Download the program cm project manager exe. Best Project Management Software. Key features and functions

The life of modern people or companies has lost such a property as stability. Instability is an essential quality modern world, therefore, today an experienced person is alarmed by a stable situation.

Today, you have to regularly move from one situation to another, and stability, as a rule, turns the situation exactly for the worse, and therefore, to move in the opposite direction requires deliberate and directed efforts. This task is well solved with the help of project management.

It's no surprise that more and more people are beginning to be interested in project management, study and master it. The perception of his life or the activities of his company as a portfolio of projects allows a person to look into his future. It is clear that not everything can be controlled, you can always face excessively strong external (although most often - with internal) factors that can totally change the course of your projects, despite all your efforts, but at least you can with greater understanding encounter difficulties and prepare for them at least a little in advance.

The daunting tasks successfully solved by mankind in the last century led to the standardization of project management methods, as a result of which two main directions were formed: PMI and IPMA.

"Moscow branch PMI- a non-profit organization aiming to share experience, knowledge and skills Project managers- members of the department, to develop professionalism in project management through certification programs (CAPM, PMP, PgMP), to achieve recognition and appreciation of the profession "Project manager" in Russia.

The Moscow branch of PMI represents in the Moscow region the international organization PMI Project Management Institute ( Project Management Institute).

Founded in 1969, the Institute Project Management PMI has grown into a leading professional project management association with approximately 285,000 members. PMI is represented in more than 170 countries through Chapters operating locally, as well as communities: Colleges and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

PMI today brings together project management professionals from a wide range of industries, including information Technology, telecommunications, industrial sector, construction, government, consulting, financial and banking sector, pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, healthcare, etc. PMI develops standards in various areas of project management, holds conferences and seminars, educational programs and professional certification, which is becoming more attractive to professionals and organizations involved in project management.

The Moscow branch of PMI, established in 1998, today unites more than 500 people. Anyone interested in project management and who is a member of PMI can become a member of the Moscow branch. Today, relying on the efforts of volunteers and the assistance of sponsors, the department provides its members with a number of additional opportunities related to the interests of professionals in project management in the Moscow region. "

On the website we can find out:

"Russian Project Management Association - SOVNET

The Project Management Association (SOVNET) was founded in 1990 and is a voluntary union of professionals engaged in research and development, training and certification of specialists in the field Project management; justification, preparation, implementation and management of projects in various fields of activity.


Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction (TsNIIEUS);

DELIK Group of Companies;

State University of Management (GUU);

Moscow State Construction University (MGSU);

Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPU).

SOVNET is a non-profit, professional international organization operating on the basis of Russian legislation and the Charter of the Association.

SOVNET brings together the experience, knowledge and efforts of the collectives of state, public and non-profit organizations, business companies, firms and enterprises, as well as individual specialists in the field of Project Management (PM), carries out international cooperation in the professional field of PM with countries of near and far abroad.

Project Management Association SOVNET is a corporate member of:

International Project Management Association - IPMA (Switzerland);

Russian Association of Contract Bidding Organizers (Russia);

Association for International Economic Cooperation of Investors and Builders - AMEIS (Russia);

Ukrainian Project Management Association (UPMA);

Innovation Union of the Russian Federation.

At present SOVNET unites over 40 organizations and firms, about 150 individual members, including those from far and near abroad. SOVNET has branches in many cities of Russia.

The core of the scientific potential of SOVNET is made up of over 20 academicians and corresponding members, about 200 professors, doctors and candidates of sciences. "

ComparisonPMI andIPMA

Alexey Polkovnikov ( was able to very succinctly present the comparison results in the form of a table:

For a business analyst, the difference between these approaches was well formulated by Vladimir Mikheev (

“PMI is process approach... "Process" and "system" (cybernetic) approaches were formed in the MP ( Project management) in the 60s - 70s. It was with these approaches that the structuring and separation of MPs, as a specific area of ​​activity, began. They were reflected in some standards in the 80s. In particular, the standards of Great Britain, Germany of those years, the same PM BоK PMI rev. 1987 were an attempt to present human activity in the form of a "technical" model and had a rather narrow range of applicability in which they "worked" well. Practice has shown the limited adequacy of such models for many projects, the euphoria of the “mechanistic” (operational) presentation of the project and project activities has passed, and conclusions have been drawn. But if many countries switched to a different paradigm (model) of MP in the 90s and 2000s, then PMI remained within the framework of the process model.

IPMA is an activity-based approach, i.e. organizing the activities of the project manager in order to effectively achieve the goals of the project, preferably in the most efficient way. Moreover, in his activities the project manager uses different approaches, models and toolkits based on the position of "what should be done to achieve the best result for the project?", And not "how should be done in accordance with the instructions and procedures?"

The main difference is that the "technical" models (in particular - the PMI model) consider the PM as a technical area of ​​activity with control elements, and the managerial nature of the model (in particular, the IPMA model, APM UK) consider the PM as a management area of ​​activity using various sets of tools, incl. - technical.

Figuratively and simply speaking, the IPMA and PMI models are different kinds transport, for example, air and ground. And the positioning of specialists and, accordingly, the essence of their activities (determined, in particular, by means of certification requirements) can be conventionally defined as "driver" and "technician."

Project manager

Project manager- a person who is able to implement the project, to achieve the set goal. It is clear that there are people who successfully manage projects on a whim, but in business it is very important to systematically and regularly achieve the set goals, having clear figures for the necessary resources and deadlines.

More and more project managers are being certified to systematize their knowledge and skills in order to make the project implementation process more predictable and understandable not only for themselves, but also for all stakeholders.

Nevertheless, certification is the final stage of development project manager... To obtain a high-level certification, you must have a successful practical experience.

For example, the PMI requires a candidate to provide a description of their project management experience over the past six years. This description should show at least 4500 hours of practical experience listing the specific management procedures that the candidate performed as a project manager, structured within five main processes (initiation, planning, execution, control, completion).

Therefore, it is very important to understand the issues of project management before certification and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.

As a result, a project manager who has mastered one of the above methodologies, or even both, transforms the knowledge gained on real projects into effective practical skills.

The result is "project manager", who not only has theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also masters "project thinking", that is, instability no longer scares him, but seems to be the most normal state of being, within which he confidently moves from state A to state B together with the project team guiding and organizing it. Technical task a project that the customer is constantly trying to transform into a Point of View, such a project manager persistently returns to the state of the project so that sometimes inevitable compromises do not fail the project.

The main objective of our program professional retraining- to contribute to the formation of precisely this kind of project thinking in the audience.

The School of IT Management has been working in this direction for over 10 years in the framework of the program " IT Manager: Project Manager, Business analyst". Experienced teachers successfully introduce students to the world of practical project management. At the dawn of the development of the program, the President of SOVNET Vladimir Ivanovich Voropaev and his colleagues taught us for several years. Thus, this topic is covered by experienced, PMI-certified teachers. For example, you can mark Orphan Vladislav Efimovich.

As a result, students begin to successfully apply the acquired skills and knowledge in their projects, some of them successfully pass certification immediately after training.


Become project manager- it means making your job and your life more predictable for yourself and more manageable on your part. Starting any business, you will automatically begin to conduct a risk analysis, which will help you to abandon what you really do not need and concentrate on the most important, therefore, improvements come not only in work, but also, most importantly, in your life. Project management will turn into your project life style, which will allow you to more confidently cope with numerous challenges and difficult situations at work, in business and, most importantly, in your life!

Microsoft Project is a comprehensive software project management system and a way to optimize portfolio management that allows organizations to plan and control project activities. To do this, use built-in templates, tools for different levels of analytics and statistics, tools for managing working time, etc. The article provides a description of the functions and tells in more detail about what Ms Project is, how to work in the program, and how to use all Microsoft Project capabilities.

General characteristics and place of the product among competitors

Since 2007, each new version of Ms Project has been released every three years. Thus, the latest application at the moment is the 2016 version of the application with a subscription to "Office 365", compatible with Windows 10, 8.1 and 7. Compared to other similar programs, Ms Project is considered the most widespread and "light" belonging to the entry-level software project management with a classic standard office interface. In the single-user and small market software occupies about 80% (it is used by about 20 million people).

It is believed that as an integrated set of methods, processes and tools for planning and controlling projects, Ms Project is more often used when implementing relatively small project ideas. However, the existence of several paid options - basic, professional and advanced - when choosing the most complete functionality allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the program compared to the basic version.

Nevertheless, competitors - analogues of Ms Project, increasing their competitive advantages, are often "rebuilt" precisely by scaling the means of cost and resource planning and ensuring the organization of multi-user work.

Among such programs, focused on large projects, one can single out the Russified Open Plan.

Another area of ​​"tuning" is product specialization. Among such software popular Primavera, which has become widespread in the field of engineering and construction projects as a means of scheduling and network planning, allowing you to take into account financial, material and labor resources in medium and large projects. Basecamp software cloud tool is considered the main competitor in the ultra-light segment management decisions... At the same time, Microsoft has also been offering a cloud version of its product since 2013.

In addition to the cloud application, several products are available under the Project brand:

1. Project Standard allows for individual planning for small projects.

2. Corporate governance carried out using a special platform, including:

  • Project Server itself,
  • Enterprise edition of Project Professional, where collaboration tools (Project Server and SharePoint Foundation / Server) are added to the capabilities of the Standard edition,
  • Web-interface technology for reporting of executors on the progress of tasks, for viewing project portfolios and other collaboration (Project Web Access).

The basis of the almost monopoly popularity of the Microsoft product is that it is part of the Ms Office family, which makes it possible to:

  • it is easier to master the management of tools in the familiar environment of Ms Office products (the stylistic similarity of the Project interface with Excel is obvious),
  • customize Ms Project formulas in Excel formula style,
  • adapt the product to the specifics of your business, by programming or purchasing ready-made solutions based on Microsoft.Net or Visual Basic.

To reduce the number of problems associated with technical support, Microsoft (for example, through the Microsoft ISV Royalty program) encourages the acquisition of ready-made solutions from partners, while compensating customers for the development of industry solutions.

Objectives and opportunities of the program

It is recommended to start working in Microsoft Project with mastering project approach as such - familiarization with its principles and methods of design. This is necessary in order to use the tools correctly: to divide large projects into parts, adjust time estimates, take into account and lay down risks, track teamwork and use motivational techniques. V study guide released in 2013 by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the development of Project 2010, the first chapters are devoted to an introduction to the basics project management- planning techniques and construction of the "project triangle" ("time-cost-amount of work").

If the project approach is implemented, the Project program helps to solve the following tasks:

To work in the program, the concepts "Task", "Resource" and "Purpose" are used. To achieve the goal of the project, work is broken down into tasks. The term "resource" is more often applied to an employee, but it can also refer to real estate, equipment, materials. In Microsoft Project, assignments occur when resources are allocated to complete a task. It is the appointments that determine the amount of time required to solve problems and, as a result, the total time of the project. For display, analysis and input there are so-called. presentations of tasks (Gantt Chart, Task Form, etc.) of resources (Resource Schedule, Resource Sheet) and assignments (for example, Resource Usage), which can be graphical, tabular and form views.

In order to more fully display the necessary information on one screen, instead of a single (normal) presentation mode, by placing a "checkbox" in the menu, a combined mode is displayed. In this case, the screen is split horizontally, which makes it possible to see two views at the same time.

The division of work by project forms a work breakdown structure, in which tasks are represented by different types:

  1. A separate task.
  2. A summary task (phase) consisting of a group of related tasks.
  3. A milestone - a reference point - a point of an important event, by which the progress of the project is monitored.
  4. A recurring task that occurs regularly during the course of the project (for example, "morning planning").

Starting with the version of Project 2010, tasks can be scheduled both automatically and manually, in this case, placing the task anywhere in the schedule.

The package of benefits appreciated by Intel, Tesla, Toyota, BMW, Kraft, 21st Century Fox, British Airways and millions of other companies constantly contains innovations that can be found on the official Project website, in a special Russian blog, or in the Facebook and Vkontakte communities. ...

Microsoft Project 2010 is an application from Microsoft, which is designed for project management, with its help you can develop plans, allocate resources between tasks, monitor the progress of work and analyze the progress of current tasks. The utility plans schedules according to the critical path technology, it focuses the user's attention on the tasks most important for the successful completion of the project, which should be given special attention. When scheduling work, the available resources are taken into account, and the final sequence of actions is displayed in a Gantt chart.

Leaders and administrators of project teams most often choose Microsoft Project 2010; they can download this program for complex project management for free from our website. The utility supports the ability to export texts, tables, presentations and graphs in all popular formats and synchronizes well with Mail, Server, Office applications. It includes an extensive set of tools located in the main menu bar, which is made in Russian.

You can download Microsoft Project 2010 for versions 7, 8 and 10 of Windows systems, a short training time will allow you to immediately start working with the program. The Russian version of the application allows you to make settings similar to using formulas in MS Excel, the MS Project interface is also made in a style similar to the design Microsoft Excel... In addition, Microsoft Project has a wizard that takes snapshots of the project plan, which you can later use in any of the other applications. Each user of the utility can customize it to suit their needs after downloading the product to their computer. This can be done using one of the programming languages ​​or by downloading ready-made extensions.

In this article, we will make a brief overview (list) of project management programs.
To keep the information alive, we will update it and add newly found programs. At first, it is quite possible that just the name of the program will be included in the list. As information is received and it takes time to process it, the programs will become overgrown with descriptions.
The list of programs is not ranked, the programs are listed in no particular order.

1. TargetProcess
website of the program: The program focuses on the world market. The website and the interface of the program are exclusively on English language, although the developers are Belarusians. Up to 5 users, when installed on the client's server, the license is free. When using the online service, 10 users for 30 days are free. The program is implemented in asp, works only under IIS.

2. Teamwork program website: Paid. There is a Russian-language interface. It is possible to obtain free licenses for non-profit organizations and bloggers. Project management. Agile, Scrum, Kanban support. Document management. Bug tracker. Integration with IT systems. Resource planning.

3. Project Kaiser program website: Paid. Up to 5 users are free. There is a Russian-language interface. Allows unlimited work hierarchy. Gantt chart. Progress in completing tasks, taking into account subtasks. Accounting for working hours.

4. BaseCamp program sites: and Paid. Online. There is a 30-day free trial period. There is a Russian-language interface. Well-known project management software from

5. ONLYOFFICE program website: / There is a free version. Online and offline. You can install on your server, or you can use the server ONLYOFFICE... There is a Russian-language interface. Functionality: Project management; Collaboration (blogs, forums, Wiki); Document management; Instant messages (chats); Calendar; CRM system; Mail management; Version for mobile devices. Office apps (Office replacement from Microsoft).

6. Trac program website: Free. Online. Partially Russified (highlights). Allows you to manage projects, compose tasks, there is a Wiki. OpenSource. We use it for software development, we recommend it. I am planning to write an article about using Trac.

7. Megaplan program website: There is a free version. Online. Fully Russified. Helps to control the execution of tasks and assignments and manage projects without the cost of implementation and maintenance.

8. Copper program website: Paid. 30 days free trial. Online. English speaking. Copper is a project management tool that helps you and your team manage projects, tasks, clients, contacts and documents online.

9. Pivotal Tracker program website: Paid. 60 days free trial. Online. English speaking. Pivotal Tracker is an Agile management tool that focuses on communication between the software development team.

10. Worksection program website: There is a free version. Online. Originally in Russian. Easy start. Convenient, non-overwhelming design. Task Priorities and Labels. Calendar (integrates with Google) and Gantt chart. Time tracking. You can connect your FTP. Notifications about deadlines and burning tasks. Operational support.

11. Assembla program website: Paid. 30 days free trial. Online. English speaking. Management of tasks and problems. Version control. Wiki and other communication tools to speed up development. A simple overview of the work.

12. TrackStudio program website: Free for 5 users. Paid for organizations and more than one user. Allows you to install on your own server. There is a Russian interface. Project management system, tasks, documentation and files, created for software developers and IT departments of companies.

13. LeaderTask Company Management program website: Paid. Test period 45 days. Allows you to manage personnel, control orders, manage projects, tasks and contractors, keep track of working hours.

14. ProjectMate program website: Paid. The test period is 30 days. ProjectMate, a system for professional services companies. The interface resembles Microsoft Outlook. Built on a modular basis. To date, ProjectMate has implemented seven main modules: "Time Tracking", "Billing", "Project Management", "Project Budgeting", "Request Management", "CRM", "Document Flow". In addition, additional modules can be connected to the system that provide synchronization of information in ProjectMate with 1C: Accounting, Microsoft Project, mobile devices and Microsoft Exchange.

15. Open Atrium program website: Free. Based on Drupal. As part of the components: Blogs, Wiki, Calendar, Task List, Chat and Control Panel with all this stuff.

16. Simple business program website: There is a free version. As part of the components: Organization management. Project management. Document flow. Personnel Management. Customer management. Community. Finance and accounting. Personal effectiveness. Site management. The program is "cloudy", but it is convenient that there is a client that works autonomously, synchronizing when connected to the Internet.

17. PlanFix program website: Free. Easy to use. Projects. Tasks. Actions. The authors write about the unique ideology of the program.

18. Advanta program website: - an online project management system focused on improving the efficiency of the entire organization. In terms of project management functionality, it is analogous to such products as MS Project, Primavera, Megaplan, but at the same time it has a number of undeniable advantages, and was originally developed for Russian companies.

19. Comindware program website: - online system. Comindware Tracker simplifies the automation of your organization's workflows, streamlines the management of tasks and projects, tickets, requests and other workflow objects, and enables more efficient collaboration.

Project Manager is a program that will become a reliable assistant for business people, as well as for those who prefer to do time management. The application will allow you to draw up a general work plan, as well as a detailed schedule. As the task is completed, the user will be able to "cross out" tasks from the list. In addition, Project Manager allows you to set execution timers for individual tasks and set up sound alerts when the time expires. The program saves a detailed history of the actions performed, so that you can later see what and when you were doing.

Before starting to work with the application, the user will need to create a database and specify its name. If you need to reinstall operating system or transferring personal data to another computer, you can create a backup of the database and import it into a new copy of the program. In addition, the Project Manager can export the database as an XML table.

Key features and functions

  • allows you to draw up work plans and schedules;
  • has a native and easy-to-use interface;
  • enables database management;
  • uses NET Framework technology;
  • allows you to customize timers and sound alerts.