How Dodo Pizza delivers pizza using the Microsoft Azure cloud. Dodo pizza: expectation and reality. Employee reviews

We continue to talk about the Microsoft Cloud for Solution Companies (ISVs). In this release, Dodo Pizza, already an international network based in Syktyvkar, whose feature is the Dodo IP cloud information system, deeply integrated into all business processes of the organization and franchise. This article was prepared with the participation of several people, Fedor Ovchinnikov, CEO of Dodo Pizza, as well as the implementation team - Alexander Shibanov, Andrey Morevsky, Arseniy Kravchenko and Gleb Lesnikov. ...

Fedor Ovchinnikov: Good day! Our company appeared 5 years ago in Syktyvkar. It is a small town in the north of Russia. Ours is still here. headquarters, while the company has offices in Moscow and the United States. Today Dodo Pizza is an international pizza chain in six countries. In 2015, the chain's revenue exceeded 1 billion rubles... The main product of the company is a franchise, the core of which is its own Information system Dodo IS. Our system is implemented as a website. Franchisee partners work with it as a SaaS service. Due to the deep integration of the system and business, using the possibilities of the Internet, mobile gadgets in the kitchen, with the help of Dodo IS, we achieve greater efficiency and transparency of the business. In fact, "Dodo Pizza" is an IT company or a "cyborg company", that is, both an IT and a retail company. But unlike 100% of IT companies, we sell to our clients, that is, franchisees. IT system along with business system and brand. Key feature our business is openness to clients, investors, partners. Openness does not allow us to work badly, since everything immediately becomes visible. Our "cloud" information system allows you to show the key metrics of our business in real time.

Dodo IS is the heart of the entire network. Today, more than 80 pizzerias in six countries, a single call center, and our websites depend on it. And it's all web! We even have a checkout in a restaurant working in a browser. We were looking for the best solutions in terms of reliability, quality, serviceability. Physical servers are not a very flexible solution, plus some of the services have already been virtualized through Hyper-V, so the cloud was a logical continuation of development. It was not scary - these are just virtual machines, there is nothing to be afraid of. The choice fell on Azure largely due to its participation in the Microsoft BizSpark startup support program and the BizSpark + Cloud Grant in the form of $ 60,000 Azure resources - nevertheless, the cloud needs to be “touched” in order to understand whether you need it or not.

In this case, of course, the cloud is primarily a tool. Business must set tasks, and we, in turn, must solve them. A good tool allows you to make better decisions. The flexibility of the cloud allows you to do more, do better, come up with many options, and try everything. If we talk about the consequences of the transition, then on the transition to the cloud we saved rather than spent. Spent several dozen man-hours of one system administrator, and in return got a year of free server operation. I don't think this is possible anywhere else.
In 2016, we plan to expand the network to 180 pizzerias, our goal is to open more than 2000 pizzerias around the world by 2020. Now pizzerias are opening in the USA and China. All of them will be connected to each other through our information system Dodo IS, that is, through a web service. The more pizzerias we have, the more important our web service Dodo IS will play for effective management. At the same time, we will depend on the "cloud" on a larger scale.

I must say that it was very difficult for us to start. But this applies to any startup, while our situation was aggravated by the fact that we were in Syktyvkar, far from the “venture” money and technology centers.
Downtime and / or data loss could be a major business concern. Something could be sharpened for iron servers. Moving itself is always a big risk. But expectations were more than justified, now we are satisfied. There were no particular problems for the business, all our initial difficulties did not affect the business and users in any way. The cloud is, first of all, excellent scalability. We are growing very quickly, we open pizzerias in Europe, America and China, the clouds give us the opportunity to conveniently deploy system instances.

What is it made ofDodoIS?

Web application on ASP.NET MVC, Windows Server, IIS, CentOS, NGINX, MySQL (Percona Server). We use NGINX for reverse proxy and TLS. Behind NGINX are our backends in the form of IIS servers that host the business logic. We have Percona Server as a relational database. We use Azure Redis Cache for a variety of caches in production. The applications themselves are written in ASP.NET.

What used by v developing?

Visual Studio, ReSharper, Bitbucket, JIRA, Confluence, TeamCity, Azure Application Insights. Programmers work in Visual Studio 2015 with ReSharper.

For version control we use Mercurial (Bitbucket), JIRA for tasks, Confluence for documentation. We deploy via PowerShell once a week, Continuous Integration - TeamCity. We actively use Application Insights for two things - assessing the load of various backend APIs and failed requests / exceptions, however, our application generates too many events and we choose their monthly limit in 5-6 days. Soon we will do Sampling and it will no longer be a problem. A typical use case - when we see an unusual load on the backends / base, we go to AppInsights and look at the most frequent requests. Another typical use case - when something slows down for no reason, we filter by URL and see the execution time of requests, and this is all absolutely without rewriting the application, i.e. we just add the AppInsights monitor to the server


Our system is conditionally divided into two parts: one part is the back office - everything related to the production of pizza, reporting, personnel, etc. These are employees of 80 pizzerias and a management company.

The second part is our clients who interact with the system through the site. At the moment, the site accepts more than 40% of all orders and serves ~ 6000 unique visitors per day.

We planned the architecture from the very beginning. There was a fear that the project would be highly loaded and a monolithic solution (albeit broken down into layers) would not work. But taking into account high risk startup and limited funding, we nevertheless decided to make a monolithic architecture with a standard breakdown into layers (UI, BL, DAL). This is an understandable architecture, with a low threshold of entry, and it gave us the opportunity for rapid development. Over time, based on the needs of the business, the architecture evolved several times, but in fact remained a monolith.

We are now preparing the system for future growth, namely for clusters. We started using Redis Cache and will soon be making a farm from IIS servers. We are also planning to migrate to Percona XtraDB Cluster and transfer statics to CDN.

What happened? First migration attempts

We just created some virtual machines, repeating our previous servers. Removed NGINX reverse proxies, considering that there was no point in them. Thus, it practically did not differ from local servers in the data center. The servers were installed on the same number of cores as they were, they worked fine. Some of the machines that were already running Hyper-V were very quickly dragged and dropped by copying the image without any problems.

Difficulties and inconveniences

We are starting a series of articles about franchises: how to open a business in Russia under someone else's trademark, how much it costs and what it will result in.

Lena Kiseleva

talked to franchise owners

Today - pizza, and in the future - coffee shops, retail, services, children's centers and much more. Subscribe to Tinkoff-magazine in Telegram not to miss new stories of entrepreneurs: @tinkoffjournal.

Hero: Stanislav Semionov, Dodo Pizza

A place: Dolgoprudny, Moscow, Kolomna

What the franchise gives: technology, pizzeria project, recipes, connection to the information system "Dodo IS", website, application for mobile devices, marketing, single call center services, training, knowledge base

An initial fee: 350,000 RUR + VAT

Payback forecast: from 1 year

What does the network do

Dodo Pizza launches pizzerias. The first institution was opened by entrepreneur Fedor Ovchinnikov in 2011. The franchise appeared two years later.

Why did I choose this particular business

Before starting a franchise business, Stanislav was the head of an advertising agency. At the invitation of the founder of "Dodo-Pizza" Fyodor Ovchinnikov, he went to the headquarters in Syktyvkar to see how everything works. He liked everything.

The Dodo Pizza kitchen is like a conveyor belt. Employees prepare pizza in 7-10 minutes, up to 100 pieces per hour. All this is controlled by the information system, which itself accepts orders from cash desks and from the Internet, distributes tasks to cooks and couriers, maintains statistics and a loyalty program.

All pizzerias have cameras to show customers how their particular pizza is being prepared. Cameras in pizzerias help monitor quality and make pizza making a reality show.

How did I launch

Dodo-Pizza decided not to go directly to cities with a population of one million with a franchise, but first to focus on cities with a population of about 100 thousand people. Stanislav decided to try launching in Dolgoprudny, 5 km from Moscow. V student years he studied there at the Physicotechnical Institute. Then the incomes of residents were above average, there was little catering, and there were a lot of students.

The opening cost 13 million rubles. Dodo-Pizza, for example, has a program to attract investors, which works from the second point (first, an entrepreneur must prove his worth). Entrepreneurs opened about 90% of Dodo-Pizza pizzerias with borrowed and investor money. Stanislav raised funds for four out of ten pizzerias he opened.

What problems did you face

Space requirements have changed over time. The guys from Dodo Pizza have learned how to make compact kitchens, so now there is enough room with an area of ​​150 squares. They will comfortably accommodate a family pizzeria with a children's room.

The cost of renting such a room is 200-400 thousand rubles per month. But while the renovation is going on, the entrepreneur manages to pay for 2-3 months of rent before opening. You also need to make a deposit.

Stanislav quickly realized that he was not interested in managing one point. In the network business, management costs are lower, and Stanislav was going to open a second pizzeria in Moscow. Management Company has already started launching franchises in million-plus cities, but Moscow was the last on the list. He waited six months for the go-ahead.


For several years Stanislav opened 10 pizzerias in Dolgoprudny, Moscow and Kolomna. The accumulated experience helps. For example, Stanislav realized that it is easier to demolish everything than to rebuild a finished building. If you open a point at mall, then there will be almost no cost for the facade. If there was already a public catering there, then you can also save on the hood.

The budget for opening one pizzeria with an area of ​​150-180 m² is 11-15 million rubles until the break-even point is reached. In the regions, you can keep within 6-8 million rubles if you work on simpler equipment and make repairs easier.

Opening at the food court is even cheaper - 5-6 million rubles. Entrepreneurs who open pizzerias in regions with low competition sometimes turn out to be profitable from the first month.

Learn how the franchise owner charges monthly payments (royalties) and what these payments are tied to. When it comes to microbusiness, you can consider fixed payments, but such franchises are closer to self-employment rather than a business.

Analyze the stories of other franchisees. The pain of many franchises: the entrepreneur bought a franchise, figured out what's what, and after a year or two changed the sign and stopped paying royalties. If there are many such cases on the network, it means that the franchise does not provide any value and it is easier for an entrepreneur to develop his own brand later.

Average budget for opening a pizzeria in 2017

Franchise Owner Contribution350,000 Р + 18% VAT
3.5% of turnover + VAT
Royalty per month from 2nd year5% + VAT
Marketing fee1% of turnover
Premises rental with a deposit800,000-1,200,000 RUR
Building materials and construction and installation works2.5-4 million R
Equipment3.5 million R
Ventilation and air conditioning800,000-1,000,000 R
Fire and security system, video surveillance150,000-300,000 RUR
Recruitment and training of personnel100,000-300,000 RUR
Launch advertising campaign300,000-500,000 RUR
Unforeseen expenses (facade, glazing, etc.)1,000,000 RUR
Break-even time3-6 months
Payback time1.5-4 yearsMonthly profit of one pizzeria15-25% of revenue before tax

Franchise Owner Contribution

350,000 Р + 18% VAT

Royalty per month in the 1st year after opening

And they hired new employees. Today we will continue our acquaintance with the Dodo IS and the block Staff... Let's see what daily routine operations are performed by pizzeria employees, and how Dodo IS helps them with this.

Medical book

Employees with overdue medical book it is forbidden to go to work. Dodo IS makes sure that all employees are in the ranks and undergo medical examinations on time.

Now imagine that one day 15 experienced pizza makers go to work, and the next day only 2 interns. Backfill question: in which case will the quality and efficiency of work be higher?
That's right, in no way. In the first case, workers are likely to stand idle. And in the second - rushing around the kitchen, trying to catch everything.

What to do to prevent such situations from happening? Our solution is a shift schedule, that is, the optimal placement of employees by positions. The chart creation tool turned out to be quite powerful. Let's see where it all starts ...

Personal Area. Employee Opportunity Map

There are always three shifts in a 24-hour pizzeria: morning, evening and night. There are only three such pizzerias throughout the network (in Syktyvkar, Chelyabinsk and Samara). The rest work in two shifts: morning and evening. When shifts begin and end, the manager decides.

We have created Employee's personal account... So far only for kitchen workers, but very soon our couriers.

This is where the employee plans their shifts. To do this, he fills in Opportunity map- a calendar in which it marks the time when it cannot work.

But you need to declare your wishes in advance, before the onset deadline... Otherwise, the system will consider that the employee can work at any time.

Deadline- the last day of the planning period Opportunity Maps... And the period in each pizzeria is different.

Those who never fill out the Opportunity Map are interns. Dodo IS took care of them. When a personal card is created for a new employee, his opportunities are automatically filled in: the intern can work in the morning and in the evening.

Opportunity summary map

Opportunities of all employees are collected in one place, in the Summary Map of Opportunities. This shows the times when employees can work... Suddenly impossibility in Personal account evolved into possibility v Summary map.

Each pizzeria has an employee responsible for scheduling shifts - schedule manager(this function can also be performed by the director of a pizzeria). What are his responsibilities? The manager looks at the Opportunity Summary Map and, if necessary, makes changes to it. For example, it removes the shifts of a sick employee.

Cells can be marked different colors for convenience. For example, red is a day off, green is a mandatory change, yellow is a possible day off. Here the manager can see how many hours each employee has worked. Based on this, he already decides whether to put it on a schedule or give a day off.

Setting up positions

What positions do the employees occupy?

For each production station the categories of employees are indicated. Stations are key areas of our production. We can change and add stations depending on the size and specifics of the pizzeria (for example, there is no delivery in the format).

Why is this needed? When the manager draws up shift schedules, the system will prompt him to the right employees for the appropriate positions. Details are below.


And here it is, the shift schedule.

For the convenience of the manager, you can also view the schedules for the week.

Dodo IS tells you who can be scheduled on the selected shift. This information comes from the Capability Summary Map.

For example, at 8 a.m. there are few orders and a large number of employees are not required. But during peak hours, when the flow of orders is large, help is needed. At the same time, an employee can leave for a shift at 12 in the morning and work not 8 hours, but 6. The system is very flexible in this regard.

In a pizzeria, all employees are universal, that is, they can work in any position. So it is not surprising that the manager cuts vegetables in the cold workshop throughout the shift. Dodo IS remembers who worked the shift in which position.

The schedule can be adjusted. For example, move an employee to another position.

And comments help to understand, for example, why the instructor suddenly became a manager.

Personal Area. View graph
Schedules are drawn up for the future, so that an employee can view his work schedule in advance in Personal account... He immediately sees what awaits him tomorrow: with whom he will work, at what time and in what position.

Personal Area. Colleagues contacts
In the personal account of the employee there is a directory of contacts.

Why is it needed? For those situations when you urgently need to find a replacement or contact the Manager. The contacts of managers can be easily changed in the Manager's interface.

So, the working day has come ... Who is Shift manager? What are his responsibilities in a pizzeria? How to have a free lunch? :) We read.

Reception for shift
The employee is met Shift manager... For the next 8 hours, he manages all the processes in the pizzeria. The manager knows in advance who and what time should come to the shift, because the Shift Manager has a mobile tablet with which he works with Dodo IS ...

With one touch, he allows you to start work.

Dodo IS highlights those who are late.

During particularly busy hours, the manager can call for help from an employee outside the schedule. And the system will require confirmation of this action in order to eliminate the error.

Dodo IS records the time of acceptance for a shift, calculates the working time. All this is useful for calculating salaries. And then the fun begins, but about that in 3 parts. Meanwhile, it was time for lunch.


We provide food for our employees during shifts. The system allows the employee to have lunch within an hour after the start of the shift. But when it comes to food, things get very serious. Not everyone can count on a free lunch. If the shift is short, then you can not count on lunch. In other cases, the decision is left to the shift manager.

What's for lunch? With your own hands a prepared pizza or snack. However, the menu for the staff in each pizzeria is different.

After lunch, with renewed vigor, back to work. What happens at the end of the day?

Closing a shift

The cashier takes the cash register. Sometimes there are problems with the discrepancy between the amounts in the cash desk and in the report. For such cases, the system collects information about product returns and unprinted receipts. And the issue is resolved in a matter of minutes.

At the end of the shift, the manager checks the amount of money received by the courier from the clients with the data in the system. This eliminates theft. Dodo IS strictly monitors the number of delivered orders. This information is needed to calculate the courier's salary.

Closing a shift is a hustle and bustle: some employees leave, others leave. In order for the manager to keep up with everything, the shifts of some categories of employees are closed automatically. All this is configured by the department administrator (Manager).

But it is always possible to close the shift manually.

Shift extension
Sometimes an employee's shift needs to be extended. Dodo IS can do that too.

Editing the running time
Additional work time must be taken into account and recorded by the Manager, because these are additional costs that are not planned in the schedule. It is worth recalling here that labor cost is one of the main “costs” in our business :)

Personal Area. Statistics
Has the manager forgotten to extend the shift? Each employee can control this in Personal account, because working hours are wage... Statistics show the number of hours worked for any period of time.

Personal Area. Review
Here, in the Personal Account, an employee can leave a review about the work: a wish, a complaint or a proposal. By the way, Dodo IS allows you to sneak anonymously :)

All, without exception, messages will be read by the director of the pizzeria. He will respond to the complaint, consider the proposal and take into account the wishes. Thus, the team maintains a friendly and trusting atmosphere.

And tomorrow is a new day, new opportunities.

This is where our acquaintance with the Personnel block ends. A week later, you will learn about how the order arrives at the pizzeria, is prepared in the kitchen and delivered to the client. We look forward to your questions and comments.

The Dodo Pizza chain was founded in Russia relatively recently - in 2011. But during its 7 years of existence, the company has gone international: the brand is present in nine countries, including the UK, China and the USA. Since 2013, the company has been selling its franchise, and currently there are 366 pizzerias.

The buyer of the Dodo franchise needs to be prepared for strict internal quality control: each pizzeria will be checked 8 times a month. This will be done with the help of so-called mystery shoppers or ordering pizza at home. The work of the pizzeria will be evaluated according to 118 criteria. On the basis of these estimates, the management of Dodo Pizza will evaluate a specific outlet once a month. The higher it is, the more bonuses the pizzeria will receive from the franchisor. If the score is consistently low, then the pizzeria will be excluded from the network.

Terms of purchase of the "Dodo Pizza" franchise

The entrance fee will be 350 thousand rubles, excluding VAT. For this money, the future partner of Dodo Pizza will have the opportunity to undergo training, access to all the franchisor's documentation, as well as consulting support for the launch and connection to the Dodo IS system. In addition, the franchise seller guarantees the development individual project room design, connection to a single call center and website for receiving orders via the Internet.

Freychanzi pay royalties of 3.5% from monthly revenue in the first year, then this amount will grow to 5%.

A pizzeria operating for delivery will cost the buyer a franchise of 6 million rubles, a pizzeria with its own hall - 8-15 million months of work.

Franchisor guarantees

The heart of the pizzeria is the Dodo IS cloud management system. To work with the system, you will need a tablet and wireless internet. For one pizzeria, freichanzi installs an average of 5 - 9 tablets. In the Dodo IS system, indicators are visible not only for an individual cafe, but also for the entire chain. The manager will be able to compare indicators with other points of "Dodo Pizza" and analyze errors, build a strategy for the development of his point.

Buying the Dodo Pizza franchise, the franchisee gets access to a closed site with a knowledge base on running this type of business: kitchen work organization, personnel management, advertising layouts, samples of working documents.

When buying a Dodo pizzeria franchise, you will have to undergo a month-long training in Syktyvkar, where the chain's headquarters is located.

A significant plus is that only one Dodo Pizza franchisee will be present in one city / district. This means you don't have to compete with your own brand.