Interregional Department for Supervision of Hydraulic Structures. Job description of the Supervisor of hydraulic structures

ORGANIZED in 1935, the city telephone directorate at the regional communications department, which subordinated the automatic telephone exchanges of the Sverdlovsky, Stalin and Sormovsky districts, and later the Sotsgorodsky automatic telephone exchange, already in 1936, with the separation of the intercity telephone exchange from it, began to be called the Gorky city telephone network. With this structure, it existed until mid-1958. By the order of the head of the network dated June 23, 1958, in order to introduce progressive methods in the work and increase the responsibility of ATS managers for the stations entrusted to them, two sections were organized as part of the GTS: Nagorny, including ATS-3, Sovetskaya and Priokskaya substations, and Zarechny as part of ATS- 4, ATC-5, ATC-6.
On June 30, 1961, two workshops were included in the structure of the Gorky GTS: station and line-cable. The station shop was headed by M. Ye. Svinar. In his subordination were automatic telephone exchanges V-3, G-4, G-5, D-6, a manual service station for 600 numbers in the Prioksky region, automatic telephone exchanges for 500 numbers of the machine system in the ATC building, a number of small manual service stations in the Antey "," Russia "," Ples "," Moscow ", in the House of the Peasant and others. The line-cable shop included two groups: the line one under the direction of A.G. Gromov and the cable one under the direction of the USSR communications master A.N. Shuvalov.
In the process of reconstruction and expansion of the network capacity, which began in 1962, in connection with the replacement of the automatic telephone exchange of the machine system (1963 - G-5, D-6, 1966 - G-4, 1968 - V-3) and the introduction of new automatic telephone exchanges ten days -step system increased the volume of station and line structures.
By order of the GTS dated February 24, 1965, the following were organized in the network: in the Nagornaya part of the city - station and line-cable shops, in the Zarechnaya part there were also station and line-cable shops.
Since the distances between automatic telephone exchanges are considerable and it was necessary to save cables, the KRR-30/60 sealing equipment began to be widely used in the network. A special group for servicing compaction equipment was created under the leadership of engineer T.N.Belyakova.
Since January 1, 1970, two telephone centers without an independent balance have been organized in the Gorky GTS: the Nagorny Telephone Center (Head E.N. D. Sokolova). Both units were directly subordinate to the head of the GTS.
In connection with the continuous growth of the network capacity and staff for its maintenance, there is a need for a clearer operational management of both structural units in the field.
On January 1, 1977, the departments of the GTS under the leadership of the head of the network were renamed into the management of the GTS, and the nodes were transferred to an independent balance. In addition to the station and line-cable shops, in each node there are organized: personnel department, planning group, accounting department, subscriber department, collection group, supply department.
In the Zarechny telephone center, due to the large length of the structures, two line-cable shops were organized: Kanavinsky and Sormovsky.
Subordinate to the head of the station workshop of the Nagorny telephone center were automatic telephone exchanges: 31, 33, 34, 36, 39, 62, 65, substation groups, inquiry service 09, similarly in the Zarechny telephone exchange ATS: 42, 44, 46, 54, 55, 56 , 23, 25, substation groups.
The capacity of the automatic telephone exchange of the group of substations has significantly increased since 1965, when a large number of small automatic telephone exchanges of departmental enterprises were accepted on the balance sheet of the Gorky GTS.
The construction of new automatic telephone exchanges of the decade-step system led to the liquidation of a manual service station for 600 numbers in the Prioksky district of the city (replacement with a decade-step one), a machine automatic telephone exchange in the building of the ATC and RTS in the hotels "Ples", "Moscow", "Antey", Dom peasant, construction institute. The manual service station in the Rossiya hotel building was liquidated, and the hotel subscribers were switched to ATS-36 in December 1981.
The operation forces installed new automatic telephone exchanges of a decade-step system of low capacity: Kuznechikha-1, Baranovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Meshchera, Volodarskaya.
In October 1981, in connection with the further expansion of the network, another telephone exchange was organized on an independent balance - Sormovsky. Currently, in the Gorky GTS, under the direct supervision of the head of the network, there are 3 telephone centers: Nagorny, Zarechny and Sormovsky.
The Nagorny Telephone Center provides telephone communication to subscribers of the Nizhny Novgorod, Sovetsky and Prioksky districts; Over the river telephone center - Leninsky, Avtozavodsky, Kanavinsky; Sormovsky telephone exchange - Moscow, Sormovsky, Kanavinsky (Gordeevka microdistrict).
The nodes include 27 automatic telephone exchanges of a decade-step system of large and small capacity, 4 automatic telephone exchanges of the urban-type coordinate system, 11 PSK-1000, one automatic telephone exchange of the ATSK 100/2000 type.
With the introduction of new automatic telephone exchanges on inter-office communications, the number of compaction equipment has increased. V currently 10 590 channels of the Kama, KRR, IKM-30 equipment are in operation. The Compaction Service Group has grown into a transmission systems workshop.
The launch of new automatic telephone exchanges led to an increase in the number of desks in the information service 09. In 1983, a reference and information shop was organized here.
To do more work with fewer workers and improve Maintenance subscribers, centralization of the bureau of repair and power supply devices (EPD) of automatic telephone exchange was carried out. The CBR (centralized repair bureau) was organized in the Nagorny telephone center in 1975, in Zarechny in 1979, in Sormovsky in 1983; EPU group in Nagorny and Zarechny knots in 1978, in Sormovsky - in 1981.
In the process of constant expansion of the network, the length of the line-cable structures of the GTS has significantly increased. Therefore, since 1983, it was decided to organize two workshops in Nagorny and Zarechny telephone centers: line-subscriber and cable. The line-subscriber shop is engaged in the operation of post-pole lines, payphones, the elimination of line and hardware damage, the installation of new telephones in the apartments of citizens and in city institutions. Cable shop - operation of cable facilities, scheduled measurements of cables, protection of cable lines from corrosion, installation of cables under overpressure, for which compressor-signaling installations KSU for 30 or 60 cables are used, installed on all automatic telephone exchanges.
In the structure of the organization of management of the telephone network, the head of the city telephone network currently has three deputies. First Deputy - Chief Engineer, who solves technical issues for ongoing maintenance and network expansion, implementation new technology and progressive labor methods. The Deputy Head for Capital Construction organizes the erection of buildings for new automatic telephone exchanges, station and line structures. Deputy for general issues is in charge of supplying units with materials, spare parts, as well as vehicles.
Planning and rationing in the network is carried out by the planning department of the GTS and similar departments in the nodes.
The Operations Department is in charge of routine maintenance and control of the work of the hydraulic structures. The functions of the workers of the production laboratory are the introduction of new equipment, the removal of the schedule, quality control of the GTS structures.
The production workshop is engaged in the repair of station devices, telephones, handsets, payphones, payphone booths, and the overhaul group is engaged in the repair of connecting cables and GTS buildings.
For the prompt elimination of damages and the efficient use of transport in the Gorky GTS and in the nodes, dispatcher services are organized.

Single qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees (TSA), 2019
Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of agricultural workers"
The section was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 15.02.2012 N 126n

Head of waterworks and hydraulic structures

Job responsibilities. Supervises the work of the waterworks and hydraulic structures. Organizes the work and interaction of the structural units of the waterworks and hydraulic structures, directs their activities towards the efficient use of water resources and reclamation funds. Organizes work on the implementation of the plan of repair and maintenance work and contractual obligations with water users. Develops and implements measures for the safety of the operation of the waterworks and hydraulic structures.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, and regulations on land reclamation issues; rules and norms for the technical operation of a hydroelectric complex and a hydraulic structure; the procedure for concluding contracts; advances in science and excellence in the operation of reclamation systems; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; fundamentals of environmental protection legislation; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "Hydrology", "Land reclamation, reclamation and protection of lands" and work experience in the field of professional activity for at least 5 years.

Comments on the post

The above qualification characteristics positions "Head of the hydroelectric complex and hydraulic structure" are intended to address issues related to the regulation labor relations and ensuring an effective personnel management system in various organizations. On the basis of these characteristics, the job description of the head of the waterworks and hydraulic structures is developed, containing the rights and responsibilities of the employee, as well as a specific list of his job responsibilities taking into account the peculiarities of the organization and management of the enterprise (institution).

When drawing up job descriptions For managers and specialists, it is necessary to take into account the general provisions for this edition of the handbook and an introduction with general provisions for the first release of the job handbook.

Please note that the same and similar job titles may appear in different issues of the TSA. You can find similar names through

06.12.2019 : The organizer of the auction is ParadiseGroup LLC (PSRN 1087746580415, INN 7724660950, KPP 770401001, postal address: 109147, Moscow, PO Box 33, [email protected], tel .: 8 (495) 1337554) informs about the sale of the property of JSC "GTS" (OGRN 1035007559058, TIN 5038040611, address: 143005, Moscow region, Odintsovo, Chistyakova St., 30), declared bankrupt by the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court region dated 10.01.2019 in case No. A41-94269 / 2017, by the determination of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region dated 21.08.2019, Mikhailov Alexander Ruslanovich (▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Member of the ICO PAU - Association "Interregional Self-Regulatory Organization of Professional Arbitration Managers" (109240, Moscow, Kotelnicheskaya nab., 17, INN 7705494552, OGRN 1037705027249)), located in pledge from LLC "FinanceBusinessGroup", at auction through a public offer, namely: Lot # 1: Property complex of the boiler house at the address: Balashikha, st. 40 years of Victory, possession 35. Starting price - 127,885,122.00 rubles. Lot # 2: Boiler house property complex at the address: Odintsovo, st. Chistyakova, 30, 26. The complete list of property is published on the official website of the EFRSB ( message No. 4442414 (attached file) and on the electronic trading platform of JSC NIS. Starting price - 295,772,128.20 rubles. A prerequisite participation is the obligation of the Buyer of the Property: to ensure the proper maintenance and use of the Property in accordance with its intended purpose, as well as the fulfillment of other obligations established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to provide citizens, organizations operating the housing stock social use, as well as organizations financed from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation, goods (works, services) at regulated prices (tariffs) in accordance with the established markups to prices (tariffs) and for the provision of specified consumers established by federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation , regulatory legal acts local authorities of benefits, including benefits for payment for goods (works, services), upon the consent of the Buyer, to assume the obligations of the Debtor under contracts for the supply of goods, which are the subject of regulation of legislation on natural monopolies, to conclude an agreement in accordance with clause 4.1 of Art. 132, paragraph 2 of Art. 201 FZ on bankruptcy, according to the Buyer's license to operate explosive and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes, including the performance of work: the use of flammable, oxidizing, combustible, explosive, toxic, highly toxic substances and substances posing a danger for the environment, at explosive and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II or III hazard classes, use (operation) at explosive and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II or III hazard classes of equipment operating under an excess pressure of more than 0.07 megapascals: steam , gas (in a gaseous, liquefied state), water at a heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius, other liquids at a temperature exceeding their boiling point at an overpressure of 0.07 megapascals, if the Buyer has a written document confirming obligations to him, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs holding a license to operate explosive and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II and III hazard classes, including the performance of work: the use of flammable, oxidizing, combustible, explosive, toxic, highly toxic substances and substances posing a threat to the environment, on explosive and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II or III hazard classes, Use (operation) at explosive and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II or III hazard classes of equipment operating under an excess pressure of more than 0.07 megapascals: steam, gas (in gaseous, liquefied condition), water at a heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius, other liquids at a temperature exceeding their boiling point at an overpressure of 0.07 megapascals, for the operation of the Property after transferring it to the Buyer. Bidding will take place in electronic form on the electronic trading platform of JSC NIS ( Duration of accepting applications for participation in the auction from 16.12. 00:00 to 27.05.2020 00:00. The amount of the reduction in the initial selling price is set at 5% of the initial selling price. The amount of the last decrease in the selling price is set at 4 (four) percent. The period after which the initial sale price of the property in the auction is successively reduced is 5 (five) working days. The minimum selling price is set at 1% of the initial selling price through a public offering. The winner of the auction for the sale of the debtor's property through a public offer is a participant who has submitted an application with a proposal for a price not lower than the sale price established for the given period. In the case of submission of bids within the specified period from several participants with different price proposals, the winner is the participant who offered the maximum price, if the bids contain equal bids - the participant who submitted the application first within the specified time period. From the date of the determination of the winner of the auction for the sale of the debtor's property through a public offer, the acceptance of applications, familiarization with the documents is terminated. The trading results will be summed up on the electronic trading platform of NIS JSC ( within 5 days from the end of the price validity period for which applications for participation in the auction were admitted (if any). Applications are accepted by the operator electronic platform JSC NIS at the address: and must contain the information provided for by Art. 110 FZ "On insolvency (bankruptcy)" and the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2015 No. 495. The application for participation in the auction must be accompanied by: the obligation of the bidder to comply with the requirements specified in the notice of the auction, a valid extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or USRIP, identity documents (for natural person), duly certified translation into Russian of documents on state. registration of legal entities or physical a person, as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state (for a foreign person), a document confirming the authority of the person to act on behalf of the applicant. Documents are submitted in electronic form and signed with an EDS. The decision to recognize the applicants as bidders is drawn up by a protocol on the determination of bidders. Familiarization with the property is carried out from the moment of publication of the message and until the end of the acceptance of applications by appointment by phone: 8 (499) 3918356 or by e-mail: [email protected] A deposit of 20% of the sale price of the property / lot in the relevant time period must be paid before the end of the relevant trading period to the bank account of NIS JSC (TIN 7725752265, account No. 40702810600000024981 to branch No. 7701 of VTB Bank ( PJSC), c / s 30101810345250000745, BIK 044525745). The purpose of the payment shall indicate: "Deposit for participation in the auction No.__ for Lot No.__". The date of the deposit is the date of the deposit of the deposit to the bank account of JSC NIS. Applicants whose deposits have not been credited to the account before the specified period are not allowed to participate in the auction. The organizer of the auction has the right to withdraw the lot from the auction at any time without giving any reason. Within 5 (Five) days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of the auction, the bankruptcy commissioner shall send to the winner of the auction a proposal to conclude a contract for the sale of property / lot with the attachment of the draft agreement in accordance with the proposal for the price of the property / lot submitted by the winner of the auction. In case of refusal or evasion of the winner of the auction from signing this agreement within 5 (five) days from the date of receipt of the said proposal of the bankruptcy commissioner, the deposit paid shall not be returned to him, and he is deprived of the right to acquire property. Full payment must be made within 30 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement to the bank account of JSC "GTS".