How to find the main idea. How to determine the subject of the text? Algorithm for performing exercises. Examples. II. Explanation of the new material. Highlighting the main idea

Information processing

The main idea of ​​the text Is a concisely formulated subject of content. The implementation of the author's intention, which conveys his attitude to what he communicates, his assessment of the depicted. In other words, what the author wanted to say.

The ability to identify the main idea of ​​the text is very important. The quality of assimilation and the speed of understanding the text depend on it. The constantly growing volume of information forces not only schoolchildren and students to work with texts, but also adults. A quick selection of the main idea will reduce the time spent on reading, and will increase the volume of processed texts, making the work easier.

The Unified State Exam in the Russian language includes a task that tests your ability to adequately understand information (main and additional, explicit and hidden) of a written message and use text compression techniques. This is task A27. The task model assumes that you choose such an answer, where the text is shortened with the preservation of the full amount of information, while the main information is maximally expressed with a minimum expenditure of speech means. You need to correlate the content of the text with sentences where the basic information is compressed, and find a sentence in which the basic information, transmitted without factual errors, does not contain enumerations, additional detailed information.


In the original text of task A27, each option contains 3 sentences. The conclusion (answer to the question) is concluded either in the first or in the third sentence of the text; most often in the third.

Let's analyze the task proposed in the demo version of the exam.

Analysis of the task.

Read the text.

If you look at the map, you will see that Siberia is two-fifths of Asia. But Siberia surprises us not only with its size, but also with the fact that it is the world's largest treasury in terms of oil, gas, coal reserves, energy resources, huge forests. That is why much attention is paid to Siberia in the plans for the economic development of Russia.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) Siberia occupies two-fifths of Asia, and therefore much attention is paid to this region in Russia's economic development plans.

2) Siberia surprises us not only with its size, but also with the fact that it is the world's largest treasury in terms of mineral reserves.

3) In the plans for the economic development of Russia, Siberia is given great attention because huge natural resources are concentrated here.

4) Much attention is paid to the development of the world economy of Siberia, since this region occupies two-fifths of Asia and huge natural resources are concentrated here.

What information does the text contain? This text is about Siberia, which is given great attention in Russia's economic development plans. Firstly, Siberia is a huge area. Secondly, Siberia is the largest treasury in terms of oil, gas, coal reserves, energy resources, and vast forests. Which of these two argumentsthe main one and which is the secondary one? Of course, the main argument is the second. Siberia is given a great deal of attention in Russia's economic development plans, because it is the largest treasure trove. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the text in Answer # 3: In the plans for the economic development of Russia, much attention is paid because huge natural resources are concentrated here.


To solve this problem, you need to understand the meaning of the text.

Analysis of the task.

(1) Pauline's inflamed condition, and most importantly, her confused,
ambiguous speech - everything suggested the worst guesses, much worse than even Rodion's captivity or his mortal wound.
(2) - No, it's completely different here, - Fields shuddered and,
turning to the wall, took out from under the pillow a crumpled, read
(3) Subsequently, Varya was ashamed of her initial assumptions.
(4) Although rare transit trains did not stay in Moscow, the stations were nearby, and Pauline knew the address to Rodion.
(5) Of course, the command could not have allowed the soldier to leave the train to the Blagoveshchensky blind alley, then why at least he didn’t write a postcard with his own, beloved, on the way to the active army? ..
(6) So, this was his first frontline news with more than
two weeks late. (7) In any case, it will now become clear with what thoughts he went to war. (8) Varya impatiently unfolded the sheet, all pierced by a pencil - apparently, it was written on her knee. (9) I had to go up to the lamp to make out the dull, half-finished lines.
(10) Varya immediately stumbled upon the main place.
(11) “Perhaps the only reason, my dear, why everything was silent
That time, there was nowhere to settle down, Rodion wrote briefly, with unexpected fullness and straightforwardness, as in confession. (12) - We are all retreating for now, retreating day and night, occupying more advantageous defensive lines, as they say in the reports. (13) I was very ill, besides, and now I have not quite recovered yet: my illness is worse than any concussion. (14) The most bitter thing is that I myself am completely healthy, whole, there is not a single scratch on me yet.
(15) Burn this letter, I can tell you about it alone in the whole world, - Varya turned the page.
(16) The incident happened in a Russian village, which our
part took place in retreat. (17) I was the last in the company ... and maybe the last in the whole army. (18) In front of us on the road stood a local girl of about nine years old, quite a child, apparently at school, accustomed to love the Red Army ... (19) Of course, she was not very versed in the strategic situation. (20) She ran up to us with wildflowers, and it so happened, they got to me. (21) She had such inquisitive, questioning eyes -
it is a thousand times easier to look at the midday sun, but I forced myself to take a bunch of flowers, because I am not a coward, by my mother I swear to you, Polenka, that I am not a coward. (22) He closed his eyes and took it from her, abandoned at the mercy of the enemy ...
(23) Since then, I have kept that dried broom constantly with me, on my body, like a fire in my bosom, I am bringing it to the grave to put on myself, if anything happens. (24) I thought I would shed blood seven times before becoming a man, but this is how it happens, dry ... and this is a font of maturity!
- (25) Then two lines came across completely illegible.
- (26) And I don't know, Polenka, if my whole life will be enough to pay for that gift ... "
(27) - Yes, he has grown a lot, your Rodion, you are right ... - Varya said folding the letter, because with such a structure of thoughts, it is unlikely that this soldier would be capable of any reprehensible act.
(28) Embracing, the girlfriends listened to the rustle of the rain and rare,
fading car horns. (29) The topic of the conversation was the events
of the past day: an exhibition of captured aircraft that opened on the central square, an unfulfilled funnel on Veselykh Street, as they used to call it in everyday life among themselves, Gastello, whose selfless feat thundered all over the country in those days.

What does the hero's statement say: “I thought I would pour myself seven times before becoming a man, but how it happens, dry ... and this is a font of maturity!”?

1) The retreat of our troops takes place without fighting, without blood.
2) The author of the letter is incapable of committing any reprehensible
3) To become a real man, you don't always need to prove
physical strength, sometimes more important is the test of the strength of the spirit.
4) The author of the letter is not a coward and is not afraid of the upcoming battles.

The hero's statement speaks of the author's spiritual rebirth. The fighting has nothing to do with it, so the first option is wrong. There is no regret of the hero in the text, so the second answer does not fit. The author of the letter is not really a coward, but these words do not reflect the essence of the statement. So the correct answer is # 3.

1. Read the text.

Food gives a person the strength they need to live. The energy contained in food is converted into chemical energy in a very complex process - this process we call digestion. The nutrients obtained from food as a result of the digestion process are carried by the blood to all parts of the body, and when there are enough nutrients in the blood, we feel full.

1) A person receives the forces necessary for life as a result of digestion: energy from food is converted into chemical energy, and the blood carries nutrients throughout the body, saturating it.

2) The energy contained in food, as a result of a very complex process - this process we call digestion - is converted into chemical energy.

3) Nutrients obtained from food as a result of the digestion process are carried by the blood throughout our body.

4) Digestion is the process of converting energy from food to chemical energy.

2. Read the text.

Today, the preservation of the natural environment has become one of the most important tasks of society. Undisturbed landscapes are becoming a tremendous value, and they started talking about them as the greatest asset, as the natural heritage of mankind. It is important to remember that entering into inheritance rights presupposes not only the possession of this property, but also the concern for its preservation.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) A person forgets that the entry into inheritance rights presupposes not only the possession of any property.

2) Nowadays, undisturbed landscapes are talked about as an inheritance passed down from generation to generation.

3) Preservation of landscapes - the natural heritage of mankind - is one of the most important tasks of modern society.

4) Entering inheritance rights presupposes not only the possession of a certain property: the inheritance received must be preserved and augmented.

3. Read the text.

In the Arctic and Antarctic - the polar regions of our planet, as well as high in the mountains, the Earth's surface is constantly covered with ice and snow. Perennial ice accumulations are widespread here - glaciers, which form in those places where the snow accumulated over the long winter does not have time to melt in summer. Glacial ice contains few impurities, and when melted, the purest water is obtained from it, which is now increasingly used for medicinal purposes.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) Glaciers form in those places where the snow accumulated over the long winter does not have time to melt in the summer - in the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as high in the mountains.

2) In the Arctic, Antarctic and high in the mountains there are glaciers - perennial accumulations of ice containing little impurities, when melted, the purest water is obtained, used for medicinal purposes.

3) High in the mountains, the surface of the Earth is constantly covered with ice and snow, which contains few impurities and is used for various purposes.

4) Pure water can be obtained only from ice, which is formed in those places where the snow accumulated during the long winter does not have time to melt in summer, that is, in the polar latitudes.

Each text has a main and a secondary one. The ability to highlight the main thing can help reduce the time of working with a text or document by 50%.

Strong text positions

To assimilate what is written means, first of all, to understand what the text is about, to grasp its essence. It is easier to remember and assimilate the main thing, the main thing, than the text as a whole. It should be remembered that any text has several "strong" positions. First, it is the heading, as well as the subheadings, if any. You should not ignore this position of the text, since the main thing, what will be discussed in the text, is logically put into the title. This is the first step towards understanding the main idea of ​​the text. Secondly, the very beginning of the text contains what is important for revealing its main idea.

We are looking for the main thing

In expanded texts, not one, but several thoughts can be realized. But among them it is necessary to find and isolate the main one. To do this, you should read the text thoughtfully, without haste, with a pencil in hand, noting in the course of work important, in your opinion, words and phrases. According to the teacher Kamensky, the initial mood for thoughtful reading increases its digestibility several times. When you read it again, when the meaning of what has been written has already cleared up for you, the list of keywords and phrases should be shortened a little, by about 5 times.

Then you must ask yourself the question: which of the marked phrases most express the essence of the written text, the main idea of ​​the text, its theme. And those few words, or perhaps just one phrase, that will remain with you, and will be the core of the text that you are looking for. To test the correctness of your conclusions, try to expand the phrase you have isolated. If you get a text close to the original, then.

Also, to check if you have correctly understood the meaning of the text, refer to the summary of the text. This is the third "strong" position of the text, along with the title and the beginning of the test. It also should not be ignored, it will help you isolate the main thing.

Help in finding the main idea in the text will be provided by drawing up a plan. It can consist of several items. Their number can be equal to the number of paragraphs in the text. After all, a paragraph is a logical division of the text into micro themes.

The ability to identify the main thing in the text is an important component of intelligence. This skill must be acquired. Practice highlighting the main thing in the text, not only in school lessons or at work, but also when reading newspapers, magazines and books.

what is the main theme and main idea of ​​the text and got the best answer

Answer from Kot Kotofeevich [guru]
In linguistics, there is still no generally accepted definition of the concept of "text". The reason for this is that scholars, as a rule, highlight those aspects of the text that, in their opinion, are the main ones, without pretending to be complete.
The question of the relationship between the text and the sentence is of great importance. Most scholars believe that some texts can consist of one sentence (simple or complex). These cases are quite rare and exist only in such sentences where you can find signs of the text.
So, a text is a group of sentences that are related in meaning and grammatically.
A topic is what (or about whom) the text speaks: a circle of events, phenomena, problems, concepts, etc. Each text is created on a specific topic. All of his proposals are united by a common theme. The unity of the topic ensures the integrity of the text, regardless of the number of parts into which it is divided. The theme determines the content of the text. The general theme is divided into a number of micro themes, which are subordinate to it, reveal it. The subject of a text can be expressed in its title.
The main idea, the idea is the main thing, the author of the text wanted to say. The theme and the main idea are related. In addition, the main idea also determines the content of the text. It can be formulated in one of his sentences. But more often than not, the main idea needs to be formulated by yourself, having thoughtfully read the text. The main idea (like the topic) can be expressed in the title of the text.
Structure of the text
The external structure of the text, as a rule, can be characterized by three parts: introduction, main part, conclusion. Its internal structure is often much more complicated, since it is an unfolding of the composition. In addition, when creating a text, its stylistic affiliation is also taken into account. For example, it is obvious that the official text of the statement and the fictional text of the story are not identical in terms of internal organization. Thus, there are texts composed according to a predetermined scheme, and texts characterized by relative freedom of construction, depending on the individual manner of presentation of the author.
Paragraph. The structure of the text is characterized by the fact that it is divided into units larger than sentences - paragraphs.
Each paragraph has its own micro theme, which plays the role of the main connecting beginning in the named segment of the text. Not all paragraphs are of the same color. Sometimes they are multi-dark.
The main sign that signals the border between paragraphs is the transition from one micro theme to another. In addition, paragraphs are characterized by intonation of the beginning and end: its end is marked, as a rule, by a significant decrease in tone and a final long pause; the beginning of the next paragraph is determined by the increase in tone.
Sentences not included in paragraphs. Not all sentences of text are included in a paragraph. Most often, they are the first and last sentences of a speech work (which do not refer to any one paragraph, but to the text as a whole), as well as author's deviations. Such proposals are relatively semantic independent.

Good luck!

Answer from Nikita tanks[newbie]

Answer from Natalia Madyanova[newbie]
the topic of what is written in the text

Most often, in literature lessons, but sometimes in Russian, there are tasks in which the teacher requires students to determine the main or main idea of ​​the work.

However, in order to find the correct answer, and accordingly, and get a good grade, the guys must understand what this task is. That is, what is meant by the main idea of ​​the work or its separate sentence.

To understand this issue as thoroughly as possible, read the article. And you will find out what the main idea of ​​the text is.

What is text

The text does not have to be voluminous and consist of several simple, complex or complex sentences. There are even literary works that include only one capacious and understandable sentence.

And it itself does not always represent a long structure. Often in speech or writing, you can find it in such a way, where all the necessary information will be conveyed in a single word.

Nevertheless, no matter how a story, a poem or an everyday dialogue is presented, the main idea of ​​the text is certainly present in it.

What is the connection of sentences grammatically and meaningfully

In most cases, we are faced with texts that include not one, but a whole group of sentences. The main condition for compiling a full-fledged, logical, meaningful and interesting text is the obligatory connection of these sentences grammatically and meaningfully:

    Grammatical connection implies the dependence of the forms of the words of the current sentence with those that were used in the previous and next. That is, the proposals must be coordinated, as if flowing from one to the other.

    Connection of sentences by meaning means that the entire text is connected by sentences and the main idea (common to the entire text), which can be traced in each of them.

Types of semantic connection of sentences in the text

So, we found out that sentences should be connected grammatically and meaningfully. However, the semantic connection must be built competently and logically. To do this, it is important to learn the following classification of the relationship of sentences in text or speech:

    Chain- the peculiarity of the construction of the text is that each subsequent sentence reveals in more detail the content of the current one. For example: The brown bear lives in the forest. The forest is the place where these animals build dens for themselves, hunt, breed. From an early age, the cubs learn to get their own food, the mother bear helps them in this.

    Parallel - the nature of this connection is different, it implies equality of proposals (enumeration, comparison, opposition), and not "clinging" one to another. For example: The weather was great outside, it was snowing. Vaska and I decided to meet and go sledging down the mountain. Only when we barely climbed to the top, and I was already preparing to race to slide down, my friend got cold feet. The idea failed, and the mood was ruined.

Thus, in order to understand what the main idea of ​​the text is, one should delve into the content and produce a mental analysis of each sentence.

Theme and main idea of ​​the text

Additional parts of speech help to organically fit sentences into the text. For example, you can use conjunctions, particles, introductory words, pronouns, etc. After all, it is they that give liveliness, brightness and saturation to the dry statement of facts.

The correct (in meaning and grammatical) construction of sentences serves precisely to form the main idea and, therefore, the topic of the text.

The theme is the direction of the work, the problem that rises in it, its essence. It defines what the narrative is, the content of the text. Often expressed directly in the title.

The main (main) idea is the author's message to the readers, what he wanted to convey to people, to the world with the help of his work. It can be expressed in the title or in one of the sentences of the text, but more often it is necessary to “fish out” it yourself, having carefully read the entire text.

Why is it important to be able to extract the main idea from the works

Remember the saying that sounded in the famous work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin that your parents and grandparents probably read to you in childhood? If not, then this is what it is: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!"

Later, this expression became a catch phrase, referring to almost all children's stories described in books. And to many adult works too. After all, a "lesson" is a combination of the theme and the main idea of ​​any work. Something that has a certain educational influence on us.

However, in order to catch this very hint, you need to figure out what the main idea of ​​the tale suggests. In other words, learn how to independently determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

How to learn to highlight the main point

In order to correctly identify the idea of ​​a work, you should remember the following aspects, which are important to be guided by when reading any text:

    Follow the flow of the narrative, the development of events and logic.

    Pay attention to headings (they can be metaphorical or associative) and keywords that alternate with synonyms throughout the text.

    As you read, analyze what is important for the author, what points he emphasizes more.

    After reading the work, try to cite from the text or formulate your own conclusion of the story.

Remember: to understand what the main idea of ​​the text is, the observance of the above-described evaluation criteria, as well as the combination of synthesis and analysis of both the entire text and its individual details, will help.

Tests in Russian often contain tasks like "Read the text. Determine its topic." It would seem that it could not be easier, but for some reason it is on such elementary questions that many graduates "stumble" when passing the Unified State Exam and even university students.


In order to understand how to determine the topic of the text, you first need to find out what it is. Definitions from textbooks, as a rule, are formulated too cleverly, but everything is extremely simple.

Let's try to practice. Think about how you can summarize the themes of famous works? Here are some examples:

  • L. N. Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina"- the love story of a married noblewoman and a young officer Vronsky.
  • G. Troepolsky, "White Bim Black Ear"- life through the eyes of a dog that has lost its loving owner.
  • M. A. Bulgakov, " dog's heart" - experience in transplanting the human pituitary gland to a dog and its consequences.
  • A. Green, "Scarlet Sails"- the life of the girl Assol, who lives in anticipation of the prince, who, according to the prediction, should sail to her on a ship with scarlet sails.
  • A. Dumas, "The Three Musketeers"- the adventures of the three Musketeers and D'Artagnan, who arrived in Paris to join the ranks of the elite royal guard.

As you can see, if you at least roughly know what the book or article is about, there will be no problems with how to determine the topic of the text. In addition, the answer is often found right in the title (for example, "War and Peace", "Three Comrades", "Romeo and Juliet", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer").

Theme, idea, problem: what's the difference?

And now we got to the most difficult moment. Even a child intuitively understands how to determine the topic of the text, then where does the confusion come from? The fact is that in the literature there are also concepts of "main idea" and "text problem", which are very similar in meaning. Moreover, in everyday life, we often use them as synonyms.

How to stop confusing these concepts? We forget long and confusing formulations from textbooks and try to understand the meaning of these terms.

It's actually pretty easy to remember what the difference is between topic, main idea, and problem of the text. For convenience, we have drawn up the main points in the form of a table.

ThemeIdea (main idea)Problem
The essenceWhat is described in the text (events, people, phenomena, etc.)The goals and personal opinion of the author - what he is trying to lead the reader toThe global question that the author is talking about
What questions doesWhat is the story about?How do I feel at this moment?What large-scale problems does the text make you think about?
Who is the main character?What should a good person do in this case?Why did the heroes find themselves in such a situation?
Where and when do events take place?What conclusions should be drawn from this situation?What should modern society pay attention to?
Peculiarities"Report" about the events of the work, description of the place, characters, their thoughts and feelingsPersonal opinion of the writer, his attitude to characters and eventsThere are at least two sides to the coin, and every opinion deserves a right to exist.
Contains no subjective assessmentsMay contain good / bad, right / wrongNot tied to the plot and heroes, affects global conflicts - religious, political, social
Lists facts - who did what and whyDemonstrates the author's position regarding the problem of the text - what is the reason, how does this affect society, etc.Expressed in the form of a question
Examples ofWalk in St. PetersburgPetersburg is a city where pages of old novels come to life, and each street has its own storyWhy do you need to learn to notice the beauty around you?
Rescue a homeless puppyTaking care of the smaller brothers, a person shows his best qualities- ability to empathize, kindness and responsibilityWho is to blame for so many stray animals on the streets?
The importance of proper nutritionIt is important for human health that the diet contains foods of all groups - meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals.Is it possible in modern world lead a healthy lifestyle?

"Eternal" themes

People always write about what is happening around them, so each historical period has its own characteristic themes. So, now few people will undertake to describe the events of the October Revolution or the hardships of the life of serfs.

However, speaking about how to determine the main theme of the text, it should be noted that there are so-called "eternal" themes - those in which at all times readers will recognize their experiences and problems:

  • love, the birth of tender feelings and the bitterness of parting;
  • fathers and children (clash of values ​​and views of different generations);
  • confrontation between good and evil;
  • friendship and betrayal;
  • growing up and becoming a person - how life circumstances change character and attitudes.

These themes can be traced in one way or another in almost all literary texts. Therefore, while performing the analysis, think about what universal values ​​and problems the author touches upon.

How to determine the subject of a text in 5 minutes

1. Reread the title... It may contain hints to help you understand what the text is about. This is especially true for short stories and articles in which the author immediately gets to the point. That being said, remember that headlines can be associative, metaphorical, or paradoxical.

2. Study the text. Mentally highlight the main semantic blocks for yourself and determine how they are related to each other (in time, logically, etc.). For convenience, you can sketch out a small plan.

3. Write down key sentences... In each paragraph, highlight the phrase that contains the most useful information necessary for understanding the material.

4. Reduce... Now your task is to "throw out" everything unnecessary from these proposals. Artistic techniques, additional details, complex turns, actions. As a result, only the main keywords and phrases should remain.

5. Distribute phrases by importance... To determine the main topic of the text, you need to write them down in a column in descending order of importance. That is, first of all, we write those words and phrases, without which it is impossible to understand what the text is talking about.

6. Formulate the topic... We take as a basis the keywords that we collected in the previous step. Unlike the idea, the topic should be extremely laconic. Don't stretch it into a full sentence - ideally try to put it in 5-6 words (for example, "How to Learn to Forgive" or "The Healing Power of Classical Music").