Medical center management. BIT. Management of a medical center 1c for medical organizations

"is intended to automate the activities of medical organizations of various organizational and legal forms, providing medical care both in outpatient and inpatient settings: regional, city, district hospitals, dispensaries of various specializations.

The software product is used to conduct settlements with counterparties, manage patient flows, personalized accounting of the provided medical care... The solution takes into account all the features of the business processes of outpatient, clinical and paraclinical departments of a medical organization. The configuration is designed to automate the activities of the following divisions and responsible persons: registration office, admission department, cash desk, contract management service, medical and paramedical personnel, information-analytical and statistical service.


Applied solution “1C: Medicine. Hospital ”allows you to create a unified information space of a medical organization with the separation of access to data on a role-based basis. It is possible to keep records of several medical organizations in one information base.

The program allows you to keep several medical records for one patient - an outpatient card, a dental card, etc. For everybody medical worker indicates what type of cards he has access to. The program has flexible quota mechanisms that allow you to set limits on the amount of medical care provided. Accounting for the activities of medical personnel is carried out for medical services.

Pre-registration of patients can be carried out by both the registry and doctors when making appointments for repeated appointments, consultations, research, and manipulations. To carry out operational planning, the medical medical staff and offices are given work schedules, load rates, a list of services performed. Operational planning of the offices' activities is carried out according to the preliminary registration of patients.

Functionality for 24-hour hospitals:

  • Registration of incoming patients: incoming, hospitalized, refused hospitalization, discharged.
  • Bed fund accounting.
  • Obtaining operational reports on the movement of patients and the availability of free beds in the department.
  • Analysis of the functioning of the bed fund.
  • Accounting medical services provided in the admission department, clinical departments, paraclinical rooms.
  • Formation of management and regulated reports.

Subsystems and functionality

  • Personal notifications of patients and doctors via SMS, email
  • Interaction with PACS and medical equipment according to the DICOM 3 standard
  • Sharing with other software products
  • Support for exchange formats of the international organization HL7

The applied solution does not include the functionality for keeping records of medicines and other inventory items. To automate the activities of hospital pharmacies, you can use the software product "1C: Medicine. Hospital Pharmacy".

Building a medical ERP system.

Data protection

The protected software package "1C: Enterprise, version 8.3z" can be used to ensure the security of personal data in accordance with the Composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, approved by order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013 No. 21, in personal data information systems of all security levels. Detailed information on "1C: Enterprise, version 8.3z" can be found in information release No. dated 05/25/2016.

“1C: Medicine. Polyclinic "allows you to automate the main processes of the registry: registration of patients, the formation of orders, planning the workload of rooms, the formation of invoices for payment, issuance of certificates of incapacity for work.

The program keeps records of the activities of medical personnel on medical services. A medical organization can work with a single list of medical services (simple and complex medical services). Service pricelists outside organizations(including the compulsory medical insurance system) are tied to the medical services of the organization according to various criteria (codes of medical services, personal data of patients, results of services, and other conditions). When forming registers of services rendered for third-party organizations, the transformation of the organization's services into the services of counterparties is carried out automatically.

“1C: Medicine. Polyclinic "can be used for accounting of medical services and for operational planning of the activities of offices of a medical organization. Operational planning is carried out with the help of a preliminary appointment of patients to perform medical services in medical offices. The preliminary registration of patients can be carried out both by the registry (registration and dispatch department) and by doctors when making appointments for repeated appointments, consultations, research, and manipulations. For the implementation of operational planning, medical personnel and offices are assigned work schedules, workload rates, and a list of services to be performed. For services for which pre-entry is made, specifications are generated ( technological maps), in which the parameters of their execution are set.

Registration of the fact of performance of medical services, which have been appointed by the registry (registration and dispatch department), is carried out in the subsystem "Execution control" by medical or paramedical personnel. When registering the fact of performing the service, the doctor can make the appointment of repeated appointments, consultations, research, manipulations, as well as register the data necessary for collecting medical statistics (disease code according to ICD-10).

The program allows you to keep several medical records for one patient - an outpatient card, a dental card, a medical card of a patient with venereal diseases, etc. The number of medical records, as well as their types, is not limited. Access to medical records is carried out in accordance with the access rights. This means that for each medical professional it is indicated which type of card he has access to.

The program has flexible quota mechanisms that allow you to set limits on the volume of medical care provided on the basis of external regulatory documents and the medical organization's own rules.

Functionality for workstations


  • Search for patients in information bases.
  • Patient registration.
  • Registration of legal representatives of patients.
  • Formation of the patient's order.
  • Possibility of forming anonymous orders, with the possibility of further personalizing the order
  • Reservation of time (allocation of coupons) for the performance of medical services in accordance with.
  • Keeping records of paper medical records.
  • Formation of the patient's route sheet.
  • Formation of an invoice for payment.
  • Formation, printing and accounting of the consumption of certificates of incapacity for work in the form approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2011 N 347.
  • View the history of the registrar's actions.
  • Control and analysis of payment and performance of services for patients' orders.

Automated point of sale (cash register for settlements with individuals)

  • Search for patients in the information base.
  • Selecting patient orders to be paid.
  • Payment for services using a fiscal registrar or acquiring terminal.
  • Refunds for failed services.
  • Registration of a certificate for tax social deduction.
  • Viewing the history of the cashier's actions for the day (by patients).
  • Formation of a cash book per day.

Head of the registry

  • Maintaining reference information about offices and doctors.
  • Keeping calendars (working hours of a medical organization).
  • formation of work schedules for offices and doctors in accordance with the main production calendar.
  • Tracking the workload of doctors and offices.
  • Formation printed form- "work schedule of a medical organization", which can be used to inform patients about the work schedule of offices and doctors.

Contract management service

  • Registration of contracts with payers for the provision of medical care.
  • Formation of a list of medical services that can be provided under a contract.
  • Setting the cost of medical services under the contract.
  • Formation of discounts / markups that can be applied by registrars.
  • Tracking the payment schedule under the agreement.

Monitoring the execution of medical services by medical personnel

  • Formation of shift tasks based on the data of the preliminary registration of patients.
  • Registration of the fact of performing simple medical services.
  • Monitoring the implementation of complex medical services according to specifications.
  • Registration of the appointment of medical services to the patient.
  • Registration of the office and medical personnel who took part in the implementation of the medical service.
  • Registration of communication between medical personnel (doctors and ambulances) with patients, which occurs outside the framework of the formation of medical documents (phone calls, email)
  • Registration of telephone approvals with insurance companies

Call center

  • Registration of an appointment made by phone and e-mail.
  • Registration of the fact of coordination of services with the insurer and legal entities, performed by phone and e-mail.
  • Registration of letters of guarantee from insurers and legal entities by phone and e-mail.
  • Planning and registration of outgoing telephone calls to citizens.
  • Registration of incoming calls to employees of a medical organization.

Printing on forms of strict reporting

The program implements the ability to form, print and record certificates of incapacity for work in the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2011 N 347. Filling out certificates of incapacity for work is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 624 "On approval of the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work ".

According to the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, the entries on the certificate of incapacity for work should not go beyond the boundaries of the cells provided for making the corresponding entries, and also should not touch the boundaries of the cells. The form of the certificate of incapacity for work has features that do not allow making entries on the certificate of incapacity for work using many of the common printing devices:

  • small margins - left margin 4 mm, right margin 4 mm;
  • the need to apply a two-dimensional code with a significant amount of information - for confident code recognition, a printing device resolution of at least 600 dpi is required.

The Russian offices of OKI and HP (Hewlett-Packard) have developed guidelines for printing disability certificates on letterhead:

  • OKI B431d.
  • HP Officejet Pro 8500A.
  • HP LaserJet P1606.
  • HP LaserJet P1006.
  • HP LaserJet P1102.
  • HP LaserJet P1022.

The employees of the 1C company carried out a check and confirmed the confident fulfillment of the requirements of the procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work on the printers provided. For best practices for high-profile printing on OKI and HP printers, see White Paper 13918, 08/17/2011. The list of supported printers is still growing. The program has the ability to customize the layout of the printed form of the certificate of incapacity for work. Setting up a layout for printing devices that are not in the above list can be done by both employees of a medical organization and by partners of 1C.

Data exchange with the website of a medical organization according to the MedML standard

"1C: Medicine: Polyclinic" supports data exchange with sites in the MedML format, which is used to transfer information about the activities of a medical organization to the site:

  • a list of medical specialists of a medical organization;
  • information about the structure of the medical organization;
  • work schedules of a medical organization with details by offices and specialists;
  • price list for medical services and information about which specialists perform the services;
  • Additional Information on medical services - the duration of the service, information on preparations for the implementation of medical services, indications and contraindications for the performance of services, etc.

Data exchange with the website for organizing self-registration of patients for outpatient appointments (Internet registration):

  • information on the availability of free coupons for services;
  • make an appointment through Personal Area;
  • cancellation of an appointment through a personal account;
  • make a preliminary appointment without using your personal account.

Products of various manufacturers can be used as software products for creating sites. For example, such as “1C-Bitrix: Website of a medical organization” and “1C-Bitrix: Portal of a healthcare management body”.

Composition of the product

The software product "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" includes:

  • Distributions:
    • configuration "Medicine. Polyclinic".
  • CD ITS MEDICINE of the current issue.
  • Documentation set.
  • Envelope with software protection pincodes for 1 workstation of the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform.
  • Software product registration card, platform license agreement and industry configuration.
  • Envelope with a pincode for registration on the user support site.
  • Discount coupon for ITS MEDICINE.

The set of documentation includes the following books on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform:

  • 1C: Enterprise 8.3. Administrator's Guide.
  • 1C: Enterprise 8.3. User guide.
  • 1C: Enterprise 8.3. Developer's Guide "(in two parts).
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Instructions for obtaining licenses.
  • 1C: Enterprise 8. Configuration "Medicine. Polyclinic". Description.

The description of the object model is fully included in the delivery in in electronic format(in the help sections of the configurator and the Syntax Assistant). Description of the object model is contained in the book "1C: Enterprise 8.3. Description of the built-in language" (in five parts), its paper version can be purchased separately. It is possible to purchase no more than one copy per one registration number.

1C Polyclinic serves to manage the flow of patients, carry out mutual settlements with contractors, personalized accounting of the provided medical care. The solution is intended mainly to automate the basic processes of all kinds of medical organizations.

The program itself records labor activity medical professionals. The presented software is adapted for use with a general selection of medical services. It is quite easy to adapt the price lists of the main medical services of third-party centers. When creating the main base of services rendered in individual medical organizations, the services and procedures carried out by the organization are automatically converted into the actions of specialized counterparties.

The software product "1C Polyclinic" is ideal for calculating medical services and for the most objective planning of the schedule of visits to main offices and doctors. The program provides for the possibility of premature recording of a person and the distribution of his queue.

The preliminary registration of the patient can be carried out both in the registration window and directly with the doctor in the procedural room during the next visit and the discharge of additional tests.

The program provides for the installation of the following characteristics for medical offices: admission schedule, average load of the office, a list of services provided. Medical profile services with a preliminary registration option have the ability to install a flow chart, where the parameters for the provision of the service itself are prescribed.

In the additional system "Control of execution", the registration of medical appointments made by the registry office is carried out. Such data are recorded by the attending physician or typical medical personnel. You can also schedule re-appointment of tests in the system or book a visit to the doctor.

Solution possibilities

The processes of healthcare organizations cover various structural units, therefore, it is very important that, thanks to the automated system, a single and integral information space of the company is created.

The applied solution 1C Polyclinic allows you to organize such an information space in which access rights to information will be divided according to the role principle. By assigning roles to each user, it is possible to create various automated places for employees. The program allows you to organize automated places for such employees of the institution:

  • medical registrar;
  • receptionist at the medical center;
  • call center employee;
  • cashier;
  • the head of the registry;
  • medical worker (doctor, nurse, etc.);
  • employee of the department of contracts;
  • marketer;
  • head of a medical company.

Thanks to 1C Polyclinic, it is possible to automate most of the processes of the registry, which include: registration of patients, planning the workload of each office, generating orders, creating invoices for payment, issuing disability certificates.

The program maintains records of the activities of medical workers for the provided medical services. The organization will be able to work with a single, convenient list of honey. services (simple and complex medical services).

The price list of services provided by other organizations will be linked to the company's medical services through 1C Polyclinic according to various criteria (personal information of patients, codes of medical services, results of services provided, and other conditions). When creating registers of services provided for other organizations, the company's services will be automatically converted into services of counterparties.

Advantages of the program

The program can be easily used to record medical services, as well as to quickly plan the work of the offices of a medical company, maintain medical records in electronic form.

Fast planning is carried out thanks to the 1C Polyclinic program, in which it is possible to pre-register patients for the provision of medical services in any medical office.

The preliminary registration of the patient can be performed either at the reception (in the dispatch department), or at the doctor when making an appointment for a second appointment, consultation, manipulation, research.

To carry out operational planning, the staff of the medical medical center is determined by the work schedule, the load rate, as well as the list of services provided. And for those services that require preliminary registration, technological maps (specifications) are created in the 1C Polyclinic program, in which the parameters of their implementation are determined.

In addition, the program allows you to use different Information Technology in order to notify patients about making an appointment with one of the specialists of the medical center.

Distinctive features

A unique feature of the 1C Polyclinic program is the implementation of the option for printing and processing documents on disability in accordance with the current order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development. According to the published order, any entries on the certificate of incapacity for work must be placed in the appropriate fields and not go beyond the borders.

The form of incapacity for work has certain requirements regarding its filling, which can be implemented only in the program "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" and using a number of recommended printing devices:

  • The two-dimensional code is applied to the document and is a large volume important information... Therefore, the printing device must have a resolution of 600dpi.
  • The margins are very small - the left and right margins are only 4 mm.

We are confident in our prices: If you find it cheaper, we will refund the difference.

If you decide to buy 1C Polyclinic 8 from us today you is free get:

  • first 3 months of support, consultations and updates
  • delivery in Moscow and regions
  • installation

Unlike "1C: Medicine. Hospital" and "1C: Outpatient clinic" in the program "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" the possibility of simultaneous maintenance of several patient records is implemented.

In the database, you can open many cards of a healthcare institution at once, issued in the name of one person: dental, outpatient, medical, etc. There are no restrictions on the type and number of medical records in the system. Access is organized only on the basis of the access rights specified in the system. This means that each individual healthcare professional has a prescribed permission to access certain medical records of his patient.

After purchasing the 1C Polyclinic program, its further service can be taken by the company that sold the product. You also have the right to contact other organizations that provide similar services.

If you decide to buy 1C Medicine - Polyclinic from us, you will receive 3 months of program maintenance for free!

Is it possible from the program to print sick leaves on a form according to the state standard?

Yes, the program has this functionality.

We already have the 1C Enterprise program, which is owned by the Accounting Department. Are there any discounts for purchasing the program in this case?

Yes, in this case, you most likely will not need to purchase additional licenses for workplaces. We can calculate the licenses for you in more detail for free.

Is it possible to configure the export of sales data to the 1C Accounting database?

Yes, the program can download patient data.

The 1C Medicine Polyclinic set includes:

  • Installation files on 1C corporate disk
  • User manual 1C Polyclinic
  • Product registration card and mailing envelope
  • PIN envelope or hardware security key
  • PIN code for registration on the 1C website

Video presentation of the program:

Application solution "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" is designed to automate the main processes of medical organizations of various organizational and legal forms that provide medical care in an outpatient setting.

According to the results of the annual competition "The best medical Information system 2011 "software product "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" awarded a diploma as the best medical information system in the section "Automation systems for mutual settlements for medical care".

The processes of a medical organization cover many structural units, therefore it is important that automated system created a single information space for a medical organization. Application solution "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" allows you to create such an information space with the separation of access to data on a role-based basis. Assigning users to roles allows you to create various automated employee locations. Examples of these automated locations are:

  • Administrator at the reception of the medical center
  • Medical registrar
  • Call center employee
  • Cashier
  • A healthcare professional (doctor, nurse, etc.)
  • Marketer
  • Employee of the department of contracts
  • Call center and reception manager
  • The head of a medical organization.

"1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" allows you to automate the main processes of the registry: registration of patients, the formation of orders, planning the workload of offices, the formation of invoices for payment, the issuance of certificates of incapacity for work.

The program keeps records of the activities of medical personnel on medical services. A medical organization can work with a single list of medical services (simple and complex medical services). The price lists of services of third-party organizations (including the compulsory medical insurance system) are tied to the medical services of the organization according to various criteria (codes of medical services, personal data of patients, results of services, and other conditions). When forming registers of services rendered for third-party organizations, the transformation of the organization's services into the services of counterparties is carried out automatically.

"1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" can be used for accounting of medical services and for operational planning of the activities of offices of a medical organization, maintaining electronic medical records. Operational planning is carried out with the help of a preliminary appointment of patients to perform medical services in medical offices. The preliminary registration of patients can be carried out both by the registry (registration and dispatch department) and by doctors when making appointments for repeated appointments, consultations, research, and manipulations. For the implementation of operational planning, medical personnel and offices are assigned work schedules, workload rates, and a list of services to be performed. For services that require an appointment, specifications (flow charts) are created, in which the parameters for their implementation are set.

The solution allows you to use modern information technologies to notify patients about appointments to specialists, which allows you to confirm the appointment with a doctor, as well as notify patients about the need to go to the appointment via convenient information channels: sms, email, phone. For more convenient receipt of notifications by patients, sending can be configured at a certain time of the week / day.

Registration of the fact of performance of medical services, which have been appointed by the registry (registration and dispatch department), is carried out in the subsystem "Execution control" by medical or paramedical personnel. When registering the fact of performing the service, the doctor can make the appointment of repeated appointments, consultations, research, manipulations, as well as register the data necessary for collecting medical statistics.

The program allows you to keep several medical records for one patient - an outpatient card, a dental card, a medical card of a patient with venereal diseases, etc. The number of medical records, as well as their types, is not limited. Access to medical records is carried out in accordance with the access rights. This means that for each healthcare professional it is indicated which type of card they have access to.

The program has flexible quota mechanisms that allow you to set limits on the volume of medical care provided on the basis of external regulatory documents and the medical organization's own rules.

In a programme "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic" it is possible to keep records of several medical organizations in one information base.

The program supports multi-user work in local network or via the Internet, including via a web client. The configuration is completely open, does not contain protected sections of code and does not use hardware protection.

Subsystems and functionality

  • Registry
  • Cashier for settlements with individuals
  • Disability certificates (sick leave)
  • Call center organization with the ability to integrate with various telephone systems, including modern IP PBX
  • Personal notifications for patients and doctors through modern facilities communications: SMS, email
  • Marketing
  • Contract department
  • Monitoring the execution of medical services by personnel
  • Head and analytical (statistical) service
  • Electronic medical records
  • Radiological information system
  • Interaction with PACS and medical equipment according to the DICOM 3 standard
  • Online appointment and data exchange with sites
  • Sharing with other software products
  • Support for exchange formats of the international organization HL7
  • Additional functionality

Terms used

  • Order- a list of services that the patient wishes to receive. The order is created at a certain point in time and reflects the patient's needs for medical services at that moment. The order can be placed at the reception or at the call center. If the caller is not identified and the order is not linked to a medical record, then the order is anonymous. In all other cases, it is associated with one card.
  • Individual agreement- agreement with a physical or legal entity on the basis of which services can be provided. Created only on the basis of a standard agreement. As a rule, to create an individual agreement from a standard one, it is enough to fill in the "Name", "Date", "Counterparty" fields. The rest of the parameters are filled in from the standard agreement, but changes are allowed.
  • Map- patient's medical record (outpatient, inpatient). The card has a type, number and is always personal, that is, it contains personal data.
  • A patient- individual, which is the subject of personal data in a certain card.
  • Customer- an individual who is the subject of personal data in the system. The client may not be a patient, that is, do not have medical records.
  • Medicinal prescription- a list of medications prescribed by the doctor to patients during the appointment / consultation / round.
  • Appointment- a list of medical services prescribed by the doctor to the patient according to medical indications during the reception / consultation / round.
  • Call subject- an object information base that was formed at the time of the call, either changed or referenced. For example, in cases where the purpose of a call is to make an appointment, re-record or cancel the recording, the subject of the call is a previously formed order, which is changed or canceled when processing the current call. If the purpose of the call is “Calling an employee”, then the subject of the call will be the employee who was called.
  • Card types is a classification that helps to differentiate the access of users of the system to medical data. Examples of card types - outpatient card, dental card, medical card of a patient with sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Model agreement- an agreement that is not used for direct sales (except for the model agreement “Public Offer” - sale of one-time services). On the basis of a standard agreement, individual ones are created.
  • Purpose of the call- the reason for the interaction (registration of a phone call). The reason is filled in from the "Types of interactions" reference book. There are several predefined values: "Making an appointment", "Canceling an appointment", etc. The reference book can be supplemented with other values, for example: "Clarification of the directions", "Clarification of the appointment time", etc.

Data protection

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1C has certified the protected software package (hereinafter - ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z". Certificate No. 2137 issued by FSTEC of Russia confirms that the protected software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is software tool general purpose with built-in means of protecting information from unauthorized access to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret, and complies with the requirements of the governing documents:

  • Computer facilities. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of security against unauthorized access to information "(State Technical Commission of Russia, 1992) - for the 5th class of security;
  • Protection against unauthorized access to information. Part 1. Software means of information protection. Classification according to the level of control of the absence of undeclared opportunities "(State Technical Commission of Russia, 1999) - according to the 4th level of control.

Clause 12 of Order No. 21 of the FSTEC of Russia provides for the use in information systems of personal data (ISPDN) certified according to security requirements, information protection means of at least 5 security class (to ensure security levels 1-3) and not less than 6 security class (to ensure 4 security level). Thus, the certificate confirms that the ZPK "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" can be used to create an ISPD of any security level, for example, created on the basis of the configurations "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic", "1C: Medicine. Hospital".

"Is designed to automate the main processes of medical organizations of various organizational and legal forms, providing medical care in an outpatient setting.

According to the results of the annual competition "The Best Medical Information System 2011", the software product "1C: Medicine. Polyclinic "was awarded a diploma as the best medical information system in the section" Automation systems for mutual payments for medical care. "

The processes of a medical organization cover many structural divisions, therefore it is important that the automated system creates a single information space of a medical organization. Applied solution “1C: Medicine. Polyclinic ”allows you to create such an information space with the separation of access to data on a role-based basis. Assigning users to roles allows you to create various automated employee locations.


Applied solution “1C: Medicine. Polyclinic "allows you to create a unified information space of a medical organization with the division of access to data on a role-based basis. It is possible to keep records of several medical organizations in one information base.

The program allows you to keep several medical records for one patient - an outpatient card, a dental card, etc. For each healthcare professional, it is indicated which type of card he has access to. The program has flexible quota mechanisms that allow you to set limits on the amount of medical care provided. Accounting for the activities of medical personnel is carried out for medical services.

Pre-registration of patients can be carried out by both the registry and doctors when making appointments for repeated appointments, consultations, research, and manipulations. For the implementation of operational planning, medical personnel and offices are assigned work schedules, workload rates, and a list of services to be performed. Operational planning of the offices' activities is carried out according to the preliminary registration of patients.