Qualities required by a sales manager. Sales manager skills. What a sales manager should know

The main qualities of a sales manager in mandatory should enable him to be able to successfully present the product to clients, to position them for a positive dialogue, and also to demonstrate the main advantages of beneficial cooperation with the company.

  • 1) Activity, initiative.
  • 2) Analytical warehouse mind.
  • 3) Sociability.
  • 4) Stress resistance.
  • 5) Ability to negotiate.
  • 6) Masterly possession of various sales techniques.
  • 7) Ability to maintain contact with the client during the entire period of cooperation.
  • 8) Ability to quickly establish contact with customers.
  • 9) Knowledge of all the characteristics of the product, as well as the ability to easily tell information about its main advantages.
  • 10) Competent speech.
  • 11) Charm.
  • 12) Presentable appearance.
  • 13) Broad outlook.
  • 14) Ability to find a personal approach to clients.
  • 15) Ability to resolve possible conflicts.
  • 16) Personal interest in sales.
  • 17) Work experience is best if it is in a related field.
  • 18) Excellent knowledge of the theory of sales.
  • 19) A complex of personality traits.
  • 20) Knowledge of the market, own customer base, established contacts.

Activity, initiative. Constant negotiations, meetings. It will be extremely difficult for a passive-minded person at this job. You can draw a certain analogy: "who is the first - that and the slippers."

Sociability (sociability, listening skills). The job of a manager requires constant acquaintance and communication with new people (clients). Therefore, it is very important to be able to win over a person; this requires understanding a person. But it is also important to remember about regular customers, you also need to maintain business relations with them. Quite often, in a highly competitive market, sales are made through the personal relationship between the supplier and the manager. It's always nice to work with someone who can keep the conversation going.

Analytical mind. Analyze competitors, analyze a client, analyze own work... The manager must clearly understand the specifics of the product being sold, the differences from the competitor, as well as why it is more profitable to buy from him than from a competitor.

Stress tolerance. Sometimes the work of a manager is associated with rudeness, with nervous tension... By dialing a client's phone, you burst into his life, most of this is not enough, therefore, quite often you have to deal with outright rudeness and irritability.

Willingness to take responsibility. On the one hand, the sales manager has nothing to do with product quality or delivery times. But in the end, if the quality is not satisfactory, the delivery time is disrupted, it is the manager who is responsible to the client.

Increased efficiency. There is an opinion that sales managers do not do anything, but only take orders, draw up documents. In fact, the manager is working, and the contributions are working a lot.

A sales manager is one of the most popular professions, because it is this specialist who, in fact, ensures the financial well-being of the company. The main task of such a manager is to sell the company's goods and services, expand the circle of customers and maintain partnerships with them. The sales specialist spends most of his working time in negotiations (telephone or personal).

Places of work

The position of a sales manager is in any company, firm or organization engaged in one or another type of trading activity. Sometimes employers are looking for a specialist in a specific area of ​​work right away, and then the following positions are found in vacancies:

  • car sales manager (auto parts);
  • window sales manager;
  • sales manager for equipment, machinery;
  • real estate sales manager;
  • furniture sales manager;
  • service sales manager, etc.

However, despite the specifics of the product being sold, the essence of the work of a specialist in the sales department is always the same - to sell the product, keep the sales volume at a high level and, if possible, also increase it.

History of the profession

Sales managers have been around for almost as long as trading itself. At all times they were called differently: merchants, itinerant traders, barkers, shop assistants ... But from the name the essence of what a sales manager does does not change - to sell goods and find new customers.

Responsibilities of a sales manager

The job responsibilities of a sales manager are as follows:

  • Increase in sales in your sector.
  • Search and attraction of new clients (processing of incoming applications, active search for clients, negotiations, conclusion of contracts).
  • Maintaining relationships with the accumulated clientele.
  • Reporting on work with current clients and incoming requests.
  • Consulting on the assortment and technical parameters of the product (service).

This is a general list of what a sales manager does. In addition, depending on the field of activity, the functions of a sales manager may also include the following items:

  • Acceptance of goods and maintenance of their display in sales areas.
  • Conducting presentations and trainings on new products and company promotions.
  • Participation in exhibitions.

Requirements for a sales manager

Employers require the following from a job seeker who wants to become a sales manager:

  • Higher education (sometimes - incomplete higher education).
  • Russian citizenship (not always, but in most cases).
  • Knowledge of PCs, office programs and 1C, the ability to work with electronic catalogs.
  • Active selling skills.

Additional requirements put forward by employers:

  • The presence of a driving license of category B (sometimes also the presence of a personal car).
  • Experience in sales.
  • Skills in the preparation of basic commercial documents (contracts, invoices, invoices, invoices, etc.)

Some employers specifically stipulate that in addition to the necessary skills, the sales manager must also have a pleasant appearance, but this is more the exception than the rule.

Sales Manager Resume Sample

How to become a sales manager

The skills of a sales manager can be mastered by people with any education. A sales manager needs, first of all, communication skills and understanding of sales processes. The principles of sales can be understood in just a couple of days. It will take some more time to overcome the first fears (call a stranger, hold a meeting, respond to objections and other things).

The easiest way to acquire the skills of a professional salesperson is to find a job and receive training on the job. This is common in the labor market.

Sales manager salary

How much a sales manager receives depends on the specifics of the company's activities, on the specifics of the manager's own work, on the region of residence and, above all, on the fulfillment of the sales plan. Wage a sales manager ranges from 12,000 to 250,000 rubles, and the average salary of a sales manager is about 40,000 rubles. I would like to repeat myself and say that earnings significantly depend on sales skills and the achieved result.

The sales manager is the face of the company. His responsibilities include the sale of goods and services, as well as demonstration of advantages, the formation of a positive attitude towards the company.

Personal qualities of a manager

Communication skills are important. He must be able to find a common language with the interlocutor. V broad sense this characteristic includes a number of key points:

  • the ability to conduct negotiations correctly;
  • perfected mastery of basic techniques and sales techniques;
  • the ability to quickly win over the client, build a dialogue in the right direction;
  • the ability to maintain constant contact with key counterparties throughout the entire period of work with them;
  • knowledge of the company's product, the ability to present it in a favorable light, to show advantages over competitors.

It is important for a salesperson to have an inner core. It is the ability to insist on your own, without going beyond the bounds of ethics and politeness, to find the right words and facts to convince the buyer that he is being offered the best product.

Neat are important appearance and competent speech.

Professional qualities of a manager

Firms spend a lot of time and money to find sales people.The most important characteristics of a successful employee of the latter include:

  • knowledge of sales theory;
  • work experience in similar fields;
  • character traits that make it possible to successfully sell goods and services.

To strengthen knowledge it is necessary to read literature, attend trainings.

How to start a sales manager career

Take on any job initially. For successful career basic experience is needed, which will serve as proof of knowledge and the ability to apply it.

If there is a desire to sell, then soon experience, customers, theory will be added to it. This comes with time, but the "spark in the eyes" cannot be obtained in any other way, except from birth.

Want to become a sales manager? This is a promising and well-paid profession that is in demand even in times of crisis. In Russia, there is an acute shortage of experienced salespeople - smart specialists quickly make it to the top and earn huge sums on large contracts. Let's consider what qualities a sales manager should have, how he works and who can master this profession.

About the profession

Who is called a sales manager and what should this person do? In his functional responsibilities includes everything related to trading activities... He sells goods / services and makes a profit for the company. This person should be able to communicate with people, get them interested, tell everything about the product, give presentations, conclude deals and monitor their implementation.

The sales manager ensures the profit of the whole company

Who can become a salesperson? Almost any person who sets himself such a goal. What are the requirements for applicants? Serious enough. Almost all companies looking for salespeople require a college degree.

Note: in Russia, not a single university trains sales specialists. Therefore, managers usually have a diploma in psychologists, commodity experts, personnel management specialists, etc.

What other requirements are imposed on these specialists?

  1. Broad outlook. He will trade in various goods, so he must be well versed in his field. A specialist will need to tell people why they need this product, answer their questions, understand the terminology in narrow areas, etc.
  2. High level of culture. The salesperson's speech should be clean, without constant interjections and introductory words.
  3. The ability to understand people. A good salesperson literally from the first phrases already understands how to properly “process” a person and interest him.
  4. Salesmanship. This is a very important skill, which implies constant attraction of new clients to your company.
  5. Market knowledge. The specialist must understand the prospects of the market, be able to use them, feel new trends and react to them in a timely manner.
  6. Have skills in planning and time management. A salesperson must keep in mind thousands of little things and contracts with clients, monitor the progress of transactions, remember what he promised to whom. To do this, a person must have a high resistance to stress and the ability to get out of conflicts.

Personal qualities of a sales manager

Strong side a professional manager is communication skills. In this work, the ability to find contact with any person is very important. As personal and professional quality sales manager, the concept of "sociability" includes:

Masterly possession of various sales techniques;

Ability to competently negotiate;

Ability to quickly establish contact with clients;

Ability to maintain contact with regular customers throughout the entire period of cooperation;

Knowledge of the product and the ability to communicate in a competent and accessible way about its benefits.

It is equally important for a sales manager to have an inner core that will delicately but assertively convince customers of the profitability of purchasing a particular product. Personal qualities Sales managers play a crucial role in this profession.

You can get professional skills through numerous trainings and special programs, as well as through experience. But real success in sales will come only to those whom nature has endowed with a set of necessary properties.

Personal qualities of a sales manager

In whatever area the manager works, the set of necessary personal qualities remains the same:

Presentable appearance;

Ability to find a personal approach to any client;

Grammatically correct speech;

Broad outlook;

Personal interest in sales;


Ability to resolve conflicts.

All these important qualities a sales manager is a prerequisite for success in this area. A professional sales manager must be confident in his character.

Marketing research and sales planning.

Marketing research provides information about consumers, the effectiveness of promotion and sales methods, competitors, market conditions and other aspects of the external environment of the tourism industry.The goal of marketing research is to determine the information needs and provide the information necessary for managers to improve the effectiveness of marketing decisions that are made. Marketing research led Steve systematic and objective in identifying marketing problems and helping to solve them. Information obtained using marketing research becomes an integral part of MI (Marketing Information Systems) The contribution of marketing research is to replenish at the expense of the received from them with the help of information base data, marketing models and analytical method base models.

Marketing research can be carried out either on its own travel company, or be ordered from external contractors. Companies of a universal profile provide a full range of services in the field of marketing research, starting with the identification of the problem in the preparation and presentation of the report, their services are divided into syndicated, standardized, ordered and executed via the Internet; Companies with a limited set of services specialize on the implementation of one or more stages of marketing research Offered by such companies are classified as field work, code data entry and data entry, data analysis, analytical services and as branded services.

The process of marketing research consists of six successively interconnected stages. International marketing research is much more complicated than those carried out within the state, so it is necessary to take into account the environmental factors characteristic of the international tourism market.

The cause of ethical problems in marketing research is a conflict between the interests of stakeholders. This occurs when one or more of them consider themselves to be free from obligations to others. The Internet and computer technology are widely used in marketing research.