How it works: Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (photo and video). Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station - a grandiose construction Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station high resolution photos

The Yenisei River in the southeast of the Republic of Khakassia in the Sayan canyon at the outlet of the river into the Minusinsk Basin ... On November 4, 1961, the first group of prospectors of the Lenhydroproject Institute? arrived in the mining village of Maina in order to examine 3 competing sites for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, based on a project of a unique arch-gravity dam. Surveyors, geologists, hydrologists worked in frost and bad weather, 12 drilling rigs in three shifts? from the ice the bottom of the Yenisei. In July 1962, the expert commission chose the final version - the Karlovsky range. 20 km downstream, the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya satellite - the counter-regulating Mainskaya hydroelectric power station - was planned.

The creation of a dam of this type in the conditions of the wide cross-section of the Yenisei and the harsh climate of Siberia had no analogues in the world. The arched-gravity dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most reliable hydraulic structure of this type ...

The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was built by young people. The Komsomol organization emerged in construction in 1963, and in 1967 the Central Committee of the Komsomol announced the construction of the All-Union shock Komsomol construction site. So, sixteen girls - graduates of the Maina secondary school - decided to become hydraulic builders, and received the profession of plasterers-painters in the uchkombinat of the village of Maina. They created a squad they called the Red Kerchiefs. Then all together entered the evening branch of the Divnogorsk Hydraulic Technical School and successfully graduated from it, after which many continued their studies at universities, combining it with work in construction. A detachment of boarding school graduates in the amount of 17 people arrived from the city of Makeevka on Komsomol vouchers. All? Makeyevites? also received specialties at the Main Uchkombinat.

Year after year, the construction site became more and more "Komsomol", and more and more All-Russian. In the summer of 1979, 1700 student construction teams took part in the construction of the largest hydroelectric power station, in 1980 - more than 1300 people from all over the country. By this time, 69 of its own Komsomol youth groups had already been formed on the construction site, 15 of them were registered.

The largest industrial associations of the USSR created new super-powerful equipment for new hydroelectric power plants. So, all the unique equipment of the SSH HPP was manufactured by domestic factories: hydro turbines - by the production association of turbine construction - Leningrad Metal Plant, hydro generators - by the Leningrad Industrial Electrotechnical Association Electrosila, transformers - by the production association Zaporozhtransformator. The turbine runners were delivered to the headwaters of the Yenisei by a waterway almost 10,000 kilometers long, across the Arctic Ocean. Thanks to the original technical solution - the installation of temporary impellers on the first two turbines, capable of operating at intermediate water pressures - it became possible to start the operation of the first stage of the station before the end of construction and installation work. Thanks to this, the national economy of the country received an additional 17 billion kWh of electricity. Having generated 80 billion kWh by 1986, the construction site fully returned the costs to the state that were spent on its construction. Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP became the top in the cascade of the Yenisei hydroelectric power plants and one of the largest in the world: installed capacity - 6.4 million kW and average annual output- 22.8 billion kWh of electricity.

The pressure front of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is formed by a unique concrete arch-gravity dam 245 m high, 1074.4 m long along the ridge, 105.7 m wide at the base and 25 m wide along the ridge. , having a radius of 600 m and a central angle of 102 ° on the upper face, and in the lower part of the dam is three-center arches, and the central section with an angle of coverage of 37 ° is formed by arches similar to the upper ones.

The Mainsky hydroelectric complex is located downstream of the Yenisei, 21.5 km from the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Its main task is to counter-regulate its downstream, which makes it possible to smooth out level fluctuations in the river when the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is deeply regulating the load in the power system. It is based on a conventional gravity dam and has 3 hydraulic units with a total capacity of 321 thousand kW. The annual electricity generation at the Mainskaya HPP is 1.7 billion kWh.

In Russia, hydroelectric power plants are mainly based on gravity-type dams. In addition to the SSHGES, the Gergebil hydroelectric power station in Dagestan has an arch-gravity dam, but it is much smaller in size.

At present, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP named after PS Neporozhny? is the most powerful source of coverage for peak power fluctuations in the Unified Energy System of Russia and Siberia. One of the main regional consumers of electricity at SSHGES is the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Plant.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is of particular interest as a tourist destination. The hydroelectric power station has its own museum. Due to the regime of the object, a visit to the museum is carried out through regional excursion bureaus, and a group visit to the museum is also allowed by prior agreement with the administration of the museum and the management of the secondary school of the hydroelectric power station. To do this, it is enough to call the hydroelectric power station and arrange an excursion. It is advisable to agree in advance, since in any case, it will be necessary to agree with the security service. In the village of power engineers Cheryomushki, located 2 km from the hydroelectric power station, you can stay at the Borus hotel. A tram runs from the village to the hydroelectric power station, which I will talk about next time. If you are driving, you can leave it on the observation deck in front of the first checkpoint. I also recommend in mandatory visit the observation deck in front of the hydroelectric power station at night - the dam and the monument to the builders of the hydroelectric power station are very beautifully illuminated

SSHGES them. PS Neporozhny is a high-pressure hydroelectric power plant of the dam type, the most powerful power plant in Russia. The main structures of the station are located in the Charles section, in this place the Yenisei flows in a deeply cut canyon-like valley. It is rather difficult to convey the scale of this gigantic structure with the help of a photograph. For example, the length of the crest of the dam is more than one kilometer, and the height is 245 meters, higher than the main building of Moscow State University.

1. The pressure front of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is formed by a unique concrete arch-gravity dam, which is the highest dam of this type in the world. If you climb one of the slopes of the gorge, a beautiful view opens up of the dam itself, the lower pool and the Sayano-Shushensky reservoir, with a total volume of 31 km³.

3. In the body of the dam, about eleven thousand different sensors are installed that monitor the state of the entire structure and its elements.

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4. Construction of the dam began in 1968 and lasted seven years. The amount of concrete laid in the dam - 9.1 million m³ - would be enough to build a highway from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.

5. The diameter of such a "pipe" of the turbine conduit is 7.5 meters.

6. Top view of the turbine hall and the administrative building of the station.

7. A few words about the principle of operation of the dam. Any dam, in addition to accumulation, must pass a certain amount of water. Each of the ten hydroelectric units of the SSHGES can pass 350 m³ of water per second. Now 4 out of 10 hydroelectric units are in operation, and in winter their capacity is quite sufficient.
The white area is a stilling well of an operational spillway, this site can easily accommodate a football field for the World Cup, although it will turn out to be "football on ice".

8. During floods and floods, the gates of the operational spillway are opened. It is designed to discharge excess water inflow, which cannot be passed through the hydroelectric units of the hydroelectric power station or accumulated in the reservoir. The maximum design capacity of the operational spillway is 13,600 m³ (this is five 50-meter swimming pools with 10 lanes) per second! Costs 7000 - 7500 m³ are considered to be a gentle regime for a stilling well located under the operational spillway.

9. The length of the dam crest, taking into account the coastal incisions, is 1074 meters, the width at the base - 105 meters, along the ridge - 25. The dam is cut into the rocks of the banks to a depth of 10-15 meters.
Stability and strength is ensured by the action of the dam's own weight (by 60%) and partially by the support of the upper arched part against the banks (by 40%).

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11. Coastal fortifications.

12. From the dam you can see the village of Cheryomushki, which is connected to the hydroelectric power station by a road and an unusual tram line.
In 1991, several city trams were purchased in Leningrad and converted into two-car trams for a railway track without turning rings left over from the construction of the hydroelectric power station. Now free trams run from the village to the hydroelectric power station at intervals of one hour. So solved transport problem for station workers and residents of Cheryomushki, and the only tram line in Khakassia has become an attraction of the village.

13. View of the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir from the entrance portal of the coastal spillway.

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14. The coastal spillway consists of an inlet head, two free-flow tunnels, an outlet portal, a five-stage drop and an outlet channel.

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16. Despite the frosts, the ice on the reservoir rises quite late - as a rule, at the end of January.

19. The onshore spillway during the period of large floods will allow for additional discharge of flow rates up to 4000 m³ / s and, thereby, reduce the load on the station's operational spillway and provide a gentle regime in the stilling well. The inlet head serves to organize a smooth entrance of the water flow into two free-flow tunnels.

20. In winter, the portals are covered with heat shields.

21. The length of the two tunnels is 1122 meters, with a section of 10x12 meters each, which is enough to accommodate 4 metro tunnels.

23. Exit portal. The design speed of water movement at the exit from the tunnel is 22 m / s.

24. The five-stage drop consists of five damping wells 100 m wide and 55 to 167 m long, separated by spillways. The drop will provide damping of the flow energy and a calm interface with the river bed. The maximum flow velocities at the entrance to the upper well reach 30 m / s, at the interface with the river bed they decrease to - 4–5 m / s.
Three-dimensional video about the launch of the first line of the coastal spillway.

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25. For a better understanding of the scale: this is an earlier photograph of the construction of the lower well. author gelio .

27. Two gantry cranes are installed on the crest of the dam to open the gates.

28. The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers in Russia. The area of ​​its basin, providing an inflow to the hydroelectric station, is about 180 thousand km², which is three times the size of the Republic of Khakassia.

29. Yenisei - border between Western and Eastern Siberia. The left bank of the Yenisei ends the great West Siberian plains, and the right bank represents the kingdom of the mountain taiga. From the Sayan Mountains to the Arctic Ocean, the Yenisei passes through all climatic zones of Siberia. Camels live in its upper reaches, polar bears live in the lower reaches.

30. The work of shamans ...

32. Thanks to photographer Valery from the press service of the SSHGES, who took me to this slope. The view is excellent. True, it was not easy to walk knee-deep in the snow, and sometimes waist-deep.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is the most powerful power plant in Russia and the 6th largest hydroelectric power plant in the world. It is located in the picturesque foothills of the Western Sayan, in the place where the Yenisei flows in a deeply incised canyon-like valley. The dam of the hydroelectric power station forms a large Sayano-Shushensky reservoir with an area of ​​621 sq. km.

It is rather difficult to convey the scale of this gigantic structure with the help of a photograph. For example, the length of the crest of the dam is more than 1 kilometer, and the height of 245 meters is higher than the main building of Moscow State University.

Public observation deck:

The pressure front of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is formed by a unique concrete arch-gravity dam, which is the tallest dam of this type in the world. If you climb one of the slopes of the gorge, a beautiful view opens up of the dam itself, the lower pool and the Sayano-Shushensky reservoir, with a total volume of 31 km³.

In the body of the dam, about eleven thousand different sensors are installed that monitor the state of the entire structure and its elements.

Clickable (1500 x 595):

The construction of the dam began in 1968 and lasted seven years. The amount of concrete laid in the dam - 9.1 million m³ - enough to build a highway from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok:

The diameter of such a "pipe" of a turbine conduit is 7.5 meters:

A few words about how the dam works. Any dam, in addition to accumulation, must pass a certain amount of water. Each of the ten hydroelectric units of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP can handle 350 m³ of water per second... Now 4 out of 10 hydraulic units are in operation, and in winter their capacity is quite sufficient.

The white area is a stilling well of the operational spillway, this site can easily accommodate a football field for the World Cup, although it will turn out to be "football on ice":

During floods and floods, the gates of the operational spillway are opened. It is designed to discharge excess water inflow, which cannot be passed through the hydroelectric units of the hydroelectric power station or accumulated in the reservoir.

The maximum design capacity of the operational spillway is 13,600 m³ (this is five 50-meter swimming pools with 10 lanes) per second! A sparing regime for a stilling well located under the operational spillway is considered to be costs 7000 - 7500 m³.

Attention, secret photo! To estimate the height of the dam click below (resolution 918 x 4623) :

The length of the crest of the dam, taking into account the coastal incisions, is 1074 meters, the width at the base is 105 meters, along the ridge - 25. The dam is cut into the rocks of the banks to a depth of 10-15 meters.

Clickable (1500 x 577):

From the dam you can see the village of Cheryomushki, which is connected to the hydroelectric power station by a road and an unusual tram line.

In 1991, several city trams were purchased in Leningrad. Now free trams run from the village to the hydroelectric power station every hour. Thus, the transport problem for the station workers and residents of Cheremushki was solved, and the only tram line in Khakassia became an attraction of the village.

View of the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir from the entrance portal of the coastal spillway. Clickable (2000 x 554):

The coastal spillway consists of an inlet head, two free-flow tunnels, an outlet portal, a five-stage drop and an outlet channel. Clickable (2000 x 474):

Despite the frosts, the ice on the reservoir rises quite late - as a rule, at the end of January:

Coastal spillway. Serves to organize a smooth entrance of the water flow into two free-flow tunnels:

In winter, the portals are covered with heat shields:

The length of the two tunnels is 1122 meters, with a cross section of 10 × 12 meters each, which is enough to accommodate 4 metro tunnels.

Exit portal. Estimated speed of water movement at the exit from the tunnel - 22 m / s:

The five-stage drop consists of five wells, 100 m wide and 55 to 167 m long. The drop will provide damping of the flow energy and a calm interface with the river bed.

Clickable (1500 x 503):

Two gantry cranes are installed on the crest of the dam to open the gates:

The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers in Russia:

Yenisei is the border between Western and Eastern Siberia. The left bank of the Yenisei ends the great West Siberian plains, and the right bank represents the kingdom of the mountain taiga. From the Sayan Mountains to the Arctic Ocean, the Yenisei passes through all climatic zones of Siberia. Camels live in its upper reaches, polar bears live in the lower reaches.

The work of the shamans ...

Clickable (2000 x 650):

The generated current from the station is transferred to the open switchgear:

It provides power delivery of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP to the power systems of Kuzbass and Khakassia:

View from the observation deck, which is 1600 meters from the dam. The coastal spillway is highlighted on the left. Clickable (2000 x 504):

Clickable (3000 x 719):

The height of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP dam is one meter higher than the main building of Moscow State University. Many of you have been to Sparrow Hills and have seen Moscow University, now it will be easier to imagine the scale of the dam ...

The ridge is more than one kilometer long and 245 meters high. Both photographs were taken from the ground, I tried to make the scale 1: 1.

Clickable (4000 x 1427):

On November 4, 1961, the first group of prospectors from the Lenhydroproject Institute arrived in the mining village of Maina to inspect 3 competing sites for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant based on a project of a unique arch-gravity dam. Surveyors, geologists, hydrologists worked in frost and bad weather, 12 drilling rigs in three shifts “probed” the bottom of the Yenisei from the ice. In July 1962, the expert commission chose the final version - the Karlovsky range. 20 km downstream, it was planned to build a satellite of the Sayano-Shushenskaya - counter-regulating Mainskaya HPP.

The creation of a dam of this type in the conditions of the wide cross-section of the Yenisei and the harsh climate of Siberia had no analogues in the world. The arched-gravity dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, as the most reliable hydraulic structure of this type ...

Source: LiveJournal / 4044415.

Calling cards can be purchased here.

13) In the village of power engineers Cheryomushki, located 2 km from the hydroelectric power station, you can stay at the Borus hotel. A tram runs from the village to the hydroelectric power station.

22) The machine room of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is built on the basis of a spatial cross-bar structure, consisting of unified metal elements of the system of the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARHI). This design was first used in the construction of hydroelectric power plants ... The ceiling and walls of the turbine hall serve as a shield for equipment and people from the external environment and are designed only for snow and wind loads and seismic impact of 7 points. At the same time, the loads associated with the action of hydraulic processes during the operation of the spillways and units were not taken into account. Due to this omission due to increased vibration, every 3 years and always after each idle spillway, it is necessary to inspect thousands of structural units with measurement of the clearances in the docking units. Also, the presence of snow on the roof with a thickness of more than 20 cm must not be allowed. Prices for roofing work are now high.

23) The station was visited by many specialists from different countries world, who noted the special architectural expressiveness and grace of the turbine hall, which are largely determined by appearance structures of the MARCHI system. This is evidence that the design organization paid such attention to the architectural appearance that it was crowned with success. The architectural and artistic part of the project of the upper structure of the turbine hall was so deeply worked out, so insufficient was the attention to its technological implementation.

28) Installation site with parts of the dismantled hydraulic unit: a place where electrical work will be carried out soon.

29) Three devices next to the traverse for removing the generator are not parts of the generator itself, but the generator switch KAG-15.75.

30) There was only one such switch at the station, the rest were replaced with modern and more reliable ABB-shny HEC8.

31) At present, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is the most powerful source of coverage for peak power fluctuations in the Unified Energy System of Russia and Siberia. One of the main regional consumers of electricity is the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter, located not far from here near the town of Sayanogorsk. The central control panel of the hydroelectric power station.

The Yenisei River in the southeast of the Republic of Khakassia in the Sayan canyon at the outlet of the river into the Minusinsk Basin ... On November 4, 1961, the first group of prospectors from the Lenhydroproject Institute arrived in the mining village of Maina to examine 3 competing sites for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, which has project of a unique arched gravity dam. Surveyors, geologists, hydrologists worked in frost and bad weather, 12 drilling rigs in three shifts “probed” the bottom of the Yenisei from the ice. In July 1962, the expert commission chose the final version - the Karlovsky range. 20 km downstream, the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya satellite - the counter-regulating Mainskaya hydroelectric power station - was planned.

The creation of a dam of this type in the conditions of the wide cross-section of the Yenisei and the harsh climate of Siberia had no analogues in the world. The arched-gravity dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most reliable hydraulic structure of this type ...

View of the hydroelectric power station from the observation deck

The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was built by young people. The Komsomol organization emerged in construction in 1963, and in 1967 the Central Committee of the Komsomol announced the construction of the All-Union shock Komsomol construction site. So, sixteen girls - graduates of the Maina secondary school - decided to become hydraulic builders, and received the profession of plasterers-painters in the uchkombinat of the village of Maina. They created a detachment, which they called the Red Kerchiefs. Then all together entered the evening branch of the Divnogorsk Hydraulic Technical School and successfully graduated from it, after which many continued their studies at universities, combining it with work in construction. A detachment of boarding school graduates in the amount of 17 people arrived from the city of Makeevka on Komsomol vouchers. All "Makeyevites" also received their specialties at the Mainsky Uchkombinat.
Construction of a hydroelectric power station. Photo of the SSHGES Museum

Year after year, the construction site became more and more "Komsomol", and more and more all-Russian. In the summer of 1979, 1700 student construction teams took part in the construction of the largest hydroelectric power station, in 1980 - more than 1300 people from all over the country. By this time, 69 of its own Komsomol youth groups had already been formed on the construction site, 15 of them were registered.
Construction of a hydroelectric power station. Photo from the museum at SSHGES

The largest industrial associations of the USSR created new super-powerful equipment for new hydroelectric power plants. Thus, all the unique equipment of the SSH HPP was manufactured by domestic factories: hydro turbines - by the production association of turbine construction "Leningrad Metal Plant", hydrogenerators - by the Leningrad industrial electrotechnical association "Electrosila", transformers - by the production association "Zaporozhtransformator". The turbine runners were delivered to the headwaters of the Yenisei by a waterway almost 10,000 kilometers long, across the Arctic Ocean. Thanks to the original technical solution - the installation of temporary impellers on the first two turbines, capable of operating at intermediate water pressures - it became possible to start the operation of the first stage of the station before the end of construction and installation work. Thanks to this, the national economy of the country received an additional 17 billion kWh of electricity. Having produced 80 billion kWh by 1986, the construction site fully returned the costs to the state that were spent on its construction. The Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP has become the top one in the cascade of the Yenisei hydroelectric power plants and one of the largest in the world: the installed capacity is 6.4 million kW and the average annual output is 22.8 billion kWh of electricity.

The pressure front of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is formed by a unique concrete arch-gravity dam 245 m high, 1074.4 m long along the ridge, 105.7 m wide at the base and 25 m wide along the ridge. , having a radius of 600 m and a central angle of 102 ° on the upper face, and in the lower part of the dam is three-center arches, and the central section with an angle of coverage of 37 ° is formed by arches similar to the upper ones.
Dam structure. Museum at SSHGES

The Mainsky hydroelectric complex is located downstream of the Yenisei, 21.5 km from the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Its main task is to counter-regulate its downstream, which makes it possible to smooth out level fluctuations in the river when the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is deeply regulating the load in the power system. It is based on a conventional gravity dam and has 3 hydraulic units with a total capacity of 321 thousand kW. The annual electricity generation at the Mainskaya HPP is 1.7 billion kWh.
Mainskaya HPP dam

In Russia, hydroelectric power plants are mainly based on gravity-type dams. In addition to the SSHGES, the Gergebil hydroelectric power station in Dagestan has an arch-gravity dam, but it is much smaller in size.
The mountain slopes around the hydroelectric power station resemble illustrations for films about agent 007

At present, the PS Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is the most powerful source of coverage for peak power fluctuations in the Unified Energy System of Russia and Siberia. One of the main regional consumers of electricity at SSHGES is the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Plant.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is of particular interest as a tourist destination. The hydroelectric power station has its own museum. Due to the regime of the object, a visit to the museum is carried out through regional excursion bureaus, and a group visit to the museum is also allowed by prior agreement with the administration of the museum and the management of the secondary school of the hydroelectric power station. To do this, it is enough to call the hydroelectric power station and arrange an excursion. It is advisable to agree in advance, since in any case, it will be necessary to agree with the security service. In the village of power engineers Cheryomushki, located 2 km from the hydroelectric power station, you can stay at the Borus hotel. A tram runs from the village to the hydroelectric power station, which I will talk about next time. If you are driving, you can leave it on the observation deck in front of the first checkpoint. I also recommend that you visit the observation deck in front of the hydroelectric power station at night - the dam and the monument to the builders of the hydroelectric power station are very beautifully illuminated
Terminus tram in front of the pass office. In front of the service parking, on a pedestal, one of the same temporary impellers of hydraulic units is installed

Museum at the SSHGES. Model showing the principle of operation of the hydraulic unit

Model of the complex of structures of the SSHHPP. In the center there is an arched-gravity dam of a hydroelectric power station, with a turbine hall and a spillway device. To the right and below - open switchgears (open switchgears), located in a small gorge, from which electricity goes through power lines to consumers. To the left is an additional coastal spillway under construction. I will talk about him next time.

Section of the SSHHES dam and its turbine hall

View of the observation deck with a monument to the builders of the hydroelectric power station from the crest of the dam

Fragment of the monument to the builders of the hydroelectric power station. A small child showed mom first at me (I was with a tripod, then at a monument) :)

And in the fragment of the monument, symbolizing the rapid flow of water, only an attentive tourist will be able to see the images of fish and mermaids.

SSHGES at night. View from the observation deck

Well, for geocaching lovers. Not far from the observation deck, a cache has long been hidden. I am the first and only visitor in it so far :)

The project for the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP considered 4 variants of the dam design: gravity, arched-gravity, arched and rock-fill. In addition, at the stage technical project the option of an arched buttress dam was considered. As a result of comparing the options, an arch-gravitational one was chosen, which, as it seemed at that time, more than others met the topographic and engineering-geological conditions of the alignment, made it possible to more closely use the properties of concrete and transfer part of the perceived load to the rocky shores ...
The pressure front of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is formed by a unique concrete arch-gravity dam 245 m high, 1066 m long along the ridge, 105.7 m wide at the base, and 25 m wide along the ridge. to build a highway from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok). A dam of this type, built in a wide section, is the only one in the world.
The service bus, strainingly roaring with a tortured engine, climbs past the switchyard along the serpentine and dives into a tunnel that goes inside the rock of the left bank right up to the ridge

View of the hydroelectric dam from the ridge

Structurally, the dam consists of the right-bank and left-bank blind dams, a spillway dam, and a station dam. Its construction was supposed to be carried out in 3 stages. However, a number of conventions did not allow this to be achieved and the dam was built in 9 stages. By 1989, the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP dam was completed. In 1990, it was put under design pressure.
Length along the upper ridge - 1066 meters, width - 25 meters

Not everything in the history of the dam has been "smooth". One of the major problems was the detection of increasing filtration of the dam body. In order to avoid washing out of the concrete, an attempt was made to inject into the massif using the technology existing at that time. At the same time, the intersection joints were re-cemented, the fractures were cemented through the ascending wells. The injection effect was found to be insignificant and short-lived. The filtration continued to increase.
Cranes for lifting gates. Steel multi-ton mastodons

In 1993, an agreement was reached between the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP and the French company Soletansh on the use of its technology for suppressing water filtration through concrete. In 1995, experimental renovation work with the use of polymeric materials, elastic, in comparison with cement mortar, based on epoxy resins. Trial repairs were successful - filtration was practically suppressed. Subsequently, the composition of the French resins was determined, and work to suppress the filtration of the dam was subsequently carried out by our specialists.
Between the turbine hall of the hydroelectric power station and the dam. On the left are transformers, on the right is a system for squeezing water from the impeller

Water is supplied to the turbines through single-line steel-reinforced concrete water conduits with a diameter of 7.5 m

Concrete, concrete, concrete, concrete, concrete

Reservoir of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Ahead - Zapani pontoons, along the banks - floating wood

At the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, the spillway dam is located in the right-bank part of the channel and has 11 spillways

The construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was carried out with a phased development, which was very different from the design assumptions due to the underestimation of the real possibilities of construction in specific conditions. At any cost, it was necessary to ensure the commissioning of power without the necessary responsibility for its reliability. To ensure the start-up of the first hydroelectric unit at the appointed time, filling of the reservoir was hastily started in order to manage to use the required volume of inflow from the insufficiently large autumn discharge of the Yenisei. Only a sanitary pass was dropped into the downstream. At the same time, the possibility of discharging water from the reservoir was not provided in case of any unforeseen circumstances. The first unit was put into operation at the end of December 1978 with a head of 60 m. Technological capabilities did not allow placing the required volume of concrete in the spillway dam, so by the 1979 flood it was not ready. For this reason, the flood was passed in an uncontrolled emergency mode, so on May 23, 1979, the first unit and the building of the hydroelectric power station were doomed and were flooded. Aerators built into the walls of the spillways were supposed to provide air supply to the flow at the point where it left the spillway nose into the stilling well. In fact, the ejection effect did not work, and instead of sucking air into the aerator, water was injected into it from the spillway. Insufficient pre-design study of the work of aerators aggravated the situation at the construction site.
Uncontrolled discharge of the 1979 flood. Photo from the collection greycygnet

As a result of another powerful flood in 1985, 80% of the bottom area of ​​the stilling well was destroyed. There was a complete destruction of the fastening plates (plates with a thickness of more than 2 meters were simply washed out as if they were made of foam), the concrete preparation under them and the rocks below the sole to a depth of 7 m.Anchors with a diameter of 50 mm were torn with characteristic traces of the onset of the metal yield point. The reason for this destruction is the poorly carried out repair of the bottom of the well after the 1981 flood and a number of engineering miscalculations. One way or another, conclusions were drawn from these events, and in 1991 the reconstruction of the stilling well was completed.
The destroyed bottom of the stilling well. Photo from the collection greycygnet

The radical solution to the problem is the construction of an additional coastal spillway. Only such an engineering solution will make it possible to prevent an excess of the hydrodynamic pressure under the bottom of the main spillway well. In 2003, a decision was made to build it. The spillway consists of 2 tunnels, laid inside the mountain on the right bank, as well as a branch channel in the form of a 5-stage cascade. It is planned to complete the construction of a new coastal spillway at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP by 2010 ...

At the end of today's story, a few archival photographs of the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP from the collection greycygnet and tekhnik76

The turbine hall of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is built on the basis of a spatial cross-bar structure, consisting of unified metal elements of the system of the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARHI). This design was first used in the construction of hydroelectric power plants ...
The ceiling and walls of the turbine hall serve as a shield for equipment and people from the external environment and are designed only for snow and wind loads and for a seismic effect of 7 points. At the same time, the loads associated with the action of hydraulic processes during the operation of the spillways and units were not taken into account. Due to this omission due to increased vibration, every 3 years and always after each idle spillway, it is necessary to inspect thousands of structural units with measurement of the clearances in the docking units. Also, the presence of snow on the roof with a thickness of more than 20 cm must not be allowed.
Machine room of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

The station was visited by many specialists from different countries of the world, who noted the special architectural expressiveness and grace of the turbine hall, which are largely determined by the appearance of the structure of the MARCHI system. This is evidence that the design organization paid such attention to the architectural appearance that it was crowned with success. The architectural and artistic part of the project of the upper structure of the turbine hall was so deeply worked out, so insufficient was the attention to its technological implementation.

Ten hydro turbines of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP marked a new stage in the domestic hydropower industry. Each RO-230/833-V-677 turbine, equipped with an impeller made of stainless cavitation-resistant steel 6.77 m in diameter and weighing 156 tons, is capable of developing a power of 650,000 kW at a design head of 194 m. The first two generators of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP were were put into operation with temporary hydraulic turbine impellers capable of operating at low heads, since the construction of the structures was carried out in stages. This made it possible, even at a partial pressure, starting from 60 meters, to generate electricity.
Huge heavy equipment and several technical floors are hidden under the ceiling of the generators. In the distance, it can be seen that the sixth unit is under scheduled repair - its generator has been partially dismantled.

The hydraulic turbine shaft is attached with an upper flange directly to the central part of the generator rotor mounted on top. The total weight of each complete generator is 1860 tons. The maximum assembly room is 890 tons. But even 890 tons are beyond the power of the station's turbine hall assembly cranes, each of which has a limit of 500 tons. Therefore, when dismantling / installing the generator, both cranes are used in a bundle. This is how they took it out - 5122.html

Repaired generator of hydroelectric unit No. 6 near

Assembly site with parts of the dismantled hydraulic unit

The three devices next to the traverse for removing the generator are not parts of the generator itself, but of the KAG-15.75 generator switch. There was only one such switch at the station, the rest were replaced by modern and more reliable ABB-shny HEC8


At present, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is the most powerful source of coverage for peak power fluctuations in the Unified Energy System of Russia and Siberia. One of the main regional consumers of electricity is the Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter, located not far from here near the town of Sayanogorsk.
Hydroelectric power station central control panel

In 1991, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP purchased several modified trams from St. Petersburg, running them along a simple route from the power engineering community of Cheryomushki to the HPP along the remnants of the former railroad track. The village of Cheryomushki is the smallest settlement in Russia with a tram line, and the line itself is the only tram line in Russia with free travel ...
The modern tram line was originally a temporary Abakan railway - the SSHHES under construction, along which building materials and special equipment were delivered, and also one DR1 passenger train was running to deliver builders. After the start-up of the hydroelectric power station, the line at the Sayanogorsk-Cheryomushki section (about 30 km) was dismantled and abandoned. They left only a one-track section from Cheryomushki to SSHGES (about 3 km), which was electrified and a tram was launched on it.

The line does not have turning rings, siding or turnaround dead ends, so the peak morning and evening runs are operated by several wagons following one after the other. Trams reach the fence of the territory of the SSHHPP, where they release passengers right next to the checkpoint.

The only route passes the line in 15 minutes and turns back and forth in 1 hour. The clock timetable is strictly observed. The first flight leaves the depot for the residential town at 6:35 am, the last one leaves for the depot at 20:00. The tram line operates daily, except Sundays.

As I said, the Cheremushkinsky tram is the only tram system in Russia where passengers travel free of charge.

In total, the economy of the Cheryomushkinskaya tram system includes six double-sided, double-cab carriages 71-88G, built in St. Petersburg on the basis of the Soviet four-axle tram car LM-68M specially for Cheryomushki.

Trams only reach the entrance to the hydroelectric power station, but the electrified line continues further, through the territory of the hydroelectric power station, to the gates of the building leading to the electrical workshop at the station's turbine hall, where, if necessary, overhaul of trams is carried out.

Tram at the terminus near the checkpoint. In the evening, the coupler goes only once. After a while, another carriage will approach, all three will be filled with station employees and will drive to Cheryomushki

Very close to the Mainskaya HPP, which is the counter-regulator of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, there are the remains of one unique structure, or rather the ruins of the stone dam of the Uyskaya irrigation system. Until the middle of the last century, without electricity and any pumps, water was supplied from here for more than 20 kilometers. Only two such irrigation systems were built. One in Argentina, the other here - in Khakassia ...
The south of the Koibal Steppe has a reputation for being very dry with frequent droughts. There has always been an acute issue of irrigation of fields. In the early twenties of the last century, work began on the construction of an irrigation system. The initiator and leader of this project was a hydraulic engineer Nikolai Mikhailov. In this project, he managed to solve the problem of supplying water to the collective farm fields without any energy.

Mikhailov came up with an idea - the water should go to the fields by itself. The principle is communicating vessels. On the taiga river Uy, a stone dam was built. From it, through a canal, water was brought closer to the Yenisei, and through a two-hundred-meter pipe it was transferred to the right bank. From there, through a system of water pipes and a six-kilometer pipe, water was supplied to the collective farm fields.

The irrigation system worked properly until 1963. But then the need for it disappeared, since along with the start of the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, a powerful pumping station was erected. She took care of the irrigation of the land.
Archival photo. Borrowed from Wikimapia

Now only stone ruins hidden in the forest remind of the system.

How to get here: moving along the road towards Cheryomushki, after the village of Maina there will be a turn onto the dirt road towards Zharka.
Along the dirt road 2-3 kilometers to the bridge over the river.
Stop in front of the bridge and go a little to the right.
Coordinates: 52 ° 58 "8" N 91 ° 26 "59" E

While at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, I took the opportunity to visit the Shushenskoye open-air museum, which was just a stone's throw away by car ...
The full name of this museum is Regional State state-financed organization Culture Historical and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve "Shushenskoye" (or earlier "Lenin's Siberian exile"). The Shushensky open-air museum is a historically formed central part of the Siberian village of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. On the territory of 7 hectares, numerous monuments of rural ancient architecture are presented: peasant estates, a building of the volost government with a prison, a village shop, a tavern, a smithy. In peasant houses, on estates, the living conditions and life of Siberians at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries have been recreated. The main occupations of the peasants are shown - agriculture and animal husbandry, widespread subsidiary trades and crafts - hunting, fishing, beekeeping, cooper business, weaving, wickerwork, rolling felt, felt boots, etc. In the houses where V.I. Lenin, the memorial setting is preserved. In addition to traditional services, the museum offers visitors theatrical excursions showing old crafts, Russian cuisine, including tasting traditional drinks in a 19th century drinking establishment. The programs with the participation of the folklore ensemble, puppet and ethnographic theaters of the museum are very popular. The museum has workshops - pottery, woodcarving, sewing on sewing theatrical and folk costumes. In souvenir shops you can buy products of museum craftsmen, as well as folk craftsmen and professional artists of Southern Siberia.
Museum "Shushenskoye" is located, as you might guess, in the village of Shushenskoye (Krasnoyarsk Territory). Open from 9 am to 5 pm, seven days a week.

The tour of the museum begins with the estate of the wealthy peasant Zyryanov, where V.I. Lenin is the first year of his Siberian exile. Why Ilyich could not live in the house of an unprovable peasant, history is silent.

The courtyard of the estate with outbuildings.

A little over a year later, grief fell upon the Leader - the beloved Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya came to exile to him. Yes, not alone - with her mother. In order not to embarrass the public with an innovative approach to living together, Ilyich and N.K. are officially married in a local church. After that, Lenin rented his own house - more, but more comfortable (about it below). Vladimir Ilyich decides to take revenge on prosperous peasants and churches a little later, although it is a no brainer that the mother-in-law is to blame.

Tidy vegetable gardens are set up around all the houses. Museum employees grow all sorts of vegetables, fruits, berries for themselves (there is nothing wrong with that, I think). Passing by one of these gardens, the guide enthusiastically listed agricultural crops grown in the old days by Siberian residents: "... flax, potatoes, hemp ...". Hearing a familiar word, the entire excursion group burned out, which immediately stretched their necks over the fence in search of the cherished agricultural crop.

Old Russian female torture apparatus. As soon as the little girl began to walk, the harsh Siberian parents immediately sat her down to prepare a dowry for themselves.

The most interesting interior has a trade shop.

The old prison-prison is located inconveniently among other buildings. It is impossible to remove it visibly from the outside, despite the fact that the structure is interesting.

The excursion ends at the house of Lenin, in which he lived for the other 2 years of his exile.

The second refuge of the exiled Ulyanov-Lenin, his young wife Krupskaya and her mother was another estate of another wealthy peasant, Petrov. The family took the house in a larger size. Now they were renting not a room in the house, but the whole house. Without fail they took a maid-maid. IN Soviet time it was called "they taught her to read." Specifically in this photo - the courtyard of the estate and the bathhouse.

The front gate of the house and the gazebo. According to the legend, it was built personally by Vladimir and Nadya in order to drink tea in it in the summer.

In her youth, Krupskaya was quite nothing in my opinion. Arched eyebrows, full lips. One minus - I came with my mother ... And Vladimir looks like an IT-schnick, a fan of Tolkien and the "King and the Fool" group.

Lenin's office interior. The gun, as I understand it, is not to fight off fellow villagers. Here's a link - nature, mountains, hunting, mushrooms, berries, tea in the gazebo :)

Here's a museum. I highly recommend and recommend it. Tours are interesting to see and listen to.
Its coordinates: 53 ° 19 "39" N 91 ° 55 "41" E

The region around the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP is a popular tourist destination not only because of the HPP itself. Opposite Cheryomushki, on the right bank of the Yenisei, the five-domed Borus mountain rises. In summer, hundreds of tourist mites flock here to admire the immense panorama of the Western Sayan Mountains ...
To Borus in a straight line of some miserable 10 km, but this is the way uphill along the path, which is by no means straight. And the remaining half a day before the plane to Moscow allows only to count on the fact that someday I will come here again ...

To climb Borus, you need to cross the Yenisei on the bridge in Cheryomushki. After 4 kilometers, the road ends at the forester's gatehouse. In the gatehouse, you need to check in and continue along the numerous paths up ...

But even below the river, the view of the ridge is mesmerizing

Wandering along the stone placer of the Yenisei bank, I notice that birds rush under my feet, persistently distracting my attention

The usual behavior for birds leading the "enemy" away from the nest, but I just could not see the nest itself ...

But it turned out that there is no nest. There is a chick sitting half a meter away from me on a stone. I almost stepped on the brat :)

And there is someone to be afraid of small birds. Healthy golden eagles are circling in the sky. For the first time I saw live how birds of prey catch fish ...

Suffering from the realization that Borus would not shine for me on this trip, I cast a glance at the slope of the mountain near which the village is located. There was a path-road along the gorge. The navigator indicated that the pass would be 1000 m above sea level. In a straight line 5 km, which means that the trail winds 7-8 kilometers. Great, go ahead! :)

Quite passable, even for an under-drive, the track goes along the stream along the gorge for quite a long time ...

... gradually becoming a track only for prepared off-road vehicles

About halfway to the pass. The road is already strictly stone, with a strong slope, huge boulders. The dream of any 4x4 fan

Increasingly, you have to make stops for a couple of seconds - catch your breath, turn around, go crazy with beauty

At the same time, the weather changed like in a kaleidoscope. For 2.5 hours of walking upstairs, it was overcast, cloudy, sunny, there was a slight rain several times, once a downpour (which, however, I was delighted with - it was hot)

Just the texture of the stone

Rainbow after a shower

Finally, wet to your panties with sweat, with your tongue on one side, you climb the pass. The view is so beautiful that at first you stand and stare blankly into the immense distance. But you need to climb another 30 meters up - on the rock on which someone has planted a homemade flag. This is the highest point here

And here is the frame of the car that arrived here - was the first thought. In fact, it turned out to be part of the construction of the power transmission line

Traditional inscriptions "There was ..."

Upstairs. The height above sea level according to my GPS is 1238 meters. Considering the height at which the hotel is located, from which I started the route - the drop is about 830 meters. Vertex coordinates - N52 ° 53.142 "E91 ° 22.148"

Someone's hacienda

Village Cheryomushki

Coastal spillway under construction

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Hydroelectric power plant reservoir

I could not help but photograph myself. And then you never know someone will not believe that I was here :)

As it turned out later, the name of this place is Cheryomukhovy Pass. And the peak itself is nameless. Simply the height is 1238. An excellent beautiful, energetically strong place, which is worth recommending to anyone who has got to the SSH HPP on some business, but does not have time for something more. As it was with me ...