What an ordinary person is capable of. What a person is capable of How can a person understand what he is capable of

To date, many abilities have not yet been revealed, but what a man is capable of in fact, few know. Scientists have proven that our human brain is studied by only 3%, so we have not yet passed even half the stage of internal development. Therefore, we need to seek and develop our abilities given to us by nature in order to realize something more than the usual material world.

In the article you will learn about what a man is capable of, psychologists will give you advice on how to develop your natural abilities. How to begin to realize something more than the usual days, which do not bring any joy. Indeed, there are actually many abilities, but people do not even use those opportunities that are already open and exist.

A person is capable of anything he believes in

People today believe in a variety of things, but what a man is capable of who has a strong belief in himself and in everything that he believes, not everyone is aware. With strong faith, you can heal yourself from incurable diseases, when doctors have already determined the date of death, you can walk on hot coals, glass and not even cut yourself or burn yourself. faith, if it is developed every day, it is capable of doing anything with a person. Therefore, realize what you need and what you believe in and develop in this direction to make sure that this method is effective. But don't try to do what the pros do, as without preparation and daily practice, you can hurt yourself and become frustrated. Find out, this will allow you to become more aware and find real friends.

Man is able to materialize his thoughts

Scientists have long proven the practice of many people that our thoughts are material... This is not a fantasy, each person is able to materialize any thought, backed up by faith and action. When you constantly, and every day for 10 minutes, replay the same event in life or thoughts about what you do not have, imagining that you already have it, then you materialize your thought as you thought about it. The problem is that people have not learned how to correctly think and imagine what they really want, since wrong thoughts can harm you, people and nature, or materialize in a different way than you wanted.

Everyone is capable of success, wealth, well-being and happiness.

It doesn't matter whether the person is poor, unhappy or unsuccessful, everyone has the opportunity to become who he or she wants. It's enough just to want something strongly and start acting with a given plan and try to do something more every day to implement your plan. The poor man became so not because he has no money, but because he has poor thoughts, he constantly thinks about poverty, jealous of the rich, despises money and says that they are not the main thing in life. There is nothing fantastic in life that distinguishes successful person from unsuccessful, rich from poor except thoughts. It is thoughts that decide who you will become, the way you think is realized in life. There is no point in blaming others, everything is inside you, in your head, change the direction and flow of thoughts - your life will also change.

Man is able to change his destiny

Everyone believes in fate, not realizing that it is not accidental and is taken for a reason, since there are no accidents in the world and surprises, it all depends on whether we are consciously living or not. A conscious person is not surprised by events in life, since he sees them in advance in his imagination, controls and creates a new reality. Unconscious people live in a mystery, it seems to them that the world is full of surprises and fate. Each person is able to live as he wants, consciously or not, and change his fate by controlling his inner state, thoughts, emotions and desires. Find out, since in the world you will come across a variety of people who need benefits from us and you are given the opportunity and ability to refuse or help this person, in either case you will still be right, since this is your choice.

Who is a man?

If a person is positioned as a biological species, then to the question: “What is a person capable of?”, Each of us can say with confidence that:

  • A person is endowed with a brain, or rather the ability to think and the ability to make free choices;
  • Can make various decisions and, accordingly, take responsibility for their consequences;
  • Man is endowed with the concept of morality and justice.

Of course, the list doesn't end there. A person actively adapts to the environment, knows how to use various tools of labor and produce them, can clearly express his thoughts through speech. He is also endowed with a sense of humor, a variety of emotions, with the help of which he can express his behavior and attitude towards certain things. In the end, a person can change not only the space around him, creating something, but also himself, constantly developing and improving in everything. life path, both the personality of this incarnation and the soul as a whole.

As you can see from this extensive list, a person is actually a very special being and capable of many possibilities.

And how do a person and his capabilities look from the perspective of spiritual development?

If we take for the statement that the soul and, accordingly, the person, were created in the likeness of the Higher Forces, then each of us with you is a hologram, the prototype of the most intelligent being in the Universe. What kind of creature it is and how exactly it appears is not so important. It is important that we have exactly the same qualities and abilities as the universe.

And what can the Universe do?

The universe has an amazing ability to create! Create: new outer spaces, planets, their inhabitants (including us), the nature of these various places, landscapes, weather conditions and everything, absolutely everything that is in our vast space - the Universe.

It is often difficult for us to even imagine how large and majestic it is. How diverse is its manifestation and forms. But all this, it was she who created, our mother and progenitor of everything - the Universe!

So, how are we humans different from the Universe if we are its hologram?

We were originally, in essence, created to create and thereby develop. We try, change, dream, make, connect, create and develop. Because we are a semblance of the universe. She gives us this amazing ability so that we feel ourselves as creators in every sense. Be it our fate, our thoughts, our behavior, our children, our works.

Our happiness, harmony, inner and outer world depend only on us, because we are creators. If you want happiness, then create it yourself. If you want harmony, develop yourself every day. If you want inner and outer comfort, then just do and create what you always wanted!

Have you ever dreamed of building? Build! Did you want to write a book? Write! Write and sing a song? Sing it.

Create new ideas, dream, embody everything that only comes into your head, even if someone shouts from behind that it is impossible. Because everything is possible in the Universe, which means that you can do absolutely everything!

For example, I want to introduce you to a person who has already become known at the world level as an amazingly talented jazz pianist, but completely blind from birth -. As you can see, a person is really capable of anything!

What is a man capable of?
When all the threads are broken
When, under the meek "forgive"
Fate writes a check.

Perhaps another century is long,
But there is no longer that childish agility,
Do not take heights, no matter how you twist,
And I can't turn the rivers back.

My mind is not at all a talisman.
Do not judge my actions
Lock your door behind me
When the snow covers the tracks.

When from the load of your eyelids
You want to close your eyes
Then read in your dreams
What a man is capable of.

What is a man capable of?
Find your love abode?
Or friends as a patron?
Rather enemies among colleagues.

My path has faded from pity
I am a gray inhabitant for the planet,
Her riddles are a stupid spectator.
Where will my bed be tomorrow?

Walking seems to me to be running
The teacher will introduce himself as a liar,
When the guardian angel rises
Among the poor and crippled.

Desiring endless neg,
I’ll leave like a greedy consumer.
There the progenitor will answer me,
What a man is capable of.


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The human brain is capable of doing amazing things. A simple example: we can perceive light that is reflected from various objects around us. Light enters the eyes and our optic nerves convert it into electrochemical impulses. Impulses are the "language" of the brain that it uses to communicate. Electricity travels through the neural network and reaches the hippocampus, the region of the brain responsible for analyzing these impulses. It is the hippocampus that distributes the received impulses to different areas of the brain. And now the impulse directed to the visual area of ​​the cerebral cortex suddenly turns into road sign, having seen which we understand where to direct the car.

And even the most basic brain surgery can be terrific. As a result of surgery, injury, or illness, the human brain can begin to do amazing, and in some cases, terrible things.

1. Pam Reynolds and her experience of "life after death"

Pam Reynolds

By all accounts, Pam Reynolds, a blues singer from Atlanta, Georgia, was a normal person before she underwent surgery to remove aneurysms in her brain. During the operation, doctors pumped out all the blood in her brain, so it was inactive for 45 minutes. All processes were interrupted in it, from receiving signals about the feeling of hunger from the stomach and ending with the transmission of visual and sound information.

Despite this, after waking up, the singer was able to describe in great detail everything that the doctors did to her. Her example is considered the most striking example of posthumous experience. However, Reynolds' experience is far from unique. In one hospital in the Netherlands, a study of cardiac patients was carried out. And the study found that of 344 patients who experienced clinical death, 18% reported experiencing "life after death."

And most of all in the history of the singer is the fact that experienced doctors were engaged in the "temporary shutdown" of her brain. However, she was able to reproduce all the details of the operation, from describing the instruments used by the doctors to the topics of their conversations during the operation.

2. Henry Molyison and his inability to form new memories

Henry Molyison is one of a kind patient. Because only he had a chance to survive the operation to remove the medial temporal lobe of the brain. This was done in order to relieve him of debilitating attacks. When the doctor who performed this procedure found out what happened to Henry's memory, he categorically refused to do such operations to anyone else, and also began to oppose other doctors performing such procedures.

Removal of the medial temporal lobe, located above the ear, caused Molyison to suffer from a very rare disorder known as anterograde amnesia. With such a disorder, the patient's brain cannot form new memories, but the patient remembers everything that happened to him in the past. That is, Henry remembered everything that happened to him before the operation, everything that happened to him over the 27 years of his life. He retained the ability to form procedural memories, or, more simply, habits. But his brain was unable to record new declarative memories, and he could not remember his friend with whom he had just had lunch, could not remember the name of the current president, and so on.

In this state, Henry lived for 55 years, and he died in 2008, when he was 82 years old. Because of his uniqueness, Henry has been the subject of a number of studies and is now known in neurological circles as the "HM" patient.

3. Robin Jenks Vanderlip and her Russian accent

Robin Jenks Vanderlip has never been to Russia. Robin is a resident of McLean, Virginia and has spent her entire life on the east coast of the United States. But a couple of days after she fell down the stairs and hit her head, she woke up to find she couldn't talk. Over time, Robin's speech recovered, and then she noticed that she was speaking in her native language. English language with a Russian accent.

Robin is one of 60 patients worldwide who have been diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome by doctors. It is a very rare condition that is always associated with brain damage, either from physical injury or from a stroke.

This may sound like a foreign accent, but patients don't "train" it on purpose, it's just that their speech center changes the way patients form words. And the most amazing thing about this syndrome is that words form in a predictable way, and it all starts to resemble some existing accent, even if the person has never encountered it before.

4. Howard Engel can write, but cannot read

When Canadian writer Howard Engel suffered a stroke in 2001, he thought, "Well, it's over with writing." This was indeed the case, because after some time he realized that one of the consequences of the stroke was the inability to recognize the printed text. Instead, Howard felt as if he saw before him a text written in an unfamiliar foreign language... He could not read individual words. He couldn't even pronounce the names of the letters.

And the surprising thing here is that Engel soon continued to write, and he did it despite the fact that he did not understand the meaning of the words. The ability to write from visual memory passed into motor memory. Engel defines words in a special way, he repeatedly deduced letters, using exclusively motor memory to write them. And he found himself able to read while he was writing. Since the ability to write was not lost, the writer began to actively fight for a normal life. As a result, he was able to achieve serious results in the fight against his illness, but he could not fully regain the ability to read.

5. A girl from Germany perfectly sees only one hemisphere of the brain

The excellent eyesight of a 10-year-old girl from Germany puzzled doctors, since she was born with only one, the left hemisphere of the brain. And for good vision, both hemispheres are needed, since visual information coming from the optic nerves is fed to the opposite hemispheres of the brain for processing and storage. Therefore, with one hemisphere, only one eye should see, in the case of a girl, only the right one.

However, the girl sees perfectly and has normal binocular vision. In 2010, doctors performed a brain scan on her, trying to figure out the cause of this phenomenon. It turned out that the optic nerve of the girl's left eye "migrated" to the left hemisphere, that is, the left hemisphere of the girl's brain can perceive information from both eyes. In the visual section of the cortex of her left hemisphere, special areas have formed, intended only for processing visual information from the left eye. This helps to avoid confusion.

6. Almost molten children's brain

The Australian girl, now known in the medical literature as "Baby Z", was born in 2008 and began to suffer from seizures. They were caused by a rare genetic defect known as "molybdenum cofactor deficiency." Because of it, the brain cannot produce enzymes that create a cofactor, a special non-protein component that the body needs in order for other substances in the body to perform their functions. As a result, a huge amount of sulfite has accumulated in the child's brain. Sulfite is toxic and literally melts the brain, resulting in the death of the patient.

During the “melting” process, the child experienced severe pain and seizures, and tissue damage appeared in the brain, followed by a loss of swallowing and movement functions.

"Baby Z" is the first time that the above disorder has been successfully treated. An experimental treatment, created in Germany, was brought to Australia, and after approval was obtained, doctors began treating the infant. After three days, the seizures and twitching stopped. And after a few weeks, the girl completely recovered, by now she is alive and well, and her brain processes sulfites just like any other.

7. The woman from Pittsburgh, to whom all friends seemed to be strangers

In 1996, a 22-year-old American woman sustained a head injury in a car accident. Two years passed, and she began to suffer from seizures. In 2004, she was taken to the psychiatric ward of one of the Pittsburgh hospitals, because the woman kept talking about being surrounded by strangers, even though these “strangers” were her friends and family members. The woman told the doctors that one of the roommates was her boyfriend, that the nurse who worked with her was her own sister, and that one of the doctors at the hospital was her mother.

Doctors diagnosed the woman with a rare disease called Fregoli's syndrome. It is named so in honor of one actor from Italy, who was famous for a very quick change of costumes during the performance, and a very quick change of roles. Patients suffering from this syndrome often claim that the people around them are the same person, or they are several persons potentially dangerous to the patient.

After a month of treatment, the woman's condition was stabilized, while she did not remember anything that she had experienced.

8. Orlando Cerrell and his incredible memory

Orlando Cerrell / © www.daserste.de

Orlando Cerrell is an incredibly gifted person. But he received his gift not naturally, but after hitting a baseball bat. At the age of 10, the boy received a blow while playing, after which his head ached for several days. And after some time, Orlando discovered that he was able to remember what was happening on any day, starting on August 17, 1979 (it was on this day that he was hit on the head).

In most cases, he can even remember the weather on a particular day, and similar insignificant details of his life. He himself says that his amazing ability is the result of the fact that in front of his "mind's eye" he sees the calendar, while he does not perform any special exercises for training memory.

9. Michael Cork and his inability to sleep

Until 1990, the world record for waking hours of 11.5 days (276 hours) was held by a man from Finland named Toymi Soini. After that, no one else appeared in the Guinness Book of Records, as the organization refused to enter records into it telling about behavior that is extremely dangerous to health.

Michael Cork / © dailymail.co.uk

Because we all need to sleep, and those who do not sleep at all will not live very long. It was from a lack of sleep that a music teacher from Chicago named Michael Cork died. His brain was literally "blocked", and did not allow the person to fall asleep. Cork suffered from a rare condition called Fatal Familial Insomnia, in which a particular gene stops coding for certain proteins, causing toxins to build up in the thalamus. This part of the brain is responsible for sleep, and as it begins to malfunction, the body and mind are constantly awake.

A few months later, Cork showed signs of dementia. In an attempt to somehow regulate the work of his brain, doctors tried to introduce him into a state of artificial coma with the help of drugs, but even in this state, the brain still remained active. Cork died in 1992, six months after his first sleepless night.

10. Sam Escubel and his foot in the brain

After another ultrasound scan, Sam Exuebel's mother was shocked by the news that a tumor was developing in her son's brain. Three days after giving birth, Sam underwent brain surgery, during which the tumor was removed.

When the surgeons finally got to the tumor, they were surprised to realize that a small human foot was growing in the child's brain. Doctors put forward two possible diagnoses: either it is a teratoma, or it is the so-called "fetus in the fetus." Teratoma is a rare type of tumor in which hair, teeth, nails, or skin can grow. "Fetus in fetus" is another very rare disorder where one of the twins, while in the womb, consumes the other.

After conducting thorough research, the surgeons found that they were really facing a case of "fetus in fetus", because in addition to the foot, they also found an arm, a thigh and an intestine. The surgeons also successfully removed all these tumors, and now the child is alive and well.

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The human body has been studied by doctors, scientists, anthropologists, biologists and other specialists for a long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that we have such a comprehensive knowledge of how our body actually works and what it is capable of. But the feats to which you will learn from the article are beyond the understanding of any biologist.

Lift the car

In 2012, 22-year-old Lauren Kornaki rescued her father from being hit by a car. How did she do it? With bare hands. The girl, distinguished by her fragile constitution, in a fit of panic, managed to raise the BMW and held the car while the victim got out of the way.

Ice Man

Wim Hof, a Dutch stunt performer, holds 20 world records. One of them is the record for the longest ice bath. In 2011, The Iceman remained submerged in ice for 1 hour, 52 minutes and 42 seconds.


In 1964, Randy Gardner, a high school student in San Diego, California, stayed awake for 264.4 hours (11 days, 24 minutes), setting the world record for insomnia. Gardner seemed to have fully recovered from the loss of sleep, as no long-term psychological or physical effects were observed.


On February 28, 2016, Alexis Segura Wendrell, a professional freediver, set a new world record. The guy stayed underwater for 24 minutes and 3.45 seconds, which seems completely incredible.


French climber Alain Robert is known worldwide as the Human Spider. Robert climbed almost all of the world's landmarks without using any equipment. Burj Khalifa in Dubai, Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur - just imagine this height.

Lightning rod

Roy Cleveland Sullivan has become a real lightning magnet. Between 1942 and 1977, as many as seven lightning strikes hit him. Sullivan was not even surprised by the latter cases, judging by his autobiography.


The holder of 9 Guinness World Records, American acrobat, aerialist and stunt performer Nicholas Wallend became known as the first person to walk on a thin wire over Niagara Falls. It took him 2 whole years to prepare this trick.


Garrett McNamara, an American professional surfer, has set the record for conquering the biggest wave. In January 2013, McNamara "straddled" a tide of about 30 meters.

Heroic Savior

Shavarsh Karapetyan, a former Soviet Armenian swimmer, world and European champion, saved the lives of twenty strangers in 1976. The hero pulled 46 passengers out of a trolleybus that got into an accident and crashed into the water. Subsequently, Shavarsh managed to recover from injuries and set another world record in scuba diving, on which he ended his sports career.


In April 1979, 18-year-old Andreas Michavets from Austria spent 19 days in a prison cell without food or water. The police simply forgot about him, and the doctors were amazed that the guy was still alive.