Presentation on the topic of natural resources of the world. Natural resources of the world. Agroclimatic resources of the world

Slide 3

Classification of natural resources.

  • mineral resources
  • forest
  • aquatic
  • biological
  • recreational
  • wind energy
  • energy of sun
  • geothermal energy
  • renewable
  • non-renewable
  • land
  • Slide 4

    Mineral resources

    • fuel (combustible)
    • ore (metal)
    • non-metallic
    • oil
    • coal
    • oil shale
    • wood
    • bauxite
    • uranium ores
    • iron ores
    • molybdenum ores
    • chrome ores
    • polymetallic ores
    • salt
    • potassium salt
    • phosphorites
    • graphite
  • Slide 5

    Fuel minerals.

    • Coal basins - 3.6 thousand deposits are known (more than 80 countries);
    • Oil and gas basins - less than 600;
    • Oil and gas fields - up to 50 thousand (more than 100 countries).
  • Slide 6

    Ore minerals

    Ferrous metal ores (iron ores) - total resources in the world 350 million tons

    Explored - 175 million tons (100 countries), 1st place belongs to Russia - 33 million tons, this is 20% of the world's reserves;

    Slide 7

    Features of the assessment of ore reserves:

    First, proven reserves are usually in the billions, tens of millions and millions of tons.

    Secondly, the mined ore contains useful component maybe from

    2-3% to 60-70%.

    Thirdly, the variety of non-ferrous metal ores (about 35 items).

    Slide 8

    Resource availability -

    This is the ratio between the amount of natural resources and the extent of their use. It is expressed by the number of years for which a given resource should be sufficient, or by its reserves per capita.

    (reserves / production = security)

    Slide 9

    Territorial resources of the world

    The largest countries in the world by area (million km2)

    • Russia - 17.1
    • Canada - 10.0
    • China - 9.6
    • USA - 9.4
    • Brazil - 8.5

    The largest countries in the world by area of ​​effective territory (million km2)

    • Brazil - 8.1
    • United States - 7.9
    • Australia - 7.7
    • China - 6.0
    • Russia - 5.5

    An effective territory is a territory of a country suitable for economic development.

    Slide 10

    Land resources of the world

    Land resources

    • Farmland
    • Settlements, roads
    • Unsuitable and unusable arable land (88%)
    • swamps meadows and pastures (10%)
    • desert glaciers
  • Slide 11

    Forest resources of the world

    • Forest belts of the world
    • Northern forest belt
    • Southern forest belt
    • Temperate forests
    • Humid equatorial and variable humid forests
  • Slide 12

    • Reduction of forest area
    • Irrational use of forest resources
    • 50% of deforested forests in developing countries are used for firewood
    • The problem of deforestation of the planet!
    • The huge scale of deforestation
    • Lack of reforestation in Russia and in developing countries.
    • Usage problems:
  • Slide 13

    The largest countries in the world by forest area (million hectares)

    Forest cover of the territory by regions of the world (%)

    Slide 14

    Water resources of the world

    Distribution of water in the hydrosphere

    Fresh water accounts for about 2.5% of the total volume of the hydrosphere

    Slide 15

    Distribution of water resources by regions of the world (thousand km3)

    The largest countries in the world in terms of fresh water reserves (thousand km3)

    Slide 16

    Usage problems:


    Consumption growth

    Irrational use


    • decrease in water content production processes;
    • construction of reservoirs;
    • desalination of sea water.

    Fresh water scarcity

    Slide 17

    Hydropower resources of the world

    Hydropower potential of the regions of the world (%)

    Hydropower resources are water resources suitable for generating electricity.

  • Slide 18

    Agroclimatic resources of the world

    The main indicator is the sum of active temperatures.

    The sum of active temperatures is the sum of the average daily temperatures above + 10 ° C during the year.

    Conclusion: the countries of the hot heat zone have the best agroclimatic resources.

    • Hot Belt
    • Temperate zone
    • Temperate zone
    • Cold Belt
    • Cold Belt
  • Slide 19

    Resources of the World Ocean

    Resources of the World Ocean

    Sea water

    Mineral resources of the bottom



    • Recreational water
    • solutes
    • Energy of the tides
    • Wave energy
    • Energy of currents
    • Temperature gradient energy
    • fish
    • sea ​​creatures
    • plant resources
    • diamonds
    • oil
    • phosphorites
  • Slide 20

    Recreational resources of the world

    • marine
    • mountain
    • landscape

    What are recreational resources?

    • Recreational resources are resources for a person's recreation.
    • Recreational resources
    • Natural
    • Historical and cultural
  • View all slides

    Introduction. We have been familiar with natural resources and environmental problems for a long time. The geographic shell of the Earth has vast and varied natural resources. However, the stocks of their different types are far from the same, and they are unevenly distributed. As a result, individual districts, countries, regions, even continents have different resource availability. Resource availability is the ratio between the amount of natural resources and the size of their use. It is expressed by the number of years for which a given resource should be sufficient, or by its reserves per capita. Geographic Resource Studies studies placement and structure certain types natural resources and their complexes, issues of their protection, reproduction, economic assessment, rational use and resource availability. In this topic, I want to talk about the world's natural resources, because not everyone knows exactly what they are and how they are used in our lives. This topic is currently relevant.

    Natural resources are a collection of natural bodies and natural phenomena that a person uses in his activities aimed at maintaining his existence. Resource availability is the ratio between the amount of natural resources and the amount of their use.

    Mineral resources Fuel minerals. They are of sedimentary origin and usually accompany the cover of ancient platforms and their inner and foredeeps. Ore minerals. Usually accompanied by foundations and ledges (shields) of ancient platforms, as well as folded areas. Nonmetallic minerals. Deposits of which are found both in platform and folded areas.

    Countries of the world with the largest reserves of basic types of minerals Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Iran oil Russia, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE natural gas USA, Russia, China, Australia, Germany coal USA, Russia, Australia, South Africa coal Brazil, Australia, Canada, Russia, China, USA iron ore Guinea, Australia, Brazil, India, Jamaica, Suriname bauxite Chile, USA, Australia, China, Indonesia copper ores South Africa, Australia, China, Brazil, India manganese ores Brazil, China, Bolivia tin ore

    Land resources World land fund. It is 13.1 billion hectares. Cultivated land. They provide 88% of the foodstuffs humanity needs. They are concentrated mainly in the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones of our planet. Meadows and pastures of the land. They provide 10% of the food consumed by humanity.

    The first countries in the world in terms of the area of ​​cultivated land and pastures. Countries Arable land, million hectares For the area of ​​the country,% of the country Area of ​​pastures, million hectares. For the country area,% USA 177.0 18.5 Australia 414.554.9 India166.15.9 China400.042.9 China124.012.0 USA239.226.1 Russia120.97.5 Kazakhstan146.055.0 Canada45.64.9 Brazil185.021.9 Brazil 43.25.1 Argentina 142.051.9

    The size and structure of the world land fund LAND: Cultivated (arable land, orchards and plantations) Meadows and pastures Forests and shrubs Settlements, industry and transport Low-productive and unproductive (swamps, deserts, glaciers, etc.

    An increase in consumption with constant river flow resources creates a real threat of a shortage of fresh water. There are also water problems, the main one being 1. Decrease of water intensity of production processes; 2. Reduction of irretrievable water losses. In terms of the number of large reservoirs, the United States, Canada, Russia, and some countries in Africa and Latin America are distinguished.

    River runoff is also widely used for hydropower generation. The world usable hydropower potential is estimated at nearly 10 trillion. kWh of possible electricity generation. For example, about ½ of this potential falls on only 6 countries: China, Russia, USA, Congo (former Zaire), Canada, Brazil.

    Biological resources Plant resources They are represented by both cultivated and wild plants. Forest resources These are wild plants. Forests of the world Northern forest belt Southern forest belt Wildlife resources They are also part of biosphere, a vital resource.

    The world's forest resources are characterized by two main indicators: a) the size of the forest area (4.1 billion hectares) b) standing timber reserves (330 billion). Over the past two hundred years, the forest cover of the earth's land has decreased by half and deforestation has become alarming. It is associated with the expansion of soil erosion, and a decrease in oxygen reserves in the atmosphere.

    Forests of the world form two huge belts in length - northern and southern. The northern forest belt is located in the zone of temperate and subtropical climates. The main logging operations are carried out here, primarily of especially valuable mixed wood (in the USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden). The southern forest belt is found mainly in the zone of tropical and equatorial climates. Previously, it was used mainly for firewood; recently, exports to Japan, Western Europe, and the United States have increased many times.

    Wildlife Resources There are several million species of animals, birds and many plants on the globe. The fauna of Europe, where many species of mammals are on the verge of destruction, from 30 to 50% of all species of birds. Preservation of biological diversity, prevention of "erosion" of the gene pool is a very important task.

    World ocean resources. (storehouse of wealth) Sea water The reserves of which are truly colossal and amount to 1370 million, or 96.5% of the total volume of the hydrosphere. Mineral resources of the bottom of the Ocean. Energetic resources These resources of the World Ocean, enclosed in daily tidal movements, in the energy of sea waves and temperature gradient. Biological resources These are animals (fish, mammals) and plants that live in its waters.

    The ocean is a huge storehouse of natural resources, which in their potential are quite comparable to the resources of the earth's land. Among the most productive resources of the World Ocean, which V.I.Vernadsky called "thickening of life", are primarily the Norwegian, North, Barents, Okhotsk, Japanese seas, located in more northern latitudes, as well as the open northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    Climatic and space resources. The annual flow of solar energy Reaches the lower atmosphere and the earth's surface. Wind energy Man has also long used it with the help of windmills and sailing ships has an inexhaustible potential. Agroclimatic resources This is heat, moisture and light ..

    Recreational resources They are divided into four main types: 1) recreational and therapeutic (mineral water treatment); 2) recreational and health (bathing and beach areas); 3) recreational and sports (ski base); 4) recreational and educational (historical monuments).

    Conclusion Indicators of resource availability primarily affect the wealth or poverty of a territory with natural resources, since resource availability depends on the scale of their extraction (consumption), this concept is not natural, but socio-economic. And having considered each level of the world's natural resources, we can draw the following conclusions: 1) there are not so many resources on our planet, everything depends on the vital activity of each person. 2) The interaction of society and nature today has become one of the main human problems. Anthropogenic changes have widely affected the geographic envelope of the planet, contributing not only to progress, but also to the growth of environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, aggravation of environmental issues... Therefore, improving the use of natural resources, pursuing a scientifically grounded environmental policy is one of the most important tasks facing humanity.

    References 1. Aksakov K.S. Atlas of the World.- M .: Education, 2006, hardcover, 280 p., Color. ill. 2. Vladimirov A.N. The latest guide necessary knowledge... - M .: Education, 2006, 768 p., B / w ill. 3. Maksakovsky V.P. Economic and social geography of the world: Textbook. for 10 cl. general education. Institutions. - 8th ed., Revised - M .: Education, page: ill., Maps. - (Geography). 4. Nikiforov A.K. Countries of the world from A to Z. A new information guide. - M .: Education, 2007, binding, 352 p., Color. and b / w silt. 5. Yakimov P.A. Universal encyclopedia of knowledge. - M .: Education, 2007, hardcover, 800 p., B / w ill. 6. Yakovlev I.A. Geography of the World.- M .: Education, 2006, 675 p., Color, and b / w ill.

    Natural resources- these are natural resources necessary for the existence of human society and used in the economy. One of the central problems science - providing the population with the necessary PRs now and in the future, analysis and evaluated by geography and economics.

    Natural resources can be inexhaustible and exhaustible... Inexhaustible resources do not end, and exhaustible resources end as they are developed (or) for other reasons


    • Resources of natural components (mineral, climatic, water, plant, soil, animal world)
    • Resources of natural-territorial complexes (mining, water management, residential, forestry)

    By types of economic use:

    • Industrial production resources
      • Energy resources (fossil fuels, hydropower resources, biofuels, nuclear raw materials)
      • Non-energy resources (mineral, water, land, forest, fish resources)
    • Agricultural production resources (agro-climatic, land-soil, plant resources - fodder base, irrigation water, watering place and maintenance)

    By the type of exhaustion:

    • Exhaustible
      • Non-renewable (mineral, land resources);
      • Renewable (resources of flora and fauna);
      • Not fully renewable - the rate of recovery is below the level of economic consumption (arable soils, mature forests, regional water resources);
    • Inexhaustible resources (water, climatic).

    By the degree of interchangeability:

    • Irreplaceable;
    • Replaceable.

    By the criterion of use:

    • Manufacturing (industrial, agricultural);
    • Potentially promising;
    • Recreational (natural complexes and their components, cultural and historical attractions, economic potential of the territory).



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    Slide captions:

    1 Classification of natural resources.

    2 Purpose of the lesson: To form the concept of "resource availability" of territories. To reveal the basic patterns of the distribution of natural resources. Learn to assess the security of the world and individual regions different kinds natural resources

    3 We will learn: Classification of natural resources and the concept of resource availability; Land resources: two opposite processes; Mineral resources. Are they enough? Terrestrial water resources: fresh water problems; Resources of the World Ocean: the ocean is "sick".

    4 What is what Natural resources are bodies and forces of nature, which at a given level of technical and technological development can be used for the production of material goods. The main property of natural resources is consumability (that is, reserves have a certain value) and the possibility of withdrawal from the natural environment.

    teacher: Golovina E.A. 5 Classification of natural resources

    6 By origin: Mineral resources (mineral resources); Climatic resources; Aquatic; Land (soil); Biological; Resources of the World Ocean.

    7 Exhaustible: Exhaustible: Non-renewable (minerals, non-ferrous metal ores, sulfur, etc.); renewable (land, water, air, soil, hydropower); Inexhaustible: energy from the sun, geothermal, wind, ebb and flow, currents.

    8 By application: For industry: Fuel and energy; Metallurgical; Chemical and other raw materials. For agriculture: Land; Soil; Agroclimatic. For recreation and tourism: Recreational resources.

    9 Resource availability Resource availability is the ratio between the amount of natural resources and the size of their use. It is measured either by the number of years for which a given resource should be sufficient, or by its reserves per capita. The indicator of resource availability is influenced by: Wealth or poverty of the territory with natural resources; The scale of their extraction (consumption). Russia, USA, China, India, Brazil, Australia - these states are provided with almost all natural resources.

    10 Land resources of the world

    11 Land resources: two opposite processes Land resources are a universal type of natural resources, necessary for almost all areas human activity... For industry, construction, transport, land serves as a territorial resource. Earth is the source of life; World land fund - the degree of provision of land resources. It is 13.1 billion hectares.

    12 Agriculture the world

    13 Agriculture of the World All countries of the world differ in the size of arable land, the degree of plowing of the territory and indicators of the availability of arable land per capita. In the world as a whole, the security has decreased by 2 times. It is influenced by 2 processes: Land expansion; Deterioration, depletion, global changes in land resources: soil erosion, waterlogging, desertification. A desert is a geographic, flat or mountainous area devoid of vegetation.

    14 Desert

    15 Mineral resources. Are they enough? Today at the feet of mankind The entire periodic table is folded Acad. AE Fersman The peculiarities of all types of mineral resources are their non-renewability, although their formation occurs continuously.

    16 Mineral resources of the world

    17 The distribution of minerals in the earth's crust is subject to geological (tectonic) patterns: Fuel PI - are of sedimentary origin and accompany the cover of ancient platforms and their internal and marginal troughs; Ore PI - accompany the foundations and ledges (shields) of ancient platforms, as well as folded areas (Alpine-Himalayan, Pacific, tin-lead belt - in China, Vietnam).

    18 Fuel and energy resources

    19 Fuel and energy resources The mankind is best provided with coal reserves. More than 3.6 thousand coal basins and deposits are known, most of which are located in the northern hemisphere. Of the 600 explored oil and gas basins, 450 are being developed in 95 countries around the world. Russia is a leading gas power.

    20 Precious stones and metals

    21 Precious stones and metals Precious stone deposits are often secondary. Thanks to the processes of weathering of primary deposits, precious stones, more stable, accumulate in loose sediments of rivers and coastal strips of oceans and seas - from where they can be easily extracted by washing.

    22 Precious stones and metals Gold plating Gold nuggets Platinum

    23 Terrestrial water resources: the freshwater problem

    24 Terrestrial water resources: a freshwater problem. Fresh water resources, accounting for only 25% of the total volume of the hydrosphere, are characterized by an uneven geographical distribution over the land surface. In the glaciers of Antarctica, Greenland, in the ice of the Arctic, in the mountain glaciers, there is an “emergency reserve”. River (channel) waters are 40 thousand km 3. Fresh water consumption is growing and exceeds 4 thousand km 3 per year. In economically developed countries a city dweller uses 300-400 liters. per day.

    25 Main consumers of fresh water Agriculture; Industry; Power engineering; Utility services.

    26 Drinking water has already become a strategic resource. This is explained by the lack of fresh water due to the uneven distribution of its reserves and increasing consumption volumes, a sharp deterioration in the quality of surface waters as a result of a predatory attitude. 1.5 million people are deprived of the opportunity to drink clean water. Every year, 3 million people die from infections (typhus, cholera, dysentery) brought in by dirty water.

    27 Plant resources

    28 The main type of plant resources - forest - the largest, most complex and self-preserving ecosystems. They cover about 30% of the earth's surface (3866 million hectares). The main characteristics of forest resources are the size of the forest area and standing timber reserves. The indicator of the area of ​​the preserved forests is important. More than 80% of such forests are in only 15 states: the Russian Federation, Canada, Brazil, the USA, etc.

    29 Mangrove Forests Rainforest Bottle Tree

    30 Resources of the World Ocean

    31 The main resource is sea water. Reserves - 1370 million km 3 or 96.5%; For every inhabitant of the planet - 270 million m 3 of ocean water; "Living water" is 75 chemical elements of the periodic table; 1 km 3 of water contains 37 million tons of dissolved substances: salt - 20 million tons, sulfur - 6 million tons, a lot of soda, bromine, aluminum, calcium, sodium, copper, thorium, gold and silver.

    32 Mineral resources of the ocean floor On the continental shelf - oil and gas: 1/3 of the total world production. Gulf of Mexico - 57 active wells; North Sea - 37; Persian Gulf - 21; Gulf of Guinea - 15. Deep sea bed - ferromanganese nodules; Shipwreck treasures.

    33 Energy resources of the ocean floor Tidal power plants - the total capacity of tides is 1-6 billion kWh, which exceeds the energy of all rivers in the world. Opportunities are available in 25-30 locations around the world for the construction of these power plants. The largest resources of tidal energy are possessed by: Russia, France, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Argentina, and the USA. Wave power plants using the energy of sea currents.

    34 Biological resources of the ocean floor Biomass numbers 140 thousand species - these are animals (fish, mammals, molluscs, crustaceans) and plants that live in its waters. The main part of the biomass is phytoplankton and zoobenthos. Necton - fish, mammals, squid, shrimp (over 1 billion tons).

    35 Economic use of the waters of the World Ocean The most productive water areas are northern latitudes: Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, USA (seas: Norwegian, North, Barents, Okhotsk, Japanese, northern parts of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans). World production of fish and seafood = 110 million tons per year.

    36 Ocean "BOLEN" It annually receives 1 million tons of oil (from accidents of tankers and drilling platforms, oil discharge from polluted ships). Industrial waste: heavy metals, radioactive waste in containers, etc. More than 10 thousand tourist ships in the Mediterranean Sea throw sewage into the sea before cleaning.

    37 Recreational resources

    38 Recreational resources The basis of tourism recreation. These are both natural and man-made objects and phenomena that can be used for recreation, tourism and health restoration. Recreational resources are divided into 4 main types: Recreational and therapeutic (for example, treatment with mineral waters); Recreational and recreational (bathing and beach areas); Recreational and sports (ski resorts); Recreational and educational (historical monuments).

    teacher: Golovina E.A. 39 Natural and recreational resources include sea coasts, river banks, lakes, mountains, forests, mineral water outlets, therapeutic mud. The main forms: green areas of cities, nature reserves and sanctuaries, national parks. Recreational resources include cultural and historical attractions: the Moscow Kremlin, the Roman Colosseum, the Athenian Acropolis, the Taj Mahal tomb in Agra (India), etc. International tourism is especially developed in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Switzerland, India, Egypt and other countries of the world ...

    40 Thank you for your attention!

    1 slide

    Geography of the world's natural resources. Grade 10 Teacher Dyakova N.V. MOU SOSH # 1, settlement Lysye Gory

    2 slide

    Natural resources are components of nature and their properties, which at a given level of their technical and technological development can be used in the production of material goods.

    3 slide

    Classification of natural resources. mineral resources forest aquatic biological recreational wind energy solar energy geothermal energy renewable non-renewable land

    4 slide

    Mineral resources fuel (combustible) ore (metallic) non-metallic oil gas coal peat oil shale wood Bauxite uranium ore iron ore molybdenum ore chrome ore polymetallic ore Salt potassium salt phosphorites sulfur graphite

    5 slide

    Fuel minerals. Coal basins - 3.6 thousand deposits are known (more than 80 countries); Oil and gas basins - less than 600; Oil and gas fields - up to 50 thousand (more than 100 countries).

    6 slide

    Ore minerals Ferrous metal ores (iron ores) - total resources in the world 350 million tons Explored - 175 million tons (100 countries), 1st place belongs to Russia - 33 million tons, this is 20% of global reserves; Using the table. 5 in the "Appendices", name the countries with the leading reserves of ore minerals

    7 slide

    Ore minerals Peculiarities of ore reserves estimation: Firstly, explored reserves are usually estimated at billions, tens of millions and millions of tons. Secondly, the content of the useful component in the mined ore can be from 2–3% to 60–70%. Thirdly, the variety of non-ferrous metal ores (about 35 items).

    8 slide

    Resource availability is the ratio between the amount of natural resources and the amount of their use. It is expressed in the number of years for which a given resource should be sufficient, or in its reserves per capita. (reserves / production = endowment) Implement practical work using the data in tab. 1 p. 29, tab. 4 p. 126

    9 slide

    Territorial resources of the world The largest countries in the world by area (million km2) Russia - 17.1 Canada - 10.0 China - 9.6 USA - 9.4 Brazil - 8.5 The largest countries in the world by area of ​​effective territory (million km2) ) Brazil - 8.1 USA - 7.9 Australia - 7.7 China - 6.0 Russia - 5.5 An effective territory is the territory of a country suitable for economic development

    10 slide

    Land resources of the world Using rice. 7 textbook (p. 32), name 5 countries in the structure of the land fund of which arable land prevails, 5 countries - pastures and 5 - unproductive lands. Land resources Agricultural land Forests Settlements, roads Unsuitable and unsuitable arable lands (88%) swamps meadows and pastures (10%) deserts glaciers

    11 slide

    Forest resources of the world Forest belts of the world Northern forest belt Southern forest belt Temperate forests Humid equatorial and variable-humid forests Using rice. 9 textbook (p. 33), name 5 countries of the Northern and Southern forest belts. 50% 50%

    12 slide

    Forest resources of the world Problems of use: Reduction of forest area Irrational use of forest resources 50% of deforested forests in developing countries go to firewood Problem of deforestation of the planet! Huge scale of deforestation Lack of reforestation in Russia and in developing countries.

    13 slide

    Forest resources of the world The largest countries in the world by forest area (million hectares) Forest cover by regions of the world (%) Using Fig. 9 textbook (p. 33), name the 5 largest countries in terms of forest resources per capita.

    14 slide

    Water resources of the world Water distribution in the hydrosphere Fresh water accounts for about 2.5% of the total volume of the hydrosphere

    15 slide

    Water resources of the world Distribution of water resources by regions of the world (thousand km3) The largest countries in the world in terms of fresh water reserves (thousand km3) Using Fig. 8 of the textbook (p. 33), name the 5 countries with the maximum and 5 countries with the minimum indicators of water resources per capita.

    16 slide

    World water resources Problems of use: Pollution Growth of consumption Irrational use Solution of the problem: reduction of water content of production processes; construction of reservoirs; desalination of sea water. Fresh water scarcity