New business ideas. What products are called natural. Izbenka and VkusVill: a chain of eco-friendly stores

Farm products trade uses all the main consumption trends: buying Russian, buying healthy, saving time on shopping. Farm stalls are opening all over the country, while the quality of the goods is different everywhere. Which business on Russian organic products has a future?


The fashion for natural products without additives is spreading across large Russian cities. Someone is looking for healthy meat, milk and vegetables in online stores, someone organizes food appropriation in the surrounding villages several times a month. The first city stores of farm products appeared in Moscow about 10 years ago, but we can speak of any successful development of the segment only in relation to Moscow and St. Petersburg. What is this business, what consumer sentiment is it built on, what are the prospects. Will try to figure it out.

Fashion or trend: healthy boom

Is the demand for natural products so great? According to Nielsen, Russians are primarily determined to buy at home: meat (81%), milk (80%), vegetables (75%) and fruits (67%). Patriotism is explained only by the favorable price, but also by the desire to purchase a natural product with a short shelf life.

As a factor prompting to buy domestic rather than global production, Russians point out:

  • 56% - a favorable price;
  • 43% - “they have already taken it, I liked it”;
  • 32% - safer ingredients and manufacturing process.

According to the research holding "Romir" Russians, despite the crisis, pay attention to the composition and shelf life of products, preferring environmentally friendly and fresh goods without GMOs. According to a 2015 TNS study, 67% of Russians agree to buy more expensive food products, provided that they are environmentally friendly.

Concerns about health in general and healthy eating in particular make people look for local products on store shelves: many entertain themselves with the illusion that Russian food production technologies are lagging behind world ones, so preservatives and nitrates are not used.

The increasing interest of Russians in high-quality healthy food is also proved by Yandex statistics. For 10 months of 2015 compared to the same period in 2014, the number of requests increased:

  • "Natural products" - by 78%;
  • “Fresh products” - 3 times.

There is a demand for healthy and natural products of domestic production and it is growing. Traditional chains and shops practically leave it unanswered.

Organic food market: in Russia and worldwide

The prospects for farmers and their products are significant. However, today consumers and producers exist in parallel universes: farm products are hard to hit the shelves. retail chains because of the requirements for volumes, selling prices, packaging, and the bulk of the buyer comes here for purchases.

In general, Russians are not alone in their desire to get involved in natural food. Organic products without chemicals and artificial additives are a global trend. To date, 84 countries around the world have adopted laws on organic farming. The EU bio-food market is growing by 15-20% annually.

Organic market leaders in the world:

  • USA - $ 29 billion;
  • France - $ 9.2 billion
  • Germany - $ 5.2 billion

What is in Russia? Our trade in natural products is in its infancy, so it has not yet come to the attention of official statistics. According to the Union of Organic Agriculture (POP), in 2013 the volume of the domestic market for certified organic products amounted to $ 148 million - less than 0.2% of the total food market. At the same time, 90% of organic products are imported.

There is uncertainty about the concept of “farm product” in Russia today: the regulatory framework for organic agriculture is just beginning to form.

Table 1. Documents regulating the sphere of organic agricultural production in the Russian Federation


At the stage of discussion or development

  1. GOST R 56104-2014 “Organic food products. Terms and definitions "approved. by order of Rosstandart No. 1068-st dated 09/10/14.
  2. GOST R 56508-2015 “Organic products. Rules of production, storage, transportation "approved. by order of Rosstandart No. 844-st dated 06/30/15.
  1. National standard “Production of organic products. Voluntary certification rules ".
  2. National standard “Guidelines for the manufacture, processing, labeling and labeling of organic food (except for sections related to animal products). CAC / GL 32-1999 ".
  3. Draft law "On the production of organic products."

At this time in Russia, organic food is called:

  • grown in conditions that improve the ecosystem, preserve soil fertility, protect human health;
  • processed by biological / physical / mechanical in nature;
  • obtained without the use of pesticides, chem. fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, hormonal / veterinary drugs, GMOs, not exposed to ionizing radiation.

The formation of a full-fledged regulatory and legal environment in the field of production, determination of the composition, labeling and certification of organics will help clear the market of pseudo-farm traders and identify real natural products. In addition, POPs experts expect the market to increase to $ 300 million from the regulation of the legal field.

Farm trade models

Today in Russia, both farmers and intermediaries are engaged in the sale of natural products. Farmers use several routes: they open specialty shops during production or online stores, sell to neighbors and through word of mouth, arrange supplies to health food stores and restaurants.

There are three models of farm stores:

  • internet projects;
  • traditional offline stores;
  • projects using both sales channels: online and offline.

Features of traditional farm shops:

  • Format. Most often used is "At home" - a modest assortment is placed on a small area. Sometimes a store concentrates on only one type of product, such as dairy or meat products. For a small number of commodity items, it is easier to track quality.
  • Assortment and its structure. Wide or narrow, a large proportion of perishable food, up to 70%. For comparison: in large supermarkets the share of products with a short shelf life is 7-15%. Outlets selling exclusively local farm products usually offer a seasonal assortment.
  • Extra charge and prices. Prices are higher than in supermarkets. Products labeled “organic” abroad are 20-30% more expensive than their counterparts. In Russia, the price difference is greater: the markup for healthy products can be 50, 100 and 200%. The market is not developed, the culture of healthy food consumption is in its infancy - this is how a creative attitude to prices is born. In some cases, high margins are set to be high in order to support farm production.
  • Selection of manufacturers, product expertise. Real farm shops set high standards product quality and organize a strict selection of suppliers. This is done by technologists or specialists of the internal examination department, and at the stage of concluding a contract, raw materials are checked and production processes, then the product undergoes a monthly laboratory examination.
  • Service. Individual order of products and other features is possible.

A few words about network projects. Today in Russia there are physically few farms, so they simply cannot cope with large volumes of supplies. Some chains are forced to cooperate with small industrial producers in addition to farmers. Calling such projects farm projects is hardly true. But if the goods are checked for quality and naturalness before being placed on the shelf, then we are talking about “healthy food” stores.

As for the services for the delivery of fresh and organic products. Internet use is not uniform across Russian regions... The share of active users is growing, but so far only residents of large cities are ready to place online orders for products. The future, however, is with dedicated online shopping for organic products that will cover the need for healthy food and allow consumers to save time on their shopping trips.

Successful farm projects

There are many players in the natural food trade today. Basically, entrepreneurial activity in this area is concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the capital, for example, the account of stores selling farm products goes to hundreds (taking into account online trade). How business is organized in three well-known Russian projects?

Izbenka and VkusVill: a chain of eco-friendly stores

Andrey Krivenko's network of traditional stores of healthy products is developing simultaneously in two directions:

  • "Izbenki" - small-sized establishments (15-20 sq. M.) With farm dairy products with short term suitability. Assortment - up to 70 items.
  • "VkusVilla" - stores with an area of ​​60-120 sq. m with an assortment of 700-800 commodity items: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread, juices, sweets, etc.

Are all products really from farms? No, but the network does not hide it. Of the 200 suppliers VkusVill works with, 10-15% are large industrial farms, the remaining 85-90% are small industrial producers and farmers.

How the business is organized:

  • the mission of the network is to think about the customer first;
  • cooperation with trusted suppliers, 3-4 for each type of product;
  • small assortment (600 items per 100 sq. m.), 70% of which is "perishable";
  • lack of own production;
  • strict quality control (collecting customer reviews, laboratory examinations, production audit);
  • sale of goods under private label (own trade marks);
  • low markup level for the segment - 55-56%;
  • average check - 500 rubles.

The chain's indicators prove its effectiveness: the number of Izbenok opened in Moscow - 300, VkusVillov - 130, the chain's revenue in 2015 compared to the previous one increased by 40%.

Moscowfresh: online store of market and farm products

Moscowfresh positions itself as an express delivery service for fresh produce. The founder of the company is Lev Volozh. The assortment includes farm dairy and meat products, poultry, high-quality goods from Moscow markets, imported chilled fish, vegetables / fruits, as well as pastries, tea, coffee, sweets.

How the business is organized:

  • prices are higher than in supermarkets, but lower than those of competitors;
  • minimum order - 1 900 rubles;
  • delivery within the Moscow Ring Road costs 290 rubles. and takes 2 hours (urgent - 90 minutes);
  • assortment - premium quality products from trusted suppliers (Moscowfresh quality is confirmed by certificates from city markets, and also guarantees its own control);
  • unliked goods can be returned or replaced.

LavkaLavka: for both the buyer and the farmer for

The most recognizable farm brand in Russia is LavkaLavka. The project emerged in 2009 in the form of a LiveJournal account, when not a single farm online store existed yet. In the first year of operation, Lavka's turnover amounted to 900 thousand rubles, in 2014 - 250 million. The company was founded by Boris Akimov, a former artist and programmer, now a real farmer and ideologist of a return to organic farming.

Today LavkaLavka is:

  • 5 Moscow offline farm shops and an online store with a developed network of self-pick-up points;
  • restaurant "Mark and Lev";
  • a farmer's market in Mega Khimki;
  • a farm cooperative whose goal is neither more nor less - the revival Agriculture and lost Russian gastronomic traditions.

LavkaLavka is a farming association and a powerful communication channel between small agricultural producers and urban residents. Suppliers "Lavka" - members of the cooperative - small and medium farms certified by the Internal LavkaLavka Standard. Expertise. Large agricultural enterprises have no access to Lavka.

Prices for organic products are high here, even by Moscow standards. However, the cooperative does not practice dividend payments, investing all profits in the development of the project. Therefore, purchasing goods at premium prices is a conscious choice of Lavka's buyers, and a kind of investment in responsible Russian agricultural producers. LavkaLavka regularly launches crowdinvesting (aka crowdfunding), the money raised goes to the development of farms.

Project idea:

  • the consumer is 100% sure of the quality of Lavka's products;
  • a certified farmer does not compete with a reseller, receiving a stable distribution channel and payment adequate to the labor invested.

Unlike Moscowfresh, Lavka considers farm products (healthy and useful) only those products that are produced taking into account all the norms of eco-farming and does not believe in suppliers' word.

As an afterword

Dozens of regional and metropolitan farming projects, responsible producers and / or sellers providing the townspeople with safe and healthy food remained behind the scenes. A store of natural products is both a demanded business and a socially significant project. The turn of Russia towards organic farming and the population towards natural food is a matter of the near future. Therefore, farming, production and sale of healthy products is a long-term trend. Join us.

Quality products in today's technologically advanced world, unfortunately, are worth their weight in gold. An environmentally friendly product grown in natural conditions is more difficult and more expensive to produce, but the demand for it is growing every day. People want to eat natural, fresh food and get from it all the trace elements, vitamins and nutrients necessary for an active and healthy life. All this makes eco-friendly products a great idea for a successful business.

Market analysis and relevance

The sale of organic products is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. The essence of the business lies in the fact that an agreement is concluded between an entrepreneur and peasant farms for the supply of natural home products for subsequent sale through a retail chain of stores.

Before studying the product market, you need to clearly understand which foods are organic. This group of products on the packaging must necessarily have a license mark "Organic", confirming its compliance with all the indicated parameters:

  1. Semi-finished products of animal or vegetable origin, grown in natural conditions (in beds in the light of sunlight, or in a stable on a farm).
  2. Non-GMO, food colors, preservatives and flavor enhancers.
  3. Ripened without the use of artificial fertilizers, growth accelerators, nitrates and other chemicals.

The market situation has developed in such a way that the demand for eco-products is much higher than the supply.

This is the starting point to get started. Yes, the process of growing such food products requires some investment and patience, but the cost of the final product is much higher than its “chemical” counterpart.

Business registration and organization

To conduct lawful activities, you must register with the tax service, obtain the status individual entrepreneur and choose a tax payment system. Usually for large cities this is a simplified taxation system, for regions - a single imputed tax.

When planning a large grocery store with a varied assortment of goods and a large staff of employees, it is recommended to register a "Company with limited liability". This will require financial investments, time and preparation of certain documents:

  • charter;
  • rent contract;
  • conclusion of SES and fire service;
  • opening a bank account and so on.

Alternatively, you can consider selling online.

The product will be displayed on a personal website, the consumer will be able to choose, order and receive it at home. The costs in this case are minimal, and an operator is required from the staff, which may be the owner and the courier himself.

Required Documentation

The list of documents is similar to the list of any other food store and includes:

  1. Lease agreement or confirmation of the ownership of the premises.
  2. Certificate of entry of the company into the Commercial Register.
  3. Waste and garbage collection agreement.
  4. Product quality certificates.
  5. Staff medical records.
  6. Documents on cash machine.
  7. Book of complaints and suggestions.
  8. A copy of the Consumer Rights Law.

Location and premises

It is obvious that the location of the store affects the level of sales and the number of customers. The store should be located in a well-accessible public place, away from competitors.

The area of ​​the premises for the store depends on the scale of the enterprise.

It can be a small vegetable stall, or a large grocery store with a wide range of goods natural origin... A large store requires a convenient driveway and parking lot.

Decoration and equipment

Eco-products must be sold and stored in the right conditions, for which it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment:

  • racks, shelves, showcases;
  • industrial refrigerators and counters;
  • table, counter or counter of the seller.

To improve aesthetics, it is necessary to provide for the option of packaging goods - paper bags, rolls. For packing meat, if it is supposed to be sold, trays, food foam and so on are needed.

An organic store should demonstrate its focus - walls can be painted in natural colors, and items of natural origin (paper) can be used as packaging.

Assortment and suppliers

All goods must have an appropriate certificate and a sticker confirming that the goods are environmentally friendly and completely natural. Products in an organic store can be very different, for example:

  • vegetables and fruits grown in natural conditions;
  • meat and meat products without preservatives;
  • dairy products;
  • flour and its derivatives;
  • honey and dried fruits;
  • vegetable oils;
  • soy products;
  • natural cosmetic;
  • juices, syrups and drinks.

The supply contracts must necessarily specify the conditions for natural cultivation or production of food products. To control the quality of products, you should open your own laboratory, or conclude an agreement for the provision of relevant services.


According to the principle of operation, an eco-store is not much different from an ordinary grocery store, sellers and consultants serve customers, loaders carry fresh goods, an administrator leads, an accountant calculates income. In addition, if your own laboratory is envisaged to verify the quality of products, it is imperative to add a laboratory assistant to the staff. An accountant can be a visiting accountant, and the owner himself can act as a manager.


  1. Your own trademark, which will accompany each purchased product. Over time, he will be recognized and associated with this particular store and its high-quality goods.
  2. Billboards in health food restaurants, transportation and supermarkets.
  3. Distribution of leaflets.
  4. Creation of an official website.
  5. Discount coupons and free tastings, such as freshly made juices 1-2 times a week.

The financial component of the business

Starting a business selling organic food is a rather expensive undertaking. Along with investments in the transformation of the interior decoration of the store, there are issues such as the purchase of farm products, and the prices for eco-products are much higher than their usual counterparts.

At the same time, eco-food products will also be sold at high prices, and the demand for them is high.

Opening and maintaining costs

Initial costs are:

  • rent, repair and decoration of premises - from 300,000 rubles;
  • cash register and scales - 70,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - about 500,000 rubles.

Total: 870,000 rubles.

Monthly constant ones will be added to these costs:

  • salary for employees - 100,000 rubles;
  • utilities - 15-20,000 rubles.

Total: 120,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

The profit from the store of environmentally friendly products is predicted to be high, so with an average bill of 800 rubles and a 10-hour work schedule, at least 12,000 rubles will be earned (based on 15 buyers per day). Then the amount of earnings per month without deductions will be 360,000 rubles. This is the minimum income that an organic quality store will provide.

Payback period

Even the most modest calculation allows us to conclude that the company will pay off within 6-12 months of active trading.

So, the advantages of selling eco-products include:

  1. High safety and usefulness of goods.
  2. Growing demand.

Having a large number of advantages, this activity also has a number of disadvantages:

  • high cost, due to the large share of manual labor;
  • limited shelf life - products cannot be purchased for future use and stored for a long time in a warehouse;

Selling organic products is something that needs to be done. On the one hand, they give health to consumers, on the other, they bring income to the entrepreneur. People are ready to spend money on the purchase of real pure products for themselves and their children. Low competition and high demand it is a signal to act for a businessman who is designing a profitable and honest business.

Fashion for all natural has appeared relatively recently - in the last 7-8 years. In the wake of popularity, dozens of stores with eco-products have opened. The site observer considered several examples of doing eco-business in Russia.

Season market

In April 2013, Sergey Melnik, together with a partner, opened the Season Market online store of farm products. The businessman invested 3 million rubles in the launch of the project, and in the first year the revenue amounted to 8 million. The main idea was to become an intermediary between Russian farmers and consumers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

“A year ago, we planned to increase sales by the fall of 2015 by three or four times, but in fact, we have increased by six or seven. By the end of this year, we forecast revenues of 60-70 million rubles, ”Melnik said in September 2015.

The service for the delivery of farm products existed before the Season Market, so to stand out, the creators added to the project additional service- all goods received from farmers are sorted, cut, packaged, packaged in a distribution center. Thus, the client receives not only a natural product, but also an already processed one.

In 2013, the average check was less than 3,000 rubles, after two years it reached 4,000 rubles. According to Melnik, farmers regularly contact them with offers of cooperation. In case of a positive decision, the products of potential suppliers are sent for examination to Rospotrebnadzor. After that, a decision is made to sign the contract.

In 2014, Season Market won a joint competition between Kommersant and VTB24 “Niche for a Billion” - the startup received a special prize from the bank for the best business model. In December 2015, the Season Market brand went offline and opened its first store in Moscow.

"Milk culture"

In 2006, businessman Andrei Ionov acquired a dairy farm in the Leningrad Region. It took the entrepreneur eight years to start the production of milk, kefir, yogurt and fermented baked milk. In 2011, about 700 million rubles were invested in the construction of the plant. At the same time, the technologists started developing the recipe, and the invited agency Depot WPF - the brand concept and packaging design.

In 2014, half-liter cups with a spout appeared on store shelves. “This form reinforced the idea that these are products for demanding but busy citizens,” said Andrey Ionov, outlining target audience product. In addition, on the lids of the cups, you can find various information about the product: production time, the name of the foreman or, for example, the weather during milking. In the same year, Milk Culture appeared in 14 Russian cities.

At first, the brand was promoted only through social media. In 2015, an advertisement for Dairy Culture appeared in publications of famous bloggers Ilya Varlamov and Anton Nosik. An interview with businessman Andrei Ionov was published in Forbes and Snob magazines (the businessman was interviewed by Ksenia Sobchak).

In 2015, the company's revenue amounted to 250 million rubles, and Molochnaya Kultura was included in the Forbes rating of the most successful Russian brands - new consumer goods.

Eco-farm "Konovalovo"

In the fall of 2009, an entrepreneur and former business partner of Vladimir Dovgan, Alexander Konovalov, invested 32 million rubles in a family business - the opening of an eco-farm (the project paid off in five and a half years). The first six months new business demanded additional injections, then came to self-sufficiency. In 2011, the revenue of "Konovalovo" amounted to one million rubles per month.

Interest in the products, according to the entrepreneur, appeared immediately, but the businessman earns not only on the goods from the farm. Konovalov receives about 30% of profits from ecotourism. On the territory of the farm there is a small hotel, the guests of which can communicate with animals, go fishing, take a steam bath, and live the village life.

The first clients of the eco-farm were residents of cottage settlements between Novaya Riga and Rublevskoe highway. From the very beginning, Konovalov relied on family business, he attracted his daughters to the case, who became involved in the website and processing orders on the Internet, and sons-in-law, who delivered groceries. Despite the growing demand, the entrepreneur did not expand the farm.

In 2011, he created the Ecocluster association of organic food producers.

Under one trademark, Konovalov gathered partners that produce goods according to uniform standards. It includes both small Russian farms and producers of olive oil from Greece or household chemicals from Belgium. Partners pay monthly fees. In 2014, Ecocluster's turnover amounted to 60 million rubles.

By 2014, the businessman opened three retail fresh markets, where he presented the products of all Ecocluster partners. The amount of investments in stores amounted to nine million rubles - three million for each outlet.

In 2015, the average check in a store was 2,500 rubles. Konovalov describes his target audience as follows: “These are people from 25 to 55 years old who live in prestigious places in Moscow or suburban cottage villages, have children, lead an active and healthy lifestyle and who are not indifferent to environmental protection. That is, a person is ready to spend 24-28 thousand rubles a month ”.

Izbenka and VkusVill

In 2009, businessman Andrei Krivenko with a start-up capital of one million rubles opened the first Izbenka outlet in Moscow on the Troitsky market. The main idea of ​​the entrepreneur was the promotion of environmentally friendly dairy products with a minimum shelf life.

Having concluded an agreement with a supplier, the businessman opened the first store, which cost 50 thousand rubles, the assortment consisted of six items. Over the year, the Izbenka network has grown to fifteen outlets. Now there are about three hundred of them and the entrepreneur is still faithful to the principle of not buying premises, but renting them.

In 2011, Izbenka's turnover amounted to about $ 20 million, Krivenko continued to open stores of natural products, only now under the VkusVill brand. “We saw that there is a stable, growing demand for products without additives and preservatives,” he said. “Therefore, we decided to expand the assortment with chilled meat, sausages, eggs, vegetables and fruits.”

Unlike Izbenki outlets, the area of ​​the premises of which is 10-15 square meters, VkusVill stores are premises with an area of ​​100-120 square meters. According to the businessman, 150-200 thousand rubles are spent to open one Izbenka outlet, and about 4 million rubles to open one VkusVill store. On average, a customer visits a chain store three times a week, and his check is about 500 rubles.

Krivenko explains his success by the vacancy of the niche - “the target audience, which, according to various estimates, is about 10% of the population, in Moscow has several Internet projects, such as LavkaLavka and Ekofood, with rather high prices”. In 2015, the revenue of the Krivenko chains exceeded 12 billion rubles.


If Izbenka and VkusVill position themselves as stores of natural products with average prices, then LavkaLavka - trade point eco products of the premium segment.

In 2009, journalist Boris Akimov, together with partners, launched the Internet resource for village food LavkaLavka, which was the first to offer residents of megalopolises to purchase farm products first-hand.

Any farmer could register on the site, but before his products appeared on the site, the project participants carried out a thorough check and certification of the farm. The main idea was to bring together honest farmers and consumers willing to pay for healthy food. The buyer received all the information not only about the product, but also about the supplier, right down to photos of the farm where the product was grown.

In the first year, the project's turnover amounted to 900 thousand rubles. In 2013, the brand brought Akimov and partners 10 million rubles a month. Akimov described his target audience as follows: “It definitely includes restaurant visitors. The main audience (more than 80%) is mothers with children. Another part of the buyers are those who want to eat quality food or "as in childhood". Among them there are grandmothers. They buy from us and famous people- but we do not advertise their names ”.

In 2011, LavkaLavka branded restaurants of Russian cuisine, using natural products, were opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In 2014, the LavkaLavka brand brought the owners a revenue of 250 million rubles.

A feature of the LavkaLavka project was the refusal of brand owners to take loans for business development. When entrepreneurs realized that they were ready to go offline, they began to collect money to open a store among farmers and buyers. Crowdinvesting is a fundraising method in which, in the case of LavkaLavka, an LLC is created, a controlling stake belongs to Lavka, 49% - to individuals - project investors.

For the opening of the store on Chayanov Street, Boris Akimov announced a collection of 5 million rubles. Farmers invested 2 million, buyers gave another 2.5 million rubles. Farmers put food on loan, and buyers put money into a special account and make purchases with a 20% discount.

In 2015, the LavkaLavka brand had about 5 thousand regular customers every month. The average check was 5 thousand rubles in an online store, 1.5 thousand in a regular store, and 1.8 thousand in a restaurant.

The interest in sustainable products is growing from year to year, and although the prices for them are by no means low, more and more people want to buy healthy food. Interest in such products can be observed at specialized exhibitions and food fairs, where they are sold out in a matter of hours.

The profit from the sale of organic food can be high if you have a large number of wealthy customers among your customers. For a business to flourish, an extensive network of manufacturers and suppliers of such products must be created. The investment cost of opening a store will not be particularly large.

Establishing and promoting a health food store is not easy. The company must have a stable network of manufacturers, and it takes some time to establish it. The profit depends on the location of the store, so try to open it in an attractive location, for example, in the central part of the city.

Healthy food (no additives or preservatives), such as meat, bread, vegetables, honey, cereals, vegetable oil, dairy products, usually costs 50 or even 100 percent more expensive than mass-produced foods.

The sale of organic food is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. Your main suppliers will be local farmers who are ready to deliver their products to your store for sale.

Further growth in the popularity of new business depends on public awareness of the importance of good and healthy nutrition and can be a very powerful impetus for the development of organic production, resulting in an expansion of the chain of stores selling natural products. People are increasingly realizing how harmful chemicals are to health in food produced in large factories.

Investment costs

A health food store needs to have the right atmosphere and ambiance, and the merchandise must be properly packaged to generate as much customer interest as possible. At the initial stage, you will need 600 - 800 thousand rubles to open a store. However, if you start a grocery store from scratch, as you usually do, the costs will be much higher. For the store to function properly, you will need at least 60 square meters of total floor space. The reconstruction and arrangement will take about 800-1,000 thousand rubles. If you are going to work in a rented space, then in addition to the rent, you will have to pay for electricity, gas and water supply, which will be approximately 20 thousand rubles.

In this business, it is very important that your store fully complies with the ever-increasing health and fire safety requirements.

To open an organic food store, like any other, you are in mandatory you need to buy a cash register, the cost of which ranges from 70 to 100 thousand rubles.

Then you need to find a trusted supplier of furniture and equipment for grocery stores and purchase everything you need for normal operation:

  • Racks
  • Industrial refrigerators
  • Refrigerated counters

The cost of the equipment ranges from 200 to 800 thousand rubles.

Also, to work in the store, you will have to hire at least two employees with a salary of 30-40 thousand rubles (40 x 2 = 80 thousand rubles for two employees).

How to make money on an eco-shop?

Although organic products are expensive, the demand for them is constantly growing, especially in large cities with a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants. At first, there may not be a large profit, but gradually the income will grow. This is a promising business.

You can earn from 100 to 600 thousand rubles a month. Establishing a store for the sale of ecological products - a good option for people who are counting on a solid, albeit not very high, income. The store is created with the expectation of regular customers who are health conscious and want to buy good, sustainable products.

An entrepreneur who intends to sell such products may also consider the possibility of selling on the Internet. In this case, you can count on a pretty impressive profit, sometimes even more than from traditional sales.

If you decide to expand your business electronic sales, first of all, you need to create your website, regularly promote it, be constantly in touch with interested customers, and conclude an agreement with a reliable courier service that will deliver products to customers. Mailing many food items is simply unrealistic.

What to sell?

The organic and health food store can offer:

  • Meat products without added preservatives and stabilizers
  • Organic bread with wheat germ
  • Gluten Free Products
  • Jams and preserves without sugar and sweeteners
  • Fruit and herbal tea
  • Cereals
  • Dairy product
  • Pasta
  • Vegetable and olive oil
  • Dried fruits
  • Muesli
  • Bran
  • Dairy products
  • Soy products
  • Juices, syrups, drinks
  • Vegetarian foods
  • Cereals
  • Seeds
  • Herbs
  • Natural cosmetic
  • Natural detergents

It is worth remembering that all products must be free of any chemical additives. The market for eco-products, like any other, has its own tastes, fashion and the changing popularity of one or another product. It is worth remembering this, monitoring the market and reacting to its volatility accordingly.

In such stores, you can organize stands with various organic products, for example, herbs or juices.

Investment costs:

  • Repair and arrangement of premises - from 800 to 1,000 thousand rubles
  • Cash register and scales - from 70 to 100 thousand rubles
  • Purchase of equipment - from 200 to 800 thousand rubles
  • Salary of employees - 80 thousand rubles
  • Utility bills (monthly) - 20 thousand rubles

Expected income:

Income before tax is approximately RUB 100,000 to RUB 600,000. With optimistic forecasts, the payback of the business comes in a year and a half.


If you have a desire to run your business in trade, but are not attracted by work in an environment of too much competition, then you should pay attention to stores of natural and organic products.

What products are called natural

Products that do not contain preservatives, dyes, artificial flavors and flavor enhancers are considered natural or environmentally friendly. These are products grown or produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and GMOs.

More and more people are beginning to understand simple truths: human health directly depends on what he eats. Ecologically clean and natural products are not only healthy, but also very tasty. Anyone who has ever tried real, country milk or naturally prepared sour cream will never confuse these products with those bought in the supermarket. Having the opportunity to use better quality products, any reasonable person will prefer them to those that contain drugs that destroy his body.

Business Outlook for Natural Products Trading

For a long time in Europe, vegetables grown in the “old fashioned” manner, without the use of pesticides, and meat obtained without antibiotics and stimulants, have been in high demand for a long time. Of course, such products cannot be as cheap as mass-produced ones. As a rule, it will be 2-3 times more expensive. But, despite the higher prices, the interest in these products is constantly growing. It is growing steadily in our country as well - compatriots are increasingly beginning to pay attention to their health.

We also have small farms producing natural products. But the shops where you can buy them are very rare. Helping producers and consumers find each other is a challenge for those who want to make their own business in the sale of natural products. This niche of our market is very poorly filled and, therefore, has great prospects.

What you need to open a natural food store

There are no special differences for opening a store selling natural products from a regular grocery store. Need to have:

1) initial capital;

2) reliable suppliers;

3) good staff.

The amount of start-up capital required depends on the scale of the intended trade. It can be $ 10,000 if you start a business in small town, in which cheap rentals, and at the same time do not pretend to be on a large scale. The payback period for such a store depends on both the investment and local conditions.

In addition to registration fees required documents, the main costs are for the acquisition shop equipment... You will need:

Refrigerating chambers;

Refrigerated display cases;



Cash registers.

The most important thing is to find regular and reliable suppliers of quality products. Go to the markets, study the goods, make acquaintances with farmers, study offers on the Internet.

Professionalism and competence of sellers is one of the components successful work store. A casual person, without skills and education, can scare away buyers, despite their youth and spectacular appearance.

How to attract buyers

As a rule, organic food stores do not suffer from a lack of buyers. And the point is not only that the fashion for raw food and natural nutrition is spreading more and more. A significant part of regular customers are the most ordinary people who prefer tasty and healthy food.

Do not forget about the possibility of promoting your business via the Internet. It is best to have your own website or even create your own online store. Not superfluous will be messages on various forums and social networks... According to the owners of natural food stores, a significant proportion of orders come from there.

Since the bulk of customers are solvent and fairly busy business people, it is very important to arrange home delivery of pre-ordered goods for those who wish. To do this, you need to have your own vehicle with a driver-forwarding agent and efficient work of the order acceptance service.

If you can provide a sufficiently large selection of natures