article 18.

Declare invalid:

1) Clause 4 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 191-FZ "On the Enactment of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, No. 1, Art. 17);

2) Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2005 No. 206-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On the Enactment of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation "and some other legislative acts of the Russian Federation on the improvement of urban planning activities" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation , 2006, No. 1, art. 17);

3) clause 9, sub-clause "a" of clause 13, sub-clause "a" (regarding the replacement of words in part 10) of clause 16 of article 1 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2005 No. 210-FZ "On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 1, Art. 21);

4) Article 31 of the Federal Law of July 11, 2011 No. 200-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 29, art. 4291);

5) subparagraph "a" of paragraph 13 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 361-F3 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 49, Art. 7039);

6) Article 16 of the Federal Law of June 23, 2014 No. 171-FZ "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 26, Art. 3377);

7) subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of October 30, 2017 No. 299-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, No. 45, Art. 6573).

Article 19.

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

2. The provisions of the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amended by this Federal Law, shall be applied from the date of entry into force of regulatory legal acts of the representative bodies of municipalities, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - cities of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, necessary for holding public discussions or public hearings in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by this Federal Law).

3. In the event that decisions on holding public hearings on draft master plans, draft land use and development rules, land planning projects, land surveying projects, draft land improvement rules, projects envisaging amendments to one of the specified approved documents, issues of granting a permit for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or capital construction object, issues of granting permission to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities, issues of changing one type of permitted use of land plots and capital construction objects to another type of such use in the absence of approved land use rules and buildings were adopted before the day of entry into force of regulatory legal acts of the representative bodies of municipalities, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Fed eration - cities of federal importance Moscow, St. with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (as amended up to the date of entry into force of this Federal Law).

4. Regulatory legal acts of the representative bodies of municipalities, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - cities of federal significance Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, necessary for holding public discussions or public hearings in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by this Federal Law) , are subject to acceptance and publication no later than July 1, 2018.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

Article 5.1. Public discussions, public hearings on draft master plans, draft land use and development rules, territory planning projects, land surveying projects, draft land improvement rules, draft decisions on granting permission for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or capital construction object, draft decisions on granting permission to deviate from the limiting parameters of the permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects

1. In order to comply with the human right to favorable living conditions, the rights and legitimate interests of the rightholders of land plots and capital construction projects according to draft master plans, draft land use and development rules, territory planning projects, land surveying projects, draft rules for landscaping, projects providing amendments to one of the specified approved documents, draft decisions on granting a permit for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or capital construction object, draft decisions on granting a permit to deviate from the limit parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction objects (hereinafter also in this article - drafts) in accordance with the charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality and taking into account the provisions of this Code are carried out on public discussions or public hearings, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

2. Participants in public discussions or public hearings on draft master plans, draft land use and development rules, territory planning projects, land surveying projects, draft territory improvement rules, projects envisaging amendments to one of these approved documents are citizens permanently residing in the territory in relation to which these projects have been prepared, the rightholders of the land plots located within the boundaries of this territory and (or) the capital construction objects located on them, as well as the rightholders of the premises that are part of the indicated capital construction objects.

3. Participants in public discussions or public hearings on draft decisions on granting permission for a conditionally permitted type of use of a land plot or a capital construction facility, draft decisions on granting a permit to deviate from the limit parameters of a permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction facilities are citizens permanently residing within the territorial zone within which the land plot or capital construction object is located, in relation to which these projects have been prepared, the rightholders of the land plots located within this territorial zone and (or) capital construction objects located on them, citizens permanently residing within the boundaries of the land plots, adjacent to the land plot, in respect of which these projects have been prepared, the rightholders of such land plots or capital construction objects located on them, the rightholders of premises that are part of a capital construction object for which these projects have been prepared, and in the case provided for in part 3 of Article 39 of this Code, also the rightholders of land plots and capital construction projects subject to the risk of negative impact on the environment as a result of the implementation of these projects.

4. The procedure for holding public discussions consists of the following stages:

1) notification of the beginning of public discussions;

2) placement of the project to be considered in public discussions and information materials to it on the official website of the authorized local government body in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter in this article - the official website) and (or) in the state or municipal information system ensuring public discussions using the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter also referred to as the "Internet" network), or on the regional portal of state and municipal services (hereinafter in this article - information systems) and the opening of an exposition or expositions of such a project;

3) holding an exposition or expositions of the project to be considered in public discussions;

4) preparation and execution of the minutes of public discussions;

5. The procedure for holding public hearings consists of the following stages:

1) notification of the beginning of public hearings;

2) posting a project to be considered at public hearings and information materials to it on the official website and opening an exposition or expositions of such a project;

3) holding an exposition or expositions of the project to be considered at public hearings;

4) holding a meeting or meetings of participants in public hearings;

5) preparation and execution of the minutes of public hearings;

6. The notice of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings must contain:

1) information about the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings, and a list of information materials for such a project;

2) information on the procedure and timing of public discussions or public hearings on the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings;

3) information about the place, date of opening the exposition or expositions of the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings, about the timing of the exposition or expositions of such a project, about the days and hours at which it is possible to visit the said exposition or expositions;

4) information on the procedure, timeframe and form for the participants in public discussions or public hearings to submit proposals and comments regarding the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings.

7. The notice of the beginning of public discussions should also contain information about the official website on which the project to be considered in public discussions will be posted, and information materials to it, or information systems in which such a project and information materials will be posted, with using which public comments will be held. The notice of the beginning of public hearings should also contain information about the official website on which the project to be considered at public hearings will be posted, and information materials to it, information about the date, time and place of the meeting or meetings of participants in public hearings.

8. Announcement of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings:

1) no later than seven days before the day of posting on the official website or in information systems of the project, subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings, is subject to publication in the manner prescribed for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, as well as in the case if it is provided by municipal legal acts, in other mass media;

2) is distributed at information stands equipped near the building of a local government body authorized to conduct public discussions or public hearings, in crowded places of citizens and in other places located on the territory in relation to which the relevant projects have been prepared, and (or) within the boundaries of territorial zones and (or) land plots specified in part 3 of this article (hereinafter referred to as the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held), in other ways that provide participants in public discussions or public hearings with access to this information.

9. During the entire period of placement, in accordance with clause 2 of part 4 and clause 2 of part 5 of this article, a project subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings, and information materials for it, an exposition or expositions of such a project are held. During the work of the exposition, consultations should be organized for the visitors of the exposition, the distribution of information materials about the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings. Visitors to the exposition are consulted by representatives of the local government body authorized to conduct public discussions or public hearings or a collegial advisory body created by it (hereinafter - the organizer of public discussions or public hearings) and (or) the developer of the project to be considered at public discussions or public hearings.

10. During the period of posting, in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 4 and paragraph 2 of part 5 of this article of the draft, subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings, and information materials to it and the holding of expositions or expositions of such a project, participants in public discussions or public hearings who have passed in accordance with part 12 of this article identification, have the right to make suggestions and comments regarding such a project:

1) through the official website or information systems (in the case of public discussions);

2) in writing or orally during a meeting or meetings of participants in public hearings (in the case of public hearings);

3) in writing to the organizer of public discussions or public hearings;

4) by making an entry in the book (journal) for registering visitors to the exposition of the project, subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings.

11. Proposals and comments made in accordance with part 10 of this article are subject to registration, as well as mandatory consideration by the organizer of public discussions or public hearings, with the exception of the case provided for in part 15 of this article.

12. Participants of public discussions or public hearings for identification purposes provide information about themselves (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, address of residence (registration) - for individuals; name, main state registration number, location and address - for legal entities) with the attachment of documents confirming such information. Participants in public discussions or public hearings who are the rightholders of the respective land plots and (or) capital construction objects located on them and (or) premises that are part of the indicated capital construction objects, also submit information, respectively, about such land plots, capital construction objects, premises, which are part of the specified capital construction projects, from the Unified State Register of Real Estate and other documents establishing or certifying their rights to such land plots, capital construction facilities, premises that are part of the specified capital construction facilities.

13. It is not required to submit the documents specified in part 12 of this article confirming information about the participants in public discussions (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, address of residence (registration) - for individuals; name, main state registration number , location and address - for legal entities), if these persons make suggestions and comments regarding the project to be considered in public discussions, through the official website or information systems (provided that this information is contained on the official website or information systems) ... In this case, to confirm the information specified in part 12 of this article, a unified identification and authentication system can be used.

14. The processing of personal data of participants in public discussions or public hearings is carried out taking into account the requirements established by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

15. Suggestions and comments made in accordance with part 10 of this article shall not be considered in case of revealing the fact of submission by a participant of public discussions or public hearings inaccurate information.

16. The organizer of public discussions or public hearings shall ensure equal access to the project subject to consideration at public discussions or public hearings for all participants in public discussions or public hearings (including by providing access to the official website, information systems in multifunctional centers during public discussions) provision of state and municipal services and (or) premises of state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, organizations subordinate to them).

17. The official website and (or) information systems should provide the ability to:

1) verification by the participants of public discussions of the completeness and reliability of the reflection on the official website and (or) in the information systems of their proposals and comments;

2) submission of information on the results of public discussions, the number of participants in public discussions.

18. The organizer of public discussions or public hearings prepares and draws up a protocol of public discussions or public hearings, which indicates:

1) the date of registration of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings;

2) information about the organizer of public discussions or public hearings;

4) information on the period during which proposals and comments of participants in public discussions or public hearings were accepted, on the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held;

5) all proposals and comments of participants in public discussions or public hearings, divided into proposals and comments of citizens who are participants in public discussions or public hearings and permanently residing in the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held, and proposals and comments of other participants in public discussions or public hearings.

19.An attached to the minutes of public discussions or public hearings is a list of participants in public discussions or public hearings who took part in the consideration of the draft, including information about the participants in public discussions or public hearings (last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, address of the place residence (registration) - for individuals; name, main state registration number, location and address - for legal entities).

20. A participant in public discussions or public hearings who made proposals and comments regarding a project considered at public discussions or public hearings has the right to receive an extract from the minutes of public discussions or public hearings containing the proposals and comments made by this participant.

21. On the basis of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings, the organizer of public discussions or public hearings prepares an opinion on the results of public discussions or public hearings.

22. The conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings must indicate:

1) the date of execution of the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings;

2) the name of the project considered at public discussions or public hearings, information on the number of participants in public discussions or public hearings who took part in public discussions or public hearings;

3) details of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings, on the basis of which a conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings was prepared;

4) the content of the proposals and comments made by participants in public discussions or public hearings, divided into proposals and comments of citizens who are participants in public discussions or public hearings and permanently residing in the territory within which public discussions or public hearings are held, and proposals and comments of other participants public discussions or public hearings. In the event that several participants in public discussions or public hearings make the same proposals and comments, it is allowed to generalize such proposals and comments;

5) reasoned recommendations of the organizer of public discussions or public hearings on the expediency or inexpediency of taking into account the proposals and comments made by the participants of public discussions or public hearings and conclusions based on the results of public discussions or public hearings.

23. The conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is subject to publication in the manner prescribed for the official publication of municipal legal acts, other official information, and is posted on the official website and (or) in information systems.

24. The charter of the municipality and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipality on the basis of the provisions of this Code determines:

1) the procedure for organizing and conducting public discussions or public hearings on projects;

2) organizer of public discussions or public hearings;

3) the period for holding public discussions or public hearings;

4) the official website and (or) information systems;

5) requirements for information stands on which notifications of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings are posted;

6) the form of notification of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings, the procedure for preparing and the form of the minutes of public discussions or public hearings, the procedure for preparing and the form of the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings;

7) the procedure for holding the exposition of the project subject to public discussions or public hearings, as well as the procedure for consulting visitors to the exposition of the project subject to public discussions or public hearings.

25. The term for holding public discussions or public hearings on draft rules for the improvement of territories from the date of publication of the notice of the beginning of public discussions or public hearings until the day of publication of the conclusion on the results of public discussions or public hearings is determined by the charter of the municipal formation and (or) a regulatory legal act of the representative body of the municipal education and cannot be less than one month and more than three months.