Job description of a non-destructive testing laboratory flaw scopist. Job description of an engineer-defectoscopist Production instruction of an ultrasonic flaw detector

Chapter " Job Descriptions» contains the necessary information on how the job description is compiled. Here you can find typical job descriptions for various specialties. Our bank of job descriptions includes more than 2500 different documents. These job descriptions were compiled and edited in 2015, which means they are relevant today.

From this article you will learn:

  • what duties, powers and rights are reflected in the job description of a flaw detector operator for magnetic and ultrasonic testing;
  • what provisions are contained in the standard job description of a flaw detector operator for magnetic and ultrasonic testing;
  • what areas of work under this job description is the responsibility of this specialist in your organization.

Society with limited liability"Alpha"

_________ A.V. Lviv

Job Description No. 71
flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing

Moscow 01.10.2015


1.1. This job description establishes the legal and production status, as well as the duties, rights and responsibilities of the flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of JSC "Effect" (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The position of a flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing belongs to the category of workers.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing, as well as dismissal from this position, is carried out by decision CEO Society.

1.4. The flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing is directly subordinate to the head of the quality control department.

1.5. The guiding documents, on the provisions of which the magnetic and ultrasonic flaw detector should rely in its activities, are: Constitution Russian Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, GOSTs, SNiPs and guidelines in the field of magnetic and ultrasonic control, the Articles of Association of the Company, orders and orders of the General Director of the Company, this job description and other local regulations of the Company.

1.6. The position of a flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing is entitled to be occupied by a person with a specialized secondary professional education with at least one year of relevant work experience.

1.7. A flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing should know:

– kinematic and electrical diagrams of magnetic, electromagnetic and magnetographic flaw detectors;

– basics of heat treatment of electroplating;

– rules for the repair of electromagnetic induction flaw detectors;

- arrangement of devices for determining the magnetic permeability of the ferrite phase; kinematic and electrical diagrams of flaw detectors;

– fundamentals of electronics; types and methods of welding;

- types of defects found in rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints;

– calculation of refractive nodes of ultrasonic vibrations in various materials at the boundaries of two media;

- the main regularities of the propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in materials;

– physical phenomena occurring during the passage of ultrasound through the boundary of two media;

– main control parameters;

- ways to distinguish the main signals from false ones caused by the reflection of ultrasound from the structure, changes in the profile of parts and other factors;

– sanitary and hygienic standards;

- the procedure for compiling and maintaining the necessary documentation and reporting;

– the main provisions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

- basic requirements for the organization of labor;

– internal labor regulations of the Company;

– regulatory requirements for labor protection.

1.8. In order to implement the functions and exercise the rights set forth in this job description, the flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing interacts:

- with the head of the quality control department or a person replacing him in terms of receiving orders, instructions and other orders regulating his activities;

– with other flaw detectorists on issues of working interaction.


Flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing as part of his professional activities:

2.1. Determine the quality of heat-treated parts and sort them by material grade.

2.2. Performs sorting of products by the amount of the ferrite phase.

2.3. It measures the thickness of galvanized coatings.

2.4. Engaged in the construction of magnetization curves and determines the magnetic permeability.

2.5. Selects the magnetization mode for eddy current testing of low-magnetic and magnetic products.

2.6. Selects the optimal mode for testing products by the eddy current method.

2.7. Performs ultrasonic testing various types welded joints made of alloyed steels, alloys and non-ferrous metals, made by various types of welding.

2.8. Engaged in setting up the operating mode of complex ultrasonic portable, laboratory and stationary flaw detectors according to standard and test samples.

2.9. It checks direct and inclined transducers, deciphers defectograms, determines the quality of rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints based on the results of ultrasonic testing and specifications.

2.10. It manufactures devices for ultrasonic testing, direct and inclined transducers.

2.11. Checks ultrasonic flaw detection equipment for compliance with the main parameters.

2.12. Calculates and experimentally determines the angles of input of inclined transducers.

2.13. Carries out routine repairs of flaw detectors.

2.14. Informs the management of the Company about the identified shortcomings in the production work and participates in their elimination.

2.15. Takes part in activities aimed at improving his professional competence, as well as the level of qualification of other employees.

2.16. Carries out planning and analysis of its work.

2.17. Conscientiously follows the rules of the internal regulations, fire safety and safety measures, as well as comply with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and take measures to eliminate violations of these requirements.

2.18. In accordance with the instructions of the management of the Company and employment contract performs the duties of his colleagues in case of their temporary disability.


Flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to him official duties the following rights and powers are granted:

3.1. Independently carry out the activities provided for by official duties, choosing the most effective ways for this at his own discretion.

3.2. Involve other employees of the Company in cooperation, if necessary.

3.3. Seek assistance from other employees of the quality control group, as well as from the management of the Company.

3.4. Require compliance with his rights established by this job description.

3.5. Receive for review documents establishing, changing or canceling his official rights and obligations.

3.6. Demand the provision of working conditions that meet established standards.

3.7. Submit proposals to improve the efficiency of the organization and work performance for consideration by the Company's management.

3.8. Take a course professional retraining in accordance with the established procedure.


4.1. The flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing is responsible for:

– rational use, safety and integrity of property belonging to the Company;

– compliance with the requirements for the preparation and maintenance of established documentation;

– exact and strict adherence to orders, requirements and other instructions of the Company's management;

– fulfillment of the requirements imposed by the labor discipline regime.

4.2. The flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing in accordance with the procedure established by law is responsible for improper execution or failure to perform their official duties, provided for by local regulations Companies, including this job description.

4.3. The responsibility of the flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing for causing material damage to the employer occurs in the manner and on the conditions determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal violations of the law, the flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing is liable under the relevant regulations.

4.5. For non-observance of the confidentiality of information and failure to ensure the safety of documents, access to which the flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing has for official purposes, he bears the responsibility provided for by law.

4.6. The flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing is also subject to liability for non-compliance with the requirements of the Company's local regulations, including, but not excluding the Internal Labor Regulations, sanitary and hygienic standards, fire safety and safety regulations.


5.1. The job description is reviewed, amended and supplemented as necessary, but at least once every five years.

5.2. With the order to make changes (additions) to the job description, all employees of the organization who are subject to this instruction are familiarized against receipt.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated October 8, 2015 No. 25

The form has been prepared using legal acts as of 31.10.2008.

Supervisor "______________"
______________ (____________)
flaw detector for magnetic and
ultrasonic control of the 5th category
1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a magnetic and ultrasonic inspection inspector of the 5th category "____________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization").
1.2. The defectoscopist for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Organization.
1.3. A person with a secondary vocational education and work experience of at least ____ years is appointed to the position of a flaw detector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category.
1.4. The magnetic and ultrasonic testing flaw inspector of the 5th category reports directly to _______________________.
1.5. The flaw inspector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category must know:
- all kinds of works on magnetic and electromagnetic control;
- types of thickness gauges, devices for measuring the magnetic characteristics of the material;
- methods of calibration of devices;
- laws of propagation of longitudinal, transverse and surface ultrasonic vibrations in bodies with different structures;
- basic laws of reflection and refraction of ultrasonic vibrations at the boundary of two media;
- arrangement of electrovacuum and semiconductor devices;
- principal diagrams and design features of complex and precise ultrasonic flaw detectors, methods of their regulation and adjustment;
- causes of malfunctions in the operation of devices and ways to eliminate them;
- basics of metallurgy and welding.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of a flaw detector operator for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category, his functional duties are performed by _____________________.
2.1. The magnetic and ultrasonic testing flaw detector of the 5th category performs the following functions:
2.1.1. Conducting magnetic flaw detection on all types of magnetic and electromagnetic flaw detectors.
2.1.2. Work with precision measuring instruments and installations for measuring the magnetic and electrical parameters of product materials.
2.1.3. Testing and adjustment of flaw detectors.
2.1.4. Fabrication of fluxgate sensors and determination of their sensitivity.
2.1.5. Deciphering information from equipment with fluxgate sensors.
2.1.6. Determination of the size and depth of defects.
2.1.7. Construction of a cartogram of the distribution of magnetic conductivity for a part or a weld.
2.1.8. Ultrasonic testing of parts and products made of non-ferrous metals, steels with a coarse-grained structure.
2.1.9. Setting the operating mode of especially complex and accurate flaw detectors and automatic ultrasonic testing units with remote transmission of readings on standard and test samples.
2.1.10. Production of test samples, drawing up sketches.
2.1.11. Processing of control results.
2.1.12. Drawing up statements and maps of ultrasonic testing.
2.1.13. Setting the sensitivity of devices according to the diagrams: amplitude, distance, diameter using an attenuator.
2.1.14. Carrying out ultrasonic testing by separate-combined transducers.
2.2. The magnetic and ultrasonic testing flaw inspector of the 5th category also bears other duties established by the local acts of the Organization.
2.3. ________________________________________.
The flaw inspector for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category has the right to:
3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of a flaw detector operator for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category.
3.2. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the flaw detector operator for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category.
3.3. Represent the interests of the company in third parties on matters related to his professional activities.
3.4. ______________________________________________.
The 5th grade magnetic and ultrasonic inspection flaw detectorist is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their job duties provided for by this job description and the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, abuse of the rights of a flaw detector operator for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category, or non-compliance with their duties.
4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.1. The operating mode of a flaw detector operator for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.
5.2. In connection with the production need, the magnetic and ultrasonic testing inspector of the 5th category is obliged to go to business trips(including local importance).
6.1. The defectoscopist for magnetic and ultrasonic testing of the 5th category to ensure his activities is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Familiarized with the instructions:
(signature) (full name)
"__"__________ _____ G.

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, Issue 1, Professions of Workers Common to All Sectors of the National Economy, approved. Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30; Model norms for the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers in chemical industries engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution, approved. order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated August 11, 2011 N 906n, and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. An X-ray, gamma-ray flaw detector of the 5th category belongs to the category of workers and directly reports to [position title of immediate supervisor].

1.2. For the position of an X-ray, gamma-ray flaw detector of the 5th category, a person is accepted without presenting requirements for education, who has work experience in the specialty [insert as appropriate].

1.3. An X-ray, gamma-ray flaw detector of the 5th category is accepted and dismissed from work by order [the position of the head of the organization].

1.4. The defectoscopist of X-ray, gamma graphy of the 5th category must know:

— the principle of operation of X-ray installations of accelerator technology, equipment for gamma-graphy, ionization and scintillation control;

— types and sources of radiation and their nature;

- the passage of radiation through substances;

- properties of different grades of X-ray films and methods for checking their quality;

— methods of charging cassettes;

— fundamentals of electrical engineering and metallurgy;

– casting technology and various kinds metal welding;

— types of welded joints and technology of their welding;

— the effect of defects on the quality of welds;

— requirements for welds;

— basics of dosimetry;

— attenuating properties of materials when radiation passes through them;

- properties and characteristics of metals used for x-ray, gamma graphy;

- methods for choosing radiation sources, transmission parameters and necessary exposures;

- electrical circuits of X-ray, radiographic equipment for ionization and scintillation control;

— interaction of high-energy radiation with a translucent substance; fundamentals of xerography;

— calculation of permissible radiation doses, distances from sources and residence time at given distances from sources;

- basic information about the design of various accelerators;

- schemes and operation of all equipment used for transmission control, principles for obtaining various types of radiation and their interaction with a translucent substance;

— calculation of radiation protection;

— the procedure for obtaining and storing radioactive sources operating at the enterprise;

— rules and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

- rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

- requirements for the quality of work performed;

- types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

- industrial signaling;

— requirements for rational organization labor in the workplace.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Transillumination of products of complex configuration using stationary and mobile radiation sources.

2.2. Ionization and scintillation control of complex products.

2.3. Illumination of critical pipelines.

2.4. Transillumination of products using accelerator technology and gamma-ray installations.

2.5 Preparation of products for transillumination.

2.6. Marking and marking of areas during the translucence of products according to the specified control parameters.

2.7. Developing and fixing x-ray film.

2.8. Selection of necessary radiation sources and determination of exposure.

2.9. Determination of the activity of a radioactive isotope.

2.10. View pictures to determine their quality.

2.11. Regulation of X-ray and gamma-graphic equipment.

2.12. Work on xerographic installations.

2.13. Work on X-ray television installations.

2.14. Current repair and adjustment of x-ray and radiographic equipment.

2.15. Charging and recharging radiation sources.

2.16. Interpretation of radiographs.

2.17. Adjustment of equipment used for X-ray, gamma-defectoscopy, ionization and scintillation control.

2.18. Evaluation of the suitability of tested samples, parts and assemblies in accordance with the technical specifications and issuance of conclusions.

2.19. Development of sketches of devices and equipment for control.

3. Types of work

X-ray and gamma-graphy flaw detector of the 5th category performs the following types of work:

3.1. Transmission of samples of plates during certification for the category of welders.

3.2. Illumination of butt joints.

3.3. Transillumination of seams of longitudinal cylinders and conical shells.

3.4. Illumination of cast products.

3.5. Transillumination of tee and strip-bulb joints

3.6. Illumination of welded pipes.

3.7. Transillumination of pipes, bushings rotor helicopter.

3.8. Transillumination of the seams of annular cylinders and cylinders.

3.9. Transmission of welds in cylindrical and spherical surfaces.

3.10. Transmission and interpretation of radiographs of the fuel manifold of an aircraft engine.

3.11. Transmission and interpretation of radiographs of propellers.

3.12. Transmission and interpretation of radiographs of automation units and nozzles of gas turbine engines.

3.13. Transmission and interpretation of radiographs of the helicopter swash plate.

3.14. Chassis shock absorber struts Chassis shock absorber struts.

3.15. Reloading work containers with isotopes.

3.16. Translucence of metal and charge for metallurgical shops.

3.17. Transillumination of welded seams of casings of mines and air heaters of blast furnaces.

3.18. Transillumination of welded seams of pipelines and gas pipelines.

4. Rights

X-ray, gamma-graphy flaw detector of the 5th category has the right to:

4.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

4.2. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its professional duties and exercise of rights.

4.3. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of necessary equipment, inventory, workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

4.4. To receive special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

4.5. Payment of additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an accident at work and occupational disease.

4.6. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

4.7. Submit proposals to the management of the enterprise to improve the organization and improve the methods of work performed by it.

4.8. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor documents, materials, tools, etc., necessary for the performance of their duties.

4.9. Improve your professional qualifications.

4.10. [Other rights under labor law].

5. Responsibility

The X-ray, gamma-ray flaw detector of the 5th category is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document]

Head of Human Resources

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]



[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Job description of a flaw scopist for x-ray, gamma graphy of the 5th category

Job Responsibilities. Inspection of parts of a complex configuration by the magnetic method on stationary and portable flaw detectors directly on the units without removing them. Inspection of cylindrical products by eddy current devices with decoding of the location of defects according to defectograms. Deciphering surface defects. Quality control of welded joints by magnetographic method - recording on magnetic tape. Assessment of the quality of the weld. Selection of standards based on the results of luminescent, ultrasonic and X-ray analyses. Determination of the magnetic permeability of austenitic steels by the amount of ferrite. Ultrasonic testing of rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints from low-alloy carbon steels. Switching on and adjustment according to the standards of ultrasonic flaw detectors of medium complexity. Checking the correctness of the readings of the depth gauge, checking flaw detectors, transducers. Work with straight and inclined finders according to a single probe scheme. Determination of coordinates and extent of defects. Repair of converter heads and connecting cables.

Must know: device of magnetic, electromagnetic, magnetographic, ultraviolet flaw detectors and transducers; standard and test samples for testing and setting ultrasonic flaw detectors and transducers; the physical essence of ultrasonic control methods: echo-pulse, shadow, mirror-shadow and resonant; methods for determining the thickness and delamination of metals; main types of waves; methods of excitation of ultrasonic waves and providing acoustic contact; types of defects; types of welded joints; requirements for the controlled surface (roughness parameters); fundamentals of electronics, metallurgy and welding production; testing methods for rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints made of carbon and low-alloy steels of various thicknesses; appointment of magnetic and electromagnetic flaw detection; specifications and instructions for magnetic, magnetographic and eddy current testing; methods for magnetizing large parts.

§ 48. Defectoscopist for magnetic and ultrasonic testing (2nd category)

Job Description. Control by magnetic method of parts of simple and medium configuration, eddy current method of products of cylindrical and flat shapes, ultrasonic testing of workpieces and parts. Turning on and setting up magnetic, electromagnetic and simple ultrasonic flaw detectors. Metal thickness measurements. Determination of the presence and dimensions of the delamination zone with a tuned device in the range of thicknesses provided by the flaw detector. Determination of defects in details of a complex configuration under the guidance of a more highly qualified flaw scopist. Preparation of magnetic suspensions. Maintaining an accounting journal.

Must know: principle of operation of magnetic, electromagnetic, ultrasonic flaw detectors, inclined and direct transducers; appointment of the main controls of the flaw detector; basic information on electrical engineering; the purpose and properties of the components that make up the magnetic suspension; phenomena of magnetization and demagnetization.

Work examples.

1. Smooth shafts, axles, keys, crane parts - magnetic particle inspection.

2. Billets of flanges and forgings cylindrical steel - ultrasonic testing.

3. Propeller blades - root section control.

4. Sheet steel - thickness measurement and determination of delamination.

5. Pipes - control by an eddy current device with a mark and record of defective sections.

6. Stops and rings of the main rotor hub of the helicopter, tail shaft tubes - magnetic particle inspection.

§ 49. Defectoscopist for magnetic and ultrasonic testing (3rd category)

(introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 06/01/1998 N 20)

Job Description. Inspection of parts of a complex configuration by the magnetic method on stationary and portable flaw detectors directly on the units without removing them. Inspection of cylindrical products by eddy current devices with decoding of the location of defects according to defectograms. Deciphering surface defects. Quality control of welded joints by magnetographic method - recording on magnetic tape. Assessment of the quality of the weld. Selection of standards based on the results of luminescent, ultrasonic and X-ray analyses. Determination of the magnetic permeability of austenitic steels by the amount of ferrite. Ultrasonic testing of rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints from low-alloy carbon steels. Switching on and adjustment according to the standards of ultrasonic flaw detectors of medium complexity. Checking the correctness of the readings of the depth gauge, checking flaw detectors, transducers. Work with straight and inclined finders according to a single probe scheme. Determination of coordinates and extent of defects. Repair of converter heads and connecting cables.

Must know: arrangement of magnetic, electromagnetic, magnetographic, ultraviolet flaw detectors and transducers; standard and test samples for testing and setting ultrasonic flaw detectors and transducers; the physical essence of ultrasonic control methods: echo-pulse, shadow, mirror-shadow and resonant; methods for determining the thickness and delamination of metals; main types of waves; methods of excitation of ultrasonic waves and providing acoustic contact; types of defects; types of welded joints; requirements for the controlled surface (roughness parameters); fundamentals of electronics, metallurgy and welding production; testing methods for rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints made of carbon and low-alloy steels of various thicknesses; appointment of magnetic and electromagnetic flaw detection; specifications and instructions for magnetic, magnetographic and eddy current testing; methods for magnetizing large parts.

Work examples.

1. Parts of lifting mechanisms - ultrasonic testing.

2. Parts made of austenitic steel - determination by the device of the amount of the ferrite phase after hardening.

3. Steel pouring ladles - ultrasonic testing.

4. Honeycomb structures - detection of non-adhesive skin areas.

5. Steel sheets - determination of the length and coordinates of defects using a flaw detector.

6. Turbine and compressor rotor blades for gas turbine engines - ultrasonic edge control.

7. Control samples - production of defectograms.

8. Suspensions, safety rods, straps, traverses, levers, rods, crosses, balancers, supports, connecting rods, pins, rods, parts of an automatic coupler - magnetic particle testing.

9. Recording and marking system for eddy current testing - setting and regulation.

10. Welded tee joints of ship hull structures - ultrasonic testing.

11. Connections of welded flanges, rings, intermediate fittings, nipples with pipes - magnetic particle inspection.

12. Units and parts of the helicopter are non-removable and easily accessible - magnetic particle inspection.

13. Welded seams of austenitic steels - registration by the device of the distribution of the ferritic phase.

§ 50. Defectoscopist for magnetic and ultrasonic testing (4th category)

(introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 06/01/1998 N 20)

Job Description. Determining the quality of heat-treated parts and sorting them by material grades. Sorting of products by the amount of the ferrite phase. Measurement of the thickness of galvanized coatings. Construction of magnetization curves. Determination of magnetic permeability. Selection of the magnetization mode for eddy current testing of low-magnetic and magnetic products. Selection of the optimal mode for testing products by the eddy current method. Ultrasonic testing of various types of welded joints made of alloyed steels, alloys and non-ferrous metals, made by various types of welding. Setting the operating mode of complex ultrasonic portable, laboratory and stationary flaw detectors according to standard and test samples. Checking direct and inclined transducers. Decoding defectograms. Determination of the quality of rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints based on the results of ultrasonic testing and specifications. Manufacture of devices for ultrasonic testing, direct and inclined transducers. Checking ultrasonic flaw detection equipment for compliance with the main parameters. Calculation and experimental determination of angles of input of inclined transducers. Current repair of flaw detectors.

Must know: kinematic and electrical diagrams of magnetic, electromagnetic and magnetographic flaw detectors; basics of heat treatment of electroplating; rules for the repair of electromagnetic induction flaw detectors; arrangement of devices for determining the magnetic permeability of the ferrite phase; kinematic and electrical diagrams of flaw detectors; fundamentals of electronics; types and methods of welding; types of defects found in rolled products, castings, forgings and welded joints; calculation of refractive nodes of ultrasonic vibrations in various materials at the boundaries of two media; basic laws of propagation of ultrasonic vibrations in materials; physical phenomena occurring during the passage of ultrasound through the boundary of two media; main control parameters; ways to distinguish the main signals from false ones caused by the reflection of ultrasound from the structure, changes in the profile of parts and other factors.

Work examples.

1. Rolls rolling mills- ultrasonic control.

2. Ferroprobe sensors - determination of sensitivity.

3. Details of air bearing and tail rotors of helicopters - ultrasonic testing.

4. Cast steel parts - ultrasonic testing.

5. Steel parts - determination of the thickness of the chrome coating.

6. Rolled blanks - magnetic particle method for determining cracks.

7. Hysteresis curve - definition of magnetization.

8. Rolled sheet - ultrasonic testing.

9. Light alloy ingots - ultrasonic testing.

10. Welded joints of offshoots, fittings and welded joints with pipes - magnetic particle inspection.

11. Welded joints with wall thickness up to 15 mm - ultrasonic testing.

12. Conjugation of frame profiles - ultrasonic testing.

13. Pipes made of corrosion-resistant steel with a wall thickness of up to 4 mm in the places of deflection - thickness measurement.

14. Nozzles working gas turbine engines - magnetic particle control.

§ 51. Defectoscopist for magnetic and ultrasonic testing (5th category)

(introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 06/01/1998 N 20)

Job Description. Conducting magnetic flaw detection on all types of magnetic and electromagnetic flaw detectors. Working with precision measuring instruments and installations for measuring magnetic and electrical parameters of product materials. Testing and adjustment of flaw detectors. Fabrication of fluxgate sensors and determination of their sensitivity. Deciphering information from equipment with fluxgate sensors. Determination of the size and depth of defects. Construction of a cartogram of the distribution of magnetic conductivity for a part or a weld. Ultrasonic testing of parts and products made of non-ferrous metals, steels with a coarse-grained structure. Setting the operating mode of especially complex and accurate flaw detectors and automatic ultrasonic testing units with remote transmission of readings on standard and test samples. Production of test samples, drawing up sketches. Processing of control results. Drawing up statements and maps of ultrasonic testing. Setting the sensitivity of devices according to the diagrams: amplitude, distance, diameter using an attenuator. Carrying out ultrasonic testing by separate-combined transducers.

Must know: all types of work on magnetic and electromagnetic control; types of thickness gauges, devices for measuring the magnetic characteristics of the material; methods for calibrating instruments; laws of propagation of longitudinal, transverse and surface ultrasonic vibrations in bodies with different structures; basic laws of reflection and refraction of ultrasonic vibrations at the boundary of two media; device of electrovacuum and semiconductor devices; schematic diagrams and design features of complex and accurate ultrasonic flaw detectors, methods of their regulation and adjustment; causes of malfunctions in the operation of devices and ways to eliminate them; fundamentals of metallurgy and welding.

Work examples.

1. Propeller shafts cylindrical hollow - ultrasonic testing.

2. Propellers - ultrasonic testing of welds.

3. Inserts and pillows of bearings - ultrasonic control.

4. Boiler collector bottoms - ultrasonic testing.

5. Rolled square blanks - ultrasonic testing.

6. Propeller blades - determination of the depth and size of defects in the root section.

7. Plastics, rubber - ultrasonic testing.

8. Forgings various forms and sizes - ultrasonic control.

9. Welded joints with wall thickness over 15 mm - ultrasonic testing.

10. Pipes made of corrosion-resistant steel with a wall thickness of more than 4 mm in the places of deflection - thickness measurement.

11. Ballistic installations - calibration.

12. Pins, axial hinge housing, lever arm of helicopter main rotor hub blades - magnetic control.

13. Elements of wheelsets - magnetic and ultrasonic testing.

§ 52. Defectoscopist for magnetic and ultrasonic testing (6th category)

(introduced by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 06/01/1998 N 20)

Job Description. Determination of the damping coefficient of elastic vibrations by various methods, coefficients of reflection and transmission of ultrasound at the interface between two media. Adjustment of instrument sensitivity and verification of equivalent defect sizes without specimens or with a reduced number of standard and test specimens. Performing experimental work in the development of control methods and the construction of experimental nomograms. Carrying out all types of work on ultrasonic testing occurring in production conditions. Calculation and manufacture of devices for ultrasonic testing. Measurement of the propagation velocity of ultrasonic vibrations by industrial specialized instruments. Decoding of defectograms obtained on automatic installations. Troubleshooting automatic installations. Repair and adjustment of devices.

Must know: kinematic and electrical diagrams of automatic installations; fundamentals of mechanics, telemechanics and metrology; the equation of the acoustic tract as the basis for the construction of nomograms; principles for determining the attenuation and propagation velocity of ultrasound; types of existing ultrasonic flaw detectors, thickness gauges and installations for measuring the propagation velocity and attenuation of ultrasonic vibrations; the main laws of propagation of Lamb waves and methods of ultrasonic testing with their help.

Requires secondary vocational education.

Work examples.

1. Blanks of screw hubs - determination of the attenuation rate of ultrasonic vibrations on the product and the equivalent area of ​​the detected defects.

2. Crankshafts and camshafts of diesel engines; armature shafts of traction motors, gearboxes, pumps, compressors, rotors; cardan shafts, diesel blocks, body shanks and coupling bolts of automatic coupler draft gears, traction clamps, gear teeth - magnetic particle and ultrasonic testing.

3. Sheets of high-alloy alloys in the state of delivery - ultrasonic testing with interpretation of the received defectogram.

4. Shells with slotted longitudinal seams with reinforcement - determination of the possibility of ultrasonic testing and ultrasonic testing of the weld with the issuance of a conclusion.

5. Alloy steel samples - measurement of the attenuation rate of ultrasonic vibrations.

6. Bogie frame, central beam, cardan coupling, automatic coupler parts, rail lubricator - magnetic particle control.

7. Welded seams of hull structures - ultrasonic testing.

8. Elements of wheelsets, inner and outer rings of roller bearings - magnetic and ultrasonic testing.