Environmental management. Conservation management and habitat monitoring

The accelerated development of industrial production and the insufficient readiness of modern society to carry out the necessary protective actions leads to an increase in the level of emergency danger in the technogenic sphere. According to world statistics, more than half of major industrial disasters have occurred over the past two decades. However, even in a normal, accident-free mode of operation, the accumulated production potential creates a serious environmental threat as a result of the emission of various production wastes, the gradual concentration of which can lead to the loss of habitable properties of the habitat, since its assimilation possibilities are limited. Industrial production is considered to be the main source environmental issues and, although this is not entirely fair (after all, the main air pollutant in large cities is motor transport, and the main consumer of water in many countries is housing and communal services), the environmental activities of enterprises are an indispensable condition for the implementation of the environmental policy of the state.

Nature protection activity unites all types economic activity aimed at reducing and eliminating the negative anthropogenic impact on the natural environment, preserving, improving and rationally using the natural resource potential. This is the creation and implementation of low-waste, waste-free and energy-saving technologies, the construction and operation of treatment and neutralization facilities and devices, the location of enterprises and traffic flow systems, taking into account environmental requirements, monitoring the state of the natural environment, etc. In accordance with the recommendations of the Conference of European Statisticians set out in the Common European Standard Statistical Classification of Environmental Objects and Expenditures (Paris, 13-17 June 1994, document CES/ 822), in order to ensure a unified approach to the concepts of "types of environmental activities" and "environmental costs" in the CIS countries, classifiers of types of environmental activities and environmental costs were adopted.

The classifier distinguishes two specific forms of environmental protection activities - current environmental protection activities and environmental protection measures.

Current conservation activities - it is a continuous activity aimed at achieving stability or improving the state of the environment. It is connected mainly with the operation, and not the creation of fixed assets for environmental purposes. Environmental measures - it is a conservation activity undertaken in order to significantly improve the state of the natural environment or create conditions for its improvement. The result of environmental protection measures may be the creation of fixed assets for environmental purposes.

The classifier indicates the most characteristic types of environmental protection activities in the context of individual types of the natural environment:

  • air protection;
  • protection of water resources;
  • protection of lands and subsoil;
  • protection of biodiversity and landscapes, including protection of forest resources and non-forest plant complexes, protection and reproduction of wildlife, complex areas of environmental protection (creation, development and maintenance of specially protected natural areas and objects);
  • special areas of environmental protection (management of production and consumption waste, noise and vibration control);
  • management and control in the field of environmental protection.

In accordance with the types of environmental activities, the following environmental costs are allocated:

  • current costs of enterprises, organizations and institutions for environmental protection;
  • the cost of capital repairs of fixed assets for environmental purposes;
  • capital investments to environmental protection and sustainable use natural resources(direct and conjugate).

At the level of business entities, management of rational nature management and environmental activities is carried out by their administration. Environmental management functions in enterprises consist in the development of an environmental policy for production, planning of environmental protection measures, operation of the main environmental funds and control over emissions (discharges) of pollution. Their implementation should contribute to the improvement of production technology, maintenance and adjustment work, trouble-free operation of equipment, timely implementation of scheduled preventive and current repairs.

The environmental complex of enterprises includes nature protection groups under the chief engineer, chief power engineer or chief technologist, sections of treatment facilities and water sewerage, gas and dust collection installations, and sanitary industrial laboratories. The number of employees in environmental units can be 3-5% of the total number of workers. As a rule, one of the deputy directors of the enterprise is responsible for nature protection. The safety department also performs certain environmental functions: it checks the operation of ventilation, sanitary systems, etc. An important place in environmental protection belongs to factory laboratories that monitor the state of wastewater and the operation of treatment facilities. Their activities, in turn, are controlled by regional sanitary and epidemiological stations, bodies of the water treatment system of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

The processes of socio-economic reorganization taking place in modern Russia give rise to new problems in the field of environmental economics, in matters of natural resource and environmental regulation. The main mechanisms for managing environmentally oriented nature management include economic, legal, organizational and managerial mechanisms. Under these conditions, accompanied by the need to green the economy, it is most effective to introduce a system of economic regulation of nature management.

There are three most developed mechanisms for the implementation of environmental and economic policy:

State influence (that is, direct regulation)

Market mechanisms (economic incentives)

· Mixed mechanisms.

The theory and practice of recent years confirms that it is impossible to use only market or only state mechanisms, since both mechanisms have their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, there are a number of fundamental reasons that determine "market failures" and the inefficiency of state policy in the field of environmental protection and nature management. A competent merging of these two different spheres of economic regulation is necessary.

In this regard, the most acceptable and effective mixed mechanisms, allowing to implement environmental and economic policy based on state regulation and market instruments.

State regulation of activities in the field of nature management and environmental protection includes a wide range of tools: maintaining restrictions on nature use (limits for emissions, discharges of pollutants into the environment and waste disposal, limits for the withdrawal of natural resources from ecosystems), licensing, environmental regulation and environmental control, accounting and socio-economic assessment of natural resources, payment for nature use, compensation for environmental damage, standardization, environmental certification of products, etc.

The environmental management system is based on a combination of practical measures of environmental regulation of economic activity and economic mechanisms for the greening of production. As a rule, there are two groups of methods:

1) Methods of directive regulation - the impact on the organizers, investors and participants in the production with the help of legal, regulatory and administrative restrictions, regulations and prohibitions that are mandatory. Violation of these restrictions and norms in accordance with the law is accompanied by administrative and criminal liability and fines.

2) Methods of economic regulation - a set of economic and trade rules that determine the ecological orientation of economic behavior; the market of regulated nature management and ecologization means.

In other words, directive methods include administrative and control tools, which designed to directly influence the environmental performance of both legal entities (enterprises, organizations) and individuals, by establishing and enacting, through laws and other means of regulation, those goals, standards, regulations, etc. that must be observed and achieved by these individuals.

Control and administrative ways of regulating environmental activities include four main elements:

1. Environmental legislation.

2. Licensing of economic activity.

3. Environmental standards and regulations.

4. Tools for forecasting, planning and programming of natural resource and environmental activities.

This block also includes such organizational tools as environmental monitoring, environmental certification, environmental impact assessment (EIA), environmental expertise and environmental control.

In general, the environmental management system can be represented in the form of fig. one.

The implementation of the state strategy for sustainable development, as one of its most important components, involves the development of a mechanism for its financial support, taking into account the specifics of the socio-economic development of the country.

The main task in this area is the economic regulation of market relations for the purpose of rational, sustainable and balanced nature management, reducing the burden on the natural environment, protecting it, and attracting budgetary and extrabudgetary funds for environmental protection activities.

In accordance with Art. 14. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Environment” dated 10.01.2002 uses various methods of economic regulation in the field of nature management and environmental protection.

The economic mechanism of nature management includes:

development of state forecasts of socio-economic development based on environmental forecasts,

accounting and socio-economic assessment of the natural resource potential and the ecological state of the territories,

planning and financing of environmental programs, environmental activities and rational nature management,

obligatory contractual basis and licensing of nature management,

limiting the use of natural resources,

payment for nature use,

economic incentives for environmentally friendly production,

introduction of an effective credit and financial mechanism for nature management,

economic coercion and impact on violators of environmental legislation,

tightening the environmental regulation of OS quality, the system of certification and standardization of products, technologies,

environmental insurance,

creation and development of environmental banks and environmental funds,

formation of a market for environmental works and services.

Figure 1.1 - Environmental management system

The economic mechanism of environmental management is an integral system of national economy management, which is based on the following principles:

1. the principle of determining the promising and strategic direction of environmental protection;

2. the principle of developing a unified system of standards and regulations at the international level;

3. the principle of combining local and centralized management, for the rational use of natural resources and the ecological situation in the regions;

4. the principle of unity in decision-making on issues of improving the quality of the natural environment and raising the standard of living and sustainable development of the economy.

Economic regulation includes:

* payment for nature use:

a) payment for the use of natural resources, including an increase in prices for primary natural resources involved in the economic sphere;

b) payment for environmental pollution, and both standard and above-limit emissions and effluents are subject to payment both for the gross mass of pollutants, taking into account their toxicity, and for individual "indicator" pollutants;

c) a progressive tax on waste-intensive technologies, types of raw materials and products;

*creating a market for environmental costs and licenses:

a) distribution among enterprises located in the same territory of the costs of achieving a certain standard of environmental quality, preventing or compensating for negative technogenic effects, depending on the contribution to the overall level of pollution of the territory;

b) sale by governing bodies of licenses for temporary emissions of limited quantities of pollutants, subject to the preservation of zonal environmental quality standards;

c) the purchase by an enterprise of the right to a certain amount of pollutant emissions from a neighboring enterprise, which has "economy" in emissions;

*investments and subsidies for:

a) research and development work in the environmental protection direction;

b) introduction of new low-waste technologies with low nature consumption;

c) construction of treatment facilities and environmental protection devices;

d) improvement of environmental quality control;

* stimulation of environmental functions by:

a) preferential environmental taxation in the implementation of measures to actually reduce the nature intensity of production;

b) bonuses for the implementation of effective environmental protection measures;

c) introduction of accelerated depreciation of environmental funds;

d) concessional lending and the issuance of special low-interest loans for the purchase of environmental protection equipment and the introduction of low-waste technologies.

Appointment economic instruments is not the direct setting of goals that are significant for individual enterprises or society as a whole and strict control over their observance, but the use of market-related incentives to influence the economic interests and economic behavior of business entities in an environmentally priority direction. Economic levers can be: payment (including rent) for the use of natural resources, payment for environmental pollution and waste disposal, compensation payments for the deterioration of the quality of resources used, taxes on the production of environmentally hazardous products and the use of environmentally harmful technologies, methods of economic incentives, including tax incentives, accelerated depreciation of environmental protection equipment, environmental leasing, sale of quotas for environmental pollution, etc.

Among the economic levers and incentives in the regulation of the protection and use of natural resources, the main place is occupied by payments and taxes for pollution.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutions and charters of subjects Russian Federation in general, quite fully define legal framework ensuring and protecting the environmental rights of citizens, however, the current environmental situation in the country indicates that the system of this branch of legislation is imperfect and does not have an effective implementation mechanism.

It seems necessary to state our views on the problems and trends in the development of the most important institutions of constitutional environmental legislation (Article 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

1. The rights of citizens to a favorable, healthy environment.

The right to a favorable environment is one of the basic natural human rights. It, like the right to life, recognized by Art. 20 of the Constitution of Russia - a right given by nature itself. The right of everyone to a favorable environment, as well as the right to life, was first enshrined in Russia in the 1993 Constitution. As noted above, at the international level, the right to life was enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and later in the International Covenant on Civil and political rights. The right to life combines with the right to a favorable environment that the former is undoubtedly related to the quality of the environment in which a person lives. People's lives should not be shortened by ignoring environmental requirements.

According to available data, the state of human health is 20-30% determined by the conditions of its environment.

Insofar as the right to life is connected with the protection of the natural environment, it can be protected by the methods and means provided for by the legislation on the protection of the environmental rights of citizens. The right to life will objectively be ensured and protected by ensuring the realization and protection of the right to a healthy environment.

To ensure the most effective observance and protection of the right to a favorable environment, the definition of its content is of great theoretical and practical importance. Russian legislation does not define the concept of “favorable environment”, although in this context it contains legally significant criteria. First of all, they are expressed by a system of environmental protection standards and nature use limits. The system of such norms and limits, as well as the general requirements for their development, are defined by the Law "On Environmental Protection". Its other most important characteristic concerns the resource intensity (inexhaustibility) of natural resources.

A favorable environment also means the ability to satisfy aesthetic and other human needs, to preserve species diversity. Maintaining a favorable state of the environment in order to meet these needs and preserve the abilities of nature is ensured by the creation and regulation of the regime of specially protected natural territories and objects, recreational zones and other territories.

The right to a favorable environment is one of the fundamental and comprehensive subjective rights of a person and a citizen, affecting the foundations of his life, related to the maintenance of normal environmental, economic, aesthetic and other conditions of his life. Other environmental rights of citizens provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other laws, in essence, serve as a means of realizing the right to a favorable environment.

The question of the nature of human needs in nature or of the functions of nature in relation to man is at the heart of environmental rights, in particular the right to a favorable environment. From a legal point of view, the answer to the question about the nature of the regulated needs met at the expense of natural resources depends to a greater extent on how the right to the environment is formulated in the law.

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to a favorable environment. It seems that in the Basic Law this right is formulated more successfully than in the constitutions of some subjects and countries of the near abroad from the point of view of human interests. Therefore, from a theoretical and practical point of view, it is important to determine the content of the concept of "favorable environment". The legal definition of this concept is given in the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection". A favorable environment is an environment, the quality of which ensures the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects.

From the point of view of M.M. Brinchuk, it is advisable to define a favorable environment through the characteristics of not quality, but state. State is a broader concept, since it includes both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the environment. The characteristic of quality does not take into account the quantitative aspects of the state of nature. This legal definition does not contain legal criteria for a favorable state of the environment, which could clarify the legal aspects of ensuring the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects. Sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems and natural objects - concept natural sciences introduced into the Law without any explanation.

In addition to the legislative one, there is a sufficiently substantiated scientific definition of the concept of a favorable environment. The environment is favorable if its condition complies with the requirements and standards established in environmental legislation regarding cleanliness, resource intensity, environmental sustainability, species diversity and aesthetic richness.

An analysis of such a definition of the right to a favorable environment shows that, by exercising his right, a person can satisfy not only personal needs, but also some needs that are not directly subjectively related to him. Such characteristics of a favorable environment, such as environmental sustainability, species diversity, mostly go beyond personal needs. Although, undoubtedly, an environment that is ecologically unstable or degraded in terms of species diversity can hardly be considered favorable. And therefore, a person is really interested in preserving the environment, both environmentally sustainable and biologically diverse. Taking into account such reasoning, it is possible to give the following fairly reasonable definition of the concept of “favorable environment” and recommend just such a definition in the preparation of environmental bills. Favorable environment - an environment, the state of which complies with the requirements and standards established in environmental legislation regarding non-pollution, inexhaustibility, environmental sustainability, species diversity and aesthetic richness, ensuring normal life, health and other human interests.

Unfortunately, legal practice reduces favorability mainly to the compliance of the state of natural objects with environmental and sanitary and hygienic standards of environmental quality (MPC, MPC, NRB, etc.). Obviously, in this case, only part of the right proclaimed in Art. 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, namely the one that is limited to the framework of a healthy environment. The concept of "healthy environment" is associated with MPC standards - maximum permissible concentrations, and a favorable environment is not only healthy (unpolluted), but also resource-intensive, environmentally sustainable, aesthetically rich and diverse human environment.

Almost all specialists in environmental law adhere to this definition of a favorable environment, it has become in fact universally recognized. However, these characteristics of the favorable environment do not work, they have not yet been tested, not demanded by practice, which to a significant extent predetermines the low coefficient of realization of the corresponding right of citizens. At the level of everyday and even professional legal awareness, an idea is formed about the unviability of a constitutional norm. Of course, economic, organizational, and ideological guarantees play a decisive role in this, but the acuteness of the problem can be partially removed by legal means. First of all, it is necessary to resolve the issue of constitutional regulation of a number of environmental problems in environmental legislation, primarily in the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", similar laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to disclose the fundamental environmental rights that are enshrined in constitutions.

The right to a favorable environment is comparable only with the natural human right to life and a dignified existence. Therefore, it is necessary to more specifically designate this right, give it priority in the system of human rights, recognizing it as the most important social right. It may even be necessary to adopt a special regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the right to a favorable environment, taking into account environmental, legal, medical (sanitary and hygienic), biological, aesthetic and other important components.

The list of authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection is determined by the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ. In particular, this Federal Law establishes that the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation include:

Participation in determining the main directions of environmental protection on the territory of the subject;

Participation in the implementation of the federal policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Adoption of laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, as well as control over their implementation;

Adoption and implementation of regional programs in the field of environmental protection;

Participation in the manner prescribed by the regulations legal acts the Russian Federation, in the implementation of state monitoring of the environment with the right to form and ensure the functioning of territorial systems for monitoring the state of the environment on the territory of the subject;

Implementation of state control in the field of environmental protection at objects of economic and other activities, regardless of the form of ownership, located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, with the exception of objects of economic and other activities subject to federal state environmental control;

List approval officials state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation exercising state environmental control;

Establishment of environmental quality standards containing relevant requirements and norms not lower than the requirements and norms established at the federal level;

Organization and development of the system of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Appeal to the court with a request for restriction, suspension and (or) prohibition in in due course economic and other activities carried out in violation of the legislation in the field of environmental protection;

Filing claims for compensation for environmental damage caused as a result of violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection;

Keeping records of objects and sources of negative impact on the environment, the state environmental control of which is carried out by the subject of the Russian Federation;

Control, in accordance with the procedure established by federal legislation, of payment for negative environmental impact on objects of economic and other activities, with the exception of objects subject to federal state environmental control;

Maintaining the Red Book of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Formation of specially protected natural territories of republican significance, management and control in the field of protection and use of such territories;

Participation in providing the population with information about the state of the environment in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Organization of the economic evaluation impact on the environment of economic and other activities, the implementation of environmental certification of the territory.

However, in assessing the fullness of the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, one very important circumstance must be taken into account. Most of these powers were legally withdrawn from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in August 2004 with the intention of transferring some of them to the municipal level and returned to the constituent entities only on January 1, 2006.

At the same time, such powers as: implementation of state environmental control; keeping records of objects and sources of negative impact on the environment; control of payment for negative impact on the environment - the subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to exercise only in relation to objects of economic and other activities that are not subject to federal state environmental control, the list of which must be approved by the federal government.

In addition, the presence of legislatively established duplication of a number of fundamental powers of the state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, such as the implementation of state environmental control, state environmental monitoring, regulation of environmental quality, administration of fees for negative environmental impact, in the lack of approved criteria for the delimitation of these powers limits the ability of the regions to effectively implement these state powers.

We believe that the improvement of the public administration system in the field of environmental protection should follow the path of delegating exclusive powers to the regions in the field of: state environmental control; administration of payment for negative impact on the environment; state ecological expertise.

The above features of the Russian environmental legislation to a certain extent reduce its functionality, as well as the effectiveness of practical law enforcement. In this regard, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are doing a lot of work with committees and deputies State Duma of the Russian Federation, members of the Federal Assembly and the leadership of the Government of Russia, aimed at improving the federal environmental legislation, in terms of a clearer delimitation of powers federal center and regions, as well as granting the latter exclusive powers in the field of independent resolution of environmental issues.

Neutral combination- when the use of one resource does not affect the use of another resource. For example, the use of forests for water protection does not interfere with hunting.

Mutually beneficial combination- when the use of one resource increases the possibility of using another resource. For example, gardening in a recreational area.


Types of environmental management

Management - the organization and constant maintenance of relationships between the constituent parts of the managed system, aimed at achieving the intended results.

In nature management, a distinction is made between the management of natural systems and the management of nature users.

Natural systems management - measures, the implementation of which makes it possible to change natural phenomena and processes (strengthen or limit them) in the direction desired by a person. The management of natural systems is based on the study and use of natural laws, primarily environmental ones.

Management of nature users (management of environmental protection and rationalization of the use of natural resources) - ensuring the norms and requirements that limit the harmful effects of production processes and products on the environment, and the rational use of natural resources, their restoration and reproduction. Management of nature users is based on legal and economic, i.e. social, laws.

Management of natural systems can be "hard" and "soft":

Hard control- a direct, direct impact on nature, grossly violating natural processes with the help of technical means, a radical transformation of the very mechanisms and systems of nature. For example, plowing land, building dams on rivers.

Soft control- mainly indirect, mediated impact on nature using natural mechanisms of self-regulation;

tions, i.e. the ability of natural systems to restore their properties after anthropogenic intervention. For example, agroforestry.

Rigid management gives a quick and high economic effect in the form of an increase in the volume of production or a reduction in the cost of its production, but only in a relatively short time interval. After a certain time, retribution inevitably comes in the form of an increase in economic and environmental damage. For example, the development of virgin lands.

Hard management is based on overstressing or extreme rejuvenation of natural systems (eg agro-ecosystems) and therefore requires measures to maintain ecological balance, carried out mainly through soft management (eg crop rotation).

Thus, the maximum environmental and economic effect can be obtained only with a reasonable combination of hard and soft forms of management.

Management of nature users can be command-administrative and economic:

Command and Administration - management of natural resources

makers, based on the establishment of norms, standards, rules for environmental management and relevant plan targets for environmental protection enterprises and punishments from reprimand to imprisonment or dismissal and payment of fines to enterprises and their management.

economic management- management of users of natural resources based on economic incentives, when, with the help of various levers (prices, payments, tax incentives and penalties), the state makes it more profitable for enterprises financially, i.e. more profitable to comply with environmental laws than to violate them.

Enterprises-nature users themselves are not interested in environmental protection activities. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, environmental activities do not bring profit, except in cases where it is economically beneficial to recycle (reuse) production waste (solid waste, sewage, exhaust gases). Secondly, there is often a discrepancy in time between the moment of causing harm to the environment and the moment of paying for it. For example, environmental pollution can affect human health only after a few years or decades. Thirdly, often the damage to the natural environment is caused by one pre-

enterprises or industries (enterprises - "polluters"), and economically suffer, to a greater extent, completely different ones (enterprises - "recipients"). For example, industry and energy are the main environmental polluters, while healthcare, municipal, agricultural, forestry and fisheries suffer, as the costs of treating patients, repairing buildings, increasing the yield and quality of crop products, livestock productivity, etc.

Thus, enterprises-nature users will not engage in environmental activities just like that, since it is not profitable in itself. The command-administrative way of managing nature users in its pure form is expensive and ineffective, since it requires a large number of inspectors and constant monitoring. On the other hand, economic methods alone do not always provide the desired result. The best results are obtained by a reasonable combination of the economic interest of nature users with strict control and administrative coercion.

Modeling, environmental expertise and environmental monitoring

A prerequisite for rationalization is the use of modeling, environmental expertise and monitoring of the state of the environment in environmental management.

Modeling is a method of studying complex objects, phenomena and processes by means of their simplified imitation (natural, mathematical, logical). The final result of the anthropogenic impact appears, as a rule, only after 10-30 years or more. This is one of the reasons for major mistakes in environmental management. The use of modeling makes it possible to theoretically predict the consequences of a particular economic project. However, due to the limited nature of our knowledge and the impossibility to foresee all accidents (principle of uncertainty or incompleteness of information), the simulation results cannot be too accurate.

Each major economic project must be preceded by an environmental review. Environmental assessment- assessment of the level of possible negative impacts of the planned economic activity on the environment, natural resources and human health. Those. assessment of economic projects for their compliance with environmental requirements

The basis of the methodology for conducting an environmental review is the principle of the complexity of the project assessment. When conducting an environmental review, modeling (calculations) should be combined with direct research

v nature. Environmental due diligence costs can average 1% of the total cost of the proposed project (1% rule). But these costs are necessary, since they are several times less than those that may be needed to eliminate economic, environmental and social damage as a result of erroneous decisions.

Environmental monitoring- a system for monitoring, assessing and predicting the state of the natural environment surrounding a person. Distinguish monitoring global and regional, impact and background.

Global Monitoring- tracking the development of global processes (eg, the state of the ozone layer, climate change).

Regional (local) monitoring - monitoring of natural

processes and phenomena within a region (eg air quality control in cities).

Background (basic) monitoring- monitoring of natural phenomena and processes occurring in a natural environment, without anthropogenic influence. It is carried out on the basis of biosphere reserves.

Impact Monitoring- monitoring of anthropogenic impacts

v especially dangerous areas.

Monitoring is carried out using various technical means, incl. aviation and space technology, and with the help of bioindicators, i.e. any living organisms by the presence, condition and behavior of which can be judged on changes in the environment (for example, lichen indication).

Organization of environmental management

Activities for the rationalization of nature management and environmental protection require a special organization. This requires a body independent of the interests of individual organizations and sectors of the economy, capable of managing nature management as a single complex. In our country, for the first time such a body was created in 1988 - the State Committee for Nature Protection of the USSR, in 1991 - the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the RSFSR, later renamed the Ministry of

environment and natural resources of Russia. In 1988, the relevant regional and city committees for nature protection were also created.

The main tasks of this ministry are:

- control over the use and protection of all natural resources;

- development of proposals for the rationalization of nature management;

- approval of standards and rules for environmental management, mandatory for all other ministries and departments, and control over their observance;

- management of the protected area and maintenance of the national Red Book;

- dissemination of environmental knowledge among the population;

- state environmental expertise of all major construction projects and projects;

- organization of environmental monitoring.

In addition to the state, there are also international bodies for the management of nature management and nature protection. These are the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the United Nations Environment Program (Committee) (UNEP), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The need for international cooperation in the field of global environmental management

Currently, environmental pollution and violation of the ecological balance has become global. In this regard, there was an urgent need for cooperation of all countries in order to prevent a global environmental catastrophe.

Annex 1

Classification of natural (natural) resources by source and location (Reimers, 1990)

Unit classification

1. Energy resources

A. Participating in the constant turnover and flow of energy

1.1 Solar energy

1.2 Space energy 1.3 Tidal energy 1.4 Geothermal energy

1.5 Gravitational energy and pressure energy

1.6 Atmospheric electricity 1.7 Earth magnetism

1.8. Energy of spontaneous chemical reactions and natural atomic decay 1.9. Bioenergy

1.10 Secondary forms of energy

B. Deposited energy resources

1.12 Natural gas


B. Artificially activated energy sources

1.16.Atomic energy 1.17.Fusion energy

Note Any sources of mechanical, chemical and physical

energies, natural and artificially activated

Solar radiation and all the energy processes caused by it: the energy of wind, waves, sea currents, the heat of the air, the temperature difference between the surface and deep layers of water, etc.

All types of cosmic radiation Energy arising under the influence of the force of gravity of the Moon on the ocean surface

Energy of the depths of the Earth. Natural outlets of geothermal waters, wells for obtaining such waters, as well as the heating energy of gases and liquids injected into the depths can be used. Potential and kinetic energy of air, water and

rocks (energy of the relative position of bodies, pressure, pressure difference, seismic energy, etc.)

Not yet used in practice

Not yet used as a source of energy The same. Artificially activated atomic decay is used in nuclear power plants

All forms of energy obtained from living organisms and as a result of the processing of their bodies or waste products - from burning firewood to obtaining technical alcohol and biogas Waste heat, electromagnetic and radiation waste

fumes, combustible solid waste, etc.

Including the so-called micro-oil - bitumen-like substances

Obtained from the fission of an atomic nucleus Obtained from the fusion of lighter atomic nuclei into heavier ones (energy of controlled thermonuclear fusion)

2.Atmospheric gas resources

2.18. Resources of individual gases of the atmosphere 2.19. Gas components of the hydrosphere

2.20.Gas constituents of the soil 2.21.Ozone shield

2.22. Phytoncides and other biogenic volatile substances

2.23 Ionic composition of the atmosphere 2.24 Gas pollution

3. Water resources

3.25.Atmospheric moisture 3.26.Oceanic (sea waters)

3.27 Continental water bodies 3.28 Watercourses

3.29. Temporary small closed reservoirs

3.30 Moisture bound in plants and animals 3.31 Liquid surface contaminants

3.32 Hydrogeological resources 3.33 Soil moisture

3.34 Deep liquid pollutants

4. Resources of the lithosphere

A. Soil and land

Of particular importance are the ozone shield, O2 and CO2

Gases dissolved in water. Usually they are not considered as resources, but in the case of fish kills they become so important Soil air necessary for the respiration of plant roots

A resource group that is still very poorly mastered by people, which is an important condition for maintaining human health. Heavy and light ions, a certain concentration and

the wearing of which is a prerequisite for maintaining people's health A group of "anti-resources", i.e. agents that devalue other resources. At the same time, many gas emissions can be involved in the production process.

At present, they have become limited resource due to their pollution. The absorption capacity of sea waters is especially important, for example, the ability of anthropogenic carbon dioxide to dissolve in them Waters of lakes, reservoirs, ponds: fresh, brackish and salty

Rivers, streams, surface and ground runoff Puddles, shallow drying lakes, other small

our temporary pools. Their special resource value arises due to the fact that they serve as watering places for wild animals, breeding grounds for invertebrates, growth of aquatic vegetation, etc.

Of particular resource importance in arid regions

From pollution in the usual sense of the word to excess water in natural ecosystems. "Anti-resources", as well as gas pollution Groundwater - ground and deep

Free and bound (molecular) water in soil Naturally percolating, artificially pumped and resulting from chemical chain reactions. Can be used as resources and undesirable as “anti-resources” The entire group of natural resources associated with the available

to a man of the earth's thickness

Natural formation resulting from the interaction of organisms, atmospheric air, natural waters, geological rocks in conditions of different latitudes

terrain, climate, relief, nature of vegetation

4.36. Subsoils (soils) and

Layers of the lithosphere lying below the soil-forming horizon

mountain (parent) rocks

or coming to the earth's surface, but devoid of

clear signs of life. Serve as a substrate for soil

on land and arena of life at the bottom of the oceans

4.37 Cryogenic substrates

Mainly glaciers and permafrost of northern

latitudes and highlands

4.38. Soil pollution

Predominantly salinization and acidification of soils, as well as

pollution with heavy metals and oil. Group "an-


4.39 Soil erosion


B. Geomorphological

4.40 Geomorphological

Management conditions associated with geomorphological

structural resources

sky position of the terrain

4.41 Geomorphological

Business conditions arising from special

spatial resources

geographic location

4.42. Geological depths

Managing conditions associated with seismicity,


the threat of landslides and other geological processes. Ch. arr.

B. Non-energy mines


real resources

4.43. metal ores

4.44. Non-metallic ores -

4.45. Non-metallic minerals, Useful inclusions, not concentrated in a certain

including leading

rock or very dispersed in it


5. Plant resources-


5.46. Genetic-species co-

Plant species, the safety of which is ensured by modern

becoming vegetation

the changing face of the planet's ecosystems

5.47. plant biomass

5.48. Primary Productivity

5.49. economically valuable

Its productivity, which depends on the primary productivity

vegetation production

ness and economic methods of cultivation (agrotechnics,

selection, etc.).

5.50. Systemic - dynamic qualities of phytocenoses

5.51. Cleansing ability - - Plants

5.52. Botanical "pollutingIntroducers harmful to the economy. "Anti-resource" threads "

6.54. Biomass of consumers -

6.55. Secondary biological productivity

6.56. Economic production -

6.58. The role of consumers (particularly increases in terms of resources in connection with animals) as a sanitation strengthening of human influence on the nature of containers, pollinators of plants, absorbers of chemicals, etc.

6.59. Consumer "contaminants" are similar to botanical "pollutants". "Anti-resource" threads "

7. Resources of decomposers

7.60. Genetic-species co- - becoming decomposers

7.61. Biomass of decomposers -

7.62. Physico-chemical

Their activity, which ensures the decomposition of organic

decomposer activity

bodies to minerals

7.63. System-

Their relationship, which ensures the success of physical

dynamic qualities re-

chemical activity

decents in ecosystems

In addition to known disease causing organisms,

7.64. Microbiological

(including viral) pollutants

including pandemics (e.g. influenza), this “anti-resource” includes

new diseases that have not been observed before (for example,

legionnaires' disease)

8. Climate resources

8.65. Natural climatic resources

8.66. Modified climatic indicators, modified Ch. arr. with the help of mathematical resources (local technical devices (including unintentionally, for example,

th climate)

urban climate) and agroforestry

9. Recreational

The natural conditions of people's lives and recreation resources in nature


9.67. natural resources

environment of the optimum everyday

ny living conditions


9.68. Leisure resources

9.69. Healing natural

Natural agents that have a therapeutic effect on a person


9.70. Natural focal

A group of "anti-resources" similar to pollution, but in some

diseases and transmissible

in some cases, associated with the natural physical and chi-


background (lack of iodine in nature leads to goiter,

abnormal amount of fluorine - to dental caries, etc.)

10. Cognitive

Those objects and phenomena of nature that allow people to

informational resources

get an idea of ​​the current and past state

planet and predict its future

10.71. Natural reference

Untouched natural formations (reserves, reference

geological sections, paleontological burials and

etc.), allowing to judge the natural state of nature

dy, date deposits, decipher the geological

the history of the Earth, etc.

10.72. natural

Cultural layers and man-modified nature,

historical educational

the study of which allows us to judge the past of humanity

informational resources

va, and partly about the future development of nature in places where

it is less disturbed by humans than in the region under study.

11. Resources of space and

Due to littering and other types of pollution, as well as

11.73. Space resources

(territorial, water and

due to the growth of the world's population

air, including close-

of these resources is rapidly increasing

space, space)

11.74. Time resources

The aggravation of environmental problems leaves less and less

time to solve them

Appendix 2

Changing nature by man (according to Reimers, 1990)

Ecological com-


Production, from


component and its composition

change, you

change, release

throw or fold

or size used

measures used



as a percentage (from

com to absolute

natural coli-



2X1010 t/year

Oxygen (consumed

Approximately in

1000 times more

walk. It is recognized that bio-

parish (3X107

sphere does not make up for anthropo-

t/year). 12 to 23

gene oxygen consumption,

from produced-

however, the decrease in oxygen in at-

th biosphere

instruments in the atmosphere


Ozone (destruction)

By 2000 to 8-16,

At the expense of agents, currently

according to a number of other sources

time already available in the atmosphere

no more than 4 nicknames

sphere. The question is not enough

7X1010 t/year

Carbon dioxide (increased

Since the 19th century at 18

V last years dark

only 25

Nitrogen (increase)

Atmospheric pollution

1.5X108 t/year

Sulfur dioxide

There is a noticeable acidification

5X107 t/year


Nitric oxide

It is assumed that small at-

atmospheric impurities (methane and

etc.) significantly change the climate

1.5X107 t/year

Other connections

3X108 t/year

Carbon monoxide

suspended in the air

Influence change

substances (aerosols)

2615)X106 t/year

air temperature at the surface



Balance imbalance:

Irrevocable water supply

Ch. arr. through irrigation and



Irrevocable stock from

Mainly by getting

sushi in the ocean

km3 / year

water from wells. Time data

2135X106 t/year

oil pollution

Oil film covered up to

1/4 of the surface of the World

Heavy pollution

On average since the 19th century

In some places geochemical anoma-


li are protected from catastrophic

level by one order


1011 t/year

The share of the actual ores

Rock (excavated

More than 300 volumes

chenie from the bowels)

ma solids

runs ok. 1% of extracted ma-

creatures involved


mymy to biotic

land cycle

Destruction rate

4-6 to 12000 times

soil cover


10,065,000 km2

Desert area growth

Currently 10 to 44

for the historical period

ha per minute. Data from different


8X1012 W

The size of the energy change

direct production

About 0.02 off

energy (about 1010 tce)

solar energy,

the planet is still not enough for man

coming to

thoroughly studied. Time data

top of the earth,

up to 25 from energy

dyatsya. It is believed that the


th level of energy production

va is away from the critical for

biosphere by one order of magnitude

Up to 60X1012 W

From increasing con-

More energy

concentration of CO2

6X1012 W


Number needs clarification

From anthropogenic

About 0.4 of the energy


gia, dissipated

during evaporation

From burning to grow

3X1012 W


150X1012 W

Loss from irrigation and

evaporation from the surface


10-25 from average

The numbers are probably inflated due to-

Change in the average

point temperature

global pace-

for the imperfections of the models



From 75 to 26-27%

Cut down 20 ha/min, on average

Reduced forests of the world

(change in wooded

there are 18 settlement cutting areas





226-400 species

Endangered 1200

species (probably significantly

OK. 80X106 t

fish are caught and

70 from growth



More than 100

Number needs clarification

Genetic diversity

image of a living thing

stva (decrease)

Biomass (decrease from

510X109 t

Upcoming lower-

until 2000 (according to

Annex 3

Degree of anthropogenic

impact on nature

global crisis


reliability of environmental







(thermal) crisis

Modern global

Scientific and technical

ecological crisis


pollution (decomposers)

and mineral deficiencies


Second anthropogenic


ecological crisis



Crisis of the primitive

Second agricultural


widespread revolution

non-irrigated lands

First man-made


ecological crisis

revolution, transition

(consumers, overfishing)

producing economy

Crisis of resource impoverishment


fishing and gathering



3 million years ago



aridization crisis


Ecological crises and revolutions in the history of the relationship between human society and nature (conditional scale) (Nature use, 1995).

State management of environmental protection measures is included in the management system of the entire national economy. It is organized in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and is based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of the Environment" of December 19, 1991.

Subdivisions that regulate environmental activities are represented in the legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

The State Duma has a Committee on Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources. The competence of the representative government includes the determination of the state policy in the field of environmental protection, the approval of the state environmental program, the determination of the powers of local representative authorities, etc.

The structures of executive power have a significant number of bodies exercising management and control in various areas of nature management.

The Interdepartmental Commission on Environmental Safety operates under the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Environmental functions (to one degree or another) are performed by:

The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, formed in 1996 on the basis of two abolished committees: the Committee of the Russian Federation for Water Management and the Committee of the Russian Federation for Geology and Subsoil Use;

federal Service Forestry of Russia (Rosleskhoz).

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Land Resources and Land Management (Goskomzem);

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Gosstandart);

Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet);

Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia (Roskartografiya);

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters (MES);

federal oversight Russia for Nuclear and Industrial Safety (Gosatomnadzor);

Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor);

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, one of the functions of which is sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

The main analytical and coordinating center for environmental activities in the Russian Federation is the State Committee for Environmental Protection (Goskomekologiya).

The State Ecology Committee of Russia carries out:

Comprehensive management of environmental activities in the country;

Coordination of the activities of ministries and departments of Russia in this area;

State control for the use and protection of lands, surface and ground waters, atmospheric air, flora and fauna, as well as minerals:

Statement economic standards, rules and standards for regulating the use of natural resources and protecting the environment from pollution;

State environmental expertise of general schemes for the development and deployment of the country's productive forces;

Monitoring compliance with environmental standards in the development of new equipment, technology, materials and substances;

management of the protected area;

Organization of the dissemination of knowledge about nature among the population, international relations on environmental issues, etc.

The main link in the system of the State Committee for Ecology is the regional (republican, territorial, regional) bodies of this Committee, which include: subdivisions of environmental regulation of nature management, environmental expertise, analytical laboratories, organizations of state environmental control, organizations of cadastres.

The participation of the judiciary in the management of natural resources is still very insignificant. The first environmental prosecutor's office and a specialized department of internal affairs with the aim of protecting and protecting the natural resources of the Caspian Sea and the lower reaches of the Volga and Ural rivers were formed in the 80s. Then environmental prosecutor's offices appeared in the area of ​​Lake Baikal, the Azov-Black Sea environmental prosecutor's office was created. A unified system of these bodies has not yet been formed.

Topic 12. Fundamentals of organization and implementation of environmental management

12.1. Management of environmental activities at the enterprise. Ecological service of the enterprise.

12.2. International and national standards of the environmental management system.

Ecology is one of those aspects of the activity of both an individual and an organization, countries and the world community as a whole, which cannot be solved in isolation from the general global trends and requirements. Economic growth, the development of human life systems require special attention to the consumption of natural resources and environmental pollution.

Today it becomes obvious that companies' disregard for the requirements of environmental protection, environmental safety and rational use of resources ultimately leads to the non-competitive ability of products, services and the company as a whole.

The low environmental image of companies is increasingly becoming a barrier to their entry into the foreign market. Consumers prefer environmentally friendly products manufactured at environmentally friendly enterprises. These enterprises in their economic activities prevent environmental pollution, use environmentally friendly raw materials, improve technologies and products, as a result of which they contribute to the efficient use and restoration of resources. Such companies can be called environmentally friendly.

Sustainable development of enterprises and improvement of their competitiveness requires a comprehensive solution of environmental problems. This approach involves a radical transition from combating the consequences of harmful effects on the environment to preventing these effects, minimizing damage to the environment, and involving waste previously accumulated in the environment in the processing using environmentally friendly methods.

All of the above aspects are directly or indirectly related to the regulation of the relationship between society and nature, i.e. management, on the one hand, economic and social processes, including the use of natural resources, and on the other hand, the nature and state of the natural environment. Such control can be defined in the general view as environmental management.

In a broader interpretation, environmental management is the management of the interaction between society and nature based on the use of economic, administrative, social, technological and informational factors in order to achieve a state of quality of the natural environment that ensures the sustainable development of society and nature.

Thus, environmental management at the enterprise level refers to the level of management at which technogenic and anthropogenic impacts on the environment are determined.

On this level, environmental management is aimed primarily at:

1. Control over the implementation of environmental legislation, environmental standards, quotas.

2. Control of environmental consequences of nature management and production.

3. Ensuring the improvement of production technology in terms of reducing its accident rate, the degree of technological risk, energy and material consumption, the amount and toxicity of emissions.

4. Ecologization of production through the use of waste from some enterprises as resources for others.

5.Introduction of restrictions on the location and operation of industries that could have negative environmental consequences on the nature and health of the population.

6.Organization of a system for collecting operational information adequate to the real environmental situation.

Environmental management should be considered as an integral part of the overall enterprise management system. Obviously, the uncontrolled use of natural resources leads to devastating economic, social and environmental consequences for society. So modern enterprises must constantly respond to changing environmental requirements and ensure continuous improvement of the environmental management system.

The key link in the environmental management system is the environmental service of the enterprise. Currently, these services ensure the practical implementation of an environmental policy at enterprises based on the efficient use of natural resources and compliance with established limits for the release of pollutants into the environment, as well as control over the implementation of environmental activities by internal divisions of enterprises.

The tasks of the environmental services of enterprises are: 1) collection of current environmental information; 2) control over environmental reporting of internal divisions of enterprises; 3) development and implementation of environmental programs of enterprises for the purposeful restructuring of technical and technological processes, taking into account environmental requirements; 4) control over the implementation of environmental activities.

The environmental activities of enterprises cannot be effective if it is carried out by only one, albeit specialized, structural unit. The greatest result is achieved when all services and divisions of enterprises are involved in environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, taking into account their specifics in production. At the same time, the environmental protection service plays the role of the main body coordinating the activities of all other departments.

We note the main activities of the environmental service at the enterprise:

1) formation of environmentally and hygienically justified requirements for manufactured products and control over their observance, environmental impact assessment of products. For any products manufactured by the enterprise, industry standards must be developed that guarantee the environmental safety of the use of manufactured products;

2) control over compliance with environmental requirements for technological processes. At the same time, special attention
is given to quantitative and qualitative indicators of natural
use - specific indicators of the consumption of raw materials and energy resources
per unit of output. Environmental Service is involved
in the standardization of environmental consumption norms, parameters of technological processes and waste emissions (in carrying out environmental

3) control over the implementation of measures for the introduction of low-waste technologies, systems of repeated and recycled water supply;

4) organization of control over the quantitative and qualitative composition of solid, liquid, gaseous technological waste, study of their impact on the quality of the natural environment, as well as on the efficiency of the facilities for cleaning emissions and discharges;

5) participation in the development and harmonization of MPE and MPD norms, planning environmental measures to achieve them, drawing up a calendar plan for environmental protection measures by production units and monitoring their implementation;

6) accounting of costs for environmental activities and analysis of the effectiveness of their use, preparation of statistical reporting in accordance with established forms.

The activities of environmental services should be carried out in close contact with local authorities and administration, as well as with the supervisory authorities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus. Enterprises of various industries and capacities have their own specific features and operating conditions, which predetermine the structure of environmental services.

Factors affecting organizational structure services can be conditionally divided into sectoral, regional and in-house.

In a small enterprise, it is usually the owner of the enterprise who takes over and performs the functions of environmental management, who also makes all other decisions.

At medium-sized enterprises (with up to 300-350 employees), the duties of an environmental engineer are assigned as an additional burden, as a rule, to managers of various levels, who, regardless of the presence or absence of environmental training, must have a higher technical education and work experience at the enterprise, because they have to cooperate on environmental issues with the heads of various industries. In some cases, the responsibility for the state of environmental protection activities at the enterprise is assigned to a specialist in the department of labor protection and safety.

Large enterprises create special environmental services.

The environmental service must report to the chief engineer or director of the enterprise. In this case, its instructions and instructions will be accepted for execution by the heads of all departments without exception. The quantitative and qualitative (professional) composition of the service depends on the nature of production (resource extraction, resource processing, resource consuming) and its impact on the environment, the capacity of the enterprise, its location, etc. The staff of the services is staffed by engineering and technical workers of various specialties: environmentalists, chemists , engineers, technologists, economists, power engineers, etc.

One of the options for the structure of the environmental service is shown in fig. 12.1.

Rice. 12.1 - Structure of the environmental service

The creation of environmental sectors is due to the division of environmental activities into areas of nature management. The presence of a soil protection sector is advisable, first of all, at the enterprises of the extractive and processing industries of the economy, i.e., where land reclamation is necessary, and in cases where the main technological process associated with the use of land is fraught with soil pollution.

The Water Resources Protection Sector monitors the efficiency of the local wastewater treatment system, compliance with MPD standards, and takes part in the creation of water recycling systems.

Functions of the atmospheric air protection sector: control over emissions into the atmosphere and over the sources of its pollution. The results of the control constitute the content of the primary reporting (form POD-1 of the enterprise).

The technology sector controls the productivity and intensity of technological processes, sources of pollution, as well as the norms for the consumption of energy resources and raw materials, develops tasks for the technological services of the enterprise to introduce low-waste and resource-saving technologies, and participates in the decision to use secondary waste.

An important condition for the effectiveness of the ecological activity of an enterprise is an objective assessment of the quality of the natural environment, an assessment of the characteristics of the factors affecting it. Such assessments are carried out on the basis of laboratory control. Laboratory data are used by specialists to account for and control sources of pollution and assess the impact of a given enterprise on the environment. The economic sector deals with the effectiveness of the implemented environmental measures.

The activities of the environmental service should be based on the strictest observance of environmental legislation. For example, the head of the service can give an order to suspend and even completely stop the operation of a unit or section if it is allowed to exceed the MPC of pollutants in wastewater, the air basin or at the enterprise itself.

For the publicity of the work of the department, the enterprise should collect information that would monthly reflect the sanitary condition of shops, services and the effective use of environmental facilities.

Recently, due to the growing urgency of expanding the markets for their products and entering foreign markets, enterprises are working on the creation of environmental management that meets the requirements of international standards of the ISO 14000 series.

These systems make it possible to ensure the environmental safety of the enterprise and manufactured products and create conditions for:

Implementation of control over the environmental activities of the enterprise and its continuous improvement;

Reduce environmental pollution;

Reducing resource consumption and waste generation;

Reducing the risk of accidents and emergencies;

Ensuring compliance of the environmental activities of the enterprise with the requirements of legislative acts and regulatory documents.

With the advent of the need to coordinate work related to the implementation of environmental management, as experience shows, it is advisable to create an EMS department in the structure of the environmental service.

A possible version of the modern structure of the environmental service of the enterprise is shown in Figure 12.2.

SUOS Group

Figure 12.2. – The structure of the environmental service of the enterprise, including the EMS

The inclusion of the EMS group into the environmental service of the enterprise makes it possible to implement an integrated approach to environmental management and balance the economic and environmental goals of the enterprise.