How to change your life for the better - where to start, advice from psychologists. How to abandon the usual way of life and change your lifestyle? Billions of people around the world are alive thanks to the advent of vaccines, antibiotics and good hygiene

The modern rhythm of life is built in such a way that it simply does not even allow us to think about the fact that we may not be moving quite where we need to. Just do the math: the average working day is 8 hours, the average sleep is another eight hours. From the remaining eight, subtract the travel time from work / work, food, cooking, cleaning the apartment, shopping at the store. Even if we consider that a person does not have any very time-consuming addiction like watching TV shows or computer games, then he has at best an hour or two a day for self-development.

This is provided that the person has a clear daily routine and there are no various useless waste of time. If a person is densely and often sits on social networks or is fond of watching TV content, then he simply does not have time to even think about his life, its vector.

Is this happening by accident? Most likely no.

A person is deliberately loaded with information and vanity in order to fill that void in life, which is a lever that pushes a person to cognition of himself, the world around him, and most importantly, to those issues that call into question the prevailing system of values. That is why in our society all sorts of destructive "traditions" are actively implanted, such as "sleeping off" on weekends, and spending the rest of the day watching TV.

That is, even on his legal day off, a person does not have time to at least sit in silence and think about his life and his path. However, everyone is the creator of his own destiny and the artist of the landscape of his life. We all live in a reality where there are 24 hours in a day, but some of us find time for self-development, and someone spends this time, for example, to bring to life some sophisticated recipes. Everyone has their own values.

But a simple thing should be understood. What we spend our time on today, tomorrow will determine the vector of our movement. Today we are in the same situation to which we applied our strength yesterday.

How to change your life for the better

Despite the fact that the situation is rather sad, you should not despair, because, as already mentioned above, each person has the power to change everything. And there is no situation that cannot be influenced, it is just a matter of effort and time. If you have already realized that the vector of your movement in life is not leading you in exactly the right direction, this is already half the battle. To realize that you are moving in the wrong direction means already to create a reason for changes in your life. And here it is necessary to consider such a concept as a "healthy lifestyle".

In today's world, where even the brightest concepts are distorted, a healthy lifestyle is understood as anything: from professional sports to "moderate drinking".

It should be noted that a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that benefits both you personally and those around you.

If a person just monitors his health (and sometimes very strangely follows, for example, not disdaining alcohol), but at the same time his goals in life and his motivations are selfish, then say that such a person is “healthy” in the full sense of the word, not necessary.

It would be logical to say that a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that excludes everything harmful. It is difficult to disagree with this.

What phenomena in our life can be called harmful? Alcohol, drugs, intoxicants, smoking - this is all clear, there is no particular sensation here. However, let's take a deeper look. If we talk more deeply about bad habits and harmful tendencies, then in essence everything that does not lead a person to development is harmful.

Thus, idle pastime like TV shows, meaningless conversations, gatherings at the table, excessive hobby for cooking (which sometimes takes all weekends) - these can also be called harmful things. The habit of being angry, using foul language, judging others, and gossiping also wastes our energy, distracts our attention and distracts from our true goals. Needless to say, these things won't do any good either? And in the framework of a healthy lifestyle, all this should be excluded.

Anything that does not lead to development, by definition, is harmful to us. Therefore, before taking any action, one should think: will this action lead to development? And if the answer is negative, then it is better to exclude this phenomenon from your life if possible. Always align your actions with your goals.

Agree: any action in one way or another wastes our vital energy and it is simply unreasonable to spend it on something that will not lead us to some positive result. It is worth noting that getting pleasure or entertainment, contrary to popular belief, is not a positive result, but rather the opposite. In general, a healthy lifestyle includes two important aspect: altruism and asceticism.

Our Universe is reasonable and fair, and if a person lives only for himself and everything that he has, he uses only for pleasure and selfish purposes, then sooner or later the Universe will begin to limit his abilities and resources, because the supply of the "cancer cell" just impractical. As for asceticism, then, as the life experience of many shows, no one has yet achieved success on the spiritual path, indulging in pleasures and entertainment. Moreover, it is impossible to achieve success in a purely material sphere if you spend time and resources on pleasure and entertainment.

There are simply no examples to the contrary. So, the main guidelines in life should be altruistic motivation and an ascetic lifestyle. Such a concept as "ascetic lifestyle" also has a wide range of applications. For some, three cars in the garage is an austerity, because to drive the same car twice a week - imagine such a monstrous inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, it should be noted here that asceticism is limiting oneself in needs to what is necessary from the point of view of objectivity. It should not at all be assumed that asceticism is about walking in rags, eating bread and water, and living in a cave. But it is important to understand that any thing that you possess is wasting your life energy, and you must have very good reasons to have this thing with you - these are just the basics of a rational outlook on life, and nothing more. And if you need a car in order to perform your activities for the benefit of others, then it should be purchased, and it will not be a luxury. Experience shows that it is altruism and asceticism that can change life for the better, and you should always check your actions in accordance with these concepts. Just as a traveler, setting off on the road, checks his movement with a map of the area, so we should regularly correlate our life path with these two concepts.

What can you change in your life

Even understanding all these seemingly simple things at the level of the mind, it is still difficult to immediately change your life. Yes, in general, this is not required. Experience shows that if a person begins to abruptly change the course of his movement, then according to the "principle of a pendulum" he returns him back, and sometimes throws him even further than he was at the time of the beginning of changes in his life.

Therefore, you should not show fanaticism and drastically change something: quit your job, stop communicating with former friends who lead a different lifestyle, conflict with relatives on the topic of food, entertainment, leisure, and so on.

Start small: track what bad habits or negative tendencies in your mind you have.

You can just write down on paper everything that you do regularly, and honestly ask yourself the question: "What result will this lead to?" If you think deeply on this topic, then you can clearly make a list of those things that are best removed from your life. And further it is important to form a clear intention to move in this direction. It is important to understand that habits are formed over the years, or even decades, and “start life on Monday”, let's be realistic, is unlikely to succeed.

Imagine a situation where a person decides to start running in the morning. Someone inspired him, maybe some of his friends started running, maybe he read on the Internet about how useful it is, or just wanted to quickly lose weight. And so a man, showing incredible willpower, gets up at six in the morning and starts running 5-10 km at once. Perhaps he will even succeed in this in the first days and the body even quickly adapts, and at the physical level he will somehow survive it. But his psyche will simply not be able to withstand such drastic changes and, experiencing such austerity for a week, one morning his mind will simply arrange a "strike", his hand will angrily throw the alarm clock, and the whole healthy lifestyle will end there. The thing is that our oxpower also has a margin of safety, and it is very rash to hope that it will withstand any loads. And if the person from the example above began to run 2-3 kilometers a day, and even not every day, but three times a week, then his mind would gradually get used to such a load that a person could eventually increase and subsequently achieve the result of ten kilometers daily. It would take a little longer, but it would also be a long-term success.

It is also worth recalling the “21st day rule”. According to this concept, a new habit forms neural connections in the brain and takes root in human behavior during the 21st day. That is, it is enough to bring something new into your life (but, again, without too abrupt movements) and perform this action not for 21 days without interruption. This will allow the new habit to take root and become your new behavior. It's the same with old habits: stop doing any harmful action during the 21st day - and the neural connection in the brain, if it doesn't break at all, will weaken, and this will allow you to eliminate the bad habit from your life. This simple rule works with almost all dependencies.

How to change your life: where to start

Where to start changes in your life and how to do it so that everything does not end, as in the case of a novice athlete, an example of which is described above? First of all, you should create motivation for yourself. The person in our example gave up jogging for two reasons: first, he made changes in his life too dramatically, but much more importantly, the second: he obviously had no motivation. What's wrong with motivation? Experience shows that motivation, which is aimed at bringing benefits not only to oneself, but also to others, is many times stronger.

If, for example, this person (a novice runner) had a lazy, overweight friend who needed to be taught to run in the morning by keeping him company, most likely he would not have given up jogging, because he would have been responsible to his friend and understanding that retreating now means harming not only yourself, but also your friend. And, in fact, such motivation is very strong and keeps a person on the way, even when all the forces have left him and despair has covered his head. Understanding that you need to make an effort not only for yourself, but also for the sake of others, gives additional strength.

How do you create this motivation? When a person begins to change, everything around him changes, including the people who surround him. Thus, if you realize that you are not living quite adequately, and you understand that your environment is also going in the wrong direction in life, then you can create excellent motivation - to induce others to change your life by personal example. And then, you will see, it will be much more difficult to give up on everything. And the changes can affect everything: nutrition, bad habits, lifestyle, professional activity. If you can make changes in at least one of the areas of your life, believe me, this will entail global positive changes.

Even the transition to health food: the rejection of unhealthy foods, meat, alcohol, sugar, coffee, etc. can change our consciousness. After all, as it was said long before us: "We are what we eat." And, if our food becomes more blissful, positive changes will not be long in coming: suddenly thoughts will arise to do something positive for others, to do, for example, yoga, or just even start smiling at neighbors and colleagues.

Start small. From the very little thing. And according to the domino principle, the smallest change in the course of your life will lead you to a completely different result. This is the simple secret to changing your life.

It is also worth noting that everything is conditioned by the law of karma, and if a person created reasons in the past to change his life for the better, then he will subsequently have such an opportunity. Have you ever seen drunken alcoholics? Do you think they do not know that drinking is harmful?

They are simply not able to perceive this information, and this also happens for certain reasons. Experience shows that a person can take the path of self-development, and most importantly, successfully advance along it only if he himself helps others to develop. What goes around comes around. To develop yourself, you need to create reasons for this. Here a fair question may arise: "How to create such reasons?" Everything is very simple.

In order to face knowledge that can pull a person out of this swamp of ignorance, inertia and lifelong lethargy, in which most people now live, a person should disseminate knowledge himself. It is important to understand what kind of knowledge we are talking about. One can mistakenly believe that a teacher who gives knowledge to children at school will receive knowledge later. However, most of us have an approximate idea of ​​what knowledge, and most importantly, in what form teachers are disseminated in schools, so it is not necessary to say that this form of presenting knowledge and their quality will lead a person on the path of spiritual development.

What knowledge should be disseminated? First of all, knowledge about the law of karma. When a person is faced with the knowledge of the law of karma, he realizes that he himself created the reasons for his happiness and his suffering, and begins to perceive all life's difficulties as lessons, and not as injustice of the world around him. Related concepts follow from the concept of the law of karma: reincarnation and asceticism. When a person realizes that this life is not alone and that one must live it with dignity, so that in the next life he does not wag his tail somewhere at the meat-packing plant, he begins to move towards development and here he is faced with such a concept as "asceticism" - voluntary self-restraint with a goal accumulating energy and improving your personality.

So, if you try to spread knowledge among people at least about karma and related concepts, then create a reason for yourself for someone to tell you about it in your future life. Otherwise, most likely, you will not even have doubts that they are not telling the truth on TV and that you need to live somehow differently. And everyone who will talk to you about this in one way or another will be called “sectarians”. There are plenty of examples around.

And finally, it is worth noting that changes in your life should benefit not only you, but also the people around you. Then these changes will be harmonious and will remain in your life for a long time. Because in any business, the most important thing is motivation. And if she is altruistic, you will succeed.

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Often people feel a desire to change their usual way of life, which stopped bringing joy.

To become, it is enough to take a few simple steps.

What is a lifestyle?

Lifestyle Is a developed individual system of distributing your time for different kinds activity.

This concept includes the whole range of spheres of human life: with loved ones, personal relationships, demeanor, attitude to sports, leisure options, health care, moral principles, faith, etc.

The type of life gives rise to a certain behavior style, rules, habits and rituals. Its formation is significantly influenced by historical, geographical, national, age, professional aspects.

So, the conditions of existence of an Asian and a European are significantly different, even under the condition of the same age, profession, etc. It is also impossible to compare the professional duties of a doctor in the 18th century and a specialist in the 21st century.

Accordingly, a person cannot fully determine all aspects of his activity, a big imprint on the formation of his personal attitudes leaves the environment.

Lifestyle is not only an individual but also a group characteristic. It can unite or entire generations.

Types and examples

Basis of classification can serve as socio-cultural norms, goals, professional achievements, the desire for material wealth, attitude to family values, etc.

You can often hear about the following lifestyles:

  1. Strict... A person seeks to demonstrate that meets all existing norms. He will never do anything forbidden or illegal. He adheres to common sense in his actions. A similar attitude towards one's personality is transferred to others, to whom certain requirements are imposed. Any non-compliance with the norms of behavior or non-fulfillment of duties is considered by a strict person from an exclusively negative point of view.

    For example, it is not uncommon for large leaders, who are accustomed to be organized and demanding of others at work, to transfer this behavior into their personal lives.

  2. Rampant... In this case, the individual does not think at all about what impression he makes on others. Negative actions of others also do not cause him much condemnation. The main meaning of life is to get momentary pleasures. In the first place is entertainment, communication, all kinds of joys. Any duty is considered an unwanted hindrance.
    This behavior is often demonstrated by young people who do not have financial problems thanks to their wealthy parents. The absence of the need to take care of one's material well-being, the absence of clear goals in life gives rise to the desire for constant entertainment.
  3. Ordered... In this case, the individual exists in strict accordance with the order established by him. All duties are completed on time, and any events are planned in advance. A person tries to organize his existence in such a way that the probability of unforeseen events is reduced to zero. It should be noted that this lifestyle is not always a conscious choice. Often this happens under the pressure of external circumstances.

    For example, a young girl may start to lead an orderly life after the birth of a child due to the need to adhere to the daily routine of the baby. Her every day will be no different from the previous one.

  4. Ascetic... The individual is of the opinion that one should live as simply and modestly as possible. Most of the material goods and achievements of mankind do not interest him. All his desires are reduced to the satisfaction of basic, psychological and. Many amenities and entertainment are viewed as surplus without which one can live freely. Such self-denial is associated with the desire to free the soul from the harmful influence of the external environment, to gain maximum independence from those imposed by society. A real ascetic who has given up the benefits of civilization can have only a few pieces of furniture in his home, wear the same clothes for a long time, eat the simplest foods solely to support life, etc.
  5. Healthy... Such a lifestyle presupposes proper nutrition, adherence to hygiene standards, passion for sports, good sleep and rest. Healthy lifestyle supporters do not consume alcoholic beverages, do not smoke or are addicted to drugs.

    They care about the health of their body and do not accept any negative influences on it.

    A typical supporter of healthy lifestyles is a young man who visits the gym several times a week, does not have bad habits, adheres to the principles of proper nutrition, spends a lot of time in the fresh air, regularly undergoes preventive examinations by specialists.

  6. Modern... An individual who successfully adapts to the conditions that society dictates to him fits into the image of a modern person. He enjoys the achievements of civilization, is in the know, shares fashion trends and performs. At present, the modern type of existence is often understood as the pursuit of material goods, the desire for professional achievements, the ability to understand fashion trends and technical innovations.

How is it determined?

The lifestyle of a particular individual can be determined by a number of structural components:

  • value benchmarks(norms of behavior, moral principles, attitudes);
  • behavior model(habits, rituals, ways of interacting with others);
  • cognitive ability(ideas about the world, striving for knowledge, stereotypes);
  • communication skills(manner of communicating with others);
  • life goals(material benefits, professional development, family relations, spiritual development).

The constituents

This concept includes the following elements:

It should be noted that for most people, the phrase "lifestyle" associated with ideas about leisure.

When people ask the interlocutor the appropriate question, they want to hear about how the person spends his free time. In fact, this concept is much broader.

How can I change it?

Often there is a thought that the current life is no longer satisfying.

This can be caused by boredom, daily routine, an abundance of household chores, lack of room for self-realization, etc.

More often than not about the desire to change something in life appears in people who have no interest in their work and those who are unhappy in family life.

The personality must be constantly in development: gain useful experience, acquire new skills, expand your horizons, etc. The desire to change the lifestyle indicates the need for self-development, self-improvement.

A person at such a moment comes to understand that he is wasting his time and energy on solving issues that do not arouse any interest in him.

To change your lifestyle, you need to do the following:

So, a person's lifestyle is reflected in his behavior, interests, values ​​and activities. To achieve inner harmony, you need to define the desired goals and strive to achieve them.

Healthy lifestyle and health psychology:

Reading time: 3 minutes

The way of life is the specific conditions of the way of life that have developed historically, characteristic of an entire nation or one person. This category is so voluminous that it includes the historical traditions and national habits of the population, which are characteristic of each representative of the selected group of people and represent deep mental formations in comparison with the personal lifestyle or individual preferences of a person.

The way of life of a person is formed in the context of the society to which he belongs, reflecting the economic, political, social relationships that are developing in a certain territory. This is a global complex that forms the attitude towards one's own personal activity and the nature of production, the possibility of realization and interaction with people, as well as the forms of building these relations.

What it is

In the context of the official definition of the term, the way of life extends to the moments inherent in most people living in the same territory. This is due the same conditions social and economic formation, a common cultural base that forms the worldview, as well as the same cultural and social needs that are formed at the subconscious level, transmitted along with fairy tales and legends.

The way of life is firmly fixed in, since it is formed even before the controlling and analyzing elements of the psyche appeared, which make it possible to make a conscious choice. A child, being in a certain environment, receives exclusively the experience of interacting with it, he has examples of parental behavior and thus an internal program is built in about the existence of a single scenario for the development of events.

However, it's worth noting that lifestyles can change. The external factors of changing the way of life for the whole society include various leaps in technical development and situations leading to the degradation of the region (wars, natural disasters, etc.).

Internal factors can usually change the way of life of one or more involved people, without having a large impact on society. So this includes new personal experience, acquaintance with other cultures, received or forced situations of moving or other immersion in an unusual way. A person can evaluate what is happening and compare - it is the access to comparison that enables changes.

Formation of a way of life

The habitual way of life is formed on the basis of several factors covering all spheres of human activity. The paramount moment that determines the construction of a person's life, its image and, accordingly, the way of life, as a global category, is work. It is she who forms the free time, the standard of living, the possibility of self-employment or permanent hired labor. The professional activity prevailing in society forms not only its economic state, but also its spiritual and emotional development.

Such social inclusion also exists at an earlier age - here the way of life is formed by various educational establishments... Moreover, the importance of schools and universities is much higher than the workplace in the life of an adult.

So in the profession, the implementation of the inherent potential and the chosen path takes place, in the educational institution not only the way of life of a person is formed by imposing certain regulatory restrictions, but also the foundations are laid, ways social interaction, economic literacy. Accordingly, educational institutions, which are the translators of the main social prerogatives, can have the greatest influence on the formation of the way of life.

Leisure and its options are determined by the general level of a person's culture, however, options for available pastime affect the formation of a way of life. In places of free access to art and culture of world significance, there is a completely different perception of the rest of life.

The possibility of using the Internet was the most striking moment in changing the way of life through leisure activities. In just a few years, almost all interests and communication of people have been transferred to the digital space, where there is also its own hierarchy. Belonging to special communities and being aware of the latest events on the network can make a person their own among an unfamiliar company or completely isolate them from others. However, Internet resources have made a colossal breakthrough in blurring the differences between different countries and cultures. It is in this network space that its own way of life appears, regardless of geographic location, cultural characteristics and other factors, since the unifying moment is the interest of a person.

The development of technologies in the field of home improvement and modernization of cars leads to a change in economic conditions, social choices about the use of free time. Where earlier you had to ask for directions and take a long journey to an unknown point, now you can leave at any time and by the shortest road; everyday activities that take all weekends are now almost completely automated. This affects not only the daily, everyday side of the way of life, but formats the consciousness of a person, switches it to new values ​​of the goal, which leads to the emergence of new transformations.

How to change your lifestyle

The desire for change may arise because one's own life does not correspond to the desired image or incomprehensible events occur in it that are difficult to control, many are pushed to this by the feeling of living not their own life and many other problems. Initially, it is worth deciding what exactly the person wants to achieve and what to change in the way of life. For this, acquaintance with other cultures, communication with people who are not in the same society with him are well suited - this way, in practice, you can understand where to move.

The way of life is the most global habit that a person develops, and accordingly it can be formed. You can use the pattern of the formation of new actions in three weeks, but this is more relevant for the formation of new skills and will not work so quickly when changing a life direction. However, it is during these three weeks that the first stage can be formed, from which further deeper changes will begin.

If, on the way of changes, a person is faced with the insurmountability of external circumstances or, after a few months of life, according to other standards, he suddenly finds himself at the initial level, it means that the primary moments of motivation were not worked out and the answers were not given why it is worth striving for changes.

All motivation should have an inner justification, and not a desire to please a new acquaintance or a fantasy that after global changes happiness will come.

Having realized where a person wants to move, it is recommended to start with the formation of one new habit, a change in one direction of activity. Subsequently, the pace of development can be increased by taking on several directions at once. It is important in this place to form peculiar blocks of habits that are combined with each other or have a common base. For example, starting jogging can be combined with getting up early, and attending English courses can be supplemented with dancing in the same room. The development of new skills can be organized not only by learning, but by organizing exhibitions and demonstrations of your own - this will allow you to more involve new acquisitions in the living space.

Plan your schedule, achievements and new discoveries, while always trying to stay ahead of your established schedule - the higher the pace, the more interesting the process becomes, but if you drag on the same thing for a long time and slowly, all the original will dry up.

Attach people to your changes, let them be those who have already been in the way of life that you have chosen for yourself for a sufficient time, or at least specialize in one of its areas. It is not necessary to look for such people in the immediate environment and even communicate, it is quite possible to subscribe to a blog or video channel - this will remind you of where you are going and immerse you in the right atmosphere. It is impossible to change the country and habits without preparation, but this preparation will pass by or end in a month, if you do not read the news of the country where you have gathered, do not watch films in the original language and do not make friends on social networks from the city of dreams.

In addition to the global addition of the new, it is important to get rid of the old and obsolete - these are things, people, habits, everything that reminds of the old way of life. The more life changes, the less space should remain for the former, otherwise the desired changes will never come, there simply will be no room for them. It is impossible in principle to grow food in the garden and order it through an online store, it will not be possible to hang out all night in clubs, and at dawn to get up for a meditative run. There are always mutually exclusive things, and the new way of life, its changed way of life do not tolerate half measures.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

In addition, anthropogenic impact on the habitat causes environmental and economic damage associated with the loss of natural resources, the death of natural ecosystems, natural landscapes, the disappearance certain types and populations of flora and fauna, a decrease in the diversity of the natural world, and social losses due to a violation of the usual way of life of people, the destruction of the existing human environment.

The unevenness of gas consumption is determined by a number of factors of the lifestyle of the population, climatic conditions, characteristics gas equipment various consumers of gas, operating mode of enterprises.

The rural way of life has occupied and still occupies a significant place in the historical development of Russia.

Science invades all spheres of life imperiously. Thanks to the great scientific discoveries of the past, such as electricity, electromagnetic waves, the laws of aerodynamics, mankind uses the telegraph, telephone, radio, numerous electric machines, engines, and aviation technology. All this had a huge impact not only on the entire way of life, but also on production. Modern science opens up new possibilities in the development of production. The study of the atomic and molecular structure of matter laid the foundations for the creation of new materials and substances necessary for the needs of industry, agriculture and medicine. V last years chemical science paved the way for the creation of materials with desired properties. On the basis of the achievements of chemistry, biology and physics, such new areas of production activity as the microbiological industrial-gene industry appeared. Thanks to breeding, the most valuable varieties of wheat, oil crops, corn, sugar beets, etc. have been created in Russia.

Our habitual buying habits have become cumbersome, ineffective and contrary to current trends. Large department stores find they can no longer meet customer needs. Shopping centers began to resemble dinosaurs in the general way of life.

Competition for a student at the recruitment stage, responsibility for each of them during their studies leaves an imprint on the entire way of life of the university, in particular, pushes for a constant search for non-standard solutions, which should be honest, without deceiving parents and in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Kazakhstan.,

The distribution of gas consumption by hours of the day as a percentage of the total for local heating systems of residential and public buildings (Table IX-11) is mainly determined by the prevailing everyday life of the population and the work schedule of enterprises and therefore is relatively homogeneous in all major regions of the country.

It should also be emphasized that the regimes of consumption of gas and heat in general are relatively stable, both in housing and communal services and in the service sector as a whole, determined by the established traditional way of life of the population. This stability in modern conditions is especially high in cities and urban-type settlements, where significant changes in the regime of gas consumption in apartments and the service sector are observed, usually, only when revising the length of the working day and the number of working days per week. However, knowledge of the traditional way of life of the population

Wealth, comfort and security are deeply personal core values. Each of them is no better or worse than any other. But I do know that choosing which ones are most important to you often has a significant impact on your lifestyle choices. This is why it is important to find out which core values ​​are most important to you, especially when it comes to money and financial planning.

Secondly, under the influence of technical renewal of production, the objective world and way of life are changing dramatically, and qualitatively new needs arise. For example, with the advent of personal computers, video recorders, televisions of new generations on the market, people have a desire to buy them.

The implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress consists, on the one hand, in a more complete use of production capacities, raw materials and materials, including fuel and energy resources, and on the other, in the creation of new efficient machines, equipment, and new technological processes. The most characteristic feature of scientific and technological progress in the second half of the 20th century is the transition to a fundamentally new technological method of production. Its advantage lies not only in higher economic efficiency, but also in the ability to produce qualitatively new material goods, services that significantly change the entire way of life, priorities in life values.

Many people know examples of the successful formation of macro-logistic regional structures and systems in the EU countries, Southeast Asia, North America. Their experience clearly confirms the natural desire of countries for regional integration. This is facilitated by the similarity of political systems, ways of life of the population, traditions, the proximity of historical roots, the practice of using common sources of energy and raw materials, the conjugation of communications, the absence of trade and customs barriers. At the same time, the search for new growth reserves and the intensification of competition cause many companies and firms to seek new sales markets, cheap sources of raw materials and labor resources outside the national borders of their countries.

You can let the process take its course. Some parents teach their children to swim by submerging them in water so that the instinct for self-preservation forces the child to swim to the surface. They say that it turns out faster this way. This rather risky path will suddenly drown. Self-organization at first always requires a professional mentor. When a person changes their usual way of life, he always needs a mentor, regardless of the age of this person. Thus, a good decision would be an individual approach to each group regarding the provision of the services of an external mentor - leader (teacher, psychologist, organizer, etc.). This solution can be implemented with a set of three steps

All the variety of changes taking place in the economy, management, way of life in Russia can be represented as a set of projects

The co-operation of small producers is one of the most difficult transition processes. Although cooperation is close and understandable to the peasant, it nevertheless breaks the usual way of life associated with centuries-old farming on his plot of land, a way that forces the peasant to hold on to the plot the harder it is for him.

The general foundations and laws of socialist reproduction as a whole apply equally to all spheres of the economy, including the agro-industrial complex (LPK). At the same time, reproduction in this area has its own characteristics associated with the specifics of agricultural production - the main link of the timber industry complex, the characteristic features of socio-economic relations and the way of life in the countryside. These factors affect all the constituent elements of the reproduction process in the agro-industrial complex on the movement of the social product, resource potential and labor force, on the socio-economic structure of the complex.

The village way of life has a whole service to the village. The task is both

The transition of the Soviet countryside to large-scale socialist farming meant a great revolution in economic relations, in the entire way of life of the peasantry. Collectivization has forever rid the countryside of kulak bondage, class stratification, ruin and poverty. The reorganization of the countryside on the basis of Lenin's cooperative plan was the only correct way of accelerating the growth of the productive forces of agriculture, an indispensable condition for the planned development of the entire economy. Without the collectivization of agriculture, it would be impossible to build a socialist society. The experience of the USSR has won wide international recognition and is a major contribution to the theory and practice of communist construction.

This approach makes it possible to reduce all changes in the economy, management, and the way of life of an entire state to a system of investment projects, and their management - to investment management (they also say - investment management).

All the variety of changes taking place in the economy, management, way of life in Russia can be represented as a set of social, technical, organizational, and economic projects. If you learn how to manage these projects, and the decision-makers will listen to the recommendations of professional project managers, it can be argued that the reforms carried out in the country will be more successful.

We have traced how France emerged from the political crisis of 1848 with a fully centralized, monopoly banking system and one issuing bank. The development of the industrial revolution in France after 1850 very clearly revealed an acute shortage of credit institutions, and not only in the provinces, but also in Paris itself. Where there were no institutions designed to ensure paper circulation, there was accordingly no deposit banking business. The contrast with England was especially strong, where the provincial bankers with their knowledge of local life and connections, even without providing any additional services, at least accustomed the cautious provincial to the banking way of life. Courcelles-Senay especially emphasized the almost complete absence in rural France of any possibility of borrowing or lending, except through a local notary. Moreover, he also noted ["La Banque Libre", 1867] that for most of the year, farmers had idle cash balances at their disposal, as they received the proceeds from the crops and supplies they sold once at a certain time of the year, and the costs were borne by on a much more systematic basis and over a relatively long period of time. These balances could be deposited with local banks, if there were any, and used to issue short-term loans. In reality, the leftovers simply accumulated, and the savings accumulated in this way lay idle.

Geodemographic segmentation. It appeared relatively recently and combines the advantages of geographic and demographic segmentation based on the use of census data, in which information on the demographic composition of potential consumers is also grouped in a regional context. With this segmentation, it is assumed that population groups professing homogeneous tastes and habits, a similar style or way of life, having other similar parameters used in segmentation, usually live next to each other, in the neighborhood, in the same region or locality.

The world has developed different systems and strategies for the management of municipal property. Through the efforts of a number of authors of this book, an innovative option for managing the development of property of municipalities has been developed and is being implemented in practice, taking into account the existing features of the development of our society and the traditions of the Russian way of life. It is this option, called the "corporate strategy of municipal property management", is considered in the following text.

The situation at the enterprise could not but grieve, and not so much by the imperfection of production, as by some stubborn unwillingness to work at full strength. In addition, they did not hesitate to express their hostile attitude towards a possible future director. Nevertheless, A.R. Franchuk agreed to become the leader of this collective of many thousands. It was necessary to break the usual way of life, put an end to mismanagement and irresponsibility, people's lack of faith in their own strength.

The strengthening of national statehood could not take place] without changing the previous way of life, and in particular without relocating

Mandeville's pamphlet reflected the realities of life and touched the British public. Many perceived it as a challenge to public opinion. The most complete answer to this challenge appeared more than half a century later. It was given by A. Smith. First, in a direct form in the work The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), then in The Wealth of Nations. In the last book there was no direct polemic with Mandeville - it was a revelry on a more fundamental level. Mandeville's critical satire was based on the opposition of the emerging new bourgeois way of life and Christian morality. Smith tried to rethink these established moral attitudes themselves, taking into account changes in society. He perceives the logic of Mandeville's reasoning, but at the same time almost completely frees it from the moral critical beginning, which was main idea Fables .... Smith kind of flips the argument that pursuing private interests provides the public good.

Socio-psychological factors should also be taken into account when enterprises switch to multi-shift work, which in one way or another affects the personal interests of the worker and changes the usual way of life of his family. At the V.I.Lenin Uralelektrotyazhmash Production Association, when switching to a two-shift job, some of the workers indicated that they were not feeling well during the second shift. Disruption of biological circadian rhythms affected here. Women combining professional and family roles were also cautious about the two-shift. According to the data of medical and sociological surveys carried out among women workers of a number of enterprises, a third of them start working on the second shift when they are already tired (the influence of the so-called home shift).