What is the average speed of the helicopter. Fight to the limit: what the Russian high-speed helicopter will be like. Why then do they not fly higher

The Mi-8 helicopter is the most popular helicopter around the world, which performs both civilian and military missions.

this year Mi-8s were delivered to the production conveyor and put into service

The history of the creation of this machine dates back to the second half of the last century, when the first prototype of the B-8 flew into the airspace of the USSR. In 1965, the Mi-8s were delivered to the production conveyor and adopted by the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Soviet Union.

The technical characteristics of the Mi-8 helicopter are so successful that they remain relevant to this day and the production of the machine continues to our time. It is operated in over 50 countries around the world.

Without a doubt, the aircraft is becoming obsolete, but the Mi-8 keep pace with the times and the helicopters are constantly being modernized. Modernization of the 80th year led to the fact that the machine received a more powerful, as well as an auxiliary engine, thanks to which the flight range and maximum speed of the Mi-8 helicopter increased.

The design of the Mi-8 helicopter

The Mi-8 is a single-rotor helicopter equipped with five main rotor and three tail rotor. Blades main rotor installed using a hinge, and steering - combined and cardan type.

The blades are entirely made of metal and consist of a hollow aluminum spar. Each of the blades has a pneumatic fault alarm.

The main components of the transmission are the main and intermediate gearboxes, the transmission tail shaft, the front fan shaft, and the tail gearbox.

The fuselage of the Mi-8 can be visually divided into several parts: nose, center and tail. The tail section is represented by the tail and end booms.

The Mi-8 has two engines, the failure of at least one automatically triggers an increase in power on the second. This feature power plant does not allow loss of speed and controllability, and more than once helped experienced helicopter pilots during flights.

Modifications of the Mi-8

Since its inception, the helicopter has come a long way and has undergone countless upgrades, resulting in the following modifications:

  1. Experienced. The first prototypes of the helicopter and its modernized copies (V-8, V-8A, V-8AT, V-8AP);
  2. Passenger. Modifications of this type are primarily intended for the use of helicopters in the interests of civil aviation for the transport of passengers. These are Mi-8P, Mi-8PA, Mi-8PS, Mi-8TP, Mi-172;
  3. Transport. Instances of the Mi-8, the dimensions of which are increased, are intended for the carriage of goods weighing up to 4 tons. (Mi-8T, Mi-8TS);
  4. Multipurpose. This modification has the largest range of machines, since the helicopters of these particular instances can perform the largest number of assigned tasks. As a rule, multipurpose helicopters are used by the military. An example would be the installation of antipersonnel mines during hostilities and the release of paratroopers.

The Mi-8 is used by rescuers to extinguish forest fires.

V agriculture helicopters Mi-8 are used for spraying fertilizers.

The helicopters of medicine and electronic warfare are very interesting. Electronic warfare helicopters perform the task of protecting front-line aviation from being hit by anti-aircraft missile systems. Medical options for helicopters are presented in the form of an air hospital and search and rescue models to search for astronauts and aircraft in distress.

The latest innovation in the series of helicopters of the series was the Mi-8 MTV - this modification has received improvements in the field of speed and maneuverability, as well as an increase in the carrying capacity of the helicopter with the ability to attach cargo to the external suspension of the helicopter.

The performance characteristics of the Mi-8 helicopter (TTX)

The main technical characteristics of the Mi-8 helicopter are listed in the table:

Required crew, people
Maximum flight speed, km / h

fully loaded

with normal load

Power of one engine, hp

Power point

Cruising speed of Mi-8, km / h
Flight altitude, m
Flight range, km

with maximum load

with normal load

Fuel consumption for the Mi-8 helicopter 0.680 t / h
Takeoff weight, kg

Maximum takeoff weight, kg

Mass of cargo on external fastening, kg
Helicopter weight, kg


The Mi-8's capacity is impressive. Military specimens are equipped with 4 unguided aircraft missile installations, there are 4 removable gun mounts with two GSh-23L cannons. The helicopter can carry a bomb load of up to 2000 kg from bombs weighing 50-500 kg.

A 12.7 mm machine gun can be installed in the nose of the helicopter, and up to 8 installations of 7.62 mm machine guns in the blister openings. Anti-tank missiles ATGM "Baby" can also be installed.

Afghan War Veteran

In Afghanistan, the use of helicopters was of particular importance. In the mountains of the Afghan desert, the use of aircraft was often difficult, it was here that helicopters came to the rescue.

Thanks to the excellent performance characteristics of the Mi-8 helicopter, mobility and good armor, the vehicles performed a wide range of tasks: from transporting goods and airborne personnel to providing air fire support.

In the early 80s in the 34th mixed air corps, which was at that time in Afghanistan, 110 "turntables" were placed, of which more than half were Mi-8. It was these machines that were to take on the entire heavy burden of the war in Afghanistan.

In January 1980 g. With the help of a significant helicopter landing, the second most important city of Afghanistan, Kandahar, was taken under the control of the Soviet troops. When the Mi-8 was used in February of the same year, an assault force was deployed near the village of Kojagar to restore movement along the road seized by the ghosts. During this operation, the helicopter pilots delivered the first losses to the airfield.

In the first winter of the Afghan war, the G8 provided support to the military units deployed in the DRA. Because of the snow, most of the roads were difficult to pass or completely impossible for the delivery of goods.

For closer cooperation with military units, helicopter squadrons were allocated to help motorized rifle and airborne divisions. As a rule, helicopter units in Afghanistan had from one to four squadrons in their ranks.

Without air support, the actions of special operations forces would have been impossible. Eight special forces battalions in Afghanistan were combined into two brigades, each of which was allocated one helicopter squadron.

In 1987 the use of helicopters was difficult due to the strengthening of the air defense of the Mujahideen. Helicopters began to be used mainly at night. Operations at night were carried out by mixed groups of Mi-8 and Mi-24 attack helicopters.

The Mi-8 made a huge contribution to the fight against gangs in Afghanistan.

Without them, air support and provision of supplies to military units and subunits would have been impossible.

Peacetime disasters

In its history, Mi-8s have both heroic pages of application in various conflicts and rescue operations, and tragic ones in case of engine failures and helicopter pilots' mistakes.

April 24, 2012 a Mi-8MT helicopter belonging to the Russian Air Force made a hard landing near the city of Khabarovsk. A Mi-8 helicopter, weighing almost 7 tons, fell from a height, but the crew was slightly damaged. It turned out to be impossible to restore the car.

The landing of the Mi-8 was unsuccessful. Khabarovsk 2012

July 11, 2013 Mi-8, flying in the direction of Ulan-Ude-Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, was forced to land on one engine. There are no casualties.

A helicopter is a technique, and techniques tend to break down. That is why competent actions of the crew on board can save many human lives, and technical staff it is worth carefully checking the equipment entrusted to them before departure.

The history of the MI-8 helicopter began in the USSR. For the first time, it was developed in the early 60s. It is he who is the most massive twin-engine helicopter, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The main purpose of using this flying machine is various military and civilian operations.

Indeed, it is thanks to its technical and flight characteristics that this flying machine has earned its prestige among many of the world's air forces. Due to the wide range of possibilities for using this helicopter, its serial production began back in 1967. And, despite its rich history, today it is used in flights no less actively. Moreover, it is worth noting that this helicopter is actively purchased for armament and foreign countries.

Thanks to good speed and technical specifications today its design modifications are very actively carried out. Together with a good flight range, the MI-8 model is one of the highest priority aircraft for its further improvements. Thus, MI-8 definitely takes pride of place in our aviation industry.

Modifications of the MI-8 helicopter

For all the years of history, after the release of the first prototype, many different modifications of this flying machine were produced. Moreover, each of these modifications was intended to fulfill specific purposes. All possible variations of helicopter models were supplied with a variety of equipment, depending on the purpose of the application. All models of this helicopter can be roughly divided into several types:

  1. Experienced. The first samples of both the MI-8 itself and its modifications. In other words, these are various models of this helicopter, in which these or those changes were made.
  2. Passenger. From the name it is clear that these helicopter models are used to transport passengers. Moreover, we are talking about both civilians and the military. In both cases, it is able to accommodate 18-30 people, depending on the modification, which makes it very attractive for this purpose.
  3. Transport. MI-8 is capable of carrying a load with a total weight of up to 4 tons. Not many helicopters can boast of such characteristics. And due to the possibility of using it to perform multipurpose tasks, it completely remains out of competition.
  4. Multipurpose. In addition to all of the above methods of application, MI-8 is capable of performing another number of different combat missions. A good example This can be the installation of up to 200 antipersonnel mines. In some cases, they are used to perform a number of technical and renovation works, thanks to special equipment. There are known cases of using MI-8 in search and rescue operations. Sometimes it is used as an air hospital, again, using special equipment.

One of the newest modifications of the MI-8 helicopter, which was designed literally at the end of last year, MI-8MTV-5, should be separately noted. It was this modification that was originally developed for the purpose of conducting hostilities in a wide variety of climatic conditions. Unlike the old models, they introduced the possibility of transporting bulky cargo by attaching it to the external suspension of the helicopter. And thanks to its combat and speed characteristics, the new version of the helicopter has the ability to provide fire support for the allied infantry. Moreover, thanks to the latest equipment, it is not at all necessary to conduct fire support in daytime conditions.

And if this model shows itself well in combat conditions, then it will definitely be adopted for permanent armament. And it is very important to have such a reliable and efficient technique for any country. After all, it is thanks to her that the security of the entire state is ensured.

The design of the MI-8 helicopter

MI-8 belongs to the class of single-rotor helicopters. It has five main rotor and three tail rotor. The propeller blades, made of solid metal, have a full spar created from aluminum alloys pressed together. In addition, all blades of the helicopter are alarmed, and in case of damage to any of the blades, pilots will be immediately notified of this.

Due to the presence of two motors, in the event of a failure of one of which, on the second, the supplied power is automatically increased by using modern equipment... That allows you not to lose speed and maneuverability in the event of malfunctions. And this is an indisputable advantage among other helicopters of a similar model.

Some modifications of the MI-8 helicopter use a specialized armored cabin. Often, such modifications are used in combat models. And such variations are very often acquired by various countries.

The chassis design has three static wheel bearings. This allows the helicopter to land even in the most inaccessible places. This is its undoubted advantage.

In addition, the helicopter is equipped with one of the best antifreeze systems. It is she who does not allow the helicopter to freeze up. Thanks to this, it can be used even in the most extreme conditions.
The MI-8 helicopter has an excellent heating and ventilation system. It allows you to heat or cool not only the cockpit, but also the passenger compartment, which makes all flights very comfortable. In addition, this system also works on the front windows of the helicopter and air intakes.

The MI-8 helicopter has a fairly serious electronic filling. Moreover, it, in turn, has completely different characteristics and purpose. But it is precisely due to it that the helicopter has its own special distinctive properties.

It is worth noting that the flight characteristics of the helicopter in themselves are very attractive. Good speed, along with its lifting and passenger functions, makes it a favorite among similar single-rotor helicopters. Despite the fact that the very first model was developed relatively long ago, its modifications are very actively developing to this day.

Technical characteristics of performance characteristics of the MI-8 helicopter

  • Required crew: 3 people.
  • Maximum flight speed: 250 km / h.
  • Maximum flight altitude: 4700 m.
  • Maximum transport flight range: 445 km.
  • Maximum passenger flight range: 500 km.
  • Helicopter weight: 6600 kg.
  • Maximum suspension weight: 3000 kg.
  • Fuel weight: 2800 kg.
  • Helicopter length: 25.24 m.
  • Engine: 2 x TV2-117A
  • Maximum engine power: 1700 hp
  • Fuel consumption: 0.680 t / h.

Specifications LTH MI-8 1965

  • Years of production: since 1965.
  • Manufactured in total: about 12 thousand pieces.
  • Combat use: military conflicts in the second half of the 20th century.
  • Crew - 3 people, landing - up to 28 people.
  • Takeoff weight - 12 tons.
  • Dimensions: length (with propellers) - 25.3 m, height (with tail rotor) - 5.5 m, main rotor diameter - 21.3 m.
  • Armament: 1 × 12.7-mm or 7.62-mm machine gun, suspension points for unguided missiles and bombs.
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Helicopters of Russia and the world of video, photos, pictures to watch online occupy an important place in the general system of the national economy and the Armed Forces, honorably fulfilling the civil and military tasks assigned to them. In the figurative expression of the outstanding Soviet scientist and designer ML. Mil, "our country itself is, as it were," designed "for helicopters." Without them, the development of the endless and impassable spaces of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East is unthinkable. Helicopters have become a familiar element of the landscape of our grandiose construction projects. They are widely used as a vehicle, in agriculture, construction, rescue service, and military affairs. When performing a number of operations, helicopters are simply irreplaceable. Who knows, the health of how many people was rescued by the crews of the helicopters who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The lives of thousands of Soviet soldiers were saved by combat "turntables" in Afghanistan.

Russian helicopters, before becoming one of the main modern transport, technological and combat means, helicopters have passed a long and not always smooth path of development. The idea of ​​lifting into the air with the help of a main rotor originated in humanity almost earlier than the idea of ​​flying on a fixed wing. In the early stages of the history of aviation and aeronautics, the creation of lift by "screwing into the air" was more popular than other methods. This explains the abundance of rotary-wing aircraft projects in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Only four years separate the flight of the Wright brothers' plane (1903) from the first ascent of a man into the air in a helicopter (1907).

The best helicopters were used by scientists and inventors, they hesitated for a long time which way to give preference. However, by the end of the first decade of the XX century. less power-consuming and simpler in terms of aerodynamics, dynamics and strength, the aircraft took the lead. His successes were impressive. It took almost 30 years before the creators of helicopters finally managed to make their vehicles operational. Already during the Second World War, helicopters went into serial production and began to be used. After the end of the war, the so-called "helicopter boom" arose. Numerous firms began to build samples of new promising technology, but not all attempts were crowned with success.

Combat helicopters of Russia and the United States Building was still more difficult than an aircraft of a similar class. Military and civilian customers were in no hurry to put aviation equipment of a new type in a row with the already familiar aircraft. Only the effective use of helicopters by the Americans in the early 50s. in the war in Korea convinced a number of military leaders, including Soviet ones, of the advisability of using this aircraft by the armed forces. However, many, as before, continued to consider the helicopter "a temporary error of aviation." It took more than ten years until the helicopters finally proved their uniqueness and indispensability in performing a number of military tasks.

Russian helicopters played an important role in the creation and development of Russian and Soviet scientists, designers and inventors. Their importance is so great that it even gave rise to one of the founders of the Russian helicopter industry, academician B.N. Yuriev consider our state "the homeland of helicopters." This statement, of course, is too categorical, but our helicopter pilots have something to be proud of. These are the scientific works of the school of N.E. Zhukovsky in the pre-revolutionary period and the impressive flights of the TsAGI 1-EA helicopter in the pre-war years, records of the post-war Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-12, Mi-24 helicopters and the unique Ka helicopter family of coaxial design, modern Mi-26 and Ka -32 and much, much more.

The new Russian helicopter is relatively well covered in books and articles. Shortly before his death, B.N. Yuriev started writing the fundamental work "The History of Helicopters", but managed to prepare only the chapters that dealt with it. own works in 1908 - 1914 Note that insufficient attention to the history of such an aviation industry as helicopter construction is also characteristic of foreign researchers.

Russian military helicopters in a new way illuminating the history of the development of helicopters and their theory in pre-revolutionary Russia, the contribution of domestic scientists and inventors to the world development process of this type of technology. A review of pre-revolutionary domestic works on rotary-wing aircraft, including previously unknown ones, as well as their analysis were given in the corresponding chapter in the book "Aviation in Russia", prepared for publication in 1988 by TsAGI. However, its small volume significantly limited the size of the information provided.

Civilian helicopters in their finest colors. An attempt has been made to cover as fully and comprehensively as possible the activities of domestic helicopter industry enthusiasts. Therefore, the activities of leading domestic scientists and designers are described, and projects and proposals are also considered, the authors of which were significantly inferior to them in their knowledge, but the contribution of which could not be ignored. Moreover, in some projects, which were generally distinguished by a relatively low level of development, there are also interesting offers and ideas.

The name of the helicopters denotes significant qualitative changes in this type of technology. These events are the beginning of the constant and systematic development of helicopter projects; construction of the first full-scale helicopters capable of taking off from the ground, and the beginning of serial production and practical use of helicopters. This book tells about the early stages of the history of helicopter construction: from the inception of the idea of ​​lifting into the air by means of a propeller to the creation of the first helicopters capable of taking off from the ground. A helicopter, unlike an airplane, a flapper and a rocket, has no direct prototypes in nature. However, the screw with which the lift helicopter, has been known since ancient times.

Small helicopters Despite the fact that propellers were known and there were empirical prototypes of helicopters, the idea of ​​using a main rotor for lifting into the air did not become widespread until the end of the 18th century. All the projects of rotary-wing vehicles developed at that time remained unknown and were discovered in the archives many centuries later. As a rule, information about the development of such projects was preserved in the archives of the most prominent scientists of their time, such as Go Hong, L. da Vinci, R. Guk, M.V. Lomonosov, who in 1754 created the "airfield machine".

In a short time, private helicopters have created literally dozens of new designs. It was a competition of the most varied schemes and forms, as a rule "one- or two-seater apparatus, which had mainly an experimental purpose. The natural customer for this expensive and complex technology was the military departments. The first helicopters in different countries received the appointment of liaison and reconnaissance military vehicles. In the development of helicopters, as in many other areas of technology, it is possible to clearly distinguish two lines of development - but the dimensions of machines, that is, quantitative and almost simultaneously emerged line of development of the qualitative improvement of aircraft within a certain size or weight category.

A site about helicopters which contains the most complete description. Whether the helicopter is used for geological exploration, agricultural work or for the transport of passengers - the cost of an hour of operation of the helicopter plays a decisive role. A large part of it is depreciation, that is, the price divided by its service life. The latter is determined by the resource of the units, g, that is, their service life. The problem of increasing the fatigue strength of blades, shafts and transmissions, rotor bushings and other helicopter assemblies has become a paramount task still occupied by helicopter designers. At the present time, the resource of 1000 hours is no longer a rarity for a serial helicopter, and there is no reason to doubt its further increase.

Modern helicopter combat capabilities comparison authentic video preserved. Found in some publications, its image is an approximate reconstruction, and not in all indisputable, carried out in 1947 by N.I. Kamov. However, on the basis of the above archival documents, a number of conclusions can be drawn. Judging by the method of testing (suspension on blocks), the "aerodrome machine" was undoubtedly a vertical take-off and landing apparatus. Of the two methods of vertical lift known at the time - by flapping wings or by means of a main rotor - the first seems unlikely. The minutes said the wings were moving horizontally. In most flies, they are known to move in a vertical plane. A flywheel whose wings oscillate in a horizontal plane with an installation angle that changes cyclically, despite repeated attempts, has not yet been built.

The best helicopter design is always forward-looking. However, in order to more clearly imagine the possibilities of further development of helicopters, it is useful to try to understand the main directions of their development from past experience. What is interesting here, of course, is not the prehistory of helicopter construction, which we will only briefly mention, but its history from the moment when the helicopter as a new type of aircraft became already suitable for practical use. The first mentions of an apparatus with a vertical rotor, a helicopter, are contained in the records of Leonardo da Vinci dating back to 1483. The first stage of development stretches from the helicopter model created by MV Lomonosov in 1754, through a long series of projects, models and even built-in-nature vehicles , which were not destined to take off, until the construction of the world's first helicopter, which in 1907 managed to get off the ground.

The fastest helicopter in the outlines of this machine, we learn a schematic diagram of the most common single-rotor helicopters in the world today. B.I.Yurev managed to return to this work only in 1925. In 1932, a group of engineers headed by A.M. which was an outstanding achievement for that time. Suffice it to say that the official flight altitude record, set 3 years later on the new coaxial Breguet helicopter, was only 180 m. At this time, there was a pause in the development of helicopters (helicopters). A new branch of rotary-wing vehicles - autogyros - has come to the fore.

The new Russian helicopter, with a greater load on the wing area, came face to face with the then new problem of a spin, a loss of speed. It turned out to be easier to create a safe and quite perfect gyroplane than to build a helicopter-helicopter. The main rotor rotating freely from the incoming flow eliminated the need for complex gearboxes and transmissions. The hinged fastening of the rotor blades to the hub used on gyroplanes provided them with much greater strength, and stability for the gyroplane. Finally, stopping the engine ceased to be dangerous, as was the case with the first helicopters: by autorotating the gyroplane easily landed at low speed.

Large helicopters for landing marines from ships identified further development military helicopter construction as a transport and landing. The S-55 helicopter landing at Incheon during the 1951 Korean War confirmed this trend. The size range of transport and landing helicopters began to be determined by the dimensions and weight of ground Vehicle used by the troops and which had to be airlifted The point is "" in conventional weapons, mainly artillery, carried by tractors, weighing close to the weight of the tractors themselves. Therefore, the carrying capacity of the first transport helicopters in foreign armies was 1200-1600 kg (the weight of a light military vehicle used as a tractor and corresponding weapons).

USSR helicopters correspond to the weight of light and medium tanks or the corresponding self-propelled chassis. Whether this line of development will be completed in such a number of dimensions depends on the constantly changing military doctrine. Artillery systems are largely replaced by missiles, therefore, we find requirements for the foreign press as well. The capacities did not lead to an increase in the payload. Indeed, but at the technical level of that time, the weight of screws, gearboxes to the entire apparatus as a whole increased with increasing power faster than the lifting force increased. However, when creating a new useful and, all the more, new for the national economic application, the designer cannot put up with a decrease in the achieved level of weight efficiency.

Soviet helicopters are the first samples, in comparatively short time were created because the specific gravity of piston engines has always decreased with increasing power. But in 1953, after the creation of a 13-ton Sikorsky S-56 helicopter with two piston engines of 2300 hp. with the size range of helicopters on the Zapala was interrupted and only in the USSR, using turboprop engines. In the mid-fifties, the reliability of helicopters became much higher, therefore, the possibilities of their use in the national economy expanded. Economic issues have come to the fore.

Km 1h

Rice. 68. Maximum angles of attack of the end of the propeller blade of the Mi-8 helicopter in horizontal flight, depending on the weight and flight altitude:

a - for a helicopter weighing 11 100 kg; b-for a helicopter weighing 12,000 kg

at the end of the blade, in the azimuth of 270 °, the angle of attack is 14 ° (below the critical one - 15 °, Fig. 68). As is known, at an azimuth of 270 ° at the tip of the blade, the maximum angle of attack at any flight speed. With an increase in speed, the angle of attack increases due to an increase in speed (flapping. With an increase in flight altitude at the same speed, the angle of attack will be greater due to the larger required pitch of the main rotor. When the angle of attack is 14 °, the flight speed will be critical in stall. This speed decreases with increasing altitude For the Mi-8 helicopter, the maximum stall speeds, depending on the height and weight of the helicopter, were obtained as follows (see Table 14 and Fig. 67, a and 68).

Table 14 Maximum stall speeds of the Mi-8 helicopter

As can be seen from Fig. 67 and Tables 13 and 14, the critical stall speeds are greater than the maximum power speeds at the takeoff operating mode of the engines, both for helicopters with normal and maximum flight weights.

Maximum speeds set for operation

These speeds are usually less than the critical stall and takeoff power. They are close to the maximum speeds in terms of power at the rated operating mode of the motors. These speeds can also be limited by increased vibrations, stall (flow, strength of the main rotor and other parts of the helicopter.

For the Mi-8 helicopter, depending on the flight altitude and weight, the following maximum horizontal flight speeds for operation are set (see Table 15 and Fig. 67.6).

The indicated maximum speeds established for the operation of a helicopter weighing 11100 kg up to an altitude of 2000 m and for a helicopter weighing 12000 kg up to an altitude of 1000 m are limited by the vibration conditions of the helicopter. At speeds higher than the set ones, the vibration of the Mi-8 helicopter is greater than that of the Mi-4 helicopter. At altitudes above 2000 m for a helicopter weighing 11100 kg and above 1000 m for a helicopter weighing 12000 kg, the maximum speeds are limited by the flow stall with a margin of at least 20 km / h according to the instrument along the calculated stall boundary.

Table 15

Maximum horizontal flight speeds of the Mi-8 helicopter set for operation

The maximum permissible speed when transporting goods on an external sling is 250 km / h according to the instrument and 150 km / h with a load weighing more than 2000 kg and an external sling with an 8AT-9600-1 cable with a diameter of 13 mm. But these speeds can be lower, depending on the behavior of the load on the suspension.

The maximum permissible speed when flying with the rear doors of the cargo compartment half-open is 160 km / h according to the instrument "


For horizontal flight, the speed is selected based on the conditions and objectives of the flight: flight with a minimum hourly or kilometer fuel consumption, according to a schedule, with a minimum time consumption, cargo is placed inside the cabin or on an external sling.

The procedure for performing the transition from climb to level flight with the autopilot on is the same as without the autopilot. It facilitates the implementation of this transient.

The transfer of the helicopter from the climb mode to the horizontal flight mode is carried out by the handles of the cyclic and total propeller pitch. The cyclic pitch knob sets the required level flight speed, and the collective pitch knob selects the required power for this speed. At the same time, the main rotor turns are kept automatically within 95 ± 2%, if the actions of all control levers are smooth. When the control levers are deflected, especially with the collective pitch knob, at a higher rate, the revolutions may go beyond the indicated limits. In this case, the main rotor speed is allowed in the range of 89-103%.

Balancing the helicopter in horizontal flight mode, as in other modes, is performed using electromagnetic EMT-2 clutches. It is necessary to remove forces from all control levers by short and frequent pressing of the force release (trim) button after small deflections of the control levers or after performing the entire transient mode with one press of the force release button.Before pressing the button, do not exert great efforts on the control levers, as this instantly disappears forces and there is a sharp change in the position of the control levers, which leads to a large unbalance of the helicopter. the pressed button is not recommended, as unnecessary movements of the control levers are possible here, which can lead to excessive swinging of the helicopter.

The correctness of the selection of the required power is determined by the variometer and altimeter: if the arrow of the variometer is near the zero position, and the altitude does not change, then the operating mode of the engines for a given speed at a given altitude is selected correctly. In this case, certain rpm of the turbochargers will be established, since the operating mode is determined only by the rpm of the turbochargers. If the RPM is greater than the maximum allowable cruise RPM, determined on the schedule before departure (see Fig. 30), then the engines will operate in the nominal range. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the operating time of the engines: it should not exceed one hour or 1/3 of the estimated duration of the flight. Usually, before the expiration of the specified time, due to fuel burnout and a decrease in flight weight, the required operating mode of the engines is reduced to cruising. If this does not happen within the specified period, then it is necessary to reduce the operating mode of the engines to the value of the maximum permissible revolutions of the turbocharger and reduce the flight speed to a speed corresponding to the cruising mode of operation of the engines.

In principle, regardless of the flight mode, the engines are allowed to operate in any mode. There is no time limit when cruising. When operating at nominal, the operating time is 60 minutes, at takeoff - 6 minutes. If the engines have been running continuously at nominal or takeoff modes for the specified time, then they must be switched to a reduced mode for at least 5 minutes, after which they can again work at the specified modes. Continuous operation of the engines is also allowed sequentially in takeoff and nominal modes with a total duration of no more than 66 minutes. The position of the control levers over the entire range of horizontal flight speeds is the same as for the Mi-4 helicopter: with increasing speed, the cyclic step handle must move forward and to the left, the left pedal forward until a certain

speed. With further acceleration of the speed, it is necessary (to move the right pedal forward. Throughout the entire speed range, the required power is maintained with the help of the collective step knob with the right position of the throttle corrector knob.

The steady state of horizontal flight is carried out with all channels of the AP-34B autopilot turned on. The altitude channel is switched on in a steady level flight mode at an altitude of at least 50 m. Flight altitude change (performed when the autopilot altitude channel is turned off. After the helicopter is brought to a different altitude, it is necessary to turn on the altitude channel by pressing the "ON" button on the autopilot control panel.

In steady level flight with released control, the helicopter maintains the flight mode, slowly leaving the set speed, since the autopilot stabilizes not the flight speed, but the pitch angle. Such instability of the helicopter in terms of speed is more pronounced at low speeds up to 150 km / h. At speeds over 150 km / h, the change in speed is much less. In addition, the indicated speed instability depends on the helicopter balancing accuracy in the mode before turning on the autopilot channels: the more accurately the helicopter is balanced, the better the stability. In a calm atmosphere, the autopilot holds the helicopter with an accuracy of ± 1 ° in direction, ± 0.5 ° in pitch, + 0.5 ° in roll, ± 6 m in height up to 1000 m and ± 12 m at an altitude of more than 1000 m.

The pilot can intervene in control and correct the balancing of the helicopter not only with the control levers, but also with the centering knobs (correction levers) in the direction, pitch and roll within ± 5 °. To do this, the autopilot control panel has centering knobs, each division of which corresponds to the rotation of the helicopter around the corresponding axis by 1 °. The height channel does not have such a handle, and the height can be adjusted only with the collective step lever.

Normal operation of the autopilot channels is determined by the oscillations of the indicator arrows around the neutral position and the characteristic jerking of the helicopter, which occurs when parrying disturbances. The operation of the altitude channel can also be controlled by changing the total pitch of the main rotor, which can be seen from the USHV. When the corresponding channel is turned off, the arrow stops oscillating and is set to the neutral position.

When flying with the autopilot on, due to changes in weight (helicopter, weather conditions, etc., constant moments will act on the helicopter. The autopilot channels will stabilize the helicopter in all directions, spending the stroke of the corresponding hydraulic booster, the indicator arrows will approach the stops. In this case, it is necessary to use the centering knobs to set the arrows to the neutral position.

It is necessary to use the cyclic step knob to keep the helicopter from inevitable changes in the roll and pitch angles, turn off the autopilot or this channel, balance the helicopter and turn on the autopilot or this channel again. The arrows of the indicators of the roll and pitch channels ("K" and "T") can be set to the neutral position before turning off the autopilot, in addition to the centering levers, also with the cyclic step knob. Such a transfer of the indicator arrows to the operating position occurs without jerking | in the control of the helicopter. The arrow of the altitude channel indicator must be moved to the neutral position with the collective pitch knob: if the arrow has gone up, the collective pitch knob must be lowered; when the arrow goes down - raise. Then again (turn on the altitude channel with the enable button on the autopilot console. automatic system maintaining the rotational speed of the main rotor (right correction), the flight altitude is maintained due to a gradual automatic decrease in the total pitch of the propeller by the autopilot altitude channel due to the decrease in the weight of the helicopter due to fuel burnout. The collective stick will be stationary and the collective pitch indicator will show decreasing pitch. Decreasing the propeller pitch leads to an attempt to increase its speed, but the rotor speed regulator RO-40VR reduces the fuel supply to the engines, therefore the main rotor speed is kept constant within 95 ± 2%, and the compressor speed will decrease. The height channel zero indicator hand will move downward from the neutral position.

If during horizontal flight the autopilot altitude channel is not turned on, and only the automatic system for maintaining the rotational speed of the main rotor is working, then after the time has elapsed due to the decrease in the weight of the helicopter, it will tend to (switch to the climb mode, increasing the flight altitude, since the engine power and revolutions The main rotor is constant, in which case the pilot must periodically reduce the power of the engines by lowering the collective pitch stick.

If, when all the autopilot channels are turned on and with the right correction, the horizontal flight speed is changed from economic to increase or decrease only by a smooth and slow movement of the cyclic step knob, then the flight altitude and main rotor revolutions according to the ITE-1 indicator are preserved, the speed increases or decreases accordingly. General pitch of the main rotor then USHV and the speed of turbochargers according to the ITE-2 index will increase in accordance with the general laws of aerodynamics and the operation of the automatic stabilization system of the Mi-8 helicopter in height.

In areas of high atmospheric turbulence, the flight should be performed with the direction and altitude channels turned off at an instrument speed of 150-175 km / h.

A horizontal flight in a circle for a training purpose is recommended to be made at a speed of 160 km / h.

Flights at high altitudes, especially those close to the ceiling, are more difficult than flying at lower altitudes and require more attention from the pilot and smoother operation with the main rotor pitch and other control levers.

Turns and turns in level flight. The turns and turns on the Mi-8 helicopter are performed in the same way as on the Mi-4 helicopter. If the helicopter's flight weight is normal and below normal, then turns and turns must be performed within the range of permissible speeds with a roll of up to 30 °. With a weight more than normal, with the autopilot on and during instrument flight with a roll of up to 15 °. For training purposes, it is recommended to make turns at a speed of 160 km / h, according to the device.

The helicopter is introduced into a turn or turn by a coordinated movement of the cyclic pitch stick and pedal in the direction of the desired turn or turn with a simultaneous increase in power by the collective pitch stick. Since less power is required to perform a left turn or a turn than a right one, no more power is required when a roll of up to 15 ° on a left turn and a turn.

It is necessary to start taking the helicopter out of a turn or turn 10-15 ° before the intended landmark or a given direction according to the UGR-4K indicator of the heading system. The withdrawal is carried out by the coordinated movement of the control levers.

When entering a bend, performing it and exiting the helicopter (the helicopter needs to operate smoothly and coordinate with all control levers), then the helicopter is not so unbalanced, and the piloting technique is facilitated.

The radius and time of one circle of a turn are determined using the same formulas as for an airplane. For example, their value depending on the speed and roll angle is given in table. 16.

Table 16

Radius and time of one circle of a superelevation depending on speed and angle

Speed, Bank, Radius, Time, Speed, Bank, Radius, Time,
km / h hail m with km / h hail m with

Low-altitude flights. Such flights are carried out when it is impossible to taxi (due to the state of the ground), during special work, as well as for training purposes.

Usually, flights at low altitudes with flat terrain are recommended to be performed at an altitude of up to 10 m at speeds up to 80 km / h using an air cushion. Flights at altitudes from 10 to 40 m should be performed at speeds from 60 to 150 km / h. During such flights, the speed is determined by the ground, the airspeed indicator and by the DIV-1 indicator, if it is installed.Above highly rugged terrain, flights must be performed at altitudes of at least 20 m above the terrain and at instrument speeds of at least 60 km / h in order to so that the flight takes place outside the zone of influence of the air cushion, and that it is possible to ensure good control of the helicopter under the action of downdrafts due to the terrain. At low flight speeds, the Mi-8 helicopter has an increased vibration, therefore, long flights in the speed range from 20 to 50 km / h are not recommended.

When flying at low altitudes, it is necessary to take into account the wind speed and direction. With a wind of up to 5 m / s, flights can be made in any wind direction with a turn of 360 ° With a wind of 5 to 10 m / s, it is possible to fly upwind and with a crosswind up to 90 °. With a wind of 10 to 20 m / s, flights can be made only against the wind.

Approaches on rough snow-covered areas should be performed in cases of emergency at speeds of 20-40 km / h, providing horizontal visibility, having a reference point at the hovering point. The height of the aidelet in such cases should be 15 m.

It is recommended to fly up and move at heights below 10 m at speeds up to 20 km / h, without going into shaking mode.

Approaches to the start are usually carried out at a height of up to 10 m, and with a gusty wind at a height of at least 5 m.In this case, the speed should be no more than 15 km / h, if the distance to obstacles is no more than 50-75 m, and you can keep the speed up to 70 km / h, if the distance to obstacles is more than 70 m. Fly overflights at a distance of at least 50 m from aircraft and helicopter stands. Flights over airplanes and helicopters are prohibited.

Horizontal flight with weights on an external sling. In such a flight, the helicopter has more harmful drag, which leads to the need to increase the power for the flight. At the same time, the kilometer and hourly fuel consumption increases, the flight range and carrying capacity decrease. For the Mi-8 helicopter, the maximum weight with weights on the external sling is 11,000 kg, the maximum load on the suspension is 2500 kg. Flight speed is also limited. In addition, the value of the speed is set depending on the weight of the cargo, its dimensions and behavior in flight. When transporting compact loads, the speed can be kept at the maximum permissible, since the behavior of the helicopter is normal. With trans

when porting bulky and sailing cargo, the maximum permissible speed is reduced due to the significant swing of the cargo on the external sling. So, for example, in one of the test flights during the transportation of the center section of the aircraft (sailing load) the maximum possible speed was obtained 120 km / h, and during the transportation of pipes for the drilling rig - 140 km / h (see Table 12).

In terms of piloting technique, flights with cargo on an external spigot are more complicated and have a number of peculiarities. The swinging of the load on the suspension leads to the swinging of the helicopter, both in the longitudinal and (in the transverse directions. Therefore, it is more difficult to balance the helicopter in the steady flight mode. To prevent swinging of the weight, it is necessary to select the appropriate speed. Balancing the helicopter must be more careful and with greater care, movement of the levers controls must be smooth and proportionate.The need for such a piloting technique is explained not only by the behavior of the load, but also by a change in the efficiency of control of the helicopter due to the shift of the center of gravity of the entire helicopter down.It is known that the lower the center of gravity of the helicopter is from the main rotor hub, to which the aerodynamic force is applied , the greater the control efficiency.Therefore, the required deviations of the swashplate and the cyclic pitch knob, both in the longitudinal and transverse directions, will be less. difficult or even impossible.

It is also difficult to make turns with weights on an external sling, therefore, they must be carried out, strictly maintaining the coordination of all control levers. The maximum allowable bank angle should not exceed 15 °.

Level flight is carried out with the channels of the AP-34B autopilot switched on.

When flying with loads on an external sling under conditions of increased air turbulence, the helicopter's speed changes, longitudinal and lateral swing appears. In this case, it is necessary to maintain the set flight speed by smooth movement of the control levers. This reduces the buildup in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

Level flight with one engine running. Such a flight can be performed for training purposes or when one of the engines fails. Horizontal flight is possible with one engine operating in take-off mode only at normal flight weight of the helicopter at speeds of 120-130 km / h on the instrument at altitudes up to 1000 m. ...

Continuous flight with one engine running on

mode above the nominal is possible no more than 6 minutes, therefore such a flight is recommended for searching for a site and landing. In addition, the total duration of a flight on one engine should not exceed 10% of the entire resource of the main gearbox.

For training purposes, flight with one engine running is allowed at altitudes up to 3000 m with a weight of no more than 10100 kg. In this case, level flight will be performed at the nominal operating mode of the engine. With a normal weight of 11100 kg and at an economic speed, level flight is possible with the engine running between rated and takeoff.

When flying with one engine running, turns must be performed with a roll of no more than 15 °.

The AW109 light multipurpose helicopter with its maximum permissible speed of 311 km / h and a cruising speed of 285 km / h is one of the most popular machines among its kind. "Hundred ninth" produced by the Anglo-Italian concern AugustaWestland was purchased by the armies of many countries, including South Africa, Sweden, New Zealand and Malaysia.

In service with the United States, the AH-64D Apache is considered one of the best multi-role attack helicopters. In an emergency, it accelerates to 365 km / h. And the cruising speed is 265-270 km / h.

The Russian MI-26 (according to NATO classification - Halo) is not only the largest helicopter in the world, but also the fastest among the heavy transport crew. Its maximum speed is 295 km / h, cruising speed is 265 km / h. The helicopter is equipped with two gas turbine engines with a capacity of 11,400 horsepower each, is able to cover a distance of 800 km and rise to an altitude of 4600 meters.

The Russian attack helicopter MI-28N or "Night Hunter" not only "sees" the enemy from a distance of 35 km even in the dark, but also rushes towards him with a maximum speed of 300 km / h. In cruising speed, it competes with the American AH-64D Apache: 265-270 km / h.

Another attack helicopter originally from Russia, the Ka-52 or Alligator, can climb to an altitude of over 5000 m and reach a maximum speed of 300 km / h. The Alligator is capable of taking off and landing in extremely low and extremely high temperatures.

The NH90 multipurpose military helicopter was developed by the Franco-German consortium Eurocopter and is in the service of many NATO countries. The powerful engine allows the vehicle to climb to a maximum altitude of 3200 meters with a climb rate of over 11 m / s. Its maximum speed is 291 km / h.

The representative of the new generation of helicopters with two AugustaWestland AW139M gas turbine engines gains a top speed of 310 km / h. At the same time, cruising is not much less - 306 km / h.

AW101 Merlin is a medium-duty helicopter, which in extreme conditions can reach the bar of 309 km / h (cruising speed - 278 km / h). The Anglo-Italian concern AugustaWestland produces it for both military and civilian purposes. The vehicle takes on board more than 30 people and carries out search and rescue operations at a distance of more than 800 km.

The Russian Mi-35M multipurpose attack helicopter has a shoulder speed of 320 km / h. He can carry out military service in various weather conditions, around the clock.

The American heavy helicopter CHF-47 Chinook is designed to transport troops, artillery, equipment and various cargo. Despite its bulky appearance, this is a fairly nimble device with a maximum speed of 282 km / h.

The unofficial speed record during descent (487 km / h) and in level flight (472 km / h) belongs to the rotorcraft of the Eurocopter company with the short name X3. But so far we are talking only about demonstration models. It is not known exactly when these "sprinters" will go into mass production (and whether they will at all). Meanwhile, proven "horses" - somewhat slower, but reliable, are in combat service.