Functional duties of the hospital pharmacist. Job description of a pharmacist in a pharmacy of finished medicines. Job description of a pharmacist for the manufacture of dosage forms


—————————— (name of organization) APPROVED THE OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS —————————— (position name) 00.00.0000 N 000 ——— ——————- (signature) ( initials, surname) Pharmacist 00.00.0000

1.1. The pharmacist belongs to the professional category.

1.2. A person who has a secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" is accepted for the position of a pharmacist, without presenting requirements for work experience<1>.

<1>A person who has a secondary vocational education (advanced level) in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" is accepted for the position of a senior pharmacist without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. A pharmacist should know:

- the basics of the economy;

- Internal labor regulations of a medical organization (institution);

- rules on labor protection and fire safety;

— ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. A pharmacist in his activities is guided by:

- Charter (Regulation) _______________________________________________; (name of medical (pharmaceutical organization (institution))

- this job description;

- ____________________________________________________________________. (other acts and documents directly related to the labor function of a pharmacist) 1.5. The pharmacist reports directly to ____________________________ (name _______________________. Position of the head)

1.6. During the absence of a pharmacist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. The pharmacist belongs to the third qualification level professional qualification group "Nursing and pharmaceutical personnel" (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 06.08.2007 N 526)<2>.

<2>For the job description of an employee of a budgetary institution.

1.8. ___________________________________________________________________.

2.1. Manufacturing of medicines.

2.2. Providing advice to packers.

3. Job responsibilities

The pharmacist performs the following duties:

3.1. Carries out the reception of recipes and requirements medical organizations, dispensing of medicines and medical products.

3.2. Manufactures medicines, checks their quality using the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control.

3.3. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, provides storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules.

3.5. Conducts sanitary, educational and information work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.

3.6. Provides first aid in case of emergency.

3.7. _________________________________________________________________. (other responsibilities)

4. Rights

A pharmacist has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the management of a medical (pharmaceutical) organization (institution).

4.2. In agreement with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.

4.3. Request and receive from employees of others structural units necessary information, documents.

4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to executable job responsibilities.

4.5. Require the management of a medical (pharmaceutical) organization (institution) to assist in the performance of official duties.

4.6. _________________________________________________________________. (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The pharmacist is prosecuted:

- for improper performance or non-performance of their official duties, provided for by this job description, - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation Russian Federation;

- for violation of the Charter (Regulations) of a medical (pharmaceutical) organization (institution);

- for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

- for causing damage to a medical (pharmaceutical) organization (institution) - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the Qualification characteristics of the position "Pharmacist" (Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees. Section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the healthcare sector", approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 23.07.2010 N 541n), ____________________________________. (details of other acts and documents) 6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description when hiring (before signing an employment contract). The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description is confirmed by ____________________________________________________________ (by writing on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral ___________________________________________________________________________ part of this instruction (in the log of familiarization with job description ___________________________________________________________________________ instructions); in a copy of the job description kept by __________________________________________________________________________. From the employer; in another way)

6.3. ___________________________________________________________________.




General Provisions
1. A person with a secondary (higher) pharmaceutical education and a specialist certificate shall be appointed to the position of a pharmacist (pharmacist) of a pharmacy.
2. Appointed to the position and dismissed from work as a director of a pharmacy in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation.
3. Is guided in its work by industry standards; other official documents on the section of work performed; orders and orders of higher officials; internal labor regulations; fire safety and labor protection; regulations, orders, orders and other governing and regulatory documents concerning the work of the trade enterprise and the conduct of cash transactions; rules of acceptance, issue, accounting and storage Money; operating rules for cash registers and computers.
4. The pharmacist (pharmacist) of the department must be fluent in all methods of working on various types of cash registers used in the enterprise.
II. Employee functions
1. The main task of a pharmacist (pharmacist) is timely, professional and quality customer service.
III. Job responsibilities
1. Dispenses ready-made drugs and other medical products without prescriptions.
2. Carries out operations to reflect on (c) KKM all monetary amounts received from buyers in accordance with the operating manual for the corresponding type of cash register machines.
3. Determines for each customer the total amount of the purchase according to the indicator of the cash register or with the help of a calculating device and informs the customer.
4. Receives money from the buyer for the purchased goods in accordance with the amount named by the buyer or indicated in the price tags, in compliance with the following order:
a) clearly names the amount of money received and puts the money received from the buyer in full view of the buyer separately from any (other) money;
b) punches a check on the cash register;
c) names the amount of the change due to the buyer, takes the money received from the buyer to the cashier and gives the change to the buyer along with the check (paper bills and small change are issued by the cashier at the same time).
5. At the end of the shift (if necessary and in other cases), he removes the cash register.
6. Transmits in accordance with established order cash to the senior cashier.
7. Handles money with care (does not pollute it and does not produce any inscriptions on paper bills).
8. Issues money on the checks returned by the buyers only if there is a signature on the returned check of the director of the pharmacy or the deputy director of the pharmacy.
9. Refunds are made only on a check issued at this cash desk.
10. Ensures uninterrupted operation of the cash register, is in work time at your workplace.
11. Provides clear and courteous service to customers, creates comfortable conditions for them, monitors the absence of violations of trade rules, takes measures to ensure the absence of queues.
12. Ensures the safety of money in the cash register, cash register and other material values.
13. Explains to buyers the way of using and storage of medicines at home. Provides advice to customers in its department on the characteristics of medical products sold.
14. Provides storage of medicines, taking into account their physical and chemical properties.
15. Prepares medicines for vacation and is responsible for the correctness of their registration.
16. Visually verifies the authenticity and quality of medicines.
17. Takes part in the inventory of inventory items in accordance with the instructions of the department management.
18. A pharmacist must be able to provide emergency medical care.
19. Follows safety regulations.
20. Fulfills the requirements of the sanitary regime at his workplace.
21. Solves independently production issues determined by his job description.
22. Timely medical examination in accordance with the established procedure.
23. Systematically improves their qualifications by studying special literature.
24. Strictly observes the rules of internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection.
IV. Rights
A pharmacist (pharmacist) has the right to:
1. To receive, in all difficult cases, consultations from the head of the department (director of the pharmacy) on issues related to the sale of drugs and medical supplies.
2. Use scheduled breaks to maintain high performance throughout the working day.
3. Make suggestions to the management of the pharmacy to improve the organization and working conditions.
4. To systematically improve the level of their professional knowledge.
5. Receive free overalls in accordance with the established norms.
V. Relationships
1. Directly reports to the head of the department.
2. For the period of absence he is replaced by the pharmacist of the pharmacy.
3. Substitutes for the period of absence of the seller of the optics department and the seller of the kiosk.

A responsibility
A pharmacist (pharmacist) is personally responsible for:
1. For quality and professional customer service.
2. Loss, damage, shortage of money and other material values ​​in accordance with the agreement on full material responsibility concluded with him.
3. For the sanitary condition of your workplace.
4. For compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulations of fire safety and labor protection.
5. For the clear and timely fulfillment of the duties stipulated by this instruction.

I approve

Job description of a pharmacist

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation, order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF of July 23, 2010 N 541n "On the approval of the United qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, the section "Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of health care", and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The pharmacist is classified as a professional and reports directly.

1.2. A person who has a secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" is appointed to the position of a pharmacist without requiring any length of service.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a pharmacist and release from it is made by order of the head of the institution.

1.4. A pharmacist should know:

- laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on pharmaceutical issues;

- fundamentals of pharmaceutical business;

- the basics of the economy;

- manufacturing technology of medicines, rules for their storage and dispensing;

- the range of medicines and medical devices;

- the rules for the provision of the first pre-medical medical care;

- methods and means of pharmaceutical information;

- medical ethics and deontology;

- psychology professional communication;

- fundamentals of labor legislation;

- internal labor regulations;

- rules of sanitary and personal hygiene;

- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The pharmacist has the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Implementation of receiving prescriptions and requirements of medical organizations, dispensing medicines and medical products.

2.2. Manufacturing medicines, checking their quality using the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control.

2.3. Participation in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, provision of storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules.

2.4. Providing advice to packers on the packaging of medicines.

2.5. Conducting sanitary-educational and informational work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.

2.6. Providing first aid in case of emergency.

3. Rights

A pharmacist has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

3.3. Receive the information necessary for the performance of functional duties on the activities of the organization from all departments directly or through the immediate superior.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the implementation of their professional responsibilities and the exercise of rights.

3.5. To get acquainted with the draft orders of the management concerning its activities.

Job instructions

Participate in meetings that address issues related to her work.

3.7. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of necessary equipment, inventory, workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.8. Improve your professional qualifications.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with.

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Job description of a pharmacist

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I. General Provisions

  1. The pharmacist belongs to the professional category.
  2. A pharmacist is appointed a person with an average
  3. Appointment to the position of a pharmacist and release from it is made by order of the head of the institution.
  4. A pharmacist should know:
  1. 4.1. Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on pharmaceutical issues.
  2. 4.2. Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Science.
  3. 4.3. Fundamentals of economics and principles of organization of pharmaceutical service.
  4. 4.4. The technology of manufacturing medicines in the pharmacy, the rules for their storage and dispensing.
  5. 4.5. Nomenclature of medicines and medical devices.
  6. 4.6.

    Rules for the provision of first medical aid.

  7. 4.7. Labor legislation.
  8. 4.8. Internal labor regulations.
  9. 4.9. Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

II. Job responsibilities


  1. Carries out measures for the organization of drug supply for the population (formation of demand for drugs and medical products, determining the need for them, drawing up an application-order for drugs).
  2. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, provides storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules.
  3. Manufactures medicines taking into account the peculiarities of the technological process in the conditions of pharmacies, pharmaceutical enterprises.
  4. Carries out quality control of medicines at the stages of manufacture, transportation, storage and sale.
  5. Provides dispensing of finished pharmaceuticals and medical products manufactured in the pharmacy.
  6. Determination of the correctness of the preparation of prescriptions / requirements / (compliance of prescribed doses to the patient's age, compatibility of ingredients) for various drugs, incl.

    poisonous and potent, taking into account the existing requirements for their release.

  7. Provides advisory assistance to packagers on the packaging of medicines.
  8. Monitors single and daily doses of drugs in lists A and B, calculates the total mass and volume of the drug and its individual ingredients by weight, volume and drops. Monitoring the shelf life of medicines.
  9. Ensures compliance with the pharmaceutical order and sanitary and hygienic regime in the workplace.
  10. Fulfills the requirements of occupational health, safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation.
  11. Prepares documentation on pharmaceutical activities, rational use production equipment, instruments, apparatus, means of small mechanization, electronic computing and computer technology.
  12. Complies with the moral and legal norms of professional communication.
  13. Implements rational organization labor.
  14. Conducts sanitary, educational and information work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.
  15. Provides first aid in case of emergency.

III. Rights

A pharmacist has the right to:

  1. Access to the information necessary for the high-quality performance of the functional duties of the average pharmaceutical staff.
  2. To improve the system of organizing the labor of middle pharmaceutical personnel on the basis of advanced experience, the introduction of new technologies.
  3. Make proposals to the management to improve the availability and quality of drug care for the population.
  4. Take part in meetings, conferences, sections of pharmaceutical associations.
  5. Improve qualifications, pass certification for the assignment of a qualification category.

IV. A responsibility

The pharmacist is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN), 2017
Section "Qualifications of jobs in health care workers"
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2010 N 541n


Job responsibilities. Carries out reception of prescriptions and requirements of medical organizations, dispensing of medicines and medical products. Manufactures medicines, checks their quality using the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, provides storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules. Provides advisory assistance to packagers on the packaging of medicines.

Conducts sanitary, educational and information work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home. Provides first aid in case of emergency.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on pharmaceutical issues; fundamentals of pharmaceutical business; fundamentals of economics; manufacturing technology of medicines, rules for their storage and dispensing; nomenclature of medicines and medical devices; rules for the provision of first pre-medical aid; methods and means of pharmaceutical information; medical ethics and deontology; psychology of professional communication; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" without any requirements for work experience.

Senior pharmacist - secondary vocational education (advanced level) in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" without any requirements for work experience.

The job description is an integral part of the workflow at any enterprise. It allows you to regulate labor Relations and clearly define the rights and obligations, responsibilities of employees.

The job description of a pharmacist allows you to objectively assess the activities of personnel, their conscientiousness and completeness of implementation labor functions... It obliges the employer not to violate labor laws, for example, it is impossible to assign other functions to the employee of the pharmacy that are not provided for by the document.

However, it is very important to follow the formalities when drawing up and reading the instructions. If the dispute comes to trial and the employee proves that he was not familiar with the job description, then the decision will be made in his favor. The outcome of a tax dispute may also depend on the quality of the document. For example, if freelance pharmacists were involved in a pharmacy, then the job description of a pharmacist in a state-owned pharmacy should not duplicate the functions of an involved specialist. If the responsibilities do not coincide, then the employer will have the opportunity to justify the costs.

Pharmacist workplace

A specialist with a pharmaceutical education can work not only in a pharmacy or pharmacy. Specialists of this profile are in demand in medical warehouses, laboratories and research institutes.

The procedure for the formation and development of instructions

The job description of a pharmacist can be published as a separate local document at the enterprise, or can be an annex to employment contract... When developing a document, the employer must take into account the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

Procedure for making changes

The procedure for making changes or additions to the job description of a pharmacist of a pharmacy of finished dosage forms at the level of legislation is not provided, therefore, the procedure is determined by the employer. However, Rostrud gave his clarifications on this issue in 2007. Before making changes to the instructions, it is recommended to notify the employee about them, and only after his consent to carry out the appropriate changes. If the instruction is an addition to the employment contract, then changes should be made immediately to 2 documents.

In practice, the employer draws up changes by issuing a job description in new edition with the obligatory familiarization of the employee.

Sample document structure

The title page of the job description of the pharmacist must contain the name, place and date of preparation, and the stamp of approval.

General Provisions

In this paragraph, depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the main function of a specialist is described. For example, the job description of a primary pharmacist should reflect that a specialist, first of all, must dispense drugs.

It also describes the procedure for hiring and dismissing a specialist who signs the order, the head of the pharmacy or the general director of the enterprise.

Job responsibilities

The duties of a pharmacist may include not only dispensing drugs and medical products, but also determining the demand and needs of the population for certain types of products. A pharmacist can track orders that are sent to the main office or pharmaceutical wholesaler.

The employee must deal with the layout of goods in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and storage rules.

A specialist can take part in the acceptance of goods, checking not only the quantity, but also their quality, that is, compliance with the necessary certificates. He must keep track of the order and terms of storage.

Functionally, the job description of a pharmacist may indicate responsibilities for the manufacture of drugs when it comes to a pharmacy with its own production.

The duties of a specialist may include consulting staff on the packaging of medicines, on compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime.

Also, a pharmacist must comply with the requirements of industrial sanitation and occupational health, participate in the inventory of material assets, and comply with the rules of cash discipline. A pharmacist is required to undergo periodic re-certification.

The specialist must be able to master the methods of intra-pharmacy control over the quality of medicines. The employee is obliged to advise clients on the composition of drugs and the rules for their intake and to know the prices of pharmaceuticals.

As a rule, the employer puts forward requirements for top-priority specialists to comply with the rules prescribed in corporate code, that is, adhered to the standards of communication with clients.


The job description of a pharmacist should provide for the right of a specialist to make proposals to senior management on the implementation of advanced technologies in the production process, on labor protection and sanitary standards. The specialist has the right to continuous improvement of his qualifications.

Must know

Specialists in the field of pharmaceuticals should have a good knowledge of the legislation in the field of medicine and the basics of pharmaceuticals, possess information about occupational health and safety standards, the basics of cash discipline and economic theory, and fire safety. It is very good to know the nomenclature of medicines and medical supplies. In addition, the specialist should know about the chemical composition of medicines, contraindications for a particular category of patients, methods of application. A pharmacist must understand the analogues of drugs in order to satisfy a client's need when it is impossible to pay for a more expensive medication.

The employee must know how and in what conditions medicines are stored.

The employer has the right to put forward special requirements for knowledge, for example, if a pharmacy has its own production of drugs, then the pharmacist must know the technology for preparing drugs.

A responsibility

The job description of a pharmacist of a pharmacy point should also provide for the responsibility of a specialist, of course, that it should not be more than indicated by the current legislation.

Qualification requirements

A pharmacist must have a secondary vocational education. Usually, there are no requirements for work experience for specialists of this level. The worker must have a valid certificate and be able to provide first aid. The employer may put forward additional requirements, for example, on knowledge of cash discipline. Depending on the specifics of the pharmacy, there may be requirements for knowledge of the basics of dietetics.

A pharmacist is a junior specialist in the preparation, research and marketing of various medicinal products. The main workplace pharmacist - pharmacies, pharmacy warehouses, pharmaceutical companies, control and analytical institutions, research institutes, pharmaceutical factories and production.

The pharmacist possesses systemic knowledge in the fields of pharmaceutical technology of drugs, pharmaceutical chemistry, organization and economics of pharmacy, pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.

The profession of a pharmacist is one of the oldest professions known to mankind. For the first time, the profession of a pharmacist in its modern sense is mentioned in documents dating back to the 13th century AD. Nevertheless, primitive man, due to his dependence on external factors of the world, used various substances of plant origin to relieve pain and suffering. The first drugs were known long before the advent of writing. The accumulated experience and knowledge was passed on from generation to generation orally. In the Middle Ages, the pharmaceutical business was most influenced by magic, alchemy, astrology.

The main duties of a pharmacist

The main responsibilities of a pharmacist vary according to the workplace of the specialist. So, the main duties of a pharmacist working in a pharmacy will include:

  • Advising buyers on the pharmacological properties of medicines and dispensing medicines;
  • Storage and display of goods;
  • Carrying out measures to organize the provision of medicines to the population (generating demand for medicines and medical products, determining the population's need for medicines);
  • Quality control of medicines supplied to the pharmacy.

If the workplace of the pharmacist is a research institute or laboratory, then the duties of the pharmacist will be as follows:

  • Development of new drugs and improvement of already known drugs;
  • Preparation of medicines;
  • Work on the technology for the preparation of medicines.

It should be noted that the pharmacist is not responsible for the selection of drugs for patients. The pharmacist who works with clients has the right to advise buyers about the properties of drugs, contraindications and possible side effects, based on the doctor's prescription. The pharmacist can also select analogs of the prescribed drugs, which will only be of a recommendation nature.

Personal qualities of a pharmacist

A pharmacist is a specialist in the periphery of medicine, pharmaceuticals and commerce.

The main qualities and abilities that a specialist must possess are determined by the specifics of the pharmacist's workplace. The profession of a pharmacist requires not only a high level of special knowledge and skills, but also high moral qualities of a person.

The profession of a pharmacist assumes that a person has the following personal qualities and abilities:

  • Attentiveness, composure, accuracy;
  • Tolerance, responsiveness;
  • Concentration, high degree of responsibility, self-control;
  • Long-term and imaginative memory;
  • Tactile and motor memory;
  • Analytic skills;
  • Fine sense of smell and taste;

The following qualities are considered unacceptable for the profession of a pharmacist:

  • Negligence, carelessness;
  • Rudeness, irritability;
  • Indifference to people.

Pharmacist and Pharmacist - What's the Difference?

Many people mistakenly believe that a pharmacist and a pharmacist are two similar concepts. The difference between the two professions lies in the qualifications of specialists. Thus, a pharmacist is a highly qualified specialist, which gives him the right to conduct independent pharmaceutical activities, as well as to manage a pharmacy. A pharmacist must have a higher pharmaceutical education, while a pharmacist must have a secondary specialized education.

Getting the profession of a pharmacist and qualification of specialists

The training of junior specialists in the specialty of a pharmacist is carried out in medical schools and pharmaceutical colleges.

  • The second category is assigned to pharmacists with secondary specialized education and work experience of at least five years.
  • The first category is assigned to pharmacists with secondary specialized education and work experience of at least seven years.
  • Highest category assigned to pharmacists with at least 10 years of experience in this area.

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Pharmacist is junior medical specialist, which is engaged in the research, preparation and sale of medicines. The main workplace of a pharmacist is pharmaceutical companies, pharmacy warehouses, pharmacies, research institutes, control and analytical institutions, as well as pharmaceutical industries and factories. Pharmacists have systemic knowledge in the following areas:

  • Pharmacotherapy.
  • Pharmacology.
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry.
  • Pharmacy technology of drugs.

Brief description of the profession "Pharmacist"

The profession of a pharmacist is one of the oldest professions. The first mentions of pharmacists are found in the eighth century AD. If we talk about primitive people, then they used various substances of plant nature to relieve suffering and pain. The first medicines were known even before the advent of writing. Our ancestors passed on the accumulated knowledge and experience orally from generation to generation.

Currently, anyone with the following abilities and personal qualities can acquire the profession of a pharmacist:

  • Motor and tactile memory.
  • Self-control, concentration and a high degree of responsibility.
  • Analytic skills.
  • Figurative and long-term memory.
  • Subtle sensations of taste and smell.
  • Responsiveness and tolerance.
  • Composure, attentiveness and accuracy.

The following qualities are considered unacceptable for a pharmacist:

  • Indifference to people.
  • Irritability and rudeness.
  • Carelessness and negligence.

The basic abilities and qualities that a specialist must possess are determined mainly by the characteristics of the pharmacist's workplace. This profession requires not only a high degree of special skills and knowledge, but also high moral principles.

The main duties of a pharmacist

According to the reviews, the duties of a pharmacist depend on the place where they work. Thus, the main duties of a pharmacist working in a pharmacy are:

  • Display and storage of goods.
  • Dispensing of medicines.
  • Consulting visitors about the pharmacological properties of medicines.
  • Quality control of medicines supplied to the pharmacy.
  • Carrying out measures to provide the population with medicines.

The duties of pharmacists working in laboratories or research institutes include:

  • Preparation of medications.
  • Development of new drugs.
  • Improvement of already known medicines.
  • Work on technologies for the preparation of medicines.

It should be noted that the pharmacist is not obliged to select medications for his customers. This specialist working with clients can only advise visitors about the pharmacological properties of drugs prescribed by a doctor, possible side effects and contraindications. Also, the pharmacist has the right to select analogs or synonyms for prescribed medicines, but this will only be of a recommendation nature.

Pharmacist qualifications

  • Category 2 is assigned to specialists in pharmacology with secondary specialized education and work experience of at least 5 years.
  • Category 1 is assigned to pharmacists with secondary specialized education and work experience of at least 7 years.
  • The highest category is assigned to specialists in pharmacology with over 10 years of experience.

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The information presented on our website should not be used for self-diagnosis and treatment and cannot serve as a substitute for consulting a doctor. We warn you about the presence of contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.

Job description of a pharmacist is a document that reflects the rights, duties, functions and general provisions on the activities of a pharmacist. We will describe the structure of the instruction and the procedure for its development in the article.

The structure of the job description of a pharmacist

The job description usually consists of the following sections:

  • general provisions;
  • functions and tasks;
  • job responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility;
  • schedule.

For reference! The legislator does not specify the requirements for the content of the job description, so the employer can develop its own structure of the document.

Below we will consider the sections of the job description in more detail.

Roles, duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist

The section "Functions" implies an indication of the main areas of work of a pharmacist. As a rule, these include:

  • over-the-counter and prescription dispensing of drugs and other products;
  • compliance with the rules for handling medicinal products and the order of their storage;
  • work with a cash register.

The section of the instruction "Job responsibilities" includes a list of responsibilities that are assigned to the pharmacist. These typically include the following:

  • implementation of non-prescription dispensing of products;
  • carrying out the necessary cash transactions;
  • delivery of cash reports after the end of the shift;
  • formation of the pharmacy's need for the purchase of medicines and other goods;
  • quality control at all stages of the purchase of goods;
  • tracking the shelf life of products;
  • performing related work related to the sale of drugs (for example, packaging, layout, etc.);
  • maintenance of documentation (for example, journals for accounting for products sold, etc.);
  • ensuring compliance with the hygienic regime and the procedure for laying out medicines on the shelves;
  • keeping tidy appearance and wearing special clothing;
  • adherence to fire safety standards and internal regulations;
  • taking part in the audit, etc.

Responsibilities of a pharmacist in a pharmacy may be specific due to the presence of certain groups of goods (for example, narcotic drugs, the purchase of which requires special prescriptions, etc.). In addition, the pharmacist can make medicines (if the pharmacy is engaged in this type of activity). It is advisable to clarify everything in the duties controversial points so that the employee knows how to act in a particular case.

In the section of the job description "Responsibility of the employee" lists the types of responsibility to which the employee is subject in case of violation of the rules of law or provisions of local acts. As a rule, we are talking about administrative, criminal, material and disciplinary. If the employer does not want to clarify liability issues in the instructions, you can limit yourself to general phrases, such as "For poor quality and untimely performance of the duties assigned to him by the job description, the employee is liable within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation."

General provisions on the activity, rights and work schedule of a pharmacist

The section of the job description "General Provisions" includes the following items:

  • the name of the position and structural unit of the pharmacist's place of work in accordance with the one approved at the enterprise staffing table;
  • the procedure for appointment and dismissal from office;
  • the procedure for filling a position in the absence of a pharmacist;
  • a list of regulatory and local acts, the provisions of which the pharmacist should be guided by in his activities;
  • qualification requirements for the position.

The section of the instruction "Rights of the employee" includes a list of the pharmacist's rights, which he is vested with for the proper performance of his duties. These include the following:

  • passing refresher courses at the expense of the employer;
  • obtaining information materials about products that are on sale;
  • notifying the manager of all shortcomings identified in the course of work;
  • making proposals for improving their activities;
  • refusal to accept poor quality product etc.

For reference: the legislator has provided for the duty of the pharmacist to improve his qualifications once every few years. The payment for the courses is the responsibility of the employer. Otherwise, the employee must not be allowed to labor activity, as it does not meet the qualification requirements established by the legislator.

Section of the instruction "Schedule of work" includes an indication of the specific features of the pharmacist's working hours. For example, we are talking about shifts, night work, shift schedules, etc.

The procedure for the development and approval of job descriptions

The job description is developed, as a rule, by an employee of the personnel department or an employee responsible for occupational safety in the organization. The text of the document must be agreed with the immediate head of the pharmacist; he has the right to make adjustments. After revising all comments on the project, the job description is submitted for approval to the head of the organization.

For reference: the employee must be familiar with the text of the instructions directly upon employment. The result of reading will be a signature on the acquaintance sheet, which is an attachment to the document.

All changes to the instructions are made only after the notification of the pharmacist. At the same time, the legislator does not provide for a special notification procedure. An exception is made when it comes to changing the employee's labor function. In this case, the pharmacist is notified of the upcoming adjustments at least 2 months in advance.

Thus, the job description for a pharmacist is a handbook that allows him to know his duties, rights and responsibilities. Therefore, until the employer acquaints the employee with the text of the instruction, he cannot demand from him the proper performance of the functions assigned to him.

Pharmacist profession

The emergence of a huge number of pharmacies has made the profession of a pharmacist (as well as a pharmacist) quite widespread, but few people know about its features. To simplify a lot, we can say that pharmacists work in pharmacies and sell drugs.

Let's go into the details of what a pharmacist does. This specialist should not only sell drugs - he should know everything about them: their chemical composition, methods of application, contraindications, etc. After all, any of his mistakes can lead to very disastrous results.

Of course, visitors to pharmacies often ask a variety of questions, especially when they are too lazy to go to the doctor or have no time. For example, in the absence or high cost of this or that drug, suggest its analogue. Therefore, the profession of a pharmacist is very serious and requires a lot of knowledge.

Places of work

Pharmacists positions are present in the following institutions:

  • in public and private pharmacies;
  • in warehouses of medicines;
  • in laboratories and research institutes;
  • in pharmaceutical companies.

Duties of the pharmacist

Depending on the organization, the duties of a pharmacist may differ, but we will highlight the main ones:

  • ordering and selling medicines and medical products;
  • displaying goods and maintaining order in the pharmacy;
  • consulting clients;
  • adherence to service standards;
  • control of the expiration date of medicines.

In pharmaceutical companies, pharmacists can deal with commercial issues - promoting products on the market.

Requirements for a pharmacist

The basic requirements for a pharmacist can be summarized as follows:

  • pharmaceutical education;
  • work experience (including at the "first table");
  • availability of a valid certificate;
  • ability to work on a PC and a cash register;
  • sociability and friendliness.

Pharmacist resume sample

How to become a pharmacist

To become a pharmacist, you need to get a specialized education (secondary or higher) and then get a job in your specialty. Pharmacies generally offer few opportunities for an interesting career, as everywhere you have to "stand behind the counter". Much more possibilities in research and production institutions, but these institutions are fewer than pharmacies. To increase the chances of good employment, it is better to graduate from a pharmaceutical university - there are many of them in Russia.

For example, in Moscow, specialists in the pharmaceutical industry are trained by the New Knowledge College of Pharmacy. In the photo you can see the educational everyday life of students:

Pharmacist salary

How much pharmacists receive depends on the specifics of their activities (pharmacist, distributor, researcher), region, experience and other factors. As a rule, incomes range from 15 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

The average salary of a pharmacist is approximately 42,000 rubles a month.

Where to get training

One of the many options on the market: Interregional Academy of Construction and industrial complex and her course "Pharmaceuticals".

about finding a job or choosing a profession? Are you working and you have a difficult situation?

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Job description of a pharmacist

name of organization, enterprise]

[position, signature, full name of the head or other

an official authorized to approve

[day month Year]

Job description of a pharmacist

[name of organization, institution]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2010 N 541n "On approval of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in in the field of health care ", and other normative legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The pharmacist is classified as a professional and is directly subordinate to [name of manager's position].

1.2. A person who has a secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" is appointed to the position of a pharmacist without requiring any length of service.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a pharmacist and release from it is made by order of the head of the institution.

1.4. A pharmacist should know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on pharmaceutical issues;

Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Science;

Manufacturing technology of medicines, rules for their storage and dispensing;

Nomenclature of medicines and medical devices;

Rules for the provision of first pre-medical aid;

Methods and means of pharmaceutical information;

Medical ethics and deontology;

Psychology of professional communication;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Internal labor regulations;

Sanitary and personal hygiene rules;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The pharmacist has the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Implementation of receiving prescriptions and requirements of medical organizations, dispensing medicines and medical products.

2.2. Manufacturing medicines, checking their quality using the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control.

2.3. Participation in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, provision of storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules.

2.4. Providing advice to packers on the packaging of medicines.

2.5. Conducting sanitary-educational and informational work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.

2.6. Providing first aid in case of emergency.

2.7. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

A pharmacist has the right to:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

3.3. Receive the information necessary for the performance of functional duties on the activities of the organization from all departments directly or through the immediate superior.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.5. To get acquainted with the draft orders of the management concerning its activities.

3.6. Participate in meetings that address issues related to her work.

3.7. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, tools, a workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.8. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.9. [Other rights stipulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The pharmacist is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Excerpts from the journal "Economic Bulletin of Pharmacy" No. 11, 2000 - I. L. Milushina

Development of job descriptions for employees of a pharmacy enterprise

Practical experience shows that any enterprise as a whole and each of its employees can function successfully only if there is a clear regulation of their activities, enshrined in the relevant organizational and administrative documents: job descriptions of employees.
Therefore, in any, even the smallest pharmacy or pharmacy, it is advisable to have job descriptions for all staff, which should define the rights and responsibilities of each employee.

Job descriptions are organizational documents. It is these documents that organize the work of a pharmacy enterprise, define the task and functions, describe the procedure for interaction between employees and the activities of each of them. Along with this, organizational documents are necessary for a comprehensive objective assessment of pharmacy workers and are often used in resolving labor disputes.

Not all pharmacies use job descriptions in their work, and those that do often make certain omissions in their development. For example, in some cases job descriptions are developed only for a part of the pharmacy staff, which significantly reduces their practical value. Often, when drawing up job descriptions, not all requirements for the volume and nature of a specialist's work are taken into account. This leads to the fact that some of the functions assigned to the employee are not performed or not performed in full.

On the other hand, organizational documents must be drawn up in accordance with the Resolution of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1997 N 273 "Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork" (USORD) (as amended on January 21, 2000), those. have a unified form and structure of the text. Many specialists, when developing organizational documents, pay the main attention to the substantive part, compiling the most detailed text, which is certainly important, since this is the main part of the document. However, we must not forget that a good text becomes a document only after giving it legal force, i.e. the document must be in the appropriate form with all the necessary details correctly entered into the document.

Job descriptions should ensure a rational distribution of professional responsibilities among all employees of the enterprise, clearly and unambiguously define the rights and responsibilities that are vested in each performer in a certain area of ​​work, taking into account his knowledge, the prevailing working conditions and the needs of the pharmacy.

The immediate development of job descriptions in each pharmacy should be preceded by some preparatory work. At this stage, all regulatory documents regulating the procedure for the activities of officials should be studied in detail, the entire scope of work should be divided into component parts so that each of them can be subsequently assigned to a specific performer. Next, a list of roles and responsibilities for all employees should be defined. At the same time, the composition and scope of labor functions should ensure an even and full workload of all performers during the working day, exclude duplication and "no man's lanes" in work.

When new employees are hired, when organizational and technical conditions, the volume and content of the work of pharmacy workers change, functionally job descriptions should be developed again.

The structure and content of the job description

The job description may include the following sections:
I. General provisions;
II. Employee functions;
III. Job responsibilities;
IV. Rights;
V. Relationships (connections by position);
Vi. The responsibility of the employee for the received area of ​​work.

"General provisions" of the job description establish the scope of the employee, this section formulates the main task assigned to this employee, qualification requirements, his direct subordination, gives the procedure for filling a position (who is appointed and dismissed from work). In the same section of the job description, all regulatory documents that the performer should be guided by in his work (orders, instructions, recommendations) should be given.

"Functions of an employee" - a section that defines a specific area of ​​work assigned to an employee and a list of types of work that make up the main areas of a specialist's activity.

In the section "Job responsibilities", actions should be defined to ensure the high-quality performance of the functions assigned to employees (strict adherence to the work schedule and labor discipline, high-quality and timely performance of this or that type of work, systematic improvement of their qualifications, etc.).

The section "Rights" of the job description reflects the rights that the employee is given to perform his functions and duties. They should flow from the main tasks and responsibilities of the official and reflect the degree of independence in work.

The section "Relationships (connections by position)" lists the circle of persons with whom the specialist enters into service relationships and exchanges information. In the same section of the job description, the procedure for interchangeability should be clearly defined: whom this employee substitutes for the absence of another employee, as well as who replaces him.

The section "Responsibility" should indicate the most important functions for the failure of which this official bears direct disciplinary, material and other responsibility.

The text of the job description, which is a local act of the organization, it is customary to "break" into points for ease of perception. Job descriptions must be approved, as a rule, by the first head of the organization. The issues of agreeing the texts of job descriptions with certain officials are resolved individually in each pharmacy, depending on its structure, staffing and established traditions. In many organizations, job descriptions are agreed with lawyers.

Job descriptions are communicated to the employees of the pharmacy enterprise on receipt of a familiarization visa, including: personal signature of the employee, its decoding and the date of familiarization. If the employee refuses to endorse the job description, an act of refusal to endorse is drawn up in the presence of at least two disinterested witnesses.

To make changes and additions to the job descriptions, a corresponding order of the head of the organization is issued, which is communicated to the employees of the pharmacy enterprise against receipt. The need to issue such an order arises when it is necessary to redistribute functions and official duties, during reorganizations, staff reductions, etc. In addition, job descriptions must be replaced and reapproved in the following cases:

When reorganizing a pharmacy enterprise;
- when the name of the pharmacy company or its structural unit is changed;
- when changing the names of positions;
- upon dismissal of a former employee and replacing him with another.

Approximate job descriptions of the personnel of a pharmacy enterprise

The development of job descriptions in pharmacy enterprises is regulated by the following documents, which can be found in the ConsultantPlus legal reference system:

1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 30.12.76 N 1255 "On the approval of the nomenclature of positions of pharmaceutical workers and regulations on individual institutions and positions of workers in pharmacies."

2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 20.04.81 N 420 "On the standard standards and typical staffing of pharmacies and pharmacy kiosks."

4. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 01.04.91 N 95 "On carrying out an extraordinary certification and re-tariffication of medical and pharmaceutical workers."

5. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 16.02.95, N 33 "On approval of the regulation on certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation "(as amended on September 28, 1999).

6. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 06.06.96 N 32 "On the approval of the grades of remuneration and tariff - qualification characteristics(requirements) for industry-wide positions of employees ".

7. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 N 214 "On quality control of medicines manufactured in pharmacies".

8. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 27.08.97 N 43 "On the coordination of wage grades and tariff and qualification characteristics for the positions of healthcare workers in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 07.12.98).

9. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 19.01.99, N 18 "On the introduction of the list of compliance of the specialties of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel with the positions of specialists."

10. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 27, 1999, N 337 "On the nomenclature of specialties in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation".

11. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 15.10.99, N 377 "On approval of the regulation on remuneration of health workers."

In accordance with these documents, we offer exemplary job descriptions for employees of a pharmacy.

Approximate job description of the head of the pharmacy

I. General Provisions

1. The position of the head of a pharmacy shall be filled by a person with a higher pharmaceutical education.
2. Appointment to the position of the head of the pharmacy shall be formalized by the order of the head of the superior organization by subordination. In cases stipulated by law, the superior organization concludes with the head of the pharmacy upon his appointment to the position of an agreement on full financial responsibility for the values ​​entrusted to him.
3. Reception of cases by the newly appointed head of the pharmacy is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation. A representative of a higher organization participates in the acceptance - delivery of cases, while an acceptance certificate is drawn up.
4. In his work, the head of the pharmacy is guided by the fundamentals of legislation on health care, labor, documents defining the directions of activity of pharmaceutical institutions, criteria and indicators characterizing the state of drug assistance to the population, theoretical and organizational foundations of pharmaceutical business, the organization of planned, economic and financial activities institutions, orders and orders of the parent organization, the provisions of this instruction.
5. The head of the pharmacy is a financially responsible person.

II. Employee functions

1. Manages the activities of the pharmacy on the basis of one-man management and is responsible for all trade - financial, administrative - economic activity pharmacies and the organization of work on drug provision of the population and medical prevention institutions.
2. In accordance with the established procedure, concludes contracts and represents the pharmacy in state, public and other bodies, institutions, enterprises and organizations.

III. Job responsibilities

1. Provides the population with medicines and organizes the supply of health care institutions attached to the pharmacy, medicines and other medical products.
2. Organizes the work of the pharmacy on the receipt of prescriptions, preparation, quality control and dispensing of drugs.
3. Ensures the timely supply of medicines, medical products and equipment to the pharmacy points, pharmacy kiosks attached to the pharmacy, exercising direct management and control over their work.
4. Ensures the availability of the entire range of medicines and other medical devices within the approved standard of commodity stocks, compliance with the rules for the sale and dispensing of medicines free of charge and on preferential terms to certain categories of the population in accordance with the current regulations.
5. Systematically and in a timely manner informs the head and doctors of medical and prophylactic institutions about medicines, about all cases of incorrect prescription of medicines and other mistakes made when prescribing prescriptions.
6. Monitors compliance with the sanitary regime, fire safety.
7. Provides proper conditions for the safety of commodity - material and monetary values, as well as the storage of medicines and other medical products in strict accordance with their properties and the requirements of the current State Pharmacopoeia, orders and other regulations.
8. Participates in the preparation of estimates for the purchase of medical goods, equipment, inventory.
9. Supervises the execution of works related to construction, reconstruction and overhaul of fixed assets, in accordance with the approved plans and technical documentation.
10. Carries out control over the rational use of equipment and inventory, over its condition and timely repair.
11. Develops and approves the job descriptions of employees.
12. Ensures the conduct of financial and business transactions within financial plan and estimates and correct accounting and reporting.
13. Controls the quality of all the pharmacy documentation.
14. Provides familiarization of the pharmacy staff with orders, instructions, rules and other documents related to the pharmacy.
15. Ensures control over the observance of the rules of trade in the part related to pharmacies, is responsible for the correctness of pricing.
16. Participates in the preparation of work and vacation schedules for pharmacy employees, certifies with his signature the timesheets for wages and other documents.
17. Systematically conducts production meetings with the staff of the pharmacy.
18. Provides conditions for the prevention of morbidity, labor protection and safety of employees.
19. Systematically improves professional qualifications by reading literature, attending seminars, exhibitions, etc.
20. Responsible for the organization accounting at the pharmacy.
21. Is responsible for the quality of the institution's work.

The head of the pharmacy has the right to:
1. To carry out the selection and placement of personnel, to carry out measures to improve the qualifications of pharmacy workers.
2. In appropriate cases, timely conclude agreements on full liability with employees of a pharmacy, pharmacy points, pharmacy kiosks.
3. Introduce in the work of the pharmacy new progressive forms of drug supply to the population and the scientific organization of labor.
4. Encourage pharmacy staff and impose penalties.
5. Improve your qualifications in refresher courses.
6. Make decisions within their competence.
7. Receive free overalls in accordance with the established norms.

V. Relationships

1. The orders of the head of the pharmacy are binding on all staff of the pharmacy. The manager issues orders and instructions to employees in accordance with their level of competence and qualifications and monitors their implementation.
2. For the period of absence, he is replaced by the deputy head of the pharmacy.
3. During the absence of the deputy head of the pharmacy, perform his duties.

Vi. A responsibility

1. The head of the pharmacy is responsible for the unclear or untimely fulfillment of the duties provided for by this instruction and the internal rules of the pharmacy, financial responsibility, in accordance with the current legislation and the contract concluded with it, for entrusted material values.

Approximate job description of a pharmacist

I. General Provisions

1. A person with a higher pharmaceutical education is appointed to the position of a pharmacist.
2. The main task of the pharmacist is the preparation of medicines according to the most common prescriptions, concentrated solutions and semi-finished products, replenishment of medicines for the assistant room, and quality control of individually prepared medicines.

4. Guided in his work by methodological, regulatory and other materials on business methods, economic management of the pharmaceutical service, marketing of medicines, new technologies for their manufacture, decrees, orders, orders of higher authorities, this instruction.

II. Functions

1. Supervises the work of pharmacists engaged in the preparation of medicines according to the individual prescriptions of doctors.
2. Carries out quality control of individually prepared medicines.
3. Weighs poisonous and narcotic substances to the pharmacist.
4. Replenishes supplies of medicines for the assistant's room.
5. Places the goods received by the department in storage locations.
6. Keeps track of defects in the department.
7. Keeps records of the fulfillment by pharmacists, packers engaged in the preparation of individual medicines, the load norms established in the pharmacy.

III. Job responsibilities

1. Accepts, taxes and prepares prescriptions for execution in accordance with the established rules, while ensuring the uniformity and completeness of the workload of pharmacists engaged in the preparation of individual medicines.
2. In cases of doubts about the correctness of the prescription, he contacts the doctor who wrote it out, clarifies the questions that have arisen, and then accepts the prescription for execution. Incorrectly written prescriptions, according to which the medicine cannot be prepared, is extinguished with the stamp "Prescription is not valid" and registers in the Register of incorrectly written prescriptions.
3. Carries out systematic control over the observance by pharmacists of technological rules for the preparation of medicines. If necessary, advises pharmacists on the specifics of the preparation of a particular medicine.
4. Conducts, in accordance with the established rules, control of individually prepared medicines.
5. Timely, in accordance with the established rules, fills in the Journal of the results of analyzes of individual medicines prepared by pharmacists.
6. In case of detection of errors that cannot be corrected, the incorrectly prepared medicine shall be withdrawn, registered in the Register of incorrectly prepared medicines, and brought to the notice of the executor and the head of the department.
7. Weighs poisonous and narcotic substances in the presence of a pharmacist, monitors their immediate use for the preparation of the appropriate medication.
8. Distributes work evenly and controls the correctness of packaging and registration by the packers of medicines. Advises them on the specifics of packaging and registration of prefabricated medicines, as well as those prepared in the order of intra-pharmacy preparation.
9. Takes part in the acceptance of the goods received by the department, distributes them to the storage areas, strictly observing the rules for storing medicines and other inventory items.
10. Checks for all recipes that prices are charged correctly in accordance with the current retail price list.
11. In accordance with the established rules, dispenses medicines prepared in a pharmacy, while explaining to the patient the way of using and storing medicines at home.
12. Daily calculates the number of prescriptions accepted for the change and the total cost of individually prepared medicines dispensed according to them.
13. At the end of the shift, it selects prescriptions according to which medicines containing narcotic, poisonous substances and ethyl alcohol were prepared and dispensed, as well as prescriptions according to which medicines were dispensed free of charge or on preferential terms.
14. Ensures the correct storage of medicines prepared in pharmacies. It withdraws medications unclaimed by patients immediately after the expiration of the established storage periods, registers the withdrawal in the Register of medicines seized after the expiration of the storage periods.
15. If necessary, send medicines prepared in the pharmacy for analysis to the analytical laboratory.
16. Complies with the requirements of the sanitary regime at his workplace.
17. Strictly complies with the internal labor regulations and safety measures.
18. Systematically improves his qualifications by studying special literature.

The pharmacist has the right:
1. Submit a proposal to prohibit the dispensing of unsuitable medicines from the pharmacy.
2. Give instructions to pharmacists, packagers related to production activities.
3. Participate in drawing up an application for receiving inventory items for the department.
4. Require doctors correct design recipes.
5. To demand from the nurse-washer to ensure timely provision of her workplace and packing workers' workplaces with a sufficient amount of clean dishes.
6. Make proposals to the management of the pharmacy on the improvement of drug services for the population, organization and working conditions.
7. Periodically improve their qualifications on refresher courses.
8. Receive free overalls in accordance with the established norms.

V. Relationships

1. Submits the prepared products for control to the pharmacist - analyst. Accepts prepackaged and packaged products from packers.
2. Within the established timeframe, provides the head of the prescription and production department with a certificate on the volume of laboratory-packing work performed in a month, on markdowns or additional estimates that have arisen during their implementation.
3. The auxiliary materials necessary for the work (a receipt book, a register of incorrectly written prescriptions, etc.) are obtained from the head of the prescription-production department.
4. In case of production necessity, by order of the head of the prescription and production department, replaces the pharmacist - analyst who controls the quality of individually prepared medicines (pharmacist engaged in the preparation of individual medicines, etc.).

6. Supervises the work of packers.
7. For the period of absence, he is replaced by the head of the prescription-production department.

Vi. A responsibility

The pharmacist is personally responsible for:
1. For compliance with the established rules for taking prescriptions and dispensing individually prepared medicines.
2. For the quality of medicines, concentrates, semi-finished products prepared in the order of intra-pharmacy preparation.
3. For taking measures to prevent errors in the preparation of medicines and dispensing improperly prepared medicines.
4. For the correct and timely maintenance of the established accounting documents.
5. For compliance with the rules for storing medicines.
6. For the sanitary condition of your workplace.
7. For indistinct and untimely fulfillment of the duties stipulated by this instruction.

Approximate job description of a pharmacy pharmacist

I. General Provisions

1. A person with secondary pharmaceutical education shall be appointed to the position of a pharmacist in a pharmacy.
2. The main task of a pharmacist is the timely and high-quality preparation of medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors.
3. Appointed to the position and may be dismissed from work by the head of the pharmacy in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation.
4. Guided in his work by the State Pharmacopoeia, other official documents on the section of work performed, orders and orders of higher officials, internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection, this instruction.

II. Functions

1. Prepares medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors.
2. Supervises the work of the subordinate packer.
3. Submits unfulfilled recipes to the newly interceding employee.
4. Keeps a record of the recipes executed for the change.

III. Job responsibilities

1. In the period indicated on the prescription, prepares medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors, strictly observing the technological rules for the preparation and registration of medicines.
2. Checks the authenticity and quality of drugs using the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control.
3. In accordance with the established rules, fills in control coupons for all prepared dosage forms.
4. Dispenses ready-made drugs and other medical products without prescriptions.
5. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations.
6. The pharmacist receives poisonous and narcotic substances from the head of the department, his deputy or pharmacist only in weighed form and immediately uses them for the preparation of medicines.
7. All auxiliary work on the preparation of individual medicines (dosing of powders, rolling out candles, etc.) is entrusted to the packer, while giving him all the necessary explanations on the peculiarities of packaging and registration of medicines.
8. Takes into account the work performed during the shift in a special journal, on the basis of which, at the end of the shift, he draws up a certificate on the number of dosage forms prepared for the change.
9. Uses his working time efficiently. Does not allow interruptions in work due to the untimely provision of his workplace with all the necessary medicines. To do this, before starting work or the day before, he exposes barbells to the pharmacist for replenishment with medicines.
10. At the end of the shift, hands over all unused recipes to the new entrant. Prevents cases of transfer of incompletely prepared medicine.
11. Uses equipment efficiently and adheres to safety regulations.
12. Fulfills the requirements of the sanitary regime at his workplace.
13. Takes part in the inventory of inventory items in accordance with the instructions of the department management.
14. Solves independently production issues determined by his job description.
15. Systematically improves their qualifications by studying special literature.
16. Strictly observes the rules of internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection.

A pharmacist has the right to:
1. To receive, in all difficult cases, consultations from a pharmacist on issues related to the preparation of medicines.
2. Demand from packers, nurses - washers to provide their workplace with a supply of clean dishes and auxiliary materials in a timely manner.
3. Take advantage of scheduled breaks to maintain high performance throughout the working day.
4. Make proposals to the management of the pharmacy to improve the organization and working conditions.
5. Periodically improve their qualifications in refresher courses.
6. Receive free overalls in accordance with the established norms.

V. Relationships

1. The preparations necessary for the preparation of medicines are received from the head of the prescription-production department (his deputy) as needed.
2. Powder, pill, suppository mass is transferred for dispensing and registration to the packer. In his absence, he independently performs all auxiliary work on the preparation of medicines.
3. At the end of the shift, he sends a certificate of the work done to the pharmacist.
4. For the period of absence, he is replaced by the pharmacist of the pharmacy.
5. Directly reports to the head of the recipe - production department.

Vi. A responsibility

The pharmacist is personally responsible for:
1. For the timely and high-quality preparation of medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors.
2. For the sanitary condition of your workplace.
3. For compliance with the rules of the internal labor regulations of fire safety and labor protection.

Approximate job description of a pharmacy nurse

I. General Provisions

1. A person who has undergone individual training is appointed to the position of a nurse.
2. The main task of the nurses is to ensure the necessary sanitary regime in the premises of the pharmacy, to provide its employees with a supply of clean dishes.
3. Appointed to the position and may be dismissed from work by the head of the pharmacy in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation.
4. Is guided in its work by the rules of internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection, rules for cleaning premises, inventory, rules for washing, sterilization and storage of clean dishes, orders and orders of higher officials, this instruction.

II. Functions

1. Provides sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the pharmacy premises.
2. Prepares for use and provides the workstations of prescription specialists - production department clean dishes and auxiliary materials necessary for the preparation of medicines.
3. Performs ancillary work (release from packaging material, counting cargo items, etc.) during reception, inventory of inventory items in the department.

III. Job responsibilities

1. Subjects window sills, floors in all premises of the pharmacy with wet cleaning, as needed, but at least once a shift.
2. Every day, at the beginning of the shift, he washes with warm water and moisten the rubber mat with disinfectant solution before entering the assistant's room.
3. Washes and sterilizes prescription dishes in accordance with the established rules.
4. Follows the rules for storing clean dishes.
5. Timely removes the utensils, auxiliary items (mortars, scrapers, etc.) used in the preparation of medicines. Prevents loss of working time of specialists in the assistant room due to untimely provision of their workplaces with an adequate supply of clean dishes and auxiliary materials.
6. As required, but at least 1 time per shift, empties waste bins close to the workplaces of pharmacists, packers, pharmacists in the prescription-production department.
7. Follows the rules for working with drying ovens, gas stoves, distilled water collectors, mechanization equipment used in work.
8. Performs auxiliary work during the period of acceptance and inventory of inventory items in accordance with the instructions of the department management.
9. Fulfills the requirements of the sanitary regime at his workplace.
10. In necessary cases, acts as a courier.
11. Strictly complies with the internal labor regulations.

Pharmacy nurse has the right to:
1. To receive, in all difficult cases, advice on the preparation for the use of prescription dishes, auxiliary materials from the pharmacist.
2. Receive free overalls in accordance with the established norms.
3. Make demands to the management of the pharmacy to create the necessary conditions at the workplace, ensuring the quality performance of their functions and responsibilities.

V. Relationships

1. Directly reports to the deputy head of the pharmacy.
2. The auxiliary materials and detergents necessary to ensure their workplace and workplaces of specialists shall be obtained from the deputy head of the pharmacy.
3. For the period of absence, it is replaced by a pharmacy packer.

V. Responsibility

The nurse is personally responsible for:
1. For the cleanliness of the premises of the pharmacy.
2. For the uninterrupted provision of clean dishes, auxiliary items for the workplaces of pharmacists engaged in the preparation of medicines.
3. For the sanitary condition of your workplace.
4. For indistinct or untimely fulfillment of the duties stipulated by this instruction.

In conclusion, we note that each pharmacy company develops job descriptions for its employees, taking into account the specific features of the organization and its structural divisions, which allows to ensure optimal work organization, rational placement and use of personnel, increase the responsibility of each pharmacy worker for the quality and results of his work.

A pharmacist should know: -the technology of manufacturing medicines in a pharmacy, the rules for their storage and dispensing; -the rules of the internal labor schedule; - fundamentals of economics and principles of organization of pharmaceutical service; - laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on pharmaceutical issues; - fundamentals of pharmaceutical business; -nomenclature of medicines and medical devices; -the rules for the provision of first pre-medical aid; - labor legislation; - rules and norms of labor protection, safety engineering, industrial sanitation and fire protection. 2. Responsibilities A pharmacist is obliged to: 2.1. Carry out quality control of medicinal products at the stages of manufacture, transportation, storage and sale. 2.2. To carry out the dispensing of manufactured in the pharmacy and finished medicines and medical products.

Job description of a pharmacist

A pharmacist should be able to: - apply the knowledge gained in practice; - quickly and efficiently serve visitors to a pharmacy; - work at an electronic checkout; - accept goods and distribute them to storage places; - sort medicines by pharmacological groups; - conduct an inventory in the department; - provide storage conditions for medicines and medical devices; - consult consumers on medicines and other goods. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF A PHARMACIST A pharmacist is obliged to: 2.1.
To carry out non-prescription dispensing of finished medicines, sanitary and hygiene items, patient care, medicinal herbs and other medical products. 2.2. Conduct cash transactions on receipt of funds from the population for the goods sold, keep records of the movement of funds. 2.3.

Make cash reports at the end of the work shift. 2.4.

Pharmacy economics organization of pharmacy activities

A pharmacist should be able to: - apply the knowledge gained in practice; - quickly and efficiently serve the visitors of the pharmacy; - work at an electronic cash register; - accept goods and distribute them to storage locations; - sort medicines by pharmacological groups; - to carry out an inventory in the department; - provide storage conditions for medicines and medical products; - to consult consumers on medicines and other goods. 2. DUTIES A pharmacist is obliged to: 2.1. To carry out non-prescription dispensing of finished medicines, sanitary and hygiene items, patient care, medicinal herbs and other medical products.
2.2. Conduct cash transactions to receive funds from the population for the goods sold, keep records of cash flows. 2.3. Make cash reports at the end of the work shift. 2.4.


  • Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, provides storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and current storage rules.
  • Manufactures medicines taking into account the peculiarities of the technological process in the conditions of pharmacies, pharmaceutical enterprises.
  • Carries out quality control of medicines at the stages of manufacture, transportation, storage and sale.
  • Provides dispensing of finished pharmaceuticals and medical products manufactured in the pharmacy.
  • Determination of the correctness of the preparation of prescriptions / requirements / (compliance of prescribed doses to the patient's age, compatibility of ingredients) for various drugs, incl.

Job description of a pharmacist for the manufacture of dosage forms 1.3.

Job instructions

A pharmacist should know: - the basics of pharmaceutical business; - principles of organization and economic activity pharmaceutical service; - regulatory documents on pharmacy; - the range of medicines and medical devices; - pharmacological properties of medicines, indications for use; - rules for storing and dispensing medicines in a pharmacy; - regulations retail and the law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"; - PC knowledge at the user level; - ethics business communication; - fundamentals of a market economy; - the basics of merchandising; - local regulations organizations; - rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire safety; - the requirements of the sanitary and hygienic regime in pharmacies and other regulatory documents governing the activities of pharmacy workers; - rules for the provision of first aid. 1.8.
Job description of a pharmacist A pharmacist is directly subordinate to and in his activities is guided by legislative and regulatory documents relating to the work performed, the charter of the pharmacy and this job description. 1.6. During the absence of a pharmacist (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the head of the institution.
2. Responsibilities Pharmacist: 2.1. Carries out measures for the organization of drug supply for the population (formation of demand for drugs and medical products, determining the need for them, drawing up an application-order for drugs). 2.2.
Improve qualifications, pass certification for the assignment of a qualification category. IV. Responsibility The pharmacist is responsible for: 1.


For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 2. Economics of pharmacy organization of pharmacy activities Produces medicines taking into account the specifics of the technological process in the conditions of pharmacies, pharmaceutical enterprises.



Carries out quality control of medicines at the stages of manufacturing, transportation, storage and sale. 2.5. Carries out the dispensing of manufactured in the pharmacy and finished medicines and medical products.


Duties of a pharmacist in a pharmacy


Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations, provides storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physicochemical properties and current storage rules. »» 201_ 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PHARMACIST 1.1.

A pharmacist is a professional. 1.2. A pharmacist is hired and dismissed by order general director at the suggestion of the head of the pharmacy 1.3. The pharmacist reports directly to the head of the pharmacy. 1.4. During the absence of the pharmacist, his duties are performed by another employee appointed by the order of the director general of the organization. 1.5.

Job description of a pharmacist for the manufacture of dosage forms

Provides advisory assistance to packagers on the packaging of medicines. Conducts sanitary, educational and information work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home. Provides first aid in case of emergency. 3. The rights of a pharmacist. A pharmacist has the right to: 1. make proposals to the management to improve drug supply and pharmaceutical production process, incl.
on the organization and conditions of their work; 2. to request, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the performance of their official duties; 3. take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings at which issues related to its work are considered; 4.

Determines the correctness of the preparation of prescriptions / requirements / (compliance of prescribed doses to the patient's age, compatibility of ingredients) for various drugs, incl. poisonous and potent, taking into account the existing requirements for their release. 2.7. Provides advisory assistance to packagers on the packaging of pharmaceutical products.