Equipment resource management at npp CHP. Monitoring, diagnostics and management of the residual resource of the high-voltage power equipment complex. Recommended list of dissertations

17 november

Rostechnadzor order of 15.10.2015 N 410

“On approval of federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use“ Requirements for resource management of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. Basic provisions "

Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 11.11.2015 N 39666.

Requirements for resource management of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants were approved.

The adopted rules apply to all units of equipment and pipelines classified in the design of a nuclear power plant unit (NPP) as elements of hazard class 1; all units of equipment of single and small-scale production and reference units of pipelines and NPP equipment classified in the NPP unit design as elements of safety class 2; separate units of pipelines and equipment classified in the NPP unit design as elements of the 3rd safety class in the manner established by the operating organization of the power plant in agreement with the developer of the reactor plant and NPP designs.

The order establishes:

  • preparatory measures for managing the resource of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants in the course of design and construction;
  • resource management in the production of equipment and pipelines for nuclear power plants and the construction of nuclear power plants;
  • resource management of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants at the stage of operation of a nuclear power plant;
  • resource management at the stage of extended service life of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants;
  • resource management of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants during decommissioning of a nuclear power plant unit.

The appendices to the order contain the main terms and definitions used in the rules, as well as a scheme for managing the resource of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants at the stage of operation.

The review was prepared by the specialists of the Consultant Plus company and provided by the ConsultantPlus Sverdlovsk Region, the information center of the ConsultantPlus Network in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region

 One of the most important problems arising in the creation of smart energy systems Smart Grid is the need to carry out operational diagnostics of the state of the entire complex of power equipment and planning of service and

One of the most important problems arising in the creation of smart energy systems Smart Grid, is the need for operational diagnostics of the state of the entire complex of power equipment and planning of service and maintenance.

In contrast to the standard setting in the structure Smart grid it is supposed to use an extended objective function for the operation of such a system. This target function of the diagnostic monitoring system includes several new concepts.

Determination of the technical condition of a whole group of electrical equipment connected in a single technological chain for production, transmission or distribution electrical energy... Such technological chains are usually concentrated at the nodes of the power system. In this case, the most important diagnostic term is not the concept of the technical state of each electrical device, but the concept of "the weak link of the entire technological chain." It is the knowledge of the equipment with the smallest residual resource that makes it possible to minimize the costs of maintaining the operability of the equipment complex, no matter what theories of equipment life management are used. It is this information that will make it possible to correctly calculate the risks of equipment failure, optimizing the ratio between costs and possible losses.

Determination of the technical condition (residual life) of the transit route of electrical energy between the nodes of the power system. Various equipment can be included in the transit route, but usually it is a combination of overhead and cable lines, supplemented by appropriate transformers. Here, too, it is very important to know the “weak link”, which needs priority investment of material resources intended for repair and modernization. To assess the technical condition of transit routes, it is important to understand the ratio of the residual resource and the bearing capacity of the electrical energy transmission chain. Quite often, with a low load, it is possible to operate a transit chain with practically no material investment, while an increase in the load of the lines usually requires increased operating costs. Here, the most important parameter is not just the technical condition of the lines, but the potential of these lines to transmit a given amount of energy.

The "upper level" of the diagnostic systems in the Smart Grid structure is a certain vector matrix of technological capabilities of power system nodes and transit routes. Each vector of this matrix comprehensively describes the technological state of some part of the Smart Grid, node or transit route, characterizing both its residual resource and its potential technological load. It is clear that these parameters are related to each other and together give some complex surface that describes the technological capabilities of the Smart Grid element. Knowing the technological state of all Smart Grid elements, it is possible to draw up ways to provide energy to all consumers, minimizing both operating costs and the cost of possible risks arising from the complex operation of the entire system. Here, it is important to correctly sum the vectors of the state of transit and energy conversion paths, from the point of generation to the point of consumption, in order to obtain the optimal path (paths).

Basic concepts and definitions

The most important parameter by which you can most accurately describe the current technical condition of electrical equipment is the concept of residual resource. This is the simplest and at the same time the most complex concept in the theory of equipment life management. The point is that each area of ​​knowledge, even each specialist, defines this term in their own way.

In this work, we will not touch on this issue, just as we will not discuss the problems of methods and accuracy in determining the residual resource. This is the subject of a separate and serious discussion. We will assume that we have managed to determine the residual resource of the equipment and do it with the help of the expert part of the monitoring systems, and quite correctly and accurately.

The value of the residual resource, determined by the diagnostic monitoring system at the current moment, will change in the course of further operation of the equipment, usually decrease (Fig. 1).

In the formula describing the change in the residual resource, all the influence parameters can be summarized in two generalized coefficients:

- k 1 (t) - the sum of technical and technological processes in the equipment, leading to a decrease in the residual life of electrical equipment;

- k 2 ( f) - the sum of technical and financial impacts on the equipment, leading to an increase in its residual resource.

From the above formula (see Fig. 1) it is clearly seen that to manage the residual resource, it is necessary to use the second term, which slows down the decrease, and maybe even increases the value of the residual resource during operation. Correct change of the second term in the formula makes it possible to achieve the necessary law of change in the residual resource, makes it possible to control the life of the equipment.

An ideal approach to managing the residual resource of an individual unit is to use its mathematical description, which is a multi-parameter vector, each projection of which reflects one or another side of the technical state of high-voltage equipment, or the control action on it.

The minimum allowable value of the residual resource, below which it should not fall during operation, can be determined using two analytical models.

1. The value of the minimum value of the residual resource, determined from the condition of the equipment performing the passport technical functions, determined with a given reliability factor. This parameter can be denoted "TMR" - "Technical Minimum of Recourse".

2. The value of the minimum value of the residual resource, determined from the condition of minimizing the financial risks of operating the equipment, taking into account the possible costs of eliminating the consequences of an emergency shutdown of the equipment. This parameter can be denoted "FMR" - "Financial Minimum of Recourse".

We will not deal with the comparison of these parameters, this is a very large and complex question. Let's just say one thing, the "TMR" parameter is more acceptable for us than "FMR" due to its simplicity and "comprehensibility".

Analysis of the residual life of electrical equipment complexes

Let us turn to the issue of assessing the residual life of electrical equipment complexes. Let us consider, for example, the features of optimal control of the residual resource of the high-voltage circuit of the power unit of the station, consisting of a generator Gen, a transformer Tg-g, and a switch Vg-g. All these three objects had different residual life at the time of diagnostics. The diagnostic monitoring systems installed at each facility not only determined the value of this parameter, but also predicted various laws of change in the residual resources of individual units.

What are the costs for which facilities, minimum in volume, are needed to maintain a given residual resource of the entire unit, the entire technological chain? With this amount of expert information, it can be determined quite simply.

O optimal terms and volumes of targeted financial investments necessary to ensure the required reserve for the residual resource of the power unit elements of the station. These financial resources must ensure the stable operation of the equipment for a given period of time.

Financial costs, approximately in the middle of the forecast period of operation, are primarily required for the maintenance of the block transformer. It is the residual life of the transformer that will be the first to fall below the line of the minimum admissible residual resource. In the future, it will be necessary to work with the generator, and at the last stage of operation, it is necessary to work with the switch. From the point of view of the volume of costs, the largest investment is needed in the generator in maintaining its residual resource at the required level.

It is quite obvious that with the help of such a targeted approach, it is possible to significantly optimize the costs of maintaining the residual resource of electrical equipment included in the overall technological chain. At the same time, economic costs will be strictly directed and optimal in terms of their volume.

The residual resource of each variant of the transit path is determined by the “weak link” selected from the resource values ​​of nodes and power transmission lines.

This also makes it possible to purposefully manage the residual resource of the entire track, proceeding from the minimum economic costs and ensuring the maximum reliability of the transit operation.

Energy transit routes from one point to another are usually invariant - this significantly increases the complexity of the formation of a financial investment management model. However, in some cases, this also makes it possible to minimize costs by making optimal use of already available resources.

Obviously, in the joint analysis of several transit routes, it is necessary to take into account in a comprehensive manner that the investment of funds intended to maintain the residual resource of the equipment is related to its planned load. This is another “projection” of the complex vector of the equipment residual life.

Examples of diagnostic monitoring systems for Smart Grid

Not all diagnostic systems, referred to by the developers as "power equipment monitoring systems", can be used in the implementation of the concept Smart Grid. They must meet specific technical and algorithmic requirements.

The result of the operation of diagnostic monitoring systems should be a specific conclusion on the technical state of the controlled object, on the value of the residual resource, and not a set of numbers and graphs, no matter how detailed it is.

Summary information from individual systems should be easily aggregated into a higher level conclusion. For this, all systems must have the same ideological concept, that is, supplied by one manufacturer or one integrator.

The cost (supply) of each individual monitoring subsystem should be moderate, no more than 2 - 3% of the cost of the monitored equipment. Implementation of more expensive systems for Smart Grid is unlikely.

By DIMRUS recently developed, tested and serially produced 16 types of diagnostic monitoring systems, covering almost a full range of high-voltage equipment. Let us consider a list of these systems in relation to the types of high-voltage equipment, briefly indicating the features of the application of each system.

A.P. Livinsky
(JSC "RAO" UES of Russia "", Russia)

The electric power industry, being the basic branch of the Russian economy, provides the domestic needs of the national economy and the population for electricity, as well as the export of electricity to the CIS countries and far abroad.

In order to maximize the efficient use of natural fuel and energy resources and the potential of the energy sector for long-term, stable supply of the country's economy and population with all types of energy, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period until 2020, which provides for:

Reliable power supply of the economy and population of the country with electricity;

Preservation of the integrity and development of the Unified Energy System of the country, its integration with other energy associations on the Eurasian continent;

Improving the efficiency of functioning and ensuring sustainable development of the electric power industry on the basis of new, modern technologies;

Reducing harmful effects on the environment.

In the current version of the Energy Strategy, more moderate levels of electricity consumption were adopted, the pace of development of non-traditional and renewable energy sources, primarily hydropower, was adopted,
more realistic commissioning of generating capacities and corresponding investments.

In a favorable scenario, the development of the electric power industry in Russia is focused on a scenario that assumes the accelerated implementation of socio-economic reforms with the growth rate of gross domestic product production up to 5-6% per year and a corresponding steady growth in electricity consumption of 2.0-2.5% per year (Fig. . one). As a result, electricity consumption will reach 1290 in the optimistic scenario by 2020, and 1145 billion kWh in the moderate one.

Taking into account the projected volumes of demand for electricity in the optimistic scenario, the total production (Fig. 2) will increase in comparison with the reporting year 2002 by 1.2 times by 2010 (up to 1,070 billion kWh) and more than 1.5 times
by 2020 (up to 1365 billion kWh); with a moderate version of economic development, respectively, by 1.14 (up to 1015 billion kWh) and 1.36 times (up to 1215 billion kWh).

Rice. 1. Forecast of electricity consumption levels in accordance with the Energy Strategy
Russia for the period up to 2020

Rice. 2. Electricity production at power plants in Russia (with moderate and optimistic options)

Rice. 3. Installed capacity of power plants in Russia (with moderate and optimistic options)

Production potential electric power industry of Russia (Fig. 3) currently consists of power plants with a total installed capacity of about
215 million kW, including nuclear power plants - 22 and hydroelectric power plants - 44 million kW, the rest - heat power engineering and power transmission lines of all voltage classes with a total length of 2.5 million km. More than 90% of this potential is united in the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, which covers the entire inhabited territory of the country from the western borders to the Far East.

According to the adopted Energy Strategy in the structure of generating capacities significant changes will not happen: thermal power plants will remain the backbone of the electric power industry; their share will remain at the level of 66-67%, nuclear power plants - 14%, the share of hydroelectric power plants will practically not change (20%).

At present, the main share (about 70%) in the structure of generating capacities falls on thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels (Fig. 4). The capacity of the TPP as of 01.01.2003 was about 147 million kW. Almost 80% of the generating capacities of thermal power plants in the European part of Russia (including the Urals) run on gas and fuel oil. In the eastern part of Russia, more than 80% are coal-fired. In Russia, there are 36 thermal power plants with a capacity of 1000 MW and more, including 13 with a capacity of 2000 MW and more. The capacity of the largest thermal power plant in Russia - Surgutskaya GRES-2 - is 4800 MW.

Large power units are widely used in thermal power plants
150-1200 MW. The total number of such power units is 233 with a total capacity of about 65,000 MW.

A significant proportion of thermal power plants (about 50% of the capacity) are CHPs, which are distributed throughout the country.

The main part (more than 80%) of TPP equipment (boilers, turbines, generators) was put into operation in the period from 1960 to 1985 and by now has worked from 20 to 45 years (Fig. 5). Therefore, the aging of power equipment is becoming a key problem in the modern electric power industry, which will only get worse in the future.

Starting from 2005, there will be an increase in the volume of turbine equipment that has exhausted its park resource (Fig. 6). So, by 2010, 102 million kW (43%) of the currently operating equipment of TPPs and HPPs will have exhausted its park resource, and by 2020 - 144 million kW, which will be more than 50% of the installed capacity.

Decommissioning of turbine equipment that generates a park resource in the context of projected demand for electricity and capacity will lead to a capacity deficit of 70 GW at the 2005 level (30% of demand), which by 2010 will already be 124 GW (50% of demand) and by 2020 - 211 GW (75% of capacity demand) (Fig. 7).

Rice. 5. Age structure of installed turbine equipment at TPPs in Russia

Rice. 6. Forecast of the volume of turbine equipment working out the park resource

Rice. 7. Dynamics of power balance in Russia

Rice. 8. The main directions of coverage of the projected power deficit

Providing an increase in the demand for generating capacity is possible due to the following main measures:

² extending the life of existing hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants and a significant number of thermal power plants with the replacement of only the main units and parts;

² completion of facilities that are in a high degree of readiness;

- construction of new facilities in scarce regions;

² modernization and technical re-equipment of TPPs using new, promising technical solutions.

To ensure the predicted levels of electricity and heat consumption in the optimistic and favorable options, the commissioning of generating capacities at power plants in Russia (taking into account the need to replace and modernize equipment that has worn out its service life) for the period 2003-2020. estimated at about 177 million kW (Fig. 9), including at HPP and PSP - 11.2, at NPP - 23, at TPP - 143 (of which CCGT and GTU - 37 million kW), including new commissioning generating capacities - about 131.6 GW, the volume of replacement of worn-out equipment due to its technical re-equipment - 45.4 GW.

1 State of the art the theory of forecasting and evaluating the reliability characteristics of NPP equipment.

1.1 Equipment resource management for NPP CHP: conceptual approach.

1.2 Operational reliability of the secondary circuit elements.

1.2.1 General characteristics of the secondary circuit equipment.

1.2.2 Operational reliability of the condenser.

1.2.3 Operational reliability of HDPE and LDPE.

1.2.4 Steam generator operational reliability.

1.3 Statistical and physico-statistical approaches to assessing the resource of equipment.

1.4 Analysis of resource management methods.

1.5 Conclusions on the first chapter.

2 Forecasting the service life of an NPP power unit.

2.1 Analysis of methodological and guidance materials for assessing the technical condition and residual life of NPP electronic components.

2.2 The problem of level optimization for detecting a disorder in an observable random process.

2.3 Problems of safety and development of the nuclear power industry in Russia.

2.4 Development of an economic criterion.

2.5 Markov model of exploitation.

2.6 Conclusions on the second chapter.

3 Prediction of the service life of the secondary circuit equipment by methods of summing up damages.

3.1 Criteria of the limiting state and models of damage accumulation in the material of the secondary circuit equipment.

3.2 Development of a droplet impact erosion model.

3.3 Calculation of reliability characteristics of steam-water equipment

NPP in conditions of droplet impact erosion.

3.4 Model of linear summation of damages in SG heat-exchange tubes.

3.5 Nonlinear damage summation model.

3.6 Influence of the accuracy of measuring the main indicators of the water-chemical regime on the calculation results.

3.7 Conclusions on the third chapter.

4 Forecasting the service life of steam generator heat exchangers using the Kalman linear stochastic filtration method.

4.1 Analysis of operational data and problem statement.

4.2 Construction of the Kalman filter for predicting the GHG resource based on the damage summation model.

4.3 Algorithm of the Kalman filter for the process of crack growth in the HTTFC.

4.4 The principle of constructing an optimal algorithm for managing the resource of SG tubulars based on the Kalman filter.

4.5 Conclusions on the fourth chapter.

5 Development of a method for optimizing the volumes and frequency of control of NPP equipment elements subject to erosion-corrosive wear.

5.1 The problem of ECI of NPP equipment.

5.2 Method for forecasting FAC.

5.3 Model of the ECI process.

5.4 Developed algorithms for processing primary control data.

5.5 Results of processing the data of primary control on

5.6 Results of processing the data of primary control on

5.7 Results of processing the primary control data at BLKNPP.

5.8. Results of processing primary control data at KolNPP.

5.9 To substantiate the method for calculating the permissible wall thicknesses.

5.10 Conclusions on the fifth chapter.

6 Neural network model for assessing and predicting the performance of elements of equipment of nuclear power plants subject to erosion-corrosive wear.

6.1 Review of methods for predicting the intensity of FAC.

6.2 Justification of the use of the apparatus of neural networks to predict the intensity of the FAC process.

6.3 Learning algorithms and models of neural networks.

6.4 Conceptual diagram of an intelligent system for the task of forecasting ECI.

6.5 Conclusions on section 6.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Life management of the elements of the condensate feed path of VVER power units based on the analysis of operational data 2007, Candidate of Technical Sciences Kornienko, Konstantin Arnoldovich

  • Forecasting the resource and reliability of heat exchange equipment of power plants 2008, Candidate of Technical Sciences Deriy, Vladimir Petrovich

  • Diagnostics and control of erosion-corrosion wear of pipelines and heat exchange equipment of nuclear power plants 2000, Candidate of Technical Sciences Nemytov, Sergei Alexandrovich

  • Systematization and development of models for predicting the resource of equipment of power units of nuclear power plants 2004, candidate of technical sciences Zhiganshin, Akhmet Abbyasovich

  • Increasing the reliability and service life of power equipment operating in two-phase and multicomponent flows 2003, Doctor of Technical Sciences Tomarov, Grigory Valentinovich

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Physical and statistical models of resource management of equipment of the secondary circuit of nuclear power plants"

NPP safety is largely determined by the reliable operation of the steam generation system and the external cooling system, consisting of condensers steam turbines and regeneration systems.

Safe operation of NPP power units and measures to extend the service life are impossible without careful observance of the rules and regulations of operation and maintenance, analysis of the effectiveness of certain control actions, development of methods for probabilistic forecasting of equipment resource characteristics, as well as the introduction of modern control data processing procedures. The reviews by I.A. Tutnov, V.I. Baranenko, A.I. Arzhaeva, S.V. Evropin, works by A.F. Getman, V.P. Gorbatykh, N.B. Trunova, A.A. Tutnova and others.

But on the operation of the power unit, in addition to the safety condition, the condition is also imposed economic efficiency exploitation. These problems are considered and developed in the works of A.N. Karkhova, O.D. Kazachkovskiy and others. The efficiency of electricity production largely depends on the unit downtime associated with preventive maintenance or elimination of the causes of NPP equipment failures. The classification of equipment important in terms of impact on safety, carried out in different countries developing nuclear power, outlined the main types of equipment that should be taken into account when deciding to extend the service life. These issues are substantively considered in the documents of the IAEA, in the works of E.M. Sigala, V.A. Ostreykovskiy and others. The influence of the selected equipment on the power supply capacity factor is due to downtime due to the unreliability of this equipment. One of the main tasks in this regard is to predict the characteristics of equipment reliability and assess the effectiveness of control measures based on models of aging processes that limit its resource. In a large number of works devoted to the development of theoretical models of these processes, the presented models are quite complex and contain a large amount of specific data, which makes it difficult to use such models when predicting a resource.

The problem of optimizing the service life of a power unit, taking into account the effects of aging of the equipment metal and the cost of modernization measures, is currently relevant. A feature of the problem of optimizing the life of an electronic unit is that it is a task of individual forecasting, therefore, it is necessary to organize the collection and processing of initial information, justify the choice of an economic criterion, and formulate the optimization principle taking into account the economic situation during the operation of a particular electronic unit.

Secondary circuit equipment plays a special role in this regard, because it is subject to different aging processes, operates under different conditions, the assigned resource is usually commensurate with the resource of the unit, replacement has a rather high cost.

The aging processes of the materials of the secondary circuit equipment, as well as of the NPP equipment in general, are objective, and for timely effective resource management it is necessary to assess the technical condition of the equipment during operation and the widespread use of diagnostic programs and non-destructive testing... These data must be processed in a timely manner and with high quality and used in predicting the resource characteristics of equipment.

Therefore, the need to develop approaches, methods and algorithms for formulating and solving the problem of optimizing the life of EB, developing methods for predicting the resource taking into account various factors, the nature of the aging process and its probabilistic nature, as well as the use of computational procedures that allow obtaining effective estimates, determine the relevance of the dissertation work.

The conditions laid down in the project and determining the technical, economic and time aspects of the design period may differ significantly from the real ones during operation. Moreover, they can be improved by mitigating the damaging factors resulting from maintenance and modernization and, therefore, control the service life.

The Aging Management Program (AMP) AC (Life Management Program) concept is based on the provision of maintaining design indicators and functions important to safety through an interconnected system of measures for maintenance and diagnostic maintenance, timely repair and modernization. Modernization should also include the introduction of new technologies for operation and repair, including for NPP control, which make it possible to reduce the rate of degradation of properties and parameters of equipment and engineering systems of specific units.

Active work on the topic of life extension, (LSP), with an emphasis on the mechanisms of aging and measures to reduce their impact, led to the emergence of the term "aging management", which emphasizes the controllability of the process and the possibility of active influence< со стороны эксплуатирующей организации.

Lifetime management (LMS) of nuclear power plants is an integrated practice of ensuring socio-economic efficiency and safe operation, including aging management programs.

From an economic point of view, CSS is one of the essential parts of the overall methodology and practice of cost optimization in order to achieve maximum profit while maintaining competitiveness in the electricity producer market and ensuring safety. From a technical point of view, the USS is a set of measures to maintain or improve the safety of nuclear power plants, to ensure the operability and durability of the main elements (systems) and the unit as a whole, while minimizing operating costs. Conditions for the preparation and implementation of life management should be created at all stages life cycle power unit.

Brief analysis IAEA Member States' programs and a general methodology for solving the problem of life extension (LES) are given in the IAEA report "Aging of NPPs and Extension of Service Life". All programs are classified as follows:

Estimation of the service life of equipment that cannot be replaced;

Life extension or planned replacement of key elements that are economically feasible;

Planning overhaul and replacement of equipment to ensure safety and reliability of operation.

The main theoretical developments in this area should be:

Reliability assessment methods;

Safety assessment methods;

Methods for assessing economic efficiency;

Methods for predicting aging over time.

The object of research is the equipment of the secondary circuit of the NPP. The subject of the research is the assessment of the resource characteristics of the equipment.

The purpose and objectives of the study - development theoretical foundations and applied models for assessing, predicting and managing the service life of NPP secondary circuit equipment based on statistical "processing of data on operation and accounting for aging processes. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are being solved: 1. Analysis and systematization of operation data from the point of view of the impact of physical processes on aging processes of materials of secondary circuit equipment and substantiation of the use of physical and statistical models for individual assessment, forecasting and management of the service life of equipment in the secondary circuit of nuclear power plants.

2. Development of methods for predicting the resource characteristics of the secondary circuit equipment under conditions of damage accumulation from the action of various aging processes of the material, taking into account their probabilistic nature.

3. Development of methods and algorithms for optimizing the service life of a power unit based on an economic criterion that takes into account the difference in the timing of costs and benefits, the characteristics of the unit's equipment reliability and the cost of repairs and replacements of equipment during operation.

4. Development of methods for solving the problem of reaching the limiting state by elements of NPP equipment.

5. Optimization of the scope and frequency of monitoring the technical condition of equipment in the secondary circuit of the NPP, subject to erosion-corrosive wear.

6. Development of a method for predicting the intensity of the FEC process for NPP equipment elements made of pearlitic steels, based on the theory of neural networks.

Research methods. The work is based on the use and development of methods for safe operation of nuclear power plants, reliability theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics, with the use of which were carried out:

Analysis of the operating factors limiting the service life of NPP equipment;

Analysis of statistical data on the operability of NPP equipment;

Modeling of aging processes based on the physics of processes, experimental data and data from periodic control.

The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, in contrast to the existing approaches to determining the service life of a power unit, the proposed concept uses the formulation of the problem taking into account the effects of aging of NPP equipment, as well as the fact that methods have been developed for predicting the resource characteristics of equipment using models of physical aging processes , a greater amount of information about the operating parameters and the measures taken to manage the service life of the secondary circuit equipment nuclear power plants... When developing methods for assessing and predicting resource characteristics, a number of new theoretical results were obtained: the significance of factors that determine the intensity of aging processes in a material, which is necessary for managing the resource of a specific NPP equipment;

A probabilistic model for predicting the resource of heat exchange tubes of a steam generator based on the methods of linear and nonlinear summation of damages, taking into account the operating parameters and the type of the main aging process; asymptotic methods for solving the problem of reaching the limiting state by the equipment elements: in the droplet impact erosion model under the conditions of two-phase coolant flows, in the methods of summing up damages in the problem of estimating the service life of TOT SG;

A method for predicting the resource of a steam generator tubular on the basis of linear stochastic Kalman filtration, which makes it possible to take into account a large amount of operational data, control data and research results based on mathematical models damage processes and preventive measures taken, which, in contrast to known methods, leads to an increase in the reliability of the forecast and the ability to qualitatively manage the tubular resource on the basis of the formulated principle of optimal control;

A method for optimizing the volumes and frequency of monitoring the thicknesses of NPP equipment elements subject to erosion-corrosive wear, based on the proposed method for processing control data and determining the elements belonging to the risk group for FAC, calculating the permissible wall thicknesses and ranking elements by the degree of wear and FAC rate, based on the first analysis of a large number of measurements at the Kola, Kalinin, Balakovsk, Novovoronezh, Smolensk NPPs;

A neural network model for assessing and predicting the performance of equipment elements subject to erosion-corrosive wear, based on the observed parameters that determine the intensity of the FAC process, and control data, which, in contrast to existing statistical and empirical models, makes it possible to assess the mutual influence of all factors, to highlight the essential properties of the incoming information and, ultimately, improve the accuracy of the forecast without determining all the relationships between the many factors that determine the process of ECI; a method for optimizing the service life of a power unit based on an economic criterion that takes into account the difference in the timing of costs and benefits, the characteristics of the reliability of the unit's equipment and the cost of repairs and replacements of equipment during operation.

The reliability of the scientific provisions is confirmed by the rigorous substantiation of models describing the processes of operability of the secondary circuit equipment with the correct formulation of the definitions of the limiting states of the equipment, methods and provisions, as well as the correspondence of a number of results to the operational data. Provisions for protection 1. The significance of factors affecting the aging processes of metals and necessary for the individual application of physical and statistical models for assessing and managing the service life of the secondary circuit equipment.

2. Physical and statistical models for assessing, predicting and managing the service life of equipment in the secondary circuit of nuclear power plants, based on the method of summing up damages caused by various aging processes, for carrying out variational calculations and substantiating the values ​​of parameters that allow to control the equipment life.

3. Asymptotic methods for solving problems of assessing the resource characteristics of NPP equipment elements, based on the Central Limit Theorem (CLT), and their application to the damage accumulated in the equipment material under conditions of drop-impact erosion of pipe bends with a two-phase coolant and under conditions of stress corrosion cracking of heat exchange tubes of a steam generator ...

4. A method for predicting the resource of tubular pipes of steam generators of nuclear power plants based on the theory of stochastic filtration.

5. The method of optimization of volumes and frequency of thickness measurement of NPP equipment elements, taking into account their categorization in terms of ECI speed.

6. Neural network model of generalized accounting of operating factors for predicting the rate of FAC in the elements of equipment for nuclear power plants.

7. The method of optimal management of the service life of a power unit, taking into account the difference in the timing of costs and benefits.

The practical value of the results of the work lies in the fact that, on the basis of the above theoretical provisions and methods, algorithms and engineering techniques have been developed that make it possible to substantiate the values ​​of technological parameters for managing the resource of equipment. Calculations carried out using the developed methods made it possible to estimate the service life of the secondary circuit equipment of NPPs with VVER-1000, VVER-440 and RBMK-1000 reactors of the Kola, Smolensk, Kalinin, Balakovskaya NPPs and to develop recommendations for their control.

The field of application of the results is the management of the resource of SG tubulars, heat-exchange condenser tubes, pipeline elements made of pearlitic steels.

Approbation and implementation of results

The work was performed within the framework of the themes of the Energoatom Concern

Diagnostics, equipment life, steam generators, quality. Feasibility study of replacement of copper-containing equipment of the KPT for the head unit of VVER-1000 (power unit No. 3 of the BLKNPP),

Fundamental Problems of Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants,

Modification of the "Norms of permissible thicknesses of pipeline elements made of carbon steel AS" RD EO 0571-2006 "and" Development of a guideline document for assessing the technical condition of equipment elements and pipelines subject to erosion-corrosive wear ";

A comprehensive program of measures to prevent destruction and increase the operational erosion and corrosion resistance of NPP pipelines. NPP No. PRG-550 K07 of Energoatom Concern on the topic "Calculated and experimental substantiation of the scope and frequency of monitoring erosion-corrosion wear of pipelines of NPP power units with VVER RP: 1000",

Processing and analysis of the results of thickness measurement of pipeline elements of the 1-3rd units of the Smolensk NPP.

The materials of the dissertation were presented and discussed at the following international and all-Russian conferences: 1. Systemic problems of reliability, mathematical modeling and information technologies, Moscow-Sochi, 1997, 1998.

2. NPP safety and personnel training, Obninsk, 1998,1999,2001,

3.7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Tokyo, Japan, April 1923, 1999 ICONE-1.

4. Control and diagnostics of pipelines, Moscow, 2001.

5. PSAM 7 ESREL 04 International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Berlin, 2004.

6. Mathematical ideas P. JI. Chebyshev and their application to modern problems of natural science, Obninsk, 2006.

7. Safety, efficiency and economics of nuclear energy, Moscow,

8. MMR 2007 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability. Glasgow, Great Britain, 2007.

9. Problems of materials science in the design, manufacture and operation of equipment, St. Petersburg, 2008. Publications. Published on the topic of the thesis 57 scientific works, including 20 articles in scientific and technical journals, 15 articles in collections, 22 - in the proceedings of conferences.

The dissertation posed methodological issues of predicting the service life of the equipment of the secondary circuit of nuclear power plants, developed methods based on the physical and statistical approach, and proposed effective computational procedures for calculating the resource characteristics.

Main publications

1. Gulina OM, Ostreykovsky VA Analytical dependencies for assessing reliability taking into account the correlation between the load and the bearing capacity of the object // Reliability and quality control. - 1981. - No. 2.- p. 36-41.

2. Gulina OM, Ostreykovsky VA, Salnikov H.JI. Generalization of the models "parameter-tolerance field" and "load-bearing capacity" in assessing the reliability of objects // Reliability and quality control.-1982.-№2.-p. 10-14.

3. Gulina OM, Salnikov N. JI. Construction of a model for predicting the resource of a pipeline in case of erosion damage. Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. - 1995. - No. З. - с. 40-46.

4. Gulina OM, Salnikov H.JI. Diffusion model of probabilistic forecasting of the resource of NPP equipment // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. - 1995. - No. 1.- p. 48-51.

5. Gulina OM, Salnikov N. JI. Model for assessing the resource of steam generator tubes in conditions of stress corrosion cracking. Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. - 1996. - No. 1.- p. 16-19.

6. Egishyants SA, Gulina OM, Konovalov EN Assessment of resource distribution in the summation of damages // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. 1997.-№ 1.- p.18-21.

7. Gulina OM, Salnikov H.JI. Probabilistic forecasting of the resource of pipelines and pressure vessels of the AS // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. -1998. -No. 1.-С.4-11.

8. Filimonov E.V., Gulina O.M. Generalized integral model for predicting the reliability of NPP pipelines under fatigue loading // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. - 1998. -№ З.-с.З-l 1.

9. Gulina OM Assessment and forecasting of the service life of NPP equipment. / Scientific research in the field of nuclear energy in technical universities of Russia: collection of scientific tr.-M .: MPEI, 1999.-P.201-204.

Gulina O.M., Salnikov H.JI. Calculation of resource characteristics of equipment in conditions of nonlinear effects of degradation processes // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. -1999. -№4. -s. 11-15.

11.V. A. Andreev, O.M. Gulnna. A fast method for predicting the growth of cracks in large-diameter pipelines. Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2000.-№3.-p. 14-18.

12. Gulina O.M., Zhiganshin A.A., Chepurko V.A. Development of a criterion for optimizing the service life of a power unit // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. -2001. -№2. -s. 10-14.

13. Gulina O.M., Zhiganshin A.A., Korniyets * T.P. The multicriteria problem of optimizing the service life of an ACS power unit / Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. - 2002.-№4.-p. 12-15.

14. Gulina OM, Zhiganshin AA, Mikhaltsov AV, Tsykunova S.Yu. The problem of assessing the service life of NPP equipment under aging conditions // Nuclear measuring and information technologies. - 2004. - No. 1. - p. 62-66.

15. Gulina O.M., Kornienko K.A., Pavlova M.N. Analysis of contamination of tubulars with steam generators and assessment of the inter-flushing period by diffusion processes // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. -2006. -№1.-p. 12-18.

16. Gulina O.M., Kornienko K.A., Polityukov V.P., Frolov S.A. Application of the Kalman stochastic filtration method for predicting the resource characteristics of a nuclear power plant steam generator // Atomnaya Energiya. - 2006.-t.101 (4) .- p. 313-316.

17.Gulina O.M., Salnikov H.JI. Methods for predicting the resource of heat exchange equipment of nuclear power plants // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2007. - No. 3, issue 1.- p.23-29.

18 Baranenko V.I., Gulina O.M., Dokukin D.A. Methodological basis for predicting erosion-corrosion wear of nuclear power plant equipment using neural network modeling // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2008.-№1.-p. З-8.

19. Gulina O.M., Pavlova M.N., Polityukov V.P., Salnikov H.JI. Optimal control of the NPP steam generator resource // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2008. - No. 4. - With. 25-30.

20. Igitov AV, Gulina OM, Salnikov N.JL The problem of level optimization for detecting disorder in the observed random process // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power, - 2009-№1.- p. 125-129.

21 Baranenko V.I., Yanchenko Yu.A., Gulina O.M., Tarasov A.V., Tarasova O.S. Operational control of pipelines subject to erosion-corrosive wear // Teploenergetika.-2009.-No.5.-p.20-27.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Nuclear power plants, including design, operation and decommissioning", 05.14.03 code VAK

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  • Characteristic features of the computational substantiation of the strength of structural elements of nuclear reactors at the stage of operation and during the creation of new installations 2007, Doctor of Technical Sciences Sergeeva, Lyudmila Vasilievna

  • Modernization and reconstruction of steam generator systems of NPP with VVER to improve reliability 2009, Candidate of Technical Sciences Berezanin, Anatoly Anatolyevich

  • Methodology for monitoring the residual life of equipment and pipelines of VVER reactors using an automated system 2012, Doctor of Technical Sciences Bogachev, Anatoly Viktorovich

  • Automation of modeling of droplet impact erosion of blades of humid steam turbines 2002, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dergachev, Konstantin Vladimirovich

Conclusion of the thesis on the topic "Nuclear Power Plants, Including Design, Operation and Decommissioning", Gulina, Olga Mikhailovna

6.5 Conclusions on Section 6

1. To assess the frequency of control, models for predicting the development of the ECI process are needed. Methods for predicting the intensity of the FAC process can be classified as follows:

Methods using analytical models;

Methods using empirical models;

Forecasting methods using artificial intelligence.

2. Analytical models based on the theoretical description of physical processes - individual FEC mechanisms - are capable of providing only a qualitative analysis due to the fact that the effect on the overall wear process is determined by many factors: the geometry of the equipment element, the chemical composition of the metal, the type of coolant and the operating parameters.

3. Statistical models make it possible to assess the general state of the system I f or individual groups elements of pipelines at the moment. Statistical models are based on operational control data. Methods statistical analysis are used for prompt response to the current situation: identification of elements subject to ECI, assessment of the maximum and average speed ECI, etc., - on the basis of which it is possible to estimate the volume and approximate date of the next control.

4. Empirical models are built on the basis of operational control data and laboratory research results: statistical, physicochemical and neural network models. To predict the FEC of the equipment of a particular block, it is necessary to calibrate the empirical model using the data of the operational control of this block. The model obtained as a result of calibration cannot be applied to another block without appropriate adaptation.

5. A large number of parameters that determine the intensity of the FAC process have a complex effect on each other. The use of ANN to solve the problem of predicting FAC allows one to assess the mutual influence of all factors, to highlight the essential properties of the incoming information and, ultimately, to improve the forecast accuracy without determining all the dependencies between many factors that determine the FAC process. This makes it possible to substantiate a neural network approach to determining the intensity of the FAC process in the equipment of the condensate feed path of a nuclear power plant.

6. An overview of methods for training neural networks is given and an optimal combination of approaches to creating and training an artificial neural network is proposed. solving problem forecasting the intensity of FAC in NPP pipelines. To increase the reliability of the forecast, data filtering is necessary, which consists in using only information about thinning, since the ECI process is associated with wall thinning, while the thickening is due to the transfer of corrosion products.

7. The study was carried out on the basis of a simplified artificial neural network that solves the problem of predicting the thinning of the wall of a straight section of a pipeline with a single-phase medium of a CPT of NPP with VVER. The simplified network is trained using an elastic backpropagation algorithm. The area of ​​correct forecast for a time interval of up to 4 years has been determined.

8. To optimize the solution of the problem of predicting the speed of the FAC using the NN, an algorithm is proposed that includes

Performing cluster analysis for the analyzed situations in order to divide them into clusters of situations with similar properties, while the accuracy can be increased by taking into account local and unique dependencies and factors for each cluster. I

Construction for each class of the input set of the NN, trained using the backpropagation algorithm, which will calculate the thinning of the pipeline wall for the predicted period.

9. The proposed algorithm is implemented using a complex of neural networks

Replicative NS;

Kohonnen's self-organizing map;

Backpropagation neural network. t


The main theoretical and practical results obtained in this work are as follows.

1. Based on the analysis and systematization of operating data, the features of the impact of physical processes on the aging processes of metals of the secondary circuit equipment, the necessity of developing and applying physical and statistical models for assessing, predicting and managing the service life of NPP equipment is substantiated. The analysis showed the decisive influence of the presence of copper in the circuit on the intensity of the aging processes of the metal of the equipment of the secondary circuit of the NPP. An individual approach to assessing the current state of equipment and developing predictive models with the maximum use of available information: data on damage and their causes, factors that intensify damage processes, data from periodic monitoring of technical condition, water chemistry parameters, as well as on measures to mitigate operating conditions and reduce the intensity of damage processes, - determines the methods for calculating the resource characteristics of the equipment.

2. Shown is the mutual influence of the equipment of the condensate-feed and steam paths, united by a water circuit, on the technical condition of each other, especially on the technical condition and efficiency of the steam generator. The main aging processes characteristic of the metal of the secondary circuit equipment, as well as the factors affecting the resource of condenser tubes, HDPE and LDPE, pipelines and heat exchange tubes of SG are considered. Measures are noted to reduce the intensity of damage processes.

3. Optimization of the service life of a power unit is made on the basis of an economic criterion that takes into account the difference in the timing of costs and benefits, the characteristics of the reliability of the unit's equipment and the cost of repairs and replacements of equipment during operation - net discounted income (NPV). The criterion for optimizing the service life is the maximum NPV.

The structure of the flow of payments was obtained using the developed Markov model of exploitation. The proposed model for calculating the cost of operation takes into account the loss associated with downtime, the cost of electricity produced, the cost of replacement, the cost of restoration work, the cost of modernization measures, etc.

4. Methods have been developed and investigated for predicting the life characteristics of equipment based on taking into account the accumulation of damage from the action of various aging processes of the equipment of the secondary circuit of nuclear power plants, taking into account their probabilistic nature. To assess the performance of the equipment, a stochastic measure of damage was introduced based on the accumulation of damage in the material from the action of certain aging processes. The resource is defined as the moment when a random process of damage accumulation goes beyond the set level.

5. The probabilistic characteristics of the resource were obtained by the methods of linear and nonlinear summation of damages - for the processes of droplet impact erosion in a two-phase flow and stress corrosion cracking under stress of heat exchange tubes of steam generator - at various values ​​of the concentration of damaging factors and calculated on the basis of asymptotic approximations of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics.

6. For the process of droplet impact erosion, typical for bends of steam lines, blades of steam turbines, inlet sections of the PSTE in the HPH, etc., the mechanism of the impact of a droplet on a solid surface is taken as a basis, taking into account the distribution of normal velocities, droplet sizes, as well as such parameters , such as vapor moisture, flow rate, radius of the impact spot, temperature, pressure, density of liquid and vapor, speed of sound in liquid, material parameters.

For steam generator heat exchange tubes, the damage process is based on the stress corrosion cracking process, the intensity of which significantly depends on the concentrations of corrosion activators, the presence of deposits on the heat exchange surface, the concentration of copper in the deposits, which makes it possible to control the aging process of the steam generator heat exchange by justifying the values ​​of the corresponding model parameters.

7. An approach is proposed and substantiated using stochastic linear filtering to take into account heterogeneous information about an object when predicting its resource, as well as to take into account the measures taken or planned to reduce the intensity of aging processes. The Kalman stochastic filtration method is adapted to predict the resource characteristics of SG heat exchanger tubes. Algorithms for the smoothing filter and predictor have been developed. Used by Additional Information in the form of periodic monitoring data, the location of the tube in the assembly, errors in the measurement of wall thicknesses, etc. Based on the requirements for the rate of the aging process, it is possible to evaluate the optimal period or the optimal plan for subsequent control. The principle of the optimal algorithm for managing the resource of TOT PG has been formulated.

8. A systematized review of models for predicting FAC in equipment items is presented. Procedures have been developed for processing the thickness measurement data of the secondary circuit equipment of NPPs to optimize the volumes and frequency of monitoring. Based on the analysis of a large volume of monitoring data for NPPs with VVER-1000, RBMK-1000, VVER-440 reactors - KlnNPP, BlokNPP, NVNPP, KolNPP,

SNPP - methods and algorithms for processing thickness measurement data, requirements for the type and quality of information provided for calculations have been developed, the concept of a category has been introduced to designate a risk group of intensive thinning. It is proposed to include in the control plan elements, the residual resource of which is approaching the date of the next PM.

9. The use of neural network modeling for solving the problem of predicting the FAC is substantiated, which makes it possible to assess the mutual influence of all influencing factors, to highlight the essential properties of the incoming operational information without determining all the dependencies between many factors that determine the FAC process. Using the example of studying a simplified network for predicting the wall thinning of the straight section of the main condensate pipeline of NPP with VVER, trained using the elastic backpropagation algorithm, the correctness of the forecast is shown for a time interval of up to 4 years.

10. To optimize the solution of the problem of predicting the speed of FAC using a neural network, an algorithm is proposed that includes

Filtering data for training;

- "identification" of the characteristic features of the input set and the reduction on its basis of the number of input factors;

Performing cluster analysis for the analyzed situations;

Plotting a neural network for each class, trained using the backpropagation algorithm.

The proposed algorithm is implemented using a complex of neural networks: replicative neural network; self-organizing Kohonnen map; Backpropagation neural network.

List of dissertation research literature Doctor of Technical Sciences Gulina, Olga Mikhailovna, 2009

1. RD-EO-0039-95. Regulatory and methodological requirements for the management of the resource characteristics of the elements of NPP power units. M., 1997.

2. Data Collection and Record Keeping for the Management of Nuclear Power Plant Aging IAEA. Safety Practices Publications. # 50-P-3, Vienna, 1997.

3. Muratov OE, Tikhonov M.H. NPP decommissioning: problems and solutions (

4. Ageev A.G., Korolkov B.M., Belov V.I., Semyakin A.A., Kornienko K.A., Trunov N.B. Thermal chemical tests of the PGV-1000M steam generator with a reconstructed PDL and a modernized water supply system. // Annual report of ENITS VNIIAES, 1999.

5. Baranenko V.I., Gashenko V.A., Trubkina N.E., Bakirov M.B., Yanchenko Yu.A. Operational reliability of heat exchange tubes of steam generators of NPP power units with VVER // Materials of the seminar at the Kalinin NPP, November 16-18, 1999, pp. 133-158.

6. Methodology for the Management of Aging of Nuclear Power Plant Components Important to Safety IAEA. Technical Reports Series, # 338. Vienna, 1998.

7. Baranenko V.I., Baklashov C.A. Analysis of operational damage to condensers and low pressure heaters. Preparation of a schedule for replacing the equipment of the condensate feed path. VM.21.02.00.TO. FGUPVNIIAM. M., 2003.

8. Chexal V.K. (Bind), Horowitz J.S. Chexal-Horowitz Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Model-Parameter and Influences. Current perspective of Inter. Pressure vessels and Piping: Codes and Standard. Book No. 409768. -1995.-P. 231-243.

9. The accident at the nuclear power plant "Sarri-2" // Nuclear technology abroad. -1987.- No. 10. -p.43.

10. Secondary Pipe Rupture at Mihama Power Unit 3. Mr. Hajime Ito.// The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. Conf. WANO. 2005.15 p.

11. T. Inagaki. IAEA activities related to aging management and safe long term operation including FAC // Seminar on Erosion-Corrosion and Flow Assisted Corrosion 6-8 November 2007, Obninsk, Russia.

12. Jens Gunnars. Overview of Erosion-Corrosion // Seminar on Erosion-Corrosion and Flow Assisted Corrosion 6-8 November 2007, Obninsk, Russia.

13. John Pietralik. FAC Seminar: Theoretical Backgrounds // Seminar oni

15. Pipe Break causes deaths at Surry. // Nucl.Eng.Inter., 1987 v. 32. p.4.

16. RD EO 0571-2006. Norms of permissible thicknesses of pipeline elements made of carbon steels of nuclear power plants. 44 p.

17. Bakirov M.B., Kleshuk S.M., Chubarov S.V., Nemytov D.S., Trunov N.B., Lovchev V.N., Gutsev D.F. Development of an atlas of defects in heat exchange tubes of steam generators of NPP S VVER. 3-5 October 2006 FSUE OKB "GIDROPRESS".

18. Kharitonov Yu.V., Brykov S.I., Trunov N.B. Prediction of the accumulation of deposits of corrosion products on the heat exchange surfaces of the PGV-1000M steam generator // Heat power engineering № 8, 2001, pp. 20-22.

19. Ensuring safe and reliable operation of PGV-1000 steam generators. Ed. Aksenova V.I. // Materials of the seminar at the Kalinin NPP, November 16-18, 1999, pp. 78-132.

20. Trunov N.B., Loginov S.A., Dragunov Yu.G. Hydrodynamic and Thermal Chemical Processes in Steam Generators of NPP with VVER. M .: Energoatomizdat, 2001. - 316 s.

21. Baranenko V.I., Oleinik S.j \, Budukin S.Yu., Bakirov M.B., Yanchenko Yu.A., Kornienko K.A. Ensuring the operational reliability of steam generators at NPP with VVER // Heavy mechanical engineering. -2001, No. 8.-p. 6-9.2001.- p. 71-72.

22. Yovchev M. Corrosion of heat and power and nuclear power equipment. M .: Energoatomizdat, 1988. - 222 p.

23. Analysis of operational data on the maintenance of the water-chemical regime of the secondary circuit at power units No. 1-4 of the Balakovo NPP in 2005 // M., VNIIAES, 2006.

24. Analysis of operational data on the maintenance of the water-chemical regime of the secondary circuit at power units No. 1-4 of the BLKNPP for the II quarter of 2006, M., VNIIAES, 2006.

25. Standards for strength calculation of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants (PNAE G-7-002-86). -M .: Energoizdat, 1989.

26. V.I. Nikitin. Corrosion damage of steam turbine condensers and determination of the residual life of their pipe system. // Heat power engineering. - 2001. - No. 11. With. 41-45.

27. V.I. Baranenko, O. A. Belyakov. Prediction of the service life of heat exchange tubes of condensers of power unit No. 2 of the Kalinin NPP // Scientific and technical report D. No. 2006 / 4.15.5 / 16473 p. 26. Elektrogorsk, 2006.

28. Research report. Verification of the technology of repair and restoration of NPP heat exchange tubes by applying a polymer coating to the inner surface of the heat exchange tubes. M. 2003. Approved. Tech. Director of NPO "ROKOR" Ph.D. A.B. Ilyin. -22s.

29. Gulina O. M., Semiletkina I. V. Determination of the latent period of erosional destruction // Diagnostics and forecasting of reliability, elements of nuclear power plants: collection of scientific works of the Department of ACS.- Obninsk: IATE.- 1992.- No. 8.- p.31-34

30. Gulina OM Assessment and Forecasting of the Lifetime of NPP Equipment // Scientific Research in the Field of Nuclear Energy in Technical Universities of Russia: Collection of Scientific Tr. M .: MPEI, 1999.- p. 201-204.

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32. Antonovich A.V., Butovsky JI.C. Influence of damages of the condenser tube system on the efficiency of turbine installations at TPPs and NPPs // Energetika i electrification., 2001. No. 7. S. 29-34.

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35. Rassokhin N.G. Steam generating units of nuclear power plants. M .: Energoatomizdat, 1987 .-- 384 p.

36. Baranenko V.I., Oleinik S.G., Budukin S.Yu., Bakirov M.B., Yanchenko Yu.A., Kornienko K.A. Ensuring the operational reliability of steam generators of NPP with VVER // Heavy mechanical engineering. -2001-№8.-p.6-9.

37. Trunov N.B., Denisov V.V., Dragunov Yu.G., Banyuk G.F., Kharitonov Yu.V. The operability of heat exchanger tubes of SG NPP with VVER. // Materials of the IAEA Regional Seminar "Integrity of SG tubes", Udomlya, November 27-30, 2000 - p.

38. Ivanisov V.F. Problems of VTK at the Kalinin NPP. // Materials of the seminar at the Kalinin NPP, November 16-18, 1999 - pp. 55-57.

39. Gulina OM Assessment and forecasting of the service life of NPP equipment. / Sat. scientific works "Scientific research in the field of nuclear power in technical universities of Russia". M.- Publishing house MEI-1999-p.201-204.

40. Gulina OM, Salnikov H.JI. Probabilistic forecasting of the resource of pipelines and pressure vessels of the nuclear power plant. // Izvestiya Vuzov. Nuclear energy, 1998.-№ 1.-С.4-11.

41. Gulina OM, Salnikov H.JI. Methods for predicting the resource of heat exchange equipment of nuclear power plants // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2007. - No. 3, issue 1.- p.23-29.

42. John Petralik. Liquid Impact Erosion and Cavitation Erosion. // Proceeding of FAC-Seminar. Obninsk, Russia „November 6-8, 2007.

43. Baranenko V.I., Oleinik S.G., Merkushev V.H. and other Operational reliability of structural elements of steam generators of NPP with VVER. Questions of atomic science and technology. Ser. NPP safety assurance. - 2003, issue Z. - p. 85-100.

44. Antonov A.V., Ostreykovsky V.A. Evaluation of reliability characteristics of elements and systems of nuclear power plants combined methods... -M .: Energoatomizdat, 1993.-368s.

45. Skripnik V.M., Nazin A.E., Prikhodko Yu.G. Analysis of the reliability of technical systems using censored samples. -M .: Radio and communication, 1988: -289s.

46. ​​Severtsev N.A., Yanishevsky I.M. Reliability of a redundant system with a loaded reserve during preventive maintenance of the reserve element. // Reliability and quality control, -M .: Radio and communication, 1995.-P.94-100.

47. Taratunin V.V., Elizarov A.I., Panfilova S.E. Application of the "method of Markov graphs in problems of distribution of requirements5 to reliability. Technical report-M .: VNIIEAS, 1997. -48s.

48. V. V. Taratunin, A. I. Elizarov. Probabilistic methods of NPP and power unit reliability management; systems: and individual equipment at the operational stage - and extension of the designated: service life. Report on NTS.- M.: VNIIAES, 1999. -57s.

49. Taratunin V.V .:, Elizarov A.I. Probabilistic assessment of the reliability of equipment and: systems! NPP taking into account aging and the current maintenance and repair system. Technical report. Rosenergoatom.-M .: VNIIAES, 2000. -100s.

50. RD-EO-0039-95. Normative and methodological requirements ^ for the management of resource characteristics of the elements of power units AS-M, 1997.

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52. Proceedings of IAEA Regional Workshop on "Steam Generator Degradation and Inspection", Saint Denis, France, 1999. Vienna: IAEA, 1999.

53. Gulina O.M., Pavlova M.H., Polityukov V.P., Salnikov H.JI. Optimal control of the NPP steam generator resource // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2008. - No. 4. ~ p. 25-30.

54. Gulina O.M., Kornienko K.A., Pavlova M.N. Analysis of contamination of tubulars with steam generators and assessment of the inter-flushing period by diffusion processes. // Izvestiya Vuzov. Nuclear energy, 2006.- No. 1.- p. 12-18.

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57. Igitov A.V., Gulina O.M., Salnikov H.JT. The problem of level optimization for detecting disorder in an observable random process. // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear Power Engineering. - 2009-№1.- p. 25-29.

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73. Gulina O.M., Zhiganshin A.A., Korniyets T.P. Multi-criteria problem of optimization of service life. // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2002. - No. 4. - p. 12-15.

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105. Gulina OM, Salnikov N. JI. Model for estimating the service life of steam generator tubes under conditions of stress corrosion cracking. // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. 1996. -No. 1.- p.16-19.

106. Karzov G.P., Suvorov S.A., Fedorova V.A., Fillipov A.V., Trunov N.B., Brykov S.I., Popadchuk B.C. The main mechanisms of damage to heat exchange tubes at various stages of operation of steam generators of the PGV-1000 type.

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111. Nadinich B. Establishment of criteria for damping heat-exchange tubes in steam generators of nuclear power plants with VVER-440, VVER-1000 reactors // Teploenergetika.- 1998.- №2. S. 68-70.

112. Gulina O.M., Kornienko K.A., Polityukov V.P., Frolov S.A. Application of the Kalman stochastic filtration method for predicting the resource characteristics of a nuclear power plant steam generator // Atomic Energy. - 2006.-t.101 (4) .- pp. 313-316.

113. Salnikov H.JI., Gulina OM, Kornienko K.A., Frolov S.A. and others. Analysis of operational data on the technical condition of KPT equipment (intermediate under contract No. 2004 / / 9224) // Report on research. Obninsk: IATE, 2004.- 68 p.

114. Kornienko KA Management of the resource of the elements of the condensate-feed path of VVER power units based on the analysis of operational data. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences. Obninsk, 2007.

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127. Baranenko V.I., Yanchenko Yu.A. Solution of the problem of reducing erosion-corrosion wear of equipment and pipelines at foreign and domestic nuclear power plants // Teploenergetika.-2007.-№5.-p.12-19.

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131. Typical program of operational monitoring of the state of the base metal and welded joints of equipment and pipelines of the power unit of the Beloyarsk NPP with the BN-600 reactor. ATPE-11-2006.

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133. Managing large amounts of erosion-corrosion NDE data with CEMS. // Nucl. Eng. Inter. May 1990. - P. 50-52.

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135. Baranenko V.I., Gulina O.M., Dokukin D.A. Methodological basis for predicting erosion-corrosion wear of nuclear power plant equipment using neural network modeling // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear power. - 2008. - No. 1. - p. 3-8.

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138. Gulina OM, Salnikov H.JI. Construction of a model for predicting the resource of a pipeline in case of damage // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. 1995.- No. 3.- p. 40-46.

139. Gulina OM, Filimonov Ye.V. Generalized integral model for predicting the reliability of NPP pipelines under fatigue loading // Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear Power Engineering-1998.-№ З.-с. 3-11.

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142. Gulina O. M., Andreev V. A. A fast method for predicting the growth of cracks in large-diameter pipelines. Izvestiya vuzov. Nuclear energy. 2000. - No. 3.- p. 14-18.

Please note that the above scientific texts are posted for information and received through recognition original texts theses (OCR). In this connection, they may contain errors associated with the imperfection of recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.



In accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1995 N 170-FZ "On the Use of Atomic Energy" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 48, Art. 4552; 1997, N 7, Art. 808; 2001, N 29, Art.2949; 2002, No. 1, Art. 2; No. 13, Art. 1180; 2003, No. 46, Art. 4436; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2006, No. 52, Art. 5498; 2007 , No. 7, Article 834; No. 49, Article 6079; 2008, No. 29, Article 3418; No. 30, Article 3616; 2009, No. 1, Article 17; No. 52, Article 6450; 2011, No. 29 4281; N 30, Art 4590, Art 4596; N 45, Art 6333; N 48, Art 6732; N 49, Art 7025; 2012, N 26, Art 3446; 2013, N 27 , art. 3451), subparagraph of paragraph 5 of the Regulation on Federal Service on environmental, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 401 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3348; 2006, N 5, Art. 544; N 23, Art. 2527; N 52 , Art.5587; 2008, N 22, Art.2581; N 46, Art.5337; 2009, N 6, Art.738; N 33, Art.4081; N 49, Art.5976; 2010, N 9, Art 960; N 26, Art. 3350; N 38, Art. 4835; 2011, N 6, Art. 888; N 14, Art. 1935; N 41, Art. 5750; N 50, Art. 7385; 2012, N 29, Art.4123; N 42, Art 5726; 2013, N 12, Art 1343; N 45, Art 5822; 2014, N 2, Art 108; N 35, Art 4773; 2015, N 2, Art.491; N 4, Art.661), I order:
To approve the attached federal norms and rules in the field of the use of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants by the atomic resource. Basic Provisions "(NP-096-15).

A. V. Aleshin

by order of the Federal Service
on environmental, technological
and atomic supervision
dated October 15, 2015 N 410



I. Purpose and scope

1. These federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use "Requirements for the resource management of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants. Basic provisions" (NP-096-15) (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Provisions) were developed in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law of November 21 1995 N 170-FZ "On the Use of Atomic Energy" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 48, Art. 4552; 1997, N 7, Art. 808; 2001, N 29, Art. 2949; 2002, N 1 , Art.2; N 13, Art.1180; 2003, N 46, Art.4436; 2004, N 35, Art.3607; 2006, N 52, Art.5498; 2007, N 7, Art.834; N 49 , Art. 6079; 2008, N 29, Art. 3418; N 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 1, Art. 17; N 52, Art. 6450; 2011, N 29, Art. 4281; N 30, Art. 4590, art. 4596; N 45, art. 6333; N 48, art. 6732; N 49, art. 7025; 2012, N 26, art. 3446; 2013, N 27, art. 3451), by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 1997 N 1511 "On approval of the Regulations on the development and approval of federal norms and rules in the field of the use of nuclear power energy "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 49, Art. 5600; 1999, N 27, Art. 3380; 2000, N 28, Art. 2981; 2002, N 4, Art. 325; 44, Art. 4392; 2003, No. 40, Art. 3899; 2005, N 23, Art. 2278; 2006, N 50, Art. 5346; 2007, N 14, Art. 1692; 46, Art. 5583; 2008, N 15, Art. 1549; 2012, N 51, Art. 7203).
2. These Basic Provisions establish requirements for the resource management of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants classified in the designs of nuclear power plants (hereinafter referred to as NPPs) in accordance with federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use to elements of 1, 2 and 3 safety classes.
3. These Basic Provisions are applied in the design, construction, production, construction (including installation, adjustment, commissioning), operation (including when extending the service life), reconstruction (modernization), repair and decommissioning of the NPP unit.
4. The terms and definitions used are given in Appendix No. 1 to these Basic Provisions.

II. General Provisions

5. These Basic Provisions apply to the resource management of the following NPP equipment and pipelines:
all units of equipment and pipelines classified in the NPP unit design as safety class 1 elements;
all units of equipment of single and small-scale production and reference units of pipelines and NPP equipment classified in the NPP unit design as elements of safety class 2;
separate units of equipment and pipelines classified in the NPP unit design as elements of the 3rd safety class, in the manner established by the operating organization in agreement with the developers of the projects of reactor plants (hereinafter - RU) and NPP.
6. In the design of the NPP unit for equipment and pipelines, their service life should be justified and assigned.
7. The design (project) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines shall establish and justify the resource characteristics and criteria for assessing the resource. For NPP equipment and pipelines designed before the introduction of these Basic Provisions, as well as in cases of termination of the activities of the equipment or pipelines developer, the justification and establishment of the service life of the NPP equipment and pipelines must be performed by the operating organization.
8. Life management of NPP equipment and pipelines should be based on:
a) compliance with the requirements of federal norms and rules in the field of the use of atomic energy, regulatory and governing documents, instructions for the manufacture, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and repair, assessment of the technical condition and residual life of NPP equipment and pipelines;
b) maintaining the NPP equipment and pipelines in good (operable) condition by timely detection of damage, implementation of preventive measures (inspections, repairs), replacement of worn out NPP equipment and pipelines;
c) the establishment of mechanisms for the formation and development of defects that can lead to the destruction or failure of equipment and pipelines of the nuclear power plant;
d) identifying the dominant (determining) mechanisms of aging, degradation and damage to NPP equipment and pipelines;
e) continuous improvement of monitoring of aging processes, degradation and damage to NPP equipment and pipelines;
f) the results of monitoring the technical condition and assessing the depleted and residual life of NPP equipment and pipelines based on the monitoring results;
g) mitigation (weakening) of aging processes, degradation and damage to equipment and pipelines through maintenance, repair, modernization, use of sparing modes of operation, replacement (when the resource is exhausted and the repair is impossible or inexpedient);
h) development and updating of the NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program.
9. The operating organization shall ensure the development and agreement with the developers of the reactor plant and NPP projects of the program for managing the resource of NPP equipment and pipelines at the stage of their operation and carry out its implementation.
10. The program for managing the resource of equipment and pipelines based on the criteria for assessing the resource established by design (design) organizations should be focused on preventing damage to equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants due to degradation and negative effects of aging of structural materials and the structures themselves during their operation.
11. The NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program must contain:
a) a list of NPP equipment and pipelines, the resource of which is subject to control, and the resource characteristics to be monitored, indicating the monitored parameters for each piece of equipment and pipelines;
b) methods for monitoring the processes of damage accumulation in materials and structural elements of NPP equipment and pipelines due to aging, corrosion, fatigue, radiation, temperature, mechanical and other influences affecting the mechanisms of aging, degradation and failures of NPP equipment and pipelines;
c) the procedure for taking into account the technical condition of NPP equipment and pipelines, the actual characteristics of materials, loading parameters and operating conditions, and the procedure for adjusting the working programs for in-service monitoring of the technical condition of NPP equipment and pipelines;
d) the procedure for the adoption and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating or mitigating damaging factors;
e) the procedure for accounting for the exhausted and assessing the residual resource of the equipment and pipelines of the nuclear power plant;
f) the procedure for adjusting the maintenance and repair schedule (hereinafter - MRO) in order to prevent irreversible manifestations of aging and degradation mechanisms of NPP equipment and pipelines.
12. Work programs for operational non-destructive testing of the state of metal of NPP equipment and pipelines and regulations for maintenance and repair of NPP equipment and pipelines should take into account the provisions of the program for managing the resource of NPP equipment and pipelines.
13. The operating organization must ensure the collection, processing, analysis, systematization and storage of information during the entire service life of equipment and pipelines and maintain a database on damages, their accumulation and development, aging mechanisms, failures and malfunctions, as well as operating modes including transient modes and emergency situations, in accordance with the NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program.

III. Preparatory activities for management
resource of equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants
in design and construction

14. At the design and construction stage of NPP equipment and pipelines, NPP and RI project developers should develop a methodology for managing the resource of NPP equipment and pipelines in the form of a set of organizational and technical measures based on predicting damage mechanisms for structural materials of NPP equipment and pipelines, monitoring resource characteristics, and identification of the dominant aging and degradation mechanisms at the operation stage, periodic assessment of the actual state of NPP equipment and pipelines and their residual resource, corrective measures to eliminate or weaken the aging and degradation mechanisms, formulation of requirements for databases that ensure the implementation of the NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program.
15. The design (design) organizations should provide for measures and means to maintain the values ​​of the resource characteristics within the limits ensuring the assigned service life of the NPP equipment and pipelines.
16. When choosing materials for NPP equipment and pipelines, the mechanisms of damage and degradation of materials should be taken into account (low and high cycle fatigue, general and local corrosion, intergranular and transcrystalline cracking, embrittlement, thermal aging, deformation and radiation damage, erosion, wear, change in physical properties ), the manifestation of which is possible during the design life of the NPP equipment and pipelines, and for non-replaceable NPP equipment and pipelines - during the NPP operation life.
17. In cases where non-replaceable NPP equipment and pipelines are to function during NPP decommissioning, damage mechanisms during the period of time including NPP decommissioning should be additionally taken into account. The residual life of such NPP equipment and pipelines must be sufficient to ensure NPP decommissioning.
18. For newly designed NPPs, the design (design) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines shall define a list of non-replaceable NPP equipment and pipelines, methods and means for monitoring parameters and processes that affect the service life of NPP equipment and pipelines.
19. For NPP equipment and pipelines of newly designed NPP units, the design (project) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines must contain:
a) a list of design modes, including normal operation modes (start-up, stationary mode, change in reactor power, shutdown), modes of abnormal operation and design basis accidents;
b) the estimated number of repetitions of all design modes for the assigned service life of the NPP equipment and pipelines;
c) operating conditions and loads on NPP equipment and pipelines;
d) a list of potential mechanisms of damage and degradation of materials for NPP equipment and pipelines that can affect their performance during operation (low and high cycle fatigue, general and local corrosion, intergranular and transcrystalline cracking, embrittlement under the influence of temperature, neutron or ionizing radiation, thermal aging, creep, deformation damage, erosion, wear, formation and growth of cracks, taking into account the influence of the environment and creep, change in physical properties);
e) results of calculations of strength and service life of NPP equipment and pipelines, justification of their service life. The resource of non-replaceable NPP equipment and pipelines must be provided for the service life of the NPP unit and for the period of decommissioning of the NPP unit.
20. The design (project) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines should take into account the accumulated experience of NPP units operation, as well as the experience in manufacturing, installation, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of NPP equipment and pipelines and the results of scientific research.
21. For newly designed NPP units, the design (design) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines shall provide for systems and (or) methods for monitoring the necessary parameters that determine the resource of NPP equipment and pipelines throughout their service life, from the following list:
the rate of warming up or cooling down;
temperature gradients along the wall thickness;
pressure and rate of increase or release of pressure of the coolant or working media;
vibration characteristics;
temperature and humidity in the room where the equipment and (or) pipelines are located;
light intensity;
oxidation state of the lubricant;
flow rate of the coolant or working media;
number of loading cycles;
changes in wall thickness;
radiation exposure;
the intensity of the electromagnetic field at the locations of equipment and (or) pipelines;
displacement of control points of NPP equipment and pipelines during warming up or cooling down, as well as during external and (or) internal influences;
characteristics of external influences;
output signals of electronic units.
For NPPs under construction and in operation, a procedure should be established for retrofitting NPP equipment and pipelines with systems and (or) methods for monitoring the required parameters from the above list.
22. The wall thicknesses of NPP equipment and pipelines set during the design process should take into account the processes of corrosion, erosion, wear and tear occurring during operation, as well as the results of predicting changes in the mechanical characteristics of materials due to aging by the end of the service life of NPP equipment and pipelines.
23. The design (project) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines should provide for the possibility of their inspection, maintenance, repair, periodic monitoring and replacement (except for non-replaceable NPP equipment and pipelines) during operation.
24. The design and layout of NPP equipment and pipelines should not interfere with the implementation of control, inspections, tests, sampling in order to confirm the predicted values ​​and rates of changes in resource characteristics associated with the aging mechanisms and degradation of structural materials during the operation of NPP equipment and pipelines.
25. Design (design) organizations should develop methods for assessing and predicting the residual life of NPP equipment and pipelines. RI and NPP designs should provide for methods and technical means of operational control and diagnostics of the condition of NPP equipment and pipelines, maintenance and repairs, allowing timely detection of aging and degradation mechanisms of structural materials during operation.
26. For the NPP designed and constructed, the resource characteristics and the methodology for managing the resource of NPP equipment and pipelines should be reflected in the design (project) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines and safety analysis reports.

IV. Manufacturing resource management
equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants and structures
nuclear power plants

27. During the production, transportation, storage and installation of NPP equipment and pipelines or their component parts enterprises - manufacturers of NPP equipment and pipelines and installation organizations must immediately provide the operating organization with data that can affect the service life of NPP equipment and pipelines, including:
on the presence or absence of deviations from the design (project) documentation for NPP equipment and pipelines and their manufacturing technology (if there are deviations, a detailed description of deviations is provided), repairs, heat treatments, additional tests;
on the methods of protection of NPP equipment and pipelines from corrosion during storage, operation and scheduled preventive maintenance.
28. Passports of NPP equipment and pipelines must indicate their assigned service life and resource characteristics.
29. Prior to putting the NPP unit into operation, the operating organization, with the involvement of NPP and RI project developers, must:
a) develop a program for managing the life of NPP equipment and pipelines, which should reflect the methodology for managing the life of NPP equipment and pipelines, taking into account the scheme given in Appendix No. 2 to these Basic Provisions.
b) prepare software for maintaining a database on NPP equipment and pipelines, which allows at any stage of the NPP unit life cycle to ensure collection, storage and the possibility of comparing the initial and actual values ​​of their resource characteristics, to record and analyze information on equipment operating conditions that can affect the resource and NPP pipelines;
c) develop a procedure for collecting and storing data necessary to implement the program for managing the resource of NPP equipment and pipelines and assessing their residual resource, with special attention should be paid to the most loaded welded joints, zones with the highest stresses (including local zones with a high concentration of stresses), places with the highest temperature and maximum temperature gradients (drops), places subject to the greatest radiation embrittlement, as well as zones subject to vibration, corrosive and erosive wear.

V. Management of the resource of equipment and pipelines of nuclear
plants at the stage of operation of a nuclear power plant

30. The resource of equipment and pipelines must be confirmed, maintained and, if technically feasible, restored due to maintenance and repair with the frequency determined in the program for managing the resource of equipment and pipelines of the NPP.
31. The results of monitoring the technical condition of NPP equipment and pipelines carried out at the NPP unit should be taken into account when assessing the exhausted and predicted residual life of NPP equipment and pipelines using data on the actual operating conditions of NPP equipment and pipelines in accordance with the NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program. In cases where the residual resource of equipment and pipelines is exhausted or not determined, the operation of such equipment and pipelines of the NPP is not allowed.
32. If any damage or deviations from the requirements of the design (project) documentation are detected during operation and during periodic monitoring of the technical condition of the NPP equipment and pipelines, information about them should be entered by the operating organization into the database for its subsequent use in managing the resource of equipment and pipelines NPPs, assessment of their residual life, as well as probabilistic safety assessment and periodic safety assessment of NPP operation.
33. In order to predict the degradation of NPP equipment and pipelines and their materials, as well as to develop timely corrective or mitigating measures for degradation, monitoring and forecasting of trends in degradation mechanisms should be carried out. Methods for detecting the manifestations of degradation mechanisms, the frequency of their control, as well as the analysis of the control results should ensure the identification of degradation mechanisms at an early stage of their manifestation and the adoption of timely measures before the occurrence of irreversible consequences due to their development.
34. In case of detection of factors not provided for in the reactor plant and nuclear power plant designs that can negatively affect the degradation mechanisms of equipment and pipelines of the nuclear power plant and their materials and lead to an accelerated development of the residual resource of equipment and pipelines of the nuclear power plant, the operating organization must provide all the necessary information to organizations - developers of the reactor plant and NPP to take these factors into account in RP and NPP projects. After receiving this information, the organizations - the developers of the reactor plant and NPP projects should assess the impact of factors not provided for in the design on the service life of NPP equipment and pipelines, propose measures to eliminate or reduce the influence of such factors. These measures should be taken into account in the NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program.
35. The need for corrective measures during the operation of NPP equipment and pipelines should be established by the operating organization based on an analysis of their degradation rates.
36. The assigned service life of NPP equipment and pipelines should be reduced upon detection of factors not provided for in the reactor plant or NPP designs that negatively affect the aging and degradation mechanisms and lead to an irreversible and uncontrollable accelerated depletion of the residual resource of NPP equipment and pipelines.
37. The service life of the NPP equipment and pipelines can be extended if their resource is not exhausted and the residual life of the NPP equipment and pipelines allows the continued safe operation of the NPP unit.

Vi. Lifetime resource management
equipment and pipelines of nuclear power plants

38. Extension of the service life of NPP equipment and pipelines beyond the designated one is allowed only if there is a justification prepared by the operating organization based on the results of the implementation of the NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program and agreed upon by the NPP and RI project developers within the boundaries of their design.
39. If there are positive results of justifying the possibility of extending the service life of NPP equipment and pipelines, the operating organization must issue a decision on extending their service life and make the necessary changes to the program for managing the service life of NPP equipment and pipelines. For NPP equipment and pipelines, the resource of which has been depleted by more than 80%, an increase in the scope of technical condition monitoring and (or) a decrease in the intervals between periodic assessments of the residual resource of NPP equipment and pipelines should be envisaged.
40. The results of periodic assessments of the residual life of NPP equipment and pipelines at the extended service life stage should be taken into account in the safety analysis reports.
41. When extending the life of the NPP unit, the extension of the service life of non-replaceable NPP equipment and pipelines should be carried out in the complex of works to extend the life of the NPP unit in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents governing the procedures for extending the life of the NPP unit, taking into account the data on the implementation of the resource management program NPP equipment and pipelines.

Vii. Equipment resource management
and pipelines of nuclear power plants during the decommissioning of the nuclear
station out of service

42. Prior to decommissioning the NPP unit, the operating organization shall develop a separate program for managing the resource of the NPP equipment and pipelines, which includes only the equipment and pipelines of the NPP equipment and pipelines used during the NPP unit decommissioning.
43. The NPP equipment and pipelines resource management program at the NPP unit decommissioning stage should be coordinated with the NPP unit decommissioning stages and should take into account the sequence and sequence of dismantling and disposal of NPP equipment and pipelines.
44. The sequence for dismantling the NPP equipment and pipelines should be based on the NPP unit decommissioning program.
45. The residual life of non-replaceable NPP equipment and pipelines used when decommissioning the NPP unit must be ensured until the NPP unit is completely decommissioned.
46. ​​The resource management of non-replaceable equipment and pipelines used in decommissioning the NPP unit should continue until the completion of their dismantling in accordance with the stages and sequence provided for in the NPP unit decommissioning program.

Appendix N 1

in the use of atomic
energy "Requirements for management
resource of equipment and pipelines

environmental services,
technological and nuclear supervision
dated October 15, 2015 N 410


The following terms and definitions are used in these Guidelines:
1. Elapsed resource - a change in the values ​​of the resource characteristics of equipment and pipelines from the beginning of their operation to the current moment of operation (or control of their technical condition).
2. Degradation - negative structural changes in structural materials or the structures of equipment and pipelines themselves under the influence of mechanical stress, temperature and / or the environment.
3. Mechanisms of aging - processes that lead to irreversible changes in the properties of structural materials during operation.
4. Assigned service life - the calendar time of equipment and pipelines service established and justified in the NPP and RI designs (including periods of maintenance and repair).
5. Non-replaceable equipment and pipelines - equipment and pipelines, replacement of which during operation is technically impossible or economically inexpedient.
6. Equipment - NPP unit elements classified by the NPP and RI project developers in accordance with federal norms and rules in the field of atomic energy use to 1, 2 and 3 safety classes in terms of their impact on safety.
7. Residual resource - the difference between the installed and developed resource.
8. Extended service life - the calendar duration (period) of operation of equipment and pipelines in excess of the specified service life.
9. Damage is a consequence of mechanical, physical or chemical impact on the structure, leading to a decrease in its resource.
10. Resource - the total operating time of equipment and pipelines from the beginning of their operation until the time at which an irreversible violation of the established regulatory documents conditions of strength or performance.
11. Service life characteristics - quantitative values ​​of parameters that determine the service life of equipment and pipelines.
12. Reference unit of equipment - one or more units of standard equipment selected for the implementation of measures for resource management according to the criteria of the highest load and / or the most severe operating conditions.
13. Aging is a process of accumulation over time of changes in the mechanical and / or physical characteristics of structural materials of equipment and pipelines.
14. Resource management - a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at maintaining or reducing the rate of development of the resource of equipment and pipelines during their operation.

Appendix N 2
to federal rules and regulations
in the use of atomic
energy "Requirements for management
resource of equipment and pipelines
nuclear power plants. Basic provisions ",
approved by order of the Federal
environmental services,
technological and nuclear supervision
dated October 15, 2015 N 410


│2. Execution and optimization │
│resource management works │
│Preparation, coordination, technical│
│maintenance and adjustment │
│ resource management activities: │
Improvement │- regulatory requirements │
documentation and safety criteria│ programs
management │- measures foreseen │ Mitigation
resource │ regulatory documentation │ expected
│- description of coordination mechanisms │ degradation
┌─────────── \ │- efficiency increase │ ┌─────────┐
│ ┌───────── / │ resource management based on │ └───────┐ │
│ │ │ self-assessment and expertise │ │ │
│ │ └────────────────────────────────────┘ │ │
│ │ / \ │ │
└─┘ │ │ \ /
Actions \ / Execution
┌──────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────┐
│5. Technical │ │1. Study of aging processes and │ │3. Operation │
│ maintenance │ │ degradation │ │ equipment │
├───────────────────────────┤ ├───────────────────── ────────────────┤ │ (piping) │
│Effect Management │ │Information underlying │ ├──────────────────────┤
│degradation: │ │ resource management: │ │Mechanism management│
│- warning │ │- materials, their properties and methods │ degradation: │
│maintenance │ │making │ │- operation in │
│- corrective │ / ─── \ │- load and operating conditions │ / ──── \ │according to the installation- │
│Maintenance │ \ ─── / │- mechanisms and degradation zones │ \ ──── / updated procedures│
│- assortment optimization │- consequences of degradation and failures │ │and documentation │
│ spare parts │ │- research results │ │- water chemistry control- │
│- replacement │ │- operating experience │ │
│- maintenance history of maintenance │ │- prehistory of control and technical │- control of the environment │
│ │ │ Service │ │ Environment │
│ │ │- methods of softening / slowing down │ │- recording parameters and │
│ │ │- current state, sensors │ operating history │
└──────────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘
/ \ / \ ┌─┐
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ \ / │ │
│ │ Check │ │
│ │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │
│ └───────┐│4. Survey, Monitoring and Evaluation │ / ───┘ │ Inspection
└──────────┘│ technical condition │ \ ─────┘ implementation
Attenuation of effects │Detection and assessment of degradation effects: │ degradation
degradation │- test and verification │
│- pre-operational and operational│
│control │
│- observation │
│- leak detection, monitoring │
│ vibrations │
│- performance assessment │
│- database support │