Analysis of the current state of the world sed market. Electronic document management in the regions of the Russian Federation. EDMS in healthcare


Mashchenko I.S., Chernysheva N.V.

South Russian Institute of Management - a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Mashchenko I.S., Chernysheva N.V.

South-Russia Institute of Management - branch of Russian Presidential

National Economy and Public Administration

Abstract: The article analyzes the problems and prospects for the development of the EDMS market in Russia. The concepts of electronic document management systems, their purpose and actualization in modern world, presents statistical data on the development and use of specific electronic document management systems, both in the commercial structure and in the public sector. Conclusions are made about the problems of the EDMS and the need for their development, improvement and use in organizations and government agencies in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness.

Key words: electronic document management, electronic document management system, EDMS market, EDMS functionality, EDMS in the public sector.

Annotation: The article analyzes the problems and perspectives of the market development of the system of electronic turnover in Russia. The following notions are concerned: the systems of electronic document turnover, their aims and actualization in the modern world, statistic data on the development and using of concrete systems of e-document turnover are given both in the commercial structiond and the public sector. Conclusions are made on the problems of the systems of electronic turnover the necessity of their development improvent and using in the organization and state lodies for raising their efficiency and resultativeness.

Key words: electronic documentary turnover, the system of electronic document turnover, the market of the systems of e-document turnover, the systems of e-document turnover in the public sector.

In the modern world, the development of technologies and their widespread introduction has led to the fact that electronic document management and archival work occupy a leading position in comparison with their paper counterpart. Today we can observe an increase in the number and volume of documents used in the world. Moreover, the ratio of electronic and paper documents changes over time in favor of the latter.

In 2014, the EDMS market celebrated its 20th anniversary. Its origin and formation was caused primarily by the need to automate the work of government agencies - the first domestic systems electronic document management were created according to their orders.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) is an organizational and technical system that provides the process of creating, access control and distribution of electronic documents in computer networks, as well as providing control over the flow of documents in an organization.

EDMS in the information technology market remains one of the most demanded systems, as it allows:

Increase the efficiency of company management by providing the management with all the necessary information for making decisions;

Optimize the work of employees with documents;

company assets (information that may be lost as a result of layoffs or layoffs of employees), i.e. to ensure the continuity of business or business processes.

In 2013, the Russian EDMS market, including implementation services, grew by 20% compared to 2012 to RUB 30.72 billion. It maintained high growth rates between 2011 and 2013: from 20 to 35%. Unlike other segments of the business software market, where, according to TLew1Beg, a slight decline began (B1 systems) or growth stopped (BIR systems) , the EDMS market should show double-digit growth by the end of 2014: the main driver of this market is the public sector, where projects in the field of automation of electronic document management are implemented with high intensity. In the number of projects, the share of the public sector in the EDMS market is up to 25%, in monetary terms - up to 40%. ...

The positive dynamics of the market in 2013 is confirmed by the data on the revenue of integrators. Among those companies that submitted data on revenue in the EDMS market, including implementation services (in rubles, VAT included), the growth in 2013 compared to the previous year was 15% or more for most companies. (Table 1) .

Table 1. Income of system integrators in the EDMS market in

Russia, 2012-2013, thousand rubles

Company Revenue 2013 Projects 2013 Projects 2012 Projects 2012 Revenue growth 2012-2013

1C (all franchisees) 1 240 742 103 3 1 041 691 948 19.1%

Business logic 760,000 88 534 900 86 42.1%

KRO K 545 970 51 473 553 50 15.3%

EOS 516 029 777 3 263 997 - 95.5%

InterTrust 420 864 478 406 759 289 3.5%

ID Management Technologies 380 970 - 238 035 - 60%

Lani t 188,000 80 180,000 70 4.4%

ELM A 56,000 105 38,000 - 47.4%

Haul 50 54 28 49 73.6%

mont (Holemont) 000 800

0 FTS (FCS) 38,000 9 34,500 5 10.1%

1 ASK ON 23 200 57 17 600 35 31.8%

Total 4,219,775 3,257,835 29.5%

The most active implementation of EDMS in Russia is implemented in the public sector, first of all, this applies to the authorities, but also to companies with state participation.

Among state-owned companies for the period from the beginning of 2013 to September 2014 stand out in terms of scale, the electronic document management system within the GAS Justice, which operates on the basis of the Delo (EOS) platform (more than 67 thousand users), as well as the implementation of EMC Documentum in Rosatom ( 30 thousand) and the introduction of Etlas (EDM) in the Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol region for 10 thousand workstations. In the commercial sector, the largest EDMS project is the implementation of DocsVision in Sberbank of the Russian Federation, the replication of the system is still ongoing: according to the bank itself, now 100 thousand bank employees work in the EDMS on this platform (Table 2).

Table 2. Top-5 EDMS / ESM projects in the public sector of Russia by the number of users in 2013 - the first three quarters of 2014

GAS Justice EOS Case 67 835

Customer System Integrator Number of users

Rosatom EMC Documentum CROC 30 000

Department of Health and Social Development of the Oryol Region Etlas (EDO) Etlas-Soft (AtlasSoft) 10,000

General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation AIK Supervision of EOS 9 123

Government of the Rostov Region Case (EOS) EOS 7 639

A paradoxical situation has developed in the EDMS industry: usually

legislation is a brake on the way of applying new technologies. Today the legislative framework ahead of the technical capabilities of most of the implemented systems. On the other hand, the capabilities of the ECM platforms themselves, on which the EDMS are built (both imported and domestic), in principle, allow solving all new problems. Today, development is hampered by the lack of competence of functional customers who still adhere to conservative views on document flow.

Obviously, at the systemic level, there is an understanding of the importance of this task: by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09/06/2012 N 890 "On measures to improve electronic document flow in government bodies" it was established that the transition to EDM in government bodies must be completed by December 31, 2017

But the current state of affairs leaves room for doubt - large-scale investments in ICT in the public sector, more than 1 trillion. rubles, until they give a tangible practical result.

Unfortunately, today there is not a single legally significant public service that involves the performance of any legally significant actions - issuing a document, changing the status of a citizen, etc. - transferred into electronic form. All services provided at EPGU are for informational purposes only.

EDMS systems are aimed at improving the activities of an organization, but each of them has its own wide functionality, which includes a number of characteristics. During the research, we were

■ Directum ■ Docs Vision ■ Globus Professional

■ PayDox ■ 1C: Document flow * Boss-referent


9 systems have been identified. We will show their functional equipment, on the basis of which we will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the systems (Fig. 1,2). Rice. 1. Technical capabilities of modern EDMS

Rice. 2. The cost of licenses for 100 users, excluding the cost of the DBMS, additional modules and discounts

When comparing the functionality of the EDMS, the following designations are adopted: "+" - the opportunity is implemented; "+/-" - the opportunity is available within the limited functionality or additional software is required; "-" - the opportunity has not been implemented.

According to the function "Working with documents", the leading positions are occupied by such EDMS as: Boss-assistant, Delo and Efrat. The grassroots level was occupied by PayDox (Table 3).

WORKING WITH DOCUMENTS WITH Directum DocsVision Globus PayDox 1C: Document Boss - CASE EVFRAT MOTIV

Built-in tools

view attached files

Changing attachments

Working with document projects / - / - / -

Table 3. Working with documents

According to the development of the function "Search and analysis of information", the leaders are such EDMS as: Efrat, Delo and DocsVision. The last positions are occupied by 1C, Directum, GlobusProfessional (Table 4).

SEARCH and ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION Directum DocsVision Globus PayDox 1C: Dokumento Boss-referent CASE EVFRAT MOTIV

Attribute search (search by document details)

Search for tasks and assignments (including by deadlines, executors, controllers)

Full-text search taking into account the morphology of the Russian language / - / - / - / - / -

Implementation of various types of searches in one request / -

Table 4. Finding Analysis Information

Table 5. Information Security

INFORMATION SECURITY Directum DocsVision Globus PayDox 1C: Dokumento Boss-referent CASE EVFRAT MOTIV

Support for various authentication methods / - / - / - / - / - / - / -

Assigning user rights

Assigning rights to user groups

Support for custom roles

According to the development of the "Information Security" function, the leading positions are Boss-Referent, Efrat, Delo and DocsVision. In the last positions: 1C and GlobusProfessional (Table 5).

Based on the analysis carried out, several EDMS with the greatest functional equipment can be distinguished. These include: Euphrates, who is the undisputed leader, also Delo and DocsVision. Out of 9 EDMS, 1C, Globus Professional, PayDox distinguished themselves by insufficient functional equipment. The rest of the EDMS occupied the middle niche.

In conclusion, we can say that the EDMS is necessary in the modern world and its constant improvement is also an important criterion. Electronic document management systems are well known in the Russian market. Today, their implementations have become widespread and have reached a peak in productivity. Further growth

market is possible not by increasing the number of ECM users, but by improving their functionality. Today, among the main reasons for replacing existing solutions are performance problems, lack of functionality, high cost of development and support of the current solution, closed platform code, inconvenient interface, problems with territorial distribution and integration, as well as binding to outdated software and hardware platforms.


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IDC analysts note the following development trends of the global EDMS market :

1. Further development market, its consolidation, the emergence of new participants in the market, differentiation of offers from market participants. In the EDMS market, mergers and acquisitions continue, and to a large extent - by world-renowned IT firms (Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, Baan, etc.) that have entered a new field of activity.

2. Integration of EDMS with common corporate applications. Integration of enterprise data and applications is one of the biggest challenges enterprises face today, and will continue to be a problem in the future. In the era of e-business, IDC analysts believe that only enterprises with the most intelligent formulation of their Enterprise Information Management (EIM) strategy will succeed. The goal of the EIM strategy for any enterprise is to provide easy and quick access to all corporate knowledge and data and the ability to manage corporate information from anywhere (it must be relevant and accessible in all contexts). These enterprises will need deep integration of all of their enterprise applications that communicate with each other.

In this regard, the possibility of integrating the EDMS with other corporate applications (both our own and other developers) is of particular relevance. Despite the current economic downturn, IDC analysts believe that enterprises will continue to participate in integration projects for the following reasons:

· Integration of corporate applications allows better use of complex systems;

· The need for joint work of legacy systems with new applications has been preserved;

· The ongoing process of mergers and acquisitions in the global IT market forces enterprises to integrate applications into their corporate information systems.

The IT industry is actively addressing the issues of unification of EDMS development and their integration with common operating systems, applications, and various interface environments. The methods of integration offered by the providers of integration solutions are also changing. Currently, the main layer of integration (virtualization) is the API provided by sole supplier corporate content management infrastructure. However, in the future, it is expected to move from integration via APIs to ubiquitous integration via Web services based on communication through XML messages using system-independent vocabularies and protocols. This will eliminate the dependence of the enterprise on a single vendor, although it will require the creation of new standards.

3. Strong demand for OMS systems. The demand for OMS systems in the medium term will remain strong, since most ERP users do not want to have problems with the formation and output of various reports and documents. A certain impetus to the development of OMS systems will also be given by the further spread of electronic business, which is very demanding on the availability of distributed generation of output documents in the information systems of enterprises.

4. Technological changes in the IT industry:

· To replace the EDMS with a two-tier architecture of the "client-server" type now came systems with three-tier architecture, which are much easier to integrate with other corporate applications through the API (although the capabilities of CORBA, COM / DCOM, etc. interfaces remain),

· Simplified document management in many EDMS.

IDC predicts that in the future there will be a shift in focus from pure ERMS to collaboration technologies with electronic document management, knowledge management and content and information management solutions (portals). Now in the overwhelming majority of EDMS, in order to achieve market attractiveness, it is being implemented multilingualism.

5. Changes in consumer preferences. The increased functionality of the EDMS is now in many cases simply not in demand by consumers. A fairly large number of EDMS is simply oversaturated with functionality that is often not needed in an ordinary enterprise. Due to this circumstance, inexpensive basic document management functionality(implemented, for example, in a number of software products from Microsoft, Lotus, Oracle, etc.) is becoming more and more attractive to consumers.

At the same time, the market remains in demand for complex vertical EDMS solutions for pharmaceuticals, construction, insurance and other industries. A number of industries (such as the production of medical equipment, aerospace construction, transport, jurisprudence, etc.) generally require particularly strict control over certain documents and their content.

Analysts predict intense demand for workflow technologies mainly for their use in application integration and business process automation.

The idea of ​​purchasing EDMS from small companies by corporate users is becoming less and less popular. As a result, there are favorable opportunities for the rapid development in this market of large and well-known vendors in the development industry. software.

6. Development of Internet-oriented EDMS. The key condition for the success of EDMS in the world market is their Web-orientation. Web content management systems are beginning to play a central role and will only become more functional in the future. The development of Web-based EDMS will also be facilitated by the growing popularity of mobile Internet access - for delivering a variety of content through these systems to mobile devices. Therefore, these systems are now implementing the functions of mobile access. In addition, continuing industry specialization and integration will accelerate the evolution of Web content management systems.

There is also a gradual shift from content management technologies to knowledge management technologies.

7. Rapid change in the market orientation of EDMS developers. A dynamic change in the market orientation of EDMS developers has become in the order of things, but their main task remains to solve the problems of managing critical corporate information.

8. Offering by leading EDMS developers universal solutions for large enterprises to manage all their corporate information. EDMS vendors offer services from the delivery of office solutions to the implementation of a complete corporate solution (from processing incoming e-mail to Intranet / Extranet content and the Internet). Industry analysts note that the impressive imagination project of creating a "fully collaborative" enterprise (all employees of which use the capabilities of the EDMS) still remains at the level of a beautiful idea. Western Europe is now closest to its implementation.

9. Increasing the intensity of the activities of software developers to create and promote joint solutions

10. Joint development of industry standards. This is a steady trend in the development of the IT industry. We can note, in particular, the work on the creation of an open protocol for data synchronization SyncML, in which such companies as IBM, Lotus Development, Motorola, Nokia, Palm, Psion and Starfish Software take part.

11. Further development of the ECM concept- Enterprise Content Management ("management of corporate content", not management of corporate electronic document management), which has become increasingly popular since 2001.

From an analyst perspective, the ECM concept offers many business benefits. An ECM system that integrates all content- and process-oriented technologies within an enterprise, provides a common infrastructure for managing its workflow, minimizing the need to deploy and support multiple technologies to implement various business functions .

The essence of this approach (called infrastructure) is that corporate content should not belong to just one application or system - it should be available to multiple applications and freely redistributed between them.

ECM is a strategic infrastructure and technical architecture to support a single life cycle unstructured information (content) of various types and formats. ECM systems consist of applications that can interact with each other and be used and sold independently. The following key components are implemented in modern ECM systems:

· Document management - export / import, version control, security and library services for business documents;

· Management of images of documents (Document Imaging) - capture, transformation and management of paper documents;

· Records management (or, in accordance with the latest translation of the IEEE 15489 standard - GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007, "document management") - long-term archiving, automation of retention policies and regulatory compliance, ensuring compliance with legal and industry regulations;

· Workflow management (workflow) - support of business processes, transfer of content along routes, assignment of work tasks and states, creation of audit logs;

· Web Content Management (WCM) - automation of the webmaster role, dynamic content management and user interaction;

· Multimedia content management (DAM) - management of graphic, video and audio files, various marketing materials, for example, flash banners, commercials;

Knowledge Management - support of systems for the accumulation and delivery of business-relevant information;

· Document-oriented interaction (Collaboration) - the sharing of documents by users and support for project teams.

An important property of the ECM infrastructure is its independence from a single universal repository of content. The ECM infrastructure integrates many specialized data stores, including but not limited to electronic product document stores, e-mail, Web content stores, file systems, and even DBMSs.

In addition, with the help of the ECM infrastructure, such corporate content management services are implemented as personalization, access control, user rights management, etc. (which simplifies the administration and maintenance of the ECM system).

The capabilities of ECM systems can be divided into several main categories:

· general content management functions, which is understood as the ability to manage a variety of electronic objects (images, office documents, graphics, drawings, Web-content, e-mail, video, audio and multimedia). The ECM system provides a repository for all these types of electronic objects with various library services (content profiling, version control, revision history, document access security, etc.), as well as the ability to manage these objects throughout their entire life cycle;

· process control functions, which is understood as the ability to automate and manage business processes and workflows;

· integration with other ECM systems, implying the ability to integrate ECM systems with external ERP systems, office applications, content repositories, and other EDMS. Integration can be done using a variety of approaches, including the use of object-oriented interfaces (such as EJB), connectors, APIs, enterprise application integration technologies EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) and etc.

Until now, ECM exists only as a concept, and the ECM infrastructure today is to a large extent only a look at the prospects for the development of the EDMS market.

12. Development of technologies for managing documents and knowledge. The concept of knowledge management systems, according to IDC, involves the development and use of known and new technologies for information and knowledge management (in decreasing order of importance):

Transmission of messages,

· Email,

Document management,

Search tools,

Corporate information portals,

Data storage,

Teamwork tools,

Workflow technologies,

· Web-based training.

The direction of development of technologies for managing documents and knowledge is presented as follows (in ascending order of priority of implementation):

Communication infrastructure (provides message transfer, shared databases, catalogs, reference books, electronic forms documents, security),

Workflow management (for routing forms and input documents by email, monitoring business processes, providing collaboration tools),

Search tools and document management (for searching and retrieving documents from internal and external sources of information),

· Means of management of interaction with customers - CRM-systems (for the implementation of sales management, customer support, field personnel, marketing, e-commerce).

Thus, EDMS and ISUD are part of a broader concept of knowledge management, which entails a constant strengthening of the role of information and expertise to achieve four business goals: innovation, competence, efficiency, responsiveness. Documents contain a significant part of the organization's knowledge, and their management ensures the effective use of knowledge and experience.

Russian EDMS market also has its own characteristics. The need of Russian enterprises and organizations to optimize their workflow remains high and continues to grow. Per last years in Russia, dozens of companies have appeared that are engaged in the development and supply of EDMS, both foreign and of their own design. The first large-scale EDMS implementations (mostly pilot ones) are already in place in Russia. It can be considered that the foundations of the Russian market for document management software have been formed.

The prospects of the Russian EDMS market are improved by the adoption of the law on electronic digital signature, which creates legal basis for the dissemination of EDMS during intercorporate interaction.

It should be noted that the currently observed small size of the Russian EDMS market is associated not least with the relative insignificance of the share of electronic document flow in the total document flow of Russian enterprises and organizations (which can afford to purchase EDMS costing from several tens to several hundred thousand dollars). In the overwhelming majority of cases, paperwork dominates at Russian enterprises. This circumstance is explained not only by traditions and a certain conservatism, but also by the difficult financial and technical condition of most Russian enterprises and organizations.

According to the IDC classification, the majority of domestic EDMS belongs to the class of systems focused on business processes (often with workflow control elements). In various sources it is noted that in most domestic EDMS the following functions are implemented:

· Processing / storage of documents;

· Workflow management (transfer of documents between performers);

· Control of execution of documents;

· Document search by attributes and full-text search;

· Work with related documents;

· Regulation of access rights;

· Writing off documents;

· Integration with external e-mail systems, etc.

The main advantage of domestic EDMS is taking into account the Russian specifics and traditions of working with documents, which were originally incorporated into their business logic.

The main development trends of the Russian EDMS market :

1. entry into the domestic EDMS market of multidisciplinary IT companies(table 5) .

Table 5 - Electronic document management systems

Product Company Short description
Foreign systems
Documentum Documentum (a division of EMC), A platform for building business applications for creating, storing and using unstructured information and automating business processes
DOCS Fusion Electronic archive with the ability to route documents and control execution
DOCS Open Hummingbird, Client-server electronic document management system
Russian systems created using foreign products
CompanyMedia Electronic document management system, business process automation and information support of production and economic activities in organizations of any size
OfficeMedia InterTrust, Boxed solution for workgroups up to 70 users
BOSS-Referent IT, Electronic document management and office automation system for large geographically distributed enterprises and for medium-sized businesses
Cinderella STC IRM, A set of modules for automating workflow in an organization of any size

Continuation of table 5.

ESCADO InterProcomLan, System of full automation of document flow for a large or small enterprise
Russian systems created without the use of foreign products
DocsVision Digital Design,, System for automation of office and office work, creation electronic archives, design and project documentation management
LanDocs LANIT, A program for the complex automation of office work processes and the creation of electronic archives in organizations of various sizes
Lotsia PLM Lotsia Soft, Engineering document flow and business process management system
OPTiMA-WorkFlow Optima, A program for automating the basic procedures of office work, organizing workflow, managing the processes of creating, processing, replicating and storing documents or other information objects
Grand Dock Granite Center, A specialized system for automation of office work and workflow in state and municipal management structures
A business Electronic office systems (EOS), A comprehensive solution that implements mixed, paper-electronic document flow and automates all aspects of documentation support for the management activities of enterprises and organizations
DocManager SoftIntegro, A system for automating the work of the office: registering documents, organizing their movement, monitoring execution and managing documents (storage, search, coordination of access, deletion)

End of table 5.

Euphrates-Document flow A universal system for organizing storage, accounting and maintenance of all types of electronic and paper documents, designed to work in a small department, and in general in an organization with a complex scheme of information flows
Electronic Archive Euphrates Cognitive Technologies, A program for organizing storage, accounting and maintenance of all types of electronic and paper documents
Codex-Document flow Codex, System of electronic document management and office work, focused on the traditions of Russian office work
1C: Archive 1C, A program for collective work with archives of electronic documents and control of performing discipline at the enterprise scale

Among hundreds of Russian IT companies that firmly occupy their place in the domestic IT market, a number of large diversified companies take the EDMS market seriously and diversify their activities, offering their own solutions in the field of document flow automation. Here one can mention such companies as IBS, Aquarius (its subsidiary Aquarius Consulting), R-Style, Lanit, IT, etc .;

2. joint work on EDMS standardization.

A number of Russian companies (STC IRM, InterTrust, EOS) work together to standardize the protocols for interaction of EDMS. In April 2002, they created a dedicated, permanent "Protocol Standardization Working Group" for this purpose;

3. growing interest in the Russian market of foreign developers and suppliers of EDMS . This interest is manifested in the entry of foreign EDMS vendors into the Russian market through partner companies. An example is the Canadian firm Hummingbird, acting through its partner, the Russian company HBS, to promote the DOCS Open / Fusion system, Fulcrum knowledge management system, Genio data integration tool and Hummingbird EIP portal. FileNet also entered the Russian market (in particular, with the help of Galaktika, which became a partner of FileNet in promoting the Panagon EDMS on the Russian market);

4. development of integrated solutions. The presence of several dozen EDMS on the Russian market forces developers to create tools for their integration. An example of this is the release by IT Co. of an XML gateway in its BOSS-Referent EDMS, which will allow combining EDMS built on different platforms and using different data formats into a single information space;

5. cooperation and joint promotion of integrated solutions. Some Russian companies offer their EDMS in the form of OEM versions preinstalled on the computers of their partner's assembly. An example of this is the cooperation of the Russian companies IT Co. and Inel-Data, which offer their customers an integrated solution, which is an OEM version of the BOSS-Referent EDMS preinstalled on an Excimer personal computer.

The main requirements that the electronic document management system must meet:

  • Safe storage and easy retrieval of documentation.
  • Support and implementation of clerical tasks.
  • Timely control over the execution of documents and their routing.
  • Creation of analytical reports.
  • Information security assurance.

Modern EDMS also have functions for interacting with clients, processing their requests and additional useful tools that allow you to solve many applied problems.

Types of electronic document management systems

There are various types of classification of electronic document management systems, but the most indicative classification is the division of EDMS by title functionality. Any EDMS is positioned by its developer as intended primarily for performing a certain type of task. This does not mean that it does not provide for any additional technologies inherent in most of the "brothers". It's just that the toolbox of each electronic document management system has its own strengths and weak sides... In the classification by title functionality, the strengths of the EDMS are taken into account.

So, it looks like this:

  • EDMS designed to create and work with electronic documentation, as well as digital analogs of paper documents.
  • Accounting systems that automate the registration of events and documents throughout their entire life cycle (electronic filing cabinets).
  • EDMS, the main task of which is to automate work with large repositories of corporate information.
  • Systems for managing electronic archives with documentation.
  • EDMS, the functionality of which specializes in extracting the necessary information from archives and other electronic sources.
  • Systems that manage corporate processes, document processing and the activities of organization employees who are involved in working with business documents.
  • Information EDMS that control devices for storing data.

There is also a short classification of EDMS by country of origin, used only in Russia. According to it, electronic document management systems in our country are subdivided into domestic, import and Russian, developed on the foreign platform Lotus / Domino. Our review contains examples of only two foreign EDMS - EMC Documentum and Lotus Domino.Doc. All other EDMS have "citizenship" of Russia.

TOP-10 electronic document management systems

We evaluated the electronic document management systems, focusing on the comparison of five parameters, which are decisive when choosing an EDMS for automating document circulation at an enterprise. The scale is ten-point.

A place Program / Service Price Easy to learn Functionality Accounting for Russian legislation Technical
Overall score
1 A business 8 8 10 10 10 9,2
2-4 1C: Archive 9 7 10 10 9 9
2-4 CompanyMedia 9 9 9 10 8 9
4-6 EMC Documentum 9 10 8 8 8,8
4-6 Logics 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
4-6 Euphrates 9 10 9 10 6 8,8
7 DIRECTUM 10 8 8 10 7 8,6
8 Lotus Domino.Doc 8 8 9 9 8,5
9 OPTIMA-WorkFlow 10 8 8 9 7 8.4
10 LanDocs 8 7 7 10 8 8

Note: the final assessment of the system in the table does not pretend to be one hundred percent objectivity and reflects the author's opinion based on a deep analysis of this topic. This review of electronic document management systems is made only among high-quality software products that you can safely choose for use in different types business.


This electronic document management system is a recognized leader in its segment throughout the entire post-Soviet space. In it, both the largest holdings and corporations and small businesses successfully carry out document flow and office work. In relation to this system, it is appropriate to apply the tautology: "BUSINESS" knows its business. Indeed, this software is ideal for deep office automation and workflow.


  • The ability to track all stages of movement of any electronic document.
  • Simplicity and convenience in creating documentation projects.
  • General debugging and functionality of the system.


  • The "strained" disadvantages include a somewhat archaic interface and a certain difficulty in mastering.

What is the price?

The price of a license to use the DELO system within one workplace (DBMS - Oracle) depends on the planned total number of these places and varies from 11,000 rubles (201-500 rubles / m) to 13,400 rubles (1-5 rubles / m). If the organization uses the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS, then a license for one workplace will cost from 7200 to 9500 rubles, respectively.


Until 2012, the "Logic EDMS" program was called "Boss-Referent" and was one of the most popular Russian electronic document management systems, a serious competitor to the EDMS "Delo". The name change did not affect the quality of this software product and it continues to be a robust and robust system for managing records in businesses of all types and sizes.


  • The ability to build complex multi-level routes for document approval.
  • High level of protection of user data.
  • Relative ease of mastering the main components of the system.
  • Flexible and modifiable document processing processes.


  • Inconvenient differentiation of access rights in case of serious staff turnover.
  • Not the most conscientious tech support job.
  • Archaic interface.

What is the price?

The cost of one license to use this program depends on the number of employees connected to it. If their number does not exceed 49 people, then the price will be 5,900 for each job; from 50 to 199 connected workers - 5,200 rubles; and if there are more than 200 jobs, then the price of one license will be minimal - 4900 rubles.


This electronic document management system has been developed in full compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 quality standard and Russian GOSTs in the field of office work. “EVFRAT” differs from its “colleagues in the shop” by the presence of many of its own unique software developments that cannot be found in competing EDMSs. Purely technologically, this system is one of the most "advanced" in the modern Russian EDMS market.


  • The delivery set of this system includes an embedded DBMS "Nika", which automatically frees the user organization from purchasing additional software.
  • Friendly interface with a pleasant and memorable design.
  • Built-in role mechanism for managing access rights.


  • Enough slow speed work, especially on weak computers.
  • Periodic interruptions in work and sluggish technical support.

What is the price?

A standard license with installation of the system on an organization's own server costs from 5200 to 7300 rubles per workplace, more users - a lower price. However, there is also the option of placing the server component on the equipment of the manufacturer. In this case, a subscription fee system is applied - four tariffs, costing from 10,000 to 95,000 rubles per month.

1C: Archive

It is one of the best and certainly the most versatile document management software for an enterprise. "1C: Archive" provides reliable and, most importantly, centralized storage of business documents of various formats, with access to it by authorized personnel who can edit files.


  • Debugged algorithm for quickly finding the required data.
  • The ability to store documents of any type - from text and graphics to audio and video files.
  • The broadest scalability options that allow you to successfully use this software in both large and small enterprises.
  • The main advantage of 1C: Archive, which distinguishes this program from its competitors, is the optimal combination of the price of the product and the capabilities of its functionality.
  • Support for integration with external applications.


  • Consuming a lot of system resources.
  • Increased learning complexity, even for experienced users.

What is the price?

The price of "assembly" of this program varies from 12,000 to 57,000 rubles, and the first amount will have to be paid exclusively for the upgrade of the previous version of 1C: Archive.


Simple and functional EDMS DIRECTUM will be an excellent solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Thanks to this system, electronic document management can be successfully combined with traditional paper workflow, so that later "painlessly" completely transfer the organization to work in DIRECTUM. Advanced Workflow technology provides efficient automation of office workflows.


  • Availability of specialized software tools that maximally simplify the search and identification of documentation.
  • Ample opportunities for self-modification of the system for specific tasks.
  • Advanced integration with other programs.


  • The system is focused on the management staff of the enterprise - it is more difficult for ordinary clerks to work in it.
  • A somewhat confusing and non-transparent pricing policy.

What is the price?

Licenses for the use of this EDMS are purchased both separately and as part of package offers. The cheapest basic client license costs 7,800 rubles. The cost of license packages starts from 148,200 rubles (base for 20 employees) and goes up to 2,010,000 rubles (for 200 employees).


This electronic document management system is a strong middle peasant in its segment. It is in constant development and so far cannot compete on equal terms with the recognized mastodons of the market. However, OPTIMA-WorkFlow has a number of "tricks up its sleeve" - ​​unique technologies that set it apart from the general background.


  • Implementation of the function of serial input of the same types of documents and their registration information.
  • Scanning with an antivirus program.
  • Optional indexing of ordinary and encrypted documents.
  • Multilingual user interface.


  • Disadvantages of typical functionality, which are permanently eliminated by upcoming updates.

What is the price?

Typical solutions based on this platform cost from 55,000 to 75,000 rubles.

EMC Documentum

This platform for automating workflow processes was developed by the world leader in the IT industry, EMC. Powerful functionality coupled with flexible customization of individual tools make EMC Documentum the best foreign EDMS available on the Russian market.


  • A high degree of ease of management of design documents.
  • Implementation of a check-in / check-out mechanism that allows you to manage the distribution of access rights.
  • The presence of a function that allows you to implement the approval procedure at several levels.
  • Support for scanning and document recognition devices.


  • Work only with the Internet Explorer browser.
  • Lack of publicly available technical and practical documentation on the system.
  • Frequent "brakes" and lags at high system load.

What is the price?

There are no fixed prices for using this platform. The cost of its implementation is discussed individually with each customer.


Developed in 1997 by the domestic company "LANIT", this platform for automating document management remains in demand by many enterprises and institutions to this day. LanDocs allows you to build a comfortable office work and workflow environment, providing all categories of users with the necessary set of tools to manage it.


  • Availability of integrated cryptographic protection tools.
  • The ability to include employees from remote branches in the workflow process.
  • Availability of the function of batch scanning of paper documents.


  • This is a fairly common performance problem.
  • Weak opportunities for expanding functionality.
  • Difficulty in mastering the system from scratch.

What is the price?

The price of a server license varies from 30,000 to 216,000 rubles. User licenses can be purchased at prices ranging from 5,600 to 8,400 rubles.


CompanyMedia is a whole set of software solutions designed to automate business processes, workflow and office work. This EDMS differs from its competitors in its unsurpassed flexibility of settings and the presence of independent modules that can be installed separately.


  • The possibility of successful operation of the system at enterprises with a complex corporate structure and territorial structure.
  • Unprecedented reliability of the system, which allows it to function actively around the clock, 365 days a year.
  • Automated support for working with several types of workplaces.
  • Differentiation of access rights, according to the hierarchical structure of the organization.


  • The web interface has limited support for some browsers, in particular FireFox.
  • The focus of the system is mainly on medium and large businesses.

What is the price?

The final price of this software consists of many components, including staff training, installation of additional modules and transfer of rights to use the system. The upper limit of the total amount is 99,000 rubles. The cheapest thematic module will cost 4000 rubles.

Lotus Domino.Doc

This EDMS is an application to the well-known Notes / Domino platform, which has a high-level data security system. Also Lotus Domino.Doc has an advanced electronic archive that allows you to implement a large storage of corporate documents.


  • Availability of unique replication systems designed to comprehensively address document flow management tasks in a distributed environment.
  • The ability to search for documents in separate parts of the information storage.
  • LDAP directories scale down to the enterprise level.


  • The disadvantages of this system mainly stem from its western origin - there are certain questions about the interface and implementation of some functions.

What is the price?

The cost of user and server licenses is calculated individually on the platform website.


Summing up a certain line under the review, I would like to note an important nuance: the introduction of an electronic document management system in your business does not at all guarantee an instant increase in its profitability, and, in some cases, it can do harm. If your organization functions successfully and makes a profit, working without EDMS, then think a thousand times before deciding on their implementation. There is no need to chase the "progressive fashion" and install these systems without a serious need for them. However, with the expansion of the business and high workload of employees, the electronic document management system can become a kind of lifeline that will help the company to emerge from the maelstrom of paperwork.


The Russian market of EDMS / ECM systems is demonstrating calm development and is entering the stage of consolidation. Positive dynamics continues due to support projects, as well as modernization and scaling of systems. This paper analyzes the Russian market for electronic document management systems. The dynamics of growth, drivers of development, are considered, expert opinions are presented. The current and forecasted market values ​​are presented. The problem of the state of the Russian market of electronic document management systems in the conditions of the crisis is considered. An indisputable fact is the need to implement electronic document management systems in organizations of any size. The most popular EDMS used in Russia are considered and their features are determined.

electronic document management

information Technology

Russian EDMS market.

1. Market overview of electronic document management systems 2017 [Electronic resource] - Access mode (date of access 25.12.2017).

2. The state of the Russian market for electronic document management systems in a crisis [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

3.https: // (date of treatment 12/25/2017).

4. EDMS market in Russia - 2016 [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access 25.12.2017).

5. EDMS (Russian market) [Electronic resource] - Access mode: D0% A1% D1% 82% D0% B0% D1% 82% D1% 8C% D1% 8F:% D0% A1% D0% AD% D0% 94 _ (% D1% 80% D1% 8B% D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% BA_% D0% A0% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 81% D0% B8% D0% B8) (date of circulation December 25, 2017).

6. Leaders of the Russian SED / ECM market [Electronic resource] - Access mode:–11–30_lidery_rossijskogo_rynka_sedecm_pokazyvayut_vpechatlyayushchij (access date 25.12.2017).

7. Simply about electronic document management [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of treatment 12/25/2017).

Currently, the amount of internal corporate information in organizations is growing rapidly, which entails the need to process and store a huge amount of paper documents. As a result, this process becomes difficult and ineffective. To solve this problem, automated systems electronic document management (EDMS). This made it possible to move to a new level of business development, increasing the efficiency of working with documents without losing information.

An electronic document management system is an organizational and technical system that allows you to create and distribute electronic documents in the information computer networks of an organization, control the flow of documents according to established routes and hierarchical distribution of users. At the same time, the EDMS technology is aimed at ensuring highly effective management of the organization's documentary activities at different management levels, as well as maintaining quality control of document flow and optimizing business processes.

EDMS includes many production, structural features, requirements and corporate standards. The choice of an electronic document management system that is optimal for work depends on a certain number of paper documents in the organization, the need for operational management of work flows, the presence of special tasks, as well as the ability to search for information, ensure data security, etc.

Despite the difficult economic situation in Russia, the domestic market for electronic document management systems (EDMS / ECM) continues to develop. Some companies specializing in the development and implementation of such solutions are showing very significant growth.

According to Tadviser data, which was published at the end of 2017, in 2016 the positive dynamics of the Russian EDMS / ECM systems market remained. As in the previous year, in 2015, it amounted to 10%, while the market volume in ruble terms increased to 41.6 billion rubles.

The continued growth of the market is influenced by both the general economic recovery and individual drivers. For the EDMS / ECM sphere, this is a growing process of import substitution, a course towards the digital economy, increased mobility and the rapid development of new technologies.

According to TAdviser, at the end of 2017, the dynamics will remain at the level of 2016.

Dynamics of the Russian market of electronic document management systems, billion rubles

Most participants in the Russian EDMS / ECM market, at the end of 2016, showed a positive trend in revenue from projects in this area. Only two companies out of 16 had negative indicators. The leader was once again the company "Business Logic", whose revenue from EDMS / ECM projects increased by 25.7% and reached 1.86 billion rubles. Almost a third of this amount came from license sales, two thirds - from implementation and support services. The three leaders also included Croc and TerraLink.

Import substitution has penetrated deeply into the IT industry and the impact of this process is felt in all its segments. In the field of EDMS / ECM systems, the replacement of foreign solutions with domestic products is one of the main drivers.

The state is consistently striving to ensure that the register of domestic software is fully operational. The pressure on companies ignoring the register is increasing. As a result, more and more organizations are starting to use domestic ECM systems.

EDMS solution providers note an increase in demand for domestic platforms, associated, first of all, with the legislative consolidation of the transition to Russian solutions for state organizations and government bodies. The launch of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of the register of domestic software to support import-substituting products contributed a lot to this - the IT systems included in it are recommended for purchase in state organizations.

Large industry companies with state participation - the main customers of EDMS systems - assume that in the near future they will also have to abandon foreign platforms in favor of Russian solutions. In this connection, many Russian IT companies are developing their own platforms for EDMS.

Another obvious driver of the EDMS market is the rapid development of digital technologies for business in Russia.

The use of modern tools for storing and processing data in EDMS (blockchain, Big Data, AI) expands the functionality of solutions in the field of processing, standardization and analysis of data (BI), and EDMS is increasingly used as corporate data warehouses. Data visualization tools appear in systems.

The development of the market is spurred on by the total departure of business to mobile. Today 4.8 billion people - more than half of the world's population - are active users of mobile devices, and it can be predicted that by 2020 this figure will grow to 6 billion. Naturally, tablets and smartphones are becoming a common element of the IT infrastructure of companies. V currently The most popular concept is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), which implies that employees use their own devices for work tasks - the company management does not need to spend money on purchasing mobile equipment.

Political uncertainty has increased the risks of using foreign solutions in Russia, plus they have become very costly. If until 2016 cloud EDMS, including imported ones, were rapidly developing as a service, now there is a problem of using them in Russia (and Russian ones abroad). ...

Many companies leave the market, and those that remain - reduce investments and tightly control finances. Many for the first time begin to evaluate the effectiveness of their business processes, to look for ways to optimize them. And the means for this are EDMS \ ECM systems. But in order to launch a new IT project under such conditions, it is necessary to substantiate its effectiveness in detail. Therefore, only those systems are in demand that really increase the efficiency of the business, - he says.

Oddly enough, but import substitution can be a market barrier. the need to urgently implement support for domestic infrastructure makes it difficult to invest in promising innovations like artificial intelligence.

Another example of a barrier is the process of involving counterparties in EDF. Companies that have come to understand and the need to use EDF are faced with reluctance to use EDF by counterparties. In this regard, companies are forced to implement separate projects for their involvement and motivation.

The main barrier to the market is the lack of a single standard, regulations and insufficient unification of electronic document management systems in Russian companies. Thus, employees of industrial enterprises are accustomed, in addition to standard reports, to use a lot of engineering documents: for example, drawings in AutoCAD. This complicates the transition to an electronic document management system.

In 2016-2017, important legislative changes took place that will fundamentally change the approach to IT implementation in government agencies. In 2016, an order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2016 No. 1588-r was issued, which obliged to switch to domestic office software Federal authorities the executive branch and state extra-budgetary funds. In addition, a very powerful impetus to the market was given by additional requirements for office software, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 325 of March 23, 2017, and the methodological recommendations that followed in July of the same year on the transition of state bodies to domestic software, approved by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

The course towards the digital economy gives the Russian IT market in general and the EDMS / ECM systems market in particular huge potential and many new opportunities.

Electronic document flow, the provision of public services in electronic form, the development of portals - all these areas are actually elements of the digital economy, and in Russia these technologies are quite consistent with the world. The course towards the digital economy is bound to bring further changes. The forecasts are obvious: this is an avalanche-like growth in the volume and varieties of digital information, the involvement of all employees in intensive electronic communications, the digitization of "paper" and the activation of related business processes.

Bibliographic reference

Kazakhmedov T.R., Bilalova I.M. RUSSIAN MARKET OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT CIRCULATION SYSTEMS // International student scientific bulletin. - 2018. - No. 4-5 .;
URL: (date accessed: 03/23/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences" September 15, 2015 14:04

QuestionsPCWeek answers Konstantin Istomin, executive director of the companyDIRECTUM. Questions were asked as part of the PC Week / RE 20th Anniversary Survey.

When the EDMS / ECM systems segment began to form in Russia, what are the key points and stages in its development?

The beginning of the formation of the segment can be called 1995, when the first circulation systems focused on office work became noticeable. The Euphrates and Delo are examples of such systems. The Russian tradition of vertical document circulation, in which a document, before getting to the contractor, must go through the manual, determined the features of the first automation systems. The main tasks of automation were registration and control of execution of documents, preparation of reports. The work in such systems was based on registration cards. It is too early to talk about enterprise content management at this stage, but this is how the very beginning of the segment's development was indicated.

At the next stage, which lasted from about 1997 to 2000, electronic archives of documents appeared on the Russian market. One of the representatives is the DOCS Open system. This direction did not receive much development in Russia then, again due to the specific tradition of office work and document flow.

Around the same period, the first workflow systems appeared, they were aimed purely at automating interaction and worked in isolation from document management processes. An example is the Russian OPTIMA WorkFlow system and the Western Staffware.

Complex systems appeared in 2002-2003. They combined the workflow mechanisms and the possibilities of organizing electronic archives of documents. It is at this stage that we can talk about the emergence of full-fledged electronic document management systems, which made it possible to work, including with the content of documents. A technological milestone at this time is the creation of our own development platforms based on the capabilities of the Microsoft SQL Server and / or Oracle DBMS. A good illustration of that period was the DOCFLOW 2004 exhibition and conference. At that time, the event was more like an exhibition: the participants gathered to see Jukeboxes widespread abroad, powerful industrial scanners ... After a couple of years, the conference became more businesslike; practical interest in using solutions is noticeable. Docsvision and DIRECTUM became prominent representatives of complex Russian systems, the Western Documentum system began to actively promote in Russia. In addition, domestic systems based on Lotus Notes were actively developed as a separate branch.

2006 can be called the year of the formation of modern ECM systems that combined the functionality of document management and interaction. At the same time, the research company Gartner formulated the criteria that ECM systems must meet. The new versions of Russian complex systems also reflect the new ECM concept. Also during this period, various business solutions began to be actively developed, designed to cover a variety of tasks of companies on the basis of one ECM platform.

From 2011 to the present, in ECM, as well as in the entire field of IT, a clear trend of user-orientation has emerged: systems are becoming more user-friendly, emphasis is placed on creating intuitive interfaces. Mobile solutions are being developed everywhere, which in recent years have become not a trend, but a necessary condition for the existence of modern ECM systems. The trend of development of cloud products is developing, the market signals the readiness of customers for SaaS solutions and in the field of workflow. Although here Russia lags behind Western markets in sensations for 2-3 years.

How did this segment of the IT market survive the crises of 1998 and 2008?

In 1998, the Russian EDMS / ECM market as such did not yet exist (it was very small). The main characteristic of the crisis can be called the refusal of users from Western systems - the default affected with all its consequences.

In 2008, there was an active growth of the EDMS / ESM segment, a great interest of customers. Therefore, with the general economic downturn in the IT industry, this segment has suffered the least. Sales decreased, but there were no serious shocks, recovery took about a year.

How does the situation differ from that observed during the crises of 1998 and 2008? What are the prospects for this market segment for the near future?

The present situation is similar to the 2008 crisis with “usual” crisis manifestations. There is a general decline in business activity, sales dynamics have decreased.

In general, the current situation differs markedly from 2008.

First, the current crisis seems to be protracted, because the fundamental reasons for Russia - oil prices and sanctions - are unlikely to change quickly, recovery will take 2-3 years.

Secondly, today the ECM market has reached its maturity: customers know what they need from systems, quite clear requirements are put forward for solutions. In general, the approach to the issue of automation has changed: efficiency has become a tangible indicator. And if the customer sees "in numbers" the benefits of implementing an ECM system, he makes a fully conscious, well-considered decision.

As before, large companies have a real need for automation, for which economies of scale allow better assessing the benefits of implementing ECM solutions. The main stimulators of the market are representatives of the oil and gas industry, the defense industry and state corporations, as well as export-oriented enterprises.

The active position of the state in relation to the IT sector is also supported: the barriers to the use of electronic documents have been significantly reduced, the trend of import substitution against the background of the rising dollar exchange rate and Western sanctions increases the chances of domestic developers.

In the future, further growth of the EDMS / ECM market is expected to be much larger than the IT market as a whole, while the growth rate during the crisis period will depend on the state of the economy. Mainly, the growth trend will continue in large enterprises, medium-sized companies will give preference to lighter, ready-made, inexpensive solutions. In this part, cloud technologies look beneficial. Bigger recession is expected in government bodies due to strong budget cuts. The intercorporate workflow market, which is a bit apart from ECM, but is related to it, is now in the early stages of its formation, its sharp growth is expected, which creates new opportunities.