Tests on an individual project. The page contains questions on the subject of "project management". The project is

1. In organizational design, the methodology can be used ...

  • 1)ABC
  • 2)ABD
  • 3)ABF

2. … refers to the principles of selection/creation of organizational structures for project management

Mark the correct answer:

  • Orientation to perform work on time within resource and quality constraints
  • Compliance of the organizational structure with the requirements of the external environment
  • Orientation to the continuity of the organization's design process

3. "Organic" (adaptive) are: ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • project, balanced matrix and strong matrix organizational structures
  • project and matrix organizational structures (strong, weak, moderate)
  • functional and project organizational structures

4. The characteristics of organic organizational structures include ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • informality
  • structuring tasks and problems
  • power is questioned and tested, requires confirmation from subordinates

5. For organizational resources involved in the implementation of the project - from 15 to 60%; the project manager is full-time and has low to medium authority; command status is temporary - this description is typical for...

Mark the correct answer:

  • functional organizational structure
  • balanced matrix organizational structure
  • "weak" matrix organizational structure

6. A formalized description of the process execution technology includes ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • professiogram
  • discipline control system
  • calling method

7. staffing is a top management approved…

Mark the correct answer:

  • company employee work schedule
  • list of positions, their number and salary
  • rules for the provision of time off, sick leave and vacations

8. A variety of “complex” organizational structures includes a scheme ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • "Management is a function of the subcontractor"
  • "Management-customer function"
  • "Management is a function of the project manager"

9. …belongs to the features of the companies of the future

Mark the correct answer:

  • Focus on domestic markets
  • Availability of virtual groups within companies
  • Individual activities

10. Within the framework of the “Control-function management firm» direct work on the project is implemented by …

Mark the correct answer:

  • subcontractors
  • management firm
  • project customers

11. Arrange the steps for creating/selecting an organizational structure in a hierarchical order

Answer options:

  • A-Principal choice of organizational structure
  • B-formation of the organizational structure
  • C-detailed design of the organizational structure
  • D-development of organizational and methodological documentation

Use the mouse to arrange the elements in the correct order.ACDB

12. Orientation of companies to ... is one of the features of companies of the 20th century

Mark the correct answer:

  • profit, increase production efficiency
  • increase in the number of products produced
  • market needs

13. The use of a dual organizational structure is advisable when ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • the customer and the general contractor are equally important in making decisions on the project or perform work of equal importance
  • the role of the customer and the general contractor is combined by one organization
  • the customer of the project assumes the functions of project management, transferring most of the work to contractors

14. ... is a group of people with common goals who, in the process of cooperation, practically do not communicate personally and each of which plays a role in the project

Mark the correct answer:

  • Virtual Project Team
  • Project virtual office
  • Project virtual environment

15. … refers to the direction of company transformation

Mark the correct answer:

  • Increasing the number of hierarchical levels
  • Reducing the number of hierarchical levels
  • Rejection of the system of hierarchical subordination

16. The disadvantages of matrix organizational structures include the fact that ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • it becomes possible to flexibly adjust the organizational structure from a weak matrix to a strong one
  • the principle of unity of command is violated, which disorients the staff and causes many conflicts

17. The organizational structure, in which the staff is hierarchically grouped by specialty, is ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • project organizational structure
  • functional organizational structure
  • conglomerate organizational structure

18. The purpose of the project is ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • the desired result of the activity achieved as a result of the successful implementation of the project in the given conditions of its implementation
  • security financial stability the company implementing the project, ensuring the success of the project
  • development of unique products and services

19. Within the framework of functional organizational structures, the following smoothing methods are used using ... Mark the correct answer:

  • referees and teams
  • teams and project leaders
  • intermediaries and teams

20. The characteristics of mechanistic organizational structures include ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • a large number of detailed rules and procedures
  • employees respond to financial incentives
  • goals are blurred and dynamically changing

21. … refers to the shortcomings of project organizational structures

Mark the correct answer:

  • Reduced manufacturability in functional areas
  • Lack of a detailed division of labor by type of work
  • Decentralization of decision making

22. The tasks of the "information center" include ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • conducting trainings for staff
  • collection of information
  • generation and analysis of reports

23. The benefits of matrix organizational structures include that…

Mark the correct answer:

  • there is a serious problem of distribution of powers between project managers and heads of functional units
  • the project and its goals are in the spotlight
  • there are conflicts between the project and functional structures, which create big problems in making decisions on the project

24. The organizational structure of the project within the framework of the “Management-function of the general contractor” scheme is formed by ... Mark the correct answer:

  • project customer
  • Management Company
  • project Manager

25. The procedure for selecting a general contractor to perform work on the project is carried out through ...

Mark the correct answer:

  • tender
  • selective synthesis
  • open vote

26. … lie at the heart of a new management model

Mark the correct answer:

  • Integration processes in companies
  • The growing role of informatization of companies
  • Disintegration processes in companies

27. The role of the project manager…

Mark the correct answer:

  • in a weak matrix structure is constant, and the project team is temporary
  • in a balanced time matrix structure, like that of the project team
  • in a balanced matrix structure is constant, and commands are temporary

1. The project is:

a) a set of interrelated activities aimed at creating a unique product or service under time and resource constraints;

b) a set of interrelated activities aimed at creating a unique product or service;

c) business plan;

d) investment plan;

e) creation of a unique product or service under time and resource constraints.

2. Project management is:

a) planning, organization and control of the labor, financial and material and technical resources of the project, aimed at the effective achievement of the objectives of the project;

b) planning, organization and control of labor, financial and material and technical resources of the project;

c) planning of labor, financial and material and technical resources of the project, aimed at the effective achievement of the goals of the project;

d) organization of labor, financial and material and technical resources of the project, aimed at the effective achievement of the goals of the project;

e) control of labor, financial and material and technical resources of the project, aimed at the effective achievement of the objectives of the project.

3. The project team is:

a) a set of individuals, groups and organizations united in a temporary organizational structure for the performance of project work;

b) a set of individuals, groups and organizations united in an organizational structure for the performance of project work;

c) a set of persons united in a temporary organizational structure for the performance of project work;

d) a set of organizations united in a temporary organizational structure for the implementation of project work;

e) a set of groups united in a temporary organizational structure for the implementation of project work;

4. Project management includes:

a) a set of processes for initiating, planning, organizing the execution, control and completion of the project;

b) a set of processes of initiation, planning, organization of project execution;

c) a set of processes for organizing the execution, control and completion of the project;

d) any set of activities that the project manager deems appropriate to carry out.

5. According to the PERT method, project management is:

G) high risks project.

6. According to the agile development methodology, project management is:

a) the assumption of unlimited resources and the importance of only meeting deadlines and quality;

b) the importance of quality with the flexibility of resources and timing;

c) immutability of requirements, low risks, tight deadlines;

d) high risks of the project.

7. According to the PMBOK method, project management is:

a) the assumption of unlimited resources and the importance of only meeting deadlines and quality;

b) the importance of quality with the flexibility of resources and timing;

c) immutability of requirements, low risks, tight deadlines;

d) high risks of the project.

8. According to the method of innovative projects, project management is:

a) the assumption of unlimited resources and the importance of only meeting deadlines and quality;

b) the importance of quality with the flexibility of resources and timing;

c) immutability of requirements, low risks, tight deadlines;

d) high risks of the project.

9. The PMI methodology, formulated as the PMBOK standard, is based on:

10. Methodology I. W. R. M. based on:

a) the concepts of project management through a group of standard processes using interactive processes;

b) achieving the client's goals within the agreed time frame, within a certain budget and with necessary quality, and for the implementation of different types of projects, a set of different procedures, documents and technologies is used that are most suitable for a particular type of project;

c) a step-by-step approach, starting with the simplest things and ending with as sophisticated techniques as may be required for a particular project, including document templates;

d) focus not on the product or processes, but on improving the organization as a result of the implementation of projects, which allows using the experience gained as a result of the implementation of projects for the development of the company.

11. The TenStep methodology is based on:

a) the concepts of project management through a group of standard processes using interactive processes;

b) achieving the client's goals within the agreed timeframe, within a certain budget and with the required quality, and for the implementation of different types of projects, a set of different procedures, documents and technologies that are most suitable for a particular type of project are used;

c) a step-by-step approach, starting with the simplest things and ending with as sophisticated techniques as may be required for a particular project, including document templates;

d) focus not on the product or processes, but on improving the organization as a result of the implementation of projects, which allows using the experience gained as a result of the implementation of projects for the development of the company.

12. The P2M methodology is based on:

a) the concepts of project management through a group of standard processes using interactive processes;

b) achieving the client's goals within the agreed timeframe, within a certain budget and with the required quality, and for the implementation of different types of projects, a set of different procedures, documents and technologies that are most suitable for a particular type of project are used;

c) a step-by-step approach, starting with the simplest things and ending with as sophisticated techniques as may be required for a particular project, including document templates;

d) focus not on the product or processes, but on improving the organization as a result of the implementation of projects, which allows using the experience gained as a result of the implementation of projects for the development of the company.

13. Project Expert allows you to take into account risks based on:

a) the Monte Carlo method;

b) sensitivity analysis;

d) breakeven points;

e) the program does not take into account risks;

e) availability of reserves.

14. Project management in Project Expert is based on:

a) scenario analysis;

b) deviation control;

c) fulfillment of the original business plan;

G) general management the program does not carry out the project, only individual resources can be managed.

15. Calendar planning is carried out on the basis of:

a) Gantt charts;

b) hierarchical organization of stages;

c) arbitrarily;

d) for project management scheduling not necessary.

16. The project program is:

a) a set of interrelated projects and other activities aimed at achieving a common goal and implemented under conditions of common restrictions;

b) a set of interrelated projects aimed at achieving a common goal and implemented under conditions of common restrictions;

c) a set of activities aimed at achieving a common goal and implemented under conditions of general restrictions;

d) there is no such thing.

project management

Option 1

1. All of the following situations are benefits of a project organizational structure EXCEPT:

A. The project manager has complete guide over the project.

B. Equipment and people are connected through projects. +

C. Lines of communication are reduced.

D. Teamwork and a sense of belonging..

E. Team members report to the same leader.

2. Which of the following are NOT benefits of a matrix project management structure?

A. Communication between functional units is expanded

B. duplication of resources is minimized

C. Policies in the organization are aligned

D. There are two groups of managers - functional and administrative managers +

E. team leaders have functional areas after the project is developed

3. Which of the following indicators are of interest in project management?

2. Cost

3. AVAILABILITY of resources.

A. only 1. B. ONLY 2. C. ONLY 3. D.1 and 2 only. E.1,2, and 3.

C. The most recent job completion time without a backup time.

D. Earliest activity time minus work completion time.

E. Most recent start time minus job completion time.

6. The critical path of a project can be characterized as follows:

A. The non-stressful time for each task in the project is zero.

B. The chain of activity (beginning - ending) has the longest duration.

C. Early start date and start end date are always the same for each activity in the critical path.

D. To reduce project duration, you must reduce the idle time of a task in the critical path.

E. None of the above is correct.

7. You have been assigned as the project manager of 100 workers, and the project to develop a new machine similar to the current product will have twice the efficiency and lower cost. The duration of the project is expected to be two years. You are not entirely certain about the time it will take to complete this project. e What project management technique will you use in this situation?

A. CPM with single time estimate

C. CPM with three evaluation times

D. GANTT Chart

E. Any of the above will work.

8. Which of the following factors is the main disadvantage of the matrix project management method?

A. A single project manager is held accountable for the successful completion of the project.

B. Team members should leave their job duties in the firm and only work on career growth in the project management system.

C. Relationship between functional responsibilities strictly defined.

D. Project team members report to two managers at the same time, which creates opportunities for potential conflict.

E. The combination of the functional knowledge of many trained workers can provide synergistic solutions to emerging problems.

9. Early completion time equals:

A. The earliest possible start time for activities.

B. The earliest start time plus the end time of the activity.

C. Latest completion time.

Option 2

Choose the correct answer to the question and circle it.

1. What is meant by an investment project as a socio-economic system?

1) Case, activity, event, involving the implementation of a complex of any actions that ensure the achievement of certain goals.

2) Economic event, work, project.

3) The system of organizational, legal and settlement and financial documents necessary for the implementation of any actions or describing such actions.

4) A set of measures (technical, organizational, etc.) aimed at achieving certain goals (economic, social, environmental, etc.) and requiring the use of capital resources for their implementation.

2. What are the groups of principles that should be guided by the methodology for evaluating investment projects?

1) Methodological.

2) Methodical and methodological.

3) Methodological, methodological, operational.

3. What is the life cycle of an investment project?

1) The duration of the implementation of project activities from the moment the idea was born to its full implementation.

2) The time interval characterizing the duration of the work on this project.

The period of time from the moment the project is justified to the moment the investment in the project is received.

4. What does the project life cycle include?

1) Stages and stages.

3) Phases, stages and stages.

5. At what time interval life cycle project is calculated commercial efficiency of the project?

1) On pre-investment.

2) On investment.

3) On the operational.

4) For everyone.

6. What is the commercial effectiveness of the project?

1) The expediency of the project implementation from the standpoint of its initiators.

2) Profitability of the implementation of this project in terms of solving socio-economic problems.

3) The effectiveness of the project implementation from the standpoint of budgets of various levels.

7. What periods of the project life cycle does the problem of project management cover?

1) Pre-investment.

2) Pre-investment, investment and operational.

3) Investment and operational. Classification of projects.

8. The concept of "investment attractiveness of the project" applies to:

1) interests and goals of the project initiators;

2) short-term and long term goals investor;

3) administrations of the regions where the enterprise - the initiator of the project operates;

4) other project participants;
5 ) all of the above.

9. What are the methods for quantifying the commercial effectiveness of projects?

1) Internal rate of return method.

3) Method of return period.

4) All of the above.

10. What is the necessary condition for selecting a project for financing?

1)Requirement NPVj>0.

2)Requirement NPVj = 0/

3) Requirement NPVj - max NPVj for any k (project version).

4) NPVj requirement< max NPVj для любого k, но NPVj >(=) max NPVj - Ej, where Ej is the concession of the j-th project participant.

11. For the project to be effective for the investor, the discount rate must be:

1) is equal to the deposit rate;

2) higher than the deposit rate;

3) below the deposit rate.

12. In terms of the concept of real money flow, the following estimates are calculated:

3) investment return period;

4) all of the listed indicators;

6) discounted payback period;

13. Financial inflows include:

1) Develop an investment project in accordance with international methods.

2) Present an investment project that takes into account the requirements of a particular investor and the specific conditions in which the project is supposed to be implemented.

3) Offer the potential investor the initial prerequisites and the idea of ​​the project for its subsequent evaluation and analysis by the investor himself.

Option 3

Some task with certain initial data and required results that determine the way to solve it;

A specially formed application for the development of an investment project and the search for partners in the investment process;

Preliminary financial justification of the project;

A measure of project profitability based on an estimate of future revenue streams.

2. At what phase of the design is the preparation and training of personnel:

a) preliminary analysis

b) investment phase

c) project implementation

3. At what stage of the project implementation is the list of goals, requirements and tasks of the project determined:

a) concept development

b) problem analysis

c) project development



Implementation time


Solution quality

Which project is better and why? Justify the answer.

5. Purchase and launch of a production line require 1 million rubles, installation - 1 month. The expected average annual income is 400 thousand rubles. What is the profitability of such a project?

6. The annual volume of purchases of goods - 100 thousand rubles, sales - 135 thousand rubles. Costs - 28 thousand rubles. (rental of premises, warehouses). What is the minimum volume needed to break even?

a) 108 thousand rubles;

b) 163 thousand rubles;

c) 128 thousand rubles.

7. The investment is I= 10 million rubles. and will give a return over the next 3 years R1=3 million rubles, R2=5 million rubles, R3=6 million rubles, r=0.1. Which equation describes this investment project:

a) 10 = 3/1.1 + 5/1.21

b) 10 + 3/1.1 + 5/1.21 + 6/1.33 = 0

c) B \u003d -10 + 3 / 1.1 + 5 / 1.21 + 6 / 1.33

What is the net present value of this project? Justify the answer.

9. State the main differences between general management and project management.

10. What is the difference between a project-matrix system and its functional organization?

11. The project requires 5 million rubles. investments and will have a return of 3 million rubles. within 2 years at r = 0.1. Is it advisable to implement this project according to the NPV criterion?

12. In order for the project to be accepted for implementation, what condition must be met when assessing the internal rate of return:

b) rin > r;

c) r< rвн.

Option 4

1. Define the following concepts:

A set of ordered works (operations) aimed at achieving a goal and a real result in a certain time with a certain efficiency indicator;

A project for which investment conditions, costs, purpose, deadlines, completion are fixed;

All elements of the economy and society that affect the performance of the project;

Union design work within the project phase, giving a particular design result;

The procedure for determining the composition, structure and cost of design work.

2. What periods of the project life cycle are covered by the problem of project management:

a) pre-investment;

b) pre-investment, investment and operational;

c) investment and operational.

3. What is the life cycle of an investment project:

a) the duration of the implementation of project activities from the moment ideas are born to its full implementation;

b) the time interval for the execution of work on the project;

c) the period of time from the moment of justification of the project to the moment of receiving investments in the project.

4. Specify the correct investment equation:

a) I - S(Rt /(1+r)t)

b) B= -I +S(Rt/(1+r)t)

c) B= -I + (R1/(1+r)) + (R2/(1+r)r) + (Rn/(1+r)n)

d) B= R/r [ 1- (1/(1+r))n]

5. What does the project life cycle include:

a) stages and stages;

b) phases, stages and steps;

6. The business plan is:

a) feasibility study of the project;

b) a frequent investment project;

c) a document developed independently of the development of an investment project.

7. Specify how the NPV indicator for the project is calculated:

a) S¸(Rt – Ct) / (1 +r)t - S Kt / (1 +r)t

b) R/t

c) 1/K S (R/(1+r)t)

8. Three project options are evaluated according to 3 criteria:



Implementation period


Which project should you choose and why?

9. The project requires I = 20 million rubles. and gives the income stream R1 = 12, R2 = 15,

R3 = 25 million rubles, r = 0.1. Should this project be implemented and why?

The project for the implementation of equipment requires 1.5 million rubles. investments and gives 0.6 million rubles. additional income annually. What is the payback period and profitability of this project?

10. Does the assembly drawing make (select an answer)?

A. Shows the view of the product and its components

B. Shows how the parts fit together and how they are assembled

C. determines the sequence of parts used to assemble the product

D. defines symbolically and in detail the execution of operations

E. Shows the cycle of the production process

Option 5

Define the following concepts:

Some task with certain initial data and required results that determine the way to solve it;

A specially formulated application for the development of an investment project and the search for partners in the investment process;

Preliminary financial justification of the project;

The art of leading and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life cycle of the project;

A measure of project profitability based on an estimate of future revenue streams.

At what phase of the design are carried out marketing research and staff training:

a) preliminary analysis;

b) investment base;

c) implementation of the project.

At what stage of the project implementation the list of goals, requirements and tasks of the project is determined:

a) concept development;

b) problem analysis;

c) project development.

4. Three alternative project options received the following expert assessments:



Implementation time


Solution quality

Which project is better and why? Justify.

The purchase and launch of the production line requires 1 million rubles. rub., installation 1 month.

The expected average annual income is 400 thousand rubles. What is the profitability of such a project?

The annual volume of purchases of goods is 100 thousand rubles, the sales volume is 135 thousand rubles. Costs 28 thousand rubles. (room rental, warehouses).

What is the minimum volume needed to break even?

a) 108 thousand rubles.

b) 163 thousand rubles.

c) 128 thousand rubles.

The investment is I=10 million rubles. and will give a return for 3 years of subsequent years r1 = 3 million rubles, R2 = 5, R3 = 6 million rubles, r = 0.1.

Which equation describes this investment project:

8. The project has the following characteristics:

What is the net present value of this project? Justify.

State the main differences between general management and project management.

What is the difference between a project-matrix management system and its functional organization?

The project requires 5 million rubles. investments and will have a return of 3 million rubles. within 2 years at r = 0.1. Is it advisable to implement this project according to the NPV criterion?

In order for the project to be accepted for implementation, what condition must be met when evaluating the internal rate of return:

b) rin > r

Correct answers at least 90%

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... refers to the shortcomings of project organizational structures

Lack of a detailed division of labor by type of work

Decentralization of decision making

Reduced manufacturability in functional areas

... refers to the conditions for the application of organic organizational structures

The narrow front of the work of performers
+ Low level of structuring of tasks and problems
Clear responsibility

... refers to the conditions for the application of mechanistic organizational structures

Officiality and impersonality

Ability to use clear metrics

"Blurred" responsibility

The benefits of matrix organizational structures include...
+ the project and its goals are in the spotlight

there are conflicts between the project and functional structures, which create big problems in making decisions on the project

there is a serious problem of distribution of powers between project managers and heads of functional units

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The benefits of functional organizational structures include...

increasing the number of interactions between individual participants in end-to-end, horizontal processes, thus reducing the effectiveness of communication
stimulation of business and professional specialization

The benefits of project organizational structures include...

The direct subordination of employees to the project manager is implemented and thus the unambiguity of the direction of the efforts of these employees is achieved

the project manager forms a reserve of additional resources
reduced manufacturability in functional areas

The disadvantages of matrix organizational structures include that ...

the project and its goals are in the spotlight
it becomes possible to flexibly adjust the organizational structure from a weak matrix to a strong one
+ the principle of unity of command is violated, which disorients the staff and causes many conflicts

The disadvantages of functional organizational structures include ...

a decrease in the number of interfunctional conflicts and a decrease in the effectiveness of achieving
common goals

Encouraging Functional Isolation

stimulation of business and professional specialization

... refers to the features of the companies of the future

Individual activities

Focus on domestic markets

Availability of virtual groups within companies

... refers to the direction of company transformation

Rejection of the system of hierarchical subordination
Increasing the number of hierarchical levels
+ Reducing the number of hierarchical levels

Classification from the point of view ... includes the division of organizational structures into functional, matrix and project

external environment

relation to the structure of the organization

The tasks of the project management office include

preparation of company development programs
+ conducting trainings for staff

management of the functional divisions of the company

The tasks of the "information center" include ...

generation and analysis of reports

Collection of information

conducting trainings for staff

The tasks of the project support office include...

Methodological assistance to project managers
conducting trainings for staff
formation of project portfolios

The share of organizational resources involved in the implementation of the project - from 15 to 60%; the project manager is full-time and has low to medium authority; command status is temporary - this description is typical for...

"weak" matrix organizational structure

functional organizational structure
+ balanced matrix organizational structure

The use of a dual organizational structure is advisable when ...

the role of the customer and the general contractor is combined in one organization

The customer and the general contractor are equally important when making decisions onproject or perform work of equal importance

the customer of the project assumes the functions of project management, transferring most of the work to contractors

Dedicated organizational structure

complex organizational structures

If the project is one-time for the parent organization, it is advisable to use ...

dedicated organizational structure
+ complex organizational structures
dual organizational structure

The ability to form... is one of the benefits of implementing a project office as a unit

project portfolios in accordance with the interests of the project manager
company strategy in accordance with the project portfolios accepted for implementation
+ project portfolios in accordance with strategic goals companies and industry trends

Within the framework of functional organizational structures, the following smoothing methods are used using ...

Intermediaries n teams

teams and project manager

referees and teams

Within the framework of the “Management is a function ...” scheme, own divisions of the company responsible for the project implementation can be involved on a temporary basis in the implementation of direct work on the project

management firm

Within the framework of the "Management - the function of the management company" scheme, direct work on the project is carried out ...

project customers
+ management company

A variety of "complex" organizational structures includes a scheme ...

"Management is a subcontractor function"

+ "Management - a function of the customer"

"Management is a function of the project manager"

Traditional organizational design tools include...

resource matrices

succession matrices
+responsibility matrices

The characteristics of mechanistic organizational structures include ...

Lots of detailed rules and procedures

goals are blurred and dynamically changing

employees respond to financial incentives

The characteristics of organic organizational structures include ...
structuring tasks and problems

power is questioned and tested, requires confirmation from subordinates

... is a group of people with common goals, who practically do not communicate personally in the process of cooperation, and each of which plays a role in the project

Project virtual office
Project virtual environment
+Virtual project team

Successful implementation of complex long-term projects is unlikely within the ... organizational structure


The role of the customer within the scheme "Management - the function of the management company" -

Control of individual intermediate and final results

allocation of permanent resources for the project, formation of the organizational structure of the project
operational, current control over the status of work on the project

The role of the project manager...

in a weak matrix structure is constant, and the project team is temporary
+ in a balanced matrix structure is constant, and commands are temporary
in a balanced matrix structure temporary, like the project team

The project office as an infrastructure is...

company management

structural unit of the company


"Organistic" (adaptive) are: ...

functional and project organizational structures

project-based, balanced matrix and strong matrix organizational structures

Project and matrix organizational structures (strong, weak, moderate)

Answers to 1 module in the subject "PROJECT MANAGEMENT"

1. List the project management process groups
initiation, planning, execution, control and completion

2. What is included in the concept of "project initiation"?
official announcement of the start of the project, search for interested parties, highlighting the real goals of the project, determining the commercial benefits

3. What are the strategic considerations for authorizing projects?
market requirements, strategic opportunities / enterprise needs, customer requirements, technological progress and legal requirements

4. Who is a project manager?
is the person assigned by the implementing organization to be responsible for achieving the objectives of the project

5. What is the nature of the project management plan?

6. What are the main objectives of the project in terms of production
improving quality and safety production process, reducing waste, reducing deployment time, using more readily available materials, reducing the number of production steps

7. What is a portfolio of projects?
it is a set of projects or programs and other activities brought together to effectively manage these activities in order to achieve strategic goals

8. What are the main objectives of the project in terms of sales and marketing
market expansion, increase market share, shorten time to market, extend product life, improve customer experience, improve product quality and safety, improve reputation, reduce cost

9. What is project management?
is a separate area of ​​management designed specifically to manage temporary activities with unique results

10. What characteristics are critical for a project manager?
professional skills, performance, personal qualities

11. Are there links between project, program and portfolio management?
yes, there are

12. What is a standard?
this is an official document that establishes product characteristics, implementation rules and characteristics of production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services for the purpose of voluntary reuse

13. What is a project management office?
is a unit or organization whose scope ranges from providing project management support to direct project management

14. What is included in the concept of "project completion"?
formal statement of completion of the project, documentation of the progress of tasks and lessons learned from the project, closure of contracts, release of resources for other endeavors

15. What is included in the concept of "project control"?
monitoring the project, determining the performance of participants, checking with the project plan

16. What is included in the concept of "project implementation"?
execution of work defined in the project management plan, coordination of people and resources, integration and execution of project activities

17. Does project activity differences from the operating room, and if so, what are they?
yes, it does: project activities have a limited timeframe, a large number of risks, a large number of changes, a team is formed for one project

18. What are the main goals of the project in terms of finance
increase profits, reduce costs, increase profitability, improve revenue sustainability

19. What are the main goals of the project in terms of organizational factors
attractiveness for shareholders, image improvement, reduction of the need for qualified labor force, reducing the time for staff training, improving information exchange, increasing the interest of employees, increasing productivity, improving working conditions

20. What is the program of projects?
it is a series of related projects that are managed in a coordinated manner to achieve benefits and a degree of control not available when managed individually

21. What is the project manager's role in project stakeholder relationship management?
developing and maintaining relationships with the project sponsor, the client's project manager, project staff and the contractor's business manager

22. Give examples of project activities
development of a new product or service, construction of a building, implementation of a new process in an enterprise

23. What is included in the concept of "project planning"?
definition of the task to be solved, drawing up a project implementation plan and its schedule, which indicates what needs to be done and when, who will do it and what it will cost, identify risks and how to respond to them

24. What is a project?
temporary venture to create unique products, services, or results

25. What are the criteria for project success?
the project was completed on time, within the allocated budget, with customer satisfaction

click to see more Answers to Module 2 in PROJECT MANAGEMENT

1. The overlapping type of connection between phases is:
when a phase starts before the end of the previous phase

2. What is not a critical success factor in stage planning?
New strategies, standards and procedures for the project management process have been developed

3. Who are the project stakeholders?
persons or organizations actively involved in the project and/or whose interests may be affected by the implementation of the project

4. The project team consists of:
project manager, project management team and other members of the project team

5. For what purpose should the project be divided into stages or phases?
for easier management, planning and control

6. When do project costs and staff involvement peak?
as work progresses

7. When do costs and staff involvement in a project plummet?
at the stage of completion

8. Determine the correct characteristic of the iterative type of relationship between projects.
reduces the ability to ensure long-term planning, entails the need for the readiness of all members of the project team

9. What is an operations manager?
a key person in the main field of activity of the enterprise, dealing directly with the production and service of the products and services sold by the enterprise

10. What are the main characteristics of the project life cycle structure?
cost and involvement of personnel, the influence of stakeholders, the ability to influence the final characteristics of the product

11. What relationship is not the main type of relationship between project phases?
linear hierarchical

12. Serial type of connection between phases is:
when a phase can only start after the completion of the previous phase

13. What is a functional leader?
a key person within an administrative or functional area of ​​the enterprise, such as HR, finance, supply chain

14. Define the right characteristic of the overlapping type of relationship between projects
increases risk, can lead to repetition of work, reduces project time

15. What is not the purpose of project phase planning?
setting project scopes, goals and approaches

16. When it is possible to influence the final characteristics of the product without significant change its value?
at the beginning of the project

17. What is the project life cycle?
it is a set of consecutive or overlapping project phases

18. What is the structure of the project life cycle?
start of the project, organization and preparation, execution of project work, completion of the project

19. When does the cost of changes and error correction increase significantly?
at the stage of completion

20. What is included in the competence of portfolio managers?
consideration and selection of the project in terms of its profitability, value, risks

21. Determine the correct characteristic of the sequential type of relationship between projects.
reduces uncertainty but eliminates options to reduce project timelines

22. When are the costs and involvement of personnel in the project low?
at the beginning

23. When do stakeholder influence, risk and uncertainty matter most?
at the beginning of the project

24. What is not included in the competence of project managers?
coordination of activities of portfolio managers, issuance of orders for individual projects

25. Iterative type of connection between phases is:
when only one phase is planned for any given time, and the planning of the next one is carried out as the work within the current phase is completed and results are obtained

Answers to the 3rd module on the subject "PROJECT MANAGEMENT"

1. What is a project charter?
the first official document of the project, confirming the existence of the project

2. Which process group is not part of the project management process groups?
operations management process group

3. What is monitoring and risk management?
applying risk response plans, tracking identified risks, monitoring residual risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk management processes throughout the project

4. What is the implementation of total change control?
analysis of all change requests, their approval and change management results, organizational process assets, project documents and project management plan

5. What does the project management plan describe?
how the project will be planned and executed, how it will be monitored and managed, how it will be completed

6. What does the completion process group not acknowledge?
the sponsor of the project received a profit from the money invested in the project

7. Process groups are domain dependent and never repeated within the same project, and never interact.

8. Which process group is not included in the execution process group?
definition of operations and their sequence

9. What can't happen at the end of a project or phase?
verification of quality requirements and measurement results to confirm the use of appropriate quality standards and work instructions

10. What processes are not included in the initiation process group?
project management team recruitment

11. What is the main purpose of the monitoring and control process group?
tracking, analysis and regulation of the progress and effectiveness of the project

12. In accordance with the Standard, the Project Charter does not include:
project management plan

13. Which process group is spending most of the project budget?
for the implementation of the processes of the group of execution processes

14. What is the project management process?
is a set of interrelated actions and operations carried out to obtain a predetermined product or service

15. What is not a completion process?
project cost analysis

16. What does monitoring include?
creation of reports on the status of the project, its measurement and forecasting

17. What is quality control?
the process of monitoring and documenting the results of quality assurance activities

18. Is it true that the collection of requirements, the definition of scope, the creation of a hierarchical structure of work, the definition of operations and their sequence, the assessment of resources, the estimation of the duration of operations, risk management and procurement planning occur within the planning process group?

19. What does the execution process group include?
coordination of people and resources, integration and execution of project activities in accordance with the project management plan

20. What is cost management?
the process of monitoring the status of a project to adjust the project budget and make changes to the cost baseline

21. Is it true that after the planning process is completed, changes to the project management plan are not possible?

22. What is not included in the monitoring and control process group?
developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives

23. What is the purpose of the monitoring and management processes?
identifying deviations from the project management plan

24. Are process groups phases of a project?

25. How does the monitoring and control process group monitor and control work?
within the process group and within the entire project

Answers to the 4th module on the subject "PROJECT MANAGEMENT"

1. Which process is not included in the project cost management process group?
profitability calculation

2. What is risk?
an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, affects at least one project objective

3. Which process is not a project time management process?
creation of a hierarchical structure of works

4. What is the content of the project?
the work that needs to be done in order to obtain a product, service or result with specified characteristics

5. Project risk management includes the following processes:
all of the above examples

6. Project procurement management processes are carried out, as a rule, in the following sequence:
procurement planning, procurement, procurement management, procurement closure

7. Project human resource management processes are carried out, as a rule, in the following sequence:
human resource management plan development, project team recruitment, project team development, project team management

8. Indicate which processes include project integration management:
1. development of the charter
2. development of a project management plan
3. directing and managing the execution of the project
4. monitoring and managing project work
5. implement overall change management
6. completion of a project or phase
7. generate project data such as cost, schedule
8. providing forecasts that allow you to correct information about the current cost and current schedule


9. What are the processes and activities involved in project integration management?
the processes needed to define, refine, combine, combine, and coordinate the various processes and activities of project management

10. What is integration?
is the union of parts or elements into a whole.

11. Communications management processes in the project are carried out, as a rule, in the following sequence:
identification of project stakeholders, communication planning, dissemination of information, management of expectations of project stakeholders, preparation of performance reports

12. What processes does project cost management include?
cost estimation, budgeting, cost management

13. What allows members of the project team to participate in its planning and decision making?
distribution of roles and responsibilities among project team members

14. At what stage of life cycle planning does the development of a cost management plan take place?

15. Effective communications are designed to bring together:
all of the above

16. List the project scope management processes:
1. collection of requirements
2. content management
3. definition of content
4. enterprise environmental factors
5. creation of a hierarchical structure of works
6. Confirmation of content
7. rationale for the project management plan

this web page 1,2,3,5,6

17. Each process included in the group of communication processes occurs in each project:
at least once, in one or more phases of the project, if the project is divided into phases

18. What is the name of the part of the project team responsible for performing project management and governance activities?
any of the above options

19. What is project scope management?
determination and inclusion in the project of those and only those works that are necessary for the successful completion of the project

20. The conclusion of a contract for the supply of a product or the provision of services is one of the ways:
allocation of responsibility for management or separation of potential risks

21. List all types of communications used in the process of project implementation.
all of the above

22. According to the PMI Standards, what is project time management?
area of ​​expertise

23. What is project cost management?
is the process of planning, budgeting and managing expenditures to ensure that the project is completed within the approved budget

24. The objectives of risk management are:
all of the above examples


1. Which reserve has no impact on prior and subsequent operations?
independent reserve

2. How is schedule variance calculated?
by subtracting from the acquired value of BCWS the value that the project (or task) should have acquired to date BCWS

3. What value shows the total planned cost of work that should have been carried out by the current moment?
budget (estimated) cost of planned work

4. What causes the loss of network elasticity?
as a result of reduced slack and more critical or near-critical operations

5. What corresponds to the optimal calendar plan project?
minimum total cost

6. What management approach is hallmark project management?
team approach

7. What is the ratio of the number of project participants in the development phase and the implementation phase?
the number of project participants in the development phase is significantly less than in the implementation phase

8. What time estimate is not accepted for each project activity?
ideal execution speed

9. What is the name of the performer if he undertakes to perform all the work on the project?
general contractor or general contractor

10. Where should the network graph begin and end?
start with a single start event and end with a single end event

Part of the answers from the control (I do not guarantee the correctness):

1) How many knowledge areas does the PMBOK Standard describe?

2) The structure of the project life cycle displays

all of the above

3) What is the sequence of processes within the project life cycle?
organization and preparation, performance of work, quality monitoring, delivery finished project to the customer

4) What are the goals of planning stages
all the items listed

5) What work is done within the initiation process group?
all the items listed

6) Who reviews the project in terms of its profitability, value, risks and other aspects of the project?
portfolio manager

7) Critical success factors for stage planning are:
all the items listed

8) Who is the key person within the administrative or functional area of ​​the enterprise, such as human resources, finance, accounting or supply?
functional leader

9) Define Operations
the process of determining the operations that need to be performed to produce a result

10) Which process group does the recruitment of the project team, the development of the project team, the management of the project team belong to?
initiating process group

11) What group of processes does the collection of requirements, the definition of the scope and the creation of the WBS (hierarchical structure of work) belong to?
planning process group

12) What type of relationship between phases is used in the project management process
any of the above