Write an essay on what happiness is. What should not be forgotten is the simple truth: "everything that the government gives, it first took away"

What does it mean to be a happy person? What is happiness? These questions have ever at least once made a person think. In my understanding, happiness is an integral part of the soul. If a person is not mentally calm, he will not be happy anyway. People have their own dreams, desires, aspirations. But not everything is as simple as we would like. Some have everything from birth, money, influential relatives, luxurious houses, cars. And others have to work all their lives, survive, help their relatives, sort out penny after penny, and yet they are happy.

Before defining the happiness of a person, I would like to say about an unhappy person. Inevitably, he will be unhappy who does not follow the movements of his own soul. This is a person who constantly looks for negativity in everything, complains about fate. He does not understand that we are the creators of our own destiny, for God created us in his own image and likeness.

Not everyone is born rich. But wealth is not only in money, it is also love, relationships. Happiness, as I said before, is an integral part of the soul. And if the soul is sick, we start thinking about our problems. For example, take unrequited love. As a child, I fell in love with a classmate. She was the perfect girl for me, I loved her from fingertips to locks of hair, just perfection. Once I decided to tell her about my feelings, I even picked a bouquet of flowers from the flower bed. Waiting for her after school. She walked gracefully, tossing her lovely, long, blond hair. At that moment I did not think about the bad, I dreamed and dreamed of my nymph, I was happy. With a huge beating of the heart, he ran up to her, handed her flowers and escorted her home. During the conversation, I did not dare to tell her about my feelings - it was important for me. Deciding near the house, he told her about it. She didn't reciprocate. It seemed to me that the whole world collapsed before my eyes and I was sad for a very long time. At that time there was no happiness.

After he moved away from his hardships and problems, he took up his favorite things. I pulled up my studies, signed up for the section that I had wanted to attend for so long. With the lapse of a little time, I had other passions. I began to feel more confident than before. The former ideal noticed me and we went on a date, she again refused to meet. Then he did not lose heart, but began to seek his girlfriend, and here we are together.

The happiness of a person is for everyone his own. To be such a person, it is necessary to move, to solve extraordinary tasks. Achieve your set goals. You must always be on top, do not give up on small setbacks. However, to build a house, you need to lay it down brick by brick, up to the roof. This is the happiness of a person, in the health of his loved ones, peace of mind, in the goals achieved. Man is the smith of his own happiness.

Option 2

Probably, everyone at least once sat in the evening in the kitchen and thought about what happiness is? It seems to me that this is one of the concepts that cannot have a clear definition. I think everyone has heard the expression: "How many people, so many opinions." It suits this situation perfectly.

Try a little experiment. Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a completely happy person. What picture will appear? It will be different for everyone. Some will see a huge amount of money and jewelry, others will see a large cozy house and the whole family nearby, and still others will see themselves against the backdrop of exotic countries. There are many options and each of them is unique.

Sometimes the difference in the results of such an experiment can be quite frightening. While some rave about golden mountains, others dream of at least eating. It is sad. Many people do not realize the value of what they have. They take it for granted. A person realizes his mistake only when he loses what was dear to him.

With age, the opinion of what happiness is quite often changes. If you ask this question to a child, he will answer that this is a new toy or candy. However, a teenager will have a completely different opinion. A mature person will set his priorities in a completely different way. The elderly will most likely say that living another day is already a great joy.

The great sages of all ages gave their lives to answer the question that interests us now. I really want to remember Omar Khayyam. A huge number of his rubaiyats are devoted to this topic. They all come down to one trend, that you must not forget to appreciate what you have.

So what is happiness? You can have discussions for weeks, but it will not bring any result. Everyone must answer this question for himself. To impose my opinion in this situation, as I think, is pointless, as everyone is right in their own way. Just close your eyes and enjoy the picture of your absolute bliss.

Composition reasoning Human happiness

Happiness is something very different for everyone. Your happiness can manifest itself in your favorite business, in a strong love for your family, for your home. Happiness cannot be obtained for some material goods, it can be obtained only if you do something kind, warm for the soul.

People are very rarely truly happy, all the time they don’t have enough of any benefits, they can’t just enjoy life. In general, happiness is the most important thing in life, moreover, this is the meaning of life. We should just enjoy every moment, love our loved ones, give them all our warmth.

In general, the concept of “happiness” is very difficult to describe in words, it is almost impossible to do this, it is just as difficult as describing life, joy - this cannot be described, all this can only be felt at a moment when you feel very good and when you don’t want that change something, know that you are happy.

We can rank the richest people on the planet, the most famous people on the planet, the strongest fighters on the planet, but we will not be able to rank the happiest, because happiness cannot be measured, it cannot be described, it can only be felt, it will pass through your body in a wave good mood, you will want to scream with joy, sing, smile, at this moment know that you are absolutely happy.

I believe that happiness is very good, so much so that it is immeasurable, inexpressible. Happiness cannot be weighed, it cannot be touched, it can only be felt somewhere deep in the soul. It seems to me that you should always be happy and cheerful, just then you will not live your life in vain. It is then that absolutely every moment will seem priceless to you, and life will be magnificent.

Today we were asked to write an essay on literature: “What is happiness?”, And so, sitting in front of a notebook, I thought. But really, what is happiness and how is it measured? After a little thought, I realized that there would be no single answer to this question, because the concept of happiness is multifaceted, and each person has his own. Moreover, the state of happiness is constantly changing depending on a certain period of the life of the same person.

Essay on the topic: "What is happiness?"

Every person wants to be happy. Apparently, therefore, on all holidays and especially on birthdays, we always wish each other great and great happiness. But what is happiness? Let's try to reflect in our essay. So, for kids, happiness is mother's hugs, her love and attention. For crumbs - to be full. Every year we grow up and our needs increase, which means that the options for happiness for us expand. After all, now you can make a child happy by buying him a good and interesting toy.

Then we grow up and understand that happiness is being healthy, the joyful faces of our loved ones. Happiness is when you meet the dawn with your loved one, when you manage to achieve your goals. Happiness is when you managed to find your love, create a family, raise wonderful children. When you have faithful friends. Let them be few, but they are always there. Happiness is good grades in school, the opportunity to get higher education and good job. For some, it is in money and prosperity, for someone only a roof over their head is needed for happiness, someone will be happy when others are happy.

As you can see, an essay about happiness can be written and discussed for a very long time. And all because there are a lot of people on our planet and everyone sees their happiness in their own way. And it can be short-lived. For example, when they put a good mark or bought something. Or maybe long. For example, when none of the family members is sick, you live in love and understanding, everything works out for you.

As a conclusion, I will say that happiness is something beautiful and pleasant and it is not material. These are our emotions. Emotions of joy from the satisfaction of our desires or when everything is harmonious with us.

Often, my copywriting bureau is asked to write essays or informational texts on everyday topics. Below is an article for a copywriter portfolio. The article is sharpened under the keywords "happiness" and "philosophy". Other articles from my portfolio can be viewed.

What is happiness?

Many centuries before our era, philosophers and ordinary people discussed what happiness is, how to achieve it, how to stop suffering. Happiness is harmony with oneself and the outside world, but it is not easy to achieve it. For some, happiness lies in money, and for someone in mutual love for a man / woman. Some want to dress well, have a career, have a rapport with children, and so on.

Happiness is the object of study of philosophy and psychology. Do you remember how in one famous Soviet film the hero said briefly and to the point of genius simply: "Happiness is when you are understood"? Today, psychologists have deduced their "indicators of happiness", which are as follows:

Happiness is not to be found in receiving (although that in itself is not so bad), but also in giving. It is the benefit of one's own life for the benefit of others that becomes the key to the moral satisfaction of a person. It would seem that there is not even enough time for yourself! But it is worth starting to help others, whether they be people or animals, and you will certainly have pride in your existence, pride in the realization that your life is not in vain;
- The ability to refuse what is passing. Material wealth, beautiful clothes, delicious food, jewelry, luxurious houses and cars - all this is attractive, if not for everyone, then for most of humanity. But every person in his soul understands that no matter how luxurious life is filled, all this is passing. And man is essentially a being striving for the fundamental, solid, eternal. Therefore, the desire to get hold of only material goods and opportunities is detrimental. The most valuable "goods" that are not subject to inflation are spiritual values, no matter how trite it may sound: love, self-sacrifice, mercy;
- Creation. It is possible in any sphere, be it sports, art, culture, education, home improvement. Creativity inspires, develops the soul and mind. Therefore, it is not uncommon, and every person has heard about them, when some oligarch, entrepreneur or just an office worker suddenly takes off, gives up his career, earning money, goes on a free voyage and becomes a "free artist": draws, photographs, writes books , writes songs. Man is a creative being, therefore creativity is a way of being in harmony with oneself;
- The ability not to feel sorry for yourself. Yes, self-pity never did anyone any good. Pity takes energy, time, and in return rewards a person with depression. Do you feel sorry for yourself? Know that thousands of people on earth are even worse, they would give a lot to be in your place even for one day. Realizing this, you will feel like a completely happy person.

Happiness is relative. If you set some material goals for yourself, make every effort to achieve them, then after the implementation of your plans, you will undoubtedly feel empty. Everything! The goal has been reached. Nothing more to strive for. It remains to take a new height and again spend resources on conquering. Instead, it is better to take a philosophical look at the world and evaluate happiness from the point of view of achieving not mercantile and temporary earthly goals, but from the point of view of self-giving, one’s contribution to change better life other people and the life of the planet.

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How do you understand the meaning of the word HAPPINESS?"Happiness" is an amazing word. And everyone perceives it differently. For some, it is wealth. For others - love and. For the third - health. For the fourth - peace on Earth. For me, happiness is to see the happy faces of my relatives, to feel their love.

An essay about "What is happiness"

Every person at least once asked himself what is happiness. Congratulating friends, relatives and just acquaintances, we always wish them happiness, because we believe that the main thing in life is to be happy. But we all put a different meaning into the concept of happiness, for some happiness is love, others believe that wealth and money, others will answer that health and life. I think that we take different moments of our life for happiness different meanings. After all, it even happens that the same person today needs love and a family for happiness, tomorrow money and a career, and after some time he needs health, luck and success.

If you look into Dictionary Next you will read: HAPPINESS- fate, part and fate, share, chance, welcome surprise, talent, luck, success, dispute in business. Happiness is a psychological state in which a person experiences internal satisfaction with the conditions of his existence, the fullness and meaningfulness of his existence, the fulfillment of his purpose and his desires. Maybe I'll say a banality, our life is like a zebra, with white and black stripes. Everything in life changes, each of us has inevitable ups and downs. But only having experienced not the most pleasant moments, we feel inner joy, a feeling of complete, supreme satisfaction, bliss, peace and tranquility in the soul.

Someone will say this person has wealth, power, awards, honors, fame and entertainment - this is a happy person. But a person who has all this does not always consider himself happy. Maybe he is jealous of another, that he found happiness in a quiet family life. I have a friend who likes to overcome difficulties, sometimes it seems to me that when this young man is doing well, on the contrary, he is unhappy, he just likes the struggle and testing himself. He is happy when adrenaline goes off scale in his blood. There are people who have peace and quiet in their souls when they are useful to other people. They are always ready to help, I do not demand anything in return, they are happy to help others. Or maybe then happiness is just a dream, something that we don’t have and what we strive for, and when we get it, we follow a new dream. Or, on the contrary, we recall the victories and achievements that have already taken place, saying to ourselves: that's when I was the happiest person. We are all different, how many people have so many opinions. For me happiness at the moment, it’s probably when people close and dear to me are nearby, when they are alive and well, when they are doing well. Maybe tomorrow I will think and consider myself happy in a completely different way.

Therefore, I still think what happiness it's just to live. Every day to see the sky above your head, communicate with people, travel, just come home, where they are waiting for you. All people are artists who paint a picture of their own life, but each person has a canvas painted with different colors. Let there be more bright colors of the colors of the rainbow in your paintings. Then each of us will be able to say in old age: I have lived happy life. Life teaches us invaluable lessons, the main thing is to apply them correctly. Be happy.

Composition on the topic What is happiness | March 2015

Essay-reasoning on the topic "Happiness"

It is difficult to talk about such a concept as happiness. For each person, the word happiness has its own special meaning, related to how his life develops. What is happiness and how to achieve it? Is it a feeling of lightness, joy, peace, or is happiness measured by a person's achievements? Everyone determines this for himself, and this is the only universal recipe for how to become happy.

For many happiness These are material values, a secure life. For spiritually rich people, the opportunity for spiritual growth is of great value. Sometimes it seems that happiness is something that is missing or not at all in life. Then a person tries to find it, to make his dreams come true - and this is already happiness for him. Happiness of search, action, trials.

However, it seems to me that in general for all understanding happiness is harmony. When there is a bias in some direction, but something is completely absent in life, this causes dissatisfaction.

We don't need much in modern life. Everyone has the opportunity to work and provide themselves with everything necessary. But without communication, a person cannot live. Exchange news, share impressions, learn about new events and Interesting Facts All this is in the nature of man. Also, communicate with interesting people- great pleasure.

Therefore, each of us (with the exception of people with a difficult character or a difficult fate) has friends, and among them there is always the best, the closest. A person cannot be happy without the opportunity to express their feelings. To love someone sincerely, truly and receive the same in return - can a person desire more?

It is also very important to have a job that interests you, free time that you can spend in accordance with your desires, a family that will always support you. Personally happiness for me close people nearby, interesting activities, development, the opportunity to learn new things.

In conclusion, it should be said that every person deserves to be happy, despite the fact that everyone has their own happiness. I would like people not to interfere with each other's happiness - not to be insidious, not to envy, not to deceive, because they do this very painfully. I don't like it when someone near me suffers. I dream of living in a kind world where everyone free to build your happiness.

Essay-reasoning on the theme of happiness | March 2015

Writing "What is happiness?" 9-11 grade

It is difficult to explain what lies under the word "happiness". This is something unsteady, ephemeral, unstable and not eternal. All people strive to be happy, but it is simply impossible to describe in words the full depth of this feeling. Understanding happiness for each person is purely individual.

Happiness is those moments of life when all your dreams, aspirations and expectations suddenly come true. Happiness can overtake us anytime, anywhere. It can manifest itself in material values, in the comfort of a home, in the reciprocity of a loved one. For an individual person - his personal manifestation of happiness, depending on his life situation. For the hungry, a piece of bread will become happiness, for the frozen - the warmth of the hearth, for the tired - a soft bed.

However, all people can agree that happiness is when you and all the people dear and close to you are healthy. Happiness can be characterized as harmony between the inner worldview of a person and the surrounding reality.

Happiness is often found in the little things. For example, I live in a southern city and feel childishly happy when a lot of snow falls and it sparkles, plays in the sun and creaks when walking. For those who have not seen the sea, to visit there for the first time is happiness, but for someone, the conquest of a mountain peak becomes happiness.

Aristotle believed that the secret of happiness lies in the self-realization of man. Only the one who has known himself, his destiny and revealed his potential can be truly happy. Indeed, doing what we love makes us happy.

Close people, stability and a peaceful sky above your head - this is happiness. I believe that all people, regardless of age and place of residence, have many reasons to be happy, because the very opportunity to live, breathe, feel is already happiness.

what is happiness | March 2015

Writing "What is happiness?" Grade 10

For many generations in a row, people have been asking themselves the same question - what is happiness? What feelings and sensations does it evoke? But no one can give an unambiguous and exact answer, the main reason is the lack of a definition for each of us.

Happiness can be seen in the eyes of a loved one or child when he receives the desired toy or thing, but we can only observe the feeling of this mysterious feeling, which is manifested by the brilliance of the “mirror of the soul”, and it is the result of a strange concept.

“How many people, so many opinions!” - this proverb can be slightly transformed into “How many people, so many concepts of happiness for each of them!”. Some say that happiness is when there is a lot of money and financial stability, others - when everyone in the family is alive and well, others - when there are close people nearby. But why does it sometimes pass quickly when we lose something or someone, and in its place comes anger and hatred, which is much stronger than the original state of the soul? This bad feeling is simply much stronger than happiness, since it can be so easily forgotten.

In my understanding, happiness is living and healthy parents, all relatives and people close to me, a peaceful sky above my head, and everything else can be achieved on my own on my own (financial well-being, the availability of all necessary items and things ...). Everyone can argue with my judgment, but if one of the relatives is sick, how can you live in peace and enjoy every day?! My answer is no, no, and again no. You can only speak aloud about your condition, the so-called pseudo-happiness, hiding the truth, but your soul will still be restless and anxious, and your eyes will still betray it.

Then if we cannot explain the concept of happiness, then it’s not even worth talking about, but you just need to live, enjoy every day, enjoy the sun, nature, the world around you and people who are at arm’s length. If you follow this, then happiness will arise by itself, quietly and imperceptibly, the main condition is to believe and wait!

Writing "What is happiness?"

Probably every person in his life asks the question: "What is happiness?". I think each of us understands this in our own way. For some, happiness is an A in math, for some it's a new computer game, and for some it's a family or job that brings joy.

Happiness cannot be touched, it cannot be smelled or tasted, but it is not difficult to notice it. Happiness is the joy of a child who was given a little fluffy friend - a kitten, it is a sparkle in the eyes of the newlyweds, it is the cry of a baby who has just given birth, who hears and overwhelms her with happiness. Some people claim that they are not happy. And I think they are wrong and just do not notice that it is nearby.

For example, it has come, green leaves have blossomed - isn't this a piece of happiness? Or after a thunderstorm on the horizon we see a rainbow - this is also happiness. And even the fact that we live, go to work or school every day, make plans for the future, is also happiness.

Someone says that happiness is in money. And someone answers them: "not in money, but in their quantity." V modern world it seems to be true. Everyone strives to earn as much money as possible, believing that it will bring happiness. Naive. There are things that cannot be bought or sold. This is love, friendship, the joy of motherhood, family, health. This is where happiness lies for many, but they stubbornly believe that money is true happiness.

For me personally, happiness is when the whole family, all my relatives and friends are alive and well. When we get together with the whole family in the evening for dinner, and on weekends we walk in the park or go to the village to visit our grandmother. I feel quite happy and enjoy every day. Of course, there are disappointments, something does not receive, but I still have an optimistic attitude towards life.

In general, the question "What is happiness?" - rather philosophical. Since ancient times, the sages have tried to know it. And as long as mankind exists, so much it will look for an answer. I think the answer is no. This is one of those few questions that doesn't need to be answered. Just like the question " What is the sense of life? or “Is a person the master of his own destiny”, etc. Let the wise men, scientists - and anyone else think about it. I know for sure that there is happiness and it cannot be without it.

Essay about happiness | March 2015

Mini-essays on the topic "Happiness"

Option 1. "What is happiness?"
Happiness is a big bright feeling. We experience it in pleasant festive moments of life. For example, a birthday, when everyone congratulates you in the morning, gives gifts. But happiness is not only gifts. Happy is the man who knows that he is loved. It can be experienced while having fun with your friends. As well as getting a good grade in the class.

May be happy not only receiving something from others, but also doing something pleasant for others, for yourself. Every person is happy differently. I think happiness is when I have a big, clean road of luck in everything. I consider myself lucky because I have a mom and a dad. A person is happy when he is not sick. And I'm also happy that I go to school, they dress me and teach me. I have many friends. I treasure their friendship. I want all people to be happy on earth and not get sick. I think that's what it is real happiness.

Option 2. "What is happiness?"
For every person happiness- it's something of its own ... Happiness it can be different, for someone happiness is to buy an expensive car, and for someone to be with their loved one all their lives. happiness for me It is to be yourself and enjoy life as it is! Happiness live for today, enjoy every minute and accept with gratitude what life gives you. Sometimes life brings us troubles, but it gives us the strength to overcome them. For happiness, you need to love and not expect anything in return. To be able to live in such a way that later there would be something to remember and pass on to others. The main thing is not to regret anything!

Option 3. "What is happiness?"
What is happiness- everyone understands in their own way. For one person, wealth is an obligatory attribute of happiness, while another, without thinking about it at all, creates a large family. For many people happiness is in their children. They tirelessly put all their love and care into them. Some need to be famous and famous, while others like a quiet and peaceful life with their loved ones. And, of course, every person would like to live in a peaceful country, without wars. Not a single person will be happy during the war. For me personally, happiness is that I have an excellent family, parents who understand and love me. Friends who will always support and help. And, of course, that I do not know what war, devastation and famine are. My happiness is a part of a great general happiness.

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Each person lives for something, constantly strives for something, enjoys some moments in life and spends time the way he wants. For some, happiness is material values ​​- money or power, while for someone it is enough to see a loved one next to them. Each person has their own values ​​and joys of life. The ability to enjoy the little things makes it easier to find true happiness.

Everyone has happy moments in life - this is when a person feels good, warm in the soul. And it doesn’t matter what caused such a mood (be it money, power, love, or the achievement of some goal, because all people are different and everyone has their own individual definition of happiness). Most people do not think about happiness, they are absorbed by the routine of life, they just fulfill their vital needs. Many people are unhappy because of unrequited love or the loss of a loved one ...

It is not easy for me to give an unambiguous answer to the question “What is happiness?”, but I am sure that a person’s happiness depends on his worldview, for example, those who have a simpler attitude to life notice more light and goodness in it. Such people will always be happier than ordinary people, that is, those who live with only one goal - the achievement of material wealth.

Money really brings happiness to someone, but this is only at first, and then it becomes clear that happiness is not in money. True happiness lies in something completely different, happiness is when there are people whom you love and who love you, when there is someone to turn to for help in difficult times, there is someone nearby who gives joy.

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