What profession should a woman choose after 30. It's never too late to change profession. There were many looks from the outside, not that disapproving, but incomprehensible. How so? And an academic degree, and teaching, and a career, and practice

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 5 minutes


The desire - to suddenly change your life dramatically - is a fairly frequent occurrence in people after 40 years. And the point is not in the "midlife crisis" and far from being in a state of "devil in the ribs" - everything is explained by an overestimation of values, which is quite logical for an adult. Many, after 30-40 years, come to the conclusion that it is time to change something, that their whole life has gone to their own business, that they have not been able to achieve much.

Natural desire at this moment - correct attitudes, goals and scope of activity .

Experts do not consider abrupt changes in life and career after 40 years too harsh a decision. On the contrary, changes, new perspectives and positive psychological "shakes" are very useful .

But, radically changing the profession at an already middle age, it is worth remembering the following ...

  • Soberly and without emotion, analyze all the motives of your desire. Why did you decide to change your profession (health problems, inadequate wages, fatigue, underestimation, etc.)? Of course, if your job involves lifting weights and outdoor activities in any weather, and your health is forbidden to lift more than 1 kg and get cold, then you will definitely have to change your job. But in other cases, such a moment as the substitution of motives is possible. That is, a lack of understanding of the true reasons for job dissatisfaction. In this situation, it makes sense to talk to a specialist.
  • Take a vacation. Get good quality and full rest. Perhaps you are just tired. After rest, with a fresh and "sober" head, it will be much easier to assess your capabilities, desires and facts.
  • If you are confident in your decision - to change the field of activity - but do not know where to start and where to go, you have a direct road to vocational guidance trainings ... There they will help you to realize which way to move, what is closer to you, what you can master, where there will be difficulties due to high competition, and what to stay away from.
  • Have you found a profession in which you will be happy to "dive headlong"? Weigh the pros and cons, write down the pros and cons in a notebook ... Including salary (especially if you are the main breadwinner in the family), development opportunities, competition, learning difficulties, health and other factors.
  • Carefully and carefully look at the new profession. Do not chop off the shoulder by rushing into new life with the fervor of a youth. Remember that you will have to start absolutely everything from scratch - re-climb the career ladder, re-acquire experience, search - wherever you would be taken without this experience. Maybe it makes sense to improve your qualifications or get additional qualifications in a profession related to yours? And already there you can make the most of all your experience and knowledge.
  • Considering that the first time will be hard, think - will your loved ones support you? Is it that stable financial position your family so that you can not worry about him for a while? Is there a financial cushion, bank account, or stash under the mattress?
  • What opportunities will your new profession bring to your career? If prospects new job- the question is clear as day, but on the old one - there is nowhere to advance, this is another plus in favor of changing the field of activity.
  • Don't leave your old job by slamming the door. There is no need to spoil relations with bosses and colleagues - what if you have to return? Leave so that you are expected there with open arms at any time of the day.
  • Remember that employers are very wary of employees who change jobs after 30-40 years. But you, as a beginner, have undeniable advantages over youth - you have the experience of an adult, you do not rush to extremes, do not rely on emotions in making decisions, you have family support.
  • Change of job and change of field of activity are two different things. ... In the first case, you are able to achieve a lot, thanks to experience and skills, in the second, you will start from scratch, as a university graduate. This can be a serious psychological test. If your nerves are steel ropes, then no one will stop you from implementing your plan.
  • Answer the questions: Have you reached the ceiling that is generally possible in this profession? Or is there still something to strive for? Do you have enough education to change your profession? Or do you need time for additional education? Is your usual work exclusively torture and hard labor for you? Or can a change of team solve this problem? In your field of activity, you are already almost a "pensioner" or for the next 10-20 years no one will tell you - "forgive me, old man, your age has already gone beyond our qualifications"? Of course, if your profession from all sides today is a continuous dead end, then you need to change it, without much hesitation. But if you have any doubts, then carefully and scrupulously weigh your wishes and possibilities.
  • It's easy to cross out your experience and knowledge in a youthful way by starting everything from scratch. But an adult, unlike youth, is capable of run ahead, look from the side and make a choice in terms of efficiency. That is, use your experience and knowledge to further development rather than dumping them into the garbage chute.
  • Much will depend on your strong desire to learn and develop. , as well as from a specific age, from activity, from character and potential. If you are used to leading, then it will be psychologically difficult to work for subordinates.
  • Decide what you are closer to: you are looking for a decent old age and stability, or you want to fulfill the place of your whole life, in spite of everything (including a small salary and other difficulties).
  • If you are firm in your decision, do not put it off on the mezzanine. ... In the end, professional throwing can lead you to a dead end and pretty shake your nerves.
  • If in doubt, then start by learning a new profession as a hobby. Gradually gain skills and knowledge, probe the prospects, have fun. The moment will come when you will understand - it's time! Or - "well, him ...".
  • Study the job bank for your future profession. Can you find a job? What salary awaits you? How strong will the competition be? You will not lose in any way if you choose, and you will systematically master it, no matter what.

Of course, radically changing your life is a difficult process that requires remarkable strength, perseverance, determination ... By a certain age, we acquire not only experience and wisdom, but also obligations, fear of the unknown and "overwhelming."

But if your dream deprives you of sleep at night - go for it! Just set a goal and move towards it, in spite of everything ... There are many examples of successful career change at the age of "over 40".

The main thing is to believe in yourself!

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Most often, the questions of changing the profession begin to be asked at the age of 30. This is evidenced by the data of "" - a service that helps to find their vocation: it is at this age that people most often turn to the vocational guidance test in order to better know themselves and their strengths.

At the age of 30, a specialist already has experience in one profession, achievements and an understanding of what he likes or does not like to do. We interviewed four heroes who decided to change their profession, and learned from a career psychologist why a crisis occurs at this age and how best to organize a profession change.

What services would you like to take money for?

Maria Shumikhina, psychotherapist and coach, board member of the International Association for Psychoanalysis of Business and Organizations

“By about the age of 30, we have accumulated a critical mass of observations: is the path that I chose earlier, where it can lead me, is effective, does it give me satisfaction, a sense of meaning and recognition? All this is very important factors... A better understanding of yourself and your needs appears. Plus, by this time, as a rule, a person has accumulated sufficient resources to be able to regroup and start investing his time and energy differently.

It is necessary to approach the change of profession intelligently. It is worth starting with the questions: how can I change the situation to my advantage? How can I use my accumulated capital?

But a sharp desire to change everything can be a symptom of personal crisis and accumulated disappointment, sometimes even despair and a feeling of hopelessness.

This happens when a person has grown to the maximum level of responsibility for himself and can no longer tolerate it. In these situations, you need to be careful, because there is a high probability of incorrectly assessing risks and making decisions under the influence of emotions.

To help a person in a situation of professional crossroads, I usually ask the question: "For what services would you like to take money with pleasure?" Sometimes people are visited by the most unexpected ideas: "I would like to make furniture so that it would stand in people's homes and make them happy." The concept “I want to please people, make their life better and that they pay me for it” is not always realized, but this is a frequent motive when changing a profession at the age of 30–35. This is how a lot of chefs, restaurateurs and ... psychologists appear.

In this way, we satisfy our basic need for recognition, which is especially acute in times of crisis. Therefore, sometimes a person happily remains in the old profession, when the lack of recognition is somehow compensated.

When moving into a new profession, you need to consider the encounter with fear. New space always creates stress. Remember, when you come to a new group of people, at first you feel confused and discounted, until you meet with support, acceptance, at least from one person. The more support you can get on the new path, the easier it is to go.

It is also good to use your accumulated expertise in the old profession as a resource.

Remember, the more resources you have: faith in yourself, support and recognition, money, the ability to learn, the more successful your new professional realization will be. "

Transferring a hobby into a profession

Ksenia Martirosova, 31, Moscow: formerly a communications leader, now the owner of her own fitness startup.

Until the age of 30, I worked in communications: in the press service of Beeline, in MTS, Mail.Ru Group, I was in charge of the PR department of Mango Telecom. I don't have a beautiful story about how I dropped everything and left. But there is a very pragmatic approach.

At first, fitness became my hobby and I successfully developed in it. After some time, I decided to participate in competitions, and a little later clients began to appear. At that moment, all these directions converged on one point - almost round-the-clock work in the office, my training, client training and preparation for the competition. When I realized that I can make money doing what I really like, and time is limited and life is short, I set my priorities. Refused to work in the office and started working on her own business in the fitness area.

The transition itself was smooth. I started developing my fitness product before leaving my main job. It's just that one day I stopped going to the office and there was more time for business development. Therefore, there was no fear. But one day there was discomfort. I sat at home and made individual program for a client, when I was suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling that all my colleagues are now going to drink coffee, and I am sitting alone. It became sad. But I quickly found a solution: now I prefer offline meetings and more often go to specialized events.

It was 1.5 years ago. Now my business is at its initial stage: I already have my own team and product online. I plan to scale, where experience in marketing and working in large corporations helps a lot.

At the same time, I think that phrases like “Turn your hobby into work and you won't have to work a day” is nonsense. You will have to work in any case. You can get paid for work and spend it great on hobbies. Therefore, it is not necessary to strive for such a combination.

Professional burnout

Anna, 43, Moscow: from an IT executive to massage therapists and back.

I was 39 years old. I worked as an international project manager for a large Russian bank. At some point, a situation came when I physically and psychologically began to feel that I felt bad, I hate work and hate myself, I had to stop it. Now I understand that it was just burnout.

At that time, I just left. My husband and I left for Latin America, where we traveled for six months and did nothing. Six months later, I began to want to physically do something and began to sort out the options, what exactly. The desire to be a masseur came. Returning to Moscow, I entered the Institute of Restorative Medicine as a massage therapist, and a prerequisite there was an internship in the hospital. And when I arrived at the hospital, there was a turning point, because my whole life I was an IT specialist with a laptop, in a suit and heels. And then I come and they say to me: “Okay. Neurology, sixth floor. Massage the bedridden. "

I walked along the corridor and looked into the open rooms. There were people lying there. Paralyzed, young, old, thin, overweight, clean, dirty, some have relatives, some do not. And I understood that I did not know what would happen next. Whether I can or not. I will be sorry, I will be disgusted, it will be hard for me, I will like it. I found myself in a situation that I had never been in my life. And there was a desire to turn around and leave. It was scary. But I decided to see what would happen.

At that moment, a switch took place in the hospital and I realized that there is some part of me that I have never realized, that I have so many resources to be calm, to be helpful, to be analyzing. There were people who lay for several months, and at first their fingers began to move, then their hands, and they said: “Daughter, come. I have been in bed for the third month, and I began to move. " Before that, I had never had the opportunity in my life to meet such a person. Great acceptance of people has come. Understanding that there are no ugly people, there are no “not such” people, but there is a feeling with your hands that a person is just warm, and this is all that is needed: to be relaxed, healthy.

She worked as a masseur for four years. I returned to the IT sphere by coincidence: I lost my child, I was depressed, and it was impossible to work as a massage therapist, and I could not do anything. Everyone twisted their fingers to their temples and said that you can't return to a serious profession after four years of massage. But from the very first publication of my resume and interview, I went to work, on conditions suitable for me, and I still work.

The quality of acceptance I received while working as a massage therapist has changed me a lot and influenced my work in the IT profession. Has ceased to be conflicting, categorical. Became more compromise. Working with me has become much more comfortable, projects are now going differently.

Of course, when I left the profession for the first time, it was scary to be left without money. But then, already working as a massage therapist and having an appointment for two months in advance, I realized that, no matter what profession I am, my quality to work for the result and constantly improve will lead me to a certain success. It became calmer for myself.

Desire for creative realization

Sergey Lebedev, 35 years old, St. Petersburg: from banking to managing his own bar and creativity

I worked for 9 years at Sberbank of Russia in various positions, including those in management positions. For about 30 years I realized that I do not want to work in the system, but I want to develop what brings pleasure - singing songs, writing poetry and drinking craft beer. The transition was very difficult, long and took about three years. It was not even a change of profession, but a change of consciousness.

All this time, I studied vocal with a teacher 2-3 times a week, played in amateur theater, graduated from the University of Film and Television in musical sound engineering (before that there were three economic educations: SPETK, INZHEKON, MBI) and, of course, wrote poetry and songs.

In addition, in Sberbank, in addition to career development, there was a lot of creative work. Many went home after 18:00, but my friends and I had our own KVN team and the Sberbank Youth Union. We performed at the best concert venues in St. Petersburg.

He left Sberbank in 2015, but after a while he returned to another company, because the habit of working in the office did not give up. Around this time, I realized that I would become a father, and nevertheless decided on cardinal changes.

Now my wife Katya and I have a craft bar called Beer & cake’s. We were not afraid to make it and open it in the last months of her pregnancy. I write poetry and songs. Yes, it's difficult, but I'm glad that I'm going to my dream and I'm not lying to myself.

Financial ceiling

Samaya Jafarova, 28 years old, Moscow: from an IT marketer to a variety of professions and back, but with a new hobby.

I realized that I had reached the ceiling and I want to move somewhere else, at the age of 26. Everyone was talking about freelancing, working remotely from home or Bali. I thought about how I could start working remotely and live for six months in Bali. The first decision I made was to leave the office. So I was able to devote more time to finding what interests me. During the year I was looking for my destiny, sorting out different professions... It was important for me to find something to burn with. During this year I managed to work as a pastry chef, stylist, teacher in kindergarten, had her blog. But a year later I realized that I had already found my purpose - I want to do marketing.

It turned out that I love my profession very much. I realized this not because in other areas it did not work, but because marketing gave me many advantages in each of the chosen professions. In marketing, you are always on the wave and ahead of everyone else, especially if it is marketing in the IT field. I realized that I want to be in trend, to be successful, I want to continue doing IT marketing, and returned to the profession.

But the thought that at some point I would grow to my funding threshold, and the desire to someday live for six months in warm countries did not leave me. Then I began to think about what topics I am interested in, and I realized that this is investment. And since the age of 27, investing has become my hobby. I have been actively engaged in it for a year and a half. First I invested in real estate, for me it is a safe and basic asset.

Now I am engaged in this area in my free time. I think this will be my next step. Most likely, it will be a more risky type of investment - investment in cars, equipment or securities. I feel very happy and I am proud to say that my hobby is investing. When there are no active processes, it takes about 2 hours a day, because you need to monitor what is happening in the market. It does not require any additional serious training at this stage. Now on the Internet there are many sources, master classes, a lot of information on Instagram and a community in which you can communicate with people and do something together. At the same time, I continue to actively develop in marketing, because, taking into account my hobby, it is important for me to be one of the first to receive all the most relevant market news.

It is reasonable to choose or change a profession at the age of 30 in 2 hours. What profession is right for you, career guidance 30+.

There are quite a few people in the world who, by the age of 30, have not yet decided on a profession. They hang out in different areas of the restless. There are many who have chosen a profession, but made a serious mistake. The fact is that they did not choose the profession themselves, but went where their mother said or where the USE scores allowed. At the age of 30, consciousness began to wake up and they asked the question: what profession is right for me?

Choosing a profession at 30

It is not surprising that it is at the age of 30 that the first agonizing desire to change the field of activity appears. This is a time of personality crisis. New needs have grown, but it is impossible to satisfy them with old tools. This means that new tools are needed for a new profession.

New needs

New needs are, first of all, needs in sense, and then in working conditions, in greater or lesser risk, in comfort, in working with that, not this object, with these and not those people, and finally, in money. At the age of 30, when you are no longer in a kindergarten, not at school, not at an institute and have even tried professions, you have risen to a certain height from which you can survey your past and future. And now that you are 30 years old and stand on this summit, you can choose.

Which profession to choose?

You need to understand this thoroughly, to separate what you want from the generally accepted. Happiness at work never lies on the roads that everyone walks. You have to look around you and inside yourself and find something special.

Career guidance: how to choose a profession at 30

You are a man or a woman, but all the same - at the age of 30 and change the profession, and choose it for the first time, and meaningfully - you can with great success. What should be done for this? First, of course, think over the options that suit you, think over the criteria by which you choose. The most difficult. But there are vocational guidance specialists: they know the profession and they are also psychologists.

In ProfGid, this work is done in 2 hours. How we do it -. As a result, together with a vocational guidance specialist, you will choose one profession that pleases you, with the help of it you will be able to earn decent money, you will have a clear picture of the future, a plan for several years, you will receive materials about the chosen profession and a list of good ones. educational institutions(courses).

One life, be happy!

Sometimes life looks well-ordered - there are children, a usual job, a loving husband, but there is no feeling of happiness. In this case, it is worth considering whether this profession has been chosen as the work of a lifetime. Such reflections lead to the emergence of natural questions, for example, where to go to study at the age of 30 for a woman? And at first glance, it is difficult to answer immediately.

Reasons for changing jobs after 30 years

Even after 35 years, you can start your professional career from scratch. However, women are afraid of the opinions of others, they believe that they will be condemned. It is important to remember that the reasons for changing jobs are different and are not subject to discussion by outsiders.

Young girls often start working just to earn money. In this case, there is no need to talk about the work of a lifetime. By the age of 30, a decision is made to change the place of work, because it often does not bring moral satisfaction, although there are happy exceptions.

When choosing a profession in high school, it is difficult to decide what you want to do all your life. Then the parents make the practical choice for the child. So at the age of 30 comes the understanding that you are not living your life.

Some professions may become obsolete because technologies are evolving. It is difficult in adulthood to realize that mechanisms can do better work, the study of which has been devoted so much time and effort. Along with this reason, there is a decree, after leaving which the young mother realizes that she no longer has a place in the company.

Changing priorities is often the reason for a change in the once favorite job. After 35 years, a person can understand that due to a busy schedule, little time was devoted to children who are in a hurry to grow up, relationships with the other half are bursting at the seams and their own health is neglected. In this case, career and high salary recede into the background.

30 years is a milestone at which priorities are being revised. Changing direction is a well-considered decision that is difficult to make and discussed in a family council. At the age of 20, we easily choose a profession, start a relationship, go to study in a foreign city, because whole life ahead. But how do you change your profession at 30?

Is it true that the field of activity is bored - the first thing to find out. This can be fatigue, unwillingness to work for low wages, underestimation by the management. Such problems are solved by changing jobs, taking an extra leave or raising qualifications.

If the job still does not suit you, you cannot blame yourself for the wrong choice in the past. Self-flagellation only slows down the movement along the steps of self-development.

The next stage is the choice of a new sphere. It is important to study everything to the smallest detail so as not to make mistakes again. To do this, it is useful to read thematic articles, forums and communicate with representatives of the profession. Having made the final decision, you cannot cut off the ends with the old work in an instant. It is important to maintain friendships with colleagues and superiors, because connections are an essential resource. They can also help with new employment.

Employers are rarely enthusiastic about newcomers in their field. Do not worry, it only interferes, you need to be confident and remember that behind your back is the baggage of life experience and knowledge, even if not on the wrong topic. In addition, there is an opinion that it is easier to educate a beginner than to retrain a professional. There are employers who adhere to this theory.

Where can you go to study?

Depending on the goals pursued, there are several options for acquiring a new education:

  • online courses;
  • offline courses;
  • distance learning at a university or college;
  • distance learning at a university or college;
  • independent study.

All methods, except for the last one, imply the possibility of obtaining an official document on education. This is an argument for the future employer, because without experience, a document is the only proof of qualifications.

It is advisable to study at the age of 35 on courses. They often last less than a year, which is convenient compared to lengthy university studies. But in the absence at this moment higher education it is worth thinking about getting it, because its very presence is highly valued when hiring.

When choosing courses, you need to be guided by the reputation of the organization that conducts them. How employers will react to the certificate depends on it. The same aspect affects the quality of the acquired knowledge, on which a woman's career depends. For example, many leading universities provide such services both online and offline.

You can independently study activities that do not need to be certified. For example, you can learn to quickly work on a computer, do needlework, cut, sew, etc.

The most promising areas for women to change their profession

When choosing who to go to study, you should not neglect popular professions. Having learned from them, you can get a job in short time since there is a demand for specialists.

The most promising areas for women:

  • confectioner;
  • manicurist;
  • hairdresser;
  • barista;
  • specialist in electronic warehouse accounting;
  • logistician;
  • florist;
  • accountant;
  • landscape designer;
  • interior designer, etc.

When considering how to change careers, it is useful to build on existing experience. For example, it is easier for an accountant to retrain as a logistician or storekeeper, because he knows how to structure information and work with numbers. Representatives creative professions(architect, artist) will easily master such specialties as interior designer, florist, pastry chef, etc. They require a non-standard approach and the ability to fantasize.

The transition from a hobby to a profession

Women often reveal their talents during pregnancy and on maternity leave. Knitting, embroidery, cooking are little things that mom masters during this period.

Needlework can be beautiful and unusual, and the process can be enjoyable. In this case, the hobby can be transferred to the category of permanent earnings. Quality and personal style are the key to the success of this venture. It is important to constantly improve your skills through video tutorials, the help of familiar needlewomen, books. Materials must be High Quality since word of mouth is the source of popularity.

Hobbies are not necessarily handicrafts. Knowledge of languages, travel, skiing and the ability to get up on the bridge can also be a means of earning money. All this can be taught to others, or you can translate texts and write fascinating articles about other countries. After 30 years, it is especially clear that knowledge has accumulated in areas other than the main job.

How to find a job that matches your hobbies? You need to interest those around you with your products or knowledge, friends and relatives often become the first clients, who advise the service to their colleagues and acquaintances. In this case, organizational skills are important to start a business.

Change of office job to freelance

Every office worker wanted to change his job to freelance at least once in his life. This activity has a number of obvious advantages:

  • irregular working hours;
  • you can set the desired wages;
  • the scope of work is chosen by the contractor independently;
  • you can work from home;
  • the employee decides with whom to cooperate.

At first glance, the picture is rosy. But for the time being it is better to postpone the statement about leaving office work, freelancing has negative aspects as well:

  • time must pass from the start of work to a stable high income;
  • working from home relaxes and reduces productivity;
  • you need to be able to find a job on your own;
  • there are unscrupulous customers;
  • it is necessary to constantly improve in the profession.

For the transition to freelancing, it is important to have a cash cushion that will help keep you afloat at the beginning of the journey. Throughout all activities, you must adhere to financial plan, in which expenses are clearly allocated and circumstances in which income volatility will manifest themselves. For example, health insurance will save you from financial ruin when you are sick.

At home, everything is distracting, from relatives to dust on the table, so you need an office and a working atmosphere in it. In the absence of a separate room, a fenced-off work desk will do. Productivity directly depends on discipline, and, accordingly, earnings.

It is possible to safely change your job to freelance only if you have a business plan and a responsible approach. A significant advantage of this activity is the absence of age requirements.

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Change of profession, I want to change profession, how to change profession at 30-40 years old for a woman, a psychologist on how to change profession, how to change profession for a man at 30-40 years old. Psychologist's blog.

Many people believe that changing jobs, professions, city or even country, life will sparkle with new colors, and old problems will evaporate, as if they did not exist. This is an illusion, and it shatters to smithereens pretty quickly, because you can't run away from yourself, no matter how hard you try. People who tend to use the zeroing strategy often exhibit avoidant behavior, are reluctant to solve problems, or are looking for easy ways to overcome existing difficulties.


Of course, there are situations when it is really useful to find a more suitable place of work or another profession where you can maximize your self-realization. However, if you notice that you are stepping on the same rake, situations are repeated, it is worth listening to yourself: what is your role in creating these problems? What do you want to run away from once again?

It must be remembered that a career change is not a cure for all problems. If you are unhappy with your relationship with your partner, the level of your income, if your life seems insipid to you, and the world is seen in black and white, you should tackle these issues first of all, determine how you can change the situation for the better, what to add or remove from your life, how to color it and make it bring more satisfaction and joy.


Below I consider several typical situations and give recommendations:

1) " I got bored, I studied my profession up and down, and it no longer inspires me". This perception is explained by two reasons: either your interests and priorities have changed, and this activity has lost its former meaning for you, or you do not see further development in your profession, and it seems to you that you have reached the ceiling. In the first case, you should think about changing your profession, and in the second, take a closer look at successful colleagues, explore the real prospects in your work.

Let's say you work as a makeup artist, you have clients, a stable income, but the passion for this occupation is gone. Will you be inspired by the goal of becoming the best makeup artist in your city? And in the region? It is quite possible that the love for the profession will return if you become a star in your business, set a goal to go beyond the boundaries that you have created for yourself, see new horizons and get real recognition in the profession.

2) " I like my profession, but it is low-paid "or" in another profession it is easier to make money". It is worth checking to see if your assumptions are correct. Our vision is often limited by our own experiences and the beliefs of our environment. Research relevant vacancies on job search sites, what is the real maximum income in your profession. Perhaps you just need to change jobs? In addition, it is worth remembering that if it was easier for your friend to increase his income in his chosen profession, which you are now looking at, this does not mean that everything will be the same for you.

3) " My profession is not prestigious, I want something more status". Of course, you can change your occupation to a more popular one in society, but does this guarantee success in this business, satisfaction with what you will be doing? More than once I have heard from clients that both the profession is prestigious and wage wonderful, but does not bring joy, because the interests lie in another area, the activity does not correspond to personal values, so it turns out that outwardly self-realization is, but the person is unhappy.

4) " I never liked my profession". If you have made a choice in favor of this type of activity in order to please your loved ones, or because it was easier to enroll in this specialty at the university, or because this profession seemed prestigious and highly paid to you, then it is time to seriously think about finding a new occupation, to do, finally, choice in favor of oneself.


For the reasons listed, it is worth changing the profession, if your interests and values ​​have changed, you really have reached the ceiling in your activity, and it has lost its special meaning for you, you have been trained or tried yourself in another profession, and you like it, or you realized that the choice of your current profession was wrong and does not allow you to fulfill your potential.

It is very important that a new occupation for you is not only interesting, but gives you the opportunity to reveal your talents and abilities, so that your uniqueness, what distinguishes you from others, is reflected in this profession.


Another problem that you often have to face when changing your profession is resistance from loved ones, their rejection of your plans, and sometimes open obstacle. Parents who at one time paid for tuition or consider your profession prestigious and reliable in terms of employment, a spouse who does not want to endure time constraints in finances or is sure that nothing will work out for you, friends who do not understand why you are leaving well paid work, or maybe relatives who are used to borrowing money from you and are worried that they will no longer have such an opportunity.

In any case, it is important to convey to your loved ones the reasons for your choice, give a good reasoning, let them know that you value their contribution and care for you, and ask them to give you a chance to make your own decision. After all, you have the right to make mistakes, this is a valuable experience that will help you in life. You should not immediately quit your current job and go nowhere, make sure, find a new job, get an education, and, if possible, work experience (part-time employment). Prepare for the change thoroughly - this will strengthen your position in conversation with loved ones and increase the chances of their acceptance of your choice.

It can also be helpful to raise the issue of quality of life that a job you hate is unlikely to make you happy, it will affect your mood and your relationships with others. And do not forget that you are an adult, a free person and have the right to make independent decisions.


Finally, the main question that clients most often come with is how to decide on a change? How to find courage and jump into the unknown? As mentioned above, the more you prepare for a career change, the less stressful the transition will be. In this matter, I would like to pay special attention to its psychological aspect.

What's the hardest part about changing your profession?
Most often it is not knowing which activity will find the greatest response in your heart and will correspond to your values, as well as the normal human need to remain constant, habitual way life. Ignorance of one's interests and abilities, low self-esteem, lack of faith in oneself, as well as the obligatory loss of stability and the need to leave the comfort zone stops a good portion of people and forces them to continue working at their unloved work.


1. Determine what scares you the most about the upcoming change of activity. Check to see if these fears are grounded, are you exaggerating the scale of the tragedy in case you fail, are you trying to create a long list of excuses, in other words, are there any signs of avoidance behavior?

2. What resources can you use, what to rely on on the way to the desired change? What skills, abilities and knowledge of yours can be useful in a new profession, what experience can you use for an easier start? Who can I contact for help and support? Do you have a financial safety net for the first time?

3. What do you need to change your profession? Can you yourself identify your interests, inclinations and abilities, or is it worth contacting a specialist? What kind of education do you need to get and where is it better to do it? What experience is important to gain and how long will it take to become in the profession? How realistic are your expectations of yourself and your new activity?

4. Think of situations when you took a step into the unknown despite fear, doubt and uncertainty. Write down these valuable experiences, including the benefits you gained by making the decision to change. This will serve you as a good support and a reminder that we always feel fear and uncertainty when we do something new, this is normal, but at the same time you are able to act and achieve goals.