The legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation Form 4 innovation instructions for filling out

Form 4-Innovation is one of the most important annual statistical reports. Not all business entities need to fill out and submit it. Who should do it, where and how to submit the document correctly?

Who submits statistical form 4-innovation

Statistical form No. 4-innovation was approved under the Order of Russian Statistics No. 563 of August 30, 2017. The list of persons who undertake to hand over paper to the supervisory authority is contained in clause 1 of the Instructions. These are legal entities, with the exception of small entrepreneurs, carrying out activities on the following directions:

  • growing of annual and perennial plant crops;
  • keeping animals;
  • agricultural activities;
  • extraction of minerals from the bowels of the earth;
  • manufacturing of a manufacturing nature;
  • publishing sources of publications;
  • IT sphere;
  • jurisprudence;
  • accounting;
  • architectural focus - engineering design, technical work;
  • advertising and marketing.

To obtain information on whether a particular firm needs to report on this form, you should use the official web-resource of Rosstat.

Terms of providing information about the innovative activity of the organization

Organizations that must submit this document to Rosstat must meet by April 2 of the next year (the period that follows the reporting period of time). That is, you need to submit reports for 2019 no later than April 2, 2020... If the day of submission of the report falls on a day off or a holiday, the deadline is postponed to the next working day.

Obligation to provide the specified statistical report is preserved for those operating on the territory of the Russian Federation structural units foreign enterprises. Along with this, the preparation of the report is carried out for each division and is submitted at the place of its actual stay. Even bankrupt companies are not exempt from this obligation.

Since 2016, there have been some changes in the form and procedure for presenting data on the organization's implementation of innovative activities. The new form was approved by Order No. 442.

Instructions for filling

The procedure in accordance with which the document is filled out is spelled out in the Instructions, which were approved by Order of Rosstat No. 563 of August 30, 2017 (Appendix No. 6). The structural composition of the form includes 12 sections. Information about which of them and how are filled in is written in the table.

Chapter Subject surrendering the document
General indicators of the company, which are of an organizational and economic nature All organizations, regardless of whether they conducted innovative activities in the reporting year
The degree and level of activity of the enterprise in terms of innovation
The volume of goods purchased abroad during the reporting period (value added taxes, excise taxes and similar payments are not taken into account)
Factors that create obstacles to innovation (filling is done after a year, i.e. for a year that ends with an odd figure) All firms (for 2017, 2019, 2021 and subsequent "odd" years)
Costs for innovation in the field of technology, marketing in various areas of activity and sources of funding Companies that have had and used the described innovations in reporting period
Results of innovative work Firms that carried out innovation activity for three recent years
Number of jointly implemented projects, types of partners carrying out the development and organization of research activities All businesses
Sources of information for creating an innovation policy (registration is carried out for years ending in an even number) All businesses
Patenting and other forms of protection of inventions
The number of acquired and sold advanced technologies
Marketing innovation Innovative companies over the past three years
Environmental innovations (the section is filled out exclusively for years ending in an odd digit) Firms that have had them for 3 years

Detailed instructions related to the execution of the 4-innovation document are spelled out in Appendix No. 6 to the Order of Rosstat No. 563, issued on August 30, 2017. In order to assess the correctness of filling in individual lines, specialized logical and arithmetic control can be used, which is discussed in detail in Appendix 6.

The procedure for entering data into the form

Reporting is carried out by all taxpayers. At the same time, general order, even among those persons who have chosen to conduct activities under the simplified tax regime. On a general basis, the filling of the report is organized by those firms that have been operating for an incomplete year.

In this situation, filling out the form occurs strictly within a certain interval, information about this is also written in the document.

There are sections that are filled in by all companies, without exception, and there are lines that may remain empty in some organizations. The first group should include the following chapters: 1-4, 7, 9, 10. The remaining sections are completed according to individual circumstances.

  1. As for the fifth section, data is entered into it only by those organizations that have introduced innovations in the field of marketing, technology, organization.
  2. The completion of the sixth section is carried out by companies that have been operating in the innovation industry for the last three years of their activity.
  3. Information in the eighth section is entered once every two years, that is, for even years.
  4. The eleventh chapter is filled in by organizations operating in the field of technology, innovation. This is done only if they were available and operated over the past three years.
  5. The twelfth section is filled in if there are innovations completed in the last three years of activity in the environmental field.

This procedure is general and applies to all firms that are required to complete the form. It is important that the columns, which should contain information, are filled in completely, without lack of information and gaps. Otherwise, the supervisory authority may refuse to accept the document, and this may result in a fine and other penalties.


Form 4-innovation is an important document that is filled out by organizations carrying out innovative activities in certain areas. These are the mining industry, resource provision, construction, and the information industry. The reports are submitted once a year.

Some columns of the document are filled out every two years, ie, for "even" and "odd" years. For a competent and consistent document, in order to avoid errors and inaccuracies, a responsible person is appointed.

This is done by the efforts of the head of the organization, who is interested in ensuring that the paper is filled out in a timely manner and accurately.

A lecture on firm economics and innovation is presented below.

Active Edition from 25.08.2011

Type of documentorder
Host bodyRosstat
Document Number373
Date of adoption25.08.2011
Date of revision25.08.2011
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published
NavigatorNotes (edit)


Instructions for completing Form N 4-Innovation

1. The form of the federal statistical observation N 4-innovation "Information about the innovative activity of the organization" is provided by legal entities, except for small businesses, carrying out economic activities in the field of mining; processing industries; production and distribution of electricity, gas and water; communication; activities related to the use of computers and information technologies; research and development; provision of other types of services.

Of the organizations engaged in economic activities in the field of research and development (OKVED code 73), Form No. 4-innovation is filled out by scientific organizations whose main activities are related to the production of goods or services for sale (other than services of the higher sector vocational education), including those owned by the state (research institutes, design, design and engineering, technological organizations, design and design and survey construction organizations, experimental (experimental) enterprises, etc.).

2. Completed forms are provided by a legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision) and at the location legal entity(without separate subdivisions) on time. In the event that a legal entity (its separate subdivision) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place of its actual implementation of activities.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information (primary statistics) on behalf of the legal entity.

3. The address part of the forms indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with constituent documents registered in established order and then in parentheses - short title... On the form of the form containing information on a separate subdivision of a legal entity, the name of the separate subdivision and the legal entity to which it belongs is indicated.

The name of the subject is indicated on the line "Postal address" Russian Federation, legal address of the organization (with postal code); if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual mailing address is also indicated. For separate subdivisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

The legal entity puts down the code in the code part of the form All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat. By separate divisions legal entity is indicated an identification number which is set territorial body Rosstat at the location of a separate subdivision.

Organizations applying the simplified taxation system provide Form N 4-innovation in accordance with these Guidelines.

Temporarily not working organizations on which, during part of the reporting period, the production of goods and services took place, or investment activities, the federal statistical observation form is provided on a general basis, indicating from what time they have been working.

4. Innovation - the end result of innovation, embodied in the form of a new or improved product (product, work, service), production process, a new marketing method or organizational method in doing business, organizing jobs or organizing external relations.

Innovation activity is a type of activity associated with the transformation of ideas (usually the results of research and development or other scientific and technical achievements) into technologically new or improved products or services introduced on the market, into new or improved technological processes or methods of production (transfer) of services used in practice. Innovation activity involves a whole range of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities, which together lead to innovation.

All research and development (R&D) funded or carried out by the organization is counted as innovation in accordance with the Guidelines for the collection and analysis of data on innovation Oslo Handbook (third edition, joint publication of OECD and Eurostat).

Internal IRs include all IRs performed within the organization, as defined in the Frascati Manual (OECD, 2002) and as they figure in IR surveys. This includes both R&D designed to facilitate the development and implementation of product, process, marketing or organizational innovation, and basic research not directly related to the development of a specific innovation. In accordance with the Frascati Manual, internal IRs include acts of acquisition of capital goods directly related to the implementation of the IR.

5. Technological innovation (p. 201) is the end result of innovation, embodied in the form of a new or improved product or service introduced on the market, a new or improved process or method of production (transfer) of services used in practice.

6. Product innovation (p. 202) includes the development and implementation of technologically new and significantly technologically improved products. Technologically New Product is a product whose technological characteristics(functional features, design, additional operations, as well as the composition of the materials and components used) or the intended use are fundamentally new, or significantly differ from similar products previously produced by the organization. Such innovations can be based on fundamentally new technologies, or on the use or combination of existing technologies, or on the use of research and development results.

A technologically advanced product is an existing product for which quality characteristics are improved, economic efficiency production by using more highly efficient components or materials, partial modification of one or more technical subsystems (for complex products).

In the service sector, product innovation includes the design and implementation of fundamentally new services, improvement of existing services by adding new functions or characteristics, significant improvements in service delivery (for example, in terms of efficiency or speed).

Product innovation must be new to your organization. They do not have to be new to the market. It doesn't matter if innovative products have been developed by your organization or other organizations.

7. Process innovation (p. 203) involves the development and implementation of technologically new or technologically significantly improved production methods, including product transfer methods. This kind of innovation can be based on the use of a new production equipment, and / or software, new technologies, significant changes in the production process or their combination. Such innovations are aimed, as a rule, at reducing the costs of production or activities for the transfer of products, services per unit of production, improving the quality, production efficiency or transfer of products already existing in the organization, but can also be intended for the production and transfer of technologically new or improved products. services that cannot be produced or supplied using conventional production methods.

Process innovations include:

New or significantly improved methods of production of goods and services (p. 204) are associated with significant changes in the production process, the use of new production equipment and / or software, new technologies in the production of goods or services. Examples of new production methods are the launch of new automated equipment at production line or computer-aided design systems for product development; in the service sector is, for example, the introduction of navigation systems for transport services, introduction of new booking systems in travel agencies.

New or significantly improved production methods of material and technical supply, delivery of goods and services (p. 205) are associated with the logistics systems used in the organization and are based on the use of new production equipment and / or software, new technologies, significant changes in the production process for finding resources, distributing supplies within the organization and delivery finished products... An example of such innovations is the introduction of goods tracking systems based on barcodes or active radio identification (RFID).

New or significantly improved production methods in ancillary activities (p. 206) such as Maintenance and repairs, procurement operations, accounting and computer services are based on the use of new or significantly improved technologies, production equipment and / or software in auxiliary activities not directly related to the production of goods, works, services, but aimed at ensuring the production process ... Thus, the introduction of new or significantly improved information and communication technologies (ICT) is a process innovation if they are intended to increase the efficiency and / or quality of the support activities carried out.

Process innovation in services includes the development and implementation of technologically new or technologically significantly improved methods of production or transfer of services. Such innovations are based on significant changes in hardware and / or software that are used by service-oriented organizations, procedures or technologies for transferring services.

Process innovation must be new to your organization. Your organization does not need to be the first to implement these process innovations. It also doesn't matter if process innovation was developed by your organization or another organization.

8. Marketing innovations (p. 207) - the implementation of new or significantly improved changes in the design and packaging of products, the use of new methods of sales and presentation of products (services), their presentation and promotion to sales markets, the formation of new pricing strategies.

9. Organizational innovation (p. 208) - the implementation of a new method in doing business, organizing jobs or organizing external relations.

10. On lines 201 - 208, the organization puts down code 1 if it has had completed innovations within the last three years, ie. new or significantly improved products introduced on the market, new or significantly improved services or methods of their production (transfer), already introduced on the market, new or significantly improved production processes, introduced into practice, new or significantly improved marketing methods, organizational and managerial methods.

On lines 201 - 208, code 1 is put down if the organization had at least one innovation, respectively technological (product, process), marketing, organizational.

If the organization had process innovations and code 1 is marked on line 203, then lines 204 - 206 are filled in.

11. Code 1 is put on line 204 if the organization has completed process innovations over the past three years based on the introduction of new or significantly improved methods of production of goods and services. Such innovations are associated with significant changes in the production process, the use of new production equipment and / or software, new technologies in the production of goods or services.

12. Code 1 is put on line 205 if the organization has completed process innovations over the past three years, based on the introduction of new or significantly improved production methods of material and technical supply, supply of goods and services. Such innovations are associated with the logistics systems used in the organization and are based on the use of new production equipment and / or software, new technologies, significant changes in the production process for finding resources, distributing supplies within the organization and delivering finished products.

13. Code 1 is put on line 206 if the organization has completed process innovations in the last three years related to the introduction of new or significantly improved production methods in auxiliary activities such as maintenance and repair, procurement operations, accounting and computer services are based on the use of new or significantly improved technologies, production equipment and / or software in auxiliary activities not directly related to the production of goods, works, services, but aimed at ensuring the production process.

To avoid double counting, innovations that cover more than one type of innovation are listed once. For example, a marketing innovation that is associated with a product innovation is counted once as part of a product innovation. Or organizational innovation, carried out in connection with process innovation, is also taken into account once as part of process innovation. If the organization did not have completed innovations for the period under review, then code 2 is put in lines 201 - 208.

14. An organization that has completed innovations in the last three years, in lines 209 - 211, indicates the degree of participation of its own or outside organizations in the development of these types of innovations (technological, marketing, organizational).

15. If the organization had completed innovations during the last three years, then on lines 212 - 215 the name of the most significant of them is indicated (no more than two names of each type).

16. Goods of own production were shipped, works and services performed on their own in the appropriate type economic activity(p. 301, 305) - the volume of goods shipped or released by way of sale, as well as direct exchange (under an exchange agreement) of own-produced goods, works performed and services rendered on their own in actual selling prices (excluding value added tax, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments), including innovative goods, works, services (pp. 302, 306), made in the reporting year on the basis of various kinds of technological innovations.

Column 6 of column 3 provides data on innovative products, works, services (newly introduced or undergoing significant technological changes), which are at the same time new to the sales markets of the reporting organization. These can be innovative products, works, services that are new for the organization in terms of profile, level of complexity or other characteristics, and that allow the organization to enter new sales markets.

17. Innovative goods, works, services - innovative goods, works, services are new or have undergone various technological changes over the past three years. According to the level of novelty, two types of innovative goods, works, services are distinguished - newly introduced (including fundamentally new) or those that have undergone significant technological changes (pp. 303, 307), and those that have been improved (p. 304).

Column 7 of column 3 provides data on innovative goods, works, services (newly introduced or undergoing significant technological changes) that are new to the world market. These are fundamentally new goods, works, services that were first introduced by the organization in the sales markets both within the country and abroad.

The information given in column 7 about innovative goods, works, services new to the world market is not shown in column 6.

18. On page 309 the volume of innovative goods, works, services related to nanotechnology (products of the nanoindustry) is reflected.

Nanotechnology - technologies aimed at the creation and practical use of nanoobjects and nanosystems with specified properties and characteristics.

A nanosystem is a system (including nanomaterials and nanodevices) containing structural elements - nanoobjects, the linear size of which in at least one dimension has a value of 1 - 100 nm, which determine the basic properties and characteristics of this system.

When reflecting information on the products of the nanoindustry in the form of federal statistical observation, one should be guided by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 N 1192-r.

The products of the nanoindustry include products (goods, services) manufactured using nanotechnology and, as a result, having previously unattainable technical and economic indicators.

The following categories of nanoindustry products are established in terms of goods and services:

Nanoindustry products of category "A" (primary nanotechnological products) - goods that are nanocomponents (nanoobjects and nanosystems), including those used as raw materials and semi-finished products for the production of nanoindustry products of categories "B", "C" and "D";

Nanoindustry products of category "B" (nano-containing products) - goods containing nanocomponents (nanoindustry products of category "A");

Nanoindustry products of category "B" - services (goods that do not contain nanocomponents), in the provision (production) of which nanotechnologies and (or) nanocomponents are used (nanoindustry products of category "A");

Nanoindustry products of category "D" - goods that are special equipment for nanotechnology.

19. Section 5 "Expenditures on technological, marketing and organizational innovations by types of innovation activities and sources of funding for the reporting year" shall be filled in by organizations that carried out technological, marketing or organizational innovations in the reporting year.

Line 503 reflects the total costs of technological, marketing and organizational innovations. Cost data for technological, marketing and organizational innovation is reported for the reporting year.

Line 504 reflects the costs of technological innovation carried out during the reporting year. The costs of technological innovation include the general (current and capital) costs associated with the development and implementation of technologically new or significantly improved goods, works, services or methods of their production (transfer), technologically new or significantly improved production methods, as performed in-house by the organization, and the cost of paying for work, services of third-party organizations.

Current costs, which are carried out mainly at the expense of the cost of goods, works, services, include the costs of remuneration of workers involved in the development and implementation of innovations, deductions for social needs, as well as other costs not related to capital costs, such as costs of purchase of raw materials, materials, equipment, etc., necessary to ensure innovative activities carried out by the organization during the year.

Capital investments (long-term investments) represent the annual costs of creating, increasing the size, as well as the acquisition of non-current durable assets (over one year), not intended for sale, carried out in connection with the development and implementation of innovations. They consist of the cost of purchasing machinery, equipment, and other fixed assets required for use in innovation activities, for the acquisition of structures, land plots and natural resources for innovative activities.

20. Section 11 "Organizational and marketing innovations" on lines 1113 - 1115 lists no more than three names of organizational innovations; on lines 1124 - 1126 - no more than three names of marketing innovations.

21. Section 12 "Environmental innovation" is completed by organizations that have marked code 1 in at least one of the lines 201 - 208. The section provides information on the presence in the organization of environmental innovations completed within the last three years.

Environmental innovations are new and significantly improved products, works, services, production processes, organizational or marketing methods contributing to the improvement of environmental safety, improvement or prevention of negative impact on the environment. In section 12, environmental innovation is carried out through technological and non-technological innovation.

Improving environmental safety can be a priority goal of innovation or the result of other goals of innovation; and may manifest itself in the process of production of goods, works, services or as a result of the after-sale use of innovative goods, works, services by the consumer.

Lines 1201 - 1206 reflect environmental innovations that improve environmental safety in the production of goods, works, and services.

Rows 1207 - 1209 reflect environmental innovations that improve environmental safety as a result of the after-sale use of innovative goods, works, and services by the consumer.

If these results of innovative activity are achieved, then code 1 is put down, if not - code 2.

If the organization has completed environmental innovations over the past three years, then lines 1210 - 1212 indicate the names of the most significant of them (no more than three names).

Lines 1213 - 1217 are filled in by organizations that have marked code 1 in at least one of the lines 1201 - 1209. These lines, in accordance with the above list, indicate the purpose for which environmental innovations were carried out.

On line 1213, code 1 is put down if the incentive or goal of environmental innovation was to ensure compliance with modern technical regulations, rules and standards (requirements of environmental legislation), if not - code 2.

Code 1 is inserted on line 1214 if the incentive or purpose of environmental innovation was to comply with the expected tightening legal regulations if not, code 2.

On line 1215, code 1 is put down if the incentive or goal of environmental innovation was the availability of government grants, subsidies or other financial incentives for the implementation of environmental innovations, if not, code 2.

On line 1216, code 1 is put down if the incentive or goal of environmental innovations was compliance with the market (consumers) requirements forcing them to introduce environmental innovations, if not, code 2.

Code 1 is put on line 1217 if the incentive or goal of environmental innovation was voluntary adherence general principles environmental protection, if not - code 2.

Help 3 on line 1218 indicates that organizations have a pollution control system. Line 1218 is completed by all organizations, regardless of whether they have completed innovations in the last three years or not.

The environmental pollution control system is a planned and coordinated management actions and activities carried out in an organization in order to monitor the state of the environment and its change under the influence of economic and other activities and aimed at preventing negative impact on the environment and timely assistance in carrying out measures to preserve or improve the quality of the environment.

An example of such activities would be performance analysis. environmental activities organizations, environmental audit, verification of environmental compliance with the required standards, certification for standardization EN ISO 14001, etc.

If the organization uses an environmental pollution control system, code 1 is put on line 1218, if not, code 2.

Line 1219 provides data on special costs associated with environmental innovation in the reporting year. They include the costs of production, technical and environmental activities, if the main (main) reason for their implementation is to improve environmental safety, improve or prevent negative impact on the environment.

Line 1219 reflects in total all the current and capital costs of the organization, carried out at the expense of its own, borrowed money organization or funds state budget carried out by the organization in connection with the development and implementation of environmental innovations.

If the costs of environmental innovations are part of the costs of technological, organizational or marketing innovations, their share is separated from the total costs and is shown on line 1219, in thousands of rubles.

Line 1219 includes the costs of purchasing and installing additional machinery and equipment, components, Supplies(filters, etc.); for research and development, the acquisition of environmentally friendly technologies and others.

22. When filling out form No. 4-innovation, you must use the Instructions approved by the Order of Rosstat dated 19.01.2009 No. 4.

Arithmetic and logical control

Sections 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and section 3 of lines 301 and 305 are filled in by all organizations, regardless of whether they carried out innovative activities (technological, marketing, organizational and environmental innovations) in the reporting period or not.

By graphsBy lines
Section 1 p. 106> = p. 109; p. 109> 0 with p. 108> 0; p. 109> = 108; 106> = 107;
Section 2 line 201 = "1" if at least one of lines 202 or 203 = "1";
line 203 = "1" if at least one of lines 204, 205 or 206 = "1";
if p. 201, and / or 207, and / or 208 = 1, then it should be indicated by the corresponding type of innovation in gr. 3 - 5 who developed these innovations and, accordingly, each of pages 209 - 211 should be evaluated with one of the codes from "1" to "3";
if code 1 is marked in pages 202, 203, 207, 208, then the names of innovations (no more than two innovations of each type) should be listed in the corresponding line from lines 212 - 215;
Section 3gr. 3> = sum of gr. 6, 7 line by linep. 302 = the sum of lines 303, 304 in columns 3 - 5;
302, 303, 306, p. 302 = p. 303 in columns 6 - 7;
307, 309; p. 305> = p. 306 in columns 3 - 5;
gr. 3> = gr. 4 top. 306> = p. 307 in columns 3 - 5;
lines 301 - 309;p. 306 = p. 307 in columns 6 - 7;
gr. 4> = gr. 5 along lines 301 - 309;p. 308<= стр. 301 или 305 по графам 3 - 5;
p. 309<= стр. 302 по графам 3 - 7;
Section 4 Help 1 each of pages 401 - 413 must be evaluated with a corresponding code from "1" to "5";
pp. 414 - 416 indicate the number of innovation projects, regardless of whether the organization has had innovation activities over the past three years or not;
Section 5gr. 3> = gr. 4 toline 503 = the sum of lines 504, 515, 516;
lines 503 - 516;line 504 = the sum of lines 505 - 508, 510 - 514;
line 504 = the sum of lines 517 - 521, 523;
line 504 = the sum of lines 527, 528;
if line 501 = "1", then line 515> = 0;
if line 502 = "1", then line 516> = 0;
if p. 514 gr. 3> 0, lines 529 - 532 should list other costs of technological innovation;
page 523> = the sum of lines 524, 526 in column 3;
p. 524> = p. 525 in column 3;
Section 6 each of lines 601 - 624 must be evaluated with the corresponding code from "1" to "4", if at least one of lines 201, 207, 208 = "1";
Section 7gr. 3<= сумме гр. 4 - 9 по всем p. 701<= сумме строк 702 - 708 по графам 3 - 12;
gr. 3<= сумме гр. 10 - 12 по всем строкам;
gr. 3> = each of columns 4 to 12;
Section 8 each of pages 801 - 817 must be evaluated with a corresponding code from "1" to "4";
Section 9 Help 2 each of pages 901 to 908 must be evaluated with a corresponding code from "1" to "4";
in pages 909 - 912 the number of patent applications for the reporting year is indicated;
Section 10gr. 4<= гр. 3 по строкам 1001 - 1007; line 1001 = the sum of lines 1002 - 1007 for gr. 3 - 8;
gr. 5<= гр. 4 по строкам 1001 - 1007;
gr. 7<= гр. 6 по строкам 1001 - 1007;
gr. eight<= гр. 7 по строкам 1001 - 1007;
Section 11 p. 1101 - 1112 = "1" or "2" for p. 208 = "1";
p. 1116 - 1123 = "1" or "2" for p. 207 = "1";
if p. 1112 = "1", then lines 1113 - 1115 should list no more than three names of organizational innovations;
if p. 1123 = "1", then lines 1124 - 1126 should list no more than three names of marketing innovations;
Section 12 if in any of lines 201 - 208 the code "1" is marked, then each of lines 1201 - 1209 must be evaluated with the corresponding code "1" or "2";
if at least one of the lines 1201 - 1209 is marked with the code "1", then each of the lines 1213 - 1217 must be evaluated with the corresponding code "1" or "2";
if the organization has completed environmental innovations within the last three years, then in lines 1210 - 1212 no more than three names of the most significant environmental innovations should be listed;
Help 3 p. 1218 is filled in by all organizations, regardless of whether they have completed innovations over the past three years or not; the string must be evaluated with the appropriate code "1" or "2";
page 1219 provides data on special costs associated with environmental innovation in the reporting year.

Form 4-innovation Information about the organization's innovative activities is submitted to the territorial body of Rosstat by legal entities, except for small businesses, engaged in the following types of economic activities: mining, manufacturing; production and distribution of electricity, gas and water; communications, activities related to the use of computers and information technology, the provision of other types of services. A statistical report must be provided with a ready-made periodicity.

Form 4-innovation approved by the Order of Rosstat dated 06.09.2010 N 305.

The legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial office of Rosstat at the place of its location.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, this form is filled out both for each separate subdivision and for the legal entity without these separate subdivisions.

Completed forms are provided by a legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions) within the established time frame. In the event that a legal entity (its separate subdivision) does not carry out activities at the place of its location, the form is provided at the place where they actually carry out their activities.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information (primary statistics) on behalf of the legal entity.

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. On the form of the form containing information on a separate subdivision of a legal entity, the name of the separate subdivision and the legal entity to which it belongs is indicated.

On the line "Postal address" the name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, legal address with a postal code are indicated. If the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual mailing address is also indicated. For separate subdivisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

A legal entity puts in the code part of the form in column 2 the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

Organizations applying the simplified taxation system provide Form N 4-innovation on a general basis. The data are given in the units of measurement that are indicated in the form.

The organization in this form provides information about innovative activities related to the implementation of technological, marketing, organizational innovations.

Technological innovation in this form means the activities of an organization related to the development and implementation of technologically new products and processes, as well as significant technological improvements in products and processes; technologically new or significantly improved services, new or significantly improved methods of production (transfer) of services. Technological innovations can be those products, processes, services and methods that an organization first develops, or those that it adopts from other organizations.

Organizations commissioned in the reporting year are classified as organizations that have implemented technological innovations.

There are two types of technological innovation: product innovation and process innovation.

In industrial manufacturing, product innovation includes the development and implementation of technologically new and technologically advanced products.

A technologically new product is a product whose technological characteristics (functional features, design, additional operations, as well as the composition of the materials and components used) or the intended use are fundamentally new or significantly differ from similar products previously produced by the organization. Such innovations can be based on fundamentally new technologies, or on the use or combination of existing technologies, or on the use of research and development results.

A technologically improved product is an existing product for which quality characteristics are improved, the economic efficiency of production is increased by using more highly efficient components or materials, partial changes in one or more technical subsystems (for complex products).

Product innovation must be new to your organization. They do not have to be new to the market. It doesn't matter if innovative products have been developed by your organization or other organizations.

Process innovation includes the development and implementation of technologically new or technologically significantly improved production methods, including product transfer methods. Innovations of this kind can be based on the use of new production equipment, new methods of organizing the production process or their combination, as well as on the use of research and development results. Such innovations are usually aimed at increasing the efficiency of production or transfer of products already existing in the organization, but can also be aimed at the production and supply of technologically new or improved products that cannot be produced or supplied using conventional production methods.

Process innovation must be new to your organization. Your organization does not need to be the first to implement these process innovations. It also doesn't matter if process innovation was developed by your organization or another organization.

Technological innovation does not include:

  • aesthetic changes in products (in color, decor, etc.);
  • minor technical or external changes in the product, leaving its design unchanged, not having a sufficiently noticeable effect on the parameters, properties, cost of a particular product, as well as the materials and components included in it;
  • expansion of the range of goods, works, services due to the introduction into production of goods, works, services that were not previously produced in this organization, but already well-known types of goods, works, services (possibly non-core) in the sales market in order to ensure the momentary demand and income of the organization ... For example, the production by a machine-building plant in the summer of non-core products that are in seasonal demand - nails;
  • expansion of production capacity due to additional machines of an already known model, or even replacement of machines with later modifications of the same model;
  • sale of innovative goods, works, services, completely produced and developed by other organizations;
  • organizational or management changes.

In organizations in the service sector, a technological innovation is a service when its characteristics or methods of use are either fundamentally new or significantly (qualitatively) improved in technological terms. The use of significantly improved methods of production or transfer of services is also a technological innovation.

The latter may cover changes in equipment or production organization associated with the production or transfer of new or significantly improved services that cannot be produced or transferred using existing production methods, or with increased efficiency in the production or transfer of existing services.

Letter of the territorial body of Rosstat for the Perm Territory dated January 17, 2012 No. ЛГ-2-07.11-17

On the procedure for providing form No. 4-innovation "Information on innovation activity"

The territorial body of Rosstat in the Perm Territory informs that by Order of the Federal State Statistics Service of 06.09.2012 No. 481 approved the form of federal statistical observation No. 4-innovation "Information on the organization's innovative activities" to obtain information for 2012.

Federal statistical observation form No. 4-innovation is filled out by legal entities, except for small businesses, carrying out economic activities in the field of mining; processing industries; production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (excluding trade in electricity, trade in gaseous fuels supplied through distribution networks); communication; activities related to the use of computers and information technology; research and development; provision of other types of services.

Legal entities submit this form to the territorial office of Rosstat at the place of their location. If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, the form is filled out both for each separate subdivision and for the legal entity without these separate subdivisions. The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to submit statistical information on behalf of the legal entity (including in separate subdivisions).

Organizations applying the simplified taxation system submit Form No. 4-innovation on a general basis. Temporarily not working organizations, on which during part of the reporting period the production of goods and services or investment activities took place, the federal statistical observation form is submitted on a general basis, indicating from what time they have not been working.

Innovation activity is a type of activity associated with the transformation of ideas (usually the results of research and development or other scientific and technical achievements) into technologically new or improved products or services introduced on the market, into new or improved technological processes or methods of production (transfer) of services used in practice.

Innovative goods, works, services - goods, works, services that are new or have undergone technological changes to varying degrees over the past three years.

Sections 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and section 3 of lines 301 and 305 are filled in by all organizations, whether they have innovated (technological, marketing, organizational and environmental innovation) or not.

The form must be completed as instructed. To control the correctness of filling out the form, it is necessary to take into account the hint for arithmetic control by columns and lines.

When filling out the form, it is necessary to compare the indicators of form No. P-1 "Dispatched goods of own production, performed works and services on their own" (p. 01) and "Dispatched goods of their own production, performed works and services using their own resources of an innovative nature" (page 11) with indicators of form No. 4-innovation “Dispatched goods of our own production, completed works and services on our own” (p. 301, p. 305) and “Dispatched innovative goods, works, services” (p. 302, p. 306).

Information about the innovative activity of the organization (form No. 4-innovation) - one of the annual statistical forms. We will tell you about who should take it and in what time frame in our consultation.

Form 4-innovation (statistics)

Statistical form No. 4-innovation approved by the Order of Rosstat dated 30.08.2017 No. 563. You can download the report form in Excel format at the link below:

Report 4 - innovation: who passes

Who submits the 4-innovation form to the territorial body of Rosstat is indicated in clause 1 of the Instructions, approved. By order of Rosstat dated August 30, 2017 No. 563. These are organizations, except for small businesses, which conduct, in particular, the following activities:

To find out whether it is your organization that needs to submit the 4-innovation form to Rosstat, you can use the Rosstat service.

Form submission deadline

Form 4-innovation is submitted no later than April 2 of the year following the reporting year. This means that for 2017 the report must be submitted no later than 02.04.2018. And, accordingly, Form 4-innovation for 2018 will need to be submitted no later than 04/02/2019.

Form 4-Innovation: Instructions for Completing

The procedure for filling out the 4-innovation form in statistics in 2018 is given in the Instructions approved by Rosstat Order No. 563 of August 30, 2017 (Appendix No. 6).

Form 4-innovation "Information about the innovative activity of the organization" consists of 12 sections. Information about who fills out a specific section of the form and in what cases is systematized in the table:

Form section 4 - innovation Who leases or under what condition
Section 1 "General organizational and economic indicators of the organization"
Section 2 "Innovative activity of the organization"
Section 3 "Volume of innovative goods, works, services for the reporting year (excluding VAT, excise taxes and other similar payments)"
Section 4 "Factors hindering innovation (to be completed in a year, that is, for a year ending in an odd number)" All organizations are filled out only for the year ending in an odd digit (that is, you need to fill in for 2017, but not for 2018)
Section 5 "Expenditures on technological, marketing and organizational innovations by type of innovation activity and funding sources for the reporting year" To be completed only by those organizations that carried out technological, marketing or organizational innovations in the reporting year
Section 6 "Results of innovation activity" Completed by organizations that have innovated in the past three years
Section 7 "Number of joint projects and types of research and development partners in the reporting year" Fill in all organizations, regardless of whether or not they conducted innovative activities in the reporting year
Section 8 "Sources of information for the formation of the organization's innovation policy" All organizations are filled out only for the year ending in an even digit (i.e., for 2017, you do not need to fill out, and for 2018, you need to fill in the section)
Section 9 "Patenting and other methods of protecting inventions, scientific and technical developments of the organization" Fill in all organizations, regardless of whether or not they conducted innovative activities in the reporting year
Section 10 "The number of new technologies (technical achievements) acquired and transferred by the organization, software for the reporting year"
Section 11 "Organizational and Marketing Innovation" Completed by organizations that have completed marketing or organizational innovations in the past three years
Section 12 "Environmental innovation" Completed by organizations that have had environmental innovations in the past 3 years through completed technological, organizational, or marketing innovations.
The section is filled in only for the year ending in an odd digit (that is, you need to fill in for 2017, but not for 2018)

Detailed instructions for completing Form 4-Innovation are given in