Development, adoption and implementation of government management decisions. Development and implementation of state management decisions Execution of state decisions in brief

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federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education

"Kurgan State University"

Department of Management

Course work

by discipline

"Adoption and execution of state decisions"



1.1 Basic concepts and essence of management decisions

1.2 Features of making managerial decisions in state and municipal administration


2.1 Characteristics of the activities of the public authority

2.2 Analysis of methods and mechanisms for making management decisions

2.3 Analysis of public authorities and its role in the service sector


3.1 Management decisions to improve the efficiency of the government body

3.2 Effectiveness of management decisions




Relevance of the chosen topic. Culture is a connecting link in people's conscious activity and has a direct impact on all spheres of social life.

At present, the role of human capital in the socio-economic process is significant due to the rapid growth in the rates of economic development, structural changes in the economy caused by the transition to an innovative type of its development. The leading role in the formation of human capital belongs to the cultural sphere. There is a tendency towards an increase in the needs of the individual in his cultural and creative self-expression and the development of cultural values ​​accumulated by society. The existing list of services in the field of culture must meet the needs of the population, as well as the pace of socio-economic development of society.

The degree of elaboration of the topic. Issues related to effective management of the sphere of culture have been studied in Russian science relatively recently. The semantic content of the concept of "culture" is touched upon in the works of foreign scientists, such as: M. Weber, A. Mol, P. Sorokin. Domestic authors - A. Arnoldov, G. Galutsky, I. Diskin, B. Erasova, V. Churbanov, I. Stolyarov revealed the sociological and managerial aspects of this concept, identified the criteria for the development of cultural policy.

The development of culture at the regional level should be aimed at meeting the cultural needs of different target groups. However, this process is hampered by: the need to maintain unprofitable, but culturally significant objects (libraries, museums, etc.); the low investment attractiveness of a number of cultural institutions and the lack of flexible mechanisms for attracting investment in the culture of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation; legal and financial limitations on support for the development and implementation of creative projects initiated by creative groups or individual cultural figures; the presence of physically and morally worn out funds of cultural institutions and their insufficient material and technical equipment. The presence of these problem areas actualizes the development of conceptual solutions that increase the efficiency of managing the sphere of culture on the example of the Kurgan region.

The purpose course work is the development of constructive management decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region.

Research object - activities of regional bodies in the cultural sphere.

Subject of study - the content of the activities of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region to improve the quality of the cultural sphere in the region.

Tasks set to achieve the goal:

Highlight the essence of the concept of "management decision";

Reveal the peculiarities of making managerial decisions in state and municipal authorities;

Consider the mechanism of activity of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region;

Analyze the existing methods and mechanisms for making management decisions;

Determine the list of services provided by the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region and subordinate institutions;

To develop conceptual management solutions that increase the efficiency of managing the cultural sector in the Kurgan region;

Designate the parameters of the effectiveness of the developed management solution.

Methods used in the course work: descriptive analysis of normative legal acts in the field of culture, collection of practical material and processing of statistical data, design, construction of social processes.

Work structure: course work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.


1.1 Basic concepts and essence of management decisions

A managerial decision is viewed as a product of managerial work, an organizational response to a problem that has arisen, a choice of a course of action from the proposed options, a definition of a goal, means and methods of achieving it.

Management decision - an act of the subject of management, which determines the program of activities aimed at solving the problem based on the functioning and analysis of information about the state of the controlled system.

The organizational aspect is expressed in the development and implementation of a management solution. Along with this, the following functions of management decisions are performed: guiding, coordinating and motivating.

The effectiveness of a management solution is determined by the implementation of these functions at the stages of preparation and implementation. In this regard, a management decision is a real tool for the goals set.

The main parameters of management decisions include:

1) a strategy that is inextricably linked with management decisions and includes ways to achieve goals and implement tasks in the organization;

2) organization as a place for making managerial decisions;

3) rationality as an orientation towards achieving long-term goals in the organization;

4) the uncertainty of a specific outcome of events, the accompanying course of making and implementing management decisions;

5) the outcomes of the implementation of management decisions.

There are a number of requirements for management decisions. This list includes: first, the compliance of management decisions with the legislation of the Russian Federation; secondly, the presence of the powers necessary to prepare and implement the decision; third, clear targeting and targeting; fourth, control by the legal department of the organization; fifth, monitoring the current situation; sixth, the absence of contradictions in the text of the management decision; seventh, the technical, economic and organizational feasibility of management decisions; eighth, parameters for external and internal control; ninth, the obligatory consideration of the negative consequences of making managerial decisions; tenthly, the possibility of a positive result.

To improve the quality of management decisions, it is recommended to analyze them on the basis of classification according to such characteristics as: subsystems of the management system, scope, goals, management rank, scale, organization of production, object of influence, repeatability, formalization methods.

Hence, the following types of management decisions can be distinguished:

1. decisions based on judgment;

2. balanced decisions;

3. inert solutions;

4. impulsive decisions;

5. risky decisions;

6. careful decisions;

7. rational decisions.

The quality of a managerial decision is a set of decision parameters that satisfy specific people and ensure the reality of its implementation.

The decision-making process includes the following operations: preparation for management activities, identifying a problem, formulating goals, finding the necessary information, processing it, ranking goals, formulating tasks, preparing documentation, and implementing assigned tasks.

Quality parameters of management decisions: the degree of risks, the likelihood of implementing the decision in terms of quality indicators, the degree of adequacy.

The economic essence of a managerial decision is that its preparation and implementation always requires financial, material and other costs.

The organizational essence of a management decision lies in the fact that all structural links of the organization can be involved in the process of its development and adoption. The effectiveness of a management decision depends on the degree of interaction between the organization's team.

The social essence of management decisions is embedded in the personnel management mechanism, which includes levers of influence on a person to coordinate their activities in the organization.

The legal essence of a managerial decision is to comply with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Violation of the law in the worst case will lead to the cancellation of the decision, responsibility for its implementation and preparation.

After implementing the solution and completing the troubleshooting steps, the decision maker evaluates the usefulness and effectiveness of the solution. The fact of the problem and the degree of its elimination are taken into account. As a result of evaluating the actual effectiveness of the solution, the following conclusions are drawn: the problem was completely eliminated and its resolution did not cause disastrous consequences; the problem was only partially eliminated and there are no negative consequences either; the problem has not been eliminated and entails a number of negative consequences.

The development of management decisions occurs at three system levels: conceptual, operational and elemental.

The conceptual level is the level of assessment of the "usefulness" and performance of all structural elements of the organization as a whole.

At the operational level, there is a detailed study of the context, the content of the operation to achieve the intended goals. The main task is to build a model of the operation, to assess the influence of subjective and objective factors on the process of making managerial decisions.

Elemental level - there is the level of executive units, at which the quality of performers and resources is assessed.

1.2 Features of making managerial decisions in state and municipal administration

Management decisions made by state and municipal authorities are a determining factor that affects the quality and efficiency of ongoing processes in the controlled system. In turn, the quality of management decisions depends on the effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal employees.

The process of preparing managerial decisions to the state and municipal authorities consists of the following stages:

1. The stage of identifying and formulating the problem based on the analysis of the results of the operation of the control object for the coming period;

2. The stage of preparation of a management decision, including the formation of a group for its preparation

3. The stage of collecting information and analyzing the identified problem

4. The stage of preparation and justification of options for management decisions. Each option determines the directions of achieving goals, specific executors of the decision, resources, and the timing of the goal.

5. The stage of selection and management decision-making by the head.

6. The stage of organizing and implementing the execution of the decision, communicating the adopted management decision to the executors.

7. The stage of monitoring and evaluating the results of the implementation of management decisions.

In many bodies of state and municipal administration, conflicts associated with uncertainty may arise, the resources necessary for the implementation of a managerial decision are erroneously indicated. Responsibility for these decisions is borne not by the leader, but by a group of like-minded people who provide assistance in making managerial decisions.

The process of managing state and municipal bodies is dynamic. Changes in the external and internal environment affect the emergence of a variety of management decisions.

The stage of developing a management decision is an administrative process that performs a structure-forming role and occupies a central, main place in the official activities of state and municipal bodies.

The scale of the work to be done and the associated costs, costs are the basis for assessing the developed state-municipal management decisions. Tasks of execution of state and municipal decisions: comparison of decision norms and planned results with tactical parameters; determination of deviations from the norm; establishing the reasons for the deviations; making proposals for changes and adjustments.

The process of making, implementing and evaluating management decisions in state and municipal authorities always involves the involvement of a wide range of people, politicians, officials, internal and external participants.

To date, the adoption and implementation of management decisions must be accompanied by taking into account the opinion of the public. After all, projects considered unilaterally are known for their detrimental effect on the welfare of the regions and their inhabitants.

In world practice, there are many examples related to the participation and control by society over the activities of state and municipal authorities. First of all, these countries include: the United States, Western Europe and in various spheres of society.

There is a need for legislative consolidation of public participation in the process of discussion and adoption of managerial decisions. Citizens' right to participate in state and municipal government should be exercised through written requests, proposals and public discussion.

It is public participation in the process of making and implementing management decisions that is an effective measure to prevent corruption.

The involvement of the population in making managerial decisions can become a principle of state and municipal administration, which will ensure the improvement and development of a managed system. This will contribute to a multi-faceted and multidimensional public and state and municipal authorities.


2.1 Characteristics of a public authority

The Department of Culture of the Kurgan Region is the executive body of state power of the Kurgan Region, which carries out sectoral and inter-sectoral management in the field of culture.

It operates jointly with federal government bodies, government bodies of the Kurgan region, other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations.

The list of again tasks Management enters :

1) to provide conditions for the realization of the constitutional rights of citizens to participate in cultural life;

2) create conditions for the development of a creative personality in the field of culture;

3) to provide optimal use of the cultural potential of the Kurgan region;

4) render promoting the development and cooperation of cultural organizations of various forms of ownership, creative unions, associations, foundations, and other public associations.

Management is exercised by the following powers :

At first, organizes library services for the population by the libraries of the Kurgan region; Secondly, produces financing the acquisition of funds and provides preservation of the funds of the state libraries of the Kurgan region; third, provides realization of the rights of citizens to library services; fourthly, creates and supports state museums; fifth, carries out work on the identification and accounting of museum items; At sixth, organize and support institutions of culture and art; seventh, promotes within the limits of their authority, the development, publication and purchase of textbooks, teaching aids and other educational literature necessary for teaching folk arts and crafts; tenthly, sets places of traditional existence of folk arts and crafts on the territory of the Kurgan region; eleventh, produces organization of the provision of services for the additional education of children in the field of culture; twelfth, create conditions for organizing an independent assessment of the quality of the provision of services by cultural organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kurgan region and others.

The work in the Department is organized on the basis of the program of socio-economic development of the Kurgan region for the medium term, the Consolidated report on the results and main directions of activities of the subjects of budget planning of the Kurgan region, the plan of the main activities of the executive authorities of the Kurgan region for the year, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Kurgan region ...

The Department has coordination and advisory bodies, as well as working groups, the organization of which is prepared at the initiative of the heads of structural divisions in the manner prescribed for the preparation of issues for consideration at a meeting of the Government of the Kurgan region.

There are collegia, which are formed and headed by the head of the Department. The composition of the collegium consists of heads of subordinate institutions, heads of other executive bodies, as well as representatives of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, local self-government bodies, legal entities, scientists, experts and other specialists.

2.2 Analysis of methods and mechanisms for making management decisions

The methods of making management decisions are understood as the methods of performing operations that are necessary in their preparation, adoption and implementation. These include ways of collecting and processing information, the formation and analysis of options for action.

There are analytical methods that are based on the work of a manager or specialists with a certain set of analytical dependencies. With their help, the relationship between the conditions for performing a task and its results is determined. These are, first of all, classical methods of analysis, traditional methods of economic statistics, methods of operations research and decision-making theory.

In addition to methods, modeling is also used, which is a process of studying a system, which includes building a model, studying its properties and transferring the information obtained to a modeled system.

When developing management decisions, conceptual modeling is especially popular, which determines a preliminary meaningful description of the object of management activity.

Mathematical modeling plays only an auxiliary role, because mathematical models are most convenient for research and quantitative analysis.

Simulation modeling is necessary to reproduce the algorithm for the functioning of complex objects in time.

Each mechanism for making managerial decisions has the following technology, including: general leadership of decision making; rules for its adoption, plans in decision-making, bilateral decision-making by leaders of the same level through interaction, target groups and their role.

Each organizational action in the Department of Culture is accompanied by the process of making managerial decisions. Let us consider the mechanism of their adoption using the example of the activities of the head of the Department.

Head of the Department of Culture within the framework of his powers :

1) Produces distribution of duties between their deputies;

2) Is engaged in issues of appointment and dismissal of employees of the Department from their positions;

3) Provides approval of the number of employees and the wage fund, staffing table, regulations on structural divisions;

4) Promotes development of proposals for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of structural divisions of the Office.

When forming the plans and performance indicators of the Department of Culture, the following management decisions are made: first, planning the work of the Department in the main areas of activity (decisions are made collectively); secondly, the formation of plans and performance indicators using the target program method; third, making managerial decisions regarding budget planning;

fourth, organizing the preparation of the main lines of action report; fifth, the approval of plans and the setting of performance indicators for structural divisions, subordinate institutions by the head of the Department and others.

2.3 Analysisactivitiesorgangovernment and its role in the service sector

The key goal of the Department's activities is the implementation of the strategic role of culture as a spiritual and moral basis for the development of the individual and the state, the effective use and development of the cultural potential of the Kurgan region.

The main indicators that characterize the level of goal achievement include: the number of visits by citizens to organizations and cultural institutions; the number of laureates and diploma winners of international, interregional and regional competitions and festivals in the field of culture. The goal is achieved through the implementation of tasks: first, ensuring the preservation of cultural and historical heritage; secondly, the creation of conditions for the sustainable development of the cultural sphere of the Kurgan region.

Within the framework of solving the problems, it is envisaged: the fulfillment of state functions for the development and implementation of state policy; investment of material and technical base and technical equipment of cultural institutions; staffing; supporting the culture of the village; ensuring the activities of state cultural institutions of the Kurgan region for the provision and development of public services to the population in the field of culture.

Regarding services in the field of culture of the Trans-Urals, the following should be noted: in the Decree of the Government of the Kurgan region of October 14, 2013 N 470 "On the state program of the Kurgan region" Development of the culture of the Trans-Urals "for 2014-2020", a task is set to ensure an increase in quality and diversity services in the field of culture.

According to the reported data, the volume of provision of state services in the field of state protection of cultural heritage objects by an average of 10%. increases annually. Increasing the competitiveness of the culture of the Kurgan region in the domestic and foreign markets is ensured by improving the quality of cultural goods and services provided to the population, achieving their required diversity.

The second stage of the state program "Development of the culture of the Trans-Urals" is more focused on the full use and development of the conditions created to ensure a new quality of services in the field of culture of the Kurgan region. The target benchmark for the development of the sphere of culture, indicated in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, is to increase the number of visits to cultural organizations (libraries, museums, theaters, concert organizations, cultural and leisure-type institutions, parks, etc.) ... It is this indicator that reflects the level of demand among the population for state and municipal services in the field of culture, as well as the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the individual in his cultural and creative self-expression.

In a number of directions of the state program there is a direction referred to as "Ensuring the activities of state cultural institutions of the Kurgan region for the provision and development of public services to the population in the field of culture."

The Department of Culture, together with the subordinate institutions of culture and art, provides the following types of public services:

1.organization of work aimed at preserving the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the field of traditional folk culture;

2. Provision of works on holding festivals, exhibitions, shows, competitions, conferences and other program events;

3. carrying out methodological work in the established areas;

4. monitoring the technical condition of cultural heritage objects;

5. organization of applied research and development in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects;

6. organization of the formation, accounting and preservation of library funds;

7. services for the display of creative achievements, assistance in the development of creative unions;

8.. Organization of works on the creation of concerts, concert programs and other entertainment events;

9. services for the implementation of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training.

Today, an independent assessment of the quality of services in the field of culture. It is carried out according to the following criteria: openness and availability of information about the Institution and the procedure for providing services; comfortable conditions and availability of services; service culture in the Institutions; customer satisfaction with the quality of services provided; the implementation by the Institutions of indicators of state assignments for the provision of services to the population; financial and economic results of the activities of the Institutions.

State services are provided by the following state institutions: state museums of the Kurgan region and the Regional cultural and exhibition center, state libraries of the Kurgan region, state theaters of the Kurgan region and the Kurgan regional philharmonic society.

3. Development of management solutions to improve the efficiency of deDepartment of Culture

3.1 Management decisions to improve the efficiency of the government body

To increase the efficiency of the activities of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region, it is necessary to create a single cultural and information space that ensures the development of the cultural industry and ensure the proper level of satisfaction of the population in cultural and creative self-realization.

I offer the following list of principles, the implementation of which will affect the increase in the efficiency of the Department of Culture:

1) the principle of consistency;

2) the principle of pluralism, which involves taking into account the cultural interests and needs of all segments of the population;

3) the principle of openness, contributing to the formation of a single cultural space;

4) the principle of cultural cooperation;

5) the principle of personification of the products of cultural activity;

7) the principle of multi-subject cultural policy;

8) the principle of interaction between economic and cultural aspects of public life.

In my opinion, the following should be included in the developed list of tasks implemented by the Department of Culture of the Kurgan Region:

1) aadministrative and managerial tasks:

Providing conditions for the actualization of modern forms of cultural development and the integration of the Kurgan region into federal cultural processes;

Ensuring the unity of the cultural and information space for all segments of the population, taking into account their cultural interests and needs.

2) stasks aimed at improving the efficiency of cultural institutionsand arts:

Providing conditions for the preservation of cultural and historical values ​​and samples of Russian culture due to the revitalization of the Kurgan Regional Museum of Local Lore;

Participation in the process of forming a unified museum space on the territory of the Kurgan region;

Achieving a high-quality level of information and library services for the population that meets Russian and international quality standards;

Improving the quality of activities of cultural and leisure cultural institutions, theaters and cinema.

3) stasks aimed at pdevelopment of design and innovationactivities in the field of culture:

Development of modern art forms, festivals, competitions and support for innovative projects in the field of culture;

Development and implementation of modern management, economic and informational approaches to the implementation of projects in the field of culture;

Formation of a sustainable system of coordination of priority cultural projects acting as a catalyst for regional and federal cultural development

4) sTasks to increase the coverage of the population participating in the development of culture:

- creation of an effective system of sponsorship and patronage on the territory of the Kurgan region;

Improvement of the system of training highly professional personnel for the sphere of culture

Formation of a system of popular events in the field of culture and art of the Kurgan region, the most attractive for residents and guests of the city

To implement these tasks, it is necessary, first of all, to use administrative resources, namely, to determine the list of powers for civil servants of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region. Secondly, it is necessary to intensify the activity of the human resources of the network of institutions of culture, art and education in the field of culture in the territory of this region in the key of improving the quality and availability of services to the population. Thirdly, it is necessary to attract increased attention in terms of monitoring the implementation of cultural events by the federal authorities. Fourth, in addition to labor resources, there is a need for the material and technical support of the tasks set. This aspect is directly related to financial capabilities. Hence the need to attract additional funds from the regional budget (in terms of the implementation of activities within the framework of joint design and software solutions), expanding the share of non-budgetary sources by increasing interest for private investors.

3.2 Effectiveness of management decisions

The effectiveness of the proposed management decisions in the field of cultural development is determined using methodological approaches to its assessment. These, in turn, include:

1.economic efficiency as resource efficiency in terms of the ratio of income and as costly in terms of the ratio of income and costs;

2. the economic efficiency of management in the narrow sense as the ratio of income and costs for the maintenance of the management apparatus;

3. social efficiency of management according to the system of special indicators;

4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of individual management functions by a set of indicators.

Ensuring high quality and efficiency of management decisions is possible under the following conditions:

Application of scientific approaches in management;

Taking into account the impact of the economic situation on efficiency;

Providing reliable information to the decision maker;

Structuring and building a tree of goals;

The presence of a legal basis for the adopted management decision.

Well-coordinated mechanism of the decision.

In order for the proposed management tasks to be effectively implemented, I propose a technology for the implementation of a conceptual solution in the field of cultural development, consisting of the following stages: preparatory - setting, constructively transforming and control and analytical.

1) Preparatory and installation stage is aimed at creating conditions for the development of culture in the Kurgan region and overcoming the problems that hinder this development.

Table 1


Formation of a unified system of views on strategic goals and tactical tasks of cultural policy due to the correlation of municipal and state management decisions

Modernization of the system of indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of cultural events

Increasing the level of financial security of cultural events

Redistribution of budgetary funds necessary for the development of the cultural sphere;

When forming the articles of the regional budget, determine the target figures, taking into account the achievement of target indicators

Department of Culture of the Kurgan region together with cultural and art institutions

Development of a unified system of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the activities of cultural institutions

Analysis of the characteristics of the activities of the network of institutions of culture, art and education in the field of culture

Department of Culture of the Kurgan region together with cultural and art institutions

2) Constructive and transformative stage includes a set of basic measures aimed at modernizing the cultural sphere in the Kurgan region.

3) Within the framework of control and analytical stage it is planned to carry out a number of control measures aimed at eliminating external and internal risks that hinder the development of culture in the Kurgan region.

The technology for solving the tasks is built in such a way that most of the program activities are an integral part of the state program "Development of the culture of the Trans-Urals until 2020".

I believe that the effectiveness of the developed management solution and technology for its implementation will be achieved if the following list of indicators is fulfilled:

1) attracting extra-budgetary sources in the development of the cultural sphere;

2) the systemic nature of making managerial decisions in the cultural sphere;

3) increasing the social efficiency of the network of institutions of culture, art and education in the field of culture on the territory of the Kurgan region;

4) an increase in the value of the indicator "The number of gifted and talented children";

5) an increase in the value of the indicator "The proportion of the population taking part in cultural and leisure activities";

6) an increase in the number of innovative projects in the field of culture, as well as sites for holding regional and international events in the framework of the implementation of socio-cultural projects;

7) an increase in the number of cultural events (festivals, exhibitions, shows, competitions, conferences and other program events) held by municipal institutions of culture and art;

8) an increase in the receipt of items in the library and museum funds;

9) complete renovation of the material and technical base of institutions of culture, art and education in the field of culture on the territory of the Kurgan region;

10) increasing the coverage of the population using the services of institutions of culture, art and education in the field of culture on the territory of the Kurgan region.

Thus, the developed conceptual solution for the development of culture in the Kurgan region and the proposed technology for its implementation with an indication of the list of target indicators, allow reaching a constructive level of cultural development in this region by developing plans with a specific list of activities and indicating the timing of their implementation. This activity approach takes into account the peculiarities and specifics of the cultural policy in the Kurgan region. Within the framework of the stages of the technology for the implementation of measures, it is envisaged to make adjustments and proposals based on the level of effectiveness and the degree of efficiency of the activities of local governments and the network of municipal cultural institutions in the region.


As part of the implementation of the goal of the course work, a conceptual management solution was developed aimed at developing culture in the Kurgan region. The emergence of indicators of the effectiveness of the activities of government bodies and cultural institutions showed that the development of culture requires a lot of attention. The lack of consistency in making managerial decisions in the field of culture and a single normative legal act regulating the activities of subjects of cultural policy, as well as the uncoordinated mechanism of interaction between authorities at all levels, actualizes the issue of cultural development.

In the course of the work, aspects of the development of culture in the Kurgan region were taken into account. In the process of covering the tasks of the final term paper, the following conclusions were made:

1). The work considers several approaches to the definition of the concept of "management decision", outlines the stages of its adoption and implementation in practice, outlines the essential characteristics, namely: economic, social, organizational.

2) In the course of considering the mechanism for making managerial decisions in state and municipal authorities, the peculiarities associated with the obligatory consideration of the financial component (budget) necessary for its implementation were identified, and the need to involve the public in making managerial decisions was substantiated.

3) According to the results of the analysis of the activities of regional authorities in the field of cultural development, a number of shortcomings are manifested in the absence of norms regarding the implementation of state policy in the field of culture, as well as the formal consolidation of the procedure for financial security of the activities of authorities.

4) In the course of determining the methods and mechanisms for making managerial decisions, it was concluded that the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region actively uses analytical methods, implements a mechanism by distributing powers between its structural divisions.

5) . Within the framework of the state program "Development of the culture of the Trans-Urals" for 2014-2020. a list of services provided to the population by the Department of Culture of the Kurgan Region directly, as well as jointly with the cultural and art institutions subordinate to it, was highlighted. The main tool for determining the effectiveness of the Department of Culture is the monitoring of public opinion on the quality and availability of services in the field of culture. After all, it is for the population that this body carries out its activities. The formation of a common cultural and information space is a key element of cultural policy.

6) In the course of the work, a conceptual management solution was developed regarding the development of culture in the Kurgan region and a technology for the implementation of this conceptual solution was proposed.

The developed conceptual management solution is a model of effective management of the sphere of culture, since it takes into account the specifics of the development of culture in a particular region, contains a mechanism of target indicators, through which it is possible to predict the results of the ongoing cultural policy. The proposed technology for implementing the provisions of the developed management solution is of a practical nature, because the proposed tasks and principles can be applied in the activities of the Department of Culture of Kurgan Activity.

The proposed conceptual solution for the development of culture in the Kurgan region provides a basis for the development of culture and is a promising management solution. The next stage of its implementation is constructive planning, which consists in a detailed description of technology activities, indicating the timing and resource provision.

List of used literature

1. Regulations

1) On the approval of the Regulation on the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region: Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan region of November 23, 2009 N 542. Access from the reference legal system ConsultantPlus.

2) On the approval of the Regulations for organizing the activities of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region. Order of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region dated March 1, 2010 No. 47. Access from the reference legal system ConsultantPlus.

3) On approval of the list of public services: Order of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan Region dated April 19, 2011. Access from the consultantPlus legal system.

4) On conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the provision of services by cultural and cinematographic institutions: Order of the Department of Culture of the Kurgan region dated August 25, 2015 No. 293. Access from the ConsultantPlus reference legal system.

5) On the state program of the Kurgan region "Development of the culture of the Trans-Urals for 2014-2020":

6) Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan region of October 14, 2013 N 470. Access from the reference legal system ConsultantPlus.

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Classification of government decisions

The classification of government decisions allows them to be systematized on various grounds, for example, by subjects of management, time and scope, content and form, etc. So, government decisions can be classified as follows.

  • 1. By subjects of management:
    • - nationwide (elections, referendum);
    • - federal, regional (subjects of the federation), local;
    • - legislative power, executive power, judicial power;
    • - individual, collegiate.
  • 2. By goals and time of action:
    • - strategic (long-term);
    • - tactical (medium-term);
    • - operational (short-term).
  • 3. By the scale of the action:
    • - nationwide;
    • - local (within the administrative-territorial unit);
    • - intradepartmental;
    • - interdepartmental.
  • 4. By the regulatory nature:
    • - general (normative);
    • - private (non-standard).
  • 5. By legal force:
    • - higher (constitutional);
    • - legislative;
    • - bylaws.
  • 6. By types of government:
    • - civil;
    • - military.
  • 7. By the forms of legal acts:
    • - laws (constitutional, codes, federal, subjects of the federation);
    • - decrees (royal, presidential);
    • - resolutions (parliament, chamber of parliament, government, court, prosecutor's office);
    • - orders (president, government, heads of legislative and executive authorities);
    • - orders (heads of government agencies and their structural units; military);
    • - sentences (court);
    • - sanctions (investigative, prosecutorial authorities);
    • - decrees, instructions, prescriptions, instructions, etc .;
    • - programs, declarations, regulations, statutes;
    • - interstate treaties and agreements.
  • 8. According to the order of acceptance - the method of registration and legalization:
    • - primary, i.e. directly acquiring legal force (laws, decrees, regulations, etc.);
    • - secondary, i.e. enacted and approved by other decisions (for example, an instruction approved by an order of the minister; a regulation approved by a decree of the head of administration, etc.).
  • 9. By development methods:
    • - typical (similar);
    • - atypical (original).
  • 10. By content:
    • - political;
    • - administrative;
    • - economic;
    • - organizational;
    • - technological, etc.
  • 11. In the form of presentation:
    • - written;
    • - oral.
  • 12. By the mechanism of action:
    • - direct (immediate) action;
    • - framework (of a reference nature).
  • 13. By importance for execution:
    • - mandatory;
    • - recommendatory.
  • 14. By the nature of the impact:
    • - stimulating;
    • - protectionist;
    • - motivational;
    • - restrictive;
    • - prohibitive, etc.
  • 15. By the degree of publicity (openness):
    • - common use;
    • - for official use;
    • - secret;
    • - top secret.

This classification expresses the systematic characteristics of the entire complex of government decisions. It covers the most general, but at the same time characteristic of such solutions, characteristic features.

Development of management decisions

We will consider this subparagraph using the scheme (see Figure 1):

Rice. 1.

As can be seen from the diagram, the development of decision-making, and even more so at the state level, is a very complex and time-consuming process, and requires broad theoretical and practical skills, knowledge, high professionalism, and great responsibility.

Despite the fact that decision-making by state and municipal authorities is a complex process, and the social problems themselves are extremely diverse in their content, it is possible to identify the main general stages of this process, to find out exactly how the act of choosing one alternative from the existing or constructed set of alternatives is carried out, to choose a course of action to ensure that the required results are obtained.

The technology of preparation and adoption of state and administrative decisions includes four main stages:

  • 1) definition of a social problem and clarification of its causes;
  • 2) goal setting;
  • 3) development of alternative options for solving a social problem;
  • 4) choosing the best option.

Finding a public problem - it is an awareness of the fact that there is some deviation from the expected course of events in state and public life. Sources from which state and municipal authorities, their officials learn about the existence of public problems, can be personal observations, official documents, the media, public opinion, etc.

In practice, when major social problems are identified, the solution of which cannot be postponed, the state and municipal authorities constantly monitor control indicators, which signal when the position in the controlled sphere reaches or even exceeds extreme extreme values.

In the field of state and municipal administration, the following indicators are used:

  • 1) the ratio of monetary incomes and expenditures of the population;
  • 2) the share (10 or 20%) of the polar groups of the population in the appropriation of general income;
  • 3) the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level;
  • 4) the average life expectancy of men and women and its dynamics;
  • 5) the proportion of the unemployed among the economically active population;
  • 6) the ratio of growth in labor productivity and average wages;
  • 7) the share of industrial investments in GDP or national income, etc.

Definition of a public problem - the process of establishing the scale and causes of a problem when it has already been identified. When a public problem is identified, goals are required that will serve as the basis for a future solution. State and municipal authorities, their officials should ask the following question: "What result should we achieve with this decision?"

Alternative public administration solutions - these are two or more options for solving a social problem. They help prevent the first decision that comes along and find the best possible solution. The alternatives need to be considered together.

Choosing an alternative is the pinnacle of the process of making government decisions. It should be remembered that a good analysis of alternatives sharply narrows the scope of the choice. At this stage, state and municipal authorities, their officials should ask themselves the following question: "Is this the best solution?" The expected effect of each option must be calculated together with an estimate of the likelihood that the effect will be obtained.

The famous American philosopher J. Dewey divides the public decision-making process into five successive stages. According to him, this process begins with a sense of confusion, followed by the formulation of the problem, identification of possible solutions, analysis of their consequences and, finally, an attempt to implement the chosen solution.

The process of making public administration decisions is influenced by many internal and external factors. Among them, first of all, we note the following:

  • 1) professional knowledge and experience of persons making government decisions;
  • 2) the availability of timely information to the subjects of government decision-making;
  • 3) the time allotted for the adoption of state management decisions;
  • 4) the level of authority of the subjects of making government decisions;
  • 5) a system of beliefs and beliefs, as well as the ability to apply special decision-making techniques and defend the decision.

It should be borne in mind that people value their own decisions more than those made from outside. This factor is especially taken into account in the Japanese management model. Decision-making here is preceded by a long, thorough and comprehensive study of problems in all instances, divisions and links. If an employee gets the impression that he is being ordered like an automaton, then this is considered a gross managerial mistake that undermines "social harmony" in the organization.

In the process of making government decisions, it may be important:

  • 1) a decision is made by one person (for example, the president of the country) or a group (team);
  • 2) whether the decision to be taken is regulated by the current regulatory legal acts;
  • 3) how significant the decision is for the performers;
  • 4) how new is the problem being solved;
  • 5) whether the necessary resources are available to implement the solution;
  • 6) whether it is necessary to maintain confidentiality when making a decision, etc.

Some of these factors are complementary, but each of them influences in its own way the process of making public and administrative decisions.

Such a state-administrative decision as the adoption of a normative legal act, in particular a federal law, has its own peculiarities.

The legislative process in the Russian Federation is carried out in compliance with the established procedure, which, as a rule, consists of the following stages:

  • 1) legislative initiative;
  • 2) submission of a bill to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and its adoption for consideration;
  • 3) adoption of the bill;
  • 4) approval by the Federation Council of the Russian Federation;
  • 5) signing by the President of Russia;
  • 6) official publication.

The process of making state and administrative decisions is influenced by both the structure of the highest bodies of state power and the procedure for their formation, and the mode of interaction between them.

Ideally, the legislative branch of state power formulates the political course, the executive branch implements it, the judicial branch monitors the process of its implementation and makes decisions on disputes arising in connection with this. However, such a division exists only ideally, but in practice, the functions of individual branches of government are intertwined and it is not so easy to separate them among themselves.

At the same time, “the dominant ideology of power, oriented towards democracy or authoritarianism, is of decisive importance in the formulation of the system of coordinates of the political course and the distribution of functions between various government agencies. The meaning of this ideology determines the degree to which the “will of the people” is taken into account, the degree of alienation from civil society ”1.

When making political decisions, “of fundamental importance is the fact that the adoption ... is conditioned by the competition of various groups of influence and political elites in the authorities, therefore, management activity in each of the phases initially tends to inconsistency. Each of the political subjects is inclined to perceive only those facts that are significant for him, evaluate them from the point of view of his own interests and choose a solution that is beneficial first of all to him. In conditions when a number of political actors simultaneously try to influence the same decision in accordance with this, the process of its adoption begins to acquire a spontaneous character.

Overcoming this spontaneity is possible only by creating conditions that ensure the consistency of decision-making externally. These include a clear delineation of powers between the authorities and the existence of a strictly formalized procedure. "

In our opinion, those who argue that “there is an objective need for the adoption of a general act determining the procedure for the preparation and adoption of management acts, as well as the procedure for their cancellation, are right.

The lack of uniform legal requirements for acts of public administration in the system of legislation leads to the adoption of defective acts both in terms of form and content. "

The story of the privatization of state property is indicative in this respect. A well-known specialist in Russian economics, professor at the Harvard Science Center, Marshal Goldman, writes in his book "The Piratisation of Russia: Why Russian Reforms Failed": to have the seven organizers of his victory ... divide up some of the state's most valuable assets in the commodities and media industries. In addition, he appointed two of them ... to top government posts. At the same time, the manifestation of disregard for the problem of conflicts of interest spurred the “businesslike” activity of the appointees. Seven influential bankers gained control over 50% of the country's property assets ... They took possession of an even more significant share in the media - 70% of the Moscow press and radio, 80% - of national television ”1.

The main elements of the process of development and adoption of state management decisions are:

  • 1) preparation of a draft legal act of management (collection of primary information, deliberation);
  • 2) the stage of forecasting and modeling possible management decisions and actions;
  • 3) evaluation of the proposed alternatives, screening out obviously unviable projects and choosing the best one;
  • 4) coordination of the draft legal act of management with the interested departments and officials;
  • 5) the stage of making management decisions;
  • 6) the issuance of a legal act of management;
  • 7) sending the adopted legal act to the Ministry of Justice of Russia for its state registration and promulgation through publication in official publications;
  • 8) the procedure for detailed acquaintance with the adopted management act of interested persons and performers, and, if necessary, the public.

IL Trunov believes that when improving public administration, "the central object of research and influence should be the decision-making rules."

RT Mukhaev rightly points out: “It is important that the decision-making rules are reliable and stable. Otherwise, citizens will not know what to expect from the government. This, in turn, can weaken their confidence in government, reduce their willingness to invest or take on any other obligations. The consequence of this situation is also serious conflicts, and ultimately the government may resign, and decisions will be taken by force. One of the challenger fathers of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, spoke of the need for predictable rules for making decisions in the introduction to the first House of Representatives Manual: "Bad laws are better than no laws at all."

Useful rules for the preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions (legal acts) have been prepared by the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation and approved by the administrations of the Tver, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and other regions.

The decision-making process does not end after choosing an alternative. To achieve this goal, any solution must be implemented. At the stage of implementation, from an intellectual concept presented on paper or in the mind of a leader, a decision turns into a “concrete action. Moreover, the implementation of a decision may require the adoption of many other decisions that ensure the implementation of the main decision.

The essence of this stage is the development of a program of specific actions by state bodies, as well as other public entities, which will be assigned certain obligations to complete tasks.

The necessary conditions for the successful implementation of a management decision are created during the period of its preparation and adoption, which, in fact, is the unity of the management process. Therefore, the decision should already provide for who, where, when and how performs this or that task. All this creates the necessary organizational prerequisites for the implementation of a management decision.

the success of the implementation of managerial decisions also depends on many factors, such as: recognition by subordinates of the actual right of the leader to give orders and orders; development of a solution implementation plan; organization of interaction and motivation of performers; control of their activities; effective communication, etc.

Organization of the execution of a managerial decision can be divided in spatial and temporal terms by objects (groups of objects), by tasks and interpjl8Jlam time. For the implementation of each of the designated groups, employees are selected with the appropriate qualifications (experience) and levels of authority (in parallel, the issue of delegating the missing powers to subordinates can be resolved here), capable of ensuring control over the development of events and self-control. Thus, in general, it is assumed to create a flexible system for implementing solutions in such a way that, at a decisive moment and in a decisive place, it is possible to concentrate the main forces.

Then you should bring to the performers specific tasks or fragments of the decision. If communicating a decision to grassroots structures (performer) goes through several levels of management, it is necessarily accompanied by control in order to exclude distortion of the original plan.

The peculiarity of this stage is that it organically connects the managers and the managed (i.e. expands a number of functional subjects of management). And this, in turn, entails an emphasis in the mechanism of public administration on the activities of directive and executive subsystems. Moreover, here feedback mechanisms are actively involved in the decision-making process.

At this stage, there is a change and expansion of the subjects involved in the management process. a wide range of structures and citizens (including opponents of these decisions, who, nevertheless, are assigned certain responsibilities to perform certain tasks).

From the point of view of the organizational structure of management, we can talk about the processes of implementation of decisions in which all performers are at the same level (for example, at the level of central authorities) or are present at least at two levels of the state hierarchy (in particular, at the local and regional ).

If, in general, outline the circle of the main tasks solved by the state at this point. stage, government agencies should:

form an action program based on the law;

provide for the creation of a backup system for implementing solutions;

if possible, institutionalize the process of implementing the adopted decisions;

exercise legislative and financial control over the process of implementing decisions;

organize the uninterrupted receipt of information about the consequences and the nature of the implementation of goals, be able to evaluate this information (based on the developed criteria for expected success,

comparison of goals and results, from the point of view of the interests of state power. the whole (or organization, department).

The variety of tasks facing the state makes it possible to single out several internal sub-stages within the stage of implementing decisions: operational management of the implementation of goals, motivation of performers, making so-called secondary decisions that correct this process, control over the use of resources and the behavior of bureaucrats, etc.

An important condition for the successful implementation of decisions is the vocation of a state management decision. the public. The chances of successful implementation of any decisions increase significantly when the people involved have contributed to the decision and sincerely. believe in what they are doing. Therefore, clarification of the meaning of the decisions made plays an important role.

Modern management technologies using computer support make it possible to simultaneously track the progress of a significant number of activities in various areas.Continuous or operating at intervals dictated by the nature of the planned activities, monitoring allows you to timely record emerging deviations during the implementation of the plan.

For this reason, an important element of the stage of implementation of the adopted management decision can be its adjustment. It consists in the timely review of decisions in accordance with changes in the conditions or nature of official activities.

Among the reasons requiring changes and additions to an already adopted decision, there may be:

a) poor organization of the execution of the decision and the lack of sufficient feedback to control it;

b) abrupt and unforeseen changes in the situation, - ". requiring appropriate changes in management decisions; ..

c) serious mistakes in the initial management decision, which may eventually lead to undesirable consequences,

Often, the adjustment of the action program is associated with a revision of the functions of individual state bodies, clarification of their responsibility. In this regard, the country should provide conditions for a corresponding change in the powers of state structures, advanced training of the state administration apparatus, and modification of the legislative and political framework of the state's activities.

However, before making additional and corrective decisions, one should understand the nature of the above reasons, so as not to further complicate the situation. Changes and additions to decisions should be clearly formulated and justified in order to avoid disorganization and making irrational decisions.

The third stage in the technological chain of public administration is the implementation of the decision. The significance of government decisions is usually judged not so much by the management ideas they carry (which is also extremely important), but by the real results, by the actual changes in the controlled subsystem. The importance of this becomes even more obvious if we take into account that nowadays there are quite frequent cases when the decisions made "hang in the air" remain without practical implementation. An analysis of management practice shows that one of the essential reasons for such facts is the lack of a rational technology for the execution of government decisions.

What is the specificity of activities to implement a government decision? If the activity on the preparation and adoption of a state decision is always spiritual, then the activity on the implementation of this decision is mainly material, in whatever social sphere it is carried out. The execution of a state decision is a practical and, therefore, a material side of state administrative activity. For example, if in public administration a decision is made to create a new management body or a new subdivision in an existing body, then the implementation of this decision is ultimately expressed in the selection and recruitment of a certain number of workers, providing them with jobs, the necessary equipment, office equipment, salary, etc. It is the implementation of management decisions that makes it possible to fully identify their transformative potential, check the effectiveness of the impact on the ongoing processes.

Although the modern theory of public administration has obvious achievements, the stage of implementation of managerial decisions is still insufficiently developed in it, as long as there is no more or less clear concept of the essence and functions of planning. The features of material (practical) activity in the structure of public administration have not been studied and theoretically generalized. The theory of state and social control is taking only the first steps. In a word, the praxeological side of public administration requires increased attention from both scientists-researchers and politicians-practitioners.

What is planning?

Planning is the development of a certain order of performance of any activity. The adopted government decision usually establishes only the general content of the proposed activity. The task of planning is to concretize this proposed activity: to outline intermediate goals, to calculate the timing and sequence of their achievement, to determine the executors and the necessary means (resource provision) for each of these particular goals. The plan is drawn up so that the performers do not grab onto everything at once, but act in a certain order, i.e. consistently and consistently. Every plan must answer four basic questions: what to do? who to do? when to do? how to do! A well-drafted plan allows avoiding spontaneity and randomness in government activities, and ensures greater efficiency in the implementation of government decisions. Often, plans are given a legal character. They either themselves are adopted as a normative act, or are attached to any normative act.

The second and main stage in the implementation of government decisions is the "materialization" of the social goals and norms contained in them, the translation of these norms into real physical actions of management personnel to transform management objects. This type of management activity is usually called "organizational activity" or "fulfillment of the planned".

It has already been said that managerial decisions made by state bodies can be of a twofold nature. They can be directed outward - to the controlled subsystem. But they can also be directed inward - to the control subsystem. And in one, and in another case, civil servants do not affect nature, but other people, united in state and other administrative bodies and organizations. The purpose of this impact is to mobilize the latter for practical (material) transformations of social or natural reality.

Consequently, in the process of fulfilling the planned, political and administrative leaders, civil servants create new governing bodies, liquidate or transform old ones, improve organizational ties between them, conduct various events (meetings, conferences, discussions), control checks, take stock, etc. Organizational activity is always material in nature.

The final phase in the process of direct "materialization" of the state decision is to obtain real results corresponding to the goals that were formulated in these decisions. The result of an activity, as you know, is a criterion (indicator) of the quality of a particular activity. What is the result, so is the activity, the consequence of which it is.

Therefore, the more the results of direct implementation of the planned correspond to the goals of government decisions, the higher the quality of this management activity as a whole. If the results do not adequately correspond to the set goals, then, naturally, the quality of management activity raises doubts. In such cases, the question arises about the level of competence of both individual employees and government agencies. However, it should be emphasized that the compliance of the results with the goals is an essential, but far from the main criterion for the quality of management activities.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that the technological cycle for working with government decisions does not end with the stage of direct organizational implementation of these decisions. Here, at least one more stage is needed, namely, control over the implementation of government decisions. Without such control, it is difficult and even simply impossible to decide: have these decisions really been implemented? And if they are really fulfilled, then have the urgent problems that these decisions were devoted to solved?

Public and social control is necessary for society, as it allows you to check the effectiveness of government decisions from the point of view of public interests. Therefore, it must accompany every decision, in the preparation of the adoption and implementation of which political leaders and civil servants are involved. Constant state and social control is one of the necessary conditions for the optimality of managerial decisions, of the entire state and social management as a whole.


  • o The state decision is an alternative choice of a social goal and a norm developed by the subject of management for directed impact on the object-management. The basis of the foundations of any government decision is the choice of the management song and norms in solving any social problem.
  • o Classification of decisions in public administration is carried out on the following grounds: 1) by subjects of management, decisions are divided: a) into federal, regional, district (city); b) adopted by the legislative, executive and judicial authorities; c) individual, collegial, collective, public; 2) by the time of action - strategic (long-term), tactical (medium-term), operational (short-term); 3) by social character - general, particular; 4) by content - political, economic, organizational, technological; 5) in form - written, oral, on electronic media; 6) by the mechanism of action - direct action, framework.
  • o Developed two approaches to government management decisions: normative (quantitative) and descriptive (qualitative). In the first approach, preference is given to formalized models of management decisions, studied by formal, mainly economic and mathematical, engineering and economic and computer methods. In the second approach, reliance is made on a qualitative description and analysis of the problems of state solution technologies, carried out mainly within the framework of traditional sociology and psychology. The study shows that none of these approaches can be given an obvious preference. It all depends on the specific situation - in the presence of linear dependencies, the normative approach works more successfully, with the descriptive one.
  • o Optimization of prepared government decisions is carried out mainly due to the observance of two main conditions: attraction of competent and highly professional specialists who develop these decisions; consistent use of the principles of timeliness, cyclicality and legality of government decisions.
  • o The technology of state decision in the civil service includes three main stages: 1) preparation of a state decision; 2) provision of procedures for adoption and adoption of state decisions; 3) implementation of the state decision. The quality (efficiency) of a government decision directly depends on the careful observance of all technological requirements at each of these three stages.
  • o Representative (representative) criteria for the implementation of the optimal choice of state goals and norms: systemic self-sufficiency; political expediency; economic profitability (or at least affordability); social positivity (the possibility of positive social consequences); environmental acceptability; moral security.
  • o The specificity of the implementation of state decisions is that if the preparation and decision-making is always spiritual, then the activities for the implementation of these decisions are mainly material, in whatever social sphere it is carried out. The execution of government decisions is a practical and, therefore, the material side of government administration.