From the regions with love: an inspirational Google project about the talented people of the Russian hinterland. Google launches a project "Far from capitals" & nbsp A project far from capitals google

Google together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives announced the results of the popular vote "Away from the capitals". The project was created to make known those who change the life of the regions for the better in a wide variety of areas - culture, sports, technology, business, tourism or the social sphere.

From more than two thousand applications, a team of experts selected about 600 projects, then a star jury selected six finalists in each of seven categories. As part of the project, our TV channel has created its own special nomination "NTV's Choice". The winners were the seven participants, for whom the largest number of Russian residents voted in Google search.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, Head of Google Russia: “The number of applications has exceeded our expectations. Thanks to the active participation of residents of the regions, we have learned so much new about our country. Congratulations to the winners! Their projects are not at all similar to each other, but all were created with great love for the inhabitants of different parts of Russia. We thank not only the participants, but also everyone who voted in the “search” and helped to determine the winners. You can still study the stories of people who are now bringing their ideas to life on the interactive Google map “Far from Capitals”.

Among the winners of the Far From Capitals project are social, educational and cultural initiatives of residents of Russian cities and villages. NTV in their accounts in social networks talked about the participants in the videos from the heading "For a minute" (# For a minute).

The winner in the Culture category was Valentina Dymchenko from Chita. Valentina and her colleagues have always dreamed of making their hometown comfortable and modern. And they launched the "Beautiful Chita" project aimed at improving the city with the help of good deeds. Valentina and other residents of the city created stunning thematic sculptures from dried trees, decorated a house in a residential area with graffiti depicting a simple Trans-Baikal boy-football player, an ice town was built according to their project, and now the first stage of improvement of one of the main squares of the city is nearing completion, as well initiated by the group.

Winner in the category "Production and Crafts" - Maria Tikhonova (Rostov-on-Don). “Through Your Eyes” is an inclusive pottery workshop where blind people study and work. And if at the first stage Maria's team conducted classes for four people, then eight months later the author of the project managed to win a grant, which made it possible to open a fully equipped workshop in the city center. And today, blind craftsmen independently make products in different techniques, conduct classes for more than 60 people and earn money.

Winner in the category "Russian tourism" - Viktor Reshetnikov (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). The Planet Taiga project is a movement of enthusiasts promoting the amazing beauty of their native land. Victor and his team began their journey as organizers of weekend travel, and today they are preparing the third season of films about the protected nature of the Khabarovsk Territory and behind them three unique eco-festivals. The Planet Taiga project receives prestigious awards, including national ones.

Winner in the category "Sport, Healthy Lifestyle" - Lyubov Brovko (Tyumen). The Chance project helps teenagers find positive ways of development through joint pastime with their mentors. Sports activities help children to throw out their energy, have a positive time and choose what they would like to do after school. The Chance project is being held in Tyumen for the second year. In 2017, 46 teenagers and 40 mentors take part in it. Among them are representatives of youth communities and just active residents of Tyumen. Together they attend various classes, including sports: football, volleyball, rock climbing and self-defense training, a skateboarding master class from the SibSub team, dances in three directions.

The winner in the "Modern Technologies" category is Ilya Smolyaninov (Chelyabinsk). The 3D Development project was created to develop the technical potential of young people in the field of 3D technologies. It consists of three modules, including educational programs on modeling and making models in 40 schools in the city, conducting webinars with the largest suppliers of 3D equipment, creating an interactive hall, scanning exhibits and making tactile models at the Chelyabinsk State Museum of Local Lore.

Winner in the Education and Development category - Bella Shahmirza (Erkin-Hulk). Bella's project "Summer Creative School for Aul Children Balapanlar" helps children living in mono-ethnic socially unprotected families and who do not have access to quality education. Bella and her team invited talented people from Karachay-Cherkessia and teachers from Moscow to conduct a series of summer school lessons for more than 80 local children. During the two summer weeks, they taught children about Nogai culture, organized theatrical workshops, studied music, and lectured. The whole project was prepared in a month - from finding a team and raising money through crowdfunding to attracting children.

The winner in the Social Services category is Bulat Zamaliev (Tatarstan). The main objectives of the project "KTSON: Digital Village" are the development of entrepreneurship and the improvement of the economic situation of rural areas through remote informing the inhabitants of villages and villages about the forms of state support and available opportunities, as well as the development of culture ecommerce in rural areas. With the help of modern technologies, residents can easily take advantage of government services, apply for subsidies, place goods on electronic trading platforms, get information about vacancies nearby, request legal assistance and much more.

Dmitry Zakarlyukin from Chelyabinsk became the winner in the special nomination "NTV's Choice". He created a social-entrepreneurial project "Veschevorot".

Thanks to a network of textile collection containers installed throughout the city, everyone can get rid of unwanted clothes and give them a second life. About 100 tons of textiles are collected per year: 80% is recycled, 10% is sold in charity stores, the rest is given to those in need. In 2016, more than 2,500 people were assisted within the framework of the project, and 14 people were provided with jobs. Dmitry became the main character of the news story on the federal air.

The awarding ceremony took place in Moscow at a ceremony with the participation of organizers, experts and jury members "Far from the Capitals". Authors best projects got certified for a one-to-one session with top business experts from Google to find more more possibilities to develop your business and achieve even greater success. In addition, Google, together with the NTV television company, the information partner of the project, will make short films about each of the seven winning projects so that the whole of Russia knows about them.

Announces the start of the "Far from Capitals" project. It was created for the whole of Russia to learn the amazing and inspiring stories of people living outside Moscow and St. Petersburg. Anyone can take part: the owner own business, filmmaker, creator of street art objects or founder of a surf school. The main thing is that he must work in his region and make the life of the people around him better.

"ASI supports those who are looking for an opportunity to implement their ideas in business, social, cultural and scientific spheres. Every day the number of promising projects that are being created in the regions is increasing, and this is great! We hope that with the help of the project" Far from Capitals “we will manage to inspire people to start implementing their ideas, and we are very happy to be a part of it,” commented Svetlana Chupsheva, General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

If you have created your project far from the capitals and it has a positive effect on the lives of those around you - you are exactly who we need! Fill out an application at and tell us about how you are developing your city (or maybe a town or village) or nominate someone you know.

Applications can be submitted in seven categories: Russian tourism, manufacturing and crafts, training and development, social service, sports and healthy lifestyle, culture, modern technologies... After moderation, the story will be published on the site, and the information will be available on Google Maps. Applications will be accepted until October 3 inclusive.

In order to inspire as many people as possible to participate, we found several people from different parts of Russia who prove by their example that it is not at all necessary to live or work in the capital in order to achieve success. These people became ambassadors for our project. Denis Umutbaev, for example, revives the Bashkir horse breed near Ufa, Kostas Marsan makes films inspired by the nature of his native Yakutia, and Natalya Nikitina opened the Kolomenskaya Pastila Museum, the traditional taste of which was almost forgotten. A video about the project ambassadors is available here.

“We are looking for people who are not indifferent to the world around them and who, independently or together with like-minded people, are trying to change it for the better. There are a lot of such stories outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg,” commented Dmitry Kuznetsov, head of Google Russia. we created the platform “Far from Capitals” to collect hundreds of such stories and make their heroes known throughout the country. Their example should inspire all of us. "

In October, the jury of the project, which will include musician Ilya Lagutenko, director and producer Yegor Konchalovsky, chief tech blogger of Russia Valentin Petukhov (aka Wylsacom), General manager ASI Svetlana Chupsheva and the head of the company " Dodo Pizza"Fedor Ovchinnikov, the finalists will be determined. Then we will invite users from all over the country to vote for the most interesting stories directly on Google Search. To support the participant you like, you will need to enter the query "away from the capitals" in the search bar. After that, the user will see the finalists of the competition and will be able to make their choice.

"From Moscow to beloved Vladivostok - more than nine thousand kilometers. One can only guess how many talented people live in this vast territory. And even if some of these people talk about their affairs through the Google project" Far from Capitals ", we will learn about our country many amazing things. I am glad to be a part of this project. Participate! ", - said musician Ilya Lagutenko.

"I agreed to take part in this project, because I am very curious to know what heroes (and I am sure there are many of them!) Live and work in modern Russia. Without decorations and Hollywood budgets, they create something new and bright here, but do not go abroad. It's good that now there is an interest and desire to develop talented undertakings on their land. The project is interesting from an educational point of view, "- commented the director and producer Yegor Konchalovsky.

“In the project“ Far from the capitals ”I look forward to bold technical solutions and innovations. It is wonderful to collect all projects on one interactive map of Russia. I promise to choose the coolest and most impressive and tell about it!” - Valentin Petukhov notes.

From August 11, 2011. The agency provides support to commercial, social and educational projects in terms of overcoming administrative and regulatory barriers, conducting a comprehensive examination and attracting funding (through financial institutions and development institutions). A separate area is systemic projects to improve the investment climate, staffing industrial growth, additional education children, supporting volunteering and ensuring a new quality of life for people with disabilities. According to the instructions of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ASI, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the Agency also participates in the implementation of the National Technology Initiative.

Its goal is to find the most active and caring people from the regions of Russia and make their projects known throughout the country using Google Maps and Search.

September 14, 2017 Google, with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, announces the launch of the Far from Capitals project. It was created for the whole of Russia to learn the amazing and inspiring stories of people living outside Moscow and St. Petersburg. Anyone can take part: a business owner, director, creator of street art objects or founder of a surf school. The main thing is that he must work in his region and make the life of the people around him better.

« ASI supports those who are looking for an opportunity to implement their ideas in business, social, cultural and scientific spheres. Every day the number of promising projects that are being created in the regions is increasing, and this is wonderful! We hope that the Far From Capitals project will inspire people to start implementing their ideas, and we are very happy to be a part of it. ", - commented Svetlana Chupsheva, General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. - E If you have created your project far from the capitals and it has a positive effect on the lives of those around you - you are exactly who we need! Fill out an application for beyondcapitals.withgoogle.comand tell us about how you are developing your city (or maybe a village or village) or nominate someone from your acquaintances «.

Applications can be submitted in seven categories: Russian tourism, manufacturing and crafts, training and development, social services, sports and healthy lifestyles, culture, modern technologies. After moderation, the story will be published on the site, and the information will be available on Google Maps. Applications will be accepted until October 3 inclusive.

In order to inspire as many people as possible to participate, we found several people from different parts of Russia who prove by their example that it is not at all necessary to live or work in the capital to achieve success. These people became ambassadors for our project. Denis Umutbaev, for example, revives the Bashkir horse breed near Ufa, Costas Marsan makes films inspired by the nature of his native Yakutia, and Natalia Nikitina opened the Kolomenskaya Pastila Museum, the traditional taste of which was almost forgotten. A video about the project ambassadors is available at link .

« We are looking for people who are not indifferent to the world around them and who, independently or together with like-minded people, are trying to change it for the better. There are a lot of such stories outside Moscow and St. Petersburg. , - said Dmitry Kuznetsov, head of Google Russia. - With the help of Google Maps and Search, we created the Away From Capitals platform to collect hundreds of such stories and make their heroes known throughout the country. Their example should inspire each of us «.

In October, the jury of the project, which will include a musician Ilya Lagutenko, director and producer Egor Konchalovsky, the main tech blogger of Russia Valentin Petukhov(aka Wylsacom), CEO of ASI Svetlana Chupsheva and the head of the company "Dodo Pizza" Fedor Ovchinnikov will determine the finalists. Users from all over the country will then be prompted to vote for the most interesting stories directly on Google Search. To support the participant you like, you will need to enter the query "away from the capitals" in the search bar. After that, the user will see the finalists of the competition and will be able to make their choice.

« From Moscow to beloved Vladivostok - more than nine thousand kilometers. One can only guess how many talented people live in this vast territory. And even if some of these people talk about their affairs through the Google “Far from Capitals” project, we will learn many amazing things about our country. I am delighted to be a part of this project. Participate! "- said the musician Ilya Lagutenko.

« I agreed to take part in this project, because I am very curious to know what heroes (and I am sure there are many of them!) Live and work in modern Russia. Without decorations and Hollywood budgets, they create something new and vibrant here, rather than going abroad. It is good that now there is an interest and desire to give development to talented undertakings on their land. The project is interesting from an educational point of view ", - said the director and producer Egor Konchalovsky.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, head of Google Russia

There are things that seem almost impossible: for example, to found a surf school in Kamchatka or to make a Hollywood-scale movie in Yakutia, but without a Hollywood budget. And there are people who, in various parts of Russia, implement excellent projects every day, despite any difficulties. It is for such people that we launched the project today"Far from the capitals" .

"Far from the capitals" -a project that we are doing with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. With the help of Google's services - Maps and Search - we have created a platform for the whole of Russia to learn about people whose ideas are changing life outside Moscow and St. Petersburg for the better.Any resident of the region can become a hero of our project - be it the owner of his own business, the creator of street art objects, a wood craftsman or a fashion designer. The main thing is that his business is beneficial and develops the city (or maybe even a village or village) that he loves.

If you or your friends have created a business that you can be proud of, go to and talk about it. Applications will be accepted until October 3 inclusive. Applications can be submitted in seven categories: Russian tourism, manufacturing and crafts, training and development, social services, sports and healthy lifestyles, culture, modern technologies. After moderation, your story will be published on the site, and the information will be available on Google Maps.

For inspiration, watch the video filmed in different parts of Russia. His heroes - ambassadors of the project - by their exampleprove that it is not at all necessary to live or work in the capital to be successful. Denis Umutbaev, for example, revives the Bashkir horse breed near Ufa, Kostas Marsan makes films inspired by the nature of his native Yakutia, and Natalya Nikitina discoveredMuseum "Kolomenskaya Pastila", the traditional taste of which was almost forgotten.

We entrusted the project's star jury to determine which applications will make it to the final. It included: musician Ilya Lagutenko, director and producer Yegor Konchalovsky, chief technoblogger of Russia Valentin Petukhov (aka Wylsacom), General Director of ASI Svetlana Chupsheva and businessman Fyodor Ovchinnikov, head of the Dodo Pizza company.

As soon as the jury selects the strongest entries, we will invite users from all over the country to vote for the most interesting stories.finalists directly on Google Search.To support the participant you like, you will need to enter the query "away from the capitals" in the search bar. After that, the user will see the finalists of the competition and will be able to make their choice.

We will announce the names of the winners in early November!

General partner of the project -Agency for Strategic Initiatives ... Information Partnersproject: Russian news agency " TASS ", KP.RU website and radio" TVNZ", magazine " Russian Reporter". B You can find out more detailed information about the project and the conditions of participation atofficial website , as well as in our groups on social networks (Google+ and VK ).

We look forward to your applications for ... We are sure that our country has #What to be proud of!

And here is what the members of the Far from Capitals jury say about the project:

Ilya Lagutenko, musician:“From Moscow to beloved Vladivostok - more than nine thousand kilometers. One can only guess how many talented people live in this vast territory. And even if some of these people tell about their affairs through the Google “Far from Capitals” project, we will learn many amazing things about our country. I am delighted to be a part of this project. Participate!».

Svetlana Chupsheva, General Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives:“ASI supports those who are looking for an opportunity to implement their ideas in business, social, cultural and scientific spheres. Every day the number of promising projects that are being created in the regions is increasing, and this is wonderful! We hope that the Far From Capitals project will inspire people to start implementing their ideas, and we are very happy to be a part of it. ".

Yegor Konchalovsky, director and producer:« I agreed to take part in this project, because I am very curious to know what heroes (and I am sure there are many of them!) Live and work in modern Russia. Without decorations and Hollywood budgets, they create something new and vibrant here, rather than going abroad. It is good that now there is an interest and desire to give development to talented undertakings on their land. The project is interesting from an educational point of view».

Valentin Petukhov, chief tech blogger of Russia ( aka Wylsacom): “In the Away from Capitals project, I look forward to bold technical solutions and innovations. It's great to collect all projects on one interactive map of Russia. I promise to choose the coolest and most impressive and tell about it! ".