Presentation "the history of creation and the fate of the story" heart of a dog. Presentation on the theme of "heart of a dog" Download presentation on the topic of heart of a dog

Michael Bulgakov
The story "Dog

Mikhail Afanasevich
Bulgakov (18911940)

 Expand the concept of satire.
Clarify the goals of Bulgakov's satire.
Show craftsmanship and civic
the courage of the writer.

"Heart of a Dog"
a masterpiece of Bulgakov's satire.
Satire Bulgakov - smart and
V. Sakharov

Vocabulary work
 Satira (lat satira) is a way of manifestation of comic
whom in art, consisting in the annihilating ridicule
nii phenomena that are presented to the author of defamation
nym. The power of satire depends on social significance
the position taken by the satirist, from the efficiency
these satirical methods.

The subject of satire is man, his

types of satire

Good-natured mocking attitude
to anything; good-natured and funny
Caustic, cruel ironic
Subtle, hidden mockery;
inconsistency of the positive
meaning and negative connotation

 Ivan Andreevich Krylov
 Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
 Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov Shchedrin
 Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko
 Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko
 Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi
 Ilf (Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg) and
Petrov (Evgeny Petrovich Kataev)

M A. Bulgakov (18911940)
May 3 (15), 1891 was born in Kiev in the family
teacher of the theological academy.
1916 graduated from the Faculty of Medicine
Kiev University.
1916-1917 worked as a zemstvo
doctor in the Smolensk province.
1921 came to Moscow for a permanent
residence. He worked in the newspaper "Gudok".
Since 1930 he began to work in the theaters of the Moscow Art Theater and
Bolshoi Theater.
1940 died of kidney disease and is buried in Moscow
at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Works of M.A.Bulgakov
"Notes of a young doctor"
Cuff Notes
The Devil's Story
The novel "White Guard" (play "Days of the Turbins")
The tale "Fatal eggs"
The story "Heart of a Dog"
Play "Zoyka's apartment"
The play "Running"
Play "Crimson Island"
Play "Dead Souls" (based on Gogol's poem)
Play "Moliere"
The novel "The Master and Margarita"

The story "Heart of a Dog"
 Written in 1925.
Printed 1987.
Why is the story published only
in 62 years?
Review of L. B. Kamenev: “This is a sharp
pamphlet on the present, print
in no case is it "
Topical journalistic pamphlet
accusatory work

"Heart of a Dog" ("Monstrous
 Where does the piece begin?
 Whose eyes do we see the world through?
 As depicted in the story of the social and political
the situation in Russia for 20 years?
 What can you say about Sharik? Is it by chance, on your
look, the name chosen for the dog, Sharik?
 Compare the images of Sharik - a stray dog ​​and Sharikov
Cleanup Supervisor. How do they feel?
creating images of Sharikov, Shvonder, Pestrukhin?
 Why is the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky not
 What artistic details does the author use when
creating images of Professor Preobrazhensky, doctor

We reason together.
 What says about the character and lifestyle of Professor Preobrazhensky
furnishings in the apartment?
 What kind of help did Professor Preobrazhensky provide to patients?
 What is the composition of the story, what parts does it consist of?
 What assessment of the state of society does Preobrazhensky give? What, according to him
opinion, the cause of the devastation?
 What role do the chanting scenes play?
 Bring comparative analysis descriptions of life in Kalabukhov
house before the revolution and after.
 How was Sharik's fate? Has his way of thinking changed since
return in original condition?

The composition of the story
Ring composition:
 setting (Sharik's monologue);
 development of action (the ball from the professor,
operation, humanization of the dog);
 culmination (Sharikov's atrocities);
 denouement (Sharik's return to its previous state);
 epilogue (the ball was "lucky").

Thinking together
 How, in your opinion, the future life may turn out
Professor Preobrazhensky and Doctor Bormental. Justify
their assumptions.
 What is the role of servant images in the story?
 Give examples of the antithesis in the story.
 Why did the story generate conflicting assessments? Why the ban
for its publication was so long (60 years)?
 Express your attitude towards Professor Preobrazhensky,
Dr. Bormental, Sharikov, Shvonder and other heroes.
 Give possible options interpretation of the story "Dog

Antithesis in the story
Sharik Sharikov;
Preobrazhensky Shvonder;
Kalabukhov house before and after
Ball at the beginning and at the end of the story

Humanizing the dog
Pound mongrel Sharik
Pound mongrel Sharik
sweet, good-natured,
sweet, good-natured,
Klim Chugunkin
Klim Chugunkin
drunkard lumpen
drunkard lumpen
r and p about
Dog properties
properties K

Ball + Klim Chugunkin = Polygraph
Poligrafovich Sharikov
In the course of humanizing the dog, cute and
good-natured dog Sharik
perceives the worst features of his
human donor, lumpen
proletarian Klim Chugunkin and
turns into a sinister figure
Polygraph Poligrafovich

Whose influence is stronger?
creator (doctor,
creator (doctor,
professor, worldwide
professor, worldwide
famous scientist)
famous scientist)
Surgery works
Surgery works
by which way (physical
by which way (physical
ideologue (expropriation
ideologue (expropriation
torus, motto: "Rob
torus, motto: "Rob
loot! ")
loot! ")
Acts with
Acts with
words (spiritual nasi
words (spiritual nasi

Preobrazhensky's problem: Shvonder's logic:
organ transplant for the purpose of a worker who is nothing
to prolong the period of life has, "The trouble is, if the pies start to bake
shoemaker, and wear boots
The professor's experiment failed.
The scientist came to the conclusion that
Sharikov violence against nature.

Also a revolutionary experiment
the Bolsheviks are doomed to failure.
Foster a sense of respect for individuals
ty, self-esteem,
conscious attitude to what is happening
it is possible only with gradual
nom, the evolutionary development of the community
tva, with painstaking educational and
cultural work of the intelligentsia.

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Michael Bulgakov

The story "Heart of a Dog"

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Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1891-1940)

Slide 3

"Heart of a Dog" is a masterpiece of Bulgakov's satire. Bulgakov's satire is smart and sighted. V. Sakharov

Slide 4

Vocabulary work

Satira (lat satira) is a way of manifesting the comic in art, consisting in destructive ridicule of phenomena that seem vicious to the author. The strength of satire depends on the social significance of the position taken by the satirist, on the effectiveness of satirical methods.

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The subject of satire is man, his vices.

irony humor sarcasm types of satire

Slide 6


Subtle, hidden mockery; discrepancy between positive meaning and negative connotation

Caustic, cruel ironic mockery

Good-natured, mocking attitude to something; good-natured and funny joke

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Ivan Andreevich Krylov Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko Arkady Timofeevich Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi Ilf (Ilya Arnoldovich Fainzilberg) and Petrov (Evgeny Petrovich Kataev)

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M A. Bulgakov (1891-1940)

May 3 (15), 1891 - was born in Kiev in the family of a teacher of the theological academy. 1916 - Graduated from the Medical Faculty of Kiev University. 1916-1917 - worked as a zemstvo doctor in the Smolensk province. 1921 - came to Moscow for permanent residence. He worked in the newspaper "Gudok". Since 1930 he began to work in the theaters of the Moscow Art Theater and the State Academic Bolshoi Theater. 1940 - died of kidney disease and was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Slide 9

Works of M.A.Bulgakov

"Notes of a Young Doctor" "Notes on the Cuffs" Story "The Devil's Day" Roman "White Guard" (play "Days of the Turbins") Story "Fatal Eggs" Story "Heart of a Dog" Play "Zoyka's Apartment" Play "Run" Play "Crimson Island" The play "Dead Souls" (based on the poem by Gogol) The play "Molière" The novel "The Master and Margarita"

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Written in 1925. Printed in 1987. Why was the story published only 62 years later? Review of LB Kamenev: "This is a poignant pamphlet on the present, in no case should it be printed."

Slide 11

"Heart of a Dog" ("A Monstrous Story")

Where does the work begin? Through whose eyes do we see the world? How is the socio-political situation in Russia in the 1920s portrayed in the story? What can you say about Sharik? Is it a coincidence, in your opinion, the name chosen for the dog - Ball? Compare the images of Sharik, the wandering dog, and Sharikov, the “cleaning chief.” What feelings do they evoke? What artistic details does the author use when creating the images of Sharikov, Shvonder, Pestrukhin? Why was the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky not compacted? What artistic details does the author use when creating images of Professor Preobrazhensky, Doctor Bormental?

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We reason together.

What does the atmosphere in the apartment say about the character and lifestyle of Professor Preobrazhensky? What kind of help did Professor Preobrazhensky provide to the patients? What is the composition of the story, what parts does it consist of? What assessment of the state of society does Preobrazhensky give? What, in his opinion, is the cause of the devastation? What role do the chanting scenes play? Give a comparative analysis of the descriptions of life in the Kalabukhov house before and after the revolution. How was Sharik's fate? Has his way of thinking changed after returning to its original state?

Slide 13

The composition of the story

Ring composition: tie (Sharik's monologue); development of action (ball at the professor, operation, humanization of the dog); culmination (Sharikov's atrocities); denouement (Sharik's return to its previous state); epilogue (the ball was "lucky").

Slide 14

Thinking together

How, in your opinion, the future life of Professor Preobrazhensky and Doctor Bormental can develop. Substantiate your assumptions. What is the role of servant images in the story? Give examples of the antithesis in the story. Why did the story provoke conflicting assessments? Why was the ban on its publication so long (60 years)? Express your attitude to Professor Preobrazhensky, Dr. Bormenthal, Sharikov, Shvonder and other heroes. Give possible interpretations of the story "Heart of a Dog".

Slide 15

Antithesis in the story

Sharik - Sharikov; Preobrazhensky - Shvonder; Kalabukhov house before and after the revolution; The ball at the beginning and at the end of the story

Slide 16

Klim Chugunkin - drunkard, lumpen proletarian

Mongrel dog Sharik is cute, good-natured, observant

Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

body pituitary gland Properties of a dog properties of Clima

Humanizing the dog

Slide 17

Sharik + Klim Chugunkin = Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

In the course of humanizing the dog, the cute and good-natured dog Sharik perceives the worst features of his human donor, the lumpen proletarian Klim Chugunkin and turns into the sinister figure of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov

Slide 18

Whose influence is stronger?

Preobrazhensky-creator (doctor, professor, world famous scientist) Acts in a surgical way (physical violence)

Shvonder-ideologue (expropriator, motto: "Steal the loot!") Acts with the help of the word (spiritual violence)

Moscow in the story "Dog's heart" it is a city seen through the eyes of a dog. Depicted in this way, it appears extraordinary. This is a defamiliarisation technique. The dog sees the city in the era NEP a (New Economic Policy), when trade, restaurants, rich people appear, whom the Soviet government gives the opportunity to engage in private entrepreneurship, even within a strict framework.

The story begins on a winter evening, on a "black evening", a dog, a bourgeois (Professor Preobrazhensky), a crossroads appear on the street. This overlap with Blok's poem "The Twelve" is not accidental.

Bulgakov addresses the same theme as Blok - the theme of the birth of a new world and man. Hence the name of the protagonist - Preobrazhensky. The heroes of the work of the 20-30s constantly think about the transformation of the old world.

But in the first part, we first of all sympathize with the unfortunate dog. We do not yet pay attention to the lackey traits in his character, to the vocabulary of the "lumpenproletarian" ("This is a guy!" when the dog turns into a human.

The image of Professor Preobrazhensky in the story is not simple. The reason for this is that the professor may seem like a good guy at first glance. He is smart, intelligent, ironic, simply talented, if not brilliant. He is a scientist, an inventor.

The professor strives to interfere with the natural process of life, in this sense he is a revolutionary, no different from the Bolsheviks he does not like. When describing the operation on Sharik, Preobrazhensky is furious, inspired, as if he is destroying something for the sake of creating a new one.

Bulgakov has repeatedly said that he is an opponent of the revolution and a supporter of great evolution, that is, the gradual development of the world through the potentialities inherent in it.

The professor could have taken for his experience and someone better than Klim Chugunkin, but, true to the realistic truth, Bulgakov shows that, most likely, the body of the recently deceased - will be the body of a drunkard and a bully - such a person would sooner turn up for experience, as he spent his life in places where it is easy to get stabbed.

Domkom in the story is the force that invades the world of intelligent people and destroys it completely. Such a force in the "White Guard" was the Petliurists. In The Master and Margarita, such a force will be Massolit and everything connected with him.

The professor himself let the dog in - that is, Mephistopheles (Mephistopheles appeared to Faust under the guise of a black dog) into his house, but Sharikov was still intellectually insignificant.

It took Shvonder to turn negative skills into a disgusting chain of actions justified by proletarian origin.

Kalabukhov's house, like Kiev in the "White Guard", is a symbol of the old cozy world, where everything was laid out in its place, where everyone was doing their own thing.

Before our eyes, the Kalabukhov house is being destroyed. The boors and lumpen, devoid of aesthetic sense, began to destroy it, and the professor himself continued, letting the forces of evil into his house.

This may reflect the theme of the guilt of the intelligentsia in the destructive processes of the twentieth century.

Professor Preobrazhensky did not believe in the need for violence when interfering with life, but he himself uses force when performing an operation, but when Sharikov begins to threaten the very life of the professor, Bormental uses force.

Bulgakov could write only when he found the strength that could withstand the main evil in his works.

Yes, it is a talented thing, but in no case should it be printed.

The writer raised the question of the very right of people to interfere, without hesitation, in the course of history. He reminded that the creation of a new person is fraught with serious dangers. In Sharikov Bulgakov saw the features that his favorite writers, Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin, conveyed with such skill and persuasiveness. What was new was that people like Sharikov gained power. It was really dangerous.

Written in 1925, first published in 1968 simultaneously in the magazines "Grani" (Frankfurt) and "Student" (London). 1925 1968 Frankfurt London In the Soviet Union, first published in 1987 and since then has been reprinted several times. Union 1987 NAZA D

Moscow Moscow, 1924. Professor Philip Philipovich Preobrazhensky, an outstanding surgeon, has achieved excellent results in practical rejuvenation. Continuing his research, he conceived an unprecedented experiment, an operation to transplant human glands to a dog. Selected as a test animal, the stray dog ​​Sharik, picked up by him on the street, got access to the professor's spacious apartment and excellent food. Klim Chugunkin, a thief, an alcoholic and a rowdy, who died in a fight, became an organ donor. 1924 Professor of the rejuvenation surgeon, a homeless Klim Chugunkinvor, an alcoholic

The results of the operation exceeded expectations. Sharik's limbs were stretched out, hair fell out, speech appeared. Rumors spread throughout Moscow about miracles happening in the professor's house. However, Preobrazhensky very soon had to regret what he had done. With Sharik, not only physical, but also psychological humanization took place, he inherited all addictions from Chugunkin. Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, as he called himself, discovered an addiction to foul language, vodka, theft, the female sex, tavern feasts, vanity and speculation about the proletarian idea. For the sake of raising his social status, Sharikov, on the recommendation of the chairman of the house committee Shvonder, who hoped with his help to survive Professor Preobrazhensky from the apartment, leadership position to the department of cleaning the city from homeless animals.

New job Sharikov's self-esteem pleases, an official car comes for him every day, the servants begin to treat him with some respect, he does not feel obligated to Preobrazhensky and Bormental, who are still trying to instill in him the norms of cultural life. He enjoys destroying stray cats, although, according to Preobrazhensky, "cats are temporary." Sharikov brings to the apartment of Professor Preobrazhensky a young girl he hired, whom he deceived, embellishing his biography and social status... Having learned the truth from the professor, the girl leaves Sharikov, who threatens to fire her. Dr. Bormental stands up for the girl.

Sharikov decides to write a political denunciation on the inhabitants of the apartment, who are far from sympathetic to the new government and its representatives in their own house. However, the paper ends up in one of Preobrazhensky's former patients, who returns it to the professor. Preobrazhensky demands that Sharikov get out of his apartment, he refuses and takes out a revolver. Bormental disarms Sharikov, together with the professor they carry out a new operation Sharikov turns back into a dog. The dog does not remember anything that happened to him, and happily lives in the professor's apartment. BACK

There is a slight discrepancy in the text: in different parts of the story, the "donor" of organs for transplantation is called either Chugunkin or Chugunov; he is 25 or 28 years old. The prototype of the "Kalabukhov House", in which the main events of the story unfold, was the apartment building of the architect S. F. Kulagin, built by him on Prechistenka Street in 1904. S. F. Kulagina Prechistenka 1904 NAZA D

Daria Petrovna Ivanova is the cook of Professor Preobrazhensky. Fyodor is the doorman of the house where Professor Preobrazhensky lives. Chugunkin Klim Grigorievich who died in a fight is a repeat offender, alcoholic and hooligan. His pituitary gland and seminal glands were used for transplantation of Sharik Chugunkin Klim Grigorievichvor recurrent alcoholic hooligangipophysis seminal glands transplant Shvonder Chairman of the House Committee. Vyazemskaya head of the cultural department at home. Pestrukhin and Zharovkin are Shvonder's colleagues, members of the house committee. Pyotr Aleksandrovich is a certain influential “worker”, a patient and a good friend of Professor Preobrazhensky. BACK

THE STORY AS A POLITICAL SATIRE The most widespread political interpretation of the story refers to the very idea of ​​the Russian revolution, the "awakening" of the social consciousness of the proletariat. Sharikov is traditionally perceived as an allegorical image of the Russian lumpen proletariat, who unexpectedly received a large number of rights and freedoms, but quickly discovered selfish interests and the ability to betray and destroy like their own kind (a former homeless dog climbs the social ladder, destroying other homeless animals), so and those who endowed them with these rights. The ending of the story looks artificial, without outside interference. The fate of the creators of Sharikov looks a foregone conclusion. Bulgakov's story is believed to have predicted massive repressions in the 1930s. Mass repressions in the 1930s

A number of Bulgakov scholars believe that Heart of a Dog was a political satire on the leadership of the state in the mid-1920s. In particular, that Sharikov-Chugunkin is Stalin (both have an “iron” second surname), prof. Preobrazhensky is Lenin (who transformed the country), his assistant, Dr. Bormental, who is constantly in conflict with Sharikov, is Trotsky (Bronstein), assistant Zina Zinoviev, etc. A number of Bulgakov scholars believe that "Heart of a Dog" was a political satire on the leadership of the state in the mid-1920s years. In particular, that Sharikov-Chugunkin is Stalin (both have an “iron” second surname), prof. Preobrazhensky is Lenin (who transformed the country), his assistant, Dr. Bormental, who is constantly in conflict with Sharikov, is Trotsky (Bronstein), assistant Zina Zinoviev, etc. Political satire Stalin Lenin Trotsky Zinoviev Political satire Stalin Lenin Trotsky Zinoviev NAZA D

Topic: Cruel experience or the birth of a new life?

(Based on the story of M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")


    to consolidate the concept of satire, through "immersion in the text" to show the skill and civic courage of M. Bulgakov;

    develop the skills of monologue expression through the analysis of a work of art;

    to develop an active personal position in the view of the era of the 20-30sXX centuries.

During the classes.

    Reflexive Perception Attitude.

Reading the poem "Everyone chooses for himself ..." by Y. Levitansky.

Everyone chooses for himself-

Woman, religion, road,

Serve the devil or the prophet

Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself

A word for love and for prayer,

A sword for a duel, a sword for a battle

Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself

Shield and armor. Staff and patches

A measure of final reckoning

Everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for himself

I choose, too, as I can,

I have no complaints about anyone,

Let everyone choose for themselves.

A person often has to be in a situation of choice.

Did you have to choose?

(Of course, food for breakfast, what to wear, what movie to watch). But the choice can also be serious, deliberate. This is the choice of the path, life principles, after this choice there is no turning back. Today we also have to make our choice.

    Statement of the topic, objectives of the lesson, problematic question.

Let's turn to the topic of our lesson.

Cruel experience or the birth of a new life?

(Based on the story of M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog")

(writing a topic in a notebook)

Having analyzed the literary text of the story, we

    we will consolidate the concept of satire, through "immersion in the text" we realize the skill and civic courage of M. Bulgakov;

    we will continue to develop the skills of monologic expression through the analysis of a work of art;

    we will continue to cultivate an active personal position in the view of the era of the 20-30sXX centuries.

MA Bulgakov had to live and create in an era when it was necessary to make his choice. Write "as needed" and print your works, or with pain in your heart, write on the table, knowing that the book will not be published. At the end of the lesson, we will answer the problematic question with you:

Why was the story, written in 1925, published in Russia only in 1987? What was it about this story that did not like the government of the Soviet Union?

3. Referring to the epigraph. Work with a quote.

The Soviet era was haunted by dissent, and even from the high tribunes it was ironically said: "We are in favor of laughter, but we need kinder Shchedrins and such Gogols so that they would not touch us." Bulgakov's view of modernity was very sharp, satirical attacks were considered seditious. M.A Bulgakov wrote: “In the wide field of Russian literature in the USSR, I was the only one - the only literary wolf. I was advised to dye the skin. Ridiculous advice. Whether a dyed wolf, a shorn wolf, he still does not look like a poodle. " The well-known critic, researcher of the writer's work Vsevolod Ivanovich Sakharov (born in 1946, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Doctor of Philology) gave the following assessment of the story:

V. Sakharov

4. Actualization of knowledge. Terminological commentary.

Indeed, satire is always honest, but rarely permissible.

Let's remember what satire is. Here is an extract from the literary dictionary.

What is the satire directed against? Name the types of satire.

Satire- kind of comic. The subject of satire human vices serve.

Source of satire- the contradiction between universal human values ​​and the reality of life.

Traditions of Russian satirists M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and N.V. Gogol was continued by M. Bulgakov. From Saltykov-Shchedrin Bulgakov took the topical sound, from N. Gogol - his teacher, the fantastic plot and images. It is also fantastic in life that Gogol's tombstone now serves as a slab on the grave of M. Bulgakov. So, the Moscow story "Heart of a Dog".

5. Working with the plan. Subject retelling.

Reconstruct her plot according to the proposed plan.

    Sharik's monologue

    The ball was "lucky"


    humanizing a dog

    Sharikov's atrocities

    Sharik's return to its previous state

    The ball was "lucky"

What is the composition of the story?

Ring composition: Sharik has become a dog again.

6. Analytical conversation.

a) Reception of "immersion in the text".

The story opens with pictures of Moscow in the mid-1920s. Through whose eyes do we see life?

(Moscow during the NEP: with chic restaurants and a "canteen for normal food for employees of the Central Council of National Economy", where cabbage soup is cooked "from stinking corned beef." Moscow, where "proletarians", "comrades" and "gentlemen" live. inside out, where purebred proletarians, with a sense of superiority over those whose pedigree “let down” and an extremely low level of culture, “condensed” Moscow houses where bourgeois intellectuals lived. terrifying:

hunger, theft, poverty, disease, cruelty, humiliation. And when the "mysterious master" appears and beckons the dog with a piece of sausage, the smart dog evaluates himself and the whole "world of the hungry", reducing everything to a generalization: "Our slave soul, mean lot!" Everyone is charged with the "slave" virus: Sharik, the typist, the cook, the doorman, the professor's patients, and even the members of the "residential partnership".

(antithesis based on opposition)

What can you say about Sharik? Is it a coincidence, in your opinion, the name chosen for the dog - Sharik?

(Ball-dog-mongrel, cute, good-natured, observant, A dog living in terrible conditions is able to sympathize with people who find themselves in the same position as her. She understands people, even knows how to "read" backwards).

What medical activity is Doctor Preobrazhensky?

(did rejuvenation operations)

An error occurred, the operation had a completely unexpected turn.

b) watching a video

Let's see how Sharik's humanization took place. This excerpt from the film adaptation of the story directed by Bortko (by the way, the creator of the film "The Master and Margarita") is considered the most successful version of the book.

(watching video)

    Characteristics of the image of the protagonist.

a) Working with a flowchart.

The great operation has taken place, and who became the donor for the creation of a new person?

(Klim Chugunkin)

What can you say about this person?

(“Klim Grigorievich Chugunkin, 25 years old, single. Non-partisan, single, tried three times and acquitted: the first time, due to lack of evidence, the second time, the origin saved, the third time was conditional hard labor for 15 years. Theft. Profession - game at the balalaika in taverns.

Small in stature, poorly built. The liver is dilated (alcohol) Cause of death - a stab in the heart in a pub ("Stop-Signal" at the Preobrazhenskaya Zastava).

What artistic details did the author use to describe the new creature?

(diary of Dr. Bormental)

Read the description of the new creature. He adopted all the bad qualities and habits of his donors.

He constantly speaks by his mother, smokes, littering with cigarette butts, catches fleas, steals, loves alcohol, is greedy for women ...

Bad taste in clothes: a poisonous sky-colored tie, jacket and trousers are torn and stained; lacquered ankle boots with white leggings).

b) Discussion of the video plot.

Video snippet (table behavior)

Answer the question: How is this "really", according to Sharikov?

c) Staging.

Let's stay in the role of actors! (Sharikov, Bormental, Philip Filippovich)

B: Well, what are we going to do with you tonight?

S: (blinking eyes) Let's go to the circus, best of all.

FF: Every day in the circus is pretty boring, in my opinion. I would be on your

place at least once went to the theater.

Sh: I will not go to the theater. They talk, talk ... There is only one counter-revolution.

B: Would you read something ...

Sh: I already read, I read ... This ... Like her ... Engels' correspondence with this ... How his -

the devil - with Kautsky. I disagree.

F.F. With whom? With Engels or with Kautsky?

Sh.: With both. Congress, some Germans ... My head swells. Take everything, and divide ...

B .: Do you also know the method?

Sh.: But what method is there, it's not tricky. And then what: one in seven rooms has settled in his pants, he has forty pairs, and the other hangs around, looking for food in rubbish boxes.

FF: As for the seven rooms, are you, of course, hinting at me? You are at the lowest stage of development, you are still a forming, mentally weak being, all your actions are purely bestial, and in the presence of two people with a university education you allow yourself to give some advice of a cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity about how how to divide everything ... and at the same

time you have swallowed tooth powder ... By the way, what scoundrel provided you with this book?

Teacher: but really, who provided Sharikov with this book, and not only the book?

With the support of Shvonder, Sharikov is getting bolder, more aggressive and more dangerous.

The chairman of the house committee Shvonder writes articles to the newspaper, reads Engels. And in general he is fighting for a revolutionary order and social justice. The occupants of the house must enjoy the same rights. He teaches Sharikov according to the program: who was nothing, he will become everything.

(watching a video - Sharikov's dialogue with a request for a passport)

Why is the “Take everything and divide” position dangerous?

The revolutionary process is interpreted by the writer in a satirical perspective: without producing anything, the “new man” in power wants to use all the benefits acquired by the labor of others. Yes, the professor is a "bourgeois", but he is engaged in medical activities. He is operating, and his apartment escaped compaction only because he had his own man upstairs, a client Vitaly Aleksandrovich, who defended him ...

- Hm ... Why, there are no others.

These are the words of Professor Preobrazhensky. It seems that the author himself speaks through his mouth.

The prototype of Professor Preobrazhensky was Bulgakov's uncle, his mother's brother Nikolai Mikhailovich P, a gynecologist. The furnishings of his apartment at 24 Prechistenka Street (or 1 Chisty Pereulok) coincide in detail with the description of the professor's apartment. A colorful characterization of N. M. Pokrovsky has been preserved in the memoirs of T. N. Lapa's first wife: “As I began to read The Heart of a Dog, I immediately guessed that it was him. The same angry, he always hummed something, his nostrils flared, his mustache was just as lush. Then he was very offended by Mikhail for this. Nikolai Mikhailovich did not marry for a long time;

9. Let's turn to the symbolism of the story:

How is the name Preobrazhensky formed?(change, transform, improve the human breed).

The story "Heart of a Dog" has a clear chronology. Let's remember when the experiment on the transformation of Sharik into a human was started? Let's turn to Bormental's journal. (On December 23, the experiment was completely completed on January 18, the reverse operation was performed in the spring).

What Christian holidays coincided with the dates of birth and death?(Christmas, Baptism and Easter of Jesus Christ, who brought into the world salvation, peace, atonement for sins, his death for humanity. And at the same time a parody of a man who hates others comes into the world. The whole horror is that Sharikov has not a dog's heart, but a human heart, even his creator, the professor, he was going to ruin with a vile denunciation.

The teacher reads out:

« Philip Philipovich straddled his pince-nez over his spectacles and began to read. He muttered to himself for a long time, changing his face every second. "... And also threatening to kill the chairman of the house committee, Comrade Shvonder, from which it is clear that he keeps firearms. And he makes counter-revolutionary speeches, even Engels ordered his social servant Zinaida Prokofievna Bunina to burn in the stove, like an obvious Menshevik with his assistant Bormenthal Ivan Arnoldovich, who secretly not registered lives in his apartment. The signature of the head of the cleaning sub-department P. P. Sharikov - I certify. Chairman of the house committee Shvonder, secretary Pestrukhin. "

The bitter denunciation almost coincides with the one that was also written more than once against Bulgakov himself.

10. Discussion on the topic of the lesson.

Professor Preobrazhensky speaks brightly, aphoristically. Here are some of his remarks.
"Man and animal can only be influenced by suggestion." Or more: "Never go to a crime, against whoever it is directed." Let's reflect on the topic of our lesson:

Sharikov is a cruel experience or the birth of a new life.

“They seized an animal, slashed its head with a knife, and now they disdain. Maybe I didn’t give my permission for the operation. ”

The professor himself literally goes against nature, but she put everything in its place.

“Explain to me, please, why it is necessary to artificially fabricate spinosa, when any woman can give birth to it at any time. After all, Madame Lomonosov gave birth to this famous one in Kholmogory. Humanity itself takes care of this and, in an evolutionary order, every year stubbornly, singling out from the mass of any filth, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses that adorn the globe. "

But besides the professor, Shvonder is also trying to conduct a cruel experiment. He exerts an ideological influence on Sharikov. The professor notes this: “Well, Shvonder is the main fool. He does not understand that Sharikov is a more formidable danger to him than to me. Well, now he's trying his best to set him on me

not realizing that if someone, in turn, sets Sharikov on Shvonder himself, then only horns and legs will remain of him. He has the lousiest heart of all that exists in nature! "

The results of Shvonder's influence on Sharikov:

    Devastation in the professor's house (instead of treating patients,

Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental are busy with Sharikov).

    Sharikov demands a part of the living space and a residence permit from the doctor.

    Sharikov gets a job in an office for the extermination of cats.

Which impact is worse: physical or ideological?

Statements of children.

Unfortunately, all violence cannot be justified. We'll have to put an equal sign ...

11. Reflection on what has been read.

How, in your opinion, can the future life of Professor Preobrazhensky and Doctor Bormental develop? Substantiate your assumptions.

Armed with a revolver, Sharikov is dangerous. Bulgakov's understanding of the hopelessness of the situation in Russia is quite obvious. Terror and force provided the Bolsheviks with a strong position. The danger in the person of Sharikov, the upcoming cleaning machine turned out to be Bulgakov's prophecy, the writer, as it were, predicted the bloody purges of the 1930s.

12. Addressing a problematic issue.

Let's return to the problematic question posed at the beginning of the lesson: Why was the story, written in 1925, published in Russia only in 1987?

A brilliant satire of modernity, as if caught by officials from literature - this is the main reason for the difficult path to readers.

13. Lesson summary.

Bulgakov's story gives many reasons for thought. It turns out that being able to speak doesn't mean being human. "What is good and what is bad in this world, what is to be loved and what is to be hated." And the main thing is how to preserve human qualities in oneself in conditions when it is necessary to make a choice. I give you hearts as a symbol of the fact that "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts" in the words of A.P. Chekhov, and I completely agree with them!

"Heart of a Dog" is a masterpiece of Bulgakov's satire.

Bulgakov's satire is smart and sighted. "

V. Sakharov

Quote 1.

Read the above passages: which of the characters belongs to these statements?

1. “Since 1903 I have been living in this house. And so, during this time until March 1917, there was not a single case - I emphasize in red pencil: not a single one - so that at least one pair of galoshes would disappear from our front door below with a common unlocked door. Notice that there are 12 apartments here, I have a reception In March 1917, one fine day all galoshes disappeared, including two pairs of mine, 3 sticks, a coat and a samovar at the doorman's. Why, when this whole story began, did everyone start walking in dirty galoshes and felt boots on the marble staircase? Why do galoshes still need to be locked up? the main staircase? Does Karl Marx forbid keeping carpets on the stairs? Does Karl Marx say somewhere that the 2nd entrance of the Kalabukhov house on Prechistenka should be filled with boards and walk around through the back yard? Who needs it? Why the proletarian cannot leave his and galoshes below, but stains the marble? Why the hell were the flowers removed from the playgrounds? Why does the electricity, which, God forbid, has gone out two times for 20 years, nowadays is accurately extinguished once a month? "

2. “- If you care about your digestion, my good advice is not to talk about Bolshevism and medicine at dinner. And - God forbid you - do not read Soviet newspapers until lunchtime.
- Hm ... Why, there are no others.
- Don't read any. You know, I made 30 observations in my clinic. What do you think? Patients who do not read newspapers feel great. Those whom I deliberately forced to read Pravda lost weight. "

3. “-What is this ruin of yours? An old woman with a stick? The witch who knocked everything out

glass, put out all the lamps? Yes, it does not exist at all. What do you mean by this word? This is what it is: if I, instead of operating every evening, start singing in chorus in my apartment, I will be in ruin. If, entering the lavatory, I begin, excuse the expression, to urinate past the toilet and Zina and Darya Petrovna will do the same, the lavatory will begin to devastate. Consequently, the devastation is not in the closets, but in the heads. So when these baritones shout "beat the devastation!" - I am laughing! This means that each of them must pound themselves in the back of the head! And now, when he hatches out of himself all sorts of hallucinations and starts cleaning the sheds - his direct business - the devastation will disappear by itself. Nothing will change for the better in our house, and in any other house, until these singers are pacified! As soon as they stop their concerts, the situation will change for the better by itself. "

Quote 2.

December 23rd. At 8.30 pm the first operation in Europe was performed according to prof. Preobrazhensky: under chloroform anesthesia, Sharik's ovaries were removed and instead of them male ovaries with appendages and spermatic cords were transplanted, taken from a 28-year-old man who died 4 hours, 4 minutes before the operation and preserved in sterilized physiological fluid according to prof. Preobrazhensky.

January 17. I didn’t write it down for several days: I had influenza. During this time, the appearance was finally formed. With this I finish the case history. Before us is a new

organism; you must observe it first.

From March fog, the dog in the morning suffered from headaches that tormented

his ring on the head seam. But by the evening they passed from the warmth. And now it was easier, it was easier, and the thoughts in the dog's head flowed folding and warm.

Quote 3.

“Philip Philipovich straddled the nose of his pince-nez over his glasses and began to read. He muttered to himself for a long time, changing his face every second. "... And also threatening to kill the chairman of the house committee, Comrade Shvonder, from which it is clear that he keeps firearms. And he makes counter-revolutionary speeches, even Engels ordered his social servant Zinaida Prokofievna Bunina to burn in the stove, like an obvious Menshevik with his assistant Bormenthal Ivan Arnoldovich, who secretly not registered lives in his apartment. The signature of the head of the cleaning sub-department P. P. Sharikov - I certify. Chairman of the house committee Shvonder, secretary Pestrukhin. "

Quote 4.

Sharikov - is this a cruel experience or the birth of a new life?

1. “They seized an animal, slashed the head with a knife, and now they disdain. Maybe I didn’t give my permission for the operation. ”

2. “Explain to me, please, why it is necessary to artificially fabricate spinosa, when any woman can give birth to it at any time. After all, Madame Lomonosov gave birth to this famous one in Kholmogory. Humanity itself takes care of this and, in an evolutionary order, every year stubbornly, singling out from the mass of any filth, creates dozens of outstanding geniuses that adorn the globe. "

3. “Well, Shvonder is the main fool. He does not understand that Sharikov is a more formidable danger to him than to me. Well, now he is trying in every possible way to set him on me, not realizing that if someone, in turn, sets Sharikov on Shvonder himself, then only horns and legs will remain of him. He has the lousiest heart of all that exists in nature! "